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Counts of males displaying on breeding grounds are the primary management tool used to assess population trends in lekking grouse species. Despite the importance of male lek attendance (i.e., proportion of males on leks available for detection) influencing lek counts, patterns of within season and between season variability in attendance rates are not well understood. We used high-frequency global positioning system (GPS) telemetry data from male greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; n = 67) over five lekking seasons (2013–2017) at eight study sites in Nevada to estimate lek attendance rates. Specifically, we recorded daily locations of sage-grouse in relation to mapped lek boundaries and used generalized additive models to assess temporal variation in attendance rates by age class (subadult vs. adult). Average timing of peak attendance occurred on 16 April but varied from March 16, 2014 to April 21 , 2016. Overall, adult males attended leks at higher rates (0.683 at peak) and earlier in the season (19 March) than subadults (0.421 at peak on April 19). Peak attendance probability was positively related to cumulative winter precipitation. Daily probabilities of lek switching differed between adults (0.019 at peak on March 3) and subadults (0.046 at peak on March 22), and lek switching was negatively related to distance to nearest lek. Our results indicate variable patterns in lek attendance through time, and that lek switching may occur at higher rates than previously thought. We demonstrate the use of generalizable daily attendance curves to date-correct lek counts and derive estimates of male abundance, although such an approach will likely require the incorporation of information on age structure to produce robust results that are useful for population monitoring.  相似文献   

In bird species with pair bonds, extra-pair matings could allow females to choose genetically superior males. This is not needed in lekking species because female choice is not constrained by pairing opportunities. However, polyandry has been reported in most lekking species studied so far. Using 12 microsatellite loci, we determined the paternity of 135 broods of black grouse sampled between 2001 and 2005 (970 hatchlings and 811 adult birds genotyped). The paternity assignments were combined to lek observations to investigate the mating behaviour of black grouse females. About 10% of the matings seemed to take place with males displaying solitarily. Forty per cent of the copulations between males displaying on the studied leks and radio-tagged females were not recorded. This was due to difficulties in identifying the females and because our observations did not cover all the possible time for matings. However, females of the undetected copulations had chosen males that were already known to be successful on the leks. There was a strong consistency between the observations and true paternity, even when the copulation was disturbed by a neighbouring male. Multiple mating and multiple paternities were rare. We can now confidently ascertain that most females mate only once with one male for the whole clutch. This mating behaviour requires that a single insemination is sufficient to fertilize a clutch and that females can determine whether the sperm has been successfully transferred. Grouse Tetraoninae with many lekking species may be the only bird taxon that has evolved these traits.  相似文献   

The role that kin selection might play in the evolution of lekking in birds remains controversial. Recent molecular data suggest that males displaying on leks are related. Here we investigated the genetic structure and pattern of relatedness on leks of a declining population of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) using microsatellite genetic markers. Since the species is highly sensitive to disturbance, we adopted a non-invasive method by using faecal samples collected in the field. Based on a dataset of 50 males distributed in 6 sub-populations, we found significant genetic structuring among sub-populations, and a significant pattern of isolation by distance among leks. Estimates of relatedness showed that males displaying on the same lek were related, even when controlling for the effects of genetical differentiation among sub-populations. In addition, the frequency distribution of relatedness values indicated that leks contain a mixture of close kin and unrelated individuals (34 and 66%, respectively). This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that leks often contain kin associations, which might be due to very restricted dispersal of some of the males or to joint dispersal of kin. The results are discussed with respect to their implication for the conservation of endangered populations.  相似文献   

Rapid expansion of the wind energy industry has raised concerns about the potential effects of anthropogenic disturbance on prairie grouse. While efforts have been made to address the effects of wind energy facilities on measures of fitness, their effect on the behaviors of prairie grouse has been largely neglected. To address these concerns, we investigated the effects of an existing wind energy facility in Nebraska that became operational in 2005 on the lekking behavior of male greater prairie‐chickens Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus between March and May 2013. Given the potential for disturbance caused by wind turbine noise to disrupt acoustic communication and thus behavior, we predicted that males at leks close to, compared to far from, the wind energy facility would spend more time in agonistic behaviors, and less in booming displays. Given the potential for wind turbine noise to reduce the number of females attending leks (hereafter ‘female lek attendance’), we also predicted that males at leks close to the wind energy facility would spend more time in non‐breeding behaviors and less time in breeding behaviors than males farther from the facility. Although we found no effect of the wind energy facility on female lek attendance, males at leks closer to the wind energy facility spent less time in non‐breeding behaviors than those at leks farther away. However, distance from the wind energy facility had no effect on time spent performing booming displays, flutter jumps, or in agonistic behaviors. Given that lekking behaviors of males influence mating success, our results may have consequences for the fitness of prairie grouse breeding in the vicinity of wind energy facilities.  相似文献   

In almost every letting vertebrate, adult males use traditionallek sites. This paper attempts to explain this phenomenon byinvestigating the social implications of traditional use oflek sites. A population of ruffs Philomachus pugnax was observedduring six breeding seasons, and lek stability, site fidelity,male copulatory success, and male dominance relationships werestudied. Ninety percent of the territorial males were site-faithfulwithin and between years, and male dominance, copulatory success,and order of territory establishment were all inter-correlated.Males that were relatively dominant and successful as first-yearterritorials were more likely to return to the area, establishedthemselves even earlier in their second year, and rose in successrank. The frequency of disrupted copulations was very low, despitethe tightly clustered territories on leks. This suggests thatwell-developed dominance relationships exist between males.Site-faithful males are more likely to acquire accurate informationabout the competitive abilities of other males, and such informationis probably necessary for stable dominance relationships todevelop. Such relationships reduce the intensity of male aggression,thereby reducing the risk of male injury. High levels of maleaggression also deter females. Furthermore, stable dominancerelationships enables low-and medium-ranked males to remainon the leks while waiting for the top males to drop out. Thehigh site-fidelity of lekking males, thus, is suggested to haveevolved to facilitate the establishment of stable dominancerelationships, which are beneficial to all territorial males,irrespective of rank  相似文献   

Leks, communal display grounds in which males display and femalesonly attend to mate, represent one of the most remarkable outcomesof sexual selection. There have been no detailed studies thatcompare the behavior of males and females between leks of differentsizes to test if there is any benefit for male clumping andto test the many hypotheses suggested to explain lekking. Inthe black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, larger leks have many morefemale visits and copulations, leading to a higher average malemating success. Females visiting larger leks are also more likelyto mate, indicating that female preferences of males are importantfor the evolution of leks. Yearling males seldom copulate, buttheir presence on the lek increases the mating success of adultmales, suggesting that lek size per se and not only male qualityaffects female preferences for larger leks. The distributionof males over lek sizes agrees with a game theory model of idealfree distribution with unequal competitors, in which less competitivemales go to smaller leks.  相似文献   

In lekking species, males cluster on specific areas for display (the leks) and females generally prefer to copulate with males on large aggregations. The maintenance of leks in which only a few males reproduce might be explained if subordinate males gain indirect fitness benefits. By joining a lek on which relatives are displaying, subordinates might attract more females to the lek thereby increasing the mating opportunities of their kin. In black grouse, a genetic structure among leks has previously been found suggesting that relatives could display together. Using 11 microsatellite loci, we extended this result by testing for the presence of kin structures in nine black grouse leks (101 males). The genetic differentiation among flocks was higher in males than in females, suggesting female-biased dispersal and male philopatry. Because of this genetic structure, males were more related within than among leks. However, the mean relatedness within each lek hardly differed from zero. The lekking males were not more related than random assortments of males from the winter flocks and there were no kin clusters within leks. Thus, black grouse males do not choose to display with and close to relatives. Male philopatry alone was not sufficient to induce elevated levels of relatedness on the leks either because of male partial dispersal or a rapid turnover of the successful males. The indirect fitness benefits associated with males' settlement decision are probably limited compared to the direct benefits of joining large aggregations such as increased current and future mating opportunities.  相似文献   

Local genetic structure was studied in lekking white-bearded manakins in a study area on northern Trinidad, West Indies. The study population consisted of nine leks, at which a total of 238 birds were caught. By genotyping the individuals at eight polymorphic microsatellite loci we inferred some males on leks to be related (r = 0.25) as we found an average number of 14.8 half-sib relationships and two full-sib relationships per lek. We found that the sampled birds belonged to one genetic population that was slightly inbred (FIS and FIT = 0.02). Kinship coefficients decreased with increasing geographical distance, indicating that related birds displayed at the same or nearby leks. However, leks did not consist of only one family group because the average genetic distance (aij) between males within leks was higher than when comparing males on leks within close proximity. These patterns suggest limited male dispersal, that some type of kin recognition process between individuals may exist in this species and that males on leks may be more likely to establish themselves as territory-holding birds if a relative is already present.  相似文献   

Uganda kob prefer high-visibility leks and territories   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In lekking species, where males provide estrous females withlittle more than sperm, it has been widely supposed that theonly possible benefits to females of mate choice are genetic.We studied female choice of leks and territories in a reduncineantelope, the Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), and found thatfemales consistently preferred high-visibility mating sites.Leks were elevated and had shorter grass and fewer thicketsthan the surrounding areas. Changes in the number of male andfemale kob on 10 leks were correlated with changes in surroundinggrass height, and both females and males preferred leks withexperimentally reduced grass height over neighboring controls.Within a lek, territory popularity was the primary determinantof male daily mating success, and females preferred territoriesrelatively far from thickets, but removal of thickets did notaffect female territory preferences. Because lion hunting successon kob increases with grass height and thicket density, femalesmay benefit directly from these preferences by reducing therisk of predation.  相似文献   

We carried out a combination of field and laboratory experiments to investigate two possible mechanisms promoting the evolution of lekking in the sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis. Males in this species lek on or near hosts that females visit to mate and feed. To test whether the distribution of resources, lek size and female number were positively correlated (a prediction of hotspot models) we manipulated the availability of potential lek sites by varying the numbers of chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus, held in field cages. We then investigated the distribution of males and females across leks formed within these cages and measured males to assess the relationship between male size and lek size. The number of males attracted to a lek increased with the number of hosts present and on average males on larger leks had longer abdomens. The number of females was positively correlated with the number of males present, but the average number of females per male decreased with increasing lek size. In a second experiment, we introduced single females to laboratory leks of different sizes, and compared female latency to mate. Contrary to an explicit prediction of the black hole model, lek size had a direct effect on a female's latency to mate. Females at larger leks encountered and copulated with males sooner than those at smaller aggregations, but the length of time a pair spent courting did not vary with lek size. Our results suggest that the black hole model is unlikely to explain the evolution of lekking in this species. The data instead support the hotspot model as a possible mechanism promoting lekking in L. longipalpis but suggest that female preference for larger leks may need to be invoked to obtain the degree of aggregation observed.  相似文献   

We analysed the display behaviour of male little bustard Tetrax tetrax to identify displays that are used in the context of male-male competition and those that are used for attracting females. Courtship was the main activity of males during the breeding season. Calling activity occurred throughout the day, and leks were attended for more than 4 months. Male sexual displays included snort call, wing-flash, and jump display. Snort call was performed throughout the day and mainly involved male-male interactions. In contrast, the wing-flash display was given only at twilight, and was performed most commonly when a female was present, supporting an inter-sexual function for this display. The jump display was performed only in the presence of female at anytime of the day. Analysis of individual variations in display behaviour revealed that intra-individual variation was low compared to inter-individual variation, especially for the jump display. It is, therefore, possible that display rates provide information on male quality. Four male settlement patterns could be defined, singles, paired, lekking and satellite lekking, but only wing-flash display and stamped snort call differed among those categories. We suggest that satellite males are attempting to benefit from proximity to higher status males, in accordance with the hotshot hypothesis of lek evolution.  相似文献   

Male northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) have high variancein reproductive success relative to females. We used DNA-basedpaternity analyses from a 3-year study of two marsh populationsof water snakes to investigate the factors that contributeto variation in male success. Male traits investigated includedbody size, condition, tail length, home range size, activityduring the mating season, and genetic profile (genetic similarityto females, heterozygosity, and genetic variability [d2]).We successfully assigned > 80% of offspring to sires froma sample of 811 offspring from 45 litters. Male reproductivesuccess did not vary significantly with body size, tail length,condition, home range size, or the number of microsatelliteloci at which males were heterozygous, nor with other featuresof their genetic profiles. However, we found evidence of positive assortative mating by size in the marsh in which receptive femaleswere not spatially clumped. Also, males that were most activeduring the mating season were more successful, particularlywhere females were not clumped. We failed to find evidenceof selection acting on male size through variance in reproductivesuccess, indicating that sexual selection does not have an important influence on sexual size dimorphism in this species(males are smaller than females). We propose that males aresmaller than females because the lack of advantage to largesize allows males to adopt a low-energy, low-growth strategythat reduces their risk of predation outside the mating season.  相似文献   

We studied supra-orbital combs in lekking black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in relation to sexual selection at five leks in Finland1991-1998 and four leks in Sweden 1992-1995. Comb size wasestimated in two ways: by observing its natural size in thefield at different behaviors ("observed comb size"), and bymeasuring the comb size from captured birds ("measured combsize"). The size of combs is highly variable, and individualscan change it within seconds. Males express their larger combsduring display, as compared to other behaviors. Observed mean comb sizes were larger on leks with a higher number of malesand a higher number of copulations. Measured and observed combsizes and copulatory success did not significantly correlatewhen all males where analyzed, but a positive and significantrelationship between observed comb size and copulatory success was found within males that achieved copulations. Measured comblength correlated positively with the amount of testosterone.While females were present on the lek, displaying and successfulmales showed the largest observed comb size. When we comparedobserved comb size during fighting between successful and unsuccessfulmales and correlated comb size of pairs of fighting males withtheir fighting activity, no significant differences in combsize were found. The result that comb size correlated significantlywith an increase in testosterone level and that larger combsize, within successful males, predicted higher copulatorysuccess suggests that combs may be a cue for females to assessmale quality. The lack of a significant relationship betweenobserved comb size and fighting behavior suggests that combsize either has minor importance in male-male signaling onthe lek or that males may express similar-sized combs duringfighting to avoid serious fights and thus risk of comb injuries.  相似文献   

In lekking sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), femalesexhibit relatively unanimous mate choice for particular males,but a satisfactory explanation for this unanimity has been elusive.We present analyses of mating distributions from two leks over4 years that provide evidence for female choice based on differencesin vocal display performance of males, the locations at whichhens mated in the previous year, and the choices of other females(copying). The unanimity of female choice varied markedly amongleks and years in correlation with changes in the mean numbersof hens that mated at the same time and hence the opportunityto copy. The results confirm that hens assess phenotypic traitsof males directly but also indicate that the secondary tacticsof site fidelity and copying are often important componentsof female choice. The occurrence of these secondary tacticshas three implications: the variance in mating success amonglek males will be a poor predictor of the intensity of sexualselection on specific traits; female preferences may generatemore clustered dispersions of displaying males than predictedby hotspot settlement models; and direct assessment of malesby females may be difficult or costly, a conclusion that supportsadaptive models of sexual selection over a nonadaptive Fisherianprocess. [Behav Ecol 1991;2:165–180]  相似文献   

Males in lek mating systems tend to exhibit high fidelity to breeding leks despite substantial evidence of skewed mating success among males. Although movements between leks are often reported to be rare, such movements provide a mechanism for an individual to improve lifetime fitness in response to heterogeneity in reproductive conditions. Additionally, estimates of apparent movements among leks are potentially biased due to unaccounted variation in detection probability across time and space. We monitored breeding male Greater Sage‐grouse Centrocercus urophasianus on 13 leks in eastern Nevada over a 10‐year period, and estimated movement rates among leks using capture‐mark‐recapture methods. We expected that male movement rates among leks would be low, despite predictions of low breeding success for most males, and that detection rates would be highly variable among leks and years. We used a robust design multistate analysis in Program mark to estimate probability of movements among leks, while accounting for imperfect detection of males. Male Sage‐grouse were extremely faithful to their leks; the annual probability of a male moving away from its original lek of capture was approximately 3% (se = 0.01). Detection probabilities varied substantially among leks (range = 0.21–0.95), and among years (range = 0.30–0.76), but remained relatively constant within years at each lek. These results suggest that male Sage‐grouse dispersal is either rare, or consists primarily of dispersal of sub‐adults from their natal areas prior to the breeding season. The study highlights the benefits of robust design multistate models over standard ‘live‐encounter’ analyses, as they not only permit estimation of additional parameters, such as movement rates, but also allow for more precise parameter estimates that are less sensitive to heterogeneity in detection rates. Additionally, as these data were collected using capture‐mark‐recapture methods, our approach to estimating movement rates would be beneficial in systems where radiotagging is detrimental to the study organism.  相似文献   

Variation in lekking duration of males of a Hawaiian Drosophila, D. grimshawi, was examined in laboratory enclosures. The relationship between variation in male lekking activity and number of eggs laid by females, proportion of eggs hatching, and total offspring production was investigated. Females mating highly active males laid fewer eggs and thus had lower offspring production than females mating less active males, even though other studies have shown that D. grimshawi females prefer more active males as mates. These results are discussed in terms of conflict between males and females over mating benefits and in trade-offs faced by males between lekking duration and offspring production per mating. Testis mass was not related to lekking activity levels, but males with heavier testes produced more offspring per mating, suggesting that males may vary in other ways that correlate with possible direct fitness gains for females.  相似文献   

Mating success in lekking males: a meta-analysis   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Traits that are correlated with mating success are likely tobe subject to sexual selection. In lekking species, a male'smating success can be estimated as the number of females thathe copulates with. Earlier reviews of sexual selection in lekkingspecies have been inconclusive, suggesting that different traitsmay be important in different species. To obtain a more completeunderstanding of the outcome of sexual selection in this matingsystem, we performed a meta-analysis in which we combined theresults from different studies across a wide variety of taxa.Our aim was to synthesize available information about correlatesof male mating success in lekking species. We found that behavioraltraits such as male display activit aggression rate, and lekattendance were positively correlated with male mating success.Further, territory position was negatively correlated with malemating success, such that males with territories close to thegeometric center of the leks had higher mating success thanother males. The size of "extravagant" traits, such as birdstails and ungulate antlers, and age were positively correlatedwith male mating success. Male morphology (measure of body size)and territory size showed small effects on male mating success.Our results confirm some of the suggestions put forward by earlierreviews but add more rigor to the condusions drawn. Part ofthe variation across studies still remain unaccounted for. Furtherstudies are needed to perform proper meta-analyses that cantake factors like phylogeny and sexual dimorphism into account.  相似文献   

1. The mating system of Mediterranean fruit flies ( Ceratitis capitata , Diptera: Tephritidae), is based on male leks that form on the foliage of trees. Following observations that not all males participate in leks, the hypotheses that (a) small males are absent from leks and (b) males with inadequate nutrient reserves are unable to participate in leks were examined.
2. The size and weight of lekking males ( n = 183) and resting males captured at the same time in the vicinity of leks ( n = 148) were established. In addition, using biochemical techniques, the amounts of sugar, glycogen, lipid and protein in each individual were established quantitatively.
3. There was no significant size difference between lekking and resting males. However, lekking males were significantly heavier and contained significantly more sugars and protein than resting males.
4. In conclusion, leks are exclusive, and only males with adequate nutritional reserves may join. Thus, in this species, reproductive success is closely linked to foraging success.  相似文献   

For species with very high energetic costs during reproduction we expect occurence during the reproduction season to be dramatically affected by the availability of energy. Recent studies have shown very high energetic costs of lekking for great snipe males, Gallinago media (Latham, 1787) and that breeding great snipes prefer to feed in soft soil with a high abundance of earthworms. We here evaluate the hypothesis that the breeding occurrence of great snipe is restricted to areas with very high availability of food. All the 125 registered great snipe leks in Scandinavia were situated in open habitats along the tree line. The occurrence of leks were analysed in relation to bedrock quality, soil chemistry and earthworm biomass. There was a strong positive relationship between soil pH and earthworm biomass. High pH values were found on or in the close vicinity of base-rich bedrocks. No great snipe leks were documented in areas with acid soil, even if the extent of acid bedrocks along the tree line predicts that 31% of the leks should be situated on acid soils. Hypotheses, including both natural and sexual selection, for why breeding occurrence of great snipe is restricted to areas with high abundance of high quality food are evaluated, and we find indications for this to be a consequence of the very high energetic costs for the lekking males. These costs have probably evolved through female mate choice and indicate that sexual selection may have important consequences for a species distribution. Population-level effects of sexual selection have previously received little attention. The stringent habitat demands here documented may also make great snipes vulnerable to environmental changes and can contribute to explain the dramatic reduction in breeding range of this species in western Europe during the past 150 years (Løfaldli et al ., 1989).  相似文献   

During the breeding season, adult male capercaillies Tetrao urogallus display on leks in the early morning. During the day, they occupy more or less exclusive home ranges within 1 km of the lekking ground, but little is known about their movements and range use patterns during this period. In three spring seasons we monitored the daily movement of 15 radio-tagged adult males, associated with six different leks, in a coniferous forest of southeast Norway. The objective was to relate dynamics of male movement and spatial distribution to changes in food resource availability and mating-related activities. In late winter, males exhibited a pattern of short daily relocations (distance between bird locations in successive days) within small ranges. Relocation distances and home ranges then increased markedly during two weeks preceeding the main mating period. During the mating and post-mating periods, movements again decreased, followed by another short peak at the time when females with depredated nests return to the lek for remating. These temporal changes in range use were not related to changes in food resources and probably not to shifts in anti-predator behaviour, and they differed between age groups: The increase in relocation distance during the pre-mating period was most pronounced among young resident males (3 and 4 year-olds), and range area of older males were smaller and did not increase as much during this period. The observed age-related changes in space use may reflect an alternative mating strategy by young and subdominant males; they seek out females outside the lekking ground where competition from more dominant males is less intense.  相似文献   

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