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Sediments composed of oil-particle aggregates (OPAs) have unique physical characteristics. These in situ deposited sediments develop at locations where a continual or nearly continual discharge of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) have occurred, or are occurring through time. The NAPL discharged into the surface water body interacts with suspended particles in the water column. The particles adhere to the suspended NAPL, which generally is in the form of a bead, and produce a discrete aggregate. As the aggregate grows in response to additional particle adherence, the density of the unit increases and deposition occurs. The resulting sediment consists of a collection of discrete OPAs that form a network with small pores, where oil is tightly bound and/or contained. Porosity, water content, and dry bulk density measurements indicate the sediment formed by OPA deposition is physically unique. Although the sediment consists of a very open pore structure, the pore openings are relatively small, typically being less than 5 microns in diameter. These small pores inhibit fluid movement. Results of physical property testing suggest the OPA structure is retained upon deposition. Although the sediment contains NAPL, this original OPA structure inhibits the oil beads from coalescing, which would enable NAPL flow.  相似文献   

Fluorescence has been demonstrated to be a viable method for detecting non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contaminants comprised of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Commercially available cone penetrometer (CPT)induced fluorescence based sensor platforms can be used to detect NAPLs such as petroleum oils and lubricants in-situ. In addition, these approaches can be used to detect dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zones by detecting commingled oils, fuels, and naturally oc curring organic materials entrained by or in solution with DNAPLs and carried to depths below the water table. The currently available CPT-based fluorescence systems are typically restricted to a single wavelength excitation source, each demonstrating specific advantages and disadvantages with respect to detection capabilities for partic ular fluorophores. Several neat NAPLs and mixtures were analyzedfor specificfluores-cence characteristics to determine the optimal excitation source for site characterization efforts. Commercially available cone penetrometer based fluorescence detection systems were ranked according to the potential for likelihood of detection. Our work demon strates that an optimal range of excitation wavelength can be determined for specific fluorophores within NAPL mixtures, and that available systems can be ranked based on the specific contaminant and site characteristics. We have identified optimal excitation sourcesfor a number of common NAPL mixtures, including petroleum-basedfuels and a lubricant mixed with a chlorinated solvent.  相似文献   

A series of batch reactor experiments was carried out to examine the effect of a nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) on the biodegradation of a hydrophobic solute. A mathematical program model that describes physical processes of solute solubilization and partitioning between the NAPL and aqueous phases as well as microbial degradation and oxygen utilization was used to analyze the test data. The model calculates the cumulative changes in concentration of substrate, cell mass, carbon dioxide, and dissolved oxygen as a function of time. The equations incorporate the effects of solute solubilization, partitioning, biodegradation, as well as oxygen availability. Hexadecane was used as the model NAPL and was not biodegraded in the timeframe of the experiments performed. The model solute was the polyaromatic hydrocarbon, phenanthrene. In agreement with several previous studies, experimental measurements showed that hexadecane increased rates of mineralization of 15 mg phenanthrene when present at low mass but decreased rates at high mass. Model results suggest that partitioning of the phenanthrene into the hexadecane phase limits bioavailability at high NAPL mass. Further the model suggests that mineralization rates were higher with the low NAPL mass because aqueous phenanthrene concentrations were higher in those treatments from ca. 20 to 40 h than in other treatments. Finally, experiments showed that the presence of hexadecane, at all masses tested, resulted in a lower cell yield, effectively increasing the amount of CO2 produced during the experiment. Model results suggest that this is due to changes in phenanthrene metabolism that are induced by the presence of the hexadecane phase. Model studies aimed at increasing rates of biodegradation by modifying operating conditions are described along with practical approaches to implementing these modifications.  相似文献   


Samples taken from polluted creek sediments were dried at temperatures between 20°C and 100°C (either in air or under a nitrogen atmosphere) and selective chemical extraction procedures were then used to examine the effect of drying temperature and oxidation on the bonding mode distribution patterns of Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu. Exposure to air during the drying stage tended to increase the fraction of total metal which was less firmly bound (i.e. ion exchangeable, weakly sorbed). Less metal was present in these categories when higher drying temperatures were used, and temperature changes had a larger effect when the samples were dried under nitrogen. The drying process appears to promote metal migration to phases having a stronger bonding power. In most of the samples studied, heating caused Pb to migrate to the carbonate phase while accumulation in the organic/sulfide phases was the dominant process for Cu and Cd. In the case of Zn, migration to the carbonate phase was favoured in some studies (e.g. using air-dried samples), in other sediments the migration end-point was the organic/sulfide phases. During storage of dried samples at room temperature for prolonged periods (e.g. months) the amount of less firmly bound metal tended to increase, and nullified the distribution changes induced by drying. The effect was most pronounced in the case of Cd. The study highlights that significant errors in metal distribution pattern analyses can arise from sample preparation procedures and it has provided information on the possible mobilisation of metal when dredged sediment is land-dumped, i.e. allowed to dry in air.  相似文献   

Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons are environmental pollutants of serious concern. Their bioavailability is the major limiting factor that makes the bioremediation process slow. Therefore, the present study focuses on biodegradation of non-aqueous-phase liquids (NAPL) by a halophilic consortium (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia fergusonii) in presence of rhamnolipid as well as a rhamnolipid-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMB AS7. The study was performed in microcosms, and the residual hydrocarbons after degradation were estimated by gas chromatography. It was found that the degradation of hydrocarbons in NAPL was more in presence of rhamnolipid in comparison with their biotic controls. However, among NAPL, the degradation of phenanthrene (37.5%) and octadecane (47.8%) was found to be more by co-culture of halophilic consortium and rhamnolipid-producing P. aeruginosa AMB AS7. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was performed to determine the viability of different bacterial strains (halophilic and rhamnolipid-producing bacterial strain). Besides, the results also revealed that during NAPL degradation, the cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) of halophilic consortium increased from 9.12% to 69.55% when added with 100 mg/L of rhamnolipid, whereas CSH of rhamnolipid-producing P. aeruginosa AMB AS7 was constant at 31.9%, even though it produced about 271.8 mg/L of rhamnolipid.  相似文献   

Two mixed bacterial cultures (CB-BT and CI-AT) degraded phenanthrene when it was: (i) in the presence of either hexadecane as a non aqueous phase liquid or a montmorillonite–Al(OH)x-humic acid complex as a model organo-mineral matrix; (ii) sorbed to the complex, either alone or in the presence of hexadecane. The cultures had different kinetic behaviours towards phenanthrene with or without hexadecane. The degradation of Phe alone as well as that of Phe in hexadecane ended in 8 and 15 days with CB-BT and CI-AT cultures, respectively. Hexadecane increased Phe bioavailability for CI-AT bacteria which degraded Phe according to first-order kinetics. The same effect was observed for CB-BT bacteria, but with an initial 2 days lag phase and in accordance with zero-order kinetics. The presence of hexadecane did not affect the degradation of phenanthrene sorbed and aged on the complex by CI-AT culture. This capability was exhibited also after experimental aging of 30 days. The dynamics of the bacterial community composition was investigated through PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Individual bands changed their intensity during the incubation time, implying that particular microbe’s relative abundance changed according to the culture conditions. Isolation of phenanthrene and/or hexadecane degraders was in accord with cultivation-independent data. Growth-dependent changes in the cell surface hydrophobicity of the two cultures and of the isolates suggested that modulation of cell surface hydrophobicity probably played an important role for an efficient phenanthrene assimilation/uptake.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis toward chemical pollutants provides a mechanism for bacteria to migrate to locations of high contamination, which may improve the effectiveness of bioremediation. A microfluidic device was designed to mimic the dissolution of an organic-phase contaminant from a single pore into a larger macropore representing a preferred pathway for microorganisms that are carried along by groundwater flow. The glass windows of the microfluidic device allowed direct image analysis of bacterial distributions within the vicinity of the organic contaminant. Concentrations of chemotactic bacteria P. putida F1 near the organic/aqueous interface were 25% greater than those of a nonchemotactic mutant in the vicinity of toluene for a fluid velocity of 0.5 m/d. For E. coli responding to phenol, the bacterial concentrations were 60% greater than the controls, also at a velocity of 0.5 m/d. Velocities in the macropore were varied over a range from 0.5 to 10 m/d, the lower end of which is typical of groundwater velocities. The accumulation of chemotactic bacteria near the NAPL chemoattractant source decreased as the fluid velocity increased. Good agreement between computer-based simulations, generated using reasonable values of the model parameters, and the experimental data for P. putida strains confirmed the contribution due to chemotaxis. The experimental data for E. coli required a larger chemotactic sensitivity coefficient than that for P. putida, which was consistent with parameter values reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contaminants comprised of polycyclic aromatic hy drocarbons (PAHs) can be detected using fluorescence spectroscopic methods. Dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contaminant source zones can be delineated us ing commercially available cone penetrometer (CPT)devices by detecting commingled oils fuels, and naturally occurring organic materials entrained by DNAPLs and carried to depths below the water table. It has been demonstrated that commercially avail able CPT based fluorescence detection systems can be ranked based on how effectively their excitation source wavelengths induce fluorescence using excitation emission ma trices (EEMs). Several neat NAPLs and dilutions with selected DNAPLs were analyzed for specific fluorescence characteristics to determine the optimal excitation source for site characterization efforts. A comprehensive spectral library and corresponding opti mization matrix were generated for complex petroleum mixtures. Based onfield results documenting successful indirect CPT fluorescence detection of a DNAPL source zone, aviation and dieselfuels were selected from this library, diluted with chlorinated sol vents, and evaluated for fluorescence characteristics. Dilution of these complex NAPL mixtures led to changes in the corresponding EEMs. The optimal excitation source for aviationfuel remained relatively constantf or each dilution. However, sensitivityf or each of the commercially available CPT excitation sources was strongly dependent on diesel concentration, whereby higher energy (lowerwavelength) sources yielded improved sen-sitivityfor lower concentrations. Since field concentrations can be highly variable, these observations support the need for multiple wavelength excitation sources for optimal detection capabilities, particularly when diesel fuel ispresent.  相似文献   

Commercially available cone penetrometer (CPT)fluorescence based sensor platforms have been used to detect non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), such as petroleum oils and lubricants, in situf or more than a decade. These approaches have also been used to detect dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zones by detecting commingled oilsfuels, and naturally occurring organic materials entrained by DNAPLs and carried to depths below the water table. Several neat NAPLs and mixtureswere added to various soil types and analyzedfor specific fluorescence characteristics to determine the optimal excitation source for site characterization efforts. Using excitationlemission matrices (EEMs), we demonstrate that an optimized excitation wavelength can be determinedfor specific fiuowphores within the NAPL mixtures, and that available systems can be ranked based on the specific contaminant and site soil types. An optimal excitation wavelength yields the maximum fluorescence within an EEM spectrum. We ranked commercially available cone penetrometer fluorescence detection systems according to the potential for ease of detection based on maximum fluorescence response. When soils were added tocomplexNAPLmixtures,analytefluorescence emissionwasattenuatedinpreferential portions of the EEM, leading to differences in the optimal excitation source wavelength. Furthermore, impure silica-containing minerals impact the emission signal, potentially leading to incorrect conclusionsf or several commercially available systems. Our find ings suggest that afrequency-agile (e.g., tunable excitation source) probe system would be superior to any other system commercially available, provided the system would be relatively easy to operate and would have rapid in-situ EEM generating capabilitiesfo r optimization in the field.  相似文献   

The free solution mobility of DNA has been measured by capillary electrophoresis in the two buffers most commonly used for DNA gel electrophoresis, Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) and Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE). The capillaries were coated with polymers of either of two novel acrylamide monomers, N-acryloylaminoethoxyethanol or N-acryloylaminopropanol, both of which are stable at basic pH and effectively eliminate the electroendosmotic mobility due to the capillary walls. The free solution mobility of DNA in TAE buffer was found to be (3.75 ± 0.04) × 10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 25°C, independent of DNA concentration, sample size, electric field strength, and capillary coating, and in good agreement with other values in the literature. The free solution mobility was independent of DNA molecular weight from ∼ 400 base pairs to 48.5 kilobase pairs, but decreased monotonically with decreasing molecular weight for smaller fragments. Surprisingly, the free solution mobility of DNA in TBE buffer was found to be (4.5 ± 0.1) × 10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1, about 20% larger than observed in TAE buffer, presumably because of the formation of nonspecific borate-deoxyribose complexes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 687–703, 1997  相似文献   


An evaluation of nitrite determination in marine lake sediments has shown that spectrophotometric measurements can be in error due to light scattering by colloidal (<0.2 μm) matter in extract solutions and incomplete nitrite recovery. The scatter error can be minimised by using uncoloured extract in the reference beam but precision at low levels remains poor (RSD 25 to 100%). Recovery tests on ‘spiked’ sediment indicated that optimum retrieval (~85%) occurred with 30 minute mixing with 0.2 M NH4Cl, using a sediment to extractant ratio of 1:30. To counter this variable, calibration based on standard addition to sample suspensions is recommended. Modified procedure proposed is suitable for measuring up to 10 μg g?1 of nitrite N; the lake sediments tested contained <100 ng g?1  相似文献   


Distribution of possible chemical forms of Al, Si, Sn, Pb, Zn, Fe, Hg, Cd and Cu in marine sediments of Cape Town harbour was investigated using a modified Tessier’s sequential extraction procedure and ICP-MS and ICP-AES for heavy metals determination. The mean fractions for all metals at all locations were: 1.5–7196 mg kg-1 for Si, 7.79–7266 mg kg-1 for Al, 161-639 mg kg-1 for Cu, 19–41978 mg kg-1 for Fe, 2.83–5864 mg kg-1 for Zn, 1.45–13.26 mg kg-1for Cd, 9.87–223 mg kg-1 for Sn, 11.98-979 mg kg-1 for Pb and 0.13–5.93 mg kg-1 for Hg. Si, Al and Zn were mostly associated with Fe–Mn oxides, whereas Sn and Hg were mainly bound to residual and organic matter. Pb existed mainly in the residual and iron/manganese oxide phases while Cd was evenly distributed in all the five phases. The loading plots of heavy metals bound to the various chemical forms, as well as Pearson correlation coefficients, enabled the determination binding relationship. Pb, Sn and Hg exhibited similar binding behaviour which indicated an anthropogenic point source from wastes from the ship maintenance workshop, and the presence of Sn in the organic phase can be identified with the use of anti-fouling paints at the harbour, whereas Al, Fe, Si, Cu and Zn would probably be of natural origin. Lastly Cd probably came from a diffuse pollution sources in the harbour due to its unique binding characteristic. The mobility of heavy metals varied depending on location and the heavy metal type. The mobility of metals followed the order: Si > Zn > Fe > Cu> Al> Cd> Pb > Sn > Hg. The high percentage of Cd and Pb in the bioavailable forms suggested the need to keep close surveillance on these metals because of their high toxicity.  相似文献   

Marriage comprises both individual lives and population evolution. Anthropology shows that marriage, within cultural rules, is based on parameters of different natures such as psychology or economy with implications that concern also the genetic level. The creation of a general model of marriage is quite complex as it must include factors that change in time and space between and inside societies. The marriage as a factor of social mobility is of great interest, but it can not be limited to this factor alone, because the union between two individuals and two families is also the necessary preamble to biological reproduction and population genetic pool evolution.  相似文献   

The free solution electrophoretic mobility of a charged oligomer in an ionic solvent that approximately takes into account relaxation field effects, screening of the velocity field, and the hydrodynamic interactions resulting from motions of the charges due to an electric field is described. For double‐stranded DNA, the free solution electrophoretic mobility under ionic strengths determined by the buffer and pH conditions relevant to capillary electrophoresis increases with increasing molecular weight up to few hundred base pairs. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 49: 209–214, 1999  相似文献   


Taihu Lake is one of the most important water sources in the economically developed central-eastern part of China, and metal pollution is a major concern for the lake. The distribution and bioavailability of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn were analysed in undifferentiated bottom sediments and in various particle-size fractions of the sediment from different parts of the lake. The average concentration of total metals in undifferentiated sediments ranged from 0.86 mg kg-1 (Cd) to 95.45 mg kg-1 (Zn) for the entire lake, with the highest concentrations in Zhushan Bay. The concentration of heavy metals was higher in extremely fine sands (0.064–0.125 mm) and fine sands (0.125–0.25 mm) than in other fractions. Sequential extractions showed that Cu, Zn and Cd were the most bioavailable accounting for 55.6%, 38.7% and 30.0% of their total concentration, respectively. However, the bioavailable proportion of many metals was not significantly different between grain grades except for Cu and Zn, which were higher in silts (<0.064 mm) than in other grades. Compared with the background values of local soils, the concentration of Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb and Sb was higher, indicating enrichment in the sediment. From ecological safety concerns, Zn, Cd and Cu should be examined closely because of their higher bioavailabilty in the sediment.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies reported the association between social mobility and health. However, few studies investigated whether the association varies by age group. Drawing on the economic environment that facilitated social mobility in South Korea, we postulate each age group had a different extent of social mobility, which would vary with the extent of economic growth and affect the association between social mobility and health. We used data from KDI National Happiness Survey 2018 and measured perceived mobility using respondents’ perceived social position and their parents’ social position. We examined whether social mobility was associated with self-rated health and psychological well-being. The upwardly mobile individuals were more likely than the stable ones to report ‘happy’. Such a positive association between upward mobility and happiness was consistently found when the sample was restricted to the ages 30–59 and 40–49. For self-rated health, the downwardly mobile individuals were less likely to report good health. However, no significant difference in self-rated health was found after the youngest and oldest age groups were excluded. We found that perceived social mobility was strongly associated with psychological well-being rather than self-rated health. Moreover, we found a stronger association between upward mobility and happiness among the aged 40–49, who had the largest proportion of upwardly mobile individuals and spent their adolescence during rapid economic growth. The findings underscore the importance of the economic and social context in which individuals perceive their social position and shape their well-being.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides are released into the extracellular space from large secretory granules. In order to reach their release sites, these granules are translocated on microtubules and thought to interact with filamentous actin as they approach the cell membrane. We have used a green fluorescent protein-tagged neuropeptide prohormone (prepro-orphanin FQ) to visualize vesicle trafficking dynamics in NS20Y cells and cultures of primary hippocampal neurons. We found that the majority of secretory granules were mobile and accumulated at both the tips of neurites as well as other apparently specialized cellular sites. We also used live-cell imaging to test the notion that peptidergic vesicle mobility was regulated by secretagogues. We show that treatment with forskolin appeared to increase vesicle rates of speed, while depolarization with high K+ had no effect, even though both treatments stimulated neuropeptide secretion. In cultured hippocampal neurons the green fluorescent protein-tagged secretory vesicles were routed to both dendrites and axons, indicating that peptidergic vesicle transport was not polarized. Basal peptidergic vesicle mobility rates in hippocampal neurons were the same as those in NS20Y cells. Taken together, these studies suggest that secretory vesicle mobility is regulated by specific classes of secretagogues and that neuropeptide containing secretory vesicles may be released from dendritic structures.  相似文献   

Intrauterine mobility patterns of the embryonic vesicle were characterized on Days 9 to 17 after ovulation in pony mares using real-time ultrasonography (n=5 or 7 mares per day). The location of the vesicle was determined by dividing the uterus into right horn, left horn, and body. Each uterine horn was further divided into three approximately equal portions (cranial third, middle third, caudal third), yielding seven segments (body plus three portions of each horn). Location of the vesicle within the uterus was recorded every five minutes for two consecutive hours (25 location determinations per trial). The number of times the vesicle was found in the uterine body versus one of the uterine horns was greater for the body on Day 9 (15.2 vs 9.8; not significant) and Day 10 (17.3 vs 7.7 P<0.05) and greater (P<0.05) for the horns on Days 12 (7.3 vs 17.7) through 17 (0.0 vs 25.0). Averaged over all days, when the vesicle was in one of the uterine horns it was present 56% of the time in the caudal third, 30% of the time in the middle third, and 14% of the time in the cranial third. Mobility was determined by the number of times the vesicle changed locations during successive examinations. On Day 9, the mean number of location changes per trial was minimal (horn to horn, 0.2; body to horn or vice versa, 1.8; between two segments, 4.2). The extent of mobility increased on Day 10 and reached an apparent plateau from Day 11 to Day 14. The mean number of location changes per trial during the plateau was as follows: horn to horn, 1.6; body to horn or vice versa, 5.6; between two segments, 10.7. Fixation (cessation of mobility) occurred in one of the horns in 5 7 mares on Day 15 and in 7 7 mares by Day 16. Mobility was present on the earliest day the embryonic vesicle was detected (Day 9), but Days 11 to 14 were characterized as the days of maximum mobility.  相似文献   

Boron mobility in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Boron (B) is a micronutrient essential for the normal growth of monocots, dicots. conifers, ferns and several diatom species. Boron deficiency causes many anatomical, physiological and biochemical changes, making it difficult to identify a primary role for it: however, evidence does indicate that B is involved at the membrane level. Whatever the role(s). it likely involves the complexation of B with compounds containing cis -hydroxyl groups. Boron deficiency in crops is more widespread than deficiency of any other micronutrient. Nutritional disorders in vegetables include brown heart in rutabaga, turnip and radish roots, and hollow stem in cauliflower and broccoli. The occurrence of these disorders even when B is in ample supply suggests that they are physiological in nature and related to the mobility of B in the plant. The distribution of B is related to the loss of water from shoot organs, suggesting that it is primarily xylem-mobile with limited retranslocation in phloem. However, research has shown that B is present in the phloem, albeit at low concentration, and that it is generally retranslocated in the phloem to satisfy the demands of sink organs that do not readily transpire. Further progress into the mechanism(s) of B retranslocation will be facilitated by insights into the role and metabolism of B in plants.  相似文献   


Error sources associated with the spectrophotometric determination of low levels (e.g. <2 μg g?1) of nitrate in sediments have been examined and problems identified included incomplete nitrate recovery (attributable in part to anion resorption) and light scattering by colloidal (<0.45 μm) matter in extract solutions (minimised by using uncoloured extract in the reference beam). Optimum retrieval (>90%) of nitrate from the marine lake sediments studied was achieved with 15 min mixing with 0.1 M NH4CI, using a sediment to extractant ratio of 1:30. The nitrate in the extracts was determined by reducing it to nitrite (using Cd powder), with subsequent colour development based on the addition of sulfanilic acid and N-1-naphthyl-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. The reduction step was sensitive to the experimental conditions used, but was near quantitative using 0.1 M NH4CI extracts. (Much lower transformation levels were observed when the nitrate solutions contained KCI or CaSO4, or when Zn powder was used as the reductant). All the sediments tested sorbed nitrate ion from solution (some very avidly) and this sorbed ion was not readily retrieved by back extraction into NH4CI solutions.  相似文献   

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