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Coelho  Paula Nunes  Henry  Raoul 《Limnology》2022,23(3):429-440
Limnology - We investigated the taxonomic and functional diversity of rotifers in the littoral, intermediate, and pelagic zones of a tropical lake. Rotifers were collected at 10 sampling stations...  相似文献   

In the Netherlands a recent discussion on ‘the right to die’ and premature ending of life for people over the age of 70 has only highlighted one side of the story. The tale of a situation of bad health, depression and physical ailments, which progresses to, worst of all, a painful and loveless ending of life, has often been told and scares us literally to death. It may distract us from a far bigger and more complex problem.  相似文献   

The concept of refugee species provides a theoretical framework towards increasing the predictive power of the ‘declining population paradigm’ through identifying species which are expected to suffer from a declining population syndrome. Using a simple habitat model as a framework, refugee species are defined as those that can no longer access optimal habitat, but are confined to suboptimal habitats, with consequences of decreased fitness and density, and attendant conservation risks. Refugee species may be difficult to detect in the absence of information on prior habitat use and fitness and their observed ecology will be constrained by the habitat limits forced on them. Identification of refugee species, characterisation of pre‐refugee ecology and the restoration of such species to optimal habitat is critical to their successful conservation. The concept is showcased by addressing the conundrum of a large grazing bovid, the European bison Bison bonasus, being managed as a forest specialist, despite its evolutionary background, dental morphology, neonatal behaviour, diet and microhabitat selection being characteristic of a grazing species inhabiting open, grass‐rich habitats. It is hypothesized that a combination of increasing replacement of open steppe by forest cover after the last postglacial period and increasing human pressure forced bison into forests as a refuge habitat. This process was then reinforced through active management of bison in forests as managers committed themselves to the ‘bison as forest species’ paradigm. A research agenda to test this hypothesis using an experimental approach in the conservation management of European bison by introducing populations into diverse habitat types is suggested.  相似文献   

The species richness of rust fungi (Pucciniales or Uredinales) in the neotropics is reviewed. Species numbers are presented for all neotropical countries and rust-plant-ratios calculated. It is discussed whether the ratio for a given region can be explained by the species richness of vascular plants alone or whether it is caused by additional factors. In the first case, ratios should apply globally and vary only slightly; in the second case, more diverging ratios are expected. Observed ratios ranged between 1:16 and 1:124 in the neotropics. The large differences are certainly influenced by unequal levels of investigation, rendering interpretation difficult. Differences seem also to be influenced by the taxonomic composition of floras regarding the percentage of host families or genera bearing different numbers of rust species. This indicates that rust species richness is not driven solely by plant species richness. Ratios calculated for Switzerland, Austria and Japan are distinctly higher than for the neotropics indicating that certain temperate regions are proportionally richer in rust fungi than the neotropics. Uredinial states and short-cycled rust species prevail in the neotropics. The preponderance of uredinial states may be due to the heterogeneous spatial composition of certain vegetation types in the wet tropics. Short-cycled rusts may be adapted to a pronounced seasonality that can be encountered in many drier neotropical biomes. Future research needs to fill our knowledge gaps on the taxonomy and ecology of neotropical rust fungi are discussed.  相似文献   

Uncoordinated and isolated control programs are often used by land managers, property owners and recreational hunters to control numbers and reduce the impacts of European red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). However, decades of such attempts to eradicate this significant agricultural and biodiversity pest in many countries have failed. We investigated the effectiveness of an uncoordinated and isolated shooting program to determine if it caused any change in red fox population density. We also determined whether shooting is more cost effective than poison baiting for fox control. First, we estimated the density of foxes on an agricultural study property using distance sampling and rates of bait uptake before and after a control program. Second, we estimated the costs associated with undertaking the control program and compared it to the estimated costs of undertaking poison baiting. Prior to control, we estimated a density of 4.18 foxes per square kilometre. After the control exercise, which removed 47 individuals in 12 nights, we estimated a density of 3.26 foxes per square kilometre. Our results provide evidence that one-off control programs are not effective in greatly reducing red fox density, even if the control effort is intensive. Where large-scale control programs cannot be coordinated, isolated programs should therefore involve follow-up campaigns to reduce population recovery. On a local scale, combinations of shooting and baiting may also provide maximum control impact at minimal cost.  相似文献   

Understanding how the brain performs computations requires understanding neuronal firing patterns at successive levels of processing-a daunting and seemingly intractable task. Two recent studies have made dramatic progress on this problem by showing how its dimensionality can be reduced. Using the retina as a model system, they demonstrated that multineuronal firing patterns can be predicted by pairwise interactions.  相似文献   

Most bacterial genomes have five to nine distinct genes predicted to encode transporters that exchange cytoplasmic Na+ and/or K+ for H+ from outside the cell, i.e. monovalent cation/proton antiporters. By contrast, pathogens that live primarily inside host cells usually possess zero to one such antiporter while other stress-exposed bacteria exhibit even higher numbers. The monovalent cation/proton antiporters encoded by these diverse genes fall into at least eight different transporter protein families based on sequence similarity. They enable bacteria to meet challenges of high or fluctuating pH, salt, temperature or osmolarity, but we lack explanations for why so many antiporters are needed and for the value added by specific antiporter types in specific settings. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology, analyses of the pH dependence of cytoplasmic [Na+], [K+], pH and transmembrane electrical potential in the 'poly extremophile' Natranaerobius thermophilus are the context for assessment of the catalytic properties of 12 predicted monovalent cation/proton antiporters in the genome of this thermophilic haloalkaliphile. The results provide a profile of adaptations of the poly extremophilic anaerobe, including a proposed role of cytoplasmic buffering capacity. They also provide new perspectives on two large monovalent cation/proton antiporter families, the NhaC and the cation/proton antiporter-3 antiporter families.  相似文献   

Lang T  Jahn R 《Developmental cell》2002,2(3):257-259
In the February 8th issue of Cell, Wang et al. report the surprising finding that vacuolar fusion occurs at the periphery of the contact area of the vacuoles and not by the expansion of a central fusion pore. During fusion, a disk of boundary membrane is excised and left behind within the fused vacuoles.  相似文献   

The EU Habitats Directive is a key biodiversity conservation instrument. It contains legal obligations for the 28 EU member states in order to safeguard a ‘favourable conservation status’ (FCS) for selected species and habitat types. The crucial FCS concept itself, however, remains subject to considerable confusion regarding its proper interpretation and operationalization, impairing the Directive’s effective implementation. Diminishing this confusion is the purpose of this review. It focuses specifically on large carnivores—wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolverine (Gulo gulo). These pose particular challenges, given their low densities, transboundary populations, and human-wildlife conflict potential. Large carnivores are also the only species for which specific guidance has been adopted by the European Commission—and subsequently contested. Our methodology combines legal analysis with an understanding of the species’ ecology and associated social, economic and cultural dimensions. We analyze the methods and processes through which EU law is interpreted, implemented, and enforced, by member states, European Commission, and EU Court of Justice—which is the ultimate authority regarding EU law interpretation. On that basis, we engage three particularly complex interpretation questions which are also of great practical significance: (1) the appropriate scale to achieve FCS (national or transboundary population level); (2) the respective roles of demographic, genetic and ecological factors in determining FCS; and (3) the use of extinction versus carrying capacity as benchmark. Regarding these questions, we identify approaches that are workable and effective, as well as likely to be endorsed by the EU Court.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin and its kin: how close are the family ties?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Modification of proteins by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin is known to target them for degradation by proteasomes. Several proteins have been discovered recently that are related to ubiquitin or function similarly. Some of these proteins act as modifiers; others bear ubiquitin-like domains embedded in their polypeptide chain but do not form conjugates with cellular proteins. Ubiquitin-like proteins mediate an impressive range of cellular functions, including cell-cycle progression, DNA repair and apoptosis. Recent discoveries endorse the view that, in many cases, the function of the relatives of ubiquitin is linked to the ubiquitin pathway.  相似文献   

Fundamental rules about the development of the hematopoietic and immune systems have been established in birds, some of which are reviewed here. The organ rudiments belonging to this system provide the stroma, that has to be seeded by extrinsic stem cells. This particular developmental pattern makes it possible to create chimeric organs with stromal cells and stem cells from different origins. Grafting the thymic epithelium alone in a young embryo is sufficient to induce tolerance to tissues of the same origin as that of epithelium, even in a xenogeneic combination. Stem cells that seed the rudiments during development are born in the embryo rather than in the yolk sac and are responsible for definitive hematopoiesis. Data in frog and mouse indicate that these conclusions may be valid in other classes of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Material exchange, biodiversity and trophic transfer within the food web were investigated in two different types of intertidal seagrass beds: a sheltered, dense Zostera marina bed and a more exposed, sparse Z. noltii bed, in the Northern Wadden Sea. Both types of Zostera beds show a seasonal development of above-ground biomass, and therefore measurements were carried out during the vegetation period in summer. The exchange of particles and nutrients between seagrass beds and the overlying water was measured directly using an in situ flume. Particle sedimentation [carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) constituents] from the water column prevailed in dense seagrass beds. In the sheltered, dense seagrass bed, a net particle uptake was found even on windy days (7–8 Beaufort). Dissolved inorganic N and orthophosphate were mainly taken up by the dense seagrass bed. At times of strong winds, nutrients were released from the benthic community to tidal waters. In a budget calculation of total N and total P, the dense seagrass beds were characterised as a material sink. The seagrass beds with sparse Z. noltii were a source of particles even during calm weather. The uptake of dissolved inorganic N in the sparse seagrass bed was low but significant, while the uptake of inorganic phosphate and silicate by seagrasses and their epiphytes was exceeded by release processes from the sediment into the overlying water. Estimates at the ecosystem level showed that material fluxes of seagrass beds in the Sylt-Rømø Bight are dominated by the dense type of Zostera beds. Therefore, seagrass beds act as a sink for particles and for dissolved inorganic nutrients. During storms, seagrass beds are distinct sources for inorganic nutrients. The total intertidal area of the Sylt-Rømø Bight could be described as a sink for particles and a source for dissolved nutrients. This balance of the material budget was estimated by either including or excluding seagrass beds. Including the subtidal part, the function of the ecosystem as a source for particles increased, supposing that all seagrass beds were lost from the area. During the vegetation period, seagrass beds act as a storage compartment for material accumulated in the living biomass of the community. There was great biodiversity among the plant and animal groups found in intertidal seagrass beds of the Sylt-Rømø Bay, representing 50–86% of the total number of species investigated, depending on the particular group. Since most species are not exclusively seagrass residents, the loss of intertidal seagrass beds would be of minor importance for biodiversity at the ecosystem level. Food web structure in seagrass beds is different from other intertidal communities. Primary production and detritus input is high, but secondary production is similar to that of unvegetated areas, although the relative importance of the trophic guilds is different. The loss of seagrass beds leads to profound alterations in the food web of the total ecosystem. Historical as well as recent changes in material fluxes and energy flow due to man-made alterations to the ecosystem are discussed.  相似文献   

As a result of pioneering work of Hofmann (1973, 1989), nutritional ecologists classify ruminants into three feeding-type categories: browsers (concentrate feeders), grazers, and intermediate or mixed feeders. Hofmann proposed that these feeding types result from evolutionary adaptations in the anatomy of the digestive system and that one consequence is shorter retention of the digesta in the rumen of browsers, and thus a decreased efficiency of fiber digestion relative to that of grazers. We examined the hypotheses that (1) fiber digestion of browsers is lower than that of grazers, (2) salivary gland size is larger in all browsers than in grazers, (3) the browser's larger salivary glands produce larger volumes of thin serous saliva than those of grazers, and (4) thus, browsers have higher liquid passage rates than do grazers. We found that the extent of fiber digestion is not significantly different between browsers and grazers, although fiber digestion is positively related to herbivore size. In general, salivary gland size is approximately 4 times larger in browsers than grazers, but some browsers (e.g., greater kudu) have small, grazer-sized salivary glands. Resting (non-feeding or ruminating) saliva flow rates of mule deer (browser) and domestic sheep and cattle (grazers) were not significantly different from each other. Finally, ruminal liquid flow rates were not different between feeding types. We conclude that many of Hofmann's nutritional and physiological interpretations of anatomical differences amongst ruminants are not supportable.  相似文献   

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