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Symbiotic associations between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are ubiquitous and ecologically important in many grasslands. Differences in species responses to mycorrhizal colonization can have a significant influence on plant community structure. The growth responses of 36 species of warm- and cool-season tallgrass prairie grasses and 59 tallgrass prairie forbs to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization were assessed in greenhouse studies to examine the extent of interspecific variation in host-plant benefit from the symbiosis and patterns of mycorrhizal dependence among host plant life history (e.g., annual, perennial) and taxonomic (e.g., grass, forb, legume, nonlegume) groups and phenological guilds. There was a strong and significant relationship between phenology of prairie grasses and mycorrhizal responsiveness, however this relationship was less apparent in forbs. Perennial warm-season C(4) grasses and forbs generally benefited significantly from the mycorrhizal symbiosis, whereas biomass production of the cool-season C(3) grasses was not affected. The root systems of the cool-season grasses were also less highly colonized by the AM fungi, as compared to the warm-season grasses or forbs. Unlike the native perennials, annuals were generally not responsive to mycorrhizal colonization and were lower in percentage root colonization than the perennial species. Plant growth responsiveness and AM root colonization were positively correlated for the nonleguminous species, with this relationship being strongest for the cool-season grasses. In contrast, root colonization of prairie legumes showed a significant, but negative, relationship to mycorrhizal growth responsiveness.  相似文献   

The latitudinal and altitudinal range sizes of north-west European land-snail species increase with increasing latitude/altitude. These Rapoport effects are not caused by northern/high-altitude species with wider latitudinal/altitudinal ranges and southern/low-altitude species with narrower latitudinal/altitudinal ranges, as predicted by the climatic variability hypothesis. They are instead caused mainly by different northern/upper borders of species occurring in the south part of the study area or at low and intermediate altitudes, respectively. This pattern indicates that the observed Rapoport effects are the result mainly of differential northward/upward expansion of species that were restricted to southern/low or intermediate altitude refugia during the glacials. Although all species occurring in a refugium experienced the same climatic conditions, there is stochastic variation in their climatic tolerance. Species with broader climatic tolerance were able to expand farer northwards/upwards postglacial. The altitudinal distribution of species richness in the analysed alpine faunas cannot be explained by the Rapoport-rescue hypothesis, because species richness peaks at intermediate altitudes and because there is no negative correlation between the number of range borders and altitude. The Rapoport-rescue hypothesis alone is probably also insufficient to explain the decrease in species richness with increasing latitude.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 309–323.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment occurring worldwide in savannas and grasslands has commonly been hypothesized to result from anthropogenically altered environments. Two disturbance‐based approaches to restoration have involved: (1) application of selective herbicides to reduce density/cover of shrubs; (2) reinstatement of natural fire regimes to generate environmental conditions favoring herbaceous species. We studied short‐term responses of native shrubs, vines, and grasses in a Louisiana pine savanna to herbicides followed by a prescribed fire and fire alone. Plots established in the summer, 2013, were hand‐sprayed in the fall with Imazapyr and Triclopyr, Triclopyr alone, or no herbicide, then prescribed burned the following spring. Numbers of species of shrubs and vines at scales of 1 and 100 m2, numbers of stems and regrowth of stems produced by six common species of shrubs, and the number of flowering culms of perennial C4 grasses were assessed postfire in 2014. Compared with fire alone, herbicides followed by fire resulted in (1) small reductions in species richness of shrubs and no effects on vines, (2) fewer stems comprising shrub genets, but similar postfire regrowth of resprouting shrub stems, and (3) fewer flowering culms of C4 grasses. Underground storage organs of savanna shrubs and vines survived both aboveground disturbances. Thus, single applications of herbicides followed by fires reduced, but did not reverse shrub encroachment and negatively affected grasses. Because effects of herbicides overrode those of prescribed fires, these disturbances did not act synergistically, suggesting that reinstating natural fire regimes should be a priority in restoration of savannas and grasslands.  相似文献   

  1. Shifts in dominance and species reordering can occur in response to global change. However, it is not clear how altered precipitation and disturbance regimes interact to affect species composition and dominance.
  2. We explored community‐level diversity and compositional similarity responses, both across and within years, to a manipulated precipitation gradient and annual clipping in a mixed‐grass prairie in Oklahoma, USA. We imposed seven precipitation treatments (five water exclusion levels [?20%, ?40%, ?60%, ?80%, and ?100%], water addition [+50%], and control [0% change in precipitation]) year‐round from 2016 to 2018 using fixed interception shelters. These treatments were crossed with annual clipping to mimic hay harvest.
  3. We found that community‐level responses were influenced by precipitation across time. For instance, plant evenness was enhanced by extreme drought treatments, while plant richness was marginally promoted under increased precipitation.
  4. Clipping promoted species gain resulting in greater richness within each experimental year. Across years, clipping effects further reduced the precipitation effects on community‐level responses (richness and evenness) at both extreme drought and added precipitation treatments.
  5. Synthesis: Our results highlight the importance of studying interactive drivers of change both within versus across time. For instance, clipping attenuated community‐level responses to a gradient in precipitation, suggesting that management could buffer community‐level responses to drought. However, precipitation effects were mild and likely to accentuate over time to produce further community change.

Most prairie restorations fail to produce the diversity of species found in unplowed remnants. This lack of restored diversity is hypothesized to be partly due to the inhibition of forb species by high seeding densities of dominant grasses and partly due to the low seeding densities of forbs used in many restorations. We tested this hypothesis by sowing various densities of forb and warm-season grass seeds into a restoration begun on bare soil. This is the first replicated restoration experiment we are aware of that varies grass seeding densities to examine the effects on forbs. Four years after seeding, we found that higher densities of grass seeds decreased forb cover, biomass, and richness, and higher densities of forb seeds increased forb richness. These results suggest that dominant grasses compete strongly with native forb species and that many forb species thrive when they are spatially separated from dominant grasses. The results also suggest that seed availability limits the establishment of some forbs. Forb diversity can therefore be increased by decreasing grass seeding density, by increasing forb seeding density, or both. However, forb seeds are generally expensive, and increasing forb seeding density across the entire area of a restoration may be prohibitively expensive. We therefore recommend a low seeding density of dominant grasses, and we recommend spatially separating forbs from dominant grasses by adding most forb seeds to areas with little to no dominant grasses and by adding the rest of the forb seeds to areas with a low density of dominant grasses.  相似文献   

Prairie reconstructions are a critical component of preservation of the imperiled tallgrass prairie ecosystem in the Midwestern United States. Sustainability of this endeavor depends on establishment of persistent cover of planted native species and resistance to noxious weeds. The goal of this study was to understand the influence of early reconstruction practices on long‐term outcomes. Twelve replicates of three planting methods (dormant‐season broadcast, growing‐season broadcast, and growing‐season drill) and three seed mix richness levels (10, 20, or 34 species), fully crossed in a completely randomized design were planted in 2005 on nine former agricultural fields located in Iowa and Minnesota. Cover by species was estimated in 2005–2007, 2010, and 2015. In 2015, cover of planted species, native nonplanted species, and exotic species were similar to those recorded in 2010. Cover of the noxious weed Cirsium arvense had also declined by an average of 49% without herbicide from a peak in 2007 to low stable levels from 2010 to 2015. Richness of planted forbs, on the other hand, were still increasing in high‐richness broadcast treatments (e.g. 17–59% increase 2010–1015 in Minnesota). Two results in 2015 are reasons for concern: cover of planted species is only slightly over 50% in both Minnesota and Iowa, though with forbs still increasing, this may improve; and the cool‐season exotic grasses Poa pratensis and Bromus inermis are increasing at both Minnesota and Iowa sites. Control of these invasive grasses will be necessary, but care will be needed to avoid negative impacts of control methods on natives.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species richness and composition on plant community productivity and diversity, and whether AMF mediate plant species coexistence by promoting niche differentiation in phosphorus use. Our experiment manipulated AMF species richness and identity across a range of P conditions in tallgrass prairie mesocosms. We showed that increasing AMF richness promoted plant diversity and productivity, but that this AMF richness effect was small relative to the effects of individual AMF species. We found little support for AMF-facilitated complementarity in P use. Rather, the AMF richness effect appeared to be caused by the inclusion of particular diversity- and productivity-promoting AMF (a sampling effect). Furthermore, the identity of the diversity-promoting fungi changed with P environment, as did the relationship between the diversity-promoting and productivity-promoting benefits of AMF. Our results suggest that plant diversity and productivity are more responsive to AMF identity than to AMF diversity per se, and that AMF identity and P environment can interact in complex ways to alter community-level properties.  相似文献   

Aim  Comparative studies have revealed strong links between ecological factors and the number of parasite species harboured by different hosts, but studies of different taxonomic host groups have produced inconsistent results. As a step towards understanding the general patterns of parasite species richness, we present results from a new comprehensive data base of over 7000 host–parasite combinations representing 146 species of carnivores (Mammalia: Carnivora) and 980 species of parasites.
Methods  We used both phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic comparative methods while controlling for unequal sampling effort within a multivariate framework to ascertain the main determinants of parasite species richness in carnivores.
Results  We found that body mass, population density, geographical range size and distance from the equator are correlated with overall parasite species richness in fissiped carnivores. When parasites are classified by transmission mode, body mass and home range area are the main determinants of the richness of parasites spread by close contact between hosts, and population density, geographical range size and distance from the equator account for the diversity of parasites that are not dependent on close contact. For generalist parasites, population density, geographical range size and latitude are the primary predictors of parasite species richness. We found no significant ecological correlates for the richness of specialist or vector-borne parasites.
Main conclusions  Although we found that parasite species richness increases instead of decreases with distance from the equator, other comparative patterns in carnivores support previous findings in primates, suggesting that similar ecological factors operate in both these independent evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

To explore the impacts of increasing human numbers on nature, many studies have examined relationships between human population density (HPD) and biodiversity change. The implicit assumption in many of these studies is that as population density increases so does the threat to biodiversity. The implications of this assumption are compounded by recent research showing that species richness for many taxonomic groups is often highest in areas with high HPD. If increasing HPD is a threat to conservation, this threat may be magnified owing to the spatial congruence between people and species richness. Here, I review the relationships between HPD and measures of biodiversity status focussing in particular on evidence for the spatial congruence between people and species richness and the threat that increasing HPD may pose to biodiversity conservation. The review is split into two major sections: (i) a quantitative assessment of 85 studies covering 401 analyses, including meta-analyses on discrete relationships; and (ii) a discussion of the implications of the quantitative analyses and major issues raised in the literature. Our understanding of the relationships between HPD and biodiversity is skewed by geographic and taxonomic biases in the literature. Most research has been conducted in the Northern Hemisphere and focussed primarily on birds and mammals, largely ignoring relationships with other taxonomic groups. A total of 127 analyses compared HPD with the species richness of particular taxonomic groups. A meta-analysis of these results found a significant positive population correlation indicating that, on average, species-rich regions and human settlements co-occur. However, there was substantial unexplained heterogeneity in these data. Some of this heterogeneity was explained by the size of the sampling unit used by researchers - as this increased so did the strength of the correlation between HPD and species richness. The most convincing result for a taxonomic group was a significant positive population correlation between HPD and bird species richness. Significant positive population correlations were also found for HPD versus the richness of threatened and geographically restricted species. Hence, there is reasonably good evidence for spatial congruence between people and species-rich regions. The reasons for this congruence are only just beginning to be explored, but key mutual drivers appear to include available energy and elevation. The evidence for increasing HPD as a threat to conservation was weak, owing primarily to the extreme heterogeneity in the approaches used to address this issue. There was some suggestion of a positive relationship between HPD and species extinction, but this result should be interpreted with caution owing to the wide diversity of approaches used to measure extinction. Identifying strong links between human development and species extinction is hampered in part by the difficulty of recording extinction events. The most convincing indication of the negative impact of increasing HPD was a significant negative population correlation between density and the size of protected areas. The magnitude and implications of spatial congruence between people and biodiversity are now being explored using the principles of complementarity and irreplaceability. Human development as a threat to conservation is usually assessed within a complex, interdisciplinary modelling framework, although population size is still considered a key factor. Future population growth and expansion of human settlements will present increasing challenges for conserving species-rich regions and maximising the benefits humans gain from nature.  相似文献   

Afforestation resulting from fire suppression, modified grazing, plantation establishment and climate change poses a threat to northern prairie ecosystems. Trees alter the composition and function of plant and soil fauna communities and can compromise the restoration of afforested prairies. To evaluate the hypothesis that legacies of afforestation persist in restored prairie communities and decrease the potential for restoration, we examined the composition, structure, and diversity of plant and seed bank communities along a 20 year chronosequence of plantation tree removal from a northern fescue prairie in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. Tree removal increased the abundance of weedy species in the plant and seed bank communities of restored prairies and plant diversity peaked and declined over the 20 year period of passive restoration. As a result, time since tree removal and the encroachment of invasive species were key in explaining the composition of restored prairie communities. Low correlation between the species composition of plant and seed bank communities, including the complete absence of Festuca hallii in restored treatments, demonstrated that legacies of afforestation compromised the potential of seed banks to facilitate prairie restoration. We conclude that tree removal alone is insufficient for the restoration of northern fescue prairies and that, in the absence of active management, the persistence of low-diversity plant and seed bank communities constitutes an important legacy of afforestation and an important barrier to future restoration.  相似文献   

The key to restoring degraded grassland habitats is identifying feasible and effective techniques to reduce the negative impacts of exotic species and promote self‐sustaining native populations. It is often difficult to extend monitoring of restoration efforts to evaluate long‐term success, but doing so is essential to understanding how initial outcomes change over time. To assess how initial treatment effects persist, we revisited degraded patches of Pacific Northwest prairie habitat 6 years after experimental restoration efforts ceased. We evaluated plant community composition to determine the lasting effects of supplemental native seeding and disturbance treatments (burning, mowing, and herbicide to reduce exotic species). We tracked the persistence of seeded species and measured spread of their populations to evaluate suitability of species for restoration and the ability of the habitat to support native plant populations. We found that plots that received supplemental seeding continued to exhibit higher richness of native species than those left unseeded, and that both seeding and disturbance treatments could positively influence native species abundance over the long term. The initially observed effects of disturbance treatments on reducing exotic grass abundance had diminished, highlighting the importance of long‐term monitoring and ongoing control of exotic species. Nevertheless, these treatments significantly influenced the population trajectories of 4 out of 8 seeded native species. There was evidence of spatial advance of most seeded species. Results from extended monitoring confirm that dispersal limitation of native species and difficulties maintaining the reduction of exotic grasses continue to be major barriers to success in restoration of invaded grasslands.  相似文献   

Transect surveys of adult butterflies were conducted along fixed routes at 27 study sites grouped into three subregions of tallgrass prairie and one subregion of pine-oak barrens in the midwestern USA. Within subregion, each site was visited the same number of times over 5–7 years on similar dates with similar weather. For each site, five indices of species richness and/or abundance were calculated both for total butterflies and for specialist species primarily restricted to native herbaceous vegetation. These indices were then analysed as to how much they agreed or conflicted in site ranking and how site rankings based on total butterflies compared to those based on specialists. Variation in site ranking by different indices was relatively low. Mean site rank by specialist indices covaried significantly with mean site rank by indices for total butterflies. Numerous studies have shown that on a regional scale, areas of higher richness for all species in a taxonomic group are different habitat types (based on amount of canopy or degree of degradation) from hotspots for that taxon's subset of species of conservation concern (endemics or specialists). But in this study, within a habitat type, site rankings based on total butterflies significantly tended to agree with site rankings based on specialist butterflies. This suggests that site prioritization and management favouring specialist butterflies would also favour the overall butterfly fauna possible in the same habitat.  相似文献   

Cronin JT 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):503-514
Few field studies of natural populations have examined the factors influencing local extinctions and colonization of empty habitat patches for a prey species and its predator. In this study, I carried out a census of planthopper (Prokelisia crocea; Hemiptera: Delphacidae) and egg parasitoid (Anagrus columbi; Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) incidence and densities in 147 host-plant patches (Spartina pectinata; Poaceae) over seven planthopper generations in a tall-grass prairie landscape. For both species, the likelihood of going extinct in a patch was related to a number of patch-specific variables: density, temporal variability in density, proportion of hosts parasitized (planthopper only), host-plant density, patch size, patch isolation, and composition of the surrounding matrix. Colonization likelihood was related only to the physical attributes of the patch. There was high patch turnover in this prairie landscape. On average, planthoppers went extinct in 23% of the patches and A. columbi went extinct in 51% of the patches in each generation. For the planthopper, extinction likelihood increased with a decrease in patch size and the proportion of the matrix composed of mudflat. Parasitism of eggs had no effect on the extinction likelihood of local P. crocea populations, suggesting that A. columbi may not play a major role in the patch dynamics of its host. The likelihood of extinction for A. columbi was dependent on factors that spanned three trophic levels. An increase in plant density, decrease in host density and decrease in parasitoid density all increased the likelihood of A. columbi extinction within a patch. The dependency on multiple trophic levels may explain the higher extinction risk for the parasitoid than its host. A. columbi extinction was also affected by the matrix habitat surrounding the patch—the effect was the opposite of that for P. crocea. Finally, vacant patches were colonized at rates of 53% and 34% per generation for the planthopper and parasitoid, respectively. For both species, colonization probabilities decreased with an increase in patch isolation. High host densities in a patch also favored high rates of colonization by A. columbi. I discuss how anthropogenic changes to the prairie landscape can affect the metapopulation dynamics and persistence time of this host-parasitoid interaction.  相似文献   

Thirty forest sites in Georgia were sampled to obtain inventories of their land snail faunas. The sites, in nine sampling areas, ranged from Batumi near the Turkish border to Lagodekhi near the Azerbaijan border, and included parts of both the Lesser and Greater Caucasus mountains and the Colchic lowlands. Abundance was generally low, and most sites held less than 20 species. Ninety species were found overall. Although sites within some sampling areas had very similar faunas, the overall levels of similarity among sites and sampling areas was low, especially when compared with similar forests from northern central Europe. Both climate and geographical position affected similarity: although these were correlated, independent effects of each were detected, and the effect of position alone was strongest. Despite this effect, most species have ranges extending into Turkey or Ciscaucasia, a few have very limited ranges, and there is no evidence of patterns of allopatric replacement among congeners. These patterns resemble those seen in faunas from forests in lower latitudes, and suggest a slow build‐up of regional diversity by differentiation in situ, without the repeated restrictions to a multiplicity of small refugia that are characteristic of areas where fluctuations in aridity are important. The refugium has remained isolated, and has contributed little to the Holocene recolonization of areas further north. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 239–250.  相似文献   

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