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Two multi‐year field experiments investigated the effects of integrating revegetation with invasive plant management methods to rehabilitate coastal dune and woodland vegetation invaded by Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl. ssp. rotundata (DC.) Norl.) in New South Wales, Australia. The revegetation technique used was to sow directly seeds of three native species common to coastal habitats. Management treatments involved combinations of prescribed fire, manual removal of Bitou bush and an application of herbicide. Addition of native seeds significantly increased density of native species in both habitats. The benefits of manually removing Bitou bush were observed only where densities of native species were at their lowest. Fire increased densities of some native species in the woodland, but decreased those of others in the dune. Densities of Acacia longifolia ssp. sophorae (Labill.) Court (woodland) and of Banksia integrifolia L.f. (woodland and dune) were significantly reduced within 4 months of herbicide application, alone or in combination with other treatments. The majority of these effects, however, did not persist. Manual removal in both habitats and addition of seed in the woodland were most effective in reducing Bitou bush densities when applied post‐fire. Herbicide treatment on its own or in combination with other treatments did not significantly reduce Bitou bush densities by the end of the experiments. We conclude that restoration of coastal ecosystems invaded by a major invasive plant species requires a whole‐of‐system approach involving revegetation in combination with known management methods to assist recovery of native species in the longer term.  相似文献   

Unsanctioned travel routes through alpine ecosystems can influence water drainage patterns, cause sedimentation of streams, and erode soils. These disturbed areas can take decades to revegetate. In 2012, a volunteer‐driven project restored a 854‐m section of unsanctioned road along the Continental Divide in Colorado, United States. The restored area was seeded with three native grass species and then treated by installing erosion matting or adding supplemental rock cover. Four years later, results suggest that the seeding along with the use of erosion matting or supplemental rock can enhance revegetation. Matting appeared to accumulate litter, and this effect might have contributed to enhanced moisture retention. Treated areas contained 40% of the vegetation cover found on adjacent controls, which averaged 69% vascular plant absolute cover. Recovery on both treatments was markedly higher than published estimates of passive revegetation of disturbed areas measured elsewhere suggesting seeding with added cover or protection led to substantial vegetative cover after 4 years. Two of the 3 seeded grass species, Trisetum spicatum and Poa alpina, dominated the restored plots, composing 81.7% of relative vegetation cover on matting sites and 73.4% of relative cover on rock‐supplemented areas. Presumably due to its preference for moister sites, Deschampsia cespitosa had low establishment rates. Volunteer species, that is species that appeared on their own, contributed 6.3% to the absolute vegetation cover of matting and rock sites, and species such as Minuartia biflora, Minuartia obtusiloba, Poa glauca, and Festuca brachyphylla should be considered for use in future restorations.  相似文献   

In using native species for revegetation, it is necessary choose source populations carefully to reduce the risk of planting suboptimal germplasm. To make preliminary recommendations for native species to use in the revegetation of a volcanically devastated area on Miyake Is., Japan, we investigated the genetic variation of Alnus sieboldiana, Miscanthus sinensis ssp. condensatus, and Polygonum cuspidatum var. terminalis in the Izu Islands and on the Izu Peninsula based on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequence variations and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The amount and pattern of differentiation differ between organelle and nuclear markers, suggesting the necessity of evaluation based on both types of markers. Within-population diversity did not vary among populations, suggesting that it does not need to be considered in the choice of a source population. The pattern and degree of differentiation varied among species, and geographical proximity did not necessarily accord with genetic similarity, suggesting that the site of an appropriate source population varies among species and should be determined empirically rather than by assuming that close proximity predicts genetic similarity. The Izu Peninsula populations deviated from the island populations in all species. Comparison of cpDNA sequences with those of related species indicates the possibility of hybridization with related species on the Izu Peninsula, suggesting that seeds collected from populations where related species live sympatrically should not be used for revegetation. These findings indicate the need to assess the genetic diversity empirically by using organelle and nuclear markers to avoid unintended consequences of genetic mixing associated with revegetation.  相似文献   

Vertebrate frugivores enhance tropical forest regeneration by dispersing seeds into degraded areas. However, the importance of individual species as dispersers may vary within a community. Management and restoration would benefit from understanding which species are critical in moving native seeds into degraded habitats. We compared habitat composition of bird start and end locations for movement intervals based on mean gut passage times for the avian frugivore community on the island of Saipan. The proportion of movement intervals that began in intact, native forest varied among species, with Golden White‐eyes having the highest proportion. However, this species tended to remain in intact forest and only rarely crossed into degraded habitats. Bridled White‐eyes and Mariana Fruit Doves exhibited slightly higher rates of crossing from intact forest to degraded habitats, suggesting an ability to disperse native seeds to degraded areas. White‐throated Ground Doves were never recorded crossing from intact forest to degraded habitats. Despite having a low proportion of movement intervals beginning in intact forest, Micronesian Starlings showed a higher proportion and absolute number of movements from intact forest to degraded habitats, due to their propensity to move frequently, across long distances, and across habitat types. In this species‐poor frugivore network, seed dispersal into degraded habitats appears highly dependent on one species within the community. Regeneration of degraded lands may be severely hindered if this key disperser is lost.  相似文献   

Questions: Can we use local native plants for roadside revegetation? What cultural methods help enhance the process? Location: Trans Canada Highway, Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland. Objectives: To (1) test stratification requirements for seed ger‐mination, (2) determine if germination, survival and growth of seedlings and stem cuttings of selected plants can be increased by mulching treatments and (3) identify native plants and cultural treatments useful for revegetation. Methods: We tested seed germination of Kalmia angustifoliaIris versicolorJuncus effususEriophorum vaginatum, Clintonia borealis and Cornus canadensis in a greenhouse experiment. We conducted field experiments of roadside revegetation using seeds of K. angustifolia, I. versicolorJ. effusus and E. vaginatum, as well as seedlings of I. versicolor and rooted stem cuttings of Emptrum nigrum and Juniperus communis after hay‐mat mulch and organic matter mulch application. Results: Stratified seeds of K. angustifoliaI. versicolor, J. effusus and E. vaginatum germinated successfully in the greenhouse, whereas C. borealis and C. canadensis seeds did not. Along roadsides, only I. versicolor seeds germinated. Iris versicolor cover increased significantly in organic matter mulch compared to hay‐mat mulch and control. Transplanted I. versicolor seedlings had high survival in all treatments but growth was reduced in organic matter mulch. Survival and growth of stem cuttings of E. nigrum and J. communis were significantly increased on hay‐mat mulch. Application: Rooted stem cuttings of E. nigrum and J. communis planted on hay‐mat mulch can be used as a practical method of roadside revegetation. These shrubs have low structure, are evergreen, and exhibit stress‐tolerance properties, which make them ideal species for roadside revegetation. They are also non‐palatable to wildlife. Roadside ditches can be revegetated by seeds or seedlings of I. versicolor. Robust roots and rhizomes of this plant may provide soil stability and dark green leaves and attractive flowers create aesthetically pleasing vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the potential of sheep to serve as seed dispersers via ingestion and defecation in calcareous grasslands? Is the presence of viable seeds from dung correlated with specific seed traits? Location: Calcareous grasslands, South Limburg, the Netherlands/Belgium. Methods: Dung samples (n=24) from sheep were collected between September 2006 and November 2007 from five sites with Mesobromion plant communities, and communities of Nardo‐Galion saxatilis. Germinability and identity of seeds in the dung samples were ascertained from germination of seedlings under glasshouse conditions. Seed traits of species with viable seeds in dung were compared with those present in the local species pool. Results: Seventy‐two plant species from 23 plant families had viable seeds in sheep dung. The plant families encountered most frequently were Gramineae and Compositae. The most abundant and frequently recorded plant species in dung samples was Urtica dioica, accounting for >80% of the total number of seeds. Mean seed density in sheep dung was 0.8 seeds g?1 dry matter. Seeds with low seed mass and a high seed longevity index were over‐represented in dung. Viable seeds >2.5 mg were infrequent in the dung samples. Conclusions: We conclude that sheep are potentially important dispersers of plant species in Dutch calcareous grasslands. Although smaller seeds were relatively abundant in sheep dung, it cannot be excluded that this was mainly caused by differences in seed abundance.  相似文献   

The Bonin Islands are endowed with endemic species. However, these species are at risk of extinction because of the exuberance of invasive alien plants. Therefore, native plant species should be revegetated after eradicating alien plants. We investigated the genetic variation of Terminalia catappa populations in the Bonin Islands by using nuclear (n) microsatellites (simple sequence repeats [SSRs]) and chloroplast (cp) DNA. No significant differences were observed in the genetic diversity of nSSRs among 22 populations. However, recent bottlenecks were detected in three populations on the Chichijima Island group. nSSR variation and cpDNA haplotypes suggested the presence of two genetically distinct groups in the Mukojima and Chichijima Island groups and the Hahajima Island group. A similar genetic structure was observed in plants and animals in the Bonin Islands. Populations on the three islands, which were separated from other islands in each island group when the water depth was 50‐m lower than the present level, were dominated by unique nSSRs clusters, suggesting that historical changes in island connections during the Pleistocene era affected genetic substructuring. These results suggested that different factors contributed to the genetic structure of T. catappa on different geographic scales. At the whole‐island level, the genetic structure was determined by long‐distance seed dispersal by ocean currents. At the island‐group level, the genetic structure was determined by historical changes in island connections caused by changes in the sea level due to glacial–interglacial transition. These findings would help in establishing transplantation zone borders for revegetating T. catappa on the Bonin Islands.  相似文献   

Revegetation of degraded arid lands often involves supplementing impoverished seed banks and improving the seedbed, yet these approaches frequently fail. To understand these failures, we tracked the fates of seeds for six shrub species that were broadcast across two contrasting surface disturbances common to the Mojave Desert—sites compacted by concentrated vehicle use and trenched sites where topsoil and subsurface soils were mixed. We evaluated seedbed treatments that enhance soil‐seed contact (tackifier) and create surface roughness while reducing soil bulk density (harrowing). We also explored whether seed harvesting by granivores and seedling suppression by non‐native annuals influence the success of broadcast seeding in revegetating degraded shrublands. Ten weeks after treatments, seeds readily moved off of experimental plots in untreated compacted sites, but seed movements were reduced 32% by tackifier and 55% through harrowing. Harrowing promoted seedling emergence in compacted sites, particularly for the early‐colonizing species Encelia farinosa, but tackifier was largely ineffective. The inherent surface roughness of trenched sites retained three times the number of seeds than compacted sites, but soil mixing during trench development likely altered the suitability of the seedbed thus resulting in poor seedling emergence. Non‐native annuals had little influence on seed fates during our study. In contrast, the prevalence of harvester ants increased seed removal on compacted sites, whereas rodent activity influenced removal on trenched sites. Future success of broadcast seeding in arid lands depends on evaluating disturbance characteristics prior to seeding and selecting appropriate species and seasons for application.  相似文献   

Using nurse plants to facilitate native plant recruitment in degraded habitats is a common restoration practice across various arid and semiarid environments. Living trees or shrubs are typically considered nurse plants, whereas dead shrubs left in the landscape from prolonged drought are understudied prospective facilitators for native plant recruitment. The interaction between nurse plants and biotic pressures, such as herbivory, on native recruitment is also not well understood in semiarid plant communities. We investigated the effects of facilitation and herbivory on native seedling germination, growth, and survival in the restoration of degraded coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat. Native shrub seedlings (Artemisia californica and Salvia mellifera) were planted, and native annual species (Amsinckia intermedia, Deinandra fasciculata, Phacelia distans, and Pseudognaphalium californicum) were sown in three Shrub Type treatments (live shrub, dead shrub, and exposed areas), with a nested Cage treatment (no cage and cage) in each Shrub Type treatment. Annual species grew equally well in all Shrub Type treatments; shrub seedlings grew largest in exposed areas. While there was little evidence of facilitation for all species tested, there were strong positive effects of caging on growth and establishment of all species. Caging palatable native species or planting species with anti‐herbivory traits around target plants may be more strategic approaches compared to using nurse plants in restoring degraded CSS after extended drought.  相似文献   

This article analyses how settlers of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) construct themselves as ‘natives’ through environmental management. Taking a multispecies ethnographic and historical approach to studying the Falkland Islanders’ self‐determination claim, I explore a series of ecological practices that demonstrate how some nonhumans become institutionalized into systems of racial and colonial classification whereas others appear natural. I show how agroindustrial and technoscientific value systems categorize human and nonhuman cohabitants according to degrees of political, economic, and ecological status through particular periods in the Falklands: from the eradication of ‘native pests’ (1833‐1982) to defence against ‘alien invaders’ (1982‐present). Towards a conclusion, I analyse how Islanders have begun to uproot their own ecological imperial past through removal of British‐introduced ‘invasive’ species and native habitat restoration. The article argues that attention to how settlers colonize with natives contributes significantly to a critical multispecies anthropology with broader implications for debates on ethnogenesis and indigeneity.  相似文献   

While several studies have shown that invasive rats can have negative effects on island birds through predation (both direct predation and nest predation), other mechanisms for the effects of invasives on island biota have been given less attention. Here, we explore another potential mechanism by which invasive rats can affect native island birds: the competitive use of common resources. We used stable isotope analyses to estimate the fraction of marine and terrestrial sources incorporated into the tissues of two species of passerines (Troglodytes cobbi, Troglodytidae; and Cinclodes antarcticus, Furnariidae) and Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus, Muridae) in the Falkland Islands. These two passerines are absent on islands where rats are present. We found significant incorporation of marine resources in the three species, with the highest incorporation in tissues of T. cobbi. This species appears to be one of the passerines most reliant on marine sources and the most marine member of the family Troglodytidae. We also used the results of these isotopic analyses to estimate the isotopic niche breadth of each of these species and the isotopic niche overlap among them. Rattus norvegicus had a large isotopic niche that overlapped broadly with those of the two passerine species. We propose that different ways of both depicting and estimating isotopic niche widths are complementary rather than alternative. Our results are consistent with the notion that invasive rats might have an impact on these two species of Falkland Island passerines by using common resources but do not rule out the possibility that part of their effect is through direct predation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Due to economic pressures and policy changes Lolium perenne‐Trifolium repens sown swards in upland UK sheep systems are likely to become less intensively managed. We present results from the first 5 yr of a long‐term experiment studying vegetation change under more extensive grazing management at three sites. One treatment was representative of current, intensive management and 5 were unfertilized with different intensities of seasonal grazing. The species composition of unfertilized, ungrazed swards changed dramatically within 2 yr and the sown species had virtually disappeared by year 5. Ranunculus repens, Poa trivialis, Agrostis gigantea, Juncus spp. and Carex spp. became dominant at the wettest site. Grasses were dominant at the other sites. In contrast, the sown species were retained in the unfertilized, grazed treatments; there were small shifts in abundance of the species present initially and few additions or losses of species. Some colonizing species were present in the seed bank whereas others with a transient seed bank appeared to have invaded from neighbouring vegetation. Implications of these results for compensation schemes to reduce animal output and increase biodiversity are discussed.  相似文献   

Desertification and climate change are degrading large areas of arid and semiarid habitat in many regions. In response, many countries have implemented revegetation programs, commonly using Atriplex nummularia, native to Australia. Although not intrinsically targeted at habitat restoration, these programs aim to restore (stabilize) erosional processes and provide livestock forage (usually goats, sheep). Few investigators have assessed the utility of these novel habitats for native fauna. In a recent, extensive survey of small mammal communities in lands revegetated with A. nummularia in north‐central Chile, we captured a single animal, the marsupial (Thylamys elegans). We also captured no birds in our live traps and saw numerous darkling beetles in traps. These striking results contrasted with data from a nearby ungrazed park with natural vegetation where 10 small mammal species are known with total abundances ranging from 15 to 80 animals in similar sampling efforts. These revegetated lands provide poor habitat for native mammals, and we argue that revegetation efforts should include proactive risk assessment and cost‐benefit analyses in a structured decision‐making framework. In addition, managers should target increased plant species diversity to support broader biological diversity in addition to the need to control erosion. Although our work has focused on revegetation with Atriplex, numerous other plant species have been intentionally introduced to arid lands, usually for economic reasons; many of these, like Atriplex, have unintended consequences for native biota.  相似文献   

Abstract. Alien invasions typically reduce species richness of habitats, but few studies have examined their effects on species turnover, the difference in species composition between localities. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheat grass) has been planted on 6–10 million ha of North American prairie, and is invading native prairie. We studied the invasion of A. cristatum into native prairie by measuring species composition along a gradient from maximum to minimum A. cristatum abundance. As A. cristatum increased, the abundance of most common native species decreased, but one appeared to be unaffected (Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag.), and another (Poa sandbergii Vasey) increased. The effect of A. cristatum on species turnover was investigated by examining species–area curves for areas from 0.5 m2 to 8.0 m2. Species diversity was reduced by 35% at high A. cristatum abundances at all areas. A. cristatum reduced the intercept of the species–area curve, but not the slope, suggesting that A. cristatum affected species turnover proportionally in all areas and habitats. This unusual result may indicate a homogeneous environment where species are distributed randomly. A. cristatum produced almost twice as many seeds as all native grasses combined. The number of seeds collected of native grasses and A. cristatum was highly correlated with the number of seed heads immediately nearby, but not with transect position. This suggests most seeds were dispersed over distances less than 5 m. In sum, the invasion of native prairie by A. cristatum might be related to high rates of seed production, and has the effect of decreasing species turnover by reducing the intercept of the species–area curve.  相似文献   

Several legume-Rhizobium associations were evaluated by sowing and broadcast of seeds encapsulated with polyacrylamide-entrapped rhizobia (PER) in an opencast limestone quarry in the outer ranges of the Himalaya. Four wild legumes, Lespedeza stenocarpa, Astragalus graveolens, Argyrolobium flaccidum and Indigofera gangetica, with various rhizobial strains, showed higher seedling establishment and survival as well as higher biomass than controls (uninoculated treatments). All legumes established without aftercare. Both A. flaccidum and L. stenocarpa flowered and fruited and the self sown seeds of the experimental stands of the latter species also germinated. Within four years following seeding, many non-legumes colonized the experimental site indicating the amelioration of the derelict habitat. These results give evidence that novel, suitable wild legume-Rhizobium associations are useful in providing a vegetational cover in degraded lands, and that the ecological restoration of limestone-mined sites are possible to some extent by artificial reconstruction. Nodulation in inoculated treatments only suggests that revegetation programmes involving legumes should also include their microsymbionts. Results also suggest that the encapsulation of seeds with PER is a suitable inoculation technology for the revegetation programmes.Abbreviations ARA acetylene reduction activity - CFU colony forming unit(s) - PER polyacrylamide-entrapped rhizobia - YM yeast extract mannitol (medium)  相似文献   

Question: What is the most appropriate combination of treatments to reintroduce Nassella pulchra, a perennial bunchgrass, into degraded mediterranean coastal grasslands? Location: Central coast of California, USA. Methods: N. pulchra was sown from seeds and transplanted into a degraded grassland in a multi‐factorial experiment testing the effects of (1) two grazing intensities (lightly grazed by native mammal species or ungrazed); (2) topsoil removal and (3) reduction of plant neighbours. The experiment was carried out on two types of surrounding vegetation (exotic annual grasses and exotic forbs). Results: Topsoil removal greatly enhanced establishment from seeds and transplant survival, mainly because it reduced the exotic vegetation and thus reduced competition. While removing neighbours was essential when topsoil was left intact, it had a negative effect on N. pulchra when surrounding species included exotic forbs (Brassica spec, and Asteraceae) at low density (after topsoil removal). Moderate grazing by native mammals (deer, rabbits and gophers) did not affect N. pulchra. Conclusion: Our results suggest that seeding after topsoil has been removed is a promising method to reintroduce N. pulchra to highly degraded sites where there is little to no native seed bank.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of the critically endangered Red‐headed Wood Pigeon Columba janthina nitens, a subspecies endemic to a very remote and highly disturbed oceanic island chain, the Ogasawara Islands. An analysis based on high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) was undertaken on 627 faecal samples collected over 2 years from two island habitats, and food availability and the nutrient composition of the major fruits were also estimated. The HTS diet analysis detected 122 food plant taxa and showed clear seasonal and inter‐island variation in the diet of the Pigeons. The results indicated a preference for lipid‐rich fruits, but the diet changed according to the availability of food resources, perhaps reflecting the foraging strategy of the Pigeons in isolated island habitats with poor food resources. Pigeons also frequently consumed introduced plants at certain times of year, perhaps compensating for the lack of preferred native food resources. However, the degree of dependence on introduced plants appeared to differ between the two island habitats, so the different impacts of introduced plant eradication on the foraging conditions for the Pigeons on each island should be considered. HTS diet analysis combined with field data may be useful for monitoring the foraging conditions of endangered species and may also inform an appropriate conservation strategy in oceanic island ecosystems with complicated food webs that include both native and introduced species.  相似文献   

In Mauritius, many of the worst invasive plant species have fleshy fruits and rely on animals for dispersal. The introduced red‐whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) feeds on many fleshy‐fruited species, and often moves from invaded and degraded habitats into higher quality native forests, thus potentially acting as a mediator of continued plant invasion into these areas. Furthermore, gut passage may influence seed germination. To investigate this, we fed fleshy fruits of two invasive plant species, Ligustrum robustum and Clidemia hirta, to red‐whiskered bulbuls. Gut passage times of seeds were recorded. Gut‐passed seeds were sown and their germination rate and germination success compared with that of hand‐cleaned seeds, as well as that of seeds in whole fruits. Gut passage and hand‐cleaning had significant positive effects on germination of both species. Gut‐passed seeds of both C. hirta and L. robustum germinated faster than hand‐cleaned seeds. However, for L. robustum, this was only true when compared with hand‐cleaned seeds with intact endocarp; when compared with hand‐cleaned seeds without endocarp, there was no difference. For overall germination success, there was a positive effect of gut passage for C. hirta, but not for L. robustum. For both C. hirta and L. robustum, no seeds in intact fruits geminated, suggesting that removal of pulp is essential for germination. Our results suggest that, first, the initial invasion of native forests in Mauritius may not have happened so rapidly without efficient avian seed dispersers like the red‐whiskered bulbul. Second, the bulbul is likely to be a major factor in the continued re‐invasion of C. hirta and L. robustum into weeded and restored conservation management areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bischofia javanica is an invasive tree of the Bonin Islands in the western Pacific, Japan. This species has aggressive growth, competitively replacing native trees in the natural forest of the islands. The aim of this study was to examine seed and seedling factors which might confer an advantage to the establishment of Bischofia over native trees. During a 5‐yr period we compared the demographic parameters of early life history of Bischofia and Elaeocarpus photiniae‐folius, a native canopy dominant, in actively invaded forests. Predation of Elaeocarpus seeds by in troduced rodents was much higher before (27.9–32.9%) and after (41.3–100%) dispersal of seeds than that of B. javanica. Most Elaeocarpus seeds lost viability ca. 6 mo after burial in forest soil while some seeds of Bischofia remained viable for more than 2 yr. Seedling survival in the first 2 yr was much higher in Bischofia (16%) than in Elaeocarpus (1.3%). The high persistence of Bischofia in the shade, coupled to its rapid acclimation to high light levels, is an unusual combination because in forest tree species there is generally a trade‐off between seedling survival in the shade and response to canopy opening. Compared with a native canopy dominant, greater seed longevity, lower seed predation by introduced rodents, longer fruiting periods and the ability to form seedling banks under closed canopy appear to have contributed to the invasive success of Bischofia on the Bonin Islands.  相似文献   

To revegetate native plant communities, it is often cheaper to direct seed than to plant nursery‐grown stock. However, the outcomes of direct seeding can be quite variable, and it is unclear whether direct seeding or planting is more likely to facilitate the restoration of diverse plant communities. To address this question, we compared the outcomes of each method across several recent riparian revegetation projects where both direct seeding and tube‐stock planting were used. We surveyed riparian revegetation projects at seven sites within the greater Melbourne area that had been revegetated between 1 and 4 years previously. Sites were all on land previously used for agriculture or degraded public land and ranged in environmental and climatic conditions. Woody plant density, establishment of target species, species richness, species diversity (evenness) and plant heights were assessed. Direct seeding tended to result in higher plant densities and similar species richness, but lower rates of species establishment and diversity compared with planting. A median of 67% of target species established via direct seeding compared with 100% for planting, with direct seeded areas often dominated by one or two species. In general, overall revegetation outcomes were often driven by climatic and site factors, rather than revegetation method. We suggest that to achieve good restoration outcomes from revegetation in riparian areas, a bet‐hedging or combined approach using both sowing and planting may be the best strategy.  相似文献   

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