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Colonial, burrowing herbivores can be engineers of grassland and shrubland ecosystems worldwide. Spatial variation in landscapes suggests caution when extrapolating single‐place studies of single species, but lack of data and the need to generalize often leads to ‘model system’ thinking and application of results beyond appropriate statistical inference. Generalizations about the engineering effects of prairie dogs (Cynomys sp.) developed largely from intensive study at a single complex of black‐tailed prairie dogs C. ludovicianus in northern mixed prairie, but have been extrapolated to other ecoregions and prairie dog species in North America, and other colonial, burrowing herbivores. We tested the paradigm that prairie dogs decrease vegetation volume and the cover of grasses and tall shrubs, and increase bare ground and forb cover. We sampled vegetation on and off 279 colonies at 13 complexes of 3 prairie dog species widely distributed across 5 ecoregions in North America. The paradigm was generally supported at 7 black‐tailed prairie dog complexes in northern mixed prairie, where vegetation volume, grass cover, and tall shrub cover were lower, and bare ground and forb cover were higher, on colonies than at paired off‐colony sites. Outside the northern mixed prairie, all 3 prairie dog species consistently reduced vegetation volume, but their effects on cover of plant functional groups varied with prairie dog species and the grazing tolerance of dominant perennial grasses. White‐tailed prairie dogs C. leucurus in sagebrush steppe did not reduce shrub cover, whereas black‐tailed prairie dogs suppressed shrub cover at all complexes with tall shrubs in the surrounding habitat matrix. Black‐tailed prairie dogs in shortgrass steppe and Gunnison's prairie dogs C. gunnisoni in Colorado Plateau grassland both had relatively minor effects on grass cover, which may reflect the dominance of grazing‐tolerant shortgrasses at both complexes. Variation in modification of vegetation structure may be understood in terms of the responses of different dominant perennial grasses to intense defoliation and differences in foraging behavior among prairie dog species. Spatial variation in the engineering role of prairie dogs suggests spatial variation in their keystone role, and spatial variation in the roles of other ecosystem engineers. Thus, ecosystem engineering can have a spatial component not evident from single‐place studies.  相似文献   

Reintroduction projects aim to reestablish a self‐sustaining population of an endangered species within its historical range. Adequate post‐release monitoring by gathering demographic data is important to evaluate the success of a reintroduction. Survival and reproduction rates of a reintroduced population can be compared with a self‐sustaining wild population to evaluate the success of a reintroduction. In early 2007, Nipponia nippon (Crested Ibis) was reintroduced into the Qinling Mountains (Shaanxi, Central China). In this study, we attempt to evaluate the demographic status of the reintroduced population. Age‐specific survival rates of 56 released adults and 77 wild‐born fledglings were estimated using mark‐recapture data obtained from 2007 to 2014. Survival rates for the yearlings (0.599, with 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.467–0.719) were lower than the estimates from a wild population in Yangxian County, but the survival rates of the adults (0.678, with 95% CI: 0.603–0.745) were similar. The number of breeding pairs gradually increased since 2008, although breeding success (52.5%) was somewhat less than that of the wild population (67.6%). The stochastic estimation of population growth rate (1.084 with 95% CI: 1.069–1.098) and population size (5‐fold increase) estimated from an age‐classified Leslie matrix indicate that the reintroduced population of the Crested Ibis is more likely in regulation phase over the next 25 years. We conclude that the reintroduction of the Crested Ibis in Qinling Mountains has great promise, and progress toward a self‐sustaining population has been made under some interventions. Governments, local communities, and scientists need to facilitate habitat restoration for the long‐term survival of this endangered species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recently, a conservation strategy developed to restore populations of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) suggested reintroducing animals into the Chihuahuan Desert grasslands of the southwestern United States. Rainfall in desert habitats is lower and more variable compared to rainfall near the center of the prairie dog's range. Additionally, peak rainfall comes months after prairie dogs reproduce in these desert systems. Thus, southwestern populations may be less prolific and fluctuate more than those found in northerly climes. Using mark-recapture and mark-resight techniques, we estimated reproduction and monthly survival from 577 individuals inhabiting 6 reintroduced colonies from 2003 to 2005 in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. During 2003 precipitation was 64% of the long-term average, whereas both 2004 and 2005 had near-average precipitation. Probability that a female became pregnant, number of juvenile prairie dogs emerging from maternity burrows, and date of emergence were all correlated to adult female body mass. Adult monthly survival decreased from >0.95 during spring to 0.70 in summer 2003, following a rapid loss in adult body mass that coincided with low precipitation. In 2003 monthly juvenile survival was near zero on 2 of the 3 largest colonies and growth rates of juveniles were half that of subsequent years. Estimated population size declined by 68% (range = 18–91%) from 2003 to 2004, and 5 of 6 populations declined an average of 75% from their original introduction size. Prairie dog populations in desert environs may have a high risk of extirpation caused by weather patterns indicative of desert climates. Our results are important for those managers involved in the conservation of prairie dogs and we suggest that regional differences should be carefully considered prior to any reintroduction effort.  相似文献   

Wildlife disease is recognized as a burgeoning threat to imperiled species and aspects of host and vector community ecology have been shown to have significant effects on disease dynamics. The black‐tailed prairie dog is a species of conservation concern that is highly susceptible to plague, a flea‐transmitted disease. Prairie dogs (Cynomys) alter the grassland communities in which they exist and have been shown to affect populations of small rodents, which are purported disease reservoirs. To explore potential ecological effects of black‐tailed prairie dogs on plague dynamics, we quantified flea occurrence patterns on small mammals in the presence and absence of prairie dogs at 8 study areas across their geographic range. Small mammals sampled from prairie dog colonies showed significantly higher flea prevalence, flea abundance, and relative flea species richness than those sampled from off‐colony sites. Successful plague transmission likely is dependent on high prevalence and abundance of fleas that can serve as competent vectors. Prairie dogs may therefore facilitate the maintenance of plague by increasing flea occurrence on potential plague reservoir species. Our data demonstrate the previously unreported ecological influence of prairie dogs on vector species assemblages, which could influence disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Factors governing the rate and direction of prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) colony expansion remain poorly understood. However, increased knowledge and ability to control these factors may lead to more effective reintroductions of prairie dogs and restoration of grassland habitats. We present density and directional analyses of the establishment of new burrows on three reintroduced colonies of Black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) in southern New Mexico; the study colonies had been subjected to mow and burn treatments in the second year of the study. Our hypotheses were that prairie dogs will preferentially dig new burrows in the treatment plots versus control plots and that the colonies will expand in the direction of the treatment plots. The results support these hypotheses; analysis of burrow counts by site and treatment shows that prairie dogs preferentially colonized both mow and burn treatments compared to untreated areas at the periphery of the colonies. Directional analysis showed a significant posttreatment orientation of new burrows toward the treatment plots for all colonies. Our results show that the direction of expansion of prairie dog colonies can be manipulated. Effective control of the expansion of prairie dog colonies may lead to more successful reintroductions.  相似文献   

The black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) is a keystone species on the mid‐ and short‐grass prairies of North America. The species has suffered extensive colony extirpations and isolation as a result of human activity including the introduction of an exotic pathogen, Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of sylvatic plague. The prairie dog flea, Oropsylla hirsuta, is the most common flea on our study colonies in north‐central Montana and it has been shown to carry Y. pestis. We used microsatellite markers to estimate the level of population genetic concordance between black‐tailed prairie dogs and O. hirsuta in order to determine the extent to which prairie dogs are responsible for dispersing this potential plague vector among prairie dog colonies. We sampled fleas and prairie dogs from six prairie dog colonies in two regions separated by about 46 km. These colonies were extirpated by a plague epizootic that began months after our sampling was completed in 2005. Prairie dogs showed significant isolation‐by‐distance and a tendency toward genetic structure on the regional scale that the fleas did not. Fleas exhibited higher estimated rates of gene flow among prairie dog colonies than the prairie dogs sampled from the same colonies. While the findings suggested black‐tailed prairie dogs may have contributed to flea dispersal, we attributed the lack of concordance between the population genetic structures of host and ectoparasite to additional flea dispersal that was mediated by mammals other than prairie dogs that were present in the prairie system.  相似文献   

Grooming is a common animal behavior that aids in ectoparasite defense. Ectoparasites can stimulate grooming, and natural selection can also favor endogenous mechanisms that evoke periodic bouts of “programmed” grooming to dislodge or kill ectoparasites before they bite or feed. Moreover, grooming can function as a displacement or communication behavior. We compared the grooming behaviors of adult female black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) on colonies with or without flea control via pulicide dust. Roughly 91% of the prairie dogs sampled on the non‐dusted colony carried at least one flea, whereas we did not find fleas on two dusted colonies. During focal observations, prairie dogs on the non‐dusted colony groomed at higher frequencies and for longer durations than prairie dogs on the dusted colonies, lending support to the hypothesis that fleas stimulated grooming. However, the reduced amount of time spent grooming on the dusted colonies suggested that approximately 25% of grooming might be attributed to factors other than direct stimulation from ectoparasites. Non‐dusted colony prairie dogs rarely autogroomed when near each other. Dusted colony prairie dogs autogroomed for shorter durations when far from a burrow opening (refuge), suggesting a trade‐off between self‐grooming and antipredator defense. Allogrooming was detected only on the non‐dusted colony and was limited to adult females grooming young pups. Grooming appears to serve an antiparasitic function in C. ludovicianus. Antiparasitic grooming might aid in defense against fleas that transmit the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis. Plague was introduced to North America ca. 1900 and now has a strong influence on most prairie dog populations, suggesting a magnified effect of grooming on prairie dog fitness.  相似文献   

Animals sharing a common habitat can indirectly receive information about their environment by observing information exchanges between other animals, a process known as eavesdropping. Animals that use an auditory alarm calling system are an important indirect information source for eavesdropping individuals in their environments. We investigated whether Western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) nesting on black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies responded to broadcasts of prairie dog alarm calls. Western burrowing owls are closely associated with black‐tailed prairie dogs in Colorado and neighboring states on the Great Plains of the United States. Prairie dog burrows in active colonies can serve as nesting sites for Western burrowing owls, and prairie dogs may act as an alternative prey source for predators, potentially decreasing the burrowing owls' risk of predation through the dilution effect. Burrowing owls nesting on prairie dog colonies may also eavesdrop on prairie dog alarm calls, enhancing their survival and nesting success on prairie dog colonies. We performed broadcast experiments with three different sounds: a prairie dog alarm call, a biological control (cattle mooing), and a non‐biological control (an airplane engine), and characterized burrowing owl responses as either alert or relaxed. For each sound stimulus, we recorded the time to first alert response to broadcast sounds (latency) and also how frequently the target burrowing owl exhibited an alert response within the first ten seconds of the broadcast (intensity). Burrowing owls reacted more quickly to the prairie dog alarm than to the biological control. They significantly increased the intensity of alert behaviors in response to broadcasts of the alarm, but did not show an increased reaction to either the biological or the non‐biological control. Our results suggest that burrowing owls nesting on prairie dog colonies eavesdrop on, and increase their alert behaviors in response to, prairie dog alarm calls.  相似文献   

Prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) have been eliminated from over 95% of their historic range in large part from direct eradication campaigns to reduce their purported competition with cattle for forage. Despite the longstanding importance of this issue to grassland management and conservation, the ecological interactions between cattle and prairie dogs have not been well examined. We address this issue through two complementary experiments to determine if cattle and prairie dogs form a mutualistic grazing association similar to that between prairie dogs and American bison. Our experimental results show that cattle preferentially graze along prairie dog colony edges and use their colony centers for resting, resembling the mutualistic relationship prairie dogs have with American bison. Our results also show that prairie dog colonies are not only an important component of the grassland mosaic for maintaining biodiversity, but also provide benefits to cattle, thereby challenging the long-standing view of prairie dogs as an undesirable pest species in grasslands.  相似文献   

Translocating prairie dogs from areas in or near human developments to wildlands can reduce conflicts with humans or supplement wild populations, but translocation methods differ in cost and fate of translocated individuals is often difficult to assess. We translocated 74 Gunnison's prairie dogs from 1 source colony in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona (urban) and 75 from 1 source colony in lower density housing outside the city (suburban) to 2 abandoned, recipient colonies on open grasslands 50 km north of the city (wildland). We released animals into uncaged, pre-existing burrow entrances (hard release) or into temporary cages over pre-existing burrow entrances (soft release). We captured 15 (10%) marked animals 1 year post-translocation at the 2 recipient colonies, 7 from soft release treatments and 8 from hard release treatments but visual surveys indicated a minimum of 57 adult prairie dogs and 76 pups present. Adult prairie dogs in all photographs taken by automated cameras placed at burrow entrances at each recipient colony had ear tags, suggesting that most animals at these colonies were survivors from translocation and that survival was likely higher than 10%. By 1 year post-release, recipient colonies occupied an area roughly 9–18 times that of source colonies. Urban Gunnison's prairie dogs can be successfully translocated to abandoned wildland colonies without using soft release methods, but animals may disperse widely. Given the cost and effort translocation requires, and the fact that all 6 confirmed mortalities were from human shooting, we recommend temporary restrictions on shooting at recipient colonies until populations have met management goals. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Reintroductions are conducted to re‐establish a self‐sustaining population of a species and contribute to ecosystem restoration. The brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus) reintroduction into two nature reserves in the Australian Capital Territory in south‐eastern Australia failed to meet its predetermined criteria for success. This occurred despite prior habitat restoration within the reserves where reintroduction occurred. Low survival of reintroduced brown treecreepers, particularly due to predation by native predators, has previously been highlighted as a key factor in the failure of the programme. We compared bird behaviour and habitat characteristics between the reintroduction reserves and the sites where brown treecreepers were sourced (which support stable brown treecreeper populations). We did not identify an indication of significantly higher predation pressure in the reintroduction reserves in comparison with the source sites. However, our results revealed that reintroduced individuals may be more vulnerable to predation because of an increased flight time to reach a refuge area. This was a result of a significantly lower number of refuge areas in logs and trees and a higher number of shrubs (which may obstruct escape paths and hinder detection of predators) in the reintroduction reserves compared with the source sites. We identified a lower ground foraging habitat quality in the reintroduction reserves because of lower numbers of ant mounds and lower areas of forageable ground. However, brown treecreepers were able to disperse extensively throughout the reserves and settle in areas with generally higher‐quality foraging habitat. Therefore, the negative effect of low ground foraging habitat quality would have been most pronounced immediately after release. This study emphasizes the inherent complexities of species reintroductions and ecosystem restoration. Despite experimental restoration activities within the reintroduction reserves, there were still deficiencies in habitat quality. We emphasize that further habitat restoration is required within these reserves to achieve more complete restoration.  相似文献   

Laboratory trials conducted over the past decade at U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center indicate that wild populations of prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) display different degrees of susceptibility to experimental challenge with fully virulent Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. We evaluated patterns in prairie dog susceptibility to plague to determine whether the historical occurrence of plague at location of capture was related to survival times of prairie dogs challenged with Y. pestis. We found that black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) from South Dakota (captured prior to the detection of plague in the state), Gunnison's prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) from Colorado, and Utah prairie dogs (Cynomys parvidens) from Utah were most susceptible to plague. Though the susceptibility of black‐tailed prairie dogs in South Dakota compared with western locations supports our hypothesis regarding historical exposure, both Colorado and Utah prairie dogs have a long history of exposure to plague. It is possible that for these populations, genetic isolation/bottle necks have made them more susceptible to plague outbreaks.  相似文献   

Diets of prairie dogs (Cynomys mexicanus) co-existing with goats or cattle were examined using microhistological fecal analysis in a 1-year study on a grassland of northern Mexico. Consumption of forbs was generally higher (33% versus 21% across all seasons; P< 0.05) in prairie dog diets co-existing with cattle compared to prairie dogs co-existing with goats. The diet of prairie dogs grazing with goats was based around grasses (79% of total forage ingested versus 68% for prairie dogs on the pasture grazed by cattle all seasons; P<0.05). In general, prairie dogs showed a higher preference for forbs in the pasture grazed by cattle than in the pasture grazed by goats. Data for dietary overlap (69% across all seasons) pointed to a moderate diet similarity between prairie dogs grazing with goats or cattle. Prairie dogs co-existing with goats had a higher (P<0.05) fecal N concentration in the fall than prairie dog co-occurring with cattle (2.4±0.1 versus 2.1±0.1). In spring and summer, prairie dogs in the pasture shared with goats had higher (P<0.05) fecal P concentrations than prairie dog co-existing with cattle (3.0±0.4 versus 2.5±0.2 and 1.6±0.1 versus 1.0±0.1, respectively). The results of this study indicate distinct differences in diets of prairie dogs co-existing with goats or cattle, although these foraging differences did not affect negatively the diet quality of prairie dogs (based on fecal N and P data) grazing with goats, despite the highly degraded range in this site. Prairie dogs showed a high feeding adaptability, which allowed them to meet their nutritional needs in a highly degraded site around the goat's pens in a settlement with communal grazing land.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of terrestrial vertebrates with the goal of ecosystem restoration typically establishes small and isolated populations that may experience reduced genetic variability due to founder effects and genetic drift. Understanding the genetic structure of these populations and maintaining adequate genetic diversity is important for long‐term restoration success. We quantified genetic variability at six microsatellite loci for a reintroduced population of Cervus elaphus (elk) restored to the tallgrass prairie ecosystem of northeastern Kansas. Allelic richness, observed and expected heterozygosity were intermediate to levels reported in other North American elk populations. Current levels of genetic variability in restored North American elk populations were not well explained by founding population size, number of founding populations, or number of years since the last translocation. Simulation results suggest that the retention of genetic variability in isolated populations is strongly influenced by mating system while also being impacted by temporal variability in population size and population growth rate. Our results have implications for understanding how translocation strategies and post‐reintroduction management may influence genetic variability in restored populations.  相似文献   

Although species reintroduction attempts are now common, monitoring of reintroduction attempts rarely extends beyond initial population establishment. This short timespan likely fails to document long‐term population stability, subtle changes in behavior, and the potentially larger effects that some reintroduced species may have on other species. The Red‐cockaded Woodpecker (RCW; Dryobates borealis) is an important habitat specialist and ecosystem engineer that excavates cavities in living trees. Excavation of natural RCW cavities can take years to complete, but they also persist for many years and are used by many other species. We quantified characteristics of cavity trees excavated by RCWs (n = 44) in two populations that were reintroduced to unoccupied areas more than 10 years earlier. We measured features associated with heartwood rot and used generalized linear mixed effects regression to determine whether these features differed for trees selected for cavity excavation compared with random neighboring trees. We also assessed population trends for cavity‐nesting species that commonly used RCW cavities on one of the sites. Height of first live limb was the only factor distinguishing natural RCW cavity trees from control trees. Four of six cavity‐nesting species monitored increased significantly following RCW establishment. The increases may relate to the many natural and artificial cavities created during the reintroduction effort. Future reintroductions of the RCW should lead to successful natural cavity excavation if sufficiently large trees with smaller live crowns are present. Future efforts may also benefit the broader community of cavity‐nesting birds.  相似文献   

Habitat availability might be the most important determinant of success for a species reintroduction programme, making investigation of the quality and quantity of habitat needed to produce self‐sustaining populations a research priority for reintroduction ecologists. We used a stochastic model of population dynamics to predict whether attempts to improve existing breeding territories using artificial nest platforms improved the population growth rate and persistence of a reintroduced population of Northern Aplomado Falcons Falco femoralis septentrionalis in South Texas. We further assessed whether the creation of new territories, i.e. conversion of entire areas to suitable habitat and not simply the erection of nest platforms, would lead to a subsequent increase in the nesting population. Our model was able to reproduce several characteristics of the wild population and predicted the number of breeding pairs per year strikingly well (R2 = 0.97). Simulations revealed that the addition of nest platforms improved productivity such that the population would decline to extinction without them but is stable since their installation. Moreover, the model predicted that the increase in productivity due to nest platforms would cause the population to saturate available breeding territories, at which point the population would contain a moderate proportion of non‐territorial birds that could occupy territories if new ones become available. Population size would therefore be proportional to the increase in available territories. Our study demonstrates that artificial nest‐sites can be an effective tool for the management of reintroduced species.  相似文献   

Understanding the interactive effects of multiple keystone species where they co-occur may have important consequences for regional biodiversity. Additionally, understanding how the impacts of keystone species vary across different ecosystems is important for effectively guiding conservation and management. We conducted a large-scale field study in northern Mexico where the geographic distributions of black-tailed prairie dogs Cynomys ludovicianus and banner-tailed kangaroo rats Dipodomys spectabilis overlap. These species are considered both keystones and ecosystem engineers of grassland environments, but little is known about their separate and interacting roles in desertified systems where they co-occur. Our research evaluated 1) the independent impacts of black-tailed prairie dogs and banner-tailed kangaroo rats in a desertified annual grassland, and 2) their interactive effects on grassland community structure and biodiversity. Prairie dogs and kangaroo rats differentially affected vegetation structure, plant cover, species composition, and species richness across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The interactive effects of these keystone species resulted in enhanced landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity. Our results demonstrate the importance of prairie dogs and kangaroo rats in desertified grasslands, and have important implications for understanding the interactive effects and context-dependency of keystone species.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 is widely accepted to enhance terrestrial carbon sink, especially in arid and semi‐arid regions. However, great uncertainties exist for the CO2 fertilisation effects, particularly when its interactions with other global change factors are considered. A four‐factor (CO2, temperature, precipitation and nitrogen) experiment revealed that elevated CO2 did not affect either gross ecosystem productivity or ecosystem respiration, and consequently resulted in no changes of net ecosystem productivity in a semi‐arid grassland despite whether temperature, precipitation and nitrogen were elevated or not. The observations could be primarily attributable to the offset of ecosystem carbon uptake by enhanced soil carbon release under CO2 enrichment. Our findings indicate that arid and semi‐arid ecosystems may not be sensitive to CO2 enrichment as previously expected and highlight the urgent need to incorporate this mechanism into most IPCC carbon‐cycle models for convincing projection of terrestrial carbon sink and its feedback to climate change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Smith's Longspurs (Calcarius pictus) are a species of concern in North America because of their limited range and apparent low population size. To better understand winter habitat needs and guide management of this species, we examined habitat associations of Smith's Longspurs in eastern Arkansas by comparing grassland patches where Smith's Longspurs flushed to randomly located patches in the same area. Smith's Longspurs were found in sparse grassland patches of relatively low height adjacent to airport runways where the native grass prairie three‐awn (Aristida oligantha) dominated ground cover and vertical structure. Smith's Longspurs were not found in vegetation plots dominated by non‐native Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). Prairie three‐awn grass may provide concealment from predators and their seeds may be an important food source. Occurrence of Smith's Longspurs was also correlated with less litter, perhaps because deeper litter could make walking and searching for seeds more difficult. Availability of suitable habitat for Smith's Longspurs along airport runways may be declining due to natural succession of grassland habitat in the absence of disturbance and recent changes in management that favor Bermuda grass. Conversion and degradation of native prairie has resulted in the decline in abundance and distribution of Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (C. ornatus) and McCown's Longspurs (Rhynchophanes mccownii). Our findings suggest that conversion of native grasslands to non‐native grasslands results in loss and degradation of habitat for wintering populations of Smith's Longspurs.  相似文献   

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