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S P Edmondson  W C Johnson 《Biopolymers》1986,25(12):2335-2348
We have measured the CD, isotropic absorption, and linear dichroism (LD) in the vacuum-uv spectral region for the B-conformations of poly[d(G)]-poly[d(C)] and poly[d(GC)]-poly[d(GC)], and for the Z-conformation of poly[d(GC)]-poly[d(GC)] formed in 70% trifluoroethanol. The reduced dichroism (LD divided by isotropic absorption) for all conformations varied with wavelength, indicating that the bases are not perpendicular to the helix axis. Since the directions of the transition dipoles are known, the inclinations and axes of inclination of each base can be determined from the wavelength dependence of the reduced dichroism spectra. The results indicate that the base normals of the (G + C) polymers in the B- and Z-conformations are tilted at angles greater than 19° with respect to the helix axis. The guanine and cytosine bases have different inclinations, and the tilt axes are not parallel. Therefore, the bases for all the (G + C) polymer conformations studied are buckled and propeller twisted.  相似文献   

J K James  I Tinoco  Jr 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(14):3287-3293
The solution structure of the DNA analogue of the unusually stable r[C(UUCG)G] RNA hairpin, 5'-d[GGA-C(TTCG)GTCC]-3', has been determined by NMR spectroscopy, and its structure has been compared to that of the RNA molecule. The RNA molecule is compact and rigid with a highly structured loop. However, the DNA molecule is much less structured. The DNA hairpin contains a B-form stem of four base pairs. The terminal base pair frays, and the 3'-terminal nucleotides, C11 and C12, are in equilibrium between 2'-endo and 3'-endo conformations. Unlike the RNA loop, the DNA loop contains no syn nucleotides, and there is no evidence for base-base or base-phosphate hydrogen bonding in the loop. The loop is flexible, and reveals no specific internucleotide interactions.  相似文献   

The interconversion between the right (R) and left (L) helical forms of poly[d(G-C)] occurs at low concentrations of MgCl2 and EtOH, acting together in a highly synergistic manner. Thus, the cooperative R---L transition is induced by only 0.4 mM and 4 MM MgCl2 in combination with 20% and 10% EtOH, respectively. The L form of poly[d(G-C)] formed under these conditions has the spectroscopic properties (absorption, circular dichroism) previously demonstrated under high salt conditions (Pohl and Jovin, 1972) and thought to correspond to the left-handed Z DNA structures recently established by X-ray crystallography (Wang et al., 1979; Drew et al., 1980). However, L DNA formed in Mg2+-EtOH (which we designate as Z* DNA) has unique properties: a) it can be sedimented readily out of solution at low speed, indicative of condensation and intermolecular aggregation; b) it supports the binding of several intercalating (ethidium bromide, actinomycin D) and non-intercalating (mithramycin) drugs, although these interact preferentially with the R (i.e., B) form of DNA; and c) it functions as a template for Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. B and Z* DNAs can be generated under identical ionic conditions and compared in a number of biochemical systems. Our results suggest that left-handed DNA may form under physiological conditions and serve a biological function.  相似文献   

Proton two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (2D NOE) spectra in the pure absorption phase were obtained at 500 MHz for [d(GGAATTCC)]2 in aqueous solution at a series of mixing times. The experimental data were analyzed by comparison with theoretical spectra calculated using the complete 70 X 70 relaxation matrix including all proton dipole-dipole interactions and spin diffusion [Keepers, J. W. & James, T. L. (1984) J. Magn. Reson. 57, 404-426]. The theoretical spectra at each mixing time were calculated using two structures: a standard B-form DNA structure and an energy-minimized structure based on the similarity of the six internal residues of the title octamer with those of the dodecamer [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2, for which the crystal structure has been determined. Neither the standard B-form nor the energy-minimized structure will yield theoretical 2D NOE spectra which accurately reproduce all peak intensities in the experimental spectra. However, many features of the experimental spectra can be represented by both the B-form and the energy-minimized structure. Sequence-dependent structural characteristics are manifest in the 2D NOE spectra, in particular at the purine-pyrimidine junction as noted previously in the crystal structure. On the whole, the energy-minimized structure appears to yield theoretical 2D NOE spectra which mimic many, if not all, aspects of the experimental spectra. All 2D NOE data were consistent with nanosecond correction times as implied by proton spin-lattice relaxation time measurements. But better fits of some of the 2D NOE data using small variations in an effective isotropic correlation time suggest that there may be some local variations in mobility within the octamer duplex structure in solution.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of d(C3G3), a B-family duplex in solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NMR and circular dichroism studies of the duplex formed by the self-complementary DNA hexanucleotide d(C3G3) indicate that it is a B-type structure but differs from standard B-form. An analysis of NMR coupling constants within the deoxyribose moieties yields a 70% or greater contribution from pseudorotation phase angles corresponding to the C3'-exo conformation, a conformation similar to the C2'-endo conformation associated with B-form DNA. Intranucleotide interproton distances are consistent with a B-form structure, but some internucleotide distances are intermediate between A- and B-form structures. Circular dichroism spectra have B-form characteristics but also include an unusual negative band at 282 nm. The solution spectroscopic results are in contrast with X-ray crystallographic studies which find A-form structures for similar sequences.  相似文献   

The interaction of poly[(G-C)] and poly[d(G-m5C)] with the antitumor antibiotic elsamicin A, which binds to alternating guanine + cytosine tracts in DNA, has been studied under the B and Z conformations. Both the rate and the extent of the B-to-Z transition are diminished by the antibiotic, as inferred by spectroscopic methods under ionic conditions that otherwise favor the left-handed conformation of the polynucleotides. Moreover, elsamicin converts the Z-form DNA back to the B-form. The circular dichroism data indicate that elsamicin binds to poly[d(G-C)] and poly[d(G-m5C)] to form a right-handed bound elsamicin region(s). The transition can be followed by changes of the molar ellipticity at 250 nm, thus providing a convenient wavelength to monitor the Z-to-B conformational change of the polymers as elsamicin is added. The elsamicin A effect might be explained by a model in which the antibiotic binds preferently to a B-form DNA, playing a role as an allosteric effector on the equilibrium between the B and Z conformations, thus favoring the right-handed one.  相似文献   

Poly[d(G-C)] in a 55% ethanol solution undergoes a transition from the Z form to the B form when the temperature is increased from 20 degrees to 50 degrees C. The enthalpy of the transition, delta HBA = -1.4 kcal/mol, has been determined with a "tie" polyamine which stabilizes the Z conformation. This value has been shown to be practically independent of ionic strength within the range of 5 X 10(-4) M - 2 X 10(-3) M NaCl.  相似文献   

Present results provide direct evidence of the nature of a conformational change in DNA when nucleosomes are formed from core histones and poly [d(A-T)]. First, we have found some features which have characteristic aspects of the A like conformation of DNA. Thus, an increased contribution due to a sugar conformation close to C3'-endo puckering is detected in the Raman spectra. In addition, the circular dichroism (C.D.) spectra of reconstituted chromatin with poly [d(A-T)] exhibits an increases intensity at about 262 nm. A second feature acquired by poly [d(A-T)] in nucleosome formation from core histones is related to the presence of a negative band at about 280 nm in the C.D.spectra. The nature of this change is correlated with a DNA conformation characterized by a decreased number of base pairs per turn (28,29). This indicates that these two features of reconstituted nucleosomes reflect the presence of two types of DNA conformations, which overall form is of the B type (22,36).  相似文献   

We have undertaken a search for mammalian DNA-binding proteins that enhance the activity of DNA polymerases in a template sequence-specific fashion. In this paper, we report the extensive purification and characterization of a new DNA-binding protein from rabbit liver that selectively stimulates DNA polymerases to copy synthetic poly[d(G-C)] and the poly(dC) strand of poly(dC).poly(dG) as well as single-stranded natural DNA that contains stretches of oligo(dC). The enhancing protein, a polypeptide of 65 kDa designated factor C, stimulates the copying of the two synthetic templates by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I, Micrococcus luteus polymerase, and eukaryotic DNA polymerases alpha and beta, but not by avian myeloblastosis virus polymerase. Factor C, however, does not affect utilization by these polymerases of the poly(dG) strand of poly(dC).poly(dG), of poly(dC) primed by oligo(dG), or of poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly[d(A-T)]. With polymerase I, Michaelis constants (Km) of poly[d(G-C)] and of the poly(dC) strand of poly(dC).poly(dG) are decreased by factor C 37- and 4.7-fold, respectively, whereas maximum velocity (Vmax) remains unchanged. By contrast, neither the Km value of the poly(dG) strand of poly(dC).poly(dG) nor the Vmax value with this template is altered by factor C. Rates of copying of activated DNA, denatured DNA, or singly primed M13 DNA are not affected significantly by factor C. However, primer extension analysis of the copying of recombinant M13N4 DNA that contains runs of oligo(dC) within an inserted thymidine kinase gene shows that factor C increases processivity by specifically augmenting the efficiency at which polymerase I traverses the oligo(dC) stretches. Direct binding of factor C to denatured DNA is indicated by retention of the protein-DNA complex on columns of DEAE-cellulose. Binding of factor C to poly[d(G-C)] is demonstrated by the specific adsorption of the enhancing protein to columns of poly[d(G-C)]-Sepharose. We propose that by binding to poly[d(G-C)] and to poly(dC).poly(dG), factor C enables tighter binding of some DNA polymerases to these templates and facilitates enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

K Umemoto  M H Sarma  G Gupta  R H Sarma 《Biochemistry》1990,29(19):4714-4722
NMR studies on d(GA4T4C)2 and d(GT4A4C)2 indicated two important factors that contribute to intrinsic DNA bending in polymers containing A/T tracts [Sarma, M.H., et al. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 3423; Gupta, G., et al. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 7909]. They are (i) propeller-twisted A.T pairs with associated bifurcated H bonds inside the A/T tract and (ii) the base sequence that joins the two neighboring A/T tracts. As an extension of our bending project, we carried out quantitative NMR studies on the decamer d(GA4U4C)2, a structural analogue of d(GA4T4C)2, to examine the effect of the methyl group on DNA bending. On the basis of quantitative NMR analysis, we arrive at the following results. (i) The decamer d(GA4U4C)2 adopts the gross morphology of a right-handed B-DNA duplex with A and U nucleotides belonging to C2'-endo,anti domain. (ii) A.U pairs are propeller twisted and hence can result in an array of interstrand bifurcated H bonds involving N6 of A and O4 of U (one base pair apart) inside the A/U tract. (iii) The orientations of A and U with respect to the long axis of the molecule are different; as a result, at the A5-U6 sequence that joins the two A/U tracts, two neighboring frames of reference do not exactly coincide in space and a junction is created at A5-U6. (iv) Inside the A/U tract, intrastrand stacking is more compact (average separation between secessive base planes being 3.2 A) than at the A5-U6 junction, where average separation between the base planes of A5 and U6 is 3.6 A.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is an environmental genotoxin, which, following metabolic activation to 7,8-diol 9,10-epoxide (BPDE) derivatives, forms covalent adducts with cellular DNA. A major fraction of adducts are derived from the binding of N2 of guanine to the C10 position of BPDE. The mutagenic and carcinogenic potentials of these adducts are strongly dependent on the chirality at the four asymmetric benzylic carbon atoms. We report below on the combined NMR-energy minimization refinement characterization of the solution conformation of (-)-trans-anti-[BP]G positioned opposite C and flanked by G.C base pairs in the d(C1-C2-A3-T4-C5-[BP]G6-C7-T8-A9-C10-C11).d(G12-G13-T14++ +-A15-G16-C17- G18-A19-T20-G21-G22) duplex. Two-dimensional NMR techniques were applied to assign the exchangeable and non-exchangeable protons of the benzo[a]pyrenyl moiety and the nucleic acid in the modified duplex. These results establish Watson-Crick base pair alignment at the [BP]G6.C17 modification site, as well as the flanking C5.G18 and C7.G16 pairs within a regular right-handed helix. The solution structure of the (-)-trans-anti-[BP]G.C 11-mer duplex has been determined by incorporating intramolecular and intermolecular proton-proton distances defined by lower and upper bounds deduced from NOE buildup curves as constraints in energy minimization computations. The BP ring spans both strands of the duplex in the minor groove and is directed toward the 3'-end of the modified strand in the refined structure. One face of the BP ring of [BP]G6 stacks over the C17 residue across from it on the partner strand while the other face is exposed to solvent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have studied the B-H transition in the d(AG)x inserts of varying length under superhelical stress. The new data and previously published results for the d(G)31 insert are treated within a phenomenological model of the B-H transition, making it possible to obtain, for the first time, the energy parameters of the B-H transition in the d(AG)x and d(G)n sequences.  相似文献   

The interaction between 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and the DNA oligomer [d(CGACGTCG)]2 has been investigated by proton one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy in solution. Compared with the minor groove binding of the drug to [d(GCGATCGC)]2, previously studied by NMR spectroscopy, the interaction of DAPI with [d(CGACGTCG)]2 appears markedly different and gives results typical of a binding mechanism by intercalation. C:G imino proton signals of the [d(CGACGTCG)]2 oligomer as well as DAPI resonances appear strongly upfield shifted and sequential dipolar connectivities between cytosine and guanine residues show a clear decrease upon binding. Moreover, protons lying in both the minor and major grooves of the DNA double helix appear involved in the interaction, as evidenced principally by intermolecular drug-DNA NOEs. In particular, the results indicate the existence of two stereochemically non-equivalent intercalation binding sites located in the central and terminal adjacent C:G base pairs of the palindromic DNA sequence. Different lifetimes of the complexes were also observed for the two sites of binding. Moreover, due to the fast exchange on the NMR timescale between free and bound species, different interactions in dynamic equilibrium with the observed intercalative bindings were not excluded.  相似文献   

The influence of one DNA region on the stability of an adjoining region (telestability) was examined. Melting curves of three block DNA's, d(C15A15)·d(T15G15), d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), and d(C20A10)·d(T10G20) were analyzed in terms of the nearest neighbor Ising model. Comparisons of predicted and experimental curves were made in 0.01 M and 0.1 M sodium ion solutions. The nearest neighbor formalism was also employed to analyze block DNA transition in the presence of actinomycin, a G·C specific molecule. The results show that nearest neighbor base-pair interaction cannot predict the melting curves of the block DNA's. Adjustments in theoretical parameters to account for phosphate repulsion assuming a B conformation throughout the DNA's do not alter this conclusion. Changes in the theoretical parameters, which provide good overall agreement, are consistent with a substantial stabilization of the A·T region nearest the G·C block. The melting temperature T A·T for the average A·T pari in d(C20A10)·d(T10G20), with 10 A·T pairs, appears to be 4°C greater than TA·T for d(C15A15)·d(T15G15) and d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), both with 15 A·T pairs. Actinomycin bound to the G·C end effectively stabilizes the A·T end by 9°C. These results indicate a long-range contribution to the interactions governing DNA stability. A possible mechanism for these interactions will be discussed.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of the duplex block polymers d(C20A10) - d(T10G20) and d(C20A15) - d(T15G20) are described. Thermal denaturation studies on these DNAs in the absence and presence of actinomycin, which binds only to the GC portions of these molecules, have confirmed and extended our previous observation that the properties of one region of a DNA can be influenced (telestabilized) by a remote region. In addition, the large scale synthesis of d(C15A15) - d(T15G15) is described.  相似文献   

G . T base-pairs in a DNA helix: the crystal structure of d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The synthetic deoxyoctanucleotide d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C) crystallizes as an A-type DNA double helix containing two adjacent G . T base-pair mismatches. The structure has been refined to an R-factor of 14% at 2.1 A resolution with 104 solvent molecules located. The two G . T mismatches adopt the "wobble" form of base-pairing. The mismatched bases are linked by a network of water molecules interacting with the exposed functional groups in both the major and minor grooves. The presence of two mispaired bases in the octamer has surprisingly little effect on the global structure of the helix or the backbone and glycosidic torsional angles. Base stacking around the mismatch is perturbed, but the central G-T step shows particularly good base overlap, which may contribute to the relatively high stability of this oligomer.  相似文献   

B Singer 《Nucleic acids research》1986,14(16):6735-6743
We previously reported that O4-alkyl dTTPs could replace, for short times, dTTP in polymer synthesis [Singer et al., PNAS 83, 26-32, 1986]. The reasons for such early termination of synthesis could be either proofreading or the eventual formation of weakly paired primer termini. Utilizing the known 3'----5' exonucleolytic activity of polymerases, in the absence of dNTPs, enabled us to conclude that, in contrast to the digestibility of poly[d(A-T)] which yielded the expected 3'-mononucleotides, the polymerizing enzymes did not digest O4-methyl dT or its neighbors. The presence of the resistant alpha-phosphorothionate linkage did not prevent measurable digestion of poly[d(A-T)] by the Klenow fragment. This, together with evidence that polymerization of O4-methyl dTTP is favored at low temperatures, supports the model proposed by Ollis et al. [Nature 313, 762-766, 1985] showing independent domains for the two activities in the Klenow fragment.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of d[Cp(CH3)G] has been determined as part of a project to study the mechanism of the B----Z transition in DNA. The asymmetric unit contains two dinucleotides and the equivalent of 7.5 water molecules, partially disordered over 12 definable positions. The two symmetry-independent dinucleotides form a duplex with Watson-Crick base-pairing and a right-handed helical sense. Comparison with previously determined structures of the B and A conformation showed that this duplex is closer to B than to A but significantly different from B. It corresponds to a stretched out helix with a 4 A rise per base pair and a helical twist of 32 degrees. This structure may serve as a model for the bending of DNA in certain situations. The configuration at the methyl phosphonate is RP, and a mechanism, based on this assignment, is presented for the B----Z transition in DNA.  相似文献   

The coupling between the conformational properties of double-stranded DNA and its internal dynamics has been examined. The solution structures of the isomeric DNA oligomers d(GCGTACGC)(2) (UM) and d(CGCTAGCG)(2) (CTSYM) were determined with (1)H NMR spectroscopy by utilizing distance restraints from total relaxation matrix analysis of NOESY cross-peak intensities in restrained molecular dynamics calculations. The root-mean-square deviation of the coordinates for the ensemble of structures was 0.13 A for UM and 0.49 A for CTSYM, with crystallographic equivalent R(c)=0.41 and 0.39 and sixth-root residual R(x)=0.11 and 0.10 for UM and CTSYM, respectively. Both UM and CTSYM are B-form with straight helical axes and show sequence-dependent variations in conformation. The internal dynamics of UM and CTSYM were previously determined by analysis of (13)C relaxation parameters in the context of the Lipari & Szabo model-free formalism. Helical parameters for the two DNA oligomers were examined for linear correlations with the order parameters (S(2)) of groups of (13)C spins in base-pairs and dinucleotide units of UM and CTSYM. Correlations were found for six interstrand base-pair parameters tip, y-displacement, inclination, buckle and stretch with various combinations of S(2) for atoms in Watson-Crick base-pairs and for two inter-base-pair parameters, rise and roll with various combinations of S(2) for atoms in dinucleotides. The correlations for the interstrand base-pair helical parameters indicate that the conformations of the deoxyribose residues of each strand are dynamically coupled. Also, the inter-base-pair separation has a profound effect on the local internal motions available to the DNA, supporting the idea that rise is a principal degree of freedom for DNA conformational variability. The correlations indicate collective atomic motions of spins that may represent specific motional modes in DNA, and that base sequence has a predictable effect on the relative order of groups of spins both in the bases and in the deoxyribose ring of the DNA backbone. These observations suggest that an important functional outcome of DNA base sequence is the modulation of both the conformation and dynamic behavior of the DNA backbone.  相似文献   

Proton NMR studies of d(CGT), d(TCG) and d(CGTCG) were carried out at 300 and 500 MHz. The temperature and concentration dependence of the chemical shifts of various resonances indicates duplex formation only in the cases of d(TCG) and d(CGTCG). It is concluded that d(TCG) forms a mini-duplex stabilized by a 5'-dangling thymine base. Thermodynamic parameters of the duplex-to-coil equilibrium of the d(TCG) duplex are: delta H0 = -22.3 kcal/mol and delta S0 = -70 cal/mol. K, which correspond to approximately 40% duplex formation at 0 degrees C in a 2 mM nucleotide solution. Comparison of these data with thermodynamic parameters given earlier [Borer, P.N., Dengler, B., Tinoco, I. and Uhlenbeck, O.C. (1974) J. Mol. Biol. 86, 843-853] leads to the conclusion that the dangling base stabilization observed here is approximately equivalent to the stabilization caused by one or two additional A . T base pairs. The chemical shift behaviour of various resonances in d(CGTCG) indicates duplex formation without looping out of the thymine bases. The T X T mismatch does not seem to disturb the helical structure to a large extent. Analysis of the vicinal proton-proton coupling constants of the three compounds yielded geometrical data for the sugar rings. The data are interpreted in terms of N and S pseudorotational ranges. It is shown that a distinct conformation-transmission effect is exerted by the guanosine residues in a 5'----3' direction.  相似文献   

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