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The Crabtree effect (inhibition of respiration by glycolysis) is observed in cells with approximately equal glycolytic and respiratory capacities for ATP synthesis. Addition of glucose to aerobic suspensions of glucose-starved cells (Sarcoma 180 ascites tumor cells) causes a burst of respiration and lactate production due to ATP utilization for glucose phosphorylation by hexokinase and phosphofructokinase. This burst of activity is followed by inhibition of both respiration and glycolysis, the former to below the value before glucose addition (Crabtree effect). Both the respiratory rate and the glycolytic flux appear to be regulated by the cytosolic [ATP][ADP][Pi] albeit by completely different mechanisms. Respiration is regulated by the free energy of hydrolysis of ATP, such that the rate increases as the [ATP][ADP][Pi] decreases and decreases as the [ATP][ADP][Pi] increases. The regulatory enzymes of glycolysis are activated by ADP (AMP) and Pi and inhibited by ATP. Thus both respiration and glycolysis increase or decrease as the [ATP][ADP][Pi] decreases or increases. The parallel regulation of both ATP-producing pathways by this common metabolite ratio is consistent with the cytoplasmic [ATP][ADP][Pi] being an important determinant of homeostatic regulation of cellular energy metabolism.  相似文献   

A variety of degenerative diseases involving deficiencies in mitochondrial bioenergetics have been associated with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. Maternally inherited mtDNA nucleotide substitutions range from neutral polymorphisms to lethal mutations. Neutral polymorphisms are ancient, having accumulated along mtDNA lineages, and thus correlate with ethnic and geographic origin. Mildly deleterious base substitutions have also occurred along mtDNA lineages and have been associated with familial deafness and some cases of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease. Moderately deleterious nucleotide substitutions are more recent and cause maternally-inherited diseases such as Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) and Myoclonic Epilepsy and Ragged-Red Fiber Disease (MERRF). Severe nucleotide substitutions are generally new mutations that cause pediatric diseases such as Leigh's Syndrome and dystonia. MtDNA rearrangements also cause a variety of phenotypes. The milder rearrangements generally involve duplications and can cause maternally-inherited adult-onset diabetes and deafness. More severe rearrangements frequently involving detetions have been associated with adult-onset Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS) or the lethal childhood disorder, Pearson's Marrow/Pancreas Syndrome. Defects in nuclear-cytoplasmic interaction have also been observed, and include an autosomal dominant mutation causing multiple muscle mtDNA deletions and a genetically complex disease resulting in the tissue depletion of mtDNAs. MtDNA nucleotide substitution and rearrangement mutations also accumulate with age in quiescent tissues. These somatic mutations appear to degrade cellular bioenergetic capacity, exacerbate inherited mitochondrial defects and contribute to tissue senescence. Thus, bioenergetic defects resulting from mtDNA mutations may be a common cause of human degenerative disease.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content is important for understanding many cellular processes. Several pre-analytical factors, from sample collection to DNA extraction can affect measurement of mtDNA copy number. In the present study, whole blood samples yielded a higher mtDNA copy number than buffy coat samples. mtDNA content is affected by the cell separation method used and the time between blood withdrawal and cell separation. Thus, reference values must be established with the same type of sample. As to the DNA isolation and purification method, the manual phenol method can give randomly false high values. The QIAamp DNA Mini Kit provided the most highly reproducible mtDNA/nDNA yield.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATP synthase plays a central role in cell function by synthesising most of the ATP in human tissues. In different cells, active regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthase in response to cellular energy demand has been demonstrated, as well as its alteration under several pathological conditions affecting oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Traditionally, detection of OXPHOS defects is based on the spectrophotometric measurement of respiratory chain complex activities in muscle biopsies. Considering the broad clinical spectrum of mitochondrial disorders, and the difficulty in arriving at a single diagnostic method, in this study we propose measurement of ATP synthesis in mitochondria from skin fibroblasts as an effective screening tool. In the light of our results this assessment emerges as a useful marker of impaired energy production in primary OXPHOS disorders of childhood and as a tool with the potential to drive further molecular genetic studies.  相似文献   

Activity defects in respiratory chain complexes are responsible for a large variety of pathological situations, including neuromuscular diseases and multisystemic disorders. Their impact on energy production is highly variable and disproportional. The same biochemical or genetic defect can lead to large differences in clinical symptoms and severity between tissues and patients, making the pathophysiological analysis of mitochondrial diseases difficult. The existence of compensatory mechanisms operating at the level of the respiratory chain might be an explanation for the biochemical complexity observed for respiratory defects. Here, we analyzed the role of cytochrome c and coenzyme Q in the attenuation of complex III and complex IV pharmacological inhibition on the respiratory flux. Spectrophotometry, HPLC–EC, polarography and enzymology permitted the calculation of molar ratios between respiratory chain components, giving values of 0.8:61:3:12:6.8 in muscle and 1:131:3:9:6.5 in liver, for CII:CoQ:CIII:Cyt c:CIV. The results demonstrate the dynamic functional compartmentalization of respiratory chain substrates, with the existence of a substrate pool that can be recruited to maintain energy production at normal levels when respiratory chain complexes are inhibited. The size of this reserve was different between muscle and liver, and in proportion to the magnitude of attenuation of each respiratory defect. Such functional compartmentalization could result from the recently observed physical compartmentalization of respiratory chain substrates. The dynamic nature of the mitochondrial network may modulate this compartmentalization and could play a new role in the control of mitochondrial respiration as well as apoptosis.  相似文献   

Large-scale deletions and tRNA point mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are associated with a variety of different mitochondrial encephalomyopathies. Skeletal muscle in these patients shows a typical pathology, characterized by the focal accumulation of large numbers of morphologically and biochemically abnormal mitochondria (ragged-red fibers). Both mtDNA deletions and tRNA point mutations impair mitochondrial translation and produce deficiencies in oxidative phosphorylation. However, mutant and wild-type mtDNAs co-exist (mtDNA heteroplasmy) and the translation defect is not expressed until the ratio of mutant: wild-type mtDNAs exceeds a specific threshold. Below the threshold the phenotype can be rescued by intramitochondrial genetic complementation. The mosaic expression of the skeletal muscle pathology is thus determined by both the cellular and organellar distribution of mtDNA mutants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions, mtDNA content and aging in rhesus monkeys. Using 2 sets of specific primers, we amplified an 8 kb mtDNA fragment covering a common 5.7 kb deletion and the entire 16.5 kb mitochondrial genome in the brain and buffy-coats of young and aged monkeys. We studied a total of 66 DNA samples: 39 were prepared from a buffy-coat and 27 were prepared from occipital cortex tissues. The mtDNA data were assessed using a permutation test to identify differences in mtDNA, in the different monkey groups. Using real-time RT-PCR strategy, we also assessed both mtDNA and nuclear DNA levels for young, aged and male and female monkeys. We found a 5.7 kb mtDNA deletion in 81.8% (54 of 66) of the total tested samples. In the young group of buffy-coat DNA, we found 5.7 kb deletions in 7 of 17 (41%), and in the aged group, we found 5.7 kb deletions in 12 of 22 (54%), suggesting that the prevalence of mtDNA deletions is related to age. We found decreased mRNA levels of mtDNA in aged monkeys relative to young monkeys. The increases in mtDNA deletions and mtDNA levels in aged rhesus monkeys suggest that damaged DNA accumulates as rhesus monkeys age and these altered mtDNA changes may have physiological relevance to compensate decreased mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of mitochondrial disorders, manifested by a decreased mtDNA copy number and respiratory chain dysfunction. Primary MDS are inherited autosomally and may affect a single organ or multiple tissues. Mutated mitochondrial deoxyribonucleoside kinases; deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) and thymidine kinase 2 (TK2), were associated with the hepatocerebral and myopathic forms of MDS respectively. dGK and TK2 are key enzymes in the mitochondrial nucleotide salvage pathway, providing the mitochondria with deoxyribonucleotides (dNP) essential for mtDNA synthesis. Although the mitochondrial dNP pool is physically separated from the cytosolic one, dNP's may still be imported through specific transport. Non ‐replicating tissues, where cytosolic dNP supply is down regulated, are thus particularly vulnerable to dGK and TK2 deficiency. The overlapping substrate specificity of deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) may explain the relative sparing of muscle in dGK deficiency, while low basal TK2 activity render this tissue susceptible toTK2 deficiency. The precise patho‐physiological mechanisms of mtDNA depletion due to dGK and TK2 deficiencies remain to be determined, though recent findings confirm that it is attributed to imbalanced dNTP pools.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are important tools in the diagnosis and characterization of mitochondrial diseases. They can be used in immunohistochemical and/or Western blotting approaches to identify misassembled OXPHOS complexes or pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiencies where the intact complex is not formed which is the great majority of cases. The advantage of antibody based approaches is that they can be quantitative, require very small amounts of tissue sample and are fast, simple and relatively cheap to perform. Here we provide details of the mAbs currently available and describe optimized protocols for both immunohistochemistry using patient fibroblasts as well as Western blotting using either cell culture or biopsy material.  相似文献   

Due to the large importance of mitochondrial function for numerous diseases the detection of respiratory chain defects for diagnostic purposes is an important task of mitochondrial medicine. For comparing the methods, standard mitochondrial homogenate prepared from bovine skeletal muscle was sent on dry ice to 14 labs of 8 countries. Activities of complexes I, I + III, II, II + III, IV (cytochrome c oxidase) and V (F0F1ATPase) as well as of citrate synthase were measured. For all enzymes the results differed at more than one order of magnitude. From eight labs we were able to compare the results with their control values for human skeletal muscle. Four labs found normal activity of cytochrome-c-oxidase whereas three labs found higher and one lab found lower activities compared to the own controls. Since all labs used different temperatures (25, 30 and 37 degrees C) in one lab the temperature dependencies were measured experimentally. The temperature correction did not much reduce the divergence of the results. It is concluded that differences in the lab protocols are the reason for the large variation of results. Since the experimental results strongly depend on the used method a strict standardization is necessary.  相似文献   

The control region of mitochondrial DNA has been widely studied in various human populations. This paper reports sequence data for hypervariable segments 1 and 2 of the control region from a population from southern Tuscany (Italy). The results confirm the high variability of the control region, with 43 different haplotypes in 49 individuals sampled. The comparison of this set of data with other European populations allows the reconstruction of the population history of Tuscany. Independent approaches, such as the estimation of haplotype diversity, mean pairwise differences, genetic distances and discriminant analysis, place the Tuscan sample in an intermediate position between sequences from culturally or geographically isolated regions of Europe (Sardinia, the Basque Country, Britain) and those from the Middle East. In spite of the remarkable genetic homogeneity in Europe, a degree of variability is shown by local European populations and homogeneity increases with the relative isolation of the population. The pattern of mitochondrial variation in Tuscany indicates the persistence of an ancient European component subsequently enriched by migrational waves, possibly from the Middle East. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Excessive nuclear or mitochondrial DNA damage can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, decreased energy production, and increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although numerous cell signaling pathways are activated when cells are injured, the ataxia telangiectasia mutant (ATM) protein has emerged as a major regulator of the response to both mitochondrial dysfunction and nuclear DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Because mitochondrial dysfunction is often a response to excessive DNA damage, it has been difficult to determine whether nuclear and/or mitochondrial DNA DSBs activate ATM independent of mitochondrial dysfunction. In this study, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA DSBs were generated in the A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cell line by infecting with retroviruses expressing the restriction endonuclease PstI fused to a mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) or nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and a hemagglutinin antigen epitope tag (HA). Expression of MTS-PstI-HA or NLS-PstI-HA activated the DNA damage response defined by phosphorylation of ATM, the tumor suppressor protein p53 (TP53), KRAB-associated protein (KAP)-1, and structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC)-1. Phosphorylated ATM and SMC1 were detected in nuclear fractions, whereas phosphorylated TP53 and KAP1 were detected in both mitochondrial and nuclear fractions. PstI also enhanced expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 and inhibited cell growth. This response to DNA damage occurred in the absence of detectable mitochondrial dysfunction and excess production of ROS. These findings reveal that DNA DSBs are sufficient to activate ATM independent of mitochondrial dysfunction and suggest that the activated form of ATM and some of its substrates are restricted to the nuclear compartment, regardless of the site of DNA damage.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of mitochondrial DNA disease   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mitochondrial ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is essential for normal function and maintenance of human organ systems. Since OXPHOS biogenesis depends on both nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded gene products, mutations in both genomes can result in impaired electron transport and ATP synthesis, thus causing tissue dysfunction and, ultimately, human disease. Over 30 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) point mutations and over 100mtDNA rearrangements have now been identified as etiological factors in human disease. Because of the unique characteristics of mtDNA genetics, genotype/phenotype associations are often complex and disease expression can be influenced by a number of factors, including the presence of nuclear modifying or susceptibility alleles. Accordingly, these mutations result in an extraordinarily broad spectrum of clinical phenotypes ranging from systemic, lethal pediatric disease to late-onset, tissue-specific neurodegenerative disorders. In spite of its complexity, an understanding of the molecular basis of mitochondrial DNA disease will be essential as the first step toward rationale and permanent curative therapy.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs/Nm23), responsible for intracellular di- and tri-phosphonucleoside homeostasis, play multi-faceted roles in cellular energetic, signaling, proliferation, differentiation and tumor invasion. The mitochondrial NDPK-D, the NME4 gene product, is a peripheral protein of the inner membrane. Several new aspects of the interaction of NDPK-D with the inner mitochondrial membrane have been recently characterized. Surface plasmon resonance analysis using recombinant NDPK-D and different phospholipid liposomes showed that NDPK-D interacts electrostatically with anionic phospholipids, with highest affinity observed for cardiolipin, a phospholipid located mostly in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Mutation of the central arginine (R90) in a surface exposed cationic RRK motif unique to NDPK-D strongly reduced phospholipid interaction in vitro and in vivo. Stable expression of NDPK-D proteins in HeLa cells naturally almost devoid of this isoform revealed a tight functional coupling of NDPK-D with oxidative phosphorylation that depends on the membrane-bound state of the enzyme. Owing to its symmetrical hexameric structure exposing membrane binding motifs on two opposite sides, NDPK-D could bridge liposomes containing anionic phospholipids and promote lipid transfer between them. In vivo, NDPK-D could induce intermembrane contacts and facilitate lipid movements between mitochondrial membranes. Most of these properties are reminiscent to those of the mitochondrial creatine kinase. We review here the common properties of both kinases and we discuss their potential roles in mitochondrial functions such as energy production, apoptosis and mitochondrial dynamics.  相似文献   



Mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders (MRCDs) are some of the most common metabolic disorders presenting in childhood, however because of it clinical heterogeneity, diagnosis is often challenging. Being a multisystemic disorder with variable and non-specific presentations, definitive diagnosis requires a combination of investigative approaches, and is often a laborious process.

Scope of review

In this review we provide a broad overview of the clinical presentations of MRCDs in childhood, evaluating the different diagnostic approaches and treatment options, and highlighting the recent research advances in this area.

Major conclusions

Extensive research over the years has significantly increased the frequency with which accurate diagnosis is being made, including the identification of new biomarkers and next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. NGS has provided a breakthrough in unravelling the genetic basis of MRCDs, especially considering the complexity of mitochondrial genetics with its dual genetic contributions.

General significance

With an increased understanding of the pathophysiology of this group of disorders, clinical trials are now being established using a number of different therapeutic approaches, with the hope of changing the focus of treatment from being largely supportive to potentially having a positive effect on the natural history of the disorder.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Special Issue: Frontiers of Mitochondria IG000218.  相似文献   

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