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掌握洞庭湖越冬小天鹅Cygnus columbianus的迁徙行为和规律,明确迁徙路线和停歇地,是小天鹅栖息地恢复研究及保护的基础。2014—2017年,在湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区对18只小天鹅进行卫星跟踪,收集了38 882条定位数据。本研究确定了小天鹅西线、中线和东线3条迁徙路线,其中,新发现的西线沿我国湖北、河南、山西、陕西、内蒙古,以及蒙古国、哈萨克斯坦,抵达俄罗斯亚马尔-涅涅茨自治区北部靠近喀拉海的北极苔原。西线春季迁徙距离为6 715 km,平均迁徙速度为21.52 km·h~(-1),秋季迁徙距离为7 467 km,平均迁徙速度为32.75 km·h~(-1)。中线春季迁徙距离为2 083 km,平均迁徙速度为28.93 km·h~(-1)。东线春季迁徙距离为5 965~6 351 km,平均迁徙速度为(28.71±0.95)km·h~(-1),秋季迁徙距离为5 101~5 331 km,平均迁徙速度为(29.15±3.65)km·h~(-1)。小天鹅春季迁徙进程慢于秋季,迁徙途中的最大飞行速度达133.3 km·h~(-1)。内蒙古自治区的黄河湿地和大兴安岭两侧河谷湿地是迁徙途中的重要中转站,小天鹅在此停歇15 d以上。本研究有助于了解小天鹅对栖息环境的偏好及迁徙路线选择策略,为禽流感等疾病传播和防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

云南大山包越冬黑颈鹤迁徙路线的卫星跟踪   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2005年2月26日和3月1日在云南省昭通大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区,分别为4只越冬黑颈鹤佩戴卫星信号发射器(PTTs),跟踪研究其迁徙路线和迁徙停歇地。2005年春季迁徙中,有2只跟踪黑颈鹤到达繁殖地,其中1只黑颈鹤在2005年11月和2006年3月分别完成从繁殖地返回越冬地和从越冬地再次到达繁殖地的迁徙过程。2只春季迁徙黑颈鹤的迁徙路线大致相同——沿着长江上游金沙江、大渡河一直向北到达黄河上游白河及黑河沿岸若尔盖湿地内。春季迁徙过程中,途中停歇3—4次,总迁徙距离是674—713km,迁徙全程所用时间3—4天。秋季迁徙全程所用时间8天。在4个PTTs工作期间,共确定有13个黑颈鹤迁徙停歇地,其中11个停歇地在河流滩地;其他2个停歇地在高山湖泊附近。总体上,黑颈鹤一般选择海拔在1900m以上湖泊、河流等湿地内,距离耕地较近且人、畜干扰较少的栖息地停歇。  相似文献   

2005年2月26日和3月1日在云南省昭通大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区,分别为4只越冬黑颈鹤佩戴卫星信号发射器(PTTs),跟踪研究其迁徙路线和迁徙停歇地。2005年春季迁徙中,有2只跟踪黑颈鹤到达繁殖地,其中1只黑颈鹤在2005年11月和2006年3月分别完成从繁殖地返回越冬地和从越冬地再次到达繁殖地的迁徙过程。2只春季迁徙黑颈鹤的迁徙路线大致相同——沿着长江上游金沙江、大渡河一直向北到达黄河上游白河及黑河沿岸若尔盖湿地内。春季迁徙过程中,途中停歇3—4次,总迁徙距离是674—713 km,迁徙全程所用时间3—4天。秋季迁徙全程所用时间8天。在4个PTTs工作期间,共确定有13个黑颈鹤迁徙停歇地,其中11个停歇地在河流滩地;其他2个停歇地在高山湖泊附近。总体上,黑颈鹤一般选择海拔在1 900 m以上湖泊、河流等湿地内,距离耕地较近且人、畜干扰较少的栖息地停歇。  相似文献   

不同尺度下停歇点湿地对迁徙水鸟的影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张强  马克明  李金亚  张育新 《生态学报》2017,37(8):2520-2529
停歇点湿地是迁徙水鸟重要的能量补给地,在水鸟每年的往返迁徙过程中具有十分重要的生态意义。近年来随着全球变化和人类活动增加,迁飞路线上的停歇点湿地正发生剧烈变化。各个停歇点湿地的生境变化及周围环境不仅是影响水鸟栖息地适宜性的重要因素,还改变了各路线上迁徙水鸟的种群大小和群落多样性。分析不同尺度下停歇点湿地影响迁徙水鸟种群变化的主要生态因子和环境因素,不仅有助于理解各停歇点景观变化的生态效应,也可为迁徙水鸟种群保护提供理论支持。首先分析了在栖息地斑块尺度上停歇点湿地内的水、食物、栖息地格局和人类干扰等生态要素对水鸟觅食和栖息活动的影响;其次,分析了景观尺度上湿地周围的气候变化、土地利用和外来生物等环境条件在各停歇点对水鸟栖息地质量的改变;最后,基于多尺度条件下湿地影响因素的耦合效应,分析了当前湿地生境与水鸟种群关系研究中存在的主要问题,并总结了对湿地和水鸟保护的启示。  相似文献   

为了将有限资源合理投放到关键区域, 实现物种保护成效的最大化, 找出质量最好的栖息地及它们之间的迁徙通道是制定保护规划的第一步。本研究以三江源的雪豹(Panthera uncia)栖息地为对象, 基于野外调查数据和高分辨率卫星遥感数据, 利用物种分布模型、保护规划模型和连通度分析工具, 找出了三江源地区雪豹的核心栖息地分布和潜在迁徙通道位置, 分析了目前保护中的潜在威胁, 并提出了针对三江源西、中、东三块区域的不同保护对策。结果表明: (1)三江源西部核心栖息地比较小而破碎, 但迁徙通道较多且没有明显窄点, 未来应关注青藏线的潜在阻碍作用, 同时应防范道路沿线的野生动物盗猎; (2)中部区域横跨玉树-杂多-囊谦的雪豹栖息地是三江源最大的核心雪豹栖息地, 在连通其他种群中也处于中心地位, 应通过种群监测确定其健康稳定, 对开发、偷猎等威胁防微杜渐, 保持其源种群的作用; (3)东部区域人口密度高, 受人类活动的影响最大, 需保证阿尼玛卿、年保玉则两块核心栖息地的质量, 并重点监测甘德县境内的省道处雪豹的迁徙通道是否畅通。三江源地区雪豹栖息地总体质量较好, 建议将维持核心源种群的稳定性, 保持种群间迁徙通道的畅通作为三江源的雪豹景观保护工作的整体目标。未来应充分利用天地一体化监测手段, 开展重要保护物种栖息地状况的评估和预警, 尤其是非保护地区域物种核心栖息地的开发建设活动。  相似文献   

李铣  张路  曹垒  熊好琴  赵青山 《生态学报》2024,44(2):570-578
建立合理的湿地水鸟保护地是缓解水鸟栖息地丧失和种群下降的重要手段。以往的保护地设计中,由于越冬地和和繁殖地水鸟停留时间长、种群数量大,受到较多的关注。分析湿地水鸟对停歇地的选择偏好,掌握停歇地的自然条件和人类活动特征可为水鸟保护网络优化和保护地管理提供决策依据。而在水鸟迁徙过程中,停歇地作为保护网络的重要节点也发挥了重要作用。因此选择鸿雁为伞护种,获取了29只鸿雁项圈追踪数据,分析蒙古国Khukh湖-中国东北鸭绿江口秋季迁徙路线对停歇地生境选择偏好,识别了鸿雁在湿地周边不同距离梯度下的活动频率变化。根据鸿雁停歇数据共识别停歇地63处,以此为基础分析停歇的自然条件和人类活动因素特征。结果表明,鸿雁除选择湖泊和沼泽为停歇地外,周边250m内的裸地和草地也是重要栖息地;当鸿雁停歇地人类活动较少时,鸿雁倾向于选择土壤肥沃、食物丰富区,而人类活动强度加大时,栖息地植被条件提高能够为鸿雁提供遮避条件,也吸引了更多鸿雁停歇。研究建议,在水鸟迁徙重要廊道区应增加水鸟停歇地保护区,保护区的设计应根据关键保护对象活动频率加强对湿地周边的栖息地保护,减少水滨人类活动对鸿雁停歇的负面影响;在人类活动强度较大的地区设立水鸟保护地,还应加强对植被的保护,在水鸟利用频率较高的停歇地周边进行植被修复。  相似文献   

追踪候鸟的迁徙活动是全面认识其生活史年周期的重要途径。中杓鹬(Numeniusphaeopus)在全球广泛分布,但在东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁飞区的迁徙活动一直缺乏追踪研究。2018年2月,在澳大利亚西北部的布鲁姆为捕捉到的中杓鹬成鸟佩戴平台发射终端或全球定位系统-全球移动通讯系统追踪器,以确定其迁徙日程、迁徙路线以及迁徙停歇地和繁殖地的地理位置。我们从成功追踪的7只个体获取了6 378条精度高于1 km的位点数据。分析结果表明,在春季,中杓鹬的迁徙时长为(36±4)d,其间在1~3个迁徙停歇地的停留日期为(23±2)d,从越冬地到繁殖地的迁徙距离为(9 795±346)km(n=7)。追踪的中杓鹬在俄罗斯东部和中部区域繁殖,不同个体的繁殖地纬度相近而经度范围较广。在秋季,中杓鹬的迁徙时长为(90±27)d,相比春季迁徙时长更长;其间,在2~4个迁徙停歇地停留(79±29)d,从繁殖地到越冬地的迁徙距离为(10 101±520)km(n=5)。无论在春季还是秋季迁徙,迁徙停歇地广泛分布于东亚、东南亚沿海及内陆区域。大部分个体春季和秋季的迁徙路线相近,成功追踪的个体均在秋季返回了上一年的越冬地,这表明中杓鹬对越冬地具有很高的忠诚度。  相似文献   

2015年3月和2016年4月,分别对黄河中上游迁徙期的水鸟资源与大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)的栖息地进行了调查,旨在掌握黄河中上游春季迁徙期水鸟的资源现状以及大天鹅的活动特征。根据黄河湿地植被和水系分布状况,沿着黄河自西部磴口县至东部土默特右旗进行调查。采用核密度分析法(KDE)计算了大天鹅日间和夜间活动区面积,以及增强型植被指数(EVI)分析了活动区内的栖息地特征。共记录到37种25671只水鸟,其中雁鸭类占水鸟总数的89.6%,特别是大天鹅和小天鹅(C.columbianus)数量较多。内蒙古段黄河是大天鹅春季迁徙重要停歇地之一,大天鹅在此停留时间长((27.23±8.96)d,n=56),日间栖息地和夜宿地基本相似。90%以内区域的EVI值均较低,50%活动区域明显低于50%~90%区域。黄河及农田蓄水而成的河漫滩为大天鹅提供了充足的食物,栖息地隐蔽性较强,适宜大天鹅等水鸟在此长期栖息。  相似文献   

段后浪  于秀波 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6354-6363
中国滨海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上候鸟重要的停歇地、繁殖地和越冬地,土地利用变化所引发的滨海湿地退化导致水鸟栖息地类别和面积发生了很大转变,影响迁徙水鸟种群数量的稳定性。然而,土地利用变化在哪些区域和多大程度上影响了迁徙水鸟的栖息地分布尚不清晰。以土地围垦典型区域黄渤海滨海湿地为研究区,以受胁濒危水鸟物种勺嘴鹬、大滨鹬、大杓鹬、小青脚鹬、黑脸琵鹭、黄嘴白鹭、遗鸥、黑嘴鸥为研究对象,结合物种分布模型MaxEnt和GIS空间分析,模拟2000、2015、2020年水鸟栖息地时空分布,探索过去20年栖息地分布的时空变化,分析水鸟种群变化趋势,识别水鸟栖息地保护优先区域,提出水鸟栖息地保护管理建议。结果显示:2000—2020年,8个水鸟物种栖息地主要分布在渤海湾、莱州湾、江苏盐城沿岸、如东-东台沿岸区域。所有物种的栖息地面积均呈不同程度的下降趋势,其中7个物种栖息地下降比例超过50%,下降的区域主要分布在渤海湾、江苏盐城沿岸、东台条子泥、小洋口沿岸,滨海湿地丧失是导致水鸟栖息地面积下降的直接因素。7个物种种群数量呈下降趋势。研究所确定的水鸟保护优先区面积达240.32 km2...  相似文献   

东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)主要在俄罗斯远东和中国东北繁殖, 在中国主要有两个越冬群体(长江越冬群体, 迁徙距离约2,600 km; 渤海湾越冬群体, 迁徙距离约1,500 km)。本文基于2016-2018年的卫星追踪数据(N = 14), 分析了渤海湾越冬群体幼鸟春季和秋季的迁徙策略和利用风的方式, 总结了850 mb压力下风速和风向对日迁徙飞行速度的影响。该群体春秋两季迁徙距离相似, 但春季的顺风条件(2.2 ± 6.3 m/s)显著优于秋季的逆风条件(-2.4 ± 4.1 m/s, P < 0.05), 这使得春季迁徙飞行速度(280.4 ± 62.0 km/d)显著快于秋季(185.5 ± 72.0 km/d, P < 0.05), 春季迁徙飞行时间(5.9 ± 2.5 d)显著短于秋季(10.3 ± 6.5 d, P < 0.05); 同时, 春季停歇时间(5.4 ± 9.7 d)短于秋季(17.8 ± 18.2 d, P = 0.05)。基于以上原因, 东方白鹳春季迁徙持续时间(11.2 ± 8.7 d)显著短于秋季(28.0 ± 21.2 d, P < 0.05)。渤海湾越冬群体幼鸟迁徙时, 春季利用顺风更快到达度夏地, 秋季逆风迁徙, 迁徙飞行速度慢, 迁徙飞行时间和停歇时间长。因此, 东方白鹳迁徙时虽然主要利用上升热气流翱翔, 但顺风也是其成功迁徙的有利因素。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Because their breeding and wintering areas are in remote locations, little is known about the biology of Black-necked Cranes ( Grus nigricollis ), including their migratory behavior. Using satellite telemetry, we monitored the migration of Black-necked Cranes ( N = 6) in China to determine migration routes and the location of stopover sites. From 2005 to 2007, four cranes were tracked during two spring migrations and one fall migration, one was tracked during one spring and one fall migration, and one was tracked during one spring migration. On average, the cranes made seven flights over a 5-d period to migrate 651 km to breeding areas in the spring. In the fall, birds averaged six flights in 5 d to migrate 694 km. The routes traveled by cranes during spring and autumn migration were similar. Both the migration distances and duration of migration are the shortest reported for any crane species to date. Most stopover sites were in areas along rivers and close to wetlands in the Daliang Mountains and the Ruoergai Plateau. Conservation measures are needed to reduce habitat loss (wetland and pasture) in the Daliang Mountains and establish a reserve for stopover sites in the Ruoergai marshes, such as Longriba and Bai River in Hongyuan County.  相似文献   

黑龙江省乌裕尔河流域丹顶鹤等珍稀涉禽航空调查报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用Y-11型单翼轻型飞机,航高100米,航速140公里/小时,采用且测全区调查方法,对黑龙江省乌裕尔河流域丹顶鹤等涉禽进行了航空调查,续航里程2184公里,调查面积共计为209,000公顷。结果发现调查区内有丹顶鹤(Orus japoncnsis)173只,白枕鹤(Grus vipio)19只,白鹤(Grus leucogeraous)24只,白鹳(Ciconia ciconia)19只等。  相似文献   

吴庆明  邹红菲  金洪阳  马建章 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6470-6477
双台河口保护区是世界濒危鸟类丹顶鹤大陆种群西线群体不同生活史阶段的重要栖息地。2008-2010年3-4月,采用定点观察法、二维坐标法、方差分析、因子分析等方法对保护区内春迁期丹顶鹤觅食栖息地的多尺度选择进行了监测分析。研究结果表明:(1)春迁期,该保护区丹顶鹤觅食栖息地选择包括2个尺度3个选择,即大生境尺度内觅食生境类型选择和小生境尺度内觅食区选择、觅食微生境选择;(2)觅食生境类型偏好选择芦苇沼泽(90.00%),也偶选玉米地、泥滩、草甸等生境;(3)觅食区选择通过宏生境因子和干扰因子来判定,宏生境因子包括明水面、堤坝和火烧地,距离均在30m以内;干扰因子包括居民区和油田等强干扰因子和道路等弱干扰因子,均采取远离的方式进行回避,居民区保持在1km以上,油田保持在2km以上,道路保持在300-500m;(4)觅食微生境选择通过微生境因子来判定,包括植被高度、植被密度、植被直径等,选择盖度小(<5%)且植被高度小于喙长的区域觅食。  相似文献   

Departure and stopover decisions are crucial for a successful migration. Such decisions are modulated by a complex interplay between endogenous (physiological state) and external factors, such as weather (e.g. wind) and geography (ecological barriers). In this study of the black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros, a short‐distance migrant passerine, we investigate the effect of weather, as gauged by tailwind and crosswind conditions, rainfall, temperature, and barometric pressure, on departures from a stopover site in the central Mediterranean Sea, off the western coast of Italy (Ventotene island), during both spring and autumn migration. We found that stopover duration was longer in birds arriving with lower fat stores, and that birds departed with generally favourable weather conditions (favourable tailwinds, weak or no crosswinds, low rainfall, high temperatures, and high pressure). However, the effects of weather on departure decisions were stronger in autumn: this could be related to 1) a seasonal difference in selection pressures for early arrival at the goal areas, that are expected to be stronger in spring than in autumn or 2) a difference in the residual extent of sea crossing since, in autumn, birds are confronted with a much longer non‐stop sea crossing (at least 300 km) than in spring (~50 km). In spring we also found males to leave the study site under less favourable tailwinds than females, and adults to leave with more favourable tailwinds than young. Our findings indicate that departure decisions are flexible and differently affected by weather in different seasons, either because of seasonal effects or because of different distances to be covered before reaching the next stopover site. Moreover, our study suggests that sex‐specific weather selectivity should be regarded among the proximate factors affecting differential spring migration of either sex.  相似文献   

East Asian migratory waterfowl have greatly declined since the 1950s, especially the populations that winter in China. Conservation is severely hampered by the lack of primary information about migration patterns and stopover sites. This study utilizes satellite tracking techniques and advanced spatial analyses to investigate spring migration of the greater white‐fronted goose (Anser albifrons) and tundra bean goose (Anser serrirostris) wintering along the Yangtze River Floodplain. Based on 24 tracks obtained from 21 individuals during the spring of 2015 and 2016, we found that the Northeast China Plain is far‐out the most intensively used stopover site during migration, with geese staying for over 1 month. This region has also been intensely developed for agriculture, suggesting a causal link to the decline in East Asian waterfowl wintering in China. The protection of waterbodies used as roosting area, especially those surrounded by intensive foraging land, is critical for waterfowl survival. Over 90% of the core area used during spring migration is not protected. We suggest that future ground surveys should target these areas to confirm their relevance for migratory waterfowl at the population level, and core roosting area at critical spring‐staging sites should be integrated in the network of protected areas along the flyway. Moreover, the potential bird–human conflict in core stopover area needs to be further studied. Our study illustrates how satellite tracking combined with spatial analyses can provide crucial insights necessary to improve the conservation of declining Migratory species.  相似文献   

In Japan, the three main crane species are the endangered red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) inhabiting Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan; the vulnerable hooded crane (Grus monacha); and the vulnerable white-naped crane (Grus vipio). Both the hooded and white-naped cranes migrate in winter to Izumi in Kyushu, the southern island of Japan. In this study, we investigated the cranes and their coccidian parasites, through a targeted molecular approach using faecal DNA to develop a noninvasive method for infectious disease research. To determine the origin of noninvasively collected faecal samples, host species were identified by sequencing a region of approximately 470 bp of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene in the faecal DNA. Furthermore, to avoid sample redundancy, individual determination was performed by fragment analysis using microsatellite and sex-linked markers. For microsatellite genotyping, previously reported markers and markers isolated in this study were examined, and seven loci for red-crowned cranes, eight for hooded cranes and six for white-naped cranes displayed polymorphisms. A low error rate was demonstrated by comparing microsatellite data generated from faecal DNA samples with that generated from feather DNA samples, indicating a high reliability. Polymerase chain reaction-based capillary electrophoresis (PCR-CE), employing genetic markers in the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA, was employed to detect crane coccidia. The sensitivity of detection of PCR-CE using faecal DNA was inferior to that with traditional microscopy; however, our results suggest that PCR-CE can depict crane coccidia diversity with higher resolution and it is a useful tool to characterize community composition of coccidia in detail.  相似文献   

Eimeria gruis and E. reichenowi cause coccidiosis, a major parasitic disease of cranes. By non-invasive molecular approaches, we investigated the prevalence and genetic characterization of pathogens in two Japanese crane habitats; one is Hokkaido inhabited by the endangered red-crowned crane, and the other is Izumi in Kyushu where populations that consist mainly of vulnerable hooded and white-naped cranes migrate in winter. The non-invasively collected faecal samples from each wintering population were first subjected to host genomic DNA-targeted analyses to determine the sample origin and avoid sample redundancy. Extremely high prevalence was observed in the Izumi populations (> 90%) compared with the Hokkaido population (18-30%) by examining 470 specimens by microscopy and PCR-based capillary electrophoresis (PCR-CE), using genetic markers in the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2). Correspondence analysis of PCR-CE data revealed differences in community composition of coccidia between hooded and white-naped cranes. 18S rRNA and ITS2 sequences were determined from single oocysts excreted by red-crowned and hooded cranes. Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA suggested that E. reichenowi was polyphyletic while E. gruis was monophyletic. Together with PCR-CE data, these results indicate different host specificity among the E. reichenowi type. Our data suggest that E. reichenowi comprises multiple species.  相似文献   

郑武忠  陈金洪 《四川动物》2004,23(1):37-40,44
我园一只雄性丹顶鹤与一只雌性白枕鹤于2001年开始自然配对产蛋,3年共产51枚,经人工孵化育雏,目前存活15只。杂种鹤在第4周后进入快速增长阶段,在12周达到最高峰,16周后增长速度明显下降,18周后部分指标停止增长。外观上,出生至3月龄时,幼鹤整体颜色都呈黄褐色,以后变化基本一致。目前,2001及2002年存活杂种鹤颜色以白色为主,夹杂着灰色羽毛。  相似文献   

Birds on migration spend much more time on stopover sites to refuel for the next migration step than aloft, but empirical data on stopover duration are rare, especially for Palearctic trans-Sahara migrants whilst crossing the desert. Previous studies suggest that stopover duration of fat birds in oases is much shorter than that of lean birds. During 2003 and 2004 capture–recapture data of migrating passerines from two inland oases in spring and from one coastal site in autumn in Mauritania, West Africa, were analysed to test whether the probability of being a transient and the stopover duration depend on fuel stores at first capture. The application of capture–recapture models revealed that during autumn migration at the coast the proportion of transients (individuals that stop over only for 1 day) was relatively high (77–90%) in three out of four species investigated and stopover duration was short (1.9–4.6 days). In the inland oases in spring, transients were detected in only four out of 12 analyses. Stopover duration was longer than at the coast in autumn and surprisingly long in some species with durations of up to 30 days. Models taking into account the initial fat load of birds on the first capture occasion were, with one exception, never the most parsimonious ones. This indicates that the time spent after and before capture at the stopover site did not depend on the fat stores at first capture. Therefore, we cannot confirm the assumption that birds arriving at stopover sites in the desert with low fat loads stay longer than birds that arrive with high fat loads.  相似文献   

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