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The goals of this study were to reconstruct the phylogeny of Prunus subgenus Laurocerasus section Mesopygeum and to provide a preliminary assessment of its spatio‐temporal diversification in the Malesian region. We inferred the phylogeny using nuclear ITS and ETS and plastid psbA‐trnH, rps16, rpl16, and trnC‐petN sequences. Our analyses support the monophyly of sect. Mesopygeum. Within sect. Mesopygeum, we identified four main subclades: (i) Prunus lancilimba from continental Asia; (ii) Prunus ruthii from Malay Peninsula; (iii) a subclade comprising species from areas centered on the Sunda shelf and also a few species from continental Asia and Wallacea; and (iv) a subclade composed of species from areas of the Sahul shelf, with a small number of taxa also from areas of the Sunda shelf, continental Asia, and the Philippines. We estimated that sect. Mesopygeum originated in continental Asia at c. 44.71 Mya (95% HPD: 31.66–46.90). Nine dispersals between major geographic areas were inferred. From continental Asia, three and two dispersals were inferred to the Sunda shelf and the Sahul shelf in the mid‐Oligocene, respectively. Two dispersals were inferred from the Sahul shelf region to the Sunda shelf in late Oligecene and early Miocene, respectively. There were also two dispersals inferred from the Sunda shelf region, one to the Philippines and one to Wallacea, in the middle and late Miocene, respectively. The diversification in sect. Mesopygeum was likely driven by active geologic events and orogenies in the Neogene in the Malesian region.  相似文献   

The cDNA clones of two potato -tubulin genes were isolated from a tuberising stolon tip library. Analysis of 20 positive clones showed that they represented one or another of two different but very similar -tubulin genes, designated TUBST1 and TUBST2. The expression pattern of -tubulin genes in the potato plant was investigated by RNA blot analysis and by RT-PCR. Southern analysis of potato genomic DNA with coding and non-coding -tubulin probes revealed that there are multiple -tubulin genes in the potato genome and that there is likely to be considerable divergence in the 3 non-coding sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of plant -tubulin genes is described.  相似文献   


Members of the fungal genus Microbotryum are well‐known parasites on eudicotyledonous plant hosts. However, recent studies focused exclusively on Microbotryum species being parasites in the anthers of Caryophyllaceae in which strong host‐specificity was confirmed by molecular analyses. Consequently, species numbers have risen considerably as multi‐host parasites were split up in so‐called cryptic species. We subjected three non‐caryophyllaceous Microbotryum groups to molecular phylogenetic analyses to see whether we would confirm multi‐host morphospecies or if host‐specific cryptic species in these selected groups could be revealed as well (i.e. a group of non‐caryophyllaceous anther smuts, parasites on different Fallopia species, and parasites on Polygonum bistorta and Polygonum vi‐viparum). We applied a multiple analysis strategy to correct for varying alignment effects on a two‐locus dataset (ITS and LSU rDNA). The results obtained by the different approaches are uniform; high host‐specificity exists in the non‐ caryophyllaceous anther smuts, but overlapping host ranges occur in the parasites of Fallopia species. Results for the parasites of Polygonum are similar, with Microbotryum bistortarum being separated into three lineages and M. marginale forming a lineage on P. bistorta which apparently is conspecific with M. bistortarum p.p. Our study shows that phylogenetic patterns within Microbotryum are much more complicated than deduced from morphological observations alone. Even though Microbotryum species are highly host‐specific, it is impossible to identify species based solely on host taxa affiliation. Species status is reinstated for the anther smut on Salvia pratensis.  相似文献   

Both geographic isolation and polyploidization are assumed to play an important role in driving species diversification. However, this is rarely illustrated through phylogenomic analyses. The genus Eutrema (Brassicaceae), which also includes the salt-resistant species, are distributed mainly in Asia with extensive species diversification in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) and adjacent regions. In this study, we revealed almost fully resolved backbone relationships of the genus with genome re-sequencing data for genomes of 168 individuals from 28 species. Phylogenetic analyses of both plastomes and single-copy nuclear genes from the whole genome recovered six well-supported clades with almost consistent relationships. The first two clades are mainly distributed in central China and central Asia, while the other four in the QTP and adjacent regions. All of them diversified within 12 million years. Within each clade, we recovered numerous conflicts in the interspecific relationships between nuclear and plastome phylogenies, likely suggesting hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting during species diversification. Our estimation of genome size and comparison of the number of the single-copy nuclear genes demonstrated frequent occurrences of polyploids in the genus. Except for an establishment of the backbone phylogeny, our phylogenomic analyses suggest that in addition to strong geographic isolation, polyploidization may have played an important role in species diversification of this genus.  相似文献   

Pollen volume may be involved in different associations with other floral traits. Particularly, the literature indicates that pollen volume can be implicated in a functional relationship with pistil length, and that it may be affected by a trade-off with pollen number because of the subdivision of limited resources. To assess these associations, pollen volume was subjected to correlation analyses with pollen number and pistil length in 20 Argentinean and Chilean taxa of the monophyletic tribe Lycieae. Depending on the mechanisms operating on pollen size and number, the variability of these traits may be different. Therefore, their coefficients of variation were compared. Pistil length and pollen volume showed a strong positive correlation. In contrast, pollen grain size and number were significantly correlated at neither inter- nor intraspecific levels. Results suggest that pollen size and pistil length may co-evolve. The central role of this interaction is discussed. The lack of a correlated variation in pollen size and number may be related to the similar constraints experienced by the species and/or because constraints are operating at the plant level and not at the species level. Lower variance in pollen size compared with pollen number denotes that pollen size may be the main trait subjected to natural selection. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The present paper reconstructs the biogeographic diversification for Nolana L.f. (Solanaceae), a genus of 89 endemic species largely restricted to fog-dependent desert lomas formations of coastal Peru and Chile. Previous efforts have reconstructed a phylogenetic estimate for Nolana using a combination of molecular markers. Herein, we expand on those results to examine hypotheses of biogeographic origins and diversification patterns. Nolana occupies habitats within a continuous coastal desert and forms a terrestrial archipelago of discrete "islands" unique in size, topography, and species composition. Each locality contains at least one Nolana species and many contain multiple species in sympatry. The genus has a Chilean origin, with the basal clades confined to Chile with wide geographic and ecological distributions. Peru contains two strongly supported clades, suggesting two introductions with subsequent radiation. A Chilean clade of shrubby, small-flowered species appears to have had its origins from the same ancestors of the second line that radiated in Peru and northern Chile. Nolana galapagensis is endemic to the Islas Galapagos, with origins traced to Peruvian taxa with a divergence time of 0.35 mya. Rates of diversification over the past 4.02 mya in Nolana, in one of the driest habitats on Earth, suggest rapid adaptive radiation in several clades. Success in Nolana may be attributed to characters that confer a competitive advantage in unpredictable and water-dependent environments, such as succulent leaf anatomy and ecophysiology, and the reproductive mericarp unique to Nolana. The processes affecting or shaping the biota of western South America are discussed.  相似文献   

Light is the energy source for plant photosynthesis and influences plant growth and development. Through multiple photoreceptors, plant interprets light signals through various downstream phytohormones such as auxin. Recently, Chen et al. (2020) uncover a new layer of regulation in IPyA pathway of auxin biosynthesis by light. Here we highlight recent studies about how light controls plant growth through regulating auxin biosynthesis and signaling.  相似文献   

Four new 4α-methylsterols in the seeds of Solanaceae were identified as 31-norlanost-9(11)-enol, 24-methyl-31-norlanost-9(11)-enol, 4α,24-dimethylcholesta-7,24-dienol and 4α-methyl-24-ethylcholesta-7,24-dienol. The other 4α-methylsterols identified in the seeds were 31-norcycloartanol, 31-norcycloartenol, cycloeucalenol, 31-norlanost-8-enol, 31-norlanosterol, obtusifoliol, 4α,14α,24-trimethylcholesta-8,24-dienol, 4α-methylcholest-8-enol, lophenol, 24-methyllophenol, 24-ethyllophenol, gramisterol and citrostadienol. The distribution of these seventeen 4α-methyl- sterols in the seeds of eight species of the Solanaceae was determined.  相似文献   

In this study I have examined the patterns of morphological and genetic differentiation between two species of the Andean genus Schizanthus that differ in their pollination and mating systems. Schizanthus hookeri has a bee pollination syndrome and is strongly dependent on pollinators for seed set. In contrast, S.?grahamii has a hummingbird pollination syndrome and exhibits late autonomous selfing. Southern populations of the latter species have red flowers (reddish morph), while northern populations have yellow (yellowish morph) or pink flowers (pinkish morph). I used two noncoding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions to investigate the genetic affinities between S.?hookeri and the three morphs of S.?grahamii. I also performed intra- and interspecific crosses to assess whether gene flow between species was possible. Phylogenetic analyses supported the existence of two differentiated clades that did not match currently accepted taxonomic classification. Accordingly, genetic distance did not correlate significantly with morphological distance. No fruits were produced from interspecific crosses, and there were no individuals with intermediate morphology that could indicate current and frequent hybridization events between species.?I propose that the discordance between cpDNA data and conventional taxonomy could be explained by parallel evolution, or alternatively, by a very sporadic hybridization.  相似文献   

Species richness on island or islandlike systems is a function of colonization, within-island speciation, and extinction. Here we evaluate the relative importance of the first two of these processes as a function of the biogeographical and ecological attributes of islands using the Galápagos endemic land snails of the genus Bulimulus, the most species-rich radiation of these islands. Species in this clade have colonized almost all major islands and are found in five of the six described vegetation zones. We use molecular phylogenetics (based on COI and ITS 1 sequence data) to infer the diversification patterns of extant species of Bulimulus, and multiple regression to investigate the causes of variation among islands in species richness. Maximum-likelihood, Bayesian, and maximum-parsimony analyses yield well-resolved trees with similar topologies. The phylogeny obtained supports the progression rule hypothesis, with species found on older emerged islands connecting at deeper nodes. For all but two island species assemblages we find support for only one or two colonization events, indicating that within-island speciation has an important role in the formation of species on these islands. Even though speciation through colonization is not common, island insularity (distance to nearest major island) is a significant predictor of species richness resulting from interisland colonization alone. However, island insularity has no effect on the overall bulimulid species richness per island. Habitat diversity (measured as plant species diversity), island elevation, and island area, all of which are indirect measures of niche space, are strong predictors of overall bulimulid land snail species richness. Island age is also an important independent predictor of overall species richness, with older islands harboring more species than younger islands. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the diversification of Galápagos bulimulid land snails has been driven by a combination of geographic factors (island age, size, and location), which affect colonization patterns, and ecological factors, such as plant species diversity, that foster within-island speciation.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga  A. Skalski 《Hydrobiologia》1973,42(2-3):355-362
The presence of carotenoids in the Niphargus tatrensis Wrzesniowski and Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi Karaban has been investigated. In extracts separated by means of column and thin-layer chromatography, the following carotenoids were identified:
  1. in Niphargus tatrensis: β-carotene, astaxanthin ester, rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
  2. in Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi: cantha-xanthin, astaxanthin ester, isozeaxanthin (only from Jeker), 4-keto-4′-hydroxy-β-carotene (only from Terzietebronbos), rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
It was not possible to identifity the sexth fractions.  相似文献   

We use the small-bodied toucan genus Pteroglossus to test hypotheses about diversification in the lowland Neotropics. We sequenced three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear intron from all Pteroglossus species and used these data to reconstruct phylogenetic trees based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. These phylogenetic trees were used to make inferences regarding both the pattern and timing of diversification for the group. We used the uplift of the Talamanca highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama as a geologic calibration for estimating divergence times on the Pteroglossus tree and compared these results with a standard molecular clock calibration. Then, we used likelihood methods to model the rate of diversification. Based on our analyses, the onset of the Pteroglossus radiation predates the Pleistocene, which has been predicted to have played a pivotal role in diversification in the Amazon rainforest biota. We found a constant rate of diversification in Pteroglossus evolutionary history, and thus no support that events during the Pleistocene caused an increase in diversification. We compare our data to other avian phylogenies to better understand major biogeographic events in the Neotropics. These comparisons support recurring forest connections between the Amazonian and Atlantic forests, and the splitting of cis/trans Andean species after the final uplift of the Andes. At the subspecies level, there is evidence for reciprocal monophyly and groups are often separated by major rivers, demonstrating the important role of rivers in causing or maintaining divergence. Because some of the results presented here conflict with current taxonomy of Pteroglossus, new taxonomic arrangements are suggested.  相似文献   


Activity data from two experimental lizard groups were analysed in order to search for 24 h‐entrained and ultradian periodicities. The data of a first group were obtained through motion sensitive platforms situated under the animals’ cage and continuously for up to 12 consecutive days; those from a second group were collected by manual recording of the behaviour patterns of individual animals for 2 h each day over a 10‐day period. Lizards from both groups were situated in cages inside isolated chambers in which a light‐dark cycle (12:12), a temperature of 28°C ±1° and a relative humidity of 50–60% were maintained. Periodogram analysis showed the existence of a significant period peak (p < 0.01) at 24 h. Autocorrelation functions and spectral analysis of different data‐segment lengths showed that ultradian periodicities were present in the daily motor activity, appearing as noisy though frequency‐band limited. Differences in the frequency band‐limited fluctuations were found between morning and afternoon activities: during the morning ultradian activity appears distributed in two bands (4.5–36 c/day and 63–94 c/day), the power being mainly concentrated in the second one, while during the afternoon it was in the 4.5–36 c/day band. Results from the second lizard group showed only one band (24–60 c/day) overlapped with the first one from the latter group. Although activity recording methods and some experimental conditions are discussed as possible sources of these differences, the possibility of endogenous ultradian variation within the individuals is also suggested.  相似文献   

How and why the great diversity of phytophagous insects has evolved is not clear but, if the explanation is the diversity of plants as a resource, colonizations of novel plant taxa can be expected to be associated with higher net speciation rates. In the present study, we make use of recent advances in plant and butterfly systematics to trace the evolution of host-plant utilization in the butterfly subfamily Nymphalinae (tribes Nymphalini, Melitaeini, and the probably paraphyletic 'Kallimini'). A clear historical pattern emerges, with an ancestral host-plant theme of 'urticalean rosids' and two major colonizations of novel distantly-related plant clades. The asterid order Lamiales was colonized by an ancestor of 'Kallimini' + Melitaeini and the family Asteraceae in Asterales was later colonized by Melitaeini butterflies. These colonization events appear to have been followed by increases in the rate of net butterfly diversification. Two not mutually exclusive scenarios to explain such patterns have been suggested: (1) adaptive radiation due to release from competition following host-plant shifts or (2) higher rates of net speciation during a relatively long-lasting potentially polyphagous (plastic) state. In support of the 'plasticity scenario', phylogenetic traces of a long-lasting stage with some potential to feed on more than one host-plant clade can still be seen, despite the ancient age of the colonizations. When angiosperm communities changed after the K/T boundary due to extinctions and subsequent diversification, herbivore taxa that could occupy several alternative niches may have had the greatest opportunity to diversify in turn.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 115–130.  相似文献   

The invasive tree Solanum mauritianum Scop. has been targeted for biological control in South Africa and New Zealand, by deploying insect agents that could constrain its excessive reproductive output. The flower-feeding weevil Anthonomus santacruzi (Curculionidae) was approved for release in South Africa in 2007 but following the loss of the original culture in quarantine, new stocks were introduced from Argentina in 2008–2009. This study was initiated to confirm that the host range of the new culture was the same as that of the previous one, but also to assess the risks associated with the weevil's release in New Zealand. Different testing procedures, including no-choice tests and multi-choice tests in different arenas, produced inconsistent and ambiguous results. During no-choice tests, oviposition and larval development to adulthood occurred on three non-target species including two native South African and one native New Zealand Solanum species. However, subsequent multi-choice tests and a risk assessment suggested that the risks of anything more than collateral damage to non-target Solanum species are low. Overall, these data do not deviate substantially from the results of the original quarantine tests which facilitated the release of A. santacruzi in South Africa in 2009. Although we argue that none of the New Zealand native and cultivated species are at risk, stronger evidence from open-field trials and chemical ecology studies may be required to convince the regulatory authorities that A. santacruzi is suitable for release in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The genus Lippia comprises herbs, shrubs, and small trees, including many species with medicinal properties. The species are distributed throughout South and Central America and Tropical Africa, but the majority of them occur in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. The DNA?C value of 28 Brazilian species has been estimated by flow cytometry. Estimated DNA?C values ranged from 0.825?pg (L. corymbosa) to 2.150?pg (L.?brasiliensis). In addition, new chromosome numbers of 12 species have also been described, and meiotic cells with 12, 13, and 14 chromosome pairs were observed. A straightforward correlation between chromosome number and DNA?C value was not observed, probably due to two outlier species of Lippia that have been transferred from the genus Lantana. In general, the data confirm previous reports regarding the variation within the taxonomic sections and also suggest a new revision in section Zapania. Aspects of karyotypic evolution of the genus are also discussed.  相似文献   

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