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研究《本草图经》中记载的中药杜衡,通过查阅历代书籍和现代文献记载,对其名称、形态、地理分布、功效、药图进行考证,探究其原植物品种。结果表明,《本草图经》中记载的杜衡其原植物可能包含马兜铃科细辛属植物杜衡(Asarum forbesii Maxim)和小叶马蹄香(Asarum ichangense C. Y. Cheng et C. S. Yang)两种,该结果可为充分认识中药杜衡的基原植物提供新的佐证,为中药杜衡的临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

通过古代本草典籍及现代文献,对《本草图经》中记载的药物橄榄从植物形态、产地、功效等3个方面进行考证。结果表明,《本草图经》记载的橄榄以及附图“泉州橄榄”,其基原物种为橄榄科植物橄榄[Canarium album (Lour.) Rauesch.];《本草图经》中记载的波斯橄榄,其基原物种为橄榄科植物方榄(Canarium bengalense Roxb.);而《植物名实图考》中的橄榄,其基原物种是杜英科植物山杜英[Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir.]。从而基本厘清《本草图经》的橄榄品种,以及橄榄的一些混淆品种,为橄榄的实验研究及开发应用提供基础保障。  相似文献   

《本草图经》所附药图中标明为福建产的药物有22种,其中建州(今属福建南平地区)产有3种,分别为建州天门冬、建州前胡、建州栀子。对其药图及文字记载进行考证,认为建州天门冬应为今之百合科植物天门冬[Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr.],建州前胡应为今之伞形科植物隔山香[Ostericum citriodorum (Hance) Yuan et Shan],建州栀子应为今之茜草科植物栀子(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)。  相似文献   

南药巴戟天本草考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴戟天(Morinda officinalis)是我国传统四大南药之一。本文系统地梳理了中国历代本草及近现代文献对南药巴戟天的基原、产地变迁、加工炮制和品质评价等方面的记载。经考证,古今巴戟天基原植物差异很大,清末以前本草记载的巴戟天涉及基原植物有6科10属12种,通过比对本草文献中对巴戟天的有效生物学描述,可以明确古代巴戟天来源于葡萄科(Vitaceae)三叶崖爬藤(Tetrastigma hemsleynum Diels et Gilg)、百合科(Liliflorae)沿阶草(Ophiopogon bodinieri Levl.)及开口箭(Campylandra chinensis(Baker)M.N.Tamura et al.)3种;古代巴戟天产地与现代《中国药典》记载的品种产地差异大;炮制方法古今沿用,炮制品有盐巴戟天、制巴戟天和酒巴戟天;品质以条粗大而且呈连珠状、肉厚、色紫质软、内芯木部细、味微甜、无蛀虫、体干者为佳。通过本草考证,可厘清巴戟天古今之变,为巴戟天商品规格研制提供保障。  相似文献   

巴戟天(Morinda officinalis)是我国传统四大南药之一。本文系统地梳理了中国历代本草及近现代文献对南药巴戟天的基原、产地变迁、加工炮制和品质评价等方面的记载。经考证,古今巴戟天基原植物差异很大,清末以前本草记载的巴戟天涉及基原植物有6科10属12种,通过比对本草文献中对巴戟天的有效生物学描述,可以明确古代巴戟天来源于葡萄科(Vitaceae)三叶崖爬藤(Tetrastigma hemsleynum Diels et Gilg)、百合科(Liliflorae)沿阶草(Ophiopogon bodinieri Levl.)及开口箭(Campylandra chinensis(Baker)M.N.Tamura et al.)3种;古代巴戟天产地与现代《中国药典》记载的品种产地差异大;炮制方法古今沿用,炮制品有盐巴戟天、制巴戟天和酒巴戟天;品质以条粗大而且呈连珠状、肉厚、色紫质软、内芯木部细、味微甜、无蛀虫、体干者为佳。通过本草考证,可厘清巴戟天古今之变,为巴戟天商品规格研制提供保障。  相似文献   

以《本草图经》(辑校本)菜部收录的品种为研究对象,运用文献研究方法和数据统计分析工具,对该卷内容进行整理归纳。结果表明,《本草图经》菜部收载的品种多为既可以食用,又有医疗作用的中药,苏颂在记载该类药材品种时,特别注重记录其服食禁忌、用法和制法、医方出处,从而保障临床用药的正确、安全、合理。由此可见,苏颂的学术思想对现代临床中药学有着很好的启示与指导作用。  相似文献   

苏颂撰述的《本草图经》是一部独具文献价值和撰述思想的本草经典。尽管《本草图经》的撰述缘起朝廷倡议和组织,药图及其经文素材来源于全国各级地方政府和广大医药劳动人民工作,但是由苏颂“俾专撰述”的《本草图经》集中体现了他的本草撰述学术思想。研究苏颂的本草撰述学术思想,对深入发掘《本草图经》所蕴涵的宝贵文献信息、传承我国源远流长的丰富的本草医药科学和本草生活文化,具有积极的历史和现实意义。  相似文献   

通过历代本草、方书、医籍的收集整理并结合现代书籍、文献资料,对羌活的名称、基原、产地分布、性味、毒性和功能主治进行本草考证,对其古今炮制沿革进行梳理,为羌活的临床应用、炮制规范及基础研究提供参考.经考证可知,羌活入药记载于《神农本草经》,是作为独活的异名出现的.梁时期独活、羌活药材开始区分并非一物.羌活与独活在临床上开...  相似文献   

本文对中药茜草进行了本草考证和原植物调查,经鉴定有15种,均属茜草属植物.其商品的主流品种是茜草(Rubia cordifo lia L.).地区性用药的主要品种有大叶茜草、披针叶茜草、洋茜草、狭叶茜草和林茜草等.对茜草属的主要成分蒽醌类化合物作了薄层层析分析,为茜草药材及其原植物的比较和鉴别提供了参考方法。  相似文献   

我对紫金牛科植物识之甚少,但对“紫金牛”名字的由来深感疑惑,经查阅有关书籍,只知“紫金牛”出自《本草图经》。究其原因,不得其解。我总觉得紫金牛科似与牛无缘,同时也希望得到知情学者的指教。  相似文献   

古代DNA研究实验技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
杨淑娟  赖旭龙  唐先华  盛桂莲 《遗传》2002,24(5):551-554
现代分子生物技术的发展,使从古代样品中获取微量DNA成为现实。在过去的十多年里,古DNA研究取得了重大进展,但实验方案还需要加以改进,其结果的分析与推论也需要多方面的验证。本综述着重介绍了古DNA研究的实验技术及可靠性分析。 Experimental Techniques for Ancient DNA Research YANG Shu-juan1,LAI Xu-long1,2,TANG Xian-hua1,SHENG Gui-lian1,2 1.Faculty of Earth Sciences,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,430074,China; 2.Institute of Life Sciences,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,430074,China Abstract:The development of modern molecular biological techniques makes it possible to study minimum DNA from ancient materials.During past decade,a lot of significant achievements on ancient DNA research have been made in many fields especially in molecular evolutionary biology.The nature of degradation and contamination of ancient DNA from ancient biological materials pose a dominating problem in ancient DNA research.Therefore,the experiments should be modified based on the modern molecular techniques and more factors should be considered when the results are analyzed.In this paper,authors review the general experimental protocols on sampling,extraction and amplification as well as authenticity of ancient DNA. Key words:ancient DNA;authenticity;ancient DNA techniques  相似文献   

王瑞江 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):62-70
植物分类学是一门古老的科学,其发展也受到了社会历史变革的深刻影响。该文通过对我国植物分类学研究和发展史进行简要回顾,根据人们对植物分类学科的认识程度以及社会重大历史事件等,将我国植物分类的发展史大体分为原始、古代、近代和现代4个阶段,并对各阶段进行了简要说明。植物标本是植物分类研究最基本和最重要的凭证材料,因此我国的植物标本采集史也见证了植物采集人员在我国植物分类学研究发展的历史过程中所付出的血汗、泪水甚至生命。植物资源的保护和种质资源的收集和保存正日益成为我国生态文明建设的主要内容,在新时代生物多样性保护的背景下,植物分类学和植物分类研究人员将会发挥更重要的作用,为我国的生物多样性保护提供更加有力的支撑。  相似文献   

Recently, the study of ancient DNA (aDNA) has been greatly enhanced by the development of second-generation DNA sequencing technologies and targeted enrichment strategies. These developments have allowed the recovery of several complete ancient genomes, a result that would have been considered virtually impossible only a decade ago. Prior to these developments, aDNA research was largely focused on the recovery of short DNA sequences and their use in the study of phylogenetic relationships, molecular rates, species identification and population structure. However, it is now possible to sequence a large number of modern and ancient complete genomes from a single species and thereby study the genomic patterns of evolutionary change over time. Such a study would herald the beginnings of ancient population genomics and its use in the study of evolution. Species that are amenable to such large-scale studies warrant increased research effort. We report here progress on a population genomic study of the Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). This species is ideally suited to ancient population genomic research because both modern and ancient samples are abundant in the permafrost conditions of Antarctica. This species will enable us to directly address many of the fundamental questions in ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

对植被历史变化过程的研究是理解现代植被组成、分布及其对全球变化响应的基础。近年来, 随着分子古生态学的发展, 分析沉积介质中的陆生植物古DNA信号, 以研究植被及植物多样性演变的历史过程正在成为研究热点, 湖泊沉积植物古DNA已成为古植被和古生态学研究的成熟代用指标。然而与第四纪孢粉分析相比较, 湖泊沉积植物古DNA的现代过程依然不明确, 成为其进一步发展和应用的限制因素。基于此, 该文综述了湖泊沉积植物古DNA技术研究进展, 尝试阐明湖泊沉积植物古DNA的现代过程, 包括植物DNA的来源、沉积和保存过程及其影响因素, 以及植物DNA与现代植被的关系等。已有研究表明, 湖泊沉积植物古DNA主要来自湖泊周边或流域范围, 其丰度和组成除受到源植物生物量的影响外, 同样受到沉积物的搬运和沉积过程中DNA降解作用、土壤以及沉积物中颗粒的吸附过程和稀释作用等因素的影响。湖泊沉积物中植物DNA的保存则主要受到微生物活动、湖水的化学性质(电导率和pH值)、湖泊深度、沉积物组成等一系列生物与非生物因素的共同影响。湖泊沉积植物古DNA可以揭示其沉积时代的植物群落类型以及气候环境信息, 但目前并不能够用来定量重建古植被变化过程。鉴于湖泊沉积植物古DNA现代过程的复杂性, 对研究结果的解释要格外小心。与孢粉分析相比, 湖泊沉积植物古DNA研究仍处于起步阶段, 但随着分子生物技术的进步、实验设计的优化、物种条形码的扩充及参考数据库的完善等, 以DNA宏条形码和宏基因组学为主要技术手段的植物古DNA技术, 必将推动我国植物古生态研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Plant interactions with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are highly dependent on plant genotype. Modern plant breeding has largely sought to improve crop performance but with little focus on the optimization of plant × PGPR interactions. The interactions of the model PGPR strain Pseudomonas kilonensis F113 were therefore compared in 199 ancient and modern wheat genotypes. A reporter system, in which F113 colonization and expression of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthetic genes (phl) were measured on roots was used to quantify F113 × wheat interactions under gnotobiotic conditions. Thereafter, eight wheat accessions that differed in their ability to interact with F113 were inoculated with F113 and grown in greenhouse in the absence or presence of stress. F113 colonization was linked to improved stress tolerance. Moreover, F113 colonization and phl expression were higher overall on ancient genotypes than modern genotypes. F113 colonization improved wheat performance in the four genotypes that showed the highest level of phl expression compared with the four genotypes in which phl expression was lowest. Taken together, these data suggest that recent wheat breeding strategies have had a negative impact on the ability of the plants to interact with PGPR.  相似文献   

Ancient plant DNA: review and prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ancient DNA has received much attention since the mid-1980s, when the first sequence of an extinct animal species was recovered from a museum specimen. Since then, the majority of ancient DNA studies have focused predominantly on animal species, while studies in plant palaeogenetics have been rather limited, with the notable exception of cultivated species found in archaeological sites. Here, we outline the recent developments in the analysis of plant ancient DNA. We emphasize the trend from species identification to population-level investigation and highlight the potential and the difficulties in this field, related to DNA preservation and to risks of contamination. Further efforts towards the analysis of ancient DNA from the abundant store of fossil plant remains should provide new research opportunities in palaeoecology and phylogeography. In particular, intraspecific variation should be considered not only in cultivated plants but also in wild taxa if palaeogenetics is to become a fully emancipated field of plant research.  相似文献   

赵静  王传超 《人类学学报》2020,39(4):706-716
从古代原始材料中提取古DNA的方法多种多样,但是古DNA的研究受限于降解严重,内源性古DNA含量低,微生物和现生人群DNA污染严重等因素的影响。能否从古代人类遗骸中成功获取可靠且足量的内源性古DNA,一直是古DNA研究领域面临的实际困难和挑战。控制污染最直接且简便的策略就是在古DNA提取阶段的有效排除,本文整理了古DNA提取常用的去除污染的方法,对比分析了每种方法表现出来的优缺点。介绍了通常使用的骨粉裂解时间,并研究了在常温环境下,不同的裂解时间对古DNA回收效率的影响,提出了常温裂解过程中最佳孵育时间。同时对常用的古DNA纯化方法及其原理和在实际应用中的表现进行了概述与讨论。本文对古DNA提取技术的概述和实践经验,为古DNA相关领域的研究提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Assemblages of in situ upright stem casts, or fossil standing forests, provide information on the composition and spatial arrangement of the original plant communities they record, with minimal taphonomic bias. Stands of calamites and lycopsids are found repeatedly as fossil forests in the Late Carboniferous, while other major groups of plants are only rarely preserved in this way. The Carboniferous coal measures of Europe and North America were formed in low‐latitude, tropical environments. The ancient plant communities of these settings can be interpreted by comparison of their taxa with specific, modern tropical analogs. Here, ancient standing forests of the extinct sphenopsid Mesocalamites suckowii are compared with modern stands of the monocot Montrichardia arborescens. These modern analogs occur in the Orinoco Delta of Venezuela and the mouth of the Amazon. Montrichardia and its ancient counterparts occur in comparable clastic facies of fluvio‐deltaic and estuarine depositional systems. Although Mesocalamites and Montrichardia are very different anatomically and taxonomically, they exhibit some intriguing morphological similarities that can be linked to a common ecology. These modern and ancient taxa have evolved convergent forms of vegetative propagation that enable the plants to colonize and survive in environments characterized by very high rates of sedimentation, or episodic sedimentation events. Such environments have an unusually high potential to preserve standing forests.  相似文献   

Gail Ashley 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):23-32
The impact of large vertebrates on the sedimentary record in an East African groundwater-fed wetland in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, is used as a modern analog to interpret an ancient (Plio-Pleistocene) wetland record in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. The 3 km2 wetland at Olduvai is characterized by massive silty claystones produced by intense vertebrate trampling, as well as trails by vertebrates frequenting the wetlands and isolated footprints that represent a “snapshot in time.” Based on modern analogs, a paleo hippo trail (1.2 m wide and 0.6 m deep) in the Plio-Pleistocene wetlands is interpreted as a frequently used corridor between hippo pools (days) and grazing meadows (nights). Groundwater-fed wetlands are low energy environments where the physical record appears to be dominated by plant and animal activity. The bioturbation record reflects a number of interacting factors such as substrate texture, moisture content, sedimentation rate, frequency of flooding, type of animals present, trampling rate, and post-depositional changes (compaction). Lithofacies in both the modern and ancient wetlands include muddy sandstone (drainage channels) and silty claystone (vegetated and nonvegetated mud flats). Organic-rich sediments eventually oxidize, eliminating most evidence of the habitat. Modern wetlands have organic-rich mud and peat, whereas the ancient analog has siliceous earthy claystones that contains plant remains, bone fragments, pollen, phytoliths, and localized beds of diatomite. Thus, the physical record of vertebrate bioturbation in conjunction with paleontological and lithological records provides crucial information on the ecology of ancient wetland environments.  相似文献   

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