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达尔文归化难题是进行外来物种入侵预测的重要理论依据,然而,达尔文归化假说和预适应假说却预测了2种截然不同的结果。事实上,达尔文归化难题争论的焦点是物种间的差异性还是相似性促进了外来物种的成功入侵,究其原因可能是忽略了功能性状的多维性。所谓功能性状的多维性,就是不同的功能性状可能代表着不同的生态功能轴,外来物种的入侵是多个维度上不同生态过程的综合结果。本研究以现代物种共存理论为基础,构建了一个基于环境过滤和适合度差异2个维度的入侵预测模型框架,不同维度对应着不同的功能性状以及不同的种间相似性关系。该预测模型表明,在环境过滤维度上与本地物种性状趋同,同时,在适合度维度上与本地物种性状趋异的外来物种是潜在的入侵物种,而其危害程度主要取决于本地群落的构建过程。该模型框架可为外来物种入侵预警提供理论依据,也可为生物多样性保护、外来物种的防治与管理等提供实践指导。  相似文献   

王世雄  何跃军  王文颖 《广西植物》2022,42(11):1929-1938
预测外来植物的潜在入侵性已成为生物多样性保护研究的重要内容,外来植物与乡土物种间的亲缘关系是预测外来植物能否成功入侵的一个重要途径。然而,达尔文归化难题却预测了两种截然不同的结果(即达尔文归化假说和预适应假说)。该研究解析了达尔文归化难题的内涵,提出了基于功能性状的外来植物与乡土群落间的相似性关系应该是进行外来植物入侵预测的重要切入点,而功能性状的种间分化与种内变异可能是外来植物成功入侵的两种不同生态策略。在此基础上,该研究还通过物种功能性状的多维超体积构建了外来植物与乡土群落间的相似性,提出了基于这种相似性的外来植物入侵预测的研究框架和基本流程。该模型框架的建立有助于理解外来植物的入侵机制,对外来植物的潜在入侵性预测提供了理论依据。当然,要实现外来植物能否成功入侵的准确预测,不仅依赖于功能性状的选择,还要考虑入侵的生境依赖性、空间尺度的重要性以及乡土群落的可入侵性等,未来的研究重点是通过控制实验对该模型进行验证和进一步完善。  相似文献   

研究毛竹干扰状态下赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区毛竹-桫椤群丛主要物种的生态位特征和种间协变关系,分析物种间竞争共存机制。结果表明:群丛中木本及高大草本植物共有67种,隶属于40科53属。毛竹的重要值、Shannon生态位宽度指数(BS)、Levins生态位宽度指数(BL)均最大,毛竹为群丛中绝对优势种;桫椤的重要值和BL值位列第二,BS值位列第三。20个主要物种组成的190组种对中,毛竹与桫椤生态位重叠值最大,为0.64;136组种对生态位重叠值小于0.2(占总对数的71.6%),物种间生态位重叠程度低,生态位分化程度较大。主要物种间的总体联结呈显著正联结,群落相对稳定;主要物种间相关性不显著,联结性不强,种间独立性较强。毛竹与桫椤、罗伞、绿叶黄葛树、毛桐呈极显著正协变,毛竹与粗糠柴、云南樟、黄心树呈极显著负协变。毛竹与土著种的适合度差异和生态位差异共同影响群丛物种间的共存和竞争。控制毛竹扩张,限制与桫椤呈负协变关系物种的规模,可为桫椤营造良好的生存环境。  相似文献   

海洋外来物种入侵生态学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
海洋外来物种入侵已成为最为严重的全球性环境问题之一。海洋生态系统类型多样、环境复杂,其生物入侵的监测、控制与管理难度相对较大。我国对陆地外来生物的入侵已开展了较为深入的研究,但对于海洋外来生物的入侵研究仍处于起步阶段,对其入侵监测、入侵机制、入侵危害的程度以及防治等问题缺乏基础数据。本文在分析国内外海洋外来生物入侵现状的基础上,概述其入侵生态学研究形势及相关成果,包括海洋外来物种的入侵途径、入侵过程、入侵生态效应以及全球变化对入侵的影响等。海洋外来生物的入侵可能对海洋生态系统造成直接或间接的影响,如种间竞争破坏生态环境、与土著种杂交造成遗传污染、病原生物及有毒藻类导致海洋生态灾害加剧等。此外,从政策和法规、入侵风险评估、监测和公共宣传教育、生物信息系统和有效管理机制等方面提出对我国海洋外来物种入侵的防治策略。本研究为我国海洋外来物种的进一步研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾的入侵生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)原产于美国南部和墨西哥北部,是一个著名入侵物种,作为一种水产经济资源物种在世界各地扩散。克氏原螯虾抗逆性强,所具有的广泛生境适应性、生长迅速、高生殖率等特点使它们迅速建立野生种群。近10余年的研究认为,克氏原螯虾通过捕食和资源竞争等机制严重威胁引入地的水生植物、无脊椎动物、两栖类等的生存,显著降低引入地的生物多样性。当前,由于克氏原螯虾的经济价值高,它会借助于人力的作用而继续扩散。为认清和减少克氏原螯虾对引入地的生态影响,应加强以下方面的研究:1)在中国开展克氏原螯虾的生态危害的调查和研究;2)克氏原螯虾种群调节和控制对策研究;3)被入侵地的生态恢复工作。  相似文献   

防止外来生物入侵造成危害的重要手段是阻止可能造成入侵的物种进入适合其生存的地区.论文以1864个美国外来入侵物种斑马纹贻贝定点发生数据和开放式基础地理信息数据库Daymet的34个环境变量为主要信息源,采用逻辑斯蒂回归(LR)、分类与回归树模型(CART)、基于规则的遗传算法(GARP)、最大熵法(Maxent)4种途径,建立美国大陆部分潜在生境预测模型,从接受者运行特征曲线下面积(AUC)、Pearson相关系数、Kappa值3个方面来检验模型预测精度,在此基础上分析斑马纹贻贝的空间分布规律及其环境影响因素.研究结果表明:在3个评价指标中,4个生态位模型预测精度均达到优良水平,其中Maxent在物种现实生境模拟、主要生态环境因子筛选、环境因子对物种生境影响的定量描述方面都表现出了优越的性能;距水源距离、海拔高度、降水频率、太阳辐射是影响物种空间分布的主要环境因子.论文提出的研究方法对中国外来入侵物种生境预测具有较强的借鉴意义,研究结果对中国海洋外来入侵物种沙筛贝的预测与防治,具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

食蚊鱼(Gambusia spp.)入侵生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈国柱  林小涛  陈佩 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4476-4485
食蚊鱼(Gambusia spp.)是原产于北美洲的著名入侵物种,它对蚊类幼虫具有很强的捕食压力,被作为疟疾防治生物工具而在全世界温带和热带地区扩散.近20多年来的研究认为,食蚊鱼通过食物竞争和捕食等机制威胁引入地的无脊椎动物、鱼类、两栖类的生存,显著影响引入地的生物多样性.它们具有广泛的生境适应性、生长迅速、卵胎生、高生殖率、对生殖生态条件无特殊要求等特点.另外,它们的个体野外寿命不超过2a,种群更新速度快,种群内形成春季和夏季两个繁殖群体,并具有不同的繁殖生物学特点,因而形成复杂的世代结构.遗传上,雌鱼具有混交及能长期贮存精子的特点,能快速建立种群并克服奠基效应.这些种群通过快速适应性进化而形成一定规模的地理群体.当前,由于食蚊鱼在预防疟疾的工作中仍具有不可替代的作用,它会借助于人力的作用而继续扩散.为减轻它对非目标地区和非目标生物的影响,应进一步深入开展其入侵生态学研究.  相似文献   

基于分子生物学方法的外来入侵物种入侵历史重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵是一个世界性的问题。全球每年因生物入侵造成的损失超过1万亿美元。探究入侵物种在入侵地的入侵历史对了解生物入侵的生物生态学机制、制定阻截及防除措施有重要意义。分子标记方法的兴起和大规模应用打开了入侵生物入侵历史研究的新天地。采用分子标记的方法可鉴定入侵物种的种类、追溯其来源地、回溯其扩散路径、分析扩散模式及探究物种入侵过程中对入侵种群本身的变化及其对生态系统所造成的各种影响。分子标记的应用使得多个入侵物种的入侵历史得以重现。由于分子标记方法重构的入侵历史受采样范围、采用的分子标记的种类及数量等因素的影响,该方法呈现入侵历史是否是真实发生的入侵过程还存在争议。  相似文献   

入侵植物互花米草——生物学、生态学及管理   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
近20余年来, 互花米草Spartina alterniflora Loisel.在我国沿海及河口滩涂快速扩散, 已成为我国海岸盐沼中最重要的入侵植物。本文介绍了互花米草的形态学、繁殖生物学、生物系统学、分布及全球范围内的入侵途径和历史, 探讨了互花米草与沿海滩涂非生物环境、生物环境之间的相互作用及人类活动在互花米草成功入侵中的作用, 并得出如下结论: 互花米草的成功入侵是在人类活动的影响下, 其入侵力(互花米草自身的生物学特性)与入侵生境的可入侵性(滩涂环境对入侵的抵抗力)相互作用的结果, 其入侵可能对被入侵地的自然环境、生物多样性、生态系统乃至经济生活带来一系列影响。最后, 提出对互花米草的控制只能通过早期预测并保持监控、一旦发现便及时根除的方法来进行。同时,我国应加强立法与相关知识的普及, 最大限度地降低互花米草乃至其他外来生物入侵的可能性。  相似文献   

三维土壤异质性对种子萌发影响的实验研究 土壤生物通过植物-土壤的反馈作用调控植物间相互作用和外来植物入侵。因此,探明植物-土壤反馈作用种间差异的形成原因,对于预测土壤生物在植物入侵过程中的作用具有重要价值。近期的研究发现,植物性状可以用于预测植物-土壤反馈作用。同时,研究发现植物入侵也与植物的一些性状相关联,暗示植物-土壤反馈作用通过植物性状与外来植物入侵之间存在关联,但尚缺乏实验证明。鉴于此,本研究选取了3对近缘入侵和本土植物为对象,比较了其植物-土壤反馈作用,探讨了植物-土壤反馈作用与植物根部性状的关联性。首先,通过种植实验植物3个月,驯化采自于田间的土壤。之后,将实验植物种植于对照和灭菌处理的同种或近缘(同科或同属)种驯化过的土壤中,评价同种或近缘种根际土壤生物对植物生长的净反馈作用(与灭菌土比较),并比较了两类土壤生物对植物的反馈作用。总体而言,同种或近缘种根际土壤生物对入侵与本土植物的净反馈作用无显著差异,两类土壤生物对入侵和本土植物的反馈作用亦无显著差异。土壤反馈作用的强度和种植于对照土壤中植物细根生物量比存在正相关关系,且入侵与本土植物细根生物量比无显著差异。这一发现表明:相似的细根生物量比可能是导致入侵与本土植物间土壤反馈作用无差异的一个重要原因。为提升人们对土壤生物在植物入侵过程中 作用的认识,亟需选取更多入侵与本土植物(尤其是亲缘关系较远的物种)开展实验研究,进一步探明植物性状、土壤反馈作用和外来植物入侵之间的关联性。  相似文献   

Aim Invasion ecology includes many hypotheses. Empirical evidence suggests that most of these can explain the success of some invaders to some degree in some circumstances. If they all are correct, what does this tell us about invasion? We illustrate the major themes in invasion ecology, and provide an overarching framework that helps organize research and foster links among subfields of invasion ecology and ecology more generally. Location Global. Methods We review and synthesize 29 leading hypotheses in plant invasion ecology. Structured around propagule pressure (P), abiotic characteristics (A) and biotic characteristics (B), with the additional influence of humans (H) on P, A and B (hereon PAB), we show how these hypotheses fit into one paradigm. P is based on the size and frequency of introductions, A incorporates ecosystem invasibility based on physical conditions, and B includes the characteristics of invading species (invasiveness), the recipient community and their interactions. Having justified the PAB framework, we propose a way in which invasion research could progress. Results By highlighting the common ground among hypotheses, we show that invasion ecology is encumbered by theoretical redundancy that can be removed through integration. Using both holistic and incremental approaches, we show how the PAB framework can guide research and quantify the relative importance of different invasion mechanisms. Main conclusions If the prime aim is to identify the main cause of invasion success, we contend that a top‐down approach that focuses on PAB maximizes research efficiency. This approach identifies the most influential factors first, and subsequently narrows the number of potential causal mechanisms. By viewing invasion as a multifaceted process that can be partitioned into major drivers and broken down into a series of sequential steps, invasion theory can be rigorously tested, understanding improved and effective weed management techniques identified.  相似文献   

Darwin's naturalization conundrum states that successful invaders must be closely related to native species to possess the traits to tolerate that environment, but distantly related enough to possess traits allowing exploitation of underutilized niches, thereby minimizing competition. Although influential, this hypothesis is based on several simplistic assumptions. In particular, the relationship among phylogenetic relatedness, similarity, and competition is more complex than assumed and changes with spatial and phylogenetic scale. Competitive interactions are determined by limiting similarity and trait hierarchies associated with separate traits. Successful invaders thus need to be similar to native species in some respects, but different in others. This combination of similarities and differences is unlikely to be conserved. Further, many invasive species are represented in their novel range by genotypes with extreme trait values or plasticity relative to the species mean. Selection for these genotypes may alter the similarity between invasive and native species, thus obscuring the relationship between competition and phylogenetic relatedness. As environmental filtering and competition often act on different spatial scales, approaches assessing how individual traits relate to invasion at these scales (species pools vs local community) may improve our understanding of the relationship between similarity and invasion.  相似文献   

A novel framework is presented for the analysis of ecophysiological field measurements and modelling. The hypothesis ‘leaves minimise the summed unit costs of transpiration and carboxylation’ predicts leaf‐internal/ambient CO2 ratios (ci/ca) and slopes of maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax) or leaf nitrogen (Narea) vs. stomatal conductance. Analysis of data on woody species from contrasting climates (cold‐hot, dry‐wet) yielded steeper slopes and lower mean ci/ca ratios at the dry or cold sites than at the wet or hot sites. High atmospheric vapour pressure deficit implies low ci/ca in dry climates. High water viscosity (more costly transport) and low photorespiration (less costly photosynthesis) imply low ci/ca in cold climates. Observed site‐mean ci/ca shifts are predicted quantitatively for temperature contrasts (by photorespiration plus viscosity effects) and approximately for aridity contrasts. The theory explains the dependency of ci/ca ratios on temperature and vapour pressure deficit, and observed relationships of leaf δ13C and Narea to aridity.  相似文献   

We provide evidence for the existence of a general relationship between plant size and survival strategy (sensu Grime 1974) in wetland habitats across a broad geographical range in European riverine wetlands. Between April–October, in 1991 and 1992, data on eight size-related traits were collected for 144 plant populations, drawn from 85 plant species, growing in riverine wetland habitats in Spain, France, Ireland and the UK. Two non-hierarchical techniques were used to classify plant populations, on the basis of these eight traits, into three groups with a good degree of internal cohesion and external isolation.The C-S-D plant strategy model (equivalent to the C-S-R model: Grime (1974)) was used as a summary of the survival strategy of a plant. Prior strategy classifications were available for 98 of the studied populations. UsingX 2 tests the frequency of strategies in the three groups was compared to the overall frequencies of strategies. The frequency of strategies in each of the three groups was significantly different compared to the overall frequencies. Group 1 (G1) contained over 75% of the total C strategists. Group 2 (G2) contained over 80% of all the C-S-D (intermediate) strategists from the total data set and Group 3 (G3) was intermediate between G1 and G2 but contained a stronger D component. These results suggest that size-related traits may be of value in describing the ecological survival strategies of plants, in terms of C-S-D.Statistical analysis revealed no evidence for a common phylogenetic origin of the functional plant groups identified. Plant size, and in particular height, proved to be a trait of particular value in differentiating between groups. Evidence from these data suggests that relationships between the size and the survival strategy of a plant may be generally valid across a wide range of geographical areas in wetland habitats.We provide evidence to suggest that survival strategies prevalent in the three groups could be linked to differences in plant tolerance of hydrological stress/disturbance factors (such as summer water table depth) in riverine wetlands of Europe.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A recently introduced treehole mosquito from Asia, Aedes albopictus , is spreading throughout eastern North America, especially in tyre-refuse piles. Previous studies have identified inhibitory effects of larvae on egg hatch as a potential population regulatory mechanism within Aedes. Larva-egg interactions may also occur between species. This experiment assesses the ability of larvae of A. albopictus and two possible competitors in North America, A.triseriatus and A.aegypti , to suppress hatching of conspecific and congeneric eggs.
2. We exposed eggs of each species to varying combinations of larval species and density for 24h and assessed subsequent hatch rates. Aedes albopictus eggs exhibited the lowest level of inhibition when exposed to high larval densities; moreover, at the lowest larval density they imposed the most intense interspecific hatch inhibition.
3. Discretionary hatching in response to larval density may influence community composition by promoting the spread of A.albopictus , perhaps even leading to its dominance within North American Aedes communities.  相似文献   

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