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岷江干旱河谷生态环境脆弱,植被恢复困难,大规模的公路建设极易对当地生态环境造成破坏。筛选适宜的植被恢复措施对干旱地区道路边坡的乡土植被恢复重建和生态功能提升尤为重要。以岷江干旱河谷极端退化的土石混合的道路边坡为案例,选取乡土灌木和草本植物构建植物群落,进行裸地播种、播种后覆盖纤维毯和添加腐殖土后播种并地表覆盖纤维毯3种不同的种植处理,揭示了不同处理下群落结构、土壤改良以及水土保持效益的差异。发现,乡土灌草群落是干旱河谷适宜的道路边坡植被恢复模式,种植后第3年群落特征趋近于岷江干旱河谷区自然生态系统的多年生灌草植被。纤维毯覆盖+覆土处理在促进植物生长和群落构建,水土流失防治上效果最好,群落总盖度为74%,群落总生物量为506.35 g/m2;生长季内,与自然恢复相比小区径流量减少了87.8%,泥沙流失量降低了92.1%。土壤改良效应在3种处理之间差异不明显,但是与自然恢复样地相比,各处理均提升了边坡0—20 cm土层土壤养分。不同种植处理下植物群落结构差异是影响干旱河谷土石混合的道路边坡水土流失的关键因子。  相似文献   

杜建会  严平  董玉祥 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):2137-2144
斑块状分布是植被在水分匮乏环境中长期适应的结果,其演替过程可以作为生态系统响应气候变化和人类活动产生突变的"指示器"。本文通过对斑块状植被的起源、生态水文过程及其对干旱区植被恢复的启示等方面进行综述,提出了我国干旱区植被恢复中目前尚存在的主要问题。认为斑块状植被的形成可能受气候变化、人类活动、植物自身的生物学特性及其对环境胁迫的适应等方面的影响,但不是主要因素,植被斑块和裸地斑块之间在不同空间尺度的水分再分配是其在干旱半干旱地区形成并且能够维持稳定的关键。斑块状植被是一个高效的雨水集流系统,裸地斑块是整个系统径流的"源",而植被斑块是整个系统径流的"汇",保护植被斑块的同时维持一定面积的裸地对于整个生态系统的稳定都具有极其重要的意义。斑块状植被也是一个非常脆弱的生态系统,气候的剧烈波动以及人类的过度活动都可能导致生态系统功能丧失,最终产生不可逆转的影响,因此需要加以严格保护。  相似文献   

李芳兰  包维楷  庞学勇  冷俐 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2219-2230
为了阐明干旱河谷自然条件下乡土植物种子出苗与幼苗定居能力的空间差异性,选择环境适应能力较强的植被恢复物种,试验选择岷江上游干旱河谷水热条件具有明显差异的两个试验地点:四川省茂县撮箕山(南坡)和两河口(北坡),采用4因素随机区组设计,开展大量的野外播种对比试验,研究了微生境类型改变及不同播种处理方式对白刺花(Sophora davidi (Franch.) Skeels.)、小马鞍羊蹄甲(Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla)、岷谷木蓝(Indigofera lenticallata Craib)、落芒草(Oryzopsis munroi Stapf)和川芒(Miscamthus szechuanesis Keng)5种干旱河谷乡土植物种子出苗、幼苗存活及生长的影响.发现:(1)在干旱河谷自然气候条件下,播种后1个月是所有受试植物出苗的高峰期,但是种子出苗率都很低,达不到30%;幼苗存活能力也极低,在播种1个月后所有幼苗死亡数量增加而保存数明显下降;在播种2个后幼苗存活数均为0.相同条件下小马鞍羊蹄甲、岷谷木蓝与落芒草的出苗数量明显高于白刺花和川芒.这说明干旱河谷地区种子出苗与幼苗存活的限制是自然植被更新能力弱,并且恢复困难的主要原因.(2)种子出苗及幼苗存活能力在不同区域之间具有明显的差异,湿润地段种子出苗数量与幼苗保存数量都较大.但是,种子出苗及幼苗存活能力在同一地段灌丛、半灌丛与裸地等不同类型的微生境之间无明显变化.(3)小容器播种能够有效地增加种子出苗率与短期幼苗存活,但是未能提高幼苗最终的存活能力及生长速率;采用保水剂与腐殖质土壤改良措施对种子出苗数与幼苗保存数没有明显影响,因而这些措施不能解除干旱河谷地区极端环境胁迫对幼苗定居的阻碍.  相似文献   

繁殖体与微生境在退化草地恢复中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
退化草地的成功恢复主要依赖于种子和母株无性繁殖幼苗的有效建植 ,即草地群落中可利用繁殖体是退化草地得以恢复的内在条件。此外 ,群落中那些提供种子发芽、幼苗生长发育的适宜微生境 (safe sites/ suitable microsites) ,构成了退化草地恢复的外在条件。由于严重退化草地群落缺乏可利用繁殖体和供繁殖体生长发育的适宜微生境 ,使得退化草地恢复受到很大限制 ,因而 ,同时满足繁殖体与微生境是退化草地恢复的先决条件。人为提供繁殖体和适宜微生境可以在很大程度上提高退化草地的恢复速度 ,即在缺乏繁殖体草地群落供给繁殖体 ,或者在缺乏微生境的草地群落中创造适宜微生境。不同植物种群建植需要的环境存在着显著差异 ,因此在人工恢复草地群落过程中 ,对这些植物的繁殖体和繁殖体着床环境给予特殊处理是必需的 ,使之同时满足多种植物种群建植需求。对退化草地植物繁殖体、微生境的重要性及其涵义进行讨论  相似文献   

接种菌根菌剂对科尔沁沙地4种造林幼苗生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菌根真菌在干旱半干旱地区退化生态系统植被恢复与重建中具有重要作用。以科尔沁沙地乡土树种五角枫(Acer mono)和榆树(Ulmus pumila)及主要造林树种白蜡(Fraxinus chinensis)和樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)为供试植物,通过科尔沁沙地菌根化造林试验,分析4种造林幼苗接种菌根菌剂后幼苗的菌根侵染率、形态学指标、生物量积累和分配以及根际土壤养分在一个生长季内的变化。结果表明:两种菌根菌剂能较好地侵染幼苗,接种菌根菌剂显著提高了4种幼苗的株高、基径、顶枝长和生物量;显著影响幼苗的生物量分配,接种内生菌剂的白蜡根冠比显著减小,接种外生菌剂的樟子松根冠比显著增加;相关分析表明,菌根侵染率与白蜡幼苗株高和顶枝长呈显著正相关,与樟子松幼苗输导根质量、地上生物量和总生物量呈显著正相关;接种菌根菌剂还能提高根际土壤有机质和全氮含量,改良幼苗生长基质,但差异不显著。4种造林幼苗均表现出了显著的菌根效应,提示菌根菌剂在干旱贫瘠地区造林中具有很强的应用价值。  相似文献   

常海涛  刘任涛  陈蔚  张安宁 《生态学报》2020,40(12):4198-4206
在干旱、半干旱荒漠生态系统中,灌丛作为一种重要的植被类型,其独特的形态和生理适应特性能够有效促进退化生态系统结构与功能的恢复。土壤动物是荒漠生态系统中不可或缺的重要组成部分,对促进灌丛"肥岛"演变具有重要的生态作用,有利于灌丛生态功能的发挥及退化生态系统的恢复。近年来,国内外学者对荒漠灌丛微生境土壤动物的研究逐步深入,取得大量的研究成果。在此基础上,首先综述荒漠灌丛微生境土壤动物群落分布和生态功能,总结灌丛与土壤动物分布间作用关系的数学模型,针对荒漠灌丛土壤动物研究中存在的问题提出了未来可能的研究方向和建议。  相似文献   

蒋嘉瑜  刘任涛  张安宁  陈蔚 《生态学报》2023,43(5):1981-1994
在干旱区(内蒙古乌拉特后旗)和半干旱区(宁夏盐池)荒漠草原区,选择柠条灌丛内外微生境为研究样地,以红砂枯落物为研究对象,利用2种规格网孔分解袋(30目和250目网孔),探索中小型节肢动物在红砂枯落物分解过程中的作用规律,研究灌丛微生境中红砂枯落物质量损失变化特征及节肢动物群落的贡献。结果表明:(1)在干旱与半干旱区,红砂枯落物分解常数K均表现为灌丛内外微生境间无显著差异,且有无节肢动物参与对K的影响均较小。(2)分解至12个月时,无节肢动物参与的情况下,干旱与半干旱区红砂枯落物残留率均表现为裸地显著低于灌丛;但有节肢动物参与时,枯落物残留率则表现为灌丛内外微生境间无显著差异。分解至44个月时,无节肢动物参与的情况下,仅在干旱区枯落物残留率表现为裸地显著高于灌丛;而有节肢动物参与时,干旱与半干旱区枯落物残留率均表现为灌丛内外微生境间无显著差异。(3)节肢动物对红砂枯落物质量损失的贡献率呈现单峰值现象,且在分解至24个月时达到峰值。枯落物分解至12个月时,仅半干旱区节肢动物对红砂枯落物分解的贡献率表现为裸地显著低于灌丛;分解至44个月时,仅干旱区节肢动物对红砂枯落物分解的贡献率表现为裸地显...  相似文献   

理解植物群落组成结构的演化对于阐明荒漠化的过程与驱动机制、制定有效的干旱区生态系统恢复措施具有重要价值。研究干旱区植物群落的空间格局的演化过程有助于深入理解荒漠化和生态恢复的过程与机理。目前大量研究关注于植被退化过程中的群落组成结构变化,而对于生态恢复过程中的植物群落空间格局演化的研究尚不多见。干旱区生态系统中植物通常较为稀疏且个体较小,准确提取植物的分布往往需要分辨率极高的遥感数据。近年来,低空无人机遥感技术的快速发展为精细尺度上植被空间格局的研究提供重要技术支持。利用2 cm空间分辨率的低空无人机遥感数据结合地面群落调查,在精细尺度上研究了宁夏沙坡头草方格生态恢复区内植物群落的空间格局变化。研究结果表明,沙坡头地区草方格生态恢复工程实验区域,相对于未实施生态恢复工程的裸露沙丘区域,植物物种多样性和植被盖度显著提高。恢复工程实施4年后,平均植被盖度增加3倍,物种丰富度增加1倍。在植被恢复过程中,随着植被盖度的增加,植被斑块表现出规模上升、破碎化程度下降、形状复杂化、空间自相关减弱等格局特征变化。这些空间格局特征的变化表明大型植被斑块趋于恢复,整体微环境的改善有利于单独生长的植物个体存活,整体上生态系统退化为裸地的风险降低。利用低空无人机遥感手段,对草方格生态恢复工程的植被恢复过程进行了详细、高分辨率的空间格局调查及分析,结合地面群落调查,从多个方面证明了草方格生态恢复措施的有效性。基于无人机的系统格局连续长期监测有助于深入理解干旱区生态恢复机理,对于科学开展荒漠化生态恢复措施也具有重要价值。  相似文献   

为了了解退化喀斯特森林自然恢复中生态系统碳吸存趋势, 采用空间代替时间的方法, 研究了茂兰退化喀斯特森林自然恢复中生态系统碳吸存特征。结果表明: 总体上植被生物量随恢复进程递增, 其中乔木层与其变化一致, 草本层、灌木层则相反; 喀斯特植被的地上与地下生物量之比较低, 尤其灌木层的地上与地下生物量之比最低; 加权平均含碳率随恢复进展递增; 随恢复进程, 植被乔木层碳密度递增, 草本层、灌木层碳密度递减; 总体上生态系统及其植被、土壤的碳密度由恢复早期(草本阶段、草灌阶段)经中期(灌木阶段、灌乔阶段)至后期(乔木阶段、顶极阶段)呈增加趋势, 而凋落物的相反。在贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区喀斯特森林的恢复进程中, 植被对生态系统碳库的影响最大, 尤其是木本植被, 而土壤的影响较小, 因此, 加强植被恢复对喀斯特地区生态系统碳汇具有极重要的意义。  相似文献   

潘声旺  袁馨  雷志华  胡明成 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4654-4663
乡土植物灌木化建植是高速公路边坡防护的重要生态模式。为了探讨生态恢复过程中乡土植物的生活型构成对边坡植被水土保持效益的影响,揭示乡土植物生活型-物种多样性-生态系统功能间的偶合关系,借助3个物种配置试验,于2009年4月构建了以草本、灌木或乔木为主体的草本型、灌木型、乔木型绿化配置及草-灌-乔混合型试验区。自建植次年(2010年)起,对试验区进行持续5a生态监测。结果表明:1)边坡植被的物种丰富度与乡土植物的生活型有关,呈现乔木型灌木型草-灌-乔混合型草本型趋势;2)植被的物种多样性(Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数)与乡土植物生活型构成及建植年限有关:建植后第1、第2年,多样性水平呈草本型草-灌-乔混合型灌木型乔木型变化趋势;自建植后第三起(2012—2014年),呈草-灌-乔混合型草本型灌木型乔木型波动;3)植被的水土保持性能(径流系数、侵蚀模数)与群落的物种多样性密切相关:多样性水平越高,水土保持性能越强。可见,乡土植物的生活型构成对提高边坡植被的物种多样性、改善生态性能至关重要。  相似文献   

Abstract. Seedling establishment and survival of the main woody species of early-successional shrubland in northeastern Spain were studied from 1992 to 1995 with emphasis on the importance of vegetation cover (existence of open areas and the situation beneath the plant canopy) and microhabitat (occurrence of stones, litter and bare soil). In the absence of fire, vegetation cover (measured at a scale of 30cm × 30 cm) was not correlated with seedling emergence of most species, nor with growth and survival of seedlings up to one year old. Seedlings older than one year showed a similar pattern: their density was not significantly different in both kinds of habitats. The emergence of seedlings was mainly associated with the presence of mature plants – which can provide seeds – and with the absence of unsuitable microhabitats (large stones, deep litter and bare soil). In April 1994 a wildfire burned the study area. This enabled a study of the pattern of post-fire establishment. After the wildfire, seedling emergence of several species increased and most species produced seedlings with higher survival and growth rates than in the period before the fire. Pre-fire cover, however, did not show significant effects on post-fire seedling dynamics in most cases.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: How does changing resource availability induced by fertilization and defoliation affect seedling establishment and mycorrhizal symbiosis in a subarctic meadow? Location: 610 m a.s.l., Kilpisjärvi (69°03’N, 20°50’E), Finland. Methods: A short‐term full‐factorial experiment was established, with fertilization and defoliation of natural established vegetation as treatments. Seeds of two perennial herbs Solidago virgaurea and Gnaphalium norvegicum were sown in natural vegetation and their germination and growth followed. At the final harvest we measured the response in terms of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization, biomass and nitrogen concentration of the seedlings and the established vegetation. Results: Germination rate was negatively affected by defoliation in the unfertilized plots. The shoot biomass of S. virgaurea seedlings was reduced by the defoliation and fertilization treatments, but not affected by their interaction. In G. norvegicum, the germination rate and the seedling shoot biomass were negatively correlated with moss biomass in the plots. In the established plants the arbuscular colonization rate was low and defoliation and fertilization treatments either increased or did not affect the colonization by AM fungi. In the seedlings, the colonization rate by AM fungi was high, but it was not affected by treatments. Both seedlings and established plants were colonized by dark septate fungi. Conclusions: Reduction of plant biomass by herbivores can have different effects on seedling growth in areas of high and low soil nutrient availability. The weak response of AM colonization to defoliation and fertilization suggests that AM symbiosis is not affected by altering plant resource availability under the conditions employed in this study.  相似文献   

Altered hydrology of southwestern United States rivers has led to a decline in native cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Areas historically dominated by cottonwood have been replaced by invasive saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis). Restoration of historic hydrology through periodic flooding of riparian areas has been a means of restoring native species. However, due to similarity in germination requirements of cottonwoods and saltcedars, flooding may create an unwanted increase in the number of saltcedar seedlings. Therefore, we evaluated competitive aspects of these co-occurring species in an extant riparian habitat in the arid southwestern US. We measured effects of competition between cottonwood and saltcedar seedlings and among cottonwood seedlings during the first growing season following seedling establishment in 360, 0.5 × 0.5-m plots at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. We used five interspecific density treatments and five intraspecific density treatments. Cottonwood seedling biomass and height were twice that of saltcedar seedlings across all density treatments. As density of cottonwood increased, intraspecific competition increased in severity and biomass of cottonwood seedlings decreased. At 4 plants/0.25 m2, cottonwood seedlings had the greatest biomass; whereas, survival was highest at 10 plants/0.25 m2. Our results support greenhouse studies and suggest that if favorable germination conditions are established for cottonwood in floodplains, saltcedar seedlings that cogerminate could be outcompeted by native cottonwood seedlings.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes the effect of artificial plant cover on plant colonization of a bare peat surface, resulting from peat harvesting. Plant species colonization was compared on plots supplied with plastic models simulating Vaccinium vitis-idaea plants and plots without this artificial cover. After two growing seasons, species composition and total biomass of the established plant cover were similar in the two plot types. However, the number of established seedlings in the plots with artificial cover was significantly higher than that in the plots without cover. Out of 13 species observed four differed significantly in their performance on the two plot types. Betula spec. had both higher seedling numbers and higher biomass on the test plots; Deschampsia cespitosa had a higher biomass, whereas the seedlings were too numerous to be counted; Salix phylicifolia had higher seedling numbers. On the contrary, the number of seedlings of Epilobium angustifoliwn was lower on plots with artificial cover. It is suggested that colonization by Betula, D. cespitosa and S. phylicifolia was facilitated mainly by the improved microclimatic and soil moisture conditions under the artificial plant cover. On the other hand, germination of E. angustifolium may be negatively influenced by the increased shade on the test plots.  相似文献   

为探讨石漠化山区立地类型对青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)和蒜头果(Malania oleifera)直播造林的影响及其机理,本研究采取小区播种试验方法,并监测这2个树种在石漠化山区3种立地类型(灌丛、草丛和裸地)中种子萌发、幼苗存活与生长量情况,以及各立地类型中枯落物储量和小气候环境因子特征。结果显示,灌丛和草丛中枯落物储量分别为(182.55±47.94)g/m2和(99.88±35.76)g/m2;灌丛和草丛距离地面150cm处的光照强度和气温显著低于裸地、空气湿度显著高于裸地,且距离地面越近效果越明显;灌丛和草丛地下5cm处的土壤温度显著低于裸地;青冈种子萌发率、幼苗保存率和幼苗生长量在3种立地类型间差异不显著(P0.05);蒜头果种子萌发率在裸地和灌丛间差异显著(P=0.014),一年生幼苗株高生长量在裸地和灌丛之间、草丛和灌丛之间差异显著(P=0.011和P=0.041),幼苗基径生长量在裸地和灌丛之间差异显著(P=0.043),在草丛和灌丛之间差异极显著(P=0.003)。本实验结果表明,在桂西南石漠化山区灌、草丛的保育作用下,蒜头果种子发芽率较高,幼苗生长较快,可选择种子直播方式造林;而青冈因一年生幼苗越冬后死亡率很高,需要改进幼苗抚育措施或改变造林方式,才能取得较理想的效果。  相似文献   

Abstract. Composition and density of the soil seed banks, together with seedling emergence in the field, were examined on Svalbard. 1213 soil samples were collected from six drymesic habitats in three regions representing various stages of colonization from bare moraines to full vegetation cover and spanning a range of typical nutrient and thermal regimes. Of the 165 vascular plant species native to Svalbard, 72 were present as mature plants at the study sites and of these 70% germinated seed. Proglacial soil had 12 seedlings per m2, disturbed Dryas heath 131, intact Dryas heath 91, polar heath 715, thermophilic heath 3113, and a bird cliff 10437 seedlings. Highest seed bank species richness was at the thermophilic heath (26 species). Seedlings of 27 species emerged in the field, with fewer seedlings in disturbed habitats (60 seedlings per m2) than in intact Dryas heath (142), suggesting that an absence of ‘safe sites’ limited seedling establishment in disturbed habitats. Measurement of seedling emergence in the field increased awareness of which species are able to germinate naturally. This may be underestimated by up to 31% if greenhouse trials alone are used, owing partly to unsuitability of greenhouse conditions for germination of some species and also to practical limitations of amount of soil sampled. Most thermophilic species failed to germinate and some species present at several sites only germinated from the thermophilic heath seed bank, suggesting that climate constrains recruitment from seeds in the High Arctic.  相似文献   

Using nurse plants to facilitate native plant recruitment in degraded habitats is a common restoration practice across various arid and semiarid environments. Living trees or shrubs are typically considered nurse plants, whereas dead shrubs left in the landscape from prolonged drought are understudied prospective facilitators for native plant recruitment. The interaction between nurse plants and biotic pressures, such as herbivory, on native recruitment is also not well understood in semiarid plant communities. We investigated the effects of facilitation and herbivory on native seedling germination, growth, and survival in the restoration of degraded coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat. Native shrub seedlings (Artemisia californica and Salvia mellifera) were planted, and native annual species (Amsinckia intermedia, Deinandra fasciculata, Phacelia distans, and Pseudognaphalium californicum) were sown in three Shrub Type treatments (live shrub, dead shrub, and exposed areas), with a nested Cage treatment (no cage and cage) in each Shrub Type treatment. Annual species grew equally well in all Shrub Type treatments; shrub seedlings grew largest in exposed areas. While there was little evidence of facilitation for all species tested, there were strong positive effects of caging on growth and establishment of all species. Caging palatable native species or planting species with anti‐herbivory traits around target plants may be more strategic approaches compared to using nurse plants in restoring degraded CSS after extended drought.  相似文献   

The establishment phase is an important bottleneck in the life cycle of plants. It consists of two steps that are rarely separated, i.e., the germination of seeds and the establishment of seedlings. Here we report the results of two experiments in which we independently investigated germination and seedling establishment in the greenhouse, under different grass vegetation treatments representing different regeneration niches. Seeds of Tragopogon pratensis from six populations and two habitat types were studied, three from roadside verges and three from hayfields. Germination percentages and germination speed were higher for seeds from roadside verges than for seeds from hayfields, but were little affected by treatment. In contrast, seedling growth was much lower in the tall grass vegetation, than in the short grass and especially the bare soil treatment. Seedling sizes were generally similar for different populations and habitat types. Our results thus show that the two early steps in the establishment phase of plants may respond very differently to the micro-environment, and may have a different selection history. Insight into the ecology and evolution of life histories may require that germination and establishment are considered separately.  相似文献   

The long-term persistence of populations and species depends on the successful recruitment of individuals. The generative recruitment of plants may be limited by a lack of suitable germination and establishment conditions. Establishment limitation may especially be caused by the competitive effect of surrounding dense vegetation, which is believed to restrict the recruitment success of many plant species to small open patches (‘safe sites’). We conducted experiments to clarify the roles of germination and seedling establishment as limiting processes in the recruitment of Juncus atratus Krock., a rare and threatened herbaceous perennial river corridor plant in Central Europe. Light intensity had a positive effect on germination. However, some seedlings emerged even in total darkness and the germination rate at 1% light intensity was more than half of that at 60% light intensity. Seedling establishment in the field after 10 weeks was 30% on bare ground, but it was close to zero in grassland. Establishment in the growth chamber after 8 weeks was close to 75% for seedlings that germinated underwater, but only about 35% for seedlings that germinated afloat. Furthermore, establishment decreased with flooding duration on bare ground, but increased with flooding duration in grassland. These data indicate that establishment, rather than germination, is a critical life stage in Central European populations of J. atratus. They furthermore indicate that the competition of surrounding vegetation for water limits seedling establishment under field conditions without flooding, largely restricting establishment success to bare ground habitats. In contrast, grassland is more suitable for the recruitment of J. atratus than bare ground under prolonged flooding. Grassland may facilitate the establishment of J. atratus seedlings during long-lasting floods by supplying oxygen to the soil through aerenchyma. The shift from competition to facilitation in grassland occurred after 30 days of flooding, i.e. within the ontogeny of individual plants. The specific recruitment requirements of J. atratus may be a main cause of its rarity in modern Central Europe. In order to prevent regional extinction of J. atratus, we suggest maintaining or re-establishing natural hydrodynamics in the species’ habitats.  相似文献   

入侵植物会通过化感作用等手段抑制本地种的生存繁衍,但本土植物尤其是地被层的藓类植物对入侵植物有何影响尚不清楚。本文以本土羽枝青藓和瘤柄匐灯藓为供体材料,以恶性入侵杂草稗草和野胡萝卜为受试材料,从藓丛结构特征和化感作用角度探究藓类植物对入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明: 2种入侵植物种子落入藓丛后其发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均受到显著抑制,抑制效果为藓丛上部>藓丛下部>无藓丛。稗草种子落入藓丛下部会显著影响其根长和根芽比。施加藓类浸提液均显著降低2种入侵植物的发芽率、发芽势及发芽指数,但呈现不同的浓度效应。施加浸提液在一定程度上增加了稗草幼苗芽长、根长和根芽比,但对野胡萝卜无明显的规律性影响。藓类植物对2种入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感综合效应均表现为抑制作用,其中,野胡萝卜的敏感性大于稗草,且高浓度下更加明显。可见,藓类植物对入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长具有一定抑制作用。  相似文献   

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