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Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] can benefit from accelerated breeding and release of improved varieties through doubled haploid technology. The technology has been used in speeding up the breeding of other major cereals such as wheat, maize and rice, for which generally widely applied optimised protocols exist. A reproducible protocol for the crop, that can overcome genotype dependency and other species-specific challenges such as phenolic exudation is however lacking. This study aimed at sorghum doubled haploids production thereby contributing to the development of an improved protocol. From the 28 hybrid genotypes, both F1 registered- and experimental hybrids involved, this study successfully produced haploids from five genotypes and subsequently, four confirmed doubled-haploid lines on W14mf medium or its modification with 1.0 gl−1 L-proline, 1.0 gl−1 L-asparagine and 1.0 gl−1 KH2PO4. Medium 190-2Cu was used for regeneration and rooting, which occurred successfully, if the calli were transferred on to it less than 7 days after induction, and temperature was maintained at 25˚C under light condition. Genotype dependency was not wholly overcome; however, sorghum’s high tillering ability and abiotic stress tolerance were observed to contribute to attainment of haploid plantlets. Spontaneous diploids producing seeds at rates of upto 80.5% were obtained, therefore eliminating the need for colchicine duplication.  相似文献   

 A protocol for plant regeneration from mesophyll/protoplasts of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] was developed. The yield of intact protoplasts, their subsequent divisions and regeneration were genotype-dependent. The genotype 296B was always more responsive than IS 32266. For 296B, the sixth leaf from 18-day-old plants kept in dark for 2 days before harvesting was found to be the most suitable source of viable protoplasts. The first division was observed 10–12 days after plating, and the second division after 12–14 days. The maximum plating efficiency was 4.8% in 296 B, followed by 2.48% in IS 32266. Microcolonies were visible after 25–30 days, and microcalli after 60–75 days. Whole plants were obtained after 6–8 weeks of culture of microcalli on MS medium containing 0.2 mg l–1 kinetin and 2 mg l–1 BAP. The frequency of regeneration in 296B and IS 32266 was 12.80% and 10.58%, respectively. Ten plants transferred to pots in the glasshouse established well. The seeds collected from glasshouse-grown plants were sown in the field where plants were grown to maturity. Received: 7 October 1998 / Revision received: 13 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 1999  相似文献   

In the north-western region of Somalia, bordering Ethiopia, sorghum represents an important resources for human and animal nutrition. The critical situation of Somalia is threatening the preservation of this valuable resource and it becomes urgent to develop a strategy of correct evaluation of the sorghum germplasm in order to promote conservation and preservation programs. Microsatellites, also known as Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), are reproducible molecular markers useful in assessing the level of genetic diversity of plants. A total of 5 sorghum SSR-specific primer pairs were used to assess the genetic diversity of Somali sorghum landraces. Extensive variation was found at the microsatellite loci analysed, except for a locus that resulted in a monomorphic for some accessions. Considerable differences were found between total and effective number of alleles indicating non uniform allele frequency. Moreover allele frequency at a single locus significantly changed among accessions. Total gene diversity calculated for each locus ranged from 0.44 to 0.79. Most of the genetic diversity occurred within accessions demonstrating that accessions are not under selection processes and/or there is a continuous exchange of genes between sorghum populations. In any case, the patterns of clustering were significantly affected by the presence/absence of some alleles with high discriminant weight. Accessions Carabi, Abaadiro, Masego Cas and Masego Cad represent distinct genotypes confirming finding observed in previous phenotypic studies. The results highlight the central role of local farmers in maintaining and shaping local germplasm.  相似文献   

This study describes a protocol for the induction of high frequency somatic embryogenesis directly from immature inflorescence explants in three sorghum genotypes (SPV-462, SPV-839, and M35-1). The effect of various growth regulators on somatic embryogenesis was investigated. High frequency somatic embrogenesis was obtained on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and addition of 0.5 mg l−1 kinetin (KN) in the medium further improved the formation of somatic embryos per explant in all genotypes. The presence of 1.5 mg l−1 6-benzylaminopurine plus 1.0 mg l−1 KN in MS medium was most efficient for maturation and germination of somatic embryos. The genotype SPV-462 performed better than SPV-839 and M35-1 in terms of induction and germination of somatic embryos. Organogenesis also occurred in callus of all genotypes at the frequency of 20–25%. Regenerated plants from somatic embryos were successfully acclimatized in soil in the greenhouse where plants were grown to maturity, flowered, and set seeds. Regenerated plants appeared normal like that of the seed-raised plants.  相似文献   

The shoot fly is one of the most destructive insect pests of sorghum at the seedling stage. Deployment of cultivars with improved shoot fly resistance would be facilitated by the use of molecular markers linked to QTL. The objective of this study was to dissect the genetic basis of resistance into QTL, using replicated phenotypic data sets obtained from four test environments, and a 162 microsatellite marker-based linkage map constructed using 168 RILs of the cross 296B (susceptible) × IS18551 (resistant). Considering five component traits and four environments, a total of 29 QTL were detected by multiple QTL mapping (MQM) viz., four each for leaf glossiness and seedling vigor, seven for oviposition, six for deadhearts, two for adaxial trichome density and six for abaxial trichome density. The LOD and R 2 (%) values of QTL ranged from 2.6 to 15.0 and 5.0 to 33%, respectively. For most of the QTL, IS18551 contributed resistance alleles; however, at six QTL, alleles from 296B also contributed to resistance. QTL of the related component traits were co-localized, suggesting pleiotropy or tight linkage of genes. The new morphological marker Trit for trichome type was associated with the major QTL for component traits of resistance. Interestingly, QTL identified in this study correspond to QTL/genes for insect resistance at the syntenic maize genomic regions, suggesting the conservation of insect resistance loci between these crops. For majority of the QTL, possible candidate genes lie within or very near the ascribed confidence intervals in sorghum. Finally, the QTL identified in the study should provide a foundation for marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs for improving shoot fly resistance in sorghum.  相似文献   

Seed germination, one of the most important phases in the life cycle of a plant, is highly responsive to existing environment. Hydrolyzing enzymes play a major role in the mobilization of food reserves by hydrolyzing carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This paper reports on the effect of Cd toxicity on seed germination and the activities of hydrolyzing enzymes, like acid phosphatases (ACPs), proteases and α-amylases in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The metal uptake by embryonic axes and seeds was quantified. We found that sorghum could tolerate up to 0.5 mM Cd. At concentrations above 3.0 mM, seed germination was adversely affected with a complete cessation of seedling growth. All investigated hydrolyzing enzymes exhibited a significant decrease in activity with increasing Cd concentrations. The isozyme profiles indicated the loss of one or two isozymes of ACP, induction of a new isozyme for total protease (at 3.0 mM Cd) and a decline in the intensity of α-amylase isozymes. SEM studies revealed that Cd affected a change in root hair density. SEM investigations also confirmed the assay results of the inhibition of starch mobilization from endosperm. This suggested an inhibition of the hydrolysis of reserve carbohydrates and translocation of hydrolyzed sugars, ultimately resulting in decreased germination and disruption of seedling growth. Because sorghum is an important dryland crop, its response to the presence of Cd in agro-ecosystems and Cd-induced phytotoxicity during seed germination and seedling growth needs critical investigation.  相似文献   

Forty-five sorghum germplasm growing in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia were evaluated for 10 qualitative traits. Phenotypic frequencies between the accessions from each of the nine Aanaas and Alemaya University, grouped in 10 localities were tabulated. Phenotypic diversity index, H′, was analysed and the result indicated the between localities component of diversity to be relatively smaller than the variation in H′ among characters within localities. The value of H′ for all sample germplasm ranged from 0.36 to 0.95 with a mean of 0.71. The results showed that there is a wide morpho-agronomical diversity among the sample germplasm studied. This information can be used for the conservation of these germplasm resources and future improvement work of the sorghum crop.  相似文献   

Molecular variation within known genes controlling specific functions provide candidate gene-based markers which are tightly linked with the trait of interest. Unigene-derived microsatellite markers, with their unique identity and positions, offer the advantage of unraveling variation in the expressed component of the genome. We characterized ≥12-bp-long microsatellite loci from 13,899 unique sequences of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] available in the NCBI unigene database for their abundance and possible use in sorghum breeding. Analysis of 12,464 unigenes (≥200-bp) using MISA software identified 14,082 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in 7,370 unigenes, from which 1,519 unigene SSR markers were developed. The average frequency of SSR was 1 per1.6 kb and 1.0 per 1.1 unigene; hexamers followed by trimers were found in abundance, of which 33.3% AT-rich and CCG repeats were the most abundant. Of the 302 unigene SSRs tested, 60 (19.8%) were polymorphic between the two parents, M35-1 and B35 of a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population. A mapping population consisting of 500 RILs was developed using the above two parents, and a subset of random 245 RILs was used for genotyping with polymorphic SSRs. We developed a linkage map containing 231 markers, of which 228 (174 genomic and 54 genic) were microsatellites and three were morphological markers. Markers were distributed over 21 linkage groups, and spanned a genetic distance of 1235.5 cM. This map includes 81 new SSRs, of which 35 (21 unigene and 14 genomic) were developed in the present study and 46 from other studies. The order of the SSR markers mapped in the present study was confirmed physically by BLAST search against the whole-genome shotgun sequence of sorghum. Many unigene sequences used for marker development in this study include genes coding for important regulatory proteins and functional proteins that are involved in stress-related metabolism. The unigene SSR markers used together with other SSR markers to construct the sorghum genetic map will have applications in studies on comparative mapping, functional diversity analysis and association mapping, and for quantitative trait loci detection for drought and other agronomically important traits in sorghum.  相似文献   

The method for genetic transformation of maize (Zea mays L.) via embryogenic callus infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens was developed. Calli were co-cultivated with the overnight culture of A. tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring the pBI121 plasmid with the nptII and uidA genes. Thereafter, the sensitivity of calli and regenerated plantlets to kanamycin (Km) was determined. It was shown that kanamycin selection was more efficient at the stage of regenerated plantlets than in callus culture. Both vacuum infiltration at the infection step and preliminary activation of Agrobacterium by acetosyringone or by tobacco leaves exudate increased the frequency of Km-resistant plants. The frequency of Km-resistant plants also varied depending on the morphogenic ability of calli. Polymerase chain reaction confirmed the presence of the nptII gene in the genome of regenerated plants and their progeny. β-Glucuronidase gene expression was observed in roots of T1 plants.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2005, pp. 600–607.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Danilova, Dolgikh.  相似文献   

Shoot fly is one of the most important pests affecting the sorghum production. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting shoot fly resistance enables to understand the underlying genetic mechanisms and genetic basis of complex interactions among the component traits. The aim of the present study was to detect QTL for shoot fly resistance and the associated traits using a population of 210 RILs of the cross 27B (susceptible) × IS2122 (resistant). RIL population was phenotyped in eight environments for shoot fly resistance (deadheart percentage), and in three environments for the component traits, such as glossiness, seedling vigor and trichome density. Linkage map was constructed with 149 marker loci comprising 127 genomic-microsatellite, 21 genic-microsatellite and one morphological marker. QTL analysis was performed by using MQM approach. 25 QTL (five each for leaf glossiness and seedling vigor, 10 for deadhearts, two for adaxial trichome density and three for abaxial trichome density) were detected in individual and across environments. The LOD and R 2 (%) values of QTL ranged from 2.44 to 24.1 and 4.3 to 44.1%, respectively. For most of the QTLs, the resistant parent, IS2122 contributed alleles for resistance; while at two QTL regions, the susceptible parent 27B also contributed for resistance traits. Three genomic regions affected multiple traits, suggesting the phenomenon of pleiotrophy or tight linkage. Stable QTL were identified for the traits across different environments, and genetic backgrounds by comparing the QTL in the study with previously reported QTL in sorghum. For majority of the QTLs, possible candidate genes were identified. The QTLs identified will enable marker assisted breeding for shoot fly resistance in sorghum.  相似文献   

Molecular markers [random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)] were used to determine the frequency of DNA polymorphism in grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Twenty-nine oligonucleotide primers were employed for RAPDs, generating a total of 262 DNA fragments, of which 145 were polymorphic in at least one pairwise comparison between 36 genotypes. Individual primers differed significantly in their ability to detect genetic polymorphism in the species. The overall frequency of polymorphisms was low with a mean frequency of 0.117 polymorphisms per RAPD band being obtained from all pairwise comparisons between genotypes, with maximum and minimum values of 0.212 and 0.039, respectively. Results from phenetic analysis of bandsharing data were consistent with current sub-specific groupings of the species, with clusters of Durra, Zerazera, Caud-Nig, Caud-Kaura and Caffrorum being discernible. The results also indicated that individuals of a similar taxonomic grouping but different geographic origin may be genetically less identical than previously considered. Similar frequencies of polymorphism to that obtained with RAPDs were obtained with RFLPs. Results from these experiments indicated that a high level of genetic uniformity exists within S. bicolor.  相似文献   

Soil temperatures at 15°C or below limit germination and seedling establishment for warm season cereal crops such as sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) during early-season planting. To better understand the genetics of early-season cold tolerance in sorghum, mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with germination, emergence and vigor using a recombinant inbred mapping population was carried out. A mapping population consisting of 171 F7–F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross between RTx430 (cold-sensitive) and PI610727 (cold-tolerant) was developed and a genetic map was constructed using 141 microsatellites or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The RILs were evaluated for cold and optimal temperature germinability in the laboratory, field emergence, and seedling vigor in two locations during early-season planting. Two or more QTL were detected for all traits, except for seedling vigor, with only one QTL was detected in the population. A QTL for cold germinability (Germ 12-2.1) showed the highest LOD value and was also associated with optimal germinability. One of the QTL for field emergence, Fearlygerm-9.3, a contribution from PI610727, was found significant in both locations used for the study. This study showed alignment of QTL in SBi1 (Fearlygerm-1.2 and FGerm30-1.2) with previously reported QTL associated with late field emergence identified from a different mapping population. This indicates that PI617027 shares some common loci with other known early-season cold-tolerant sorghum germplasm but also harbors novel QTL that could be useful in introgression of enhanced laboratory germination and early-season field emergence.  相似文献   

Rhodiola quadrifida is a rare mountain medicinal plant whose root extracts are used in traditional Chinese medicine as a hemostatic, antitussive, and tonic in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The aim of the study was to obtain R. quadrifida cultures at different degrees of differentiation in vitro and compare their growth characteristics and the content of salidroside and rosavin. Hairy roots were obtained by incubating cotyledons and hypocotyls in a suspension of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4. The presence of the rolB and rolC genes was proven by polymerase chain reaction. The obtained roots were cultivated in Murashige-Skoog medium (MS). Calluses were obtained from the hairy roots in MS medium with the addition of hormones: 3 mg/L 2,4 D and 0.5 mg/L BAP. The presence of the main secondary metabolites of R. quadrifida, salidroside and rosavin, in calluses and salidroside in hairy roots by HPLC/MS was confirmed. The content of salidroside in callus culture was significantly higher than in hairy roots, 0.158 and 0.047%, respectively. The content of rosavin in callus culture was 0.07%. The content of rosavin and salidroside in callus culture was close to the level of these substances in the rhizomes of R. quadrifida plants growing in vivo, making this culture promising for its possible biotechnological use.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation has been widely used in plants. However, the mechanism in plant cells’ response to Agrobacterium infection was very complex. The mechanism of the determinants in host cell remains obscure, especially in barley, which is recalcitrant for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In the present study, microspore-derived embryogenic calli (MDEC) from barley elite cultivar were employed as unique subjects to characterize the mechanisms during the Agrobacterium infection process. Hua 30 MDEC can be successfully infected by Agrobacterium. RNA-sequencing at different infection points (0, 2, 6, 12, 24 hpi) was performed. The average expressional intensity of the whole genomics increased from 0 to 2 hpi, and then decreased subsequently. More upregulated than downregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were counted at the same time. GO enrichment analysis showed that protein modification was significantly overrepresented in upregulated DEGs. Chromosome-related biological processes, gene expression and cellular metabolic processes were significantly overrepresented in downregulated DEGs. KEGG analysis showed that plant defense responses, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and biosynthesis of amino acids were significantly enriched across the infection time course. Nine DEGs related to defense responses were identified. All DEGs were upregulated from 2 to 24 hpi. We speculate that these genes are possibly related to Agrobacterium infection. These findings will provide deep insights into the molecular events occurring during the process of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

Summary A highly efficient protocol for callus induction and plant regeneration in Sorghum bicolor was developed by varying the concentrations of copper (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2.5 μM) in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. The mature embryos of Sorghum bicolor were cultured on MS medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (9μM), kinetin (2.3 μM), and 3% (w/v) sucrose for embryogenic callus induction. Plant regeneration from this callus occurred on MS medium containing kinetin (9.2 μM) and indole-3-acetic acid (2.85 μM). A much greater response was noted on these media with higher levels of copper. Frequency of plant regeneration and number of regenerants dramatically increased with an optimal amount of copper (2 μM) in the MS medium. Rooting of the regenerated shoots readily occurred on half-strength MS medium supplemented with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (10.7 μM) and 3% (w/v) sucrose. Well-developed plantlets were transferred to the field where 100% survival and normal seed setting was noted.  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a rapidly emerging high biomass feedstock for bioethanol and lignocellulosic biomass production. The robust varietal germplasm of sorghum and its completed genome sequence provide the necessary genetic and molecular tools to study and engineer the biotic/abiotic stress tolerance. Traditional proteomics approaches for outlining the sorghum proteome have many limitations like, demand for high protein amounts, reproducibility and identification of only few differential proteins. In this study, we report a gel-free, quantitative proteomic method for in-depth coverage of the sorghum proteome. This novel method combining phenol extraction and methanol chloroform precipitation gives high total protein yields for both mature sorghum root and leaf tissues. We demonstrate successful application of this method in comparing proteomes of contrasting cultivars of sorghum, at two different phenological stages. Protein identification and relative quantification analyses were performed by a label-free liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) analyses. Several unique proteins were identified respectively from sorghum tissues, specifically 271 from leaf and 774 from root tissues, with 193 proteins common in both tissues. Using gene ontology analysis, the differential proteins identified were finely corroborated with their leaf/root tissue specific functions. This method of protein extraction and analysis would contribute substantially to generate in-depth differential protein data in sorghum as well as related species. It would also increase the repertoire of methods uniquely suited for gel-free plant proteomics that are increasingly being developed for studying abiotic and biotic stress responses.  相似文献   

Callus cultures of Annona muricata and Annona purpurea were induced in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA), 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) utilized hypocotyls with explant. The highest percentage of callus formation was the treatment supplemented with 3 mg L-1 NAA for A. muricata (100%) while for A. purpurea in lower percentage (75%). BA stimulated the formation of shoots in all the evaluated concentrations, being the concentration of 2 mg L-1 the one that induced the greater formation of shoots for A. muricata (23 shoots/explant) and A. purpurea (28 shoots/explant). The content of total phenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity was measured in the callus obtained from both species. The results showed that a higher content of total phenols was quantified in callus of A. purpurea (27.8 mg g-1 dw) compared to A. muricata (23.2 mg g-1 dw). The highest content of total flavonoids was observed in the callus of A. purpurea (8.0 μg g-1 dw). Antioxidant activity was determined by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydracil radical assay. The concentration required for 50% inhibition (IC50) of the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydracil radicals were 4.22 μg mL-1 in methanolic extracts of callus of A. muricata, while in extracts of callus of A. purpurea was 2.86 μg mL-1, in both cases was greater than that found for leaves. Callus culture of the species studied in this work represents an alternative for the production of natural antioxidants.  相似文献   

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