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 Yield performance of each group of ten spring bread wheat lines selected by doubled haploid (DH), single-seed descent (SSD) and pedigree selection (PS) methods from three F1 crosses was compared with the aim of evaluating the DH method in breeding programs. Populations of 65–97 DH lines and 110 SSD lines per cross were used for selection. PS lines were developed by repeated selections from 1500 F2 plants. Yield evaluation was performed at the F6 generation of SSD and PS lines along with DH lines in a 2-year field experiment. It took only 2 years from the planting of wheat materials for DH production to the planting of selected DH lines for yield evaluation. There was no significant difference in grain yield between DH lines and PS lines selected from an F1 cross whose parental varieties were closely related in their pedigrees. In two crosses with low coefficients of parentage and a large variation in their progenies, grain yield of selected DH lines was significantly lower than those of selected SSD and PS lines. These results confirm that the DH method can save time in obtaining recombinant inbred lines ready for yield evaluation. However, a larger DH population is required to achieve the same level of genetic advance with the PS method in crosses containing greater genetic variation. Received: 23 December 1997 / Accepted: 12 March 1998  相似文献   

 Two cycles of androgenetic in vitro doubled haploid (DH) plant production and intermating were implemented in an experimental synthetic population of maize. In vitro traits, including androgenetic embryo production, the regeneration potential and the frequency of spontaneous chromosome doubling, were studied. The success of the regenerated plants to self pollinate was also observed. Impressive genetic progress is reported for all the steps of the androgenetic process including seed set. Differential genetic progress is recorded according to the trait measured. Using a set of Mendelian and molecular markers that mapped to the different maize chromosomes, we were able to characterize the variation in the genetic variability in the population. Progress in the in vitro response was not found to be associated with any noticeable decline in global genetic variability. In addition, the QTL chromosomic regions tested, which were involved in androgenetic response, were not found to be subjected to a strong variation during the breeding experiment. Some phenotypical and morphological traits were also evaluated, and these showed that there was no depreciation effect in the agronomic value of the population. DH plant production and intermating the regenerated plants may be considered for the introduction and use of androgenesis in material which responds poorly. Received: 3 October 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary The agronomic performance of 9 doubled haploid (DH) lines of Chinese Spring, 6 DH lines of Hope, 14 DH lines of the single chromosome substitution line Chinese Spring (Hope 5 A) and their respective parents was analyzed under field conditions. Seventeen Chinese Spring DH lines derived from wheat x Hordeum bulbosum crosses were also included for comparison. No significant variation was detected in either population of Chinese Spring DH lines and neither DH population differed from its parent. The Hope DH lines differed significantly for tiller biomass, spikelet number per ear, ear grain weight and 50-grain weight. However, all the variation could be attributed to the poor performance of only one line. Chinese Spring (Hope 5 A) DH lines showed significant variation for ear emergence time, but this was probably due to genetic heterogeneity in the parental stock. Overall, the results suggest that most DH lines produced by the wheat x maize method resemble their wheat parent, and that the variation induced in DH production is likely to be similar to that found in DHs from wheat x Hordeum bulbosum crosses.  相似文献   

Summary Marked effects of genotype on wheat anther culture response have been observed. Genetic factors have been recognised to be one of the major contributors to in vitro responses of cultured wheat tissues. In wheat anther culture, embryo induction, plant regeneration and albina/green ratio have been determined to be heritable traits. Using Chinese Spring (CS) monosomic 1D, single chromosome substitution lines of chromosome 5B or chromosome arm 5BL from Chinese Spring into six varieties, and F1 hybrids heterozygous for the 1B chromosome structure (1BL-1BS/1BL-1RS), the anther culture response was studied: genes on CS1D chromosome and 5BL chromosome arm increases the embryo frequency; gene(s) involved in regeneration ability are located on the 1RS chromosome arm; a gene increasing albina frequency is located on Chinese Spring 5B chromosome. Our results support the fact that without gametic selection, a differential development occurred from the particular classes of microspores carrying genes for higher regeneration ability. Moreover, in some crosses, a few genes with major effects were involved in determination of anther culture response.  相似文献   

Wheat resistance to common bunt is a highly desirable trait for environmentally friendly grain grade protection. Valuable breeding achievements have been made to develop wheat varieties with enhanced resistance to the disease, and mapping of race-specific resistance genes has been reported. However, less is known of the chromosomal regions that control non-race specific resistance to common bunt. In this study, we have characterized a segregating population of 185 doubled haploid spring wheat lines derived from the cross RL4452 × AC Domain. Reactions to a mixture of common bunt races were assessed under field simulated spring-sown conditions in greenhouses in two locations over 2 years. A total 369 polymorphic maker loci including 356 microsatellite loci, five expressed sequences tag (ESTs), and eight genes were used to develop a linkage map. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using composite interval mapping detected three QTLs associated with common bunt resistance, of which two were located on chromosome 1B and one on chromosome 7A. AC Domain alleles contributed the common bunt resistance at all three QTLs. Usefulness of gene tagging within the identified chromosomal regions for common bunt resistance breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between the efficiency of barley plant regeneration from anther culture (AC) and isolated microspore culture (IMC) for the European winter cultivar `Igri' and the spring F1 Australian breeder's hybrid Amagi Nijo×WI2585. In both cases, IMC produced a higher number of green regenerant plantlets per anther than AC. For `Igri' there was a 100- to 200-fold improvement and for Amagi Nijo×WI2585 there was a five- to ninefold improvement of IMC over AC. To improve the consistency and reliability of the IMC method, we investigated several parameters, including maltose concentration, subculture protocol, microspore plating density and colony plating density. Subculturing during the liquid culture phase produced no significant improvement in the number of microspores developing into colonies. The optimal concentration of maltose in the liquid induction medium was found to be 90 g l–1. Both microspore plating density and colony plating density were found to influence plant regeneration. Microspores produced the highest numbers of colonies when plated at densities greater than 5×104 ml–1, and colonies produced optimal numbers of green plantlets when plated at 12.5–25 colonies/cm2. Received: 23 March 1997 / Revision received: 29 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

 Anthers from a doubled-haploid line of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Pavon 76 were plated in liquid P-4 medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at four concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mg/l) for 5, 10, 15, and 25 days before being transferred to another medium with the same or reduced 2,4-D concentrations for the remainder of the induction phase for a total of 45 days. Incubation with 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D for 45 days produced lower callus yield and plant regeneration, indicative of insufficient auxin for callus induction. Callus yield and regeneration frequencies were higher with 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D. With 2.0 or 4.0 mg/l 2,4-D, an induction period of 10 or 15 days was sufficient for initiation of callus development. The extended presence of 2–4 mg/l 2,4-D in the medium beyond the initiation phase was detrimental to plant regeneration. Thus optimal callus induction and plant regeneration could be obtained through manipulating the 2,4-D concentration and the duration of its presence in the induction medium. Received: 1 December 1997 / Revision received: 15 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary The effect of employing different sugars in wheat anther culture has been investigated using four Spring wheat cultivars. The most responsive cultivar, Orofen, gave a three to four-fold increase in embryo yield when maltose was used in place of sucrose, with 50 embryos being produced for every 100 anthers cultured. Measurement of sugar concentrations in the culture media indicated that sucrose was more rapidly hydrolysed than maltose. However, neither the osmotic potential of the medium nor the concentration of glucose appeared to be critical factors in determining embryo yield.  相似文献   

The wheat x maize cross as a technique for haploid induction in wheat was evaluated in a replicated block design comprising 18 wheat F1 hybrids and five Zea mays L. parents. Haploid plants were regenerated at an average of 9.1 (4.4–14.7) plants per 100 florets processed. Genotypic differences for haploid production efficiency were recorded for both wheat and Zea mays L. Interaction between parents was significant for number of plants/100 florets. All 610 of the 1,703 regenerated plantlets that were analyzed by flow cytometry were haploid. At maturity, 70% (60–81 %) of the colchicinetreated haploid plants were fertile, but the frequency of fertile and sterile plants was not consistent over the wheat hybrids from which they were derived. Flow cytometry performed using the first tiller which arose following colchicine treatment enabled prediction of fertility. The 1BL-1RS chromosome was found at the expected ratios in the F2 and in the haploid progenies produced through the wheat x maize cross but deviated from the 11 ratio in the haploid progenies produced by anther culture.  相似文献   

Summary Medium sterilization techniques (autoclaving, filter sterilization and separate sterilization of medium components), combined with preculture exposure to activated charcoal (AC) were evaluated for effects on maize anther culture response. The addition of AC to filter sterilized medium had no effect on the number of embryo-like-structures (ES) produced. For autoclaved medium, pre-culture AC treatment resulted in a 3-fold increase in ES yield over medium lacking AC. When AC was included, autoclaved medium was more productive than filter sterilized medium. Autoclaved media without AC gave lower response than filter sterilized medium. Separate sterilization of sucrose or FeEDTA was beneficial for media autoclaved in the absence of AC. However, when all components were autoclaved together in the presence of AC, there was no advantage to separate sterilization. The maximum ES frequency (224.6 ES/100 anthers) was obtained with the genotype ETH-M 52 cultured in autoclaved medium which had been exposed to AC (5 g/L) for 96 h prior to culture initiation. It is supposed that the higher ES frequencies observed with AC-treated, autoclaved media were due to the availability of glucose and fructose following heat-induced hydrolysis of sucrose and the AC-mediated adsorption of inhibitory compounds produced during autoclaving.  相似文献   

A novel approach was used to compare male and female recombination rates in wheat. Doubled haploid lines were developed from an F1 using two distinct approaches: the anther-culture technique and the Hordeum bulbosum system, from which sets of lines were developed from male and female meioses, respectively. The genotype of the lines was established at RFLP and isozyme markers polymorphic on chromosomes of homoeologous groups 6 and 7, and male and female linkage maps were calculated using this information. The markers in one segment of chromosome 6B exhibited disturbed segregation frequencies in the anther-culture population. The male and female maps differed significantly in recombination frequency between some markers on two chromosomes, and these were consistent in direction within chromosomes and inconsistent in direction between chromosomes. In two of the four chromosomes studied the male map was much longer than the female map. These results suggest that significant differences may exist in male and female recombination frequencies in bread wheat which are specific to certain chromosomal segments but are inconsistent in direction between chromosomes. Other factors, such as environmental influences, may also be important in creating differences.  相似文献   

 Soil salinity markedly suppresses the growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.). We established rice anther culture to select for rice callus lines adapted to NaCl stress and regenerated plant progenies resistant to a NaCl stress of E.C. 16–18 mS. When exposed to NaCl, NaCl-adapted rice calli lost K+ and accumulated little Na+. Conversely, plant cells lost relatively little K+ and accumulated Na+. It is plausible that, NaCl-resistant mechanisms are different at callus and plant level. The stable NaCl-resistant lines produced have potential use in elucidating the molecular mechanisms behind NaCl resistance in rice and in rice breeding. Received: 27 February 1997 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

A simple anther culture protocol for Australian spring wheat cultivars was developed using ovary co-culture. The inclusion of ovaries in the induction medium significantly increased the production of embryo-like structures (ELS), green and albino plants in two spring wheat cultivars tested. When five ovaries were added to the induction medium, the mean number of ELS per spike increased from 7.6 to 50.1 and green plants per spike increased from 0.6 to 8.9. The addition of 10 ovaries, however, did not further increase the production of ELS or green plants. The growth regulator combination of 2,4-D and KIN was compared with IAA and BA. There were no significant differences in the numbers of ELS or green plants although significantly fewer albino plants were produced with IAA and BA. Eight additional cultivars were screened using the protocol with either 5 or 10 ovaries in the induction medium. Green plants were obtained from nine varieties at frequencies ranging from 0.3 to 33.0 green plants per spike. Regenerant plants at maturity exhibited chromosome fertility rates in different cultivars ranging from 15% to 100%.  相似文献   

Anther culture has been developed in the winter wheat cultivar Florida to achieve accelerated production and identification of homozygous transgenic lines. With untransformed, seed-derived plants to develop the culture system, it was shown that cold pre-treatment of spikes excised from donor plants and addition of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid together with either kinetin or 6-benzylaminopurine in the callus induction medium improves the anther culture response. The procedure developed allowed production of fertile homozygous lines within 8–9 months, which includes an 8-week vernalisation period. With transgenic wheat plants produced by particle bombardment as donors, we show that the system can be used to produce homozygous transgenics, requiring one generation cycle. Both T0 tissue culture-derived plants and their T1 seed-derived descendents serve as suitable donors. We show that an anther culture response comparable to that of untransformed, seed-derived plants can be achieved with T0 tissue culture-derived plants. PCR and Southern molecular analyses of anther culture-derived transgenics show that the transgenes are stably inherited; there are no perturbations at the chromosomal level around the sites of transgene integration as a result of in vitro chromosome manipulation during anther culture.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of the ability to respond in wheat anther culture was studied from 6×2 reciprocal crosses between six varieties with high and two varieties with low capacity for green plant formation and their parents, replicated in two environments. Effects of genotypes dominated embryo formation and percentages of green plants, accounting for 78.4% and 85.4% of total variation, respectively, while smaller genetic effects were indicated for regeneration. Nuclear genes could explain almost all the genotype effects in this material. Embryo formation showed heterosis over high parent for 5 of the 12 hybrids, while percentages of green plants from the hybrids were intermediate to the parents. General Combining Ability (GCA) could explain 78.8% of the variation for embryo formation among the hybrids, whereas differences in percentage of green plants were dominated by Specific Combining Ability (SCA), accounting for 67.9% of hybrid variation. A positive correlation (r=0.81**) was observed between the genetic capacity for regeneration and green plant formation. Analysis of covariance indicated that effects causing GCA for green plant formation were mainly responsible for this correlation. A regression model with two parallel lines divided the six parent lines with high green plant formation into three groups with respect to their reactions with the two testers. The results are discussed with regard to possible involvement of two sets of nuclear genes affecting the percentage of green plants obtained in wheat anther culture: one set consisting of mainly additive effects affecting green plant percentage through an initial effect on regeneration ability, and another set of two or a few more major genes with dominance or epistatic effects uncorrelated with regeneration.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the beneficial effect of microalgal and cyanobacterial biomass on anther cultures of maize (Zea mays L.). Investigations were made on the cytokinin- and auxin-like activity and content of terrestrial and fresh-water living microalgal and cyanobacterial strains. The influence of media supplemented with biomass from four selected strains on the anther induction, the frequency of microspore-derived embryo-like structures, and regeneration capacity in anther cultures of maize was also studied. The addition of cyanobacterial and microalgal biomass to the induction and regeneration media in concentrations of 1 or 2 g/L improved the androgenic response, and was able to reduce the quantity of the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D) required, or replace it completely.  相似文献   

Anther culture was used to generate microspore-derived doubled haploid (DH) plants from four spring barley crosses. The culture medium used contained maltose as the sole carbohydrate source and the mode of plantlet regeneration was mainly via pollen embryogenesis. Both haploid and spontaneously doubled regenerants were produced and the doubled haploids were compared to recom-binant inbred lines generated by several rounds of selfing (single seed descent). Parental, DH and single seed descent (SSD) lines were grown in randomised, replicated field trials and the samples were scored for a range of agronomic traits. The mean performance and phenotypic distribution of the DH and SSD samples were similar and there was little evidence to support the conclusion that anther culture derived lines exhibit a reduction in vigour. Where significant differences were detected between groups these were mainly confined to crosses which were segregating for the denso dwarfing gene. The differential transmission of particular regions of the barley genome may therefore influence and confound the expression of agronomic traits in DH populations. This is the first report of the agronomic performance of anther culture lines produced via pollen embryogenesis and the results are discussed in relation to the exploitation of anther culture technology in barley breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrid embryos from hexaploid wheat x maize crosses rapidly lose the maize chromosomes to produce haploid wheat embryos. Such embryos almost always aborted when left to develop on the plant, and only 1 was recovered from 2440 florets (0.17% of the expected number). Embryos had greater viability in spikelet culture, 47 (26.5% of the expected number) being recovered from 706 ovaries. Thirty-two of these embryos germinated to give green plants, 31 of which were haploid (21 wheat chromosomes) and 1 of which was euploid (42 wheat chromosomes). Spikelet culture enabled 17.1% of the expected number of embryos to be recovered as haploid plants, a 100-fold improvement on allowing embryos to develop in vivo. Ten haploid plants of Chinese Spring (kr1, kr2), 13 plants of Chinese Spring (Hope 5A) (kr1, Kr2), and 8 of Hope (Kr1, Kr2) were recovered. The potential of wheat x maize crosses for wheat haploid production and for gene transfer from maize to wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of light regimes on anther culture response in bread wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This experiment was initiated to further test the effects of light regimes during callus induction and plant regeneration on anther culture response of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Spring wheat cultivars 'Edwall' and 'WA 7176' with high callus induction from anther culture but low green plant production were used. Different gro-lux light and dark regimes during callus induction, and gro-lux light and fluorescent light regimes during plant regeneration were used. Callus induction decreased significantly at relatively high light intensity (315 μmol m−2 s−1) applied at any period of culture when compared to continuous dark. Light regimes used continuously and from the 15th to the last day of callus induction also had a significant negative effect on plant regeneration compared to continuous dark and light application in the first half of callus induction. During plant regeneration, '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' significantly increased plant regeneration compared to both 'gro-lux' and 'fluorescent light' regimes. Light regimes during both callus induction and plant regeneration and their interaction effects were found to be highly significant on green plant proportion and green plant yield. 'Continuous light' application during callus induction increased green plant proportion more than other applications in contrast to its negative effect on plant regeneration. During plant regeneration, '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' had the higher green plant proportion compared to only 'fluorescent light' and only 'gro-lux light'. The highest green plant yields were obtained from '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' during plant regeneration in combination with either 'continuous dark' or 'continuous light' regimes during callus induction. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty single seed descent (SSD) lines and about 25 anther-derived doubled-haploid (DH) lines were obtained from two triticale crosses. The frequency distributions of 10 quantitative agronomic traits were compared using parametric and non-parametric tests. A multivariate discriminant analysis was subsequently carried out. Gliadin patterns obtained from each line by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to calculate intra- and inter-population diversities from relative dissimilarity indices. It was found that DH and SSD lines show significant differences in frequency distributions of 1000 grain weight in both crosses, of heading date for one cross, and of lodging susceptibility for the other cross. The results of intra- and inter-population gliadin diversity indicate that although the SSD method theoretically provides more opportunity for recombination to occur than the DH method, it did not produce a greater range of recombinants. Since there is no significant difference between SSD- and DH-line distributions for grain yield, anther culture appears to be an efficient method for producing high yielding homozygous lines from F1 hybrids of triticale in a relatively short time.  相似文献   

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