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The importance of the epidermal permeability barrier (EPB) in protecting the mammalian species against harmful UV irradiation, microorganism invasion and water loss is well recognized, as is the role of calcium (Ca(2+)) in keratinocyte differentiation, cell-cell contact and the EPB. In a previous study, we reported that the overexpression of the Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaSR) in the undifferentiated basal cells of the epidermis induced a modified epidermal differentiation program including an accelerated EPB formation in transgenic mice, suggesting a role for CaSR signaling in the differentiation of embryonic epidermal cells during development. We now describe the expression profile of claudins (Cldns) and keratin markers in the accelerated EPB formation of K14-CaSR transgenic mice during development as compared to the wild type from E12.5 to newborn stages. Our data show that the transgenic epidermis undergoes an advanced epidermal differentiation program as compared to the wild type as evidenced morphologically as well as by the expression of K14, K1, loricrin, Cldn6, Cldn18 and Cldn11. In addition, we report for the first time the sequential expression of Cldns in epidermal development and describe that the localization of some Cldns change within the epidermis as it matures. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Cldn6 is expressed very early in epidermal morphogenesis, followed by Cldn18, Cldn11 and Cldn1.  相似文献   

Homozygous mice overexpressing Claudin-6 (Cldn6) exhibit a perturbation in the epidermal differentiation program leading to a defective epidermal permeability barrier (EPB) and dehydration induced death ensuing within 48 h of birth [Turksen, K., Troy, T.C., 2002. Permeability barrier dysfunction in transgenic mice overexpressing claudin 6. Development 129, 1775-1784]. Their heterozygous counterparts are also born with an incomplete EPB; however, barrier formation continues after birth and normal hydration levels are achieved by postnatal day 12 allowing survival into adulthood. Heterozygous Inv-Cldn6 mice exhibit a distinct coat phenotype and histological analysis shows mild epidermal hyperkeratosis. Expression of K5 and K14 is aberrant, extending beyond the basal layer into the suprabasal layer where they are not co-localized suggesting that their expression is uncoupled. There is also atypical K17 and patchy K15 expression in the basal layer with no K6 expression in the interfollicular epidermis; together with marked changes in late differentiation markers (e.g. profilaggrin/filaggrin, loricrin, transglutaminase 3) indicating that the normal epidermal differentiation program is modified. The expression compartment of various Cldns is also perturbed although overall protein levels remained comparable. Most notably induction of Cldn5 and Cldn8 was observed in the Inv-Cldn6 epidermis. Heterozygous Inv-Cldn6 animals also exhibit subtle alterations in the differentiation program of the hair follicle including a shorter anagen phase, and altered hair type distribution and length compared to the wild type; the approximately 20% increase in zig-zag hair fibers at the expense of guard hairs and the approximately 30% shorter guard hairs contribute to coat abnormalities in the heterozygous mice. In addition, the transgenic hair follicles exhibit a decreased expression of K15 as well as some hair-specific keratins and express Cldn5 and Cldn18, which are not detectable in the wild type. These data indicate that Cldn6 plays a role in the differentiation processes of the epidermis and hair follicle and supports the notion of a link between Cldn regulation and EPB assembly/maintenance as well as the hair cycle.  相似文献   

Skin is one of the largest organs of the body, and is formed during development through a highly orchestrated process involving mesenchymal-epithelial interactions, cell commitment, and terminal differentiation. It protects against microorganism invasion and UV irradiation, inhibits water loss, regulates body temperature, and is an important part of the immune system. Using transgenic mouse technology, we have demonstrated that Claudin (Cldn)-containing tight junctions (TJs) are intricately involved in cell signaling during epidermal differentiation and that an epidermal suprabasal overexpression of Cldn6 results in a perturbed epidermal terminal differentiation program with distinct phenotypic abnormalities. To delineate the role of the Cldn cytoplasmic tail domain in epidermal differentiation, we engineered transgenic mice targeting the overexpression of a Cldn6 cytoplasmic tail-truncation mutant in the epidermis. Transgenic mice were characterized by a lethal barrier dysfunction in addition to the existence of hyperproliferative squamous invaginations/cysts replacing hair follicles. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an epidermal cytoplasmic accumulation of Cldn6, Cldn11, Cldn12, and Cldn18, downregulation of Cldn1 and aberrant expression of various classical markers of epidermal differentiation; namely the basal keratins as well as K1, involucrin, loricrin, and filaggrin. Collectively these studies suggest an important role for Cldns in epidermal/hair follicle differentiation programs likely involving cross talk to signaling pathways (e.g., Notch) directing cell fate selection and differentiation.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the claudin (Cldn) family of four tetraspan transmembrane proteins is crucial for tight junction assembly and permeability barrier function; however, the precise role of the tail and loop domains in Cldn function is not understood. We hypothesized that the cytoplasmic tail domain of Cldn6 is crucial for membrane targeting and hence epidermal permeability barrier (EPB) formation. To test this hypothesis via a structure-function approach, we generated a tail deletion of Cldn6 (CDelta187) and evaluated its role in epidermal differentiation and EPB formation through its forced expression via the involucrin (Inv) promoter in the suprabasal compartment of the transgenic mouse epidermis. Even though a functional barrier formed, Inv-CDelta187 mice displayed histological and biochemical abnormalities in the epidermal differentiation program and stimulation of epidermal cell proliferation in both the basal and suprabasal compartments of the interfolliclar epidermis, leading to a thickening of the epidermis after 1 week of age that persisted throughout life. Although some membrane localization was evident, our studies also revealed a significant amount of not only Cldn6 but also Cldn10, Cldn11, and Cldn18 in the cytoplasm of transgenic epidermal cells as well as the activation of a protein-unfolding pathway. These findings demonstrate that the overexpression of a tail truncation mutant of Cldn6 mislocalizes Cldn6 and other Cldn proteins to the cytoplasm and triggers a postnatal increase in proliferation and aberrant differentiation of the epidermis, emphasizing the importance of the Cldn tail domain in membrane targeting and function in vivo.  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily are critical regulators for epithelial growth and can alter the differentiation of keratinocytes. Transduction of TGF-beta signaling depends on the phosphorylation and activation of Smad proteins by heteromeric complexes of ligand-specific type I and II receptors. To understand the function of TGF-beta and activin-specific Smad, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress Smad2 in epidermis under the control of keratin 14 promoter. Overexpression of Smad2 increases endogenous Smad4 and TGF-beta 1 expression while heterozygous loss of Smad2 reduces their expression levels, suggesting a concerted action of Smad2 and -4 in regulating TGF-beta signaling during skin development. These transgenic mice have delayed hair growth, underdeveloped ears, and shorter tails. In their skin, there is severe thickening of the epidermis with disorganized epidermal architecture, indistinguishable basement membrane, and dermal fibrosis. These abnormal phenotypes are due to increased proliferation of the basal epidermal cells and abnormalities in the program of keratinocyte differentiation. The ectodermally derived enamel structure is also abnormal. Collectively, our study presents the first in vivo evidence that, by providing an auto-feedback in TGF-beta signaling, Smad2 plays a pivotal role in regulating TGF-beta-mediated epidermal homeostasis.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway has been shown to control cell-fate decisions during mouse development. To study the role of Notch1 in epidermal differentiation and the development of the various cell types within the mouse hair follicle, we generated transgenic mice that express a constitutive activated form of Notch1 under the control of the involucrin promoter. Transgenic animals express the transgene in the suprabasal epidermal keratinocytes and inner root sheath of the hair follicle, and develop both skin and hair abnormalities. Notch1 overexpression leads to an increase of the differentiated cell compartment in the epidermis, delays inner root sheath differentiation, and leads to hair shaft abnormalities and alopecia associated with the anagen phase of the hair cycle.  相似文献   

To assess whether Smad signaling affects skin development, we generated transgenic mice in which a Smad antagonist, Smad7, was induced in keratinocytes, including epidermal stem cells. Smad7 transgene induction perturbed hair follicle morphogenesis and differentiation, but accelerated sebaceous gland morphogenesis. Further analysis revealed that independent of its role in anti-Smad signaling, Smad7 bound beta-catenin and induced beta-catenin degradation by recruiting an E3 ligase, Smurf2, to the Smad7/beta-catenin complex. Consequently, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling was suppressed in Smad7 transgenic hair follicles. Coexpression of the Smurf2 and Smad7 transgenes exacerbated Smad7-induced abnormalities in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Conversely, when endogenous Smad7 was knocked down, keratinocytes exhibited increased beta-catenin protein and enhanced Wnt signaling. Our data reveal a mechanism for Smad7 in antagonizing Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, thereby shifting the skin differentiation program from forming hair follicles to sebaceous glands.  相似文献   

The importance of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) in the stringent control of extracellular Ca(2+) concentration is well established. However, the presence of CaR in tissues not directly involved in regulating mineral ion homeostasis such as the epidermis suggests a role for CaR in other cellular functions. Although extracellular Ca(2+) regulates the differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, the role of CaR in this process in the epidermis is not fully understood. In this study we showed using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry that CaR is expressed in suprabasal keratinocytes of the mammalian epidermis. We then evaluated the changes in epidermal keratinocyte morphology and differentiation in Casr(-/-) mice lacking the full-length CaR. These mice show increased expression of an alternatively spliced form of CaR which lacks acute Ca(2+)-signaling properties. The absence of the full-length CaR in the epidermis resulted in ultrastructural changes (abnormal keratohyalin granule formation and precocious lamellar body secretion) in the terminally differentiated granular keratinocytes. Furthermore, the expression of both mRNA and protein for the calcium inducible keratinocyte differentiation markers, filaggrin and loricrin, were down-regulated in the epidermis of Casr(-/-) mice, whereas the number of proliferating cells were increased even though the calcium gradient within the epidermis was enhanced. Our results demonstrate that the epidermal expression of the full-length CaR is required for the normal terminal differentiation of keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the ubiquitously expressed lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin L, show a complex skin phenotype consisting of periodic hair loss and epidermal hyperplasia with hyperproliferation of basal epidermal keratinocytes, acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. The recently identified human cathepsin L-like enzyme cathepsin V, which is also termed cathepsin L2, is specifically expressed in cornea, testis, thymus, and epidermis. To date, in mice no cathepsin V orthologue with this typical expression pattern has been identified. Since cathepsin V has about 75% protein sequence identity to murine cathepsin L, we hypothesized that transgenic, keratinocyte-specific expression of cathepsin V in cathepsin L knockout mice might rescue the skin and hair phenotype. Thus, we generated a transgenic mouse line expressing cathepsin V under the control of the human keratin 14 promoter, which mimics the genuine cathepsin V expression pattern in human skin, by directing it to basal epidermal keratinocytes and the outer root sheath of hair follicles. Subsequently, transgenic mice were crossed with congenic cathepsin L knockout animals. The resulting mice show normalization of epidermal proliferation and normal epidermal thickness as well as rescue of the hair phenotype. These findings provide evidence for keratinocyte-specific pivotal functions of cathepsin L-like proteolytic activities in maintenance of epidermis and hair follicles and suggest, that cathepsin V may perform similar functions in human skin.  相似文献   

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates organismal Ca(2+) homeostasis. Dysregulation of CaSR expression or mutations in the CASR gene cause disorders of Ca(2+) homeostasis and contribute to the progression or severity of cancers and cardiovascular disease. This brief review highlights recent findings that define the CaSR life cycle, which controls the cellular abundance of CaSR and CaSR signaling. A novel mechanism, termed agonist-driven insertional signaling (ADIS), contributes to the unique hallmarks of CaSR signaling, including the high degree of cooperativity and the lack of functional desensitization. Agonist-mediated activation of plasma membrane-localized CaSR increases the rate of insertion of CaSR at the plasma membrane without altering the constitutive endocytosis rate, thereby acutely increasing the maximum signaling response. Prolonged CaSR signaling requires a large intracellular ADIS-mobilizable pool of CaSR, which is maintained by signaling-mediated increases in biosynthesis. This model provides a rational framework for characterizing the defects caused by CaSR mutations and the altered functional expression of wild-type CaSR in disease states. Mechanistic dissection of ADIS of CaSR should lead to optimized pharmacological approaches to normalize CaSR signaling in disorders of Ca(2+) homeostasis.  相似文献   

While the important role of calcium (Ca++) signaling is fundamental in epidermal cell physiology, a detailed knowledge of precisely how epidermal cells respond to Ca++ levels is not clear. Using peptide-specific antibodies that we generated, we set out to evaluate the temporal and spatial distribution pattern of the Ca++-sensing receptor (CaSR) during epidermogenesis and to assess its involvement in the mature epidermis (e.g., in acute injury and tumorigenesis). Our data indicate a developmentally regulated expression of CaSR: up-regulation occurs in specific epidermal cells and cell layers in normal development or in response to injury when epidermal cells are induced to undergo commitment and early differentiation events, and down-regulation occurs in terminal differentiation stages. These results provide a new perspective on the role of the CaSR in these processes and describe a novel tool for evaluating Ca++-mediated epidermal differentiation.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a key regulator of keratinocyte biology. However, the physiological role of EGFR in vivo has not been well established. To analyze the role of EGFR in skin, we have generated transgenic mice expressing an EGFR dominant negative mutant in the basal layer of epidermis and outer root sheath of hair follicles. Mice expressing the mutant receptor display short and waved pelage hair and curly whiskers during the first weeks of age, but subsequently pelage and vibrissa hairs become progressively sparser and atrophic. Eventually, most mice present severe alopecia. Histological examination of the skin of transgenic mice shows striking alterations in the development of hair follicles, which fail to enter into catagen stage. These alterations eventually lead to necrosis and disappearance of the follicles, accompanied by strong infiltration of the skin with inflammatory elements. The interfollicular epidermis of these mice shows marked hyperplasia, expression of hyperproliferation-associated keratin K6 and increased 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporation. EGFR function was inhibited in transgenic skin keratinocytes, since in vivo and in vitro autophosphorylation of EGFR was almost completely abolished on EGF stimulation. These results implicate EGFR in the control of hair cycle progression, and provide new information about its role in epidermal growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator enzymes have been implicated in the regulation of growth, migration, and differentiation which occur continually in normal epidermis and cyclically in the hair follicle. To elucidate further the importance of plasminogen activation in epidermal physiology, studies were conducted using mice transgenic for human plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). The epidermis of the newborn (4-7 days) transgenic mice was flaky and showed delayed hair growth compared to that of their control littermates. Histologic analyses revealed a greatly thickened stratum corneum in the transgenics. By 2 weeks after birth, no differences in epidermal morphology were apparent between transgenic and control littermates. Using in situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry, and in situ reverse zymography techniques, epidermal PAI-1 expression was correlated temporally with the aberrant epidermal morphology. These data implicate plasminogen activator activity in the regulation of epidermal shedding and follicular neogenesis.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is produced by discrete endocrine cells in the proximal small intestine and is released following the ingestion of food. CCK is the primary hormone responsible for gallbladder contraction and has potent effects on pancreatic secretion, gastric emptying, and satiety. In addition to fats, digested proteins and aromatic amino acids are major stimulants of CCK release. However, the cellular mechanism by which amino acids affect CCK secretion is unknown. The Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaSR) that was originally identified on parathyroid cells is not only sensitive to extracellular Ca(2+) but is activated by extracellular aromatic amino acids. It has been postulated that this receptor may be involved in gastrointestinal hormone secretion. Using transgenic mice expressing a CCK promoter driven/enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene, we have been able to identify and purify viable intestinal CCK cells. Intestinal mucosal CCK cells were enriched >200-fold by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. These cells were then used for real-time PCR identification of CaSR. Immunohistochemical staining with an antibody specific for CaSR confirmed colocalization of CaSR to CCK cells. In isolated CCK cells loaded with a Ca(2+)-sensitive dye, the amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan, but not nonaromatic amino acids, caused an increase in intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)). The increase in [Ca(2+)](i) was blocked by the CaSR inhibitor Calhex 231. Phenylalanine and tryptophan stimulated CCK release from intestinal CCK cells, and this stimulation was also blocked by CaSR inhibition. Electrophysiological recordings from isolated CCK-GFP cells revealed these cells to possess a predominant outwardly rectifying potassium current. Administration of phenylalanine inhibited basal K(+) channel activity and caused CCK cell depolarization, consistent with changes necessary for hormone secretion. These findings indicate that amino acids have a direct effect on CCK cells to stimulate CCK release by activating CaSR and suggest that CaSR is the physiological mechanism through which amino acids regulate CCK secretion.  相似文献   

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