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CRESPO, MB., 1992. A new species of Vella L. (Brassicaceae) from the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula . Vella lucenlina is described from the coastal, low, dry areas of Alicante Province (south-eastern Spain). This plant is a spineless shrub, woody at the base, with narrowly linear, entire leaves, and an acute tongue-shaped stylar part of the fruit. Affinities and differences with the other taxa in the genus are discussed, and ecological data and conservation proposals are reported.  相似文献   

A new species of Valantia , V. lainzii Devesa & Ortega-Olivencia, endemic to the coastal zone of Granada (southern Spain) is described. The species recalls V. muralis L. in its general aspect, and V. deltoidea Brullo in the type of fructiferous body.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 331–335.  相似文献   

Linaria arabiniana sp. nov. is described from coastal sand dunes of a very reduced area in Alicante Province (south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula). It is a perennial herb characterized by its 3–4-verticillate leaves, glabrous stems, large violet or rarely yellow flowers, and bicoloured usually flat seeds. Morphological characteristics and taxonomic affinities of this taxon are discussed, as are data on its ecology, phytosociology, and eventual conservation features.  相似文献   

Three new species are described in Biscutella sect. Biscutella from the central-eastern mountains of the Iberian Peninsula: B. bilbilitana Mateo & M.B. Crespo, B. segurae Mateo & M.B. Crespo, and B. conquensis Mateo & M.B. Crespo. They are characterized morphologically, ecologically and chorologically. Data separating them from B. valentina (L.) Heywood, a taxon to which they sometimes have been referred, are also reported.  相似文献   

Orophilous taxa of Sideritis sect. Sideritis (Lamiaceae) are rare, although highly diversified in south-eastern Spain. Most of them belong to subsections Hyssopifolia and Fruticulosa and show very reduced distribution areas in the summits of the highest Betic mountains. The inaccessibility of their habitats has meant that many of them have been described only within the last twenty years. In this context, a new species Sideritis tugiensis is described in subsection Hyssopifolia , from the Oromediterranean summits of Sierra de Segura (south-eastern Spain). It is a woody, cushion-shaped plant, resembling both S. carbonellis Socorro (subsect. Hyssopifolia) and S. glacialis Boiss., s.l. (subsect. Fruticulosa) , though important morphological divergences warrant recognition at species rank. Data on morphology, ecology and chorology of the new species are reported, and affinities and differences with regard to close taxa from other subsections are presented. Evolutionary trends in the whole aggregate are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The name Ononis rentonarensis is proposed for a new Spanish species belonging to Ononis section Matrix subsection Rhodanlhae, whose distribution is restricted to a few localities in northeastern Alicante Province (E.Spain). Its morphological features, ecology and main relationships and differences with other Spanish species in the subsection are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Arabis L., A. alanyensis H. Duman sp. nov., is described and illustrated. The species is restricted to the north of Alanya (Antalya), It grows on calcareous rocks. Diagnostic morphological characters for discrimination from the most similar taxa are given.  相似文献   

CARRETERO, J. L., 1992. A new species of Anthemis L. (Asteraceae) from Central Spain. A new species of Anthemis is described from the eastern Toledo Mountains. The morphological relationships to other taxa, as well as the chorology and ecology of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

Linaria qartobensis, from southern Iberian Peninsula, is here newly described, illustrated and compared with its morphologically closest relatives from L. sect. Supinae: L. ricardoi and L. orbensis. The new species is characterized by longer calyx lobes, corolla and spur, violet corolla with yellow‐orangish palate, big and globose capsule, and seeds with black and prominently white‐tuberculate disc and subentire wing. Linaria qartobensis is an endemic species growing on marly deposits from the Guadalquivir river basin, in the Córdoba province (Andalusia, Spain).  相似文献   

Tragopogon cazorlanum (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) is proposed as a new Spanish species with distribution restricted to the Baetic mountains (south-eastern Spain). Its morphological, palynological, chromosomal, biogeographical and ecological features are discussed, as well as its main relationships and differences with reference to other Spanish species of the genus.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 505–511.  相似文献   

Among the suffruticose cabbages of Brassica sect. Brassica, a new species from Sicily, named B. raimondoi, is described and illustrated. It is a chasmophyte restricted to some steep limestone cliffs near Taormina (NE Sicily) and is morphologically related to B. incana, with which it shares densely hairy, broad, amplexicaul leaves and winged petioles, but differs principally in its white corolla, larger floral pieces, more developed stigmatic papillae, shorter siliquae with keeled valves and a smaller, seedless beak, smaller seeds differing in testa microsculpture. A key for the identification of the currently known Sicilian taxa of the section is provided.  相似文献   

Dianthus aytachii C.Vural from Mount Erciyes, central Anatolia (Turkey) is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to Mount Erciyes. The morphological differences from the closely related species Dianthus zederbaueri Vierh. are discussed. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) threat category and observations on the ecology of the populations are noted. The pollen and seed morphology of D. aytachii and D. zederbaueri were examined by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The geographical distribution of the new species is mapped. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 55–61.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a new species of Pseudoloris (Omomyidae, Primates) from the Robiacian (middle Eocene) locality of Sant Jaume de Frontanyà (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain). Pseudoloris pyrenaicus is characterized by its medium size, thickened paracristid, absence of a distinct paraconid, and well‐developed buccal cingulid in the lower molars, large hypoconulid in the M3, paraconule and hypocone reduced in the M1 and M2 and absent in the M3. The material from Sant Jaume de Frontanyà constitutes the most abundant sample of the genus Pseudoloris found until now in the Iberian Peninsula. Almost all the dental elements have been recovered, including those teeth hardly known for other species of the genus, such as lower and upper incisors. The new species shows intermediate features between Pseudoloris isabenae from Capella and Pseudoloris parvulus, present in different Spanish and French sites. Therefore, we consider that Pseudoloris pyrenaicus is an intermediate form between these two species. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:92–99, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


We report a new dimylid species, Plesiodimylus ilercavonicus sp. nov., from the Early Miocene locality of Mas d’Antolino B-5 (Ribesalbes-Alcora, Castelló, Spain). This new species of Plesiodimylus is an amblyodont form of the genus and exhibits some primitive characters. The phylogenetic and palaeoenvironmental implications of this southern occurrence of Plesiodimylus in Lower Miocene sediments are discussed.

http://zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E78DB979-6552-4BE2-BEC9-FA2EA05B7B39  相似文献   

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Chirita maguanensis Z.Y.Li, H.Jiang & H.Xu, is described from Southern Yunnan, China. It is similar to C. eburnea Hance in its large, fleshy, white and parallel‐veined bracts, but differs by having broad and oblique leaves with a repand–crenate or crenate margin, suborbicular bracts, membranous, white calyx, purple corolla‐tube, 2‐parted lower lip of stigma and lower disc. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 269–273.  相似文献   

A new species, Oxalis ferae Llorens, Gil & Cardona (Oxalidaceae) from the Balearic islands (Spain) is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to Mallorca. The morphological differences between the more closely related taxa of Oxalis section Corniculatae are discussed. IUCN threatened category and observations on the ecology of the populations are noted.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 489–493.  相似文献   

Aethionema rhodopaeum D. Pavlova is described as a new species from the eastern Rhodope Mountains. The plant was found growing only on serpentines, in two localities, at an altitude of approximately 400 m. The localities are typical open habitats with sparsely colonized debris. The plant communities, composed mainly of xerophytes with a mosaic distribution, contain a large number of rare and endemic species for the Bulgarian flora. The new species belongs to the Aethionema saxatile group and is quite close to the species A. saxatile (L.) R. Br., in particular to ssp. creticum and ssp. graecum . The following diagnostic features are given for the new species: inner filament length always greater than half the petal length, lack of teeth of the filaments, longer [2–3(3.5) mm] style than that of A. saxatile subspecies, and dark purple petals. All leaves are broadly elliptical to suborbicular, obtuse, and fleshy. The chromosome number of the new species is 2 n  = 24. The differences between the new species and related taxa are also discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 533–540.  相似文献   

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