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The gene coding for a thermostable exo--1,4-glucosidase (-glucoside glucohydrolase: EC of Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 12016 was cloned within a 2.8-kb AvaI fragment of DNA using the plasmid pUC19 as a vector and Escherichia coli JM109 as a host. E. coli with the hybrid plasmid accumulated exo--1,4-glucosidase mainly in the cytoplasm. The level of enzyme production was about sevenfold higher than that observed for B. stearothermophilus. The cloned enzyme coincided absolutely with the B. stearothermophilus enzyme in its relative molecular mass (62 000), isoelectric point (5.0), amino-terminal sequence of 15 residues (Met-Lys-Lys-Thr-Trp-Trp-Lys-Glu-Gly-Val-Ala-Tyr-Gln-Ile-Tyr-), the temperature dependency of its activity and stability, and its antigenic determinants.Correspondence to: Y. Suzuki  相似文献   

Summary Among 16 Bacillus stearothermophilus strains, 11 strains (ATCC 7953, ATCC 10149, ATCC 12976, ATCC 12978, ATCC 12980, ATCC 15951, ATCC 21365, IAM 11001, IAM 11004, IAM 11062 and IFO 12550) produced a protein reactable on double immuno-diffusion with the antiserum against Bacillus thermoglucosidasius KP 1006 (DSM 2542) exo-oligo-1,6-glucosidase (dextrin 6-glucanohydrolase, EC. However, these antigens in part shared their antigenic determinants. In addition to an exo-oligo-1,6-glucosidase, 6 B. thermoglucosidasius strains [KP 1006, KP 1012, KP 1013, KP 1014, KP 1019 and KP 1022 (DSM 2543)] formed a protein cross-reacted with the antiserum against B. stearothermophilus ATCC 12016 exo--1,4-glucosidase (-d-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC. These two antigens showed, however, a partial coincidence in their antigenic determinant groups. Of 16 B. stearothermophilus strains, 3 strains (ATCC 8005, ATCC 12016 and ATCC 15952) produced a protein immunologically compatible with the -1,4-glucosidase, while 4 strains (ATCC 12979, ATCC 12980, ATCC 15951 and IAM 11001) made the other protein which showed certain differences partly from this enzyme in its antigenic groups. No protein precipitated with the anti--1,4-glucosidase occurred in the remaining 9 B. stearothermophilus strains (ATCC 7953, ATCC 10149, ATCC 12976, ATCC 12977, ATCC 12978, ATCC 21365, IAM 11004, IAM 11062 and IFO 12550). These data indicate no serological identity between two thermophilic Bacillus species in their glucosidase patterns.  相似文献   

Zhang  Cong  Wang  Xifeng  Zhang  Weican  Zhao  Yue  Lu  Xuemei 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2017,101(5):1919-1926

Cytophaga hutchinsonii is a gram-negative bacterium that can efficiently degrade crystalline cellulose by a novel strategy without cell-free cellulases or cellulosomes. Genomic analysis implied that C. hutchinsonii had endoglucanases and β-glucosidases but no exoglucanases which could processively digest cellulose and produce cellobiose. In this study, BglA was functionally expressed in Escherichia coli and found to be a β-glucosidase with wide substrate specificity. It can hydrolyze pNPG, pNPC, cellobiose, and cellodextrins. Moreover, unlike most β-glucosidases whose activity greatly decreases with increasing length of the substrate chains, BglA has similar activity on cellobiose and larger cellodextrins. The K m values of BglA on cellobiose, cellotriose, and cellotetraose were calculated to be 4.8 × 10−2, 5.6 × 10−2, and 5.3 × 10−2 mol/l, respectively. These properties give BglA a great advantage to cooperate with endoglucanases in C. hutchinsonii in cellulose degradation. We proposed that C. hutchinsonii could utilize a simple cellulase system which consists of endoglucanases and β-glucosidases to completely digest amorphous cellulose into glucose. Moreover, BglA was also found to be highly tolerant to glucose as it retained 40 % activity when the concentration of glucose was 100 times higher than that of the substrate, showing potential application in the bioenergy industry.



Key message

Successful site-directed mutagenesis combined with in silico modeling and docking studies for the first time offers experimental proof of the role of the ‘substrate selector’ residue in plant polyphenol oxidases.


The plant and fungi enzymes responsible for tissue browning are called polyphenol oxidases (PPOs). In plants, PPOs often occur as families of isoenzymes which are differentially expressed, but little is known about their physiological roles or natural substrates. In a recent study that explored these structure–function relationships, the eleven known dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) PPOs were shown to separate into two different phylogenetic groups differing in catalytic cavity architecture, kinetic parameters, and substrate range. The same study proposed that the PPOs’ substrate specificity is controlled by one specific amino acid residue positioned at the entrance to the catalytic site: whereas group 1 dandelion PPOs possess a hydrophobic isoleucine (I) at position HB2+1, group 2 PPOs exhibit a larger, positively charged arginine (R). However, this suggestion was only based on bioinformatic analyses, not experiments. To experimentally investigate this hypothesis, we converted group 1 ToPPO-2 and group 2 ToPPO-6 into PPO-2-I244R and PPO-6-R254I, respectively, and expressed them in E. coli. By performing detailed kinetic characterization and in silico docking studies, we found that replacing this single amino acid significantly changed the PPO’s substrate specificity. Our findings therefore proof the role of the ‘substrate selector’ in plant PPOs.

Transglycosylation potential of the fungal diglycosidase α-rhamnosyl-β-glucosidase was explored. The biocatalyst was shown to have broad acceptor specificity toward aliphatic and aromatic alcohols. This feature allowed the synthesis of the diglycoconjugated fluorogenic substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-rutinoside. The synthesis was performed in one step from the corresponding aglycone, 4-methylumbelliferone, and hesperidin as rutinose donor. 4-Methylumbelliferyl-rutinoside was produced in an agitated reactor using the immobilized biocatalyst with a 16% yield regarding the sugar acceptor. The compound was purified by solvent extraction and silica gel chromatography. MALDI-TOF/TOF data recorded for the [M+Na](+) ions correlated with the theoretical monoisotopic mass (calcd [M+Na](+): 507.44 m/z; obs. [M+Na](+): 507.465 m/z). 4-Methylumbelliferyl-rutinoside differs from 4-methylumbelliferyl-glucoside in the rhamnosyl substitution at the C-6 of glucose, and this property brings about the possibility to explore in nature the occurrence of endo-β-glucosidases by zymographic analysis.  相似文献   

The effect of metal ions on the activity, the donor substrate specificity, and the stability in organic solvents of Helicobacter pylori α-1,4 fucosyltransferase were studied. The recombinant enzyme was expressed as soluble form in E. coli strain AD494 and purified in a one step affinity chromatography. Its activity was highest in cacodylate buffer at pH 6.5 in the presence of 20 mM Mn2+ ions at 37°C. Mn2+ ions could be substituted by other metal ions. In all cases, Mn2+ ions proofed to be the most effective (Mn2+ > Co2+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Cu2+ > Ni2+ > EDTA). The enzyme shows substrate specificity for Type I disaccharide (1) with a K M of 114 μM. In addition, the H. pylori α-1,4 fucosyltransferase efficiently transfers GDP-activated l-fucose derivatives to Galβ1-3GlcNAc-OR (1). Interestingly, the presence of organic solvents such as DMSO and methanol up to 20% in the reaction medium does not affect significantly the enzyme activity. However, at the same concentration of dioxane, activity is totally abolished.  相似文献   


Increased demand of enzymes for industrial use has led the scientists towards protein engineering techniques. In different protein engineering strategies, rational approach has emerged as the most efficient method utilizing bioinformatics tools to produce enzymes with desired reaction kinetics; physiochemical (temperature, pH, half life, etc) and biological (selectivity, specificity, etc.) characteristics. Xylanase is one of the widely used enzymes in paper and food industry to degrade xylan component present in plant pulp. In this study endo 1,4-β-xylanase (Xyl-11A) from Bacillus halodurans C-125 was cloned in pET-22b (+) vector and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) expression strain. The enzyme had Michaelis constant Km of 1.32 mg ml?1 birchwoodxylan (soluble form) and maximum reaction velocity (Vmax) 73.53 mmol min?1 mg?1 with an optimum temperature of 75 °C and pH 9.0. The thermostability analysis showed that enzyme retained more than 80% of its residual activity when incubated at 75 °C for 2 h. In addition, to increase Xyl-11A thermostability, an in-silico analysis was performedto identify the hot spot amino acid residues. Consensus-based amino acid substitution was applied to evaluate multiple sequence alignment of homologs and identified 20 amino acids positions by following Jensen-Shnnon Divergence method. 3D models of 20 selected mutants were analyzed for conformational transition in protein structures by using NMSim server. Two selected mutants T6K and I17M of Xyl-11A retained 40, 60% residual activity respectively, at 85 °C for 120 min as compared to wild type enzyme which retained 37% initial activity under same conditions, confirming the enhanced thermostability of mutants. The present study showed a good approach for the identification of promising amino acid residues responsible for enhancing the thermostability of enzymes of industrial importance.


The primary structure of the bglA gene region encoding a -glucosidase of Thermotoga maritima strain MSB8 was determined. The bglA gene has the potential to code for a polypeptide of 446 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 51545 Da. The T, maritima -glucosidase (BglA) was overexpressed in E. coli at a level comprising approximately 15–20% of soluble cellular protein. Based on its amino acid sequence, as deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the gene, BglA can be classified as a broad-specificity -glucosidase and as a member of the -glucosidase family BGA, in agreement with the results of enzymatic characterization of the recombinant protein. Comparative sequence analysis revealed distant amino acid sequence similarities between BGA family -glucosidases, a -xylosidase, -1,4-glycanases of the enzyme family F (mostly xylanases), and other families of -1,4-glycosyl hydrolases. This result indicates that BGA -glucosidases may comprise one enzyme family within a large enzyme order of retaining -glycosyl hydrolases, and that the members of these enzyme groups may be inter-related at the level of active site architecture and perhaps even on the level of overall three-dimensional fold.  相似文献   

1. The glycopeptides derived from a proteolytic digest of sialic acid-free α1-acid glycoprotein were separated on a DEAE-cellulose column into five main fractions. 2. The average molecular weight of these glycopeptides was 2400, except for one fraction whose molecular weight was 3100. The average molecular weight of the sialic acid-free carbohydrate units was found to be 2200. From these data and the carbohydrate content of the native protein and the assumed molecular weight of 44000, it was concluded that α1-acid glycoprotein probably possesses five carbohydrate units. The sialic acid-containing carbohydrate units of this glycoprotein have an average molecular weight of 3000, except for one unit the molecular weight of which is significantly higher. 3. The N-, non-N- and C-terminal amino acids of the main glycopeptides were determined. Aspartic acid and threonine occur in most peptides. Alanine, glycine, proline, serine and lysine were present in varying amounts. Traces of other amino acids were also found. 4. The amino acid sequence of three main glycopeptides was established and indicated that these glycopeptides are located at different positions of the polypeptide chain of the glycoprotein. These sequences are: Asp(NH2)-Pro-Lys; Thr-Asp(NH2)-Ala; Asp(NH2)-Gly-Thr. 5. From the results of a series of chemical reactions (periodate oxidation, hydrazinolysis, dinitrophenylation, mild acid hydrolysis) it was shown that the hydroxyl group of the N-terminal threonine and the -amino group of lysine are free and that the β-carboxyl group of aspartic acid is present as amide. It was concluded that this amide group is involved in the carbohydrate–polypeptide linkages of at least four carbohydrate units of α1-acid glycoprotein. 6. The carbohydrate composition of the sialic acid-free glycopeptides was determined in terms of moles of neutral hexoses, glucosamine and fucose/mole. 7. Fucose, at least to the larger part, is not linked to sialic acid, and its (glycosidic) linkage is significantly more stable toward acid hydrolysis than the bond of the sialyl residues. 8. Heterogeneity of the carbohydrate units of α1-acid glycoprotein was found with regard to size and to content of fucose and sialic acid.  相似文献   

From Aspergillus tubingensis CBS 643.92 four distinct beta-glucosidases (I-IV) were purified by a four-step purification procedure. SDS-PAGE revealed molecular masses of 131, 126, 54 and 54 kDa, respectively, and their isoelectric points were determined to be 4.2, 3.9, 3.7 and 3.6, respectively. The beta-glucosidases exhibited high diversity with respect to pH and temperature optima and stability, as well as to substrate specificity and glucose tolerance. The major beta-glucosidase (I) preferentially hydrolysed oligosaccharides. The acid-stable and heat-tolerant beta-glucosidase II hydrolysed aryl and terpenyl beta-D-glucosides as well as 1-O-trans-cinnamoyl beta-D-glucoside. In contrast to beta-glucosidases I and II, the minor beta-glucosidases III and IV were found to be glucose-tolerant; inhibition constants of 470 and 600 mM, respectively, were determined.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochromec oxidase from the inner membrane of yeast mitochondria consists of seven nonidentical protein subunits, three being synthesized on mitochondrial ribosomes (molecular weights I: 43 K, II: 34 K, and III: 24 K) and four being made on cytoplasmic ribosomes (molecular weights IV: 14 K, V: 12 K, VI: 12 K, and VII: 4.5 K).In the present study all four cytoplasmically synthesized subunits of the enzyme were isolated on a large scale using ion exchange chromatography and gel filtartion. Their amino acid composition as well as their amino- and carboxy-terminal amino acid residues have been determined. Sequence determinations of sub-units IV and VI are already in an advanced state. The sequence of subunit VI is characterized by a large amino-terminal stretch dominated by charged amino acid residues followed by a cluster of hydrophobic amino acids.The binding site of yeast cytochrome oxidase for cytochromec was studied by chemical crosslinking experiments. The formation of a disulfide bridge between the two proteins was observed by using cytochromec from yeast modified with 5-thionitrobenzoate at the cysteinyl residue in position 107. Alternatively, a disulfide between yeast cytochromec and the oxidase could be formed directly by oxidation with copper phenanthroline. Gel electrophoresis of the crosslinked complexes in sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed a new protein band with an apparent molecular weight of 38 K. This new band appears to be derived from cytochromec and from subunit III of cytochrome oxidase.Recipient of a fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Present address: Department of Biology, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, Calif. 92037 (USA).  相似文献   

Short-term receptor regulation by agonists is a well-known phenomenon for a number of receptors, including β-adrenergic receptors, and has been associated with receptor changes revealed by radioligand binding. In the present study, we investigated the rapid changes in α1-adrenergic receptors induced by agonists. α1-receptors were studied on DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells (DDT1-MF-2 cells) by specific [3H]prazosin binding. In competition binding on membranes and on intact cells at 4°C or at 37°C in 1-min assays, agonists competed for a single class of sites with relatively high affinity. By contrast, in equilibrium binding at 37°C on intact cells agonists competed with two receptor forms (high- and low-affinity). We quantified the receptors in the high-affinity form by measuring the [3H]prazosin binding inhibited by 20 μM norepinephrine (this concentration selectively saturated the high-affinity sites). The low-affinity sites were measured by subtracting the binding of [3H]prazosin to the high-affinity sites from the total specific binding. High-affinity receptors were 85% of the total sites in binding experiments at 4°C, but only 30% at 37°C. On DDT1-MF-2 cells preequilibrated with [3H]prazosin at 4°C, and then shifted to 37°C for a few minutes, norepinephrine selectively reduced the high-affinity sites by 30%. We suggest that at 4°C it is the native form of α1-receptors that is measured, with most of the sites in the high-affinity form, while during incubation at 37°C the norepinephrine present in the binding assay converts most of the receptors to an apparent low-affinity form, so that they are no longer recognized by 20 μM norepinephrine. The nature of this low-affinity form was further investigated. On DDT1-MF-2 cells preincubated with the agonist and then extensively washed at 4°C (to maintain the receptor changes induced by the agonist) the number of receptors recognized by [3H]prazosin at 4°C was reduced by 38%. After fragmentation of the cells, the number of receptors measured at 4°C was the same in control and norepinephrine-treated cells, suggesting that the disruption of cellular integrity might expose the receptors which are probably sequestered after agonist treatment. In conclusion, the appearance of the low affinity for agonists at 37°C may be due to the agonist-induced sequestration of α1-adrenergic receptors, resulting in a limited accessibility to hydrophilic ligands.  相似文献   

We found that some reaction products were produced from indole-mimic compounds, such as indoline (2,3-dihydroindole), indazole, 7-azaindole and 3-indazolinone, with l-serine by the catalytic action of the lyophilized cells of Escherichia coli T4-3 (a mutant defective in indole-3-glycerolphosphate synthase [EC]) cultured in a tryptophan-limited medium.A main product from indoline and l-serine was isolated and identified as a-amino-β-(1-indoline) propionic acid (AIP) from data obtained by paperchromatography, elemental analysis, UV, IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectrometry.The reaction conditions and the requirements for the reaction were also studied.AIP was produced only in the case of using l-serine, l-serine methylester and l-serine ethylester as the amino acid source.On the enzyme concerned AIP production, studies were carried out by using the mutant strains of E. coli defective in the enzyme(s) of tryptophan operon. Tryptophan synthase [EC], particularly its B protein, was presumed to be a possible candidate.  相似文献   

We describe an efficient and convergent synthesis of a series of (1′S,2R,4′S)-3H-4′-azaspiro[benzo[4,5]imidazo[2,1-b]oxazole-2,2′-bicyclo[2.2.2]octanes] displaying potency for the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and good selectivity vs. the related 5-HT3A receptor.  相似文献   

Benzohydroxamic acids, such as 4-hydroxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (D-DIBOA), exhibit interesting herbicidal, fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Recently, the chemical synthesis of D-DIBOA has been simplified to only two steps. In a previous paper, we demonstrated that the second step could be replaced by a biotransformation using Escherichia coli to reduce the nitro group of the precursor, ethyl 2-(2′-nitrophenoxy)acetate and obtain D-DIBOA. The NfsA and NfsB nitroreductases and the NemA xenobiotic reductase of E. coli have the capacity to reduce one or two nitro groups from a wide variety of nitroaromatic compounds, which are similar to the precursor. By this reason, we hypothesised that these three enzymes could be involved in this biotransformation. We have analysed the biotransformation yield (BY) of mutant strains in which one, two or three of these genes were knocked out, showing that only in the double nfsA/nfsB and in the triple nfsA/nfsB/nemA mutants, the BY was 0%. These results suggested that NfsA and NfsB are responsible for the biotransformation in the tested conditions. To confirm this, the nfsA and nfsB open reading frames were cloned into the pBAD expression vector and transformed into the nfsA and nfsB single mutants, respectively. In both cases, the biotransformation capacity of the strains was recovered (6.09 ± 0.06% as in the wild-type strain) and incremented considerably when NfsA and NfsB were overexpressed (40.33% ± 9.42% and 59.68% ± 2.0% respectively).  相似文献   

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