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王明福  薛万琦 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):410-412
在整理采自山西省的蝇科标本中「‘,”,发现棘蝇属(PhaoniaRobineau-Desvoidy,183O)一新种。新种模式标本保存于山西省大同市地方病防治所。沁水棘蝇PhaoniaqinshUiensis新种(图1~2)雄性:体长巴Omm。复眼具稀疏长纤毛,额宽略等于或大于前单眼横径,侧额邻接,下眶鬃5~6对,分布于额下部2/5范围内,其间尚有小鬃填充,侧额和侧颜具银白色浓粉被,侧颜宽约为触角宽的3/5;触角黑色,第三节长约为第二节长的2倍,芒长羽状,最长的芒毛约为触角宽的1.5倍,口上片不突出,髯角在额角之后,颊毛和下后头毛全黑,顿高约为服高的1…  相似文献   

记述中国蝇科点池蝇属三新种 ,即 :①分布于新疆省东昆仑阿其克的煤漠点池蝇S .carbiarenosasp .nov .,新种近似于沙点池蝇S .arenosa (Ringdahl,1918) ,但新种间额略狭于侧额宽 ,侧额、侧颜粉被暗灰色 ,触角第三节长为宽的 1 5倍 ,髭角位于额角之后 ,前中鬃呈 2列长刚毛状 ;胸部炭黑色 ,具棕灰色粉被 ;翅基部褐色 ,平衡棒黑褐色 ;后足股节基半部具后腹鬃 ;雄侧尾叶侧面观前后缘平行 ,前缘基部具长毛等既可区别。②分布于云南省高黎贡山的毛眼点池蝇S .dasyoommasp .nov .新种近似于小沉点池蝇S .depressiuscula (Zetterstedt,1838) ,但新种复眼毛密而长 ;额宽狭于前单眼宽 ,侧颜狭于第三节触角宽 ;触角芒具短纤毛 ,最长芒毛短于芒基径 ;前足胫节中位后鬃 1~ 2 ,中足胫节后鬃 4~ 5 ,后足股节端部 1 3具 3~ 5根粗壮的前腹鬃 ,后足胫节前腹鬃 2 ,前背鬃 4~ 6 ;肛尾叶游离部较宽 ,侧尾叶侧面观末端无钩 ;雌性上眶鬃 1对 ,额绒黑色 ,中足胫节后鬃 3~ 4 ,腹部近圆形等与后者相区别。③分布于新疆省红其拉甫塔什库尔干的红其拉甫点池蝇S .kunjirapensissp .nov .,新种近似于岸点池蝇S .litorea (Fall啨n ,182 3) ,但新种额宽约等于后单眼外缘间距 ,间额狭于一侧额 ;第三触角节长约为宽的 1 5倍 ,触角芒  相似文献   

薛万琦 《昆虫学报》1997,40(1):75-78
东昆仑──阿尔金山地区,地处我国新疆东南隅,在该地区4000m以上地带采得的蝇科标本中,多数类群特殊;经厘订我国阳蝇属已达120余种,现对新疆的阳蝇属二新种进行记述。新种的模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。1揭阳蝇Helbomoschodactyla新种(图l~3)体长:巳8~6·Zmm。雄性:复眼探;额约为触角宽(等于后单眼外缘间距)的1.5倍,间额黑色,具极少数灰色粉被,在最狭处约等于前单眼宽,下眶鬃《对(少数为5对),无上眶鬃;侧颜稍狭于额宽,约为触角宽的1.3倍,触角黑色,第三节为第二节的2.5倍长,芒呈羽状,最长的芒毛稍…  相似文献   

新(亚)种的模式标本除标明者外均存作者所在单位。1.贵州棘蝇Phaonia guizhouensis Wei,新种(图1) 雄:体长6mm。眼具淡黄色密长毛。额宽至少等于触角第三节宽。间额黑灰,约为一侧额的5倍宽。侧额狭,粉被暗银灰色。额鬃上达单眼瘤前,仅前方的3对发达,后大半细如眼毛。侧颜黑,下侧颜暗红,粉被银灰;侧颜至少如触角第三节宽之半。触角黑,第三节约为第二节的2倍长。芒短羽状,最长芒毛约为触角宽之半。颊蓝黑,粉被灰褐,前上缘具一列上弯的鬃;颊约如眼高的2/7。口上片突出于额前缘。中颜板  相似文献   

甘肃齿股蝇属一新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
单鬃齿股蝇,新种Hydrotaea monochaeta sp. nov. 体长约5毫米的黑灰色种。左前足和左中足已丢失。 头眼裸;额狭,最狭处的宽度小于前单眼直径;触角黑,第三节长度约为第二节长的1 1/2倍;芒具毳毛;侧颜较狭,中部宽度约为触角第三节宽度的1/2;颊高约等于触角第三  相似文献   

西藏地区有瓣蝇类记述(三)花蝇科七新种描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟应洪 《动物学研究》1985,6(4):329-336
本文报道采自西藏的有瓣蝇类7个新种,均属花蝇科。正模标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 银额泉种蝇Pegohylemyia argyrometopa,新种(图1—3) 雄:体长6毫米。复眼裸,额宽约为前单眼宽的2倍,间额黑,间额鬃1,下眶鬃7—8,侧额及侧颜黑色上具银白色粉被,侧颜宽为触角第三节宽的4/3倍,触角黑,第三节长为宽的2倍,芒具毳毛,最长毛与芒基宽相等,颊高为眼高的1/5,银白色粉被明显,上倾口缘鬃3行,下颚须黑,中喙具粉被,长为高的4倍,口上片与额齐,后头背区有小毛。  相似文献   

武经纬 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):105-108
本文报道采自甘肃的齿股蝇属(Hydrotaea R.-D.,1830)二新种,模式标本保存于甘肃省卫生防疫站。 多鬃齿股蝇Hydrotaea multchaeta sp.nov.(图1—3) 雄 体长7.5—8.0mm。眼裸;额狭,最狭处宽度约为前单眼横径的1.5倍,间额在额最狭处消失或汉呈线状;额鬃列达于单眼三角高度,向后去渐变小,最后面的1—2对鬃眶其前的一对稍远且稍靠外;侧颜银灰色,其宽约为触角第三节宽的1/2—2/3;眉片黄棕色;触角黑,具棕灰色粉被,第三节长为宽的1.7倍,芒具毳毛;颊暗灰,其高约为触角第三  相似文献   

本文记述采自甘肃的棘蝇亚科一新种及二国内新记录种。模式标本保存于甘肃省卫生防疫站流行病科。 1.金斑棘蝇Phaonia aureolimaculata sp.nov.(图1) 雄:眼被疏长纤毛;额很狭,宽仅约触角第三节宽的1/2;两眼几乎相接;间额黑,在最狭处仅显一黑条;额鬃不达于单眼三角,靠上方者呈毛状;触角黑,第三节长为宽的1.5倍;芒具短纤毛,最长纤毛的长度约为芒基的直径;额、侧颜,下侧颜具金黄色粉被;侧颜向下去渐变狭,其中部宽度约与触角第三节宽相等;颊高约为眼高的  相似文献   

描述了采自中国西藏的池蝇属Limnophora 3新种:棕胫池蝇Limnophora brunneitibia sp.nov.,瘦板池蝇Limnophora leptosternita sp.nov.,黑瓣池蝇Limnophora nigrisquama sp.nov..棕胫池蝇L.brunneitibia sp.nov近似于突出池蝇L. prominens Stein,1904,但前者额较宽,间额宽为一侧额的3倍,下眶鬃2(后者6~7),上眶鬃3(后者1~2);前胫具1中位后鬃,中胫带棕色,后胫略带棕色,中股基部后腹鬃1(后者3);前气门黄色(后者褐色);腹部第3、4背板斑不达前缘;第5腹板侧叶末端尖,向内弯曲等.瘦板池蝇L.leptosternita sp.nov.近似于西藏池蝇L.tibetana Xue et Zhang,1996,但前者间额为一侧额宽的2.0~2.5倍,侧颜为触角第3节宽的1.3倍,颊高为眼高的1/5:腹部第4、5背板斑达前缘,雄第5腹板瘦长,肛尾叶端部尖等.黑瓣池蝇L.nigrisquama sp.nov.近似于L.aureifrons Shinonaga et Kano,1977,但间额黑色,具少数暗棕色粉被,侧额、侧颜粉被棕色;腋瓣暗棕色;腹部正中粉被条狭;体形较小等.模式标本均保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

雁北阳蝇Helina yanbeienis,新种 ♂:体长7.8~8.5毫米。复眼具稀疏纤毛,额在最狭处略大于后方两单眼外缘之间距离,间额黑色,约等于前单眼的横径,额上半部较平,额鬃6~7对,侧额、侧颜和颊具淡灰色粉被,侧颜上半部为触角第三节中部宽的2倍,触角黑色,第三节略长于第二节的2倍,芒羽状,最长的芒毛为第三触角节宽的2倍以上,口上片不突出,髭角在额角后方,颊毛黑,颊高为眼高的1/3,下颚须黑色细长。胸黑色,具较浓的灰色粉被,盾片具四条黑条;中鬃0 1,背中鬃2 3,翅前鬃存在时,为后背侧片鬃的1/2长,背  相似文献   

Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis has been applied to thestudy of esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patternsin seven taxa, namely Hordeum diploids (2n=14) (H. marinum,H. marinum I and H. hystrix), tetraploids (2n=28) (H. bulbosumand H. murinum subsp. leporinum) and Taeniatherum (2n=14) (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I) in order to elucidatetheir phylogenetic relationships. On the basis of our experimentalresults the seven taxa may be placed in the following threegroups; (1) diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinum I, H. hystrix);(2) tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinum subsp. leporinum);(3) Taeniatherum (T. caput-medusae, T. caput-medusae I). Esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns of the twoHordeum diploid taxa (H. marinum and H. marinum I) are verysimilar suggesting their close phylogenetic relationship; thesame is true for both the taxa of the genus Taeniatherum (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I). The taxa of the Taeniatherumgroup compared with the diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinumI, H. hystrix) and the tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinumsubsp. leporinum) show a lower degree of phylogenetic relationshipand seem to be equally distant from them. The tetraploid Hordeumgroup shows a higher phylogenetic relationship with diploidHordeum group than with the Taeniatherum group. These results confirm that the genus Taeniatherum, previouslyconsidered as part of the genus Hordeum, should be regardedas a separate genus. Gramineae (Poaceae), Hordeum L., Taeniatherum Nevski., esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns, phylogenetic relationships  相似文献   

Ethylene biosynthesis in higher plants is regulated developmentallyand environmentally. To investigate the regulation of ACC synthasegene expression, the promoters of Arabidopsis ACS genes, AtACS4,AtACS5, and AtACS7, were fused to a GUS reporter gene, and therecombinant transgenes were introduced into Arabidopsis to producethree groups of AtACS::GUS transgenic plants. Histochemic andfluorometric study of these transgenic plants revealed thatpromoters of AtACS4, AtACS, and AtACS7 are all active in dark-germinatedseedlings. AtACS5 has the highest promoter activity in leavesof 2-week-old light-grown seedlings among the three AtACS genesstudied. In the mature leaves, AtACS4 and AtACS7 genes are expressedin both veins and areoles, whereas AtACS5 is expressed at ahigher level in the areoles and epidermal cells surroundingtrichomes. The promoter activities of all these AtACS genesare found in the reproductive organs. AtACS5 and AtACS7 arehighly expressed in petals, sepals, carpels, stamens, caulineleaves, inflorescence stems, and siliques, while AtACS4 expressionis undetectable in the petals of open flowers. All three AtACSgenes are expressed in root tissue. In the 2-week-old light-grownArabidopsis, the AtACS4 promoter is responsive to the planthormones IAA, ethylene, and ABA, and to darkness and wounding;the AtACS5 promoter to IAA, ABA, salt, high temperature, andwounding; and the AtACS7 promoter to GA3, ethylene, and ABA,and to darkness and salt. Low-temperature treatment abolishesthe darkness-induced AtACS7 gene expression, but not that ofAtACS4. Each AtACS gene has a unique expression profile duringgrowth and development. It appears that at any developmentalstage or any growth period of Arabidopsis, there is always amember of AtACS multigene family that is actively expressed. Key words: ACC synthase, Arabidopsis, ethylene, gene expression, GUS histochemical staining, reporter, stress treatments  相似文献   

Consider a set of baseline predictors X to predict a binaryoutcome D and let Y be a novel marker or predictor. This paperis concerned with evaluating the performance of the augmentedrisk model P(D = 1|Y,X) compared with the baseline model P(D= 1|X). The diagnostic likelihood ratio, DLRX(y), quantifiesthe change in risk obtained with knowledge of Y = y for a subjectwith baseline risk factors X. The notion is commonly used inclinical medicine to quantify the increment in risk predictiondue to Y. It is contrasted here with the notion of covariate-adjustedeffect of Y in the augmented risk model. We also propose methodsfor making inference about DLRX(y). Case–control studydesigns are accommodated. The methods provide a mechanism toinvestigate if the predictive information in Y varies with baselinecovariates. In addition, we show that when combined with a baselinerisk model and information about the population distributionof Y given X, covariate-specific predictiveness curves can beestimated. These curves are useful to an individual in decidingif ascertainment of Y is likely to be informative or not forhim. We illustrate with data from 2 studies: one is a studyof the performance of hearing screening tests for infants, andthe other concerns the value of serum creatinine in diagnosingrenal artery stenosis.  相似文献   

Since amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysishas proved useful in distinguishing cultivars of Caladium, itwas used to assess the status of species of Caladium vs. Xanthosoma,both in tribe the Caladieae, and to reassess the position ofHapaline in the same tribe. AFLP analysis using three primercombinations was carried out on four species of Caladium(C.bicolor, C. humboldtii, C. lindenii and C. schomburgkii). Resultsshowed that AFLP can distinguish between the different speciesby their unique and different banding patterns. AFLP analysisconfirmed that C. humboldtii is a species distinct from C. bicolorand that C. lindenii is a true Caladium species and does notbelong to Xanthosoma. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that C.bicolor and C. schomburgkii are most similar and that C. humboldtiiis closer to the C. bicolor / C. schomburgkii cluster comparedwith C. lindenii. Genetic relationships between Caladium, Xanthosoma,Hapaline, Alocasia and Protarum were also examined by AFLP analysisusing eight primer combinations. Several useful molecular markerswere specific either to Caladium orXanthosoma , so that AFLPcan be used to distinguish species of these two genera. Geneticanalysis of the genera examined confirms that the Caladieaeand Colocasieae tribes are distinct and that Hapaline fallswithin the tribe Caladieae and that Protarum is most distantfrom all the genera examined. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Araceae, Caladium, Xanthosoma, Hapaline, Alocasia, Protarum, AFLP DNA fingerprinting, diversity, AFLP markers  相似文献   

Volema, Bolten, type V. paradisiaca, Bolten, has priority overMelongena, Schumacher, but may be used independently. Mayena, gen. nov., proposed for Biplex australasia, Perry. Turricula, Schumacher, is the correct name for Surcula, H. &A. Adams. Gelagna, Schaufuss, is equal to and antedates Paralagena, Dall. Partulida, Schaufuss, should replace Spiralinella, Chaster. Campanile, Fischer, has for type the recent species Cerithiumleve, Quoy & Gaimard, which is here renamed Campanile symbolicum,sp. nov. Campanilopa, gen. nov., introduced for the fossil Cerithiumgiganteum. Lam. Pleurotomoides, Bronn, has priority over Lora, Gistel, and Clathurella,Carpenter, all proposed as alternatives for Defrancia, Millet,preoccupied. Gabrielona, gen. nov., proposed for Phasianella nepeanensis,Gatliff & Gabriel. Orbitestella, gen. nov., for Cyclostrema bastowi, Gatliff. Megathura, Pilsbry, should be used instead of Macrochasma, Dall. Mitromorpha, auctt., is not Mitromorpha, Carpenter, which wasbased on Daphnella (?) filosa, Carpenter. Antimitra, gen. nov., is proposed for Pleurotoma agrota, Reeve,with which A. Adams' Mitromorpha lirata is congeneric. Lovellona, gen. nov., type Conus atramentosus. Reeve. Apaturris, gen. nov., type Mitramorpha expeditionis, Oliver. Callanaitis, gen. nov., type Venus yatei, Gray, for Salacia,Jukes-Browne, preoccupied. Anopsia, Gistel, is available for Psyche, Rang, preoccupied,and has priority over Verrillopsyche, Cossmann, proposed forHalopsyche, Kieferstein, preoccupied, introduced as substitutefor Rang's name. Hydromyles, Gistel, should be used for Euribia, Rang, preoccupied,as it is older than Kieferstein's name Theceurybia, for thesame genus. (Received 13 April 1917;  相似文献   

Stylar proteins of 13 almond (Prunus dulcis) cultivars withknown S-genotypes were surveyed by IEF and 2D-PAGE combinedwith immunoblot and N-terminal amino acid sequence analysesto identify S-RNases associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility(SI) in this plant species. RNase activities corresponding toSa and Sb, two of the four S-alleles tested, were identifiedby IEF and RNase activity staining. The Sa-RNase band reactedwith the anti-S4serum prepared from Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina);no reaction with the antiserum was observed with the sbRNaseband. When the sa-RNase band was excised from an IEF gel stainedfor RNase activity, subjected to SDS-PAGE, and detected by immunoblotting,it appeared that this band consisted of a single protein thatreacted with the anti-s4serum with Mr of about 28 kDa. With2D-PAGE and silver staining of the stylar extracts, all fourS-proteins could be successfully distinguished from each otherin the highly basic zone of the gel. Although Sb-, Sc-, andSdproteins had roughly the same Mr of about 30 kDa, the Sc-proteinseemed to be slightly smaller than the Sb-protein and slightlylarger than the Saprotein. In 2D-PAGE profiles as well, theSa-protein had Mr of about 28 kDa, apparently smaller than theother three proteins. A bud sport, in which one of the two S-allelesof the original cultivar is impaired, was visualized as a lossof Scprotein, which is consistent with the previous pollinationstudy. All four S-proteins reacted with the anti-S4serum, probablybecause of the differing conformations of these S-proteins inthe IEF and 2D-PAGE gels. The Sa-protein in 2D-PAGE appearedto be identical to Sa-RNase in IEF; both bad the same Mr andwere reactive with the anti-S4-serum. N-terminal amino acidsequence analysis of the four 5-proteins revealed that theywere highly homologous to each other and similar to the 5-RNasesof Malus, Pyrus, Scrophulariaceae, and Solanaceae. Taken together,RNases in the style are strongly suggested to be associatedwith the gametophytic SI of al- mond. This is the first reportidentofiying and characterizing S-RNase in almond. (Received July 11, 1996; Accepted December 26, 1996)  相似文献   

To compare patterns of expression between the Ngrol genes ofN. glauca and the Rirol genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, weperformed fluorometric and histochemical analysis of transgenicgenetic tumors on the hybrid of Nicotiana glauca x N. langsdorffü(Fl) that harbored a rß- glucuronidase (GUS) reportergene fused to the promoter of NgrolB, NgrolC, RirolB or RirolC The promoters of NgrolB and NgrolCNgrolC had 2- to 3-fold loweractivity than those of RirolB and RirolC However, the changesin patterns of GUS activity caused by deletion of NgrolB andNgrolCpromoters were similar to those of RirolB and RirolC promoters.This result suggests that the cis-acting sequences that regulatethe level of expression of RirolB and RirolC are conserved inthe NgrolB and NgrolC promoters. Furthermore, an auxin dependent(NAA-dependent) increase in GUS activity was observed in thecase of NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS. Histochemical analysis showedGUS activity encoded by both NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS in normal-typeFl transgenic plants was located in meristematic zones, whilethat encoded by NgrolC-GUS and RirolC-GUS was detected mainlyin vascular systems of various organs. Thus, the patterns ofexpression of the Ngrol genes were the same as those of theRirol genes in terms of promotion by auxin and tissue-specificity,indicating that regulatory mechanisms for both sets of geneshave been conserved during the evolution of the genus Nicotianaafter transfer from a progenitor of Agrobacterium to that ofNicotiana. (Received May 2, 1995; Accepted June 13, 1995)  相似文献   

用遗传背景清楚的家蚕Bombyx mori红卵(re)、白卵(w-2、pe)、第4褐卵(b-4)的标志基因系统和正常型黑卵系统与我国家蚕基因库保存的20个红色卵系统杂交,进行顺反测验,分析了它们的卵色支配基因及遗传规律。结果发现:①在03-310系统中存在家蚕卵色新突变pink egg,与红卵re 等位,基因符号为rep,表型特征为:卵淡红色,成虫蛾眼也为淡红色;②6个系统为红卵(re)的纯合系统,还有5个系统除具有rere基因型外,还具有支配白色卵或浅红色或橙红色卵的突变基因;③2个系统为第4褐卵(b4)的纯合系统; ④6个系统的红褐色卵为母性影响遗传;⑤发现家蚕卵色基因b-4和r-e的互补关系,b-4/b-4 re/re基因型表现为新的卵色——橙黄色。  相似文献   

Water Import Rate in Tomato Fruit: A Resistance Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bussieres  P. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(1):75-82
A model of the water import rate in tomato fruit is proposed.It compares the fruit to a hollow sphere (P) with external radiusR and internal radius RG, corresponding to pericarp, and containingan internal spherical part (G). The pathway limiting water inputrate at any point I at a distance r from the fruit centre wasassumed to be proportional: (a) in P, to the length of the arcwhich has a radius r and which goes from I to the pedicel extension;(b) in G, to r. The water input rate at I was modelled basedon a law similar to Darcy's law which takes into account thedifference between the water potential at entry of fruit andthe water potential at point I. This latter potential was thesum of fruit osmotic potential and pressure potential due toresistance of tissue to deformation. This potential was proportionalto R-r or RG -r. The model was expressed at fruit level by alaw such that water mass imported per unit time per unit surfacearea of fruit (frw) was a linear function of R. The model wascompared to linear regressions of this rate in terms of R whichhad been found during fruit swelling from published results,and which were obtained at different values of nutrient solutionsalinity. The results suggested that water input in tomato fruitis conditioned by passive forces depending on fruit size.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Fruit, growth, model, resistance, salinity, size, tomato, transfer, water  相似文献   

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