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The interaction between neurons of sensorimotor and visual cortices was investigated by cross-correlation analysis. In this interaction, we examined the role of sensorimotor neurons responding to light. In rabbits with a hidden focus of excitation, neurons of the sensorimotor cortex responding to light significantly more often formed correlation joints with cells of the visual cortex than neurons not responding to light. On the other hand, neurons of the visual cortex significantly more often formed correlation joints with neurons of the sensorimotor cortex not responding to light.  相似文献   

A hidden excitation focus (dominanta focus) was produced in the rabbit's CNS by threshold electrical stimulation of the left forelimb with the frequency of 0.5 Hz. As a rule, after the formation of the focus, pairs of neurons with prevailing two-second rhythm in their correlated activity were revealed both in the left and right sensorimotor cortices (with equal probabilities 29.3 and 32.4%, respectively). After "animal hypnosis" induction, the total percent of neuronal pairs with the prevalent dominanta-induced rhythm decreased significantly only in the right hemisphere (21%). After the termination of the "animal hypnosis" state, percent of neuronal pairs in the right cortex with prevailing two-second rhythm significantly increasead if the neurons in a pair were neighboring and decreased if they were remote from each other. Similar changes after the hypnotization were not found in the left cortex. Analysis of correlated activity of neuronal pairs with regard to amplitude characteristics showed that for both the right and left hemispheres, the prevalence of the two-second rhythm was more frequently observed in crosscorrelation histograms constructed regarding discharges of neurons with the lowest spike amplitude (in the right hemisphere) or the lowest and mean amplitudes (in the left hemisphere) selected from multiunit records.  相似文献   

In the course of analysis of the conjugate unit activity of simultaneously recorded neurons in the sensorimotor cortex of rabbits, 22 closed neural circuits consisting of 3 or 4 neurons were considered. In the model of the defensive dominanta, 1-3 weeks after imposing rhythmic (2 s) activity to a rabbit, the distribution of coincident impulses was analyzed in real time. It was found out that the events when the coincident impulses of neural pairs were generated with two-second intervals could be shifted in time and space over a closed circuit of neurons in one direction. Two-second intervals between the coincident impulses of the neighboring pairs could be conjugate, i.e. the end of one interval in one pair coincided with the beginning of a two-second interval in the next pair. Conjugate intervals of the neighboring neural pairs could promote a pass-through of the information on the stimulus properties over the closed neuronal circuit, thus completing a full cycle. The longest passes-through lasted from 10 and 12 s. Also, more intricate variants of the information transfer were revealed. Thus, not only passes-through of the two- second intervals between the neuronal pairs were observed, but also, coincident impulses repeatedly occurred with this interval in some of the pairs of the circuits. The longest transitions lasted 16 and 22 s.  相似文献   

Responses of rabbit visual cortical neurons to single and repetitive intracortical electrical stimulation were investigated. The stimulating electrode was located 0.7–1.2 mm away from the recording electrode. Response thresholds to single stimulation were as a rule 150–180 µA, whereas to series of stimuli they were 30–60 µA. The latent period to the first spike averaged 5–15 msec but the probability of the initial discharge was very low, namely 3–6%. With an increase in current intensity the duration of the initial inhibitory pause was increased in half of the neurons responding to it, whereas in the rest it was unchanged. After presentation of series of stimuli spontaneous activity was enhanced for a short time (4–6 sec). In about half of the cells the same kinds of discharge dynamics were observed in response to repetitive stimulation (frequency 0.25 Hz) as in responses to light, but more neurons with sensitization of discharge and fewer "habituating" neurons took part in responses to electrical stimulation. It is postulated that stimulation of a given point of the visual cortex evokes excitation of a local neuron hypercolumn and inhibition of neighboring cell columns.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 412–419, July–August, 1983.  相似文献   

Defensive dominanta was formed in rabbit CNS. Activity of the cortical neuronal network was investigated in these rabbits in the state of quiet wakefulness and in the intervals between the presentations of testing stimulus (light flashes). Statistical analysis of spike trains revealed some distinctions in neuronal functional organizations in the excitation focus (sensorimotor cortex) and in the visual cortex in the states of quiet wakefulness, before the movement of the paw, and before the omission of the reaction. The evidence of different roles in the network activity of sensorimotor neurons that responded and not responded to light was obtained.  相似文献   

White rats were treated with a single administration of immunostimulator tuftsin (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg, in the dose 300 mcg/kg b. w.). By interferometry protein content and concentration and the area of neuron cytoplasm and nucleus were assessed 15 minutes after injection, significant alterations in protein content and cellular area were detected in one type neurons of visual and sensomotor cortex. A possible interrelation is discussed between tuftsin action and the functional activity of neurons, and between the level of their protein metabolism and establishment of emotional and motor response.  相似文献   

Unit responses of the rabbit visual cortex were investigated in relation to size of visual stimuli moving in their receptive field. With an increase in size of the stimulus in a direction perpendicular to the direction of movement ("width" of the stimulus) an initial increase in the intensity of the unit response through spatial summation of excitory effects is followed by a decrease through lateral inhibition. This inhibition is observed between zones of the receptive field which behave as activating when tested by a stimulus of small size. Each neuron has its own "preferred" size of stimuli evoking its maximal activation. No direct correlation is found between the "preferred" stimulus size and the size of the receptive field. With a change in stimulus size in the direction of movement ("length" of the stimulus) the responses to stimuli of optimal size may be potentiated through mutual facilitation of the effects evoked by the leading and trailing edges of the stimulus and weakened in response to stimuli of large size. The selective behavior of the neurons with respect to stimulus size is intensified in the case of coordinated changes in their length and width. It is postulated that the series of neurons responding to stimuli of different "preferred" dimensions may constitute a system classifying stimuli by their size.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 636–644, November–December, 1972.  相似文献   

Tandem pore domain (2P) K channels constitute the most diverse family of K channels and are responsible for background (leak or baseline) K currents. Of the 15 human 2P K channels, TASK-1, TASK-2, and TASK-3 are uniquely sensitive to physiologic pH changes as well as being inhibited by local anesthetics and activated by volatile anesthetics. In this study polyclonal antibodies selective for TASK-3 have been used to localize its expression in the rat central nervous system (CNS). TASK-3 immunostaining was found in rat cortex, hypothalamus, and hippocampus. Double immunofluorescent studies identified a discrete population of TASK-3 expressing neurons scattered throughout cortex. Using immunogold electron microscopy TASK-3 was identified at the cell surface associated with synapses and within the intracellular synthetic compartments. These results provide a more finely detailed picture of TASK-3 expression and indicate a role for TASK-3 in modulating cerebral synaptic transmission and responses to CNS active drugs.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the intensity function of 32 neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex to photic stimuli of optimal size, shape, and orientation flashing in the center of the receptive field was studied by the time slices method, with a step of 10 or 20 msec, in unanesthetized, curarized cats. All neurons tested showed instability of their intensity function reflected in characteristics of successive fragments of the response: It changed both in preferred intensity and in width of the intensity range within which the neuron generated an above-threshold response. In 72% of cases the preferred intensity for the neuron changed successively during the 4–200 msec after the beginning of stimulation by 4–36 dB from greater toward lesser brightnesses, but later it changed more rapidly (in 20–60 msec), rising again apparently in a jump. In four cases the response optimum was shifted up the intensity scale from its initial value by 10–20 dB. Analysis showed that the observed effects are the simple result of the shape of the relationship between temporal characteristics of the response (latent period, time taken to reach the maximum, and time of ending of the burst) to photic stimulus intensity. The possible functional role of these effects for dynamic time coding of information on brightness of photic stimuli by visual cortical neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

Multiunit activity was recorded in left and right sensorimotor cortex of rabbits in the state of tonic immobility. After the first immobilization session, the discharge frequency changed in 47% cells in the right hemisphere: 30% decreased their frequency, and 17% increased. In the left hemisphere, only 18% cells changed their discharge frequency (13% decreased and 5% increased). Reciprocal changes in discharge frequency could be observed in the neighboring neurons (recorded by the same electrode). Several days later, after the second immobilization session, the interhemispheric difference in the number of neurons, whose activity changed, almost disappeared (21% neurons in the right and 24% neurons in the left hemispheres). The relationship between the number of cortical neurons, which increased and decreased their activities in the state of "hypnosis" also became similar in the right and left hemispheres. A suggestion about the involvement of cortical neurons in organization of the state of "animal hypnosis" was made.  相似文献   

The responses of the rabbit's visual cortical neurons to paired and rhythmic punctiform stimulation of their receptive fields were compared with responses to diffuse photic stimuli and the electric stimulation of the optic nerve. Diffuse photic and electric stimuli evoke a short-lasting initial activation of a neuron, followed by an inhibitory phase, during which the response to repetitive stimulation is suppressed. By contrast, localized stimulation of the neuron's receptive field with a spot of light produces an intensive and longer-lasting activation which is not followed by profound inhibition. Fusion of the responses to paired and rhythmic localized stimuli is therefore possible when the intervals between stimuli are brief enough. Rhythmic stimulation is capable of evoking sustained activation of a neuron during the entire duration of light flicker. During stimulation of a single point of the receptive field such prolonged activation can take place only within a limited range of stimulation frequencies (up to 15/sec), while higher frequencies evoke responses to the onset and offset of sequences of light flashes only. If, however, rhythmic stimuli alternate between the various points of a receptive field, prolonged neuronal activation is observed with any frequency of stimulation.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 252–259, May–June, 1971.  相似文献   

On-responses of primary visual cortical neurons to local photic stimulation of the receptive field center by stimuli of scotopic and mesopic ranges of intensity were investigated in dark-adapted curarized cats. Only phasic excitation (type I) was observed in 16% of cells studied, phasic and prolonged excitation with phasic inhibition between them (type II) was observed in 68%, and prolonged inhibition (type III) alone in 16% of cells. The thresholds of phasic excitation in the neuronal responses lay between 0.7 and 2200 trolands (td) and coincided with thresholds of activation of the cone system, whereas thresholds of prolonged excitation lay within the range 0.02–9 td and coincided with thresholds of rod inputs. Inhibitory effects were manifested as phasic inhibition observed on peristimulus histograms, disturbances of the monotony of the responses versus stimulus intensity curve, and also as prolonged inhibition in on-responses. All inhibitory effects were observed in the mesopic range of intensities (0.7–2200 td) and were connected with functioning of the cones.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 359–366, July–August, 1982.  相似文献   

The responses by neurons in various layers of the pigeon's optic tectum to visual stimuli of different sizes moving at various speeds in receptive fields (RF's) were recorded by means of microelectrodes. Analysis of the relationship between the characteristics of the RF's and the location of neurons in the optic tectum showed that with increase in the depth of the layer the structure of the RF's became more complex, their size increased, the effect of peripheral inhibition decreased, and the properties of directional selectivity were displayed more clearly. A wide convergence of signals of different modalities on the efferent neurons of the optic tectum, and their rapid habituation to repeated application of stimuli, were observed.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 99–105, January–February, 1971.  相似文献   

The formation of a defensive conditioned reflex to sound has been studied in rabbits raised from birth up to 30 days of life in dark. It was shown that, as compared with control animals of the same age, elaboration of reflex to sound takes place in them in shorter times periods and with less pairings. This corresponds to changes in electrographic manifestations of conditioning: increased amplitude and reduced peak latency of evoked potentials to acoustic stimuli in the auditory and sensorimotor cortical zones. The data obtained testify to enahcned functional activity of the auditory cortex, apparently due to a compensatory enhancement of impulse activity coming from the intact receptors of the auditory apparatus. It has been assumed that the observed functional changes appearing in the cortical end of the signal analyser (auditory zone); in response to sound, following visual deprivation, are a consequence of an early nature training of synaptic structures with regard to perceptionof impulses of acoustic modality.  相似文献   

In the cat primary visual cortex (area 17) the response magnitude and latency were studied in 280 neurons sensitive to bar or cross-like-figure. Under natural conditions half of the studied 195 cells preferred bar (first group) or cross (second group). In the first group responses to both figures were near equal, while in the second one cross evoked much stronger response. Response latencies with the optimal bar in the first group were shorter than in the second group and longer to a cross than to a bar while in the second group they were considerably shorter to a cross than to bar. Under local blockage of GABA-ergic inhibition by microiontophoretic application of bicuculline about one-fourth of 85 neurons generated greater responses and were bar-sensitive irrespective to presence or absence of inhibition. Other neurons were cross-sensitive at least in one of the conditions (with and/or without of inhibition). They responses grew under bicuculline action relatively more than in the first group. Significance of the data obtained for tuning to image features and temporal succession of their detection is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recording and labeling of cells from the toad's (Bufo bufo spinosus) medulla oblongata in response to moving visual (and tactual) stimuli yield the following results. (i) Various response types characterized by extracellular recording in medullary neurons were also identified intracellularly and thus assigned to properties of medullary cell somata. (ii) Focussing on monocular small-field and cyclic bursting properties, somata of such neurons were recorded most frequently in the medial reticular formation and in the branchiomotor column but less often in the lateral reticular formation. (iii) Visual object disrimination established in pretectal/tectal networks is increased in its acuity in 4 types of medullary small-field neurons. The excitatory and inhibitory inputs to these neurons evoked by moving visual objects suggest special convergence likely to increase the filter properties. (iv) Releasing conditions, temporal pattern, and refractoriness of cyclic bursting neurons resemble membrane characteristics of vertebrate and invertebrate neurons known to play a role in premotor/motor activity. (v) Integrating functions of medullary cells have an anatomical correlate in the extensive arborizations of their dendritic trees; 5 morphological types of medullary neurons have been distinguished.Abbreviations A stripe moving in antiworm configuration - (W) moving in worm configuration - S square - BMC branchiomotor column - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - RetF medullary reticular formation - RF receptive field - M neurons response properties of medullary neurons - T neurons classes of tectal neurons - TH neurons classes of thalamic/pretectal neurons - tr.tb.d. tractus tecto-bulbaris directus - tr.tbs.c. tractus tecto-bulbaris et spinalis cruciatus  相似文献   

The concept of coded 'command releasing systems' proposes that visually specialized descending tectal (and pretectal) neurons converge on motor pattern generating medullary circuits and release--in goal-specific combination--specific action patterns. Extracellular recordings from medullary neurons of the medial reticular formation of the awake immobilized toad in response to moving visual stimuli revealed the following main results. (i) Properties of medullary neurons were distinguished by location, shape, and size of visual receptive fields (ranging from relatively small to wide), by trigger features of various moving configural stimulus objects (including prey- and predator-selective properties), by tactile sensitivity, and by firing pattern characteristics (sluggish, tonic, warming-up, and cyclic). (ii) Visual receptive fields of medullary neurons and their responses to moving configural objects suggest converging inputs of tectal (and pretectal) descending neurons. (iii) In contrast to tectal monocular 'small-field' neurons, the excitatory visual receptive fields of comparable medullary neurons were larger, ellipsoidally shaped, mostly oriented horizontally, and not topographically mapped in an obvious fashion. Furthermore, configural feature discrimination was sharper. (iv) The observation of multiple properties in most medullary neurons (partly showing combined visual and cutaneous sensitivities) suggests integration of various inputs by these cells, and this is in principle consistent with the concept of command releasing systems. (v) There is evidence for reciprocal tectal/medullary excitatory pathways suitable for premotor warming-up. (vi) Cyclic bursting of many neurons, spontaneously or as a post-stimulus sustaining event, points to a medullary premotor/motor property.  相似文献   

Responses of caudate neurons to two kinds of visual stimuli, namely diffuse light and a more local stimulus (a slit of light), oriented in different directions on a screen, were studied in alert cats during natural fixation of the gaze. The number of neurons which responded to local stimulation was several times greater than the number responding to diffuse light. Besides on-responses to local stimulation, a more distinct phase of inhibition of activity during presentation of the stimulus and off-responses also appeared. The latent periods of responses to both kinds of stimulation were commensurate at 40–90 msec for most neurons. Differences in neuronal responses also were found on a change in orientation of the slit. The results are discussed from the standpoint of participation of the caudate nucleus in visual information analysis.  相似文献   

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