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After 48 h food deprivation adult Wistar rats were trained to obtain food from a narrow tube feeder using the forepaw under conditions of free choice of limb. At the initial stage of training animals use both paws: the grasping and extraction with one paw can be alternated with food grasping and extraction with another paw, and both paws can be alternately involved in movements preceding this grasping. Character of reorganization of bimanual movements was analyzed during training rats with different motor preference (right-handed and left-handed animals). It was shown that in the process of acquisition of both right- and left-hand skills, bimanual reactions in the anticipating attempts disappeared later than in the final successful movements. The disappearance of bimanual movements in the anticipating attempts is considered as an index of the maximum skill lateralization and acquisition of a novel lateralized movement coordination. The results suggest that left-handed rats more rapidly learn a novel movement coordination than right-handed animals.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic-induced oral movements in rats: methodological issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A D Levy  R E See  E D Levin  G D Ellison 《Life sciences》1987,41(12):1499-1506
In three separate experiments groups of rats were chronically administered neuroleptics in a variety of ways (chronic injections, subcutaneous implants, and decanoate injections) and examined for oral movements (OMs) in two different tests: in an open cage using a human observer, or in a plexiglas tube enclosure, where OMs were monitored both by a human observer and computerized video analysis system. These two testing methods showed different effects of neuroleptic administration. In the open cage, OMs tended to be enhanced during chronic neuroleptic exposure and to rapidly subside upon drug withdrawal. The enhanced OMs were especially present just after drug injections, when activity levels were low. In the observation tube environment, however, OMs tended to be low soon after drug treatments, and elevated upon withdrawal. Thus, the type of behavioral test used determines how neuroleptic-induced increases in oral activity should be interpreted.  相似文献   

Visually triggered forearm movements were analyzed by an Information Theory approach. Human subjects made smooth movements which were characterized by moderate speeds, ranging about 100 degrees per second, by continuity in the position and velocity traces, and attainment of final average EMG levels before completion of the movement. We calculated the information transmitted by final position, biceps EMG, triceps EMG, and the ratio of the EMGs. The results were: (1) The information transmitted by final joint angle increased with number of targets but gradually levelled off. The maximum value was slightly over 3 bits, corresponding to an equivalent number of less than nine independent arm positions for a single movement. (2) The information transmitted by the ratio of the EMGs exceeds that transmitted by the biceps or triceps alone. (3) A previous theoretical prediction based on a spring model (Sakitt, 1980a) gives a moderately good fit to the experimental EMG ratio as a function of final position over a large range of angles. Our results lend consistency to two ideas about the nature of visually triggered forearm movements. First, our finding about the EMG ratio suggests that the basic motor program for final position is probably in terms of relative allocation of innervations, rather than looking up individual values. Second, single movements of this kind transmit surprisingly little information. If this is the case, it suggests that very fine accuracy is not achieved by a single program but requires feedback in order to program and execute additional movement.Laboratoire de Physiologie Neurosensorielle, CNRS, Paris, France  相似文献   

Convergence and extension are gastrulation movements that participate in the establishment of the vertebrate body plan. Using new methods for quantifying convergence and extension movements of cell groups, we demonstrate that in wild-type embryos, dorsal convergence of lateral cells is initially slow, but speeds up between the end of the gastrula period and early segmentation. Convergence and extension movements of lateral cells in trilobite mutants are normal during the gastrula period but reduced by early segmentation. Morphometric studies revealed that during epiboly wild-type gastrulae become ovoid, whereas trilobite embryos remain rounder. By segmentation, trilobite embryos exhibit shorter, broader embryonic axes. The timing of these morphological defects correlates well with impaired cell movements, suggesting reduced convergence and extension are the main defects underlying the trilobite phenotype. Our gene expression, genetic, and fate mapping analyses show the trilobite mutation affects movements without altering dorsoventral patterning or cell fates. We propose that trilobite function is required for cell properties that promote increased speed of converging cells and extension movements in the dorsal regions of the zebrafish gastrula.  相似文献   

The parameters of oculomotor activity were investigated using the video recording method when texts of different complexity were read by pupils with various reading skill levels. The parameters of eye movements and their determination have been described. It has been shown that the total reading time, the average duration of fixations, and the total number of regressions decrease, and the amplitude of progressive and regressive saccades increases as the reading skill is formed, which testifies to the perfection of the mechanisms of implementing the cognitive processes that form the basis of reading.  相似文献   

Kim GH  Han JK 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(10):2513-2526
beta-Arrestin 2 (betaarr2) is a multifunctional protein that regulates numerous aspects of G-protein-coupled receptor function. However, its possible involvement in developmental processes is poorly understood. In this work, we examined the potential role of betaarr2 during Xenopus early development. Gain- and loss-of-function studies showed that Xenopus betaarr2 (xbetaarr2) is required for proper convergent extension (CE) movements, and normal cell polarization and intercalation without affecting cell fate. Moreover, for CE movements, betaarr2 acts as an essential regulator of dishevelled-mediated PCP (planar cell polarity) signaling, but not G-protein-mediated Ca(2+) signaling. Notably, xbetaarr2 is localized with the same distribution as the dishevelled protein, which is reasonable, as xbetaarr2 is required for dishevelled activation of RhoA. Furthermore, xbetaarr2 interacts with the N-terminal quarter of Daam1 and RhoA proteins, but not Rac1, and regulates RhoA activation through Daam1 activation for CE movements. We provide evidence that the endocytic activity of xbetaarr2 is essential for control of CE movements. Taken together, our results suggest that betaarr2 has a pivotal role in the regulation of Xenopus CE movements.  相似文献   

The signaling mechanisms that specify, guide and coordinate cell behavior during embryonic morphogenesis are poorly understood. We report that a Xenopus homolog of the Drosophila planar cell polarity gene strabismus (stbm) participates in the regulation of convergent extension, a critical morphogenetic process required for the elongation of dorsal structures in vertebrate embryos. Overexpression of Xstbm, which is expressed broadly in early development and subsequently in the nervous system, causes severely shortened trunk structures; a similar phenotype results from inhibiting Xstbm translation using a morpholino antisense oligo. Experiments with Keller explants further demonstrate that Xstbm can regulate convergent extension in both dorsal mesoderm and neural tissue. The specification of dorsal tissues is not affected. The Xstbm phenotype resembles those obtained with several other molecules with roles in planar polarity signaling, including Dishevelled and Frizzled-7 and -8. Unlike these proteins, however, Stbm has little effect on conventional Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in either frog or fly assays. Thus our results strongly support the emerging hypothesis that a vertebrate analog of the planar polarity pathway governs convergent extension movements.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies in Drosophila identified a novel non-canonical Wnt pathway, the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, that signals via JNK to control epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila. Most recently, a pathway regulating convergent extension movements during gastrulation in vertebrate embryos has been shown to be a vertebrate equivalent of the PCP pathway. However, it is not known whether the JNK pathway functions in this non-canonical Wnt pathway to regulate convergent extension movements in vertebrates. In addition, it is not known whether JNK is in fact activated by Wnt stimulation. Here we show that Wnt5a is capable of activating JNK in cultured cells, and present evidence that the JNK pathway mediates the action of Wnt5a to regulate convergent extension movements in Xenopus. Our results thus demonstrate that the non-canonical Wnt/JNK pathway is conserved in both vertebrate and invertebrate and define that JNK has an activity to regulate morphogenetic cell movements.  相似文献   

Inheritance of predisposition to pendulum movements (PMs) in rats was studied by two methods: segregation analysis of binary traits (on pedigrees recorded in the selection archives for cataleptic strain GC) and the classical Mendelian analysis of hybrids between strains PM+ and PM- selected for pronounced PMs and the absence of PMs, respectively. Both methods yields the same result: it was found that predisposition to PMs exhibited a monogenic dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance.  相似文献   

Coordinated morphogenetic cell movements during gastrulation are crucial for establishing embryonic axes in animals. Most recently, the non-canonical Wnt signaling cascade (PCP pathway) has been shown to regulate convergent extension movements in Xenopus and zebrafish. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are known as modulators of intercellular signaling, and are required for gastrulation movements in vertebrates. However, the function of HSPGs is poorly understood. We analyze the function of Xenopus glypican 4 (Xgly4), which is a member of membrane-associated HSPG family. In situ hybridization revealed that Xgly4 is expressed in the dorsal mesoderm and ectoderm during gastrulation. Reducing the levels of Xgly4 inhibits cell-membrane accumulation of Dishevelled (Dsh), which is a transducer of the Wnt signaling cascade, and thereby disturbs cell movements during gastrulation. Rescue analysis with different Dsh mutants and Wnt11 demonstrated that Xgly4 functions in the non-canonical Wnt/PCP pathway, but not in the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway, to regulate gastrulation movements. We also provide evidence that the Xgly4 protein physically binds Wnt ligands. Therefore, our results suggest that Xgly4 functions as positive regulator in non-canonical Wnt/PCP signaling during gastrulation.  相似文献   

For waste management, methane emissions from landfills and their effect on climate change are of serious concern. Current models for biogas generation that focus on the economic use of the landfill gas are usually based on first order chemical reactions (exponential decay), underestimating the long-term emissions of landfills. The presented study concentrated on the curve fitting and the quantification of the gas generation during the final degradation phase under optimal anaerobic conditions. For this purpose the long-term gas generation (240–1,830 days) of different mechanically biologically treated (MBT) waste materials was measured. In this study the late gas generation was modeled by a log–normal distribution curve to gather the maximum gas generation potential. According to the log–normal model the observed gas sum curve leads to higher values than commonly used exponential decay models. The prediction of the final phase of landfill gas generation by a fitting model provides a basis for CO2 balances in waste management and some information to which extent landfills serve as carbon sink.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how complex carbohydrates function during embryonic development is still very limited, primarily due to the large number of glycosyltransferases now known to be involved in their synthesis. To overcome these limitations, we have taken advantage of the zebrafish system to analyze the function of complex carbohydrates during development by down-regulating the expression of specific glycosyltransferases. Herein, we report the identification of the zebrafish ortholog of mammalian beta1,4-galactosyltransferase I, beta4GalT1, and its requirement for proper convergent extension movements during gastrulation. beta4GalT1 is expressed in the oocyte and throughout the embryo during the first 24 h of development. Knockdown of zebrafish beta4GalT1 by two independent morpholino oligonucleotides results in embryos with a truncated anterior-posterior axis, as well as elongated somites and moderate defects in the patterning of the head mesenchyme. Co-injection of zebrafish beta4GalT1 mRNA returns galactosyltransferase activity to control levels and rescues the defects produced by morpholino oligonucleotides. In situ hybridizations of various molecular markers reveal that the axial mesoderm of epiboly stage embryos is abnormally widened in beta4GalT1 morphants, indicative of abnormal convergent extension. Consistent with this, the rate of anterior-posterior axis elongation is reduced relative to control-injected embryos, similar to that seen in known convergent extension mutants. Among the many potential substrates for beta4GalT1 is laminin, a principle component of the extracellular matrix that supports cell movements such as those that occur during convergent extension. Previous in vitro studies have shown that the galactosylation status of laminin directly influences its ability to support cell spreading and migration. In this regard, laminin isolated from beta4GalT1 morphant embryos is poorly galactosylated, which may contribute to defective cell migration during convergent extension movements. This work demonstrates that zebrafish can be used to identify critical developmental roles for specific glycosyltransferases that would not be obvious otherwise, such as an absolute requirement for beta4GalT1 during convergent extension movements.  相似文献   

B Glenth?j  R Hemmingsen 《Life sciences》1991,48(22):2137-2140
The influence of stressful experiences on the development of vacuous chewing movements (VCM) was investigated in non-medicated rats. After an initial baseline period one group of rats was housed in a noisy environment while another group was housed in quiet surroundings. The development of VCM was recorded during a 16 week period. The animals subjected to uncontrollable noise developed significantly more VCM compared with the control animals. The results are consistent with the idea that stress can sentize a behaviour which is usually connected with the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system. This underscores the essential role of the housing environment as a parameter during behavioural studies of the dopaminergic system, as for example studies of VCM in neuroleptic treated rats.  相似文献   

Negative and positive work performed during leg extension movements of 53 well trained subjects was measured with the help of a special dynamometer. The subjects performed four maximal push off trials against five different loads (25-105 kg): two two-legged extensions from a squatting position (SM) with a knee angle of 70 degrees and two trials with a preliminary counter movement (CM) but with the same extension range as in the SM. Positive work differed only by about 4% between CM and SM in spite of large differences in initial forces at the onset of concentric contraction. Based on simulations, it is suggested that in CM the advantage of stored elastic energy can almost completely be nullified by the disadvantage of a limited shortening distance of the contractile elements. It is hypothesised that elastic energy in CM can only cause considerable extra work during concentric contraction compared to the maximal positive work done in SM if the total range of lengthening and shortening of the muscle(s) involved is larger in CM than in SM.  相似文献   

During Drosophila gastrulation, convergent extension of the ectoderm is required for germband extension. Adhesive heterogeneity within ectodermal cells has been proposed to trigger the intercalation of cells responsible for this movement. Segmentation genes would impose this heterogeneity by establishing a pair-rule pattern of cell adhesion properties. We previously reported that the serotonin receptor (5-ht(2Dro)) is expressed in the presumptive ectoderm with a pair-rule pattern. Here, we show that the peaks of 5-ht(2Dro) expression and serotonin synthesis coincide precisely with the onset of convergent extension of the ectoderm. Gastrulae genetically depleted of serotonin or the 5-ht(2Dro) receptor do not extend their germband properly, and the ectodermal movements becomes asynchronous with the morphogenetic movements in the endoderm and mesoderm. Associated with the beginning of this desynchronisation, is an altered subcellular localisation of adherens junctions within the ectoderm. Combined, these data highlight the role of the ectoderm in Drosophila gastrulation and support the notion that serotonin signalling through the 5-HT(2Dro) receptor triggers changes in cell adhesiveness that are necessary for cell intercalation.  相似文献   

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