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Stand structure was studied with special reference to growth and mortality patterns of sapling and understorey trees in a coniferousPicea jezoensis andAbies sachalinensis forest in Taisetsuzan National Park, Hokkaido, northern Japan.Picea jezoensis was dominant in the basal area, whileA. sachalinensis was abundant in large numbers in the canopy. Estimated mortalities increased significantly with diameter at breast height (DBH) for bothP. jezoensis andA. sachalinensis in the canopy, but the tendency was different between the two species.Picea jezoensis had a lower mortality rate thanA. sachalinensis, especially at small DBH classes. The spatial distribution of understorey individuals ofA. sachalinensis did not show any significant correlation with the spatial distribution of canopy gaps, but that ofP. jezoensis showed a significant correlation.Abies sachalinensis can grow higher thanP. jezoensis under suppressed conditions; whileP. jezoensis requires canopy gaps for steady height growth. This growth pattern leads to a different waiting height in the understorey (≥2 m in height and 10 cm in diameter at breast height).Abies sachalinensis waited for an improvement in light conditions at higher strata (max. 7 m), whileP. jezoensis waited at lower strata (max. 3 m). The estimated mortality of understoreyA. sachalinensis increased with size, while that of understoreyP. jezoensis decreased. Therefore,P. jezoensis gives priority to survival whileA. sachalinensis gives priority to understorey growth. The difference in the ‘waiting pattern’ between the two species in the understorey was considered a significant feature for the canopy recruitment process ofP. jezoensis andA. sachalinensis.  相似文献   

In 1981 and 1993, trees over 2 m high were measured and mapped to clarify stand dynamics in two permanent plots of 0.1 ha in a secondary, cool temperate, mixed broadleaf/conifer forest after logging in the Tomakomai Experiment Forest, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. The species could be placed in two groups according to the change in basal area and density, and annual height growth:Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata, Phellodendron amurense, Prunus sargentii andTilia japonica (Group I: GI) showed episodic regeneration and/or fast height growth;Acer mono, Acer palmatum var.matsumuae andSorbus alnifolia (Group II: GII) showed continuous regeneration and/or slow height growth. The age distribution of stems over 10 cm in d.b.h. suggests synchronous regeneration of GI and GII species. Vertical stratification was promoted during the 12-year period by the difference in annual height growth between the two species groups. Additional tree censuses in both remnant old-growth stands and second-growth stands after large scale blowdowns demonstrated thatQ. mongolica var.grosseserrata is most dominant in stands varying in the stages of development. Disturbance history and successional trends in dominant species implied that stand-devastating disturbances were responsible for the regeneration ofQ. mongolica var.grosseserrata in the study forest.  相似文献   

Picea glehnii seedlings whose ages ranged from 2 to 5 years and which were growing in aP. glehnii-Abies sachalinensis natural forest where the surface had been scarified 6 years before, were assessed for the occurrence and types of ectomycorrhizae. Based on the macro- and microscopic characteristics, 34 types of ectomycorrhizae were classified. The basidiomycetes were clearly dominant and it was common to observe more than one type of mycorrhiza occurring in the same root tip. The diversity of mycorrhizal types and the presence of at least one type of ectomycorrhiza in a single seedling, observed in this work, indicate a very dynamic system of mycorrhizal formation inP. glehnii seedlings, which allows them to survive and grow in a forest surface subjected to soil scarification.  相似文献   

Mycena picta, a rare species of Agaricales, is reported for the first time from Japan, based on specimens collected in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Stand structure and regeneration pattern were examined inAbies sachalinensis coastal forest in northern Hokkaido. In the forest a similar phenomenon to the wave regeneration in subalpine forests has been found. Wave regeneration has been reported for montaneAbies forests in central Japan and North America. Differences and similarities between wave-type stands in this coastal forest and wave-regenerated montane forests were clarified. The shift of dead tree zone, stand structure and regeneration pattern in wave-type stands are the same as in subalpine wave-regenerated forests. High density of individuals is considered to be an internal factor which causes stand-level dieback and also enables the stands to persist in the severe environment in both forests. A difference between wave-regenerated forests andA. sachalinensis wave-type stands is the number of dead tree zones, which is only one in wave-type stands. Changes of regeneration patterns ofAbies sachalinensis with environmental gradient from seaward to inland were related to this difference.  相似文献   

Seedling and tree-establishment microhabitats of Tsuga diversifolia and Abies mariesii were examined on the herb- and dwarf bamboo-dominated forest floor on Mount Hayachine, a mountain under intermediate snow conditions in northern Honshu, Japan. The four microsite types were fallen logs, buttresses, rocks and ground. The ground substratum was further divided into four subtypes by dominant undergrowth species: Lycopodium, Pteridophyllum, Carex and dwarf bamboo. The establishment of T. diversifolia seedlings on the ground was scarce, and depended mostly on non-ground microsites (i.e. fallen logs, buttresses and rocks). The seedling establishment of A. mariesii was not dependent on specific substrata, although on the ground, establishment sites were limited to the Lycopodium subtype situated on convex sites. Among the microhabitats for seedling establishment, larger trees of A. mariesii rarely occurred on higher portions of the non-ground microsites. In contrast, T. diversifolia could grow up to the height of canopy-layer trees in such microsites. Thus, non-ground microsites seem to be unsuitable for tree establishment in A. mariesii, and are probably useful microhabitats for regenerating T. diversifolia to avoid competition with A. mariesii. We also compared seedling-establishment microhabitats for the two conifers between Mount Hayachine and two other mountain regions under different undergrowth conditions (moss-dominated and dense dwarf bamboo-dominated). Our findings suggested that seedling recruitment in non-ground microsites was primarily determined by undergrowth conditions; T. diversifolia preferred such microsites where the moss-covered area was low, and A. mariesii preferred where dwarf bamboo-covered area was high.  相似文献   

Abstract. A high-altitude boreal Picea abies forest, with tree ages of up to 410 yr, was studied with respect to age structure, spatial regeneration patterns, and substrate. The results suggest that recruitment is primarily dependent on germination substrate but also negatively correlated with the density of the tree layer. 60 % of all spruces < 1.3 m high grew on substrates connected with tree-fall; ca. 40 % were found on decomposing logs and stumps, covering only ca. 6 % of the forest floor. Individual logs remain important as a regeneration substrate for ca. 150 yr. Continuous presence of decomposing coarse wood is a condition for the maintenance of the population structure under the prevailing climatic conditions. Peaks in the age distribution (the 1870's and the 1940's - 1950's) are probably climatically induced. The results challenge the previous assumptions that this kind of forest undergoes cyclic development. Long-term structural stability with climatically induced minor variations may be an alternative model.  相似文献   

In 1979 and 1991, trees over 2.0 m high were measured and mapped together with their crown projections to clarify stand dynamics and shifts in canopy dominants during this period, in a permanent plot of 0.525 ha in an old-growth, cool temperate mixed forest of Mt Moiwa, Central Hokkaido, northern Japan. During this period, an abundant recruitment of trees was observed after some canopy trees were felled by a typhoon in 1981 leaving gaps in the canopy. Vigorous recruitment was observed forTilia japonica, Acer mono andPrunus ssiori. These species had different regeneration sites in relation to canopy state. NeitherUlmus japonica norKalopanax pictus had any recruits during the 12 year period even in gaps. The equilibrium composition of tree species projected from transition probability analysis also implied the above shift of dominant species during the 12 year period in the plot and suggested that the present forest is not in an equilibrium state.  相似文献   

Pollen analyses of sediment cores from two small lakes within the boreal forest in the central Scandes Mountains help to elucidate the Holocene forest dynamics of the region. Analyses of pore/pollen grain diameter ratios of Alnus grains indicate the early Holocene presence of Alnus glutinosa in the study area. The results are discussed in conjunction with available pollen records to evaluate the importance of thermophilous trees during the early Holocene and to deduce the regional spread of Picea abies. Corylus avellana, Alnus glutinosa and Ulmus glabra were probably common constituents of the early Holocene forest. Tilia cordata may have occurred there as a rare tree. Pollen stratigraphies from the region do not indicate the occurrence of Quercus robur. The regional spread of Picea abies can be separated into two phases: a mid-Holocene establishment or first expansion of small outpost populations and a late-Holocene population expansion. The mid-Holocene shift in vegetation composition may have been caused by changes in the westerly airflow.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the role of micro-organisms in the carbon cycle of the boreal forest ecosystem, the vertical distribution of soil carbon, soil microbial biomass and respiratory activity was studied in a black spruce forest near Candle Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. The total amount of carbon contained in moss and soil layers (to the depth of 50cm beneath the mineral soil surface) was 7.2kgm–2, about 47% of which was in the L and FH horizons of the soil. Soil microbial biomass per dry weight of soil was largest in the L horizon, while the biomass per ground area was largest in the FH horizon. Soil respiration rate, measured using a portable infrared gas analyzer, was highest in the FH horizon, exceeding 50% of the total soil respiration. Low but significant CO2 emission was detected even in deeper soil horizon (E horizon). We also examined the respiration rate of cut roots and the effect of root excision on respiration. The contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration, calculated from root biomass and respiration rate of cut roots, was about 54%. The amount of carbon evolved through microbial respiration during the snow-free season (June–October) was estimated as 221gCm–2. Micro-organisms in the L horizon showed high respiratory activity as compared with those in deeper soil horizons.  相似文献   

A 10 year study of forest communities on Silhouette island, Seychelles demonstrates stability of forest composition in most areas over this time-scale. Areas with heavy invasion by alien species were found to be regenerating, particularly with the rapid loss of Clidemia hirta. This is attributed to the abundance of well-adapted native plants allowing competitive exclusion to take place, throughout competition for light. It was noted that invasive plant species tend to be unstable on the rocky slopes covered by native high forest. A high rate of tree fall and limited seed dispersal may reduce the impact of the invasive tree Paraserianthes falcataria in the future. Other species such as Cinnamomum verum and Psidium cattleianum may persist as major invaders due to wider seed dispersal.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in soil microbial biomass C (MBC), microbial biomass N (MBN) and N mineralization in Sasa kurilensis-present (SP) and S. kurilensis-removed (SR) stands in a Betula ermanii forest. The mean levels of MBC and MBN were significantly higher in the SR stand than in the SP, which may have positively influenced the N-mineralization rate as depicted by a significant positive correlation between these variables and the N-mineralization rate. N immobilization and subsequent N release along with decreased use of available soil N due to S. kurilensis removal may have ensured greater N availability in the SR stand.  相似文献   

Kinkazan Island, a sanctuary island that has been conserved for over 100 years, is inhabited by a Sika deer population of high density (60 km−2). AFagus crenata forest, a climax forest of this region, was composed of only large sized trees (30–60 cm diameter breast height) and lacked young trees. However, many saplings were found inside a deer proof fence, indicating this forest had a potential to produce seedlings. They were tentatively protected by shrubs ofLeucothoe grayana var.glabra, an upalatable ericaceous shrub, but did not exceed the shrub height. Heavy browsing by the deer suppressed recruitment of saplings ofF. crenata. The forest will be reduced without population control of the deer.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of canopy gaps and forest floor microsites (soil, fallen logs, root-mounds, buttresses and stumps) on regeneration of subalpine forests, the gap regeneration and seedling occurrence of conifers (Abies mariesii, Abies veitchii, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis and Tsuga diversifolia) were studied in two stands of a subalpine old-growth forest, central Japan. The percentage of gap area to total surveyed area was 11.2–11.3% in the stands. Gap regeneration was not common for P. jezoensis var. hondoensis and T. diversifolia. In contrast, gap regeneration by advanced regeneration was relatively common for Abies. Seedling occurrence of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis and T. diversifolia was restricted on elevated surfaces such as stumps and root-mounds, while Abies seedlings could occur on soil as well as on elevated surfaces. Rotten stumps were the most favorable microsites for conifer seedling occurrence, which covered small area in the forest floor. Although canopy gaps were not always favorable for seedling occurrence, all conifer seedlings were larger under canopy gaps than under closed canopy. Canopy gaps and forest floor microsites clearly affected seedling occurrence and growth of conifers. This suggests that regeneration of conifers is related to the difference of growth advantage under canopy gaps and favorable microsites for seedling occurrence.  相似文献   

Montane conifers of western North America commonly colonize mineral surfaces resulting from landslides, lahars, mudflows, and rock avalanches. This colonization can include shade-tolerant conifers that may eventually dominate the forest in a pattern termed “direct” succession. Documenting examples of this long-term successional process are useful for identifying alternative successional trajectories and indicating potential controlling mechanisms for subsequent experimental analysis. This study (1) analyzes the 1992 status of the conifer colonization on the coarse-textured surface of a 1650 AD rock avalanche in northern California and (2) measures individual growth and survivorship in permanent plots between 1992 and 2003. Increment cores of large trees indicated initial conifer colonization before 1700 AD with continuous subsequent colonization. Mean conifer density in 1992 was 725 (SD = 747) ha−1 with densities increasing with decreasing rock sizes. Densities were not correlated with distances to possible seed sources. Median heights were <1 m, and the mean proportional height growth rate for healthy individuals was 0.0166 year−1. The mortality rate for individuals ≥0.1-m tall was <0.007 year−1. The conifers were more numerous than shrubs, and there was little apparent evidence of facilitation or inhibition of conifers. The species assemblage is mostly (89%) Abies concolor, Pinus monticola, and Pinus ponderosa individuals dispersed across an elevation range of 1870–2040 m a. s. l. This is an atypical species mix for these elevations in this location, and this mix is not readily predicted from species properties such as seed mass, seed flight distance, or drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Canopy gap area/age distributions and growth mechanisms were examined in a virgin subalpine forest in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA. The gap area distribution was negative exponential in form. Whithin gap tree ages varied widely in response to stepwise gap expansion caused by windthrow of peripheral trees or death of standing mature Picea rubens at gap edges. As a consequence, the density of small gaps may have been underestimated and the density of large gaps overestimated. The estimates of canopy turnover time, 303 yr, and of patch birth rate on an area basis, 3.3×10-3 ha new patches/ha land area/yr, were not affected by the gap expansion phenomenon. However, any estimate of patch birth rate as numbers of new patches formed per year would have been too low. Because of increasingly widespread Picea death, the patch area/age distribution of this forest may not currently be in steady-state.  相似文献   

Picea glehnii seedlings are affected by damping-off fungi in nurseries. The aims of this study were (1) to isolate fungi grown in the seedling rhizosphere in forest soil of P. glehnii, (2) to select fungi that produce antifungal compounds against Pythium vexans, and (3) to examine whether or not selected fungi can protect seedlings from P. vexans. Penicillium frequentans from Picea glehnii seedling roots produced antibiotic penicillic acid. Penicillic acid did not cause significant phytotoxicity to the seedlings. Penicillium frequentans increased the average percentage of surviving seedlings when inoculated together with Pythium vexans, but the increase was not significant. Vigorous mycelial growth of P. frequentans around seedling roots seems to be one of the mechanisms for protection, but the amount of penicillic acid was too low to show antifungal activity in the seedling rhizosphere.  相似文献   

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