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Synopsis Fathead minnow embryos (Pimephales promelas Rafinesque) of 5 different developmental ages (5, 33, 48, 72 and 96 hrs after fertilization) were used as controls and exposed for 2 hrs to a solution of 0.25 Ci ml–1 of3H-Uridine. Another set of embryos (5, 33, 48, 72 and 96 hrs after fertilization) were subjected to the same treatment except that during the one hour immediately preceding the3H-Uridine incubation, the control embryos were placed in water while the experimental embryos were placed in water containing 15 ppm 11.2 LAS. In both cases, radiation counts minute–1 embryo–1 and per milligram of embryo increased over the 4 day developmental period. The embryos with LAS treatment displayed lower radiation counts at all ages as compared to controls, indicating an inhibition of diffusion and uptake of3H-Uridine and/or RNA synthesis. The possible mechanism of LAS is discussed.  相似文献   

In 2-day-old rats, ACTH increases the uptake of 3H-uridine in the brain; no such effects were observed in the msucle and liver tissue. Diazepam does not affect the uptake of 3H-uridine into the brain tissue, but decreases the uptake into the muscle tissue. In the brain tissue of infant rats, ACTH does not change the distribution of radioactivity of intraperitoneally administered 3H-uridine among U, Urd, UMP, UDP and UTP. Diazepam increases the amount of radioactivity, found at the U spot. In the muscle, both ACTH and Diazepam increases the amount of radioactivities found in the Urd spot. A significant correlation between the radioactivity of UMP+UDP+UTP and the specific activity of RNA was proved only in the brain. The ratio: specific activity of brain RNA/radioactivity of UMP+UDP+UTP was thus used as a tentative indicator of the biosynthesis of brain RNA. Neither ACTH nor diazepam altered this ratio in infant rats.  相似文献   

Regional brain GABA distribution studies show that after administration of sodium n dipropylacetate, a competitive inhibitor of GABA transaminase, the concentration of GABA increases in some regions i.e. Olfactory Bulbs, Hypothalamus, Cortex, Cerebellum. The GABA level remains unchanged in Caudate Nucleus, Pons Medulla, Hippocampus in our experimental conditions. These variations do not correlate with the initial GABA level.  相似文献   

The incorporation of uridine-5-3H into shoot apices ofChenopodium rubrum, plants was studied using autoradiography. The evaluation of the rate of incorporation into the nucleolus and the extranucleolar part of the nucleus as a function of the total radioactivity in the apex yields quantitative data on the distribution of labeling in these parts of the nucleus. Incubation of intact germinating plants in uridine-3H makes it possible to carry out chase experiments. Curves of uridine incorporation into the nucleolus and the extranucleolar part of the nucleus were obtained which demonstrated a non-linear course of incorporation. When incubating with uridine from 30 to 120 min the nucleolar/extranucleolar ratio of labelling was found to increase from 2 to 3. In chase experiments this ratio changed within three days from 3 to 1. Interpretation of these results in view of the function of RNA localized in different parts of the nucleus is discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of uridine monophosphate (UMP) on the consolidation of a brightness-discrimination reaction after topical application of this RNA precursor into the hippocampus, the neocortex or the mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF). Thirty minutes before the rats started their training in a Y-chamber, UMP was injected into each animal through cannula implanted into the particular brain area. When injected into hippocampus or MRF UMP exerted no influence on acquisition, but after epidural UMP injection an impairment of acquisition was observed. After intrahippocampal or epidural UMP application the retention test carried out 48 hour after training showed a significant improvement in retention performance, whereas UMP injection into MRF showed no influence on retention. Consequently, the retention-improving effect of UMP is probably not induced by activation of ascending neuronal systems.  相似文献   

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