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Effects of interrupted K+ supply on different parameters of growth and mineral cation nutrition were evaluated for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno). K+ (2.0 mM) was supplied to the plants during different periods in an otherwise complete nutrient solution. Shoot growth was reduced before root growth after interruption in K+ supply. Root structure was greatly affected by the length of the period in K+ -free nutrient solution. Root length was minimal, and root branching was maximal within a narrow range of K+ status of the roots. This range corresponded to cultivation for the last 1 to 3 days, of 11 in total, in K+ -free nutrient solution, or to continuous cultivation in solution containing 0.5 to 2 mM K+. In comparison, both higher and lower internal/external K+ concentrations had inhibitory effects on root branching. However, the differing root morphology probably had no significant influence on the magnitude of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ uptake. Uptake of Ca2+ and especially Mg2+ significantly increased after K+ interruption, while Na+ uptake was constant in the roots and slowly increased in the shoots. The two divalent cations could replace K+ in the cells and maintain electroneutrality down to a certain minimal range of K+ concentrations. This range was significantly higher in the shoot [110 to 140 μmol (g fresh weight)?1] than in the root [20 to 30 μmol (g fresh weight)?1]. It is suggested that the critical K+ values are a measure of the minimal amount of K+ that must be present for physiological activity in the cells. At the critical levels, K+ (86Rb) influx and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were maximal. Below the critical K+ values, growth was reduced, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ could no longer substitute for K+ for electrostatic balance. In a short-term experiment, the ability of Ca2+ to compete with K+ in maintaining electroneutrality in the cells was studied in wheat seedlings with different K+ status. The results indicate that K+, which was taken up actively and fastest at the external K+ concentration used (2.0 mM), partly determines the size of Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

NH4+ and K+ uptake experiments have been conducted with 3 ectomycorrhizal fungi, originating from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.] Franco) stands. At concentrations up to 250 μM, uptake of both NH4+ and K+ follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton, Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. and Lactarius hepaticus Plowr. ap. Boud. exhibit Km values for NH4+ uptake of 6, 35, and 55 μM, respectively, and Km values for K+ uptake of 24, 18, and 96 μM, respectively. Addition of 100 μM NH4+ raises the Km of K+ uptake by L. bicolor to 35 μM, while the Vmax remains unchanged. It is argued that the increase of Km is possibly caused by depolarization of the plasma membrane. It is not due to a competitive inhibition of K+ by NH4+ since the apparent inhibitor constant is much higher than the Km, for NH4+ uptake. The possibility that NH4+ and K+ are taken up by the same carrier can be excluded. The Km, values for K+ uptake in the two other fungi are not significantly affected by 100 μM NH4+. Except for a direct effect of NH4+ on influx of K+ into the cells, there may also be an indirect effect after prolonged incubation of the cells in the presence of 100 μM NH4+.  相似文献   

Abstract Cell envelopes of Pseudomonas fluorescens , cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan and outer membrane were obtained from a fractionation procedure and tested for their metal binding capacity. Isolated envelopes (cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan and outer membrane) were chemically modified and functional carboxyl groups transformed to electropositive amine groups, using carbodiimide ethylenediamine. Transformation of carboxyl groups was evaluated by measuring total amine groups in all fractions (modified or not). Using equilibrium dialysis and Scatchard plots for the data, we have established that isolated unmodified cell envelopes (cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan and outer membrane) possess at least two types of metal binding sites with different association constants ( K a and K 'a). Introduction of positive charges into the bacterial envelopes resulted in the disappearance of one type of metal binding site which had the highest association constant value for Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. All fractions, modified or not, always presented at least two types of binding sites with different association constants for Cd2+.  相似文献   

Excretion of minerals by the NaCl-resistant and comparatively cadmium-resistant tree Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst, was investigated. Cd2+ was excreted by plants exposed for 1–10 days to 9 or 45 μ M Cd2+ solutions. Excretion of this toxic ion increased considerably with time but was less than 5% of the quantities that had been accumulated in the shoots. Excretion of Na+ and Cl was positively correlated with NaCl concentration (1.5, 10, 50 m M ) of the medium. The Na+/Cl ratios of the excrete were positively correlated with the concentration of the treatment solution. Ca2+ excretion decreased with increasing NaCl concentrations of the solution. Excretion of K+ and Mg2+ was only little affected by NaCl. Excretion of Li+ occurred whenever this element was supplied in the uptake solution; daily excretion rates of Li+ increased with time. The ecological significance of excretion is discussed in relation to the low selectivity of the mechanism in T. aphylla .  相似文献   

Approximation of the total escape area of the xylem in an inbred line of tomato (Ly-copersicon escutentum Mill. cv. Tiny Tim) with help of the frequency distribution of xylem vessel radii provides the possibility to calculate realistic escape constant values from uptake experiments of several elements into tomato stem segments. Comparison of the lateral escape rates of 24Na+, 42K+, 86Rb+ and 134Cs+ indicate that Na+ escape is rate-limited by its uptake into a rather constant number of surrounding cells, regardless of changes in the total escape area of the xylem vessels. The escape of K+, Rb+ and Cs+ seems to be proportional to the surface area of the xylem vessels and their escape is apparently controlled by their transport across the cell walls of the transport channels. The calculated small values for the escape rate constants (apparent permeability of the xylem cell walls, ca 2–3 · 10−9 m s−7) are probably due to the presence of lignin in the xylem cell walls, the discrimination between ions as a result of differing affinities and selectivities and the presence of other solutes in the applied solution.  相似文献   

The effects of external K+, H+ and Ca2+ concentrations on the intracellular K+ concentration, [K+]i, and the K+-ATPase activity in 2-day-old mung bean roots [ Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] were investigated. [K+]i, in mung bean roots was markedly decreased by external K+ or H+ stress and did not recover the initial value even after the stress was removed. This decrease in [K+]i, gradually disappeared with the addition of (Ca2+. Ca2+ may offset the harmful effects of ion stress. Ca2+ seems to have two effects on K+ transport; control of K+ permeability and activation of K+ uptake, although K+-ATPase activity was inhibited by Ca2+ concentrations higher than 10–4 M. We suggest that Ca2+ activates K+ uptake indirectly through the acidification of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Steady state kinetics were used to examine the influence of Cd2+ both on K+ stimulation of a membrane-bound ATPase from sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) and on K+(86Rb+) uptake in intact or excised beet roots. The in vitro effect of Cd2+ was studied both on a 12000–25000 g root fraction of the (Na++K++Mg2+)ATPase and on the ATPase when further purified by an aqueous polymer two-phase system. The observed data can be summarized as follows: 1) Cd2+ at high concentrations (>100 μM) inhibits the MgATPase activity in a competitive way, probably by forming a complex with ATP. 2) Cd2+ at concentrations <100 μM inhibits the specific K+ activation at both high and low affinity sites for K+. The inhibition pattern appears to be the same in the two ATPase preparations of different purity. In the presence of the substrate MgATP, and at K+ <5 mM, the inhibition by Cd2+ with respect to K+ is uncompetitive. In the presence of MgATP and K+ >10 μM, the inhibition by Cd2+ is competitive. 3) At the low concentrations of K+, Cd2+ also inhibits the 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake uncompetitively both in excised roots and in roots of intact plants. 4) The DNP-insensitive (non metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake is little influenced by Cd2+. As Cd2+ inhibits the metabolic uptake of K+(86Rb+) and the K+ activation of the ATPase in the same way at low concentrations of K+, the same binding site is probably involved. Therefore, under field conditions, when the concentration of K+ is low, the presence of Cd2+ could be disadvantageous.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of a dithiothreitol treated membrane ATPase fraction from sugar beet roots led to the following conclusions: 1) In the presence of MgATP, Na+ and K+ stimulate the ATPase activity in different ways following simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Thus separate sites for Na+ and K+ are suggested. 2) In the absence of K+, Na+ acts as an uncompetitive modifier raising the apparent Km and Vmax for MgATP. 3) In the absence of Na+, K+ activates non-competitively with respect to MgATP. Thus K+ increases Vmax but does not affect the apparent affinity constant. 4) K+ and Na+ double the rate constants. 5) In the presence of Na+ or K+, Mg2+ in excess acts as a weak inhibitor to Na+ and/or K+ activity. 6) The temperature-activity dependence in the 5–40°C interval shows biphasic Arrhenius plots with the transition point between 15–18°C. The activation energy is lowered at temperatures > 18°C.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of a microsomal, dithiotreitol treated, homogenate from sugar beet roots led to the following conclusions about its ATPase activity: (1) MgATP in complex appears to be the primary substrate for the reaction. The reciprocal equilibrium constant for the binding to the enzyme is estimated to be approximately 0.2 × 10?3M. (2) Free ATP acts as a competitive inhibitor of the MgATP. The binding constant is about twice as high as for MgATP. Consequently the enzyme has less affinity for ATP than for MgATP. (3) Free Mg2+ has little influence on the velocity, as the binding affinity of the enzyme for Mg2+ is almost negligible.  相似文献   

A microsomal (Na++ K++ Mg2+)ATPase preparation from sugar beet roots was used. The activation by simultaneous addition of Na+ and K+ at different levels was examined in terms of steady state kinetics. The observed data can be summarized in the following way: 1. The apparent affinity between the enzyme and the substrate MgATP depends on the ratio between Na+ and K+. At low Na+ concentration (below 5 mM), the apparent Km decreases with increasing concentrations of K+ (1–20 mM). At 5 mM Na+, the K+ level does not change the apparent Km, while at Na+ levels above 10 mM, the apparent Km between enzyme and substrate increases with increasing concentration of K+. 2. When the MgATP concentration is kept constant, homotropic cooperativity (concerning one type of ligand) and heterotropic cooperativity (concerning different types of ligands) exist in the activation by Na+ and K+. The Na+ binding is cooperative with different Km values and Hill coefficients (n) in the presence of low and high concentration of K+. At low Na+ level (< 5 mM). a negative cooperativity exists for Na+ (nNa < 1) which is more pronounced in the presence of high [K+]. When the concentration of Na+ is raised the negative cooperativity disappears and turns into a positive one (nNa > 1). Only K+ binding in the presence of low [Na+] shows cooperativity with a Hill coefficient that reflects changes from negative to positive homotropic cooperativity with increasing concentrations of K+ (nK < 1 → nK > 1). In the presence of [Na+] > 10 mM, the changes in nk are insignificant. 3. A model is proposed in which one or two different K sites and one or two Na sites control the catalytic activity, with multiple interactions between Na+, K+ and MgATP. 4. In the presence of Na+ (< 10 mM), K+ is probably bound to two K sites, one of which translocates K+ through the membrane by an antiport Na+/K+ mechanism. This could be connected with an elevated K+ uptake in the presence of Na+ and could therefore explain some field properties of sugar beets.  相似文献   

Passive fluxes of K+ (86Rb) into roots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) were determined at low K+ concentration (0.1 and 1.0 mM K+) in the ambient solution. Metabolic uptake of K+ was inhibited by 10−4M 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). K+ (86Rb) fluxes were studied both continuously and by time differentiation of uptake. In high K+ roots passive uptake was directly proportional to the K+ concentration of the uptake solution, indicating free diffusion. This assumption was supported by the fact that passive Rb+ uptake was not affected by high K+ concentrations. In low K+ roots the passive uptake of K+ was higher than in high K+ roots. The increase was possibly due to carrier-mediated K+ transport. As K+ effluxes were quantitatively similar to influxes, it is suggested that passive K+ fluxes represent exchange diffusion without relation to net K+ transport.  相似文献   

A low fluence of ultraviolet radiation (UV) causes cultured cells of Rosa damascena Mill cv. Gloire de Guilan to lose intracellular K+. This effect required the presence of Ca2+ in the medium. A reduction in the concentration of free Ca2+ to 10−5 M with ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethyl-ether)-N.N.N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) buffer inhibited the UV-stimulated efflux; this was correlated with a discharge of the membrane potential and a stimulation of the leakage of K+ from unirradiated cells. All the same effects were seen with La3+ at 0.2 m M. At 0.02 m M La3+, the UV-stimulated efflux of K+ was blocked without concomitant effects on the membrane potential or K+ efflux from control cells. It is suggested that removal of Ca2+ blocks or masks the UV-induced leakage of K+ by destabilizing the plasma membrane. In addition, La3+ may specifically inhibit the UV-stimulated opening of K+ or anion channels.  相似文献   

When 1 m M spermidine or spermine was included in an absorption solution which contained 20 m M Na+ and 1 m M Rb+, Na+ influx into excised maize roots ( Zea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam) was reduced. Rb+ influx was reduced in the presence of spermidine and uneffected in the presence of spermine when compared with control solutions. When 1 m M Ca2+ replaced the polyamines, Na+ influx was strongly reduced and Rb+ influx was promoted. Rb+ influx from 1 m M Rb+ solutions which did not contain Na+ was also promoted by 1 m M Ca2+, but was inhibited by 1 m M spermidine. This Ca2+ promotion of Rb+ influx could be reversed by 10 times greater concentration of spermidine in the absorption solution. H+ efflux from excised roots was inhibited by spermidine when compared with Ca2+ or control solutions, however, the plasma membrane ATPase was not inhibited by spermidine. It is concluded that external Ca2+ plays two separate roles in membrane function, only one of which can be substituted for by polyamines. The first role, maintenance of membrane integrity, can be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The second function, maintenance of the Rb+ transport mechanism, is Ca2+ specific and cannot be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The results of this study are discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between the plasma membrane and the Ca2+ or polyamines.  相似文献   

Abstract The Het+ Nif+ and Het Nif strains of Nostoc muscorum sensitive to growth inhibition by methylamine (MA), overcame the MA inhibition as a result of their mutation to l -methionine- dl -sulfoximide (MSX)-resistant phenotype, which enabled them to assimilate MA like an ammonium nitrogen source. The MSX-resistant Het+ Nif+ strain synthesized the inhibitor-resistant transferase-defective glutamine synthetase (GS), which unlike parental GS underwent MA-dependent in vivo activation. These results suggest the involvement of GS enzyme in control of MA assimilation in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Entry of the divalent cations Ni2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ into cells of maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Dekalb XL 85) root tissue is accompanied by an acidification of the incubation medium, a decrease in both the pH of the cell sap and the level of malate in the cells, and by an inhibition of dark fixation of CO2. K+, on the contrary, induces only a very low acidification of the incubation medium, does not change either the pH of the cell sap or the malate level in the cells, and induces an increase in CO2 dark fixation. Different mechanisms are postulated for the stimulation of proton extrusion by divalent cations and K+.  相似文献   

Two monovalent ion porters, the putative Na+/H+ antiporter (NapA) of Enterococcus hirae and the putative K+/H+ antiporter (KefC) of Escherichia coli, are similar in sequence throughout their hydrophobic domains. These two proteins, which comprise a novel family of transporters unrelated to the previously characterized Na+/H+ exchangers of E. coli (NhaA and NhaB) are proposed to function by essentially the same mechanism.  相似文献   

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