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Although the use of modified roosts has been reported in more than 20 species of bats in the tropics, comparative studies of the roosting ecology of congeneric tent‐roosting species are notably lacking. In the Paleotropics, this unique behavior has been described in two species belonging to the genus, Cynopterus: C. sphinx and C. brachyotis. However, it is not known whether tent roosting is an essential component of their roosting ecology, or whether the behavior is found in other members of the genus. In this study we characterize the roosting ecology of four sympatric species of Cynopterus in peninsular Malaysia and use these data to address two main questions. (1) Do all four species use modified roosts and, in those that do, is tent‐roosting obligate or opportunistic? (2) Do species pairs overlap in roost preferences and roosting habitat and, if so, is there evidence for interspecific interactions in relation to these resources? We radio‐tracked bats at two floristically distinct sites and located a total of 249 roosts. Interspecific roost niche overlap was minimal at both sites and we found no evidence for interspecific competition for roost resources at the local level. Species differences in roosting ecology were defined primarily by spatial separation of roosting habitats and secondarily by within‐habitat differences in roost selection. Importantly, we found that although periodic use of modified roosts was a characteristic shared by all four species, most roosts were unmodified, indicating that tent roosting is a facultative behavior in Malaysian Cynopterus.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate Argia vivida (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) populations, identify breeding habitat, and investigate movement of adults within Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, during the summer of 2003. Mark-recapture techniques and standardized dip-net surveys were used to monitor Argia vivida at various life stages. A reproductive index identified which sites Argia vivida recognized as suitable breeding habitat, and exuvia surveys confirmed breeding sites. The basic structure of emergent and surrounding vegetation was measured to investigate the importance of available ovipositing or roosting sites and the condition of the matrix habitat. Data was recorded for Amphiagrion abbreviatum and Ischnura cervula (both Odonata: Coenagrionidae) to determine if these spring-associated damselflies were successfully breeding within Banff National Park. Comparisons were made between the highly protected Middle Springs and the heavily altered Cave & Basin Springs. Additional surveys at the Vermilion Lake cool spring and Middle Springs Bog investigated their use as breeding habitat for Amphiagrion abbreviatum and Argia vivida, respectively. Results suggest the ecological value of thermal springs extends beyond their origin to outflows and downstream pools. Conservation of Argia vivida must recognize the value of unobstructed thermal outflows, and consider the condition of the forested habitat surrounding springs with regard to its potential use as nocturnal roosts and dispersal corridors. Amphiagrion abbreviatum was confirmed breeding within Banff National Park, while no sign of breeding activity was recorded for Ischnura cervula.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse larval habitat preferences and landscape level population structure of the threatened Marsh Fritillary butterfly, Euphydryas aurinia, and discusses implications for the conservation and management of this strongly declining species in central Europe. Whereas current management strategies are mainly based on studies of habitat requirements of adult individuals, we intend to emphasise larval habitat quality and population processes at the landscape level as additional key factors. Microhabitat preference analysis of egg-laying females showed that eggs were predominantly laid on prominent large-sized host plant individuals. Additionally, when Succisa pratensis was used as a host plant (as opposed to Gentiana asclepiadea), host individuals in open vegetation structure were preferred. Optimal oviposition conditions were present in recently abandoned calcareous fen meadows and at the edges of such meadows currently in use. A two-year patch-occupancy study in the northern pre-alpine region of south-west Germany indicated that E. aurinia lives in a metapopulation. In a logistic-regression model, patch size, isolation, and habitat quality explained 82% of the observed patch-occupancy pattern in 2001. Our data suggest that a suitable conservation strategy must incorporate both the conservation of a network of suitable habitat patches, and efforts to maximise local habitat quality by ensuring that host plants can grow to a large size and are surrounded by sparse and low vegetation cover.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize hollows found in selected tree species (in Cawston Ranch in Zimbabwe) as a potential habitat for small mammals because cavities are important as resources for wildlife: for foraging, shelter, roosting and nesting purposes. Four vegetation types were chosen for analysis: Baikiaea plurijuga, Colophospermum mopane, Combretum molle and Commiphora mollis according to abundance and dominance in the plots they occurred. Transect sampling was done to collect vegetation data. The total number of living trees and stags were recorded in each plot. Trees in a plot were thoroughly inspected for hollows. The following dimensions were measured on cavity trees: hollow size (diameter), hollow location and diameter at breast height. The results indicate that the rate of hollow formation and utilization is significantly dependent on tree species. There was a significant difference in the provision of hollows in stem and crown of a tree in each of the vegetation classes analysed. B. plurijuga hollows had the highest utilization whilst C. molle had the least utilization. Hollows are utilized irrespective of their location as long as the animal finds a niche, and stags at advanced stages of decay are not important in providing habitats for animals.  相似文献   

Many species use dormant stages for habitat selection by tying recovery to informative external cues. Other species have an undiscerning strategy in which they recover randomly despite having advanced sensory systems. We investigated whether elements of a species' habitat structure and life history can bar it from developing a discerning recovery strategy. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has a dormant stage called the dauer larva that disperses between habitat patches. On one hand, C. elegans colonization success is profoundly influenced by the bacteria found in its habitat patches, so we might expect this to select for a discerning strategy. On the other hand, C. elegans' habitat structure and life history suggest that there is no fitness benefit to varying recovery, which might select for an undiscerning strategy. We exposed dauers of three genotypes to a range of bacteria acquired from the worms' natural habitat. We found that C. elegans dauers recover in all conditions but increase recovery on certain bacteria depending on the worm's genotype, suggesting a combination of undiscerning and discerning strategies. Additionally, the worms' responses did not match the bacteria's objective quality, suggesting that their decision is based on other characteristics.  相似文献   

Lizard assemblages were surveyed in eight selected habitats in the Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve in Baja California Sur, Mexico. We compared the species composition and relative abundance among habitats, considering habitat characteristics, such as vegetation type, vegetation ground coverage, and soil types. Thirteen lizard species were recorded. The most abundant species in almost all habitats was Uta stansburiana, accounting for 59% of all observations. Cnemidophorus tigris was the second most abundant species, accounting for 12% of all observations. The richest habitat was the rocky lower elevations of the Sierra de San Francisco (nine species). However, the habitat with the highest diversity value was Scammon's dunes. Implications of our findings for lizard conservation in this biosphere reserve are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize hollows found in selected tree species (in Cawston Ranch in Zimbabwe) as a potential habitat for small mammals because cavities are important as resources for wildlife: for foraging, shelter, roosting and nesting purposes. Four vegetation types were chosen for analysis: Baikiaea plurijuga, Colophospermum mopane, Combretum molle and Commiphora mollis according to abundance and dominance in the plots they occurred. Transect sampling was performed to collect vegetation data. The total number of living trees and stags was recorded in each plot. Trees in a plot were thoroughly inspected for hollows. The following dimensions were measured on cavity trees: hollow size (diameter), hollow location and diameter at breast height. The results indicate that the rate of hollow formation and utilization is significantly dependent on tree species. There was a significant difference in the provision of hollows in stem and crown of a tree in each of the vegetation classes analysed. B. plurijuga hollows had the highest utilization, whilst C. molle had the least utilization. Hollows are utilized irrespective of their location as long as the animal finds a niche, and stags at advanced stages of decay are not important in providing habitats for animals.  相似文献   

Ants (L. niger and L. flavus) build conspicuous mounds that are covered with vegetation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the vegetation on ant mounds in semi-natural grasslands differed from that around the mounds. Another aim was to investigate whether the changes in the vegetation on ant mounds were influenced by grazing management or by habitat characteristics, semi-dry versus moist. Here, the total number of plant species and total plant cover were lower on ant mounds than in patches off-mound. The plant cover of perennials that form rosettes was twice as high on mounds inhabited by L. niger than on those inhabited by L. flavus. Only a few plant species were restricted to either ant mounds or adjacent field and the effects of ants on the plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands seemed to be low. Grazing management did not affect the differences in the vegetation on ant mounds and in equal-sized patches off-mound, whereas habitat characteristics affected ant-induced changes in vegetation cover of some plant species.  相似文献   

Many animal populations continue to decline despite occurring in protected areas or on sympathetically managed sites. Frequently, this is because a specific habitat patch may not fulfil all the niche requirements of a threatened species. For instance, species often move between, and make use of, multiple habitat types for breeding, roosting and feeding within the same landscape. These cross‐habitat interactions present a challenge for conservation. Here we quantify how the habitat associations of individual species and assemblages occurring within two distinct but adjacent habitat types (moorland and farmland) determine a suite of density and richness indicators, using the bird community of the English uplands as a case study. There was a clear association between onsite avian density and richness and offsite habitat structure (e.g. vegetation height, percent cover of dominant plant species, land management practices). Although such effects are not universal across all species and assemblages, where present (for five farmland and three moorland indicators) the increase in explanatory power offered by including offsite habitat structure can be large. By constructing scenarios of possible changes to management practice on both moorland and farmland, we demonstrate a real conservation benefit can be obtained by altering management in offsite habitats. For example, reducing burning intensity on moorland can result in a five‐fold increase in snipe Gallinago gallinago density on farmland, without an alteration in farmland habitat. For one species (Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata), we demonstrate the frequency with which birds move between and utilise farmland and moorland during the breeding season, and therefore the importance of both habitat types to maintaining population densities. The multiple habitat dependency phenomenon quantified here is common and not restricted to birds. The successful conservation of many threatened species will thus depend on coordinated cross‐habitat management.  相似文献   

The scattered and dwindling Polylepis woodlands of the high Andean global hotspot have been identified as being of particular importance to biodiversity conservation, and yet little is known of the make-up of their faunal communities, how these vary across landscapes, and how well species might tolerate matrix/edge habitats. We examined the bird communities and vegetation characteristics of Polylepis woodlands and the surrounding matrix habitats at three sites in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Perú (3,400–4,500 m). The vegetation structure of woodlands varied significantly across the three sites but all were dominated by two Polylepis tree species, with mossy ground cover. Matrix habitats were treeless and dominated by ground-level puna grass-steppe or boulder scree vegetation. Bird species richness and diversity, encounter rates and the number of globally-threatened and restricted-range bird species were consistently higher in the Polylepis forests, than in matrix habitat. We used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to identify habitat gradients across the landscape, and to classify bird species according to their association with Polylepis, the matrix or Polylepis-matrix interface. There were few matrix-restricted bird species, but around half the bird community, including fourteen threatened or restricted-range species, were Polylepis-dependant. Many of these species had very narrow niches. The Polylepis-matrix interface was dominated by species traditionally considered invasive ecological generalists. Our study illustrates the overriding importance of Polylepis interior habitats, indicating that conservation strategies for high Andean birds must focus on patch size maintenance/enlargement, enhancement of within-patch habitat quality, and efforts to safeguard connectivity of suitable habitat across what is essentially an inhospitable puna/scree matrix.  相似文献   

For conservation of Auchenorrhyncha species, knowledge of their habitat requirements is essential. However, for most species there is no ‘quantitative’ knowledge that would allow e.g. spatially explicit predictions. Such predictions can be made by habitat models, which quantify the relationship between the environment and the occurrence of species. In two plot-based case studies – the endangered leafhopper Verdanus bensoni in mountainous grasslands and four endangered Auchenorrhyncha in urban brownfields – we used habitat models to quantify the habitat requirements of these five species and to exemplify their use for creating habitat suitability maps. In the first case study, the multivariate model showed that occurrence probabilities of the leafhopper V. bensoni increase with both decreasing nitrogen indicator values and decreasing tree cover. On urban brownfields, successional age was a driving factor for species’ occurrence. Site age largely determines a range of vegetation characteristics, which, in multivariate models, often replaced the variable age. Internal validation showed the robustness of all models. The models allow predictions of habitat quality under different management regimes (e.g. response to fertilization or abandonment for V. bensoni or to different turnover rates on brownfield sites). We discuss the application of habitat models in the conservation of Auchenorrhyncha, especially the use of habitat suitability maps.  相似文献   

We studied the demography of Viola elatior, V. pumila, and V. stagnina, three rare and endangered Central European floodplain species, to (i) analyse variation in life-cycles among congeners and between regions (Dyje-Morava floodplains, Czech Republic; Upper Rhine, Germany), (ii) to define sensitive stages in the life-cycles, and (iii) to identify possible threats for population viability and species conservation. Matrix models were based on the fate of marked individuals from a total of 27 populations over two years. We analysed population growth rate (λ), stage distribution, net reproductive rate (R 0), generation time, age at first reproduction, and elasticity and calculated a life table response experiment (LTRE). Most populations were declining and λ did not differ between species or regions during the observed interval. Despite higher probabilities for survival and flowering in the Dyje populations, R 0 was higher in the Rhine populations. Also other demographic traits showed consistent differences between regions and/or species. Complex life-cycles and large variation in λ precluded unequivocal identification of sensitive stages or vital rates for conservation. Variation between regions may be a consequence of differences in habitat quality. Our results suggest that deterministic processes such as reduced management, succession, habitat destruction, and lack of disturbance through reduced or eliminated flooding present the strongest threat for the viability and persistence of populations of the three floodplain violets as compared with stochastic processes. However, the persistent seed bank of the species may buffer populations against environmental variation and represents a reservoir for recovery after resumption of suitable land-use management.  相似文献   

1. Landscape genetic approaches were used to assess functional connectivity of populations of the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale in a fragmented agricultural landscape in Switzerland. Spatial genetic clustering methods combined with interpolation by kriging and landscape genetic corridor analysis were applied to identify landscape elements that enhance or hinder dispersal and gene flow. 2. Spatial genetic clustering analysis divided the sampled populations into a northern and a southern genetic group. The boundary between the two groups coincided with a hill ridge intersecting the study area. Landscape corridor analysis identified five landscape elements that significantly affected gene flow. Elevation change, Euclidian distance, patches of forest and flowing waterbodies acted as barriers, whereas open agricultural land enhanced gene flow between populations of C. mercuriale. 3. This study showed that movement of C. mercuriale was not restricted to its preferred habitat (i.e. streams). Populations linked via continuous open agricultural land were functionally well connected if they were not more than about 1.5–2 km apart. In contrast, substantial elevation change and larger forest patches separated populations. These findings may serve as a basis to define conservation units and should be considered when planning connectivity measures, such as determining the locations of stepping stones, or the restoration of streams.  相似文献   

Unfed (questing) Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected by blanket dragging on a monthly basis from heather-dominated, Vaccinium-dominated and bracken-dominated vegetation communities from two different biogeographical regions of the UK (the Quantock Hills in Somerset, south west England and the North York Moors, north east England) throughout the spring and summer months of 1991 and 1992. Eighteen sites were monitored across the two regions and a total of 1920 blanket drags were carried out. Vaccinium sites showed high tick densities at all life stages, as did bracken sites. Significantly lower numbers of larval and nymphal ticks per drag were collected on heather sites than were collected on either Vaccinium (bilberry/whortleberry) or bracken sites, while similar numbers of adult ticks per drag were collected from each of the three vegetation communities. There was no significant difference between the mean numbers of any tick life stage collected on the Quantock Hills and those collected on the North York Moors on these vegetation communities or between the mean numbers of any tick life stage collected in 1991 and those collected in 1992 on these vegetation communities.  相似文献   

The sal (Shorea robusta) forest vegetation of Sohagibarawa Wildlife Sanctuary, Gorakhpur, India was analysed to assess plant diversity, regeneration pattern and the status of species conservation. A total of 208 plant species representing 165 genera and 72 families were recorded. Species richness, mean density and basal area of individuals in the observed forest were compared with those of other sal-dominated forests of India. The sal forest was rich in Papilionaceae (23 species), which contributed maximally to the total number of individuals of <30 cm girth. After sal, density was maximal for a leguminous shrub, Moghania chappar. In addition to the usual recruitment by seed, a number of species also showed non-seed regeneration through storage roots, sprouts or ramet proliferation. The individuals regenerating as sprouts from underground stem or storage organs contributed significantly to the sum total of individuals/ha. As much as 45.5% of the total individuals were of ramet origin and shared 10.6% of the total species richness of the forest. In stands facing moderate to low disturbance, thickets of dense entangled mass of vegetation, predominantly composed of thorny lianas, were identified that usually contained less common and rare species like Rauwolfia serpentina, Desmodium latifolium, Crotalaria alata and Gloriosa superba in addition to the frequent ones. These thickets help to conserve the special habitat conditions and provide protection for natural regeneration of several infrequent and rare plant species and thus contribute towards the maintenance and in situ conservation of overall diversity of recurrently disturbed forest vegetation.  相似文献   

1. Coenagrion mercuriale is one of Europe's most threatened damselflies. There is concern for the long‐term persistence of many of its U.K. colonies because adult lifetime movement is limited, making isolated populations susceptible to extinction. 2. Using 14 microsatellite loci we characterised levels of genetic diversity, evidence for a recent decline and the spatial genetic structure for C. mercuriale population in Wales, U.K. 3. Spatial isolation is not an absolute predictor of low genetic diversity at either local or regional scales. 4. One population inhabiting a remote, edge of range site is genetically impoverished with levels of variability (at microsatellite loci) among the lowest reported for any insect species. 5. Agricultural land and high ground are physical barriers to dispersal by adults. 6. Consistent with work from elsewhere, movement by mature C. mercuriale in Pembrokeshire is sufficient to prevent significant genetic differentiation throughout a habitat matrix of some 3–4 km if the suitable habitat sites are <2 km apart and lack barriers to movement. Even within a good habitat matrix, however, genetic isolation by distance develops within 10 km.  相似文献   

Plantation forests can make a significant contribution to the conservation of native biodiversity, especially where native forest cover is low. Ireland is used as a case study to explore the contribution to biodiversity made by stands of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), a reintroduced species. Despite its disputed native status, P. sylvestris is being widely planted in semi-natural habitats in Ireland. The associated vegetation communities have not previously been described and their conservation value is unknown. Baseline information is needed to inform conservation and forest management strategies. Botanical surveys were carried out at 20 plots of P. sylvestris-dominated woodland and scrub throughout the Republic of Ireland. Vegetation, structural and environmental data were recorded. Data were analysed using non-parametric and multivariate statistical techniques and a synoptic table was prepared. P. sylvestris was found to be a non-specialist in terms of its environmental tolerances. β diversity among plots was high while α diversity within plots was low to moderate. The plots surveyed contained 14.2% of the Irish native flora. There was a low level of constancy of species. Four reasonably well defined vegetation communities were identified. Soil pH, altitude and slope had important roles in partitioning these vegetation types and soil pH was positively correlated with species richness. P. sylvestris is well established, well integrated and naturalising in Irish semi-natural habitats. Some of the associated vegetation communities corresponded to habitats of international conservation importance. This research demonstrates that stands of P. sylvestris represent an important resource for Ireland’s native botanical and habitat diversity.  相似文献   


There is little information about habitat use pattern of river lapwing in India as well as in Southeast Asia. In this regard, we employed the line transect method to quantify the density of river lapwing concerning vegetation height, water depth and soil penetrability. Scan and focal sampling methodology was adapted to investigate the activities (foraging and roosting) and breeding events. The results showed that invertebrates were abundant at 4 cm of soil penetrability, particularly in open unvegetated river bank (OURB) and open unvegetated river island (OURI) habitat types. River lapwings were significant in short vegetation. They occurred in high density in the vicinity of river water at 5 cm of water depth and 4 cm of soil penetrability in OURB and OURI habitat types. Human activities also influenced the density of river lapwing in different habitat types. Results of GLM analysis revealed that all interactions strongly influenced the density of river lapwings except two interactions, e.g. vegetation height*water depth and vegetation height*soil penetrability. Moreover, we found that river lapwing foraged more frequently in OURB and OURI habitat types while less in vegetated river bank (VRB) and crop fields (CF). Roosting activities were more frequently observed in VRB and CF habitat types. Different breeding events (nest seen, chick seen, alarm calling and territory defence) were primarily seen in OURB and OURI habitat types. Finally, developing greater understanding of the river lapwing could help us to design effective conservation measures for this species.


Species introductions are among the most pervasive types of disturbance, seriously affecting island biota and ecosystem dynamics. The management of introduced generalist species, which may live in a wide range of environmental conditions, can be particularly difficult and is a major challenge for the conservation of native insular species. Boa constrictor was introduced onto Cozumel Island, Mexico, in 1971. The introduction of this generalist predator has affected negatively the native species (many of them endemic to the island) on which the boa feed. It is important to determine temporal variation in boa abundance, the areas of the island in which boas live, and the vegetation types they use in order to develop management strategies to reduce boa pressure on the native biota. We used nocturnal road transect sampling and occasional boa encounters during field work, to estimate boa distribution, abundance and habitat use, taking into account its spatiotemporal patterns on Cozumel Island. This study confirms that Boa constrictor is well established, widespread, and abundant on the island. Our results show that boas are distributed throughout Cozumel, in all vegetation types and geographical regions. Overall, there were 0.11 ± 0.03 boa/10 km road transect. There were no significant spatiotemporal differences in boa activity (time of day) and abundance (monthly, seasonally, by vegetation types or regions of the island). According to the habitat use analysis, there were, however, fewer boas than expected in the subdeciduous tropical forest we sampled and in the central-northern region of the island, which coincide with areas inhabited by humans. There were more boas in areas uninhabited by humans, and there was a tendency towards a greater proportion of dead boas in inhabited areas and live boas in uninhabited areas. Cozumel boas are habitat generalists, which are affected by human induced mortality in inhabited areas. There is a vast area uninhabited by humans, with natural vegetation, on the island where boas have suitable habitats available for their continuous existence on Cozumel. This situation, and the adaptability of the boa, makes the control or eradication of this introduced species a critical conservation challenge.  相似文献   

A decrease in seagrass cover and a commensurate increase in Caulerpa taxifolia distribution in Moreton Bay have prompted concern for the impact that habitat change may have on faunal communities. Therefore, it is important to understand the patterns of habitat use. We examined habitat selection of three common seagrass species: double-ended pipefish (Syngnathoides biaculeatus), eastern trumpeter (Pelates quadrilineatus), and fan-bellied leatherjacket (Monacanthus chinensis) using a mesocosm experiment. Fish were given three possible habitat pairings (1) seagrass and C. taxifolia, (2) seagrass and unvegetated, and (3) C. taxifolia and unvegetated. Observation trials were conducted during the day and night over two days. In all trials, fish preferred vegetated habitat (seagrass or C. taxifolia) over unvegetated habitat (sand). In seagrass and C. taxifolia trials, all species preferred seagrass significantly over C. taxifolia. Habitat use patterns did not differ between day and night trials. Caulerpa taxifolia provides a valuable structured habitat in the absence of seagrass; however, it is unclear if C. taxifolia meadows provide other resource benefits to fishes beyond that of shelter.  相似文献   

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