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Published estimates on age-dependent frequency of diabetes in cystic fibrosis (CF) vary widely, and are based mostly on older data. However, CF treatment and prevention of comorbidities changed over recent years. In many studies, definition of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD) is not in line with current guideline recommendations. Therefore, we evaluated age-dependent occurrence of glucose abnormalities and associated risk factors in CF patients who participated in a multicenter screening program using oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT).


Between 2001 and 2010, 43 specialized CF centers from Germany and Austria serially performed 5,179 standardized OGTTs in 1,658 clinically stable, non-pregnant CF patients with no prior steroid medication or lung transplantation. Age-dependent occurrence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), IFG+IGT, one (DGT) or two consecutive (CFRD) diabetic OGTTs was analyzed, using Kaplan Meier curves. Cox proportional-hazards models were created to elucidate the influence of sex or underweight.


At baseline/last OGTT, median age was 15.9 years/18.2 years and 30.6%/31.8% of patients were underweight. 25% of patients showed IFG at age 14.3 years; IGT at age 16.3 years; IFG+IGT combined at age 17.7 years. DGT was observed in 25% of patients at age 22.6 years; CFRD at age 34.5 years. Females had a 3.54 [95% CI 1.23–10.18] times higher risk for CFRD; risk for DGT was 2.21 [1.22–3.98] times higher. Underweight was a risk factor for IGT (HR [95% CI]: 1.38 [1.11–1.71]) and IFG+IGT (1.43 [1.11–1.83]), and in males also for DGT (1.49 [1.09–2.04]).


If confirmation of diabetes by a second test is required, as recommended in current guidelines, age at CFRD diagnosis was higher compared to most previous studies. However, known risk factors for glucose abnormalities in CF were confirmed. Confirmation of diabetic OGT by a repeat test is important for a consistent diagnosis of CFRD.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2019,25(3):254-262
Objective: Cystic fibrosis–related diabetes (CFRD) is associated with adverse clinical outcomes and should be screened for by an annual oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Since pathophysiologic studies have mainly been performed in a pediatric/adolescent, nontransplanted collective, we aimed to assess parameters of insulin secretion and sensitivity in adult cystic fibrosis (CF) patients after lung transplantation (LT).Methods: Twelve adult CF patients after LT without known diabetes (33.3 ± 11.5 years; body mass index [BMI] 21.5 ± 3.3 kg/m2) and 8 control subjects matched by age (36.0 ± 6.6 years; P>.05), BMI (22.3 ± 1.5 kg/m2; P>.05), and gender (CON group) underwent a 3-hour OGTT with glucose, insulin, and C-peptide measurements. Parameters of insulin secretion and sensitivity as well as lipid profiles were assessed.Results: In the CF group, 4 patients were diagnosed with overt diabetes (CFRD) compared to CF patients without diabetes (CF-noDM), of whom 6 had indeterminate glycemia with 1-h glucose values >200 mg/dL. The insulin peak after glucose load occurred after 30 minutes in CON, after 90 minutes in CF-noDM, and was missing in CFRD. Insulin sensitivity was comparable between the groups. Beta-cell glucose sensitivity was markedly reduced in CFRD (10.7 ± 5.8 pmol/min*m2*mM), higher in CF-noDM (39.9 ± 23.4 pmol/min*m2*mM), but still significantly lower compared to CON (108.3 ± 53.9 pmol/min*m2*mM; P = .0008). CFRD patients exhibited increased triglyceride levels and decreased high-density lipoprotein levels.Conclusion: Adult CF patients after LT have profound disturbances in glucose metabolism, with a high rate of undetected diabetes and markedly delayed insulin secretion. Curbed beta-cell glucose sensitivity rather than insulin resistance explains postprandial hyperglycemia and is accompanied by abnormalities in lipid metabolism.Abbreviations: AUC = area under the curve; BMI = body mass index; CF = cystic fibrosis; CFRD = cystic fibrosis–related diabetes; CFTR = cystic fibrosis transmembrane-conductance regulator; CF-TX = cystic fibrosis patients who underwent lung transplantation; CGM = continuous glucose monitoring; HbA1c = glycated hemoglobin; HDL = high-density lipoprotein; INDET = indeterminate glycemia; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; LT = lung transplantation; OGIS = oral glucose sensitivity index; OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test; QUICKI = quantitative insulin sensitivity check index  相似文献   

Submandibular saliva collected from cystic fibrosis patients and control subjects was separated by centrifugation into an insoluble deposit and a clear supernatant. The resulting calcium and phosphorus analyses performed on both fractions warranted a closer investigation as a consistent Ca/P molar ratio of 1·5 was found in the deposit of the cystic fibrosis patients, while no consistent ratio >1·0 was found in the deposit of the control subjects. The expected result, that calcium and phosphorus in the deposit of cystic fibrosis patients is present as the solid phase of hydroxyapatite, was confirmed by a detailed comparison of x-ray powder diffraction patterns of an ashed sample of this deposit and a similarly treated synthetic sample of hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   



Cystic fibrosis-related liver disease (CFLD) is present in up to 30% of cystic fibrosis patients and can result in progressive liver failure. Diagnosis of CFLD is challenging. Non-invasive methods for staging of liver fibrosis display an interesting diagnostic approach for CFLD detection.


We evaluated transient elastography (TE), acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI), and fibrosis indices for CFLD detection.


TE and ARFI were performed in 55 adult CF patients. In addition, AST/Platelets-Ratio-Index (APRI), and Forns'' score were calculated. Healthy probands and patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis served as controls.


Fourteen CF patients met CFLD criteria, six had liver cirrhosis. Elastography acquisition was successful in >89% of cases. Non-cirrhotic CFLD individuals showed elastography values similar to CF patients without liver involvement. Cases with liver cirrhosis differed significantly from other CFLD patients (ARFI: 1.49 vs. 1.13 m/s; p = 0.031; TE: 7.95 vs. 4.16 kPa; p = 0.020) and had significantly lower results than individuals with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ARFI: 1.49 vs. 2.99 m/s; p = 0.002). APRI showed the best diagnostic performance for CFLD detection (AUROC 0.815; sensitivity 85.7%, specificity 70.7%).


ARFI, TE, and laboratory based fibrosis indices correlate with each other and reliably detect CFLD related liver cirrhosis in adult CF patients. CF specific cut-off values for cirrhosis in adults are lower than in alcoholic cirrhosis.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa chronically infects the lower airways of patients with cystic fibrosis. Throughout the course of infection this organism undergoes adaptations that contribute to its long-term persistence in the airways. While P. aeruginosa diversity has been documented, it is less clear to what extent within-patient diversity contributes to the overall population structure as most studies have been limited to the analysis of only a few isolates per patient per time point. To examine P. aeruginosa population structure in more detail we collected multiple isolates from individual sputum samples of a patient chronically colonized with P. aeruginosa. This strain collection, comprised of 169 clonal isolates and representing three pulmonary exacerbations as well as clinically stable periods, was assayed for a wide selection of phenotypes. These phenotypes included colony morphology, motility, quorum sensing, protease activity, auxotrophy, siderophore levels, antibiotic resistance, and growth profiles. Each phenotype displayed significant variation even within isolates of the same colony morphotype from the same sample. Isolates demonstrated a large degree of individuality across phenotypes, despite being part of a single clonal lineage, suggesting that the P. aeruginosa population in the cystic fibrosis airways is being significantly under-sampled.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs -  In general the most attractive and economically valuable reefs in the world are found in developing countries. Because of these attributes, they have also become the most...  相似文献   

王宏亮  高艺宁  王振宇  沙威  吴健生 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8504-8515
生态系统服务是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,开展城市生态系统服务评估并对生态管理单元实行分区管控有助于人居环境的改善。针对高度城市化地区生态系统服务的功能特征,采用生态系统服务价值当量测算不同用地类型的生态系统服务价值。研究从生态功能和经济功能2个方面构建生态系统服务指标体系,对2017年深圳市666个社区单元的生态系统服务价值进行评估;运用空间自相关分析方法,依据局部空间自相关的集聚特征叠加产生的组合类型,划分不同社区生态管理单元,并提出生态分区管控策略。研究结果表明:(1)生态系统服务价值评估便于高度城市化地区城市生态系统服务功能的整体评价。(2)2017年深圳市生态系统服务价值空间差异明显,呈现东部高、中西部低的空间格局。深圳市生态系统服务总价值约583.96亿元,最高值为大鹏新区的160.25亿元,最低值为福田区的13.24亿元。(3)将深圳市666个社区单元划分为4类城市生态管理分区,并采用差异化的分区管控措施,表明有效的城市生态管理分区能够兼顾各项生态系统服务功能并实现功能效益的最优化。该研究结果可为区域生态系统服务精细化管理和生态治理差异化管控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生态管理分区是维持区域生态安全、实现城市生态差异化治理的重要手段。然而现有分区方法侧重生态功能属性,较少考虑生态斑块之间联系强度差异,忽视了斑块的群组结构。以武汉市为例构建生态网络,从生态系统结构和功能的视角,结合斑块空间组织和斑块联系强弱,运用凝聚子群方法,提取联系紧密的生态组分,将网络划分为异质性群组,基于网络群组特征和生态景观辐射范围进行分区覆盖分析,并进行分区评价。结果表明:(1)86条生态廊道连接研究区34处生态斑块,进一步形成8个生态群组;(2)多数群组内部连通性较好,北部群组之间联系较强,南部群组之间联系相对较弱;(3)依据群组结构功能特征,形成6大网络群组分区,通过与武汉市经济发展规划分区对比,两者具有较高的一致性;(4)城市外围的分区网络稳定性较好,中部稳定性较差,识别分区内13个重要斑块和16条重要廊道,作为重点发展保护对象;(5)综合分区特征将6大分区确立为生态屏障区、生态控制区、生态改善区、生态修复区、生态开发区以及生态保育区,并提出生态发展差异化保护措施。研究将生态功能属性和空间结构属性进行有机关联并制定分区策略,为区域生态管理分区、生态保护规划提供新视角。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine if metformin monotherapy or metformin in combination with insulin is equally effective as insulin monotherapy at glycemic control in diabetes mellitus in pregnancy among Ghanaians.MethodsThis was a study involving 104 pregnant women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) at 20-30 weeks gestation. Participants were randomized into metformin and insulin treatment groups. Starting dose of metformin was 500 mg once a day and increased gradually over two (2) weeks, to meet glycemic targets. Insulin was added if targets could not be reached on metformin alone at maximum doses. Total daily dose of premixed insulin at initiation was calculated as 0.3 IU/kg body weight and titrated upwards to achieve glycemic control. Glycemic profile monitoring was done every two weeks.ResultsThe two hour post prandial blood glucose (2HPG) levels were significantly lower in the metformin group than the insulin group (p= 0.004).ConclusionThe findings of this study suggest that metformin monotherapy is effective in achieving glycemic targets in the management of diabetes in pregnancy. It is more effective than insulin in lowering the 2HPG level.

Trial Registration

Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) ACTRN12614000942651  相似文献   

GFP technology was applied to the biocontrol agent (BCA) Pseudozyma flocculosa to study its development and interactions at the tritrophic level plant-powdery mildew-BCA. Transformation experiments with GFP led to the production of a strongly fluorescent strain, Act-4, that displayed biocontrol traits typical of P. flocculosa WT. Following inundative applications, growth of P. flocculosa Act-4 was closely and almost exclusively associated with the colonies of the pathogen regardless of the powdery mildew species or the host plant tested. Development of P. flocculosa Act-4 on control leaves alone was extremely limited 24 h after its application and was typical of the epiphytic growth characterizing this type of yeast-like fungus. Based on the strong correlation between the colonization pattern of the different powdery mildew species tested and the presence of P. flocculosa Act-4, as determined by its fluorescence, it seems that growth of the BCA is dependant on the presence of powdery mildews. These results demonstrate that the GFP technology can be used to study plant-pathogen-BCA interactions and fulfill a wide array of purposes ranging from fundamental observations of the biocontrol behavior of a BCA to very applied ones serving some of the requirements for the registration of BCA's such as defining their environmental fate.  相似文献   

Official investigations concluded that no environmental damage was caused by the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear generation plant, Unit 2 (TMI). Years later, highly-exposed populations were discovered through investigation of anecdotal information. Absorbed doses in the order of 1 Gy were confirmed by cytogenic and immune status tests.  相似文献   

Sliding-scale and basal-bolus insulin regimens are two options available for the treatment of severe or acute hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Although its use is not recommended, sliding-scale insulin therapy is still being used widely. The aims of the study were to compare the glycemic control achieved by using sliding-scale or basal-bolus regimens for the management of severe or acute hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes and to analyze factors associated with the types of insulin therapy used in the management of severe or acute hyperglycemia. This retrospective study was conducted using the medical records of patients with acute or severe hyperglycemia admitted to a hospital in Malaysia from January 2008 to December 2012. A total of 202 patients and 247 admissions were included. Patients treated with the basal-bolus insulin regimen attained lower fasting blood glucose (10.8±2.3 versus 11.6±3.5 mmol/L; p = 0.028) and mean glucose levels throughout severe/acute hyperglycemia (12.3±1.9 versus 12.8±2.2; p = 0.021) compared with sliding-scale insulin regimens. Diabetic ketoacidosis (p = 0.043), cardiovascular diseases (p = 0.005), acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma (p = 0.010), and the use of corticosteroids (p = 0.037) and loop diuretics (p = 0.016) were significantly associated with the type of insulin regimen used. In conclusion, type 2 diabetes patients with severe and acute hyperglycemia achieved better glycemic control with the basal-bolus regimen than with sliding-scale insulin, and factors associated with the insulin regimen used could be identified.  相似文献   

Hydatid cysts commonly affect the liver and the lung. However, they rarely involve bones with vertebral column. We hereby report a case of a female patient with cystic echinococcosis of the hip bone and ilium. She presented with a long history of frequent recurrences highlighting the dismal prognosis at this rare site. Resection of the hydatid cyst from the sacroiliac region was done with allograft and autograft (rib graft) with lumbosacroiliac fixation. Follow-up of the patient at 6 months showed no detectable abnormality on radiology and the patient was doing well.  相似文献   

THERE is evidence for a factor in the serum of cystic fibrosis patients which may play a role in the pathological manifestation of the genetic syndrome: serum of patients with cystic fibrosis alters the cilia movement of rabbit trachea in vitro1 and of oyster cilia2. This activity is apparently associated with the immunoglobulin fraction3,4. Balfe et al.5 reported a modification of sodium flux in red cells obtained from patients with cystic fibrosis. In the course of searching for evidence of interaction of serum with red cells in cystic fibrosis, we found that there is a substantial increase in serum calcium binding in patients with cystic fibrosis. This seems to be associated with a modified membrane protein electrophoretic pattern of cystic fibrosis red cells in specified experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of the CFTR gene and protein have provided not only a major impetus to the dissection of the molecular pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis (CF) but also a new perspective on the structure and function of the large supeifamily of membrane transport proteins to which it belongs. While the mechanism of the active vectorial translocation of many hydrophobic substrates by several of these transporters remains nearly as perplexing as it has for several decades, considerable insight has been gained into the control of the bi-directional permeation of chloride ions through a single CFTR channel by the phosphorylation of the R-domain and ATP interactions at the two nucleotide binding domains. However, details of these catalytic and allosteric mechanisms remain to be elucidated and await the replacement of two-dimensional conceptualizations with three dimensional structure information. Secondary and tertiary structure determination is required both for the understanding of the mechanism of action of the molecule and to enable a more complete appreciation of the misfolding and misprocessing of mutant CFTR molecules. This is the primary cause of the disease in the majority of the patients and hence understanding the details of the cotranslational interactions with multiple molecular chaperones, the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and other components of the quality control machinery at the endoplasmic reticulum could provide a basis for the development of new therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Communication is an important factor for bacterial survival, growth, and persistence. Much work has examined both inter- and intraspecies interactions and their effects on virulence. Now, researchers have begun to explore the ways in which host-modulated factors can impact bacterial interactions and subsequently affect patient outcomes. In this issue, two papers discuss how the host environment alters interactions between the pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, largely in the context of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients suffer from chronic bacterial lung infections, most notably by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which persists for decades in the lungs and undergoes extensive evolution. P. aeruginosa requires iron for virulence and uses the fluorescent siderophore pyoverdine to scavenge and solubilize ferric iron during acute infections. Pyoverdine mutants accumulate in the lungs of some CF patients, however, suggesting that the heme and ferrous iron acquisition pathways of P. aeruginosa are more important in this environment. Here, we sought to determine how evolution of P. aeruginosa in the CF lung affects iron acquisition and regulatory pathways through the use of longitudinal CF isolates. These analyses demonstrated a significant reduction of siderophore production during the course of CF lung infection in nearly all strains tested. Mass spectrometry analysis of one of these strains showed that the later CF isolate has streamlined the metabolic flux of extracellular heme through the HemO heme oxygenase, resulting in more-efficient heme utilization. Moreover, gene expression analysis shows that iron regulation via the PrrF small RNAs (sRNAs) is enhanced in the later CF isolate. Finally, analysis of P. aeruginosa gene expression in the lungs of various CF patients demonstrates that both PrrF and HemO are consistently expressed in the CF lung environment. Combined, these results suggest that heme is a critical source of iron during prolonged infection of the CF lung and that changes in iron and heme regulatory pathways play a crucial role in adaptation of P. aeruginosa to this ever-changing host environment.  相似文献   

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