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Growing evidence suggests that a pressure-induced increase in the synthesis of endothelin (ET-1) is involved in arterial remodeling and, as a consequence, in the manifestation of chronic hypertension. To study potential stretch-induced changes in gene expression and their functional consequences, we have cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells (raSMC) and porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC) on flexible elastomer membranes. The cells were periodically stretched (up to 20% elongation, 0.5 Hz, 6 h) and the expression of prepro-ET-1 and that of the endothelin A and B receptors (ET(A)-R and ET(B)-R) were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis and ELISA (ET-1). In contrast to PAEC where ET-1 synthesis was up-regulated up to eightfold on exposure to cyclic stretch, ET-1 synthesis in raSMC was decreased by more than 80% under these conditions. ET(A) R -mRNA expression in stretched raSMC declined to 50% whereas ET(B) R -mRNA levels were increased up to 10-fold. One functional consequence of this apparent shift in receptor abundance was an apoptosis-promoting action of exogenous ET-1 (10 nM), as judged by the appearance of subdiploid peaks during FACS analysis, caspase-3 activation and chromatin condensation. This ET-1-induced apoptosis appeared to be ET(B)-R mediated, as it was completely suppressed by the ET(B)-R antagonist BQ 788 but not by the ET(A)-R antagonist BQ 123. Moreover, raSMC derived from homozygous spotting lethal rats, which lack a functional ET(B)-R, showed no signs of apoptosis after exposure to cyclic strain and exogenous ET-1. These findings suggest a central role for the endothelin system in the onset of hypertension-induced remodeling in conduit arteries, which may proceed via an initial stretch-induced apoptosis of the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoactive peptide that acts on endothelin A (ET(A)) and endothelin B (ET(B)) receptors. Although both receptor subtypes are co-expressed in numerous cells, little is known about their ability to form heterodimers. Here we show that both receptors were co-immunoprecipitated with an ET(B)-specific antibody using extracts from HEK293 cells stably co-expressing a fusion protein consisting of a myc-tagged ET(A) receptor and CFP (ET(A)myc.CFP) and a fusion protein consisting of an ET(B) receptor and YFP (ET(B).YFP). Co-immunoprecipitation was also observed with extracts from HEK293 cells transiently co-expressing FLAG-tagged ET(B) and myc-tagged ET(A) receptors, thereby excluding that heterodimerization is mediated by the CFP/YFP moieties. Heterodimerization was further confirmed in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis of HEK293 cells transiently co-expressing ET(A)myc.CFP and ET(B).YFP receptors. FRET efficiencies were between 12 and 18% in untreated and antagonist- or ET-1-treated cells, indicating constitutive heterodimerization. Prolonged stimulation (30 min) with the ET(B) receptor-selective agonist BQ3020 decreased FRET efficiency by 50%. This decrease was not observed when internalization was inhibited by co-expression of dominant-negative K44A.dynamin I or incubation with 450 mm sucrose. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and laser scanning microscopy of cell clones stably co-expressing ET(A)myc.CFP/ET(B)flag.YFP receptors revealed a slower sequestration of the ET(B)flag.YFP receptors upon stimulation with ET-1 than with BQ3020. No difference in ET-1 or BQ3020-mediated sequestration was observed with cell clones expressing ET(B)flag.YFP receptors alone. The data suggest that ET(A) and ET(B) receptors form constitutive heterodimers, which show a slower sequestration upon stimulation with ET-1 than with BQ3020. Heterodimer dissociation along the endocytic pathway only occurs upon ET(B)-selective stimulation.  相似文献   

Effects of rat and human calcitonin gene-related peptide (r alpha CGRP and h beta CGRP, respectively) upon uterine contractile force were investigated using uterine horns from nonpregnant rats, r alpha CGRP and h beta CGRP were equipotent (pD2 = 8.85-9.09) in inhibiting spontaneous and electrically evoked uterine contractions. r alpha CGRP was relatively ineffective in inhibiting potassium-induced contractures of preparations from stilbestrol-pretreated rats. The use of selective antagonists established that r alpha CGRP did not release prostanoids, or release or act at receptors for catecholamines and histamine. The effects of the peptides were not significantly modulated by estrogen levels since pD2 values were similar (8.56-8.86) in field-stimulated preparations from rats in proestrus/estrus or metestrus/diestrus.  相似文献   

The effects of a 10-day i.p. treatment of rats with diazepam on responses to subtype selective adenosine receptor agonists were studied 3 h, 2 and 8 days after termination of diazepam treatment in isolated cardiovascular tissues possessing distinct adenosine receptors. After long-lasting diazepam exposure, the relaxation elicited by the specific A2A receptor agonist CGS 21680 was enhanced in rat main pulmonary arteries (a tissue containing A2A adenosine receptors). The increased sensitivity of A2A receptors observed 3 h and 2 days after withdrawal of diazepam was completely restored by the 8th day of the wash-out period. N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA)-induced suppression in mechanical activity of electrically stimulated rat atrial myocardium (a tissue containing A1 adenosine receptors) was not altered following diazepam treatment. In order to reveal the possible role of inhibition of membrane adenosine transport in the effects of diazepam (a moderate inhibitor of membrane adenosine transport), the action of a 10-day treatment with dipyridamole or S-(p-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine (NBTI; prototypic adenosine uptake inhibitors) was also studied. Dipyridamole or NBTI treatment, like diazepam, increased the responsiveness of rat pulmonary artery to CGS 21680, but did not influence the cardiodepressive effect of CPA in electrically driven left atrial myocardium. The CGS 21680-induced relaxations were significantly antagonized by 10 nM ZM 241385 (a selective A2A adenosine receptor antagonist) in vessels of diazepam-treated rats. The relaxation responses to verapamil were unaltered in pulmonary arteries obtained from animals chronically treated with diazepam, dipyridamole or NBTI. These results suggest that chronic diazepam treatment is able to enhance the A2A adenosine receptor-mediated vascular functions, but does not modify the responses mediated via A1 receptors of rat myocardium, where nucleoside transport inhibitory sites of membrane are of a very low density. It is possible that sensitization of A2A adenosine receptor-mediated vasorelaxation is due to a long-lasting inhibition of membrane adenosine transporter during diazepam treatment.  相似文献   

Existence of longitudinal and circular arterio-arterial anastomoses are stated, as well as various ways of outflow from the veins of the organs studied; this demonstrates essential compensatory abilities of this bed in blood supply regulation and draining at inflow and outflow from the microcirculatory system bed. Different topography of the arterial sources, venous plexuses, capillary fields allows to suppose different histophysiology of the tracheal zones mentioned: the anterior (laryngotracheal), middle and posterior (bifurcational). For the tracheal microcirculatory bed, metamerically repeated microcirculatory areas are peculiar. Distribution of the bronchial arteries takes place up to the terminal bronchi. In the area of the latter, anastomoses of the bronchial vessels with the pulmonary artery are observed.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC) maturation is a crucial event in the development of adaptive immune responses that confer long-lasting protection against reinfection with the same virus. Sendai virus strain Cantell has a particularly strong ability to mature DCs independently of type I IFNs and TLR signaling, currently the best-described pathways for the induction of DC maturation. In this study, we demonstrate that defective-interfering (DI) particles present in Sendai virus-Cantell stocks are required for its robust DC maturation ability. DI particles contain incomplete genomes that are unable to replicate unless the viral polymerase is supplied by coinfection with complete virus. Accordingly, the improvement in the virus-induced maturation of DCs provided by DI particles requires standard virus coinfection and likely results from increased production of dsRNA replication intermediaries. This unique ability of DI particles to stimulate DC maturation cannot be mimicked by simply increasing the dose of standard virus. Furthermore, viruses with weak DC maturation abilities can be converted into potent DC stimulators with the addition of DI particles, supporting a potential application for DI particles as a novel natural adjuvant for viral immunizations.  相似文献   

The rat urinary bladder is one of the few in vivo preparations in which kinin B1 receptor-mediated contractile responses have been described, but the nature (local or reflex) of these responses has not been characterized. We have investigated the motor effects of i.v. or topical (onto the bladder serosa) administration of the selective kinin B1 receptor agonist [des-Arg9]-bradykinin ([des-Arg9]-BK) in the normal or inflamed (cyclophosphamide-induced) urinary bladder in urethane-anaesthetized rats. In both normal and inflamed bladders [des-Arg9]-BK produced a tonic contraction of low amplitude (< 15 mmHg) with phasic contractions of high amplitude (> or = 15 mmHg) superimposed (micturition reflex contractions). In inflamed bladders, the response to [des-Arg9]-BK was more prominent than in controls. Similar observations were made after the topical administration of [des-Arg9]-BK. In order to evaluate any time-dependency in the expression of B1 receptor-mediated bladder responses, [des-Arg9]-BK was administered in separate groups of control animals at 30 and 240 min after the completion of surgical procedures required for set-up of the preparation: no bladder contraction was detected at 30 min whereas both local and reflex contractions could be elicited by [des-Arg9]-BK at 240 min after the set up. In ganglionectomized rats, the response to [des-Arg9]-BK or the selective tachykinin NK2 receptor agonist [betaAla8]NKA(4-10) was evaluated at 30 and 240 min after the set up in inflamed or in control animals. The response to [des-Arg9]-BK was greater after inflammation although a time-dependent increase was evident in both groups; in contrast, the response to [betaAla8]NKA(4-10) was similar in both groups and remained constant over the observation period. After induction of inflammation, the tonic contraction induced by [des-Arg9]-BK in ganglionectomized rats was dose-dependently reduced by the kinin B1 receptor antagonist [desArg10]Hoe 140. The contractile response (number of micturition reflex contractions) induced by [des-Arg9]-BK in normal rats with intact pelvic nerves at 240 min from the set up was not changed after the administration of the selective B2 receptor antagonist Hoe 140. These results indicate that stimulation of bladder kinin B1 receptors evokes a local, tonic-type contraction with reflex contractions superimposed in both normal and inflamed bladders, but in the latter situation the motor responses are magnified.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and propagated contractions in rat cardiac trabeculae   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Sarcomere length measurement by microscopic and laser diffraction techniques in trabeculae of rat heart, superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 21 degrees C, showed spontaneous local sarcomere shortening after electrically stimulated twitches. The contractions originated in a region of several hundred micrometers throughout the width of the muscle close to the end of the preparation that was damaged by dissection. The contractions propagated at a constant velocity along the trabeculae. The velocity of propagation increased from 0 to 10 mm/s in proportion to the number of stimuli (3-30) in a train of electrically evoked twitches at 2 Hz and at an external calcium ion concentration ([Ca++]o) of 1.5 mM. At a constant number of stimuli (n), the velocity of propagation increased from 0 to 15 mm/s with [Ca++]o increasing from 1 to 7 mM. In addition, increase of n and [Ca++]o led to an increase of the extent of local sarcomere shortening during the spontaneous contractions, and the occurrence of multiple contractions. Spontaneous contractions with much internal shortening and a high velocity of propagation frequently induced spontaneous synchronized contractions and eventually arrhythmias. Propagation of spontaneous contractions at low and variable velocity is consistent with the hypothesis that calcium leakage into damaged cells causes spontaneous calcium release from the overloaded sarcoplasmic reticulum in the damaged cells. This process propagates as a result of diffusion of calcium into adjacent cells, which triggers calcium release from their sarcoplasmic reticulum. We postulate that the propagation velocity depends on the intracellular calcium ion concentration, with increases with n and [Ca++]o.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we determined changes in hepatic blood flow using a Laser Doppler blood flow meter after i.v. injection of endothelin-1 (ET-1) or endothelin-3 (ET-3) at 2 nmol/kg in rats and found that ET-3 caused greater decreases in blood flow than ET-1. In the present study, we determined how the arachidonic acid cascade, mainly thromboxane A2 (TXA2), is related to ET-1 and ET-3 using indomethacin (INDO), which inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandin (PG), and OKY-046, a selective inhibitor of TXA2 synthesis. In the first series of experiments, ET-1 and ET-3 were administered after inhibiting the biosynthesis of PG by s.c. injection of 2 mg/kg of INDO. While INDO failed to inhibit the slight decrease in hepatic blood flow induced by ET-1, it significantly inhibited the marked decrease in hepatic blood flow elicited by ET-3. In the next series of experiments, ET-1 and ET-3 were administered after administration of 20 mg/kg of OKY-046. OKY-046 showed no effects in animals treated with ET-1, as in those pre-treated with INDO, while it significantly inhibited the decreases in hepatic blood flow induced by ET-3. These findings suggest that ET-1 decreases hepatic blood flow due to its direct effects although to a lesser extent than ET-3, while ET-3 does so due not only to its direct effects but also to TXA2-mediated effects. It is therefore likely that in addition to ET family peptides, PG-mediated mechanisms are involved in the regulation of hepatic microcirculation by ETs.  相似文献   

Endothelin type A receptor (ETAR) plays an important role in some cardiovascular disorders where ETAR levels are increased. However, regulatory mechanisms for ETAR levels are unknown. Here, we identified Jun activation domain-binding protein 1 (Jab1) as an ETAR-interacting protein by yeast two-hybrid screening of human heart cDNA library using carboxyl terminal tail (C-tail) of ETAR as a bait. The interaction was confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay, co-immunoprecipitation in HEK293T cells expressing ETAR-myc and FLAG-Jab1, and confocal microscopy. Jab1 knockdown increased whole cell and cell surface levels of ETAR and ET-1-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation in HEK293T cells expressing ETAR, whereas Jab1 overexpression decreased them. Jab1 overexpression accelerated disappearance rate of ETAR after protein synthesis inhibition as an index of a degradation rate. ETAR was constitutively ubiquitinated, and the level of ubiquitination was enhanced by Jab1 overexpression. Long-term ET-1 stimulation markedly accelerated the rate of ETAR degradation and increased the amount of Jab1 bound to ETAR with a maximal level of 500% at 3 h. In the absence of ET-1 stimulation, the level of ETBR was lower than that of ETAR and the degradation rate of ETBR was markedly faster than that of ETAR. Notably, the amount of Jab1 bound to ETBR and ubiquitination level of ETBR were markedly higher than those for ETAR. Taken together, these results suggest that the amount of Jab1 bound to ETR regulates the degradation rate of ETAR and ETBR by modulating ubiquitination of these receptors, leading to changes in ETAR and ETBR levels.  相似文献   

The substantial role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the development of cerebral vasospasm (CVS) after subarachnoidal hemorrhage (SAH) has been demonstrated by numerous experimental and, recently, clinical investigations. Whether the expression or function of the ET(B) receptor is altered in CVS is still unclear, however. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to characterize the cerebroarterial ET(B) receptor function during CVS. Experimental CVS was induced by the rat double-hemorrhage model. Reduction of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) was confirmed by magnetic resonance perfusion-weighted imaging. Animals were sacrificed on days 3 (d3) and 5 (d5) after CVS induction. The basilar arteries (BA) were dissected, cut into ring segments, and prepared for measurement of isometric force in an organ bath. Concentration-effect curves (CECs) were constructed by cumulative application of ET-1, acetylcholine (Ach), or sarafotoxin S6c (S6c). Segments with (E+) endothelial function were used. CECs were compared by the maximum effect (E(max)), the pD2, and the shift calculated on the pD2 level. The pD2 is the negative decadic logarithm of the concentration producing the half maximal effect (-log10EC50). After SAH, the relative regional CBF in the d3 and d5 groups was reduced to 63% and 32%, respectively, of the CBF in controls. ET-1 induced a dose-dependent contraction of segments with and segments without CVS. In E+ segments, the E(max) for ET-1 was not significantly changed after SAH (mean values [ +/- SEM] of 104% +/- 4% for the control group, 106% +/- 4% for the d3 group, and 104% +/- 3% for the d5 group). The CECs, however, were significantly shifted to the left versus the control by factors of 2.4 in the d3 group and 3.6 in the d5 group. Relaxation by S6c was significantly reduced after SAH (E(max:) 73% +/- 11% in the control group, 21% +/- 13% in the d3 group, and 13% +/- 8% in the d5 group), whereas relaxation associated with Ach was not significantly changed (E(max): 45% +/- 7% in the control group, 56% +/- 6% in the d3 group, and 43% +/- 6% in the d5 group). Significant contraction by S6c was not observed in E+ and E - segments in any of the study groups. The present data indicate the loss of the ET(B) receptor-mediated relaxation of the cerebral arteries in cases of CVS, which is independent of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase level.  相似文献   



Gap junctions increase in size and abundance coincident with parturition, forming an intercellular communication network that permits the uterus to develop the forceful, coordinated contractions necessary for delivery of the fetus. Lindane, a pesticide used in the human and veterinary treatment of scabies and lice as well as in agricultural applications, inhibits uterine contractions in vitro, inhibits myometrial gap junctions, and has been associated with prolonged gestation length in rats. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether brief exposures to lindane would elicit sustained inhibition of rat uterine contractile activity and myometrial gap junction intercellular communication.  相似文献   

We assessed the possible link between endothelin receptor mediated phosphoinositide breakdown and NO/cGMP signaling pathways in rat arcuate nucleus-median eminence fragments (AN-ME), brain structures known to contain a rich plexus of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons and fibers, together with densely arranged endothelin ETB-receptors-like immunoreactive fibres. Our data show that ET-1, ET-3 and the ETB-receptors agonist, IRL 1620, increased inositol monophosphate (InsP1) accumulation, NOS activity and cGMP formation, in a similar degree. The stimulatory effect of ETs on InsP1 accumulation and cGMP formation was inhibited by the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, neomycin, and the absence of extracellular calcium, suggesting that calcium is involved in endothelin receptor-induced PLC activation. The L-arginine analog, L-NAME, inhibited ET-1 or IRL1620-stimulated cGMP formation. The ETA receptor antagonists BQ 123, did not alter, while the ETB receptor antagonists BQ788 inhibited ETs-induced increase in the PI metabolism, NOS activity and cGMP generation. Our data indicate that in AN-ME, ETB receptor signals through receptor-mediated calcium dependent-stimulation of phosphoinositide breakdown and activation of NOS/cGMP signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the modulation of in vitro rat colonic circular muscle contractions by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced inflammation and in spontaneous inflammation in HLA-B27 rats. We also examined the potential role of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) in modulating excitation-contraction coupling. The muscle strips from the middle colon generated spontaneous phasic contractions and giant contractions (GCs), the proximal colon strips generated primarily phasic contractions, and the distal colon strips were mostly quiescent. The spontaneous phasic contractions and GCs were not affected by inflammation, but the response to ACh was suppressed in DSS-treated rats and in HLA-B27 rats. H(2)O(2) production was increased in the muscularis of the inflamed colon. Incubation of colonic muscle strips with H(2)O(2) suppressed the spontaneous phasic contractions and concentration and time dependently reduced the response to ACh; in the middle colon, it also increased the frequency of GCs. We conclude that H(2)O(2) mimics the suppression of the contractile response to ACh in inflammation. H(2)O(2) also selectively suppresses phasic contractions and increases the frequency of GCs, as found previously in inflamed dog and human colons.  相似文献   

The 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin) transporter (5-HTT) is important in terminating serotonergic neurotransmission and is a primary target for many psychotherapeutic drugs. Study of the regulation of 5-HTT activity is therefore important in understanding the control of serotonergic neurotransmission. Using high-speed chronoamperometry, we have demonstrated that local application of 5-HT(1B) antagonists into the CA3 region of the hippocampus prolongs the clearance of 5-HT from extracellular fluid (ECF). In the present study, we demonstrate that the 5-HT(1B) antagonist cyanopindolol does not produce this effect by increasing release of endogenous 5-HT or by directly binding to the 5-HTT. Dose-response studies showed that the potency of cyanopindolol to inhibit clearance of 5-HT was equivalent to that of the selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitor fluvoxamine. Local application of the 5-HT(1A) antagonist WAY 100635 did not alter 5-HT clearance, suggesting that the effect of cyanopindolol to prolong clearance is not via a mechanism involving 5-HT(1A) receptors. Finally, the effect of low doses of cyanopindolol and fluvoxamine to inhibit clearance of 5-HT from ECF was additive. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that activation of terminal 5-HT(1B) autoreceptors increases 5-HTT activity.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of endothelins (ETs) on receptor-mediated NO/cGMP signaling in rat arcuate nucleus–median eminence (AN-ME) fragments, an hypothalamic structure known to contain a rich plexus of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons and fibers together with densely arranged ETB-receptor-like immunoreactive fibers. NOS activity was determined measuring the conversion of [3H] arginine to [3H] citrulline, as an index of NO produced. cGMP production was determined by radio immunoassay. ET-1, ET-3, and the selective ETB receptor agonist, IRL1620, significantly increased cGMP formation and NOS activity. Preincubation of AN-ME fragment with L-arginine analog, N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NAME), inhibited ET-1 or IRL1620-stimulated cGMP formation. The addition of the selective ETB receptor antagonist, BQ788, blocked ET-1-, ET-3-, or IRL1620-induced increase in NOS activity and cGMP generation, while BQ123, a selective ETA receptor antagonist, was ineffective. Our results demonstrate that in whole rat AN-ME fragments, ETs stimulate NO/cGMP signaling pathway through the interaction with the ETB receptor subtype, supporting the concept that ETs may represent an important regulator of reproductive and neuroendocrine function.  相似文献   

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