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A denitrifying Pseudomonas sp. (strain KC) capable of transforming carbon tetrachloride (CT) was isolated from groundwater aquifer solids. Major products of the transformation of 14C-labeled CT by Pseudomonas strain KC under denitrification conditions were 14CO2 and an unidentified water-soluble fraction. Little or no chloroform was produced. Addition of dissolved trace metals, notably, ferrous iron and cobalt, to the growth medium appeared to enhance growth of Pseudomonas strain KC while inhibiting transformation of CT. It is hypothesized that transformation of CT by this organism is associated with the mechanism of trace-metal scavenging.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain KC transforms carbon tetrachloride into carbon dioxide and nonvolatile products, without chloroform as an intermediate. To define the pathway for hydrolysis, nonvolatile products were analyzed. Condensation products containing the carbon atom of carbon tetrachloride as carbonyl and thioxo moieties were identified, indicating the intermediacy of phosgene and thiophosgene in the pathway.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain KC was grown on a medium with a low content of transition metals in order to examine the conditions for carbon tetrachloride (CT) transformation. Several carbon sources, including acetate, glucose, glycerol, and glutamate, were able to support CT transformation. The chelators 2,2'-dipyridyl and 1,10-phenanthroline stimulated CT transformation in a rich medium that otherwise did not support this activity. Low (< 10 microM) additions of dissolved iron(II), iron(III), and cobalt(II), as well as an insoluble iron(III) compound, ferric oxyhydroxide, inhibited CT transformation. The addition of 50 microM iron to actively growing cultures resulted in delayed inhibition of CT transformation. CT transformation was seen in aerobic cultures of KC, but with reduced efficiency compared with denitrifying cultures. Inhibition of CT transformation by iron was also seen in aerobically grown cultures. Optimal conditions were used in searching for effective CT transformation activity among denitrifying enrichments grown from samples of aquifer material. No activity comparable to that of Pseudomonas sp. strain KC was found among 16 samples tested.  相似文献   

Under denitrifying conditions, Pseudomonas sp. strain KC transforms carbon tetrachloride (CT) to carbon dioxide via a complex but as yet undetermined mechanism. Transformation rates were first order with respect to CT concentration over the CT concentration range examined (0 to 100 micrograms/liter) and proportional to protein concentration, giving pseudo-second-order kinetics overall. Addition of ferric iron (1 to 20 microM) to an actively transforming culture inhibited CT transformation, and the degree of inhibition increased with increasing iron concentration. By removing iron from the trace metals solution or by removing iron-containing precipitate from the growth medium, higher second-order rate coefficients were obtained. Copper also plays a role in CT transformation. Copper was toxic at neutral pH. By adjusting the medium pH to 8.2, soluble iron and copper levels decreased as a precipitate formed, and CT transformation rates increased. However, cultures grown at high pH without any added trace copper (1 microM) exhibited slower growth rates and greatly reduced rates of CT transformation, indicating that copper is required for CT transformation. The use of pH adjustment to decrease iron solubility, to avoid copper toxicity, and to provide a selective advantage for strain KC was evaluated by using soil slurries and groundwater containing high levels of iron. In samples adjusted to pH 8.2 and inoculated with strain KC, CT disappeared rapidly in the absence or presence of acetate or nitrate supplements. CT did not disappear in pH-adjusted controls that were not inoculated with strain KC.  相似文献   

Hyphomicrobium sp. strain DM2 was found to grow anaerobically in the presence of nitrate with methanol, formaldehyde, formate or dichloromethane. The estimated growth rate constants with methanol and dichloromethane under denitrification conditions were 0.04 h–1 and 0.015 h–1, respectively, which is twofold and fourfold lower than the rates of aerobic growth with these substrates. Slight accumulation of nitrite was observed in all cultures grown anaerobically with nitrate. Dichloromethane dehalogenase, the key enzyme in the utilization of this carbon source, was induced under denitrification conditions to the same specific activity level as under aerobic conditions. In a fed batch culture under denitrification conditionsHyphomicrobium sp. DM2 cumulatively degraded 35 mM dichloromethane within 24 days. This corresponds to a volumetric degradation rate of 5 mg dichloromethane/l·h and demonstrates that denitrificative degradation offers an attractive possibility for the development of anaerobic treatment systems to remove dichloromethane from contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

The removal of carbon tetrachloride under sulfate reducing conditions was studied in an an aerobic packed-bed reactor. Carbon tetrachloride, up to a concentration of 30 μM, was completely converted. Chloroform and dichloromethane were the main transformation products, but part of the carbon tetrachloride was also completely dechlorinated to unknown products. Gram-positive sulfate-reducing bacteria were involved in the reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride to chloroform and dichloromethane since both molybdate, an inhibitor of sulfate reduction, and vancomycin, an inhibitor of gram-positive bacteria completely inhibited carbon tetrachloride transformation. Carbon tetrachloride transformation by these bacteria was a cometabolic process and depended on the input of an electron donor and electron acceptor (sulfate). The rate of carbon tetrachloride transformation by sulfate reducing bacteria depended on the type of electron donor present. A transformation rate of 5.1 nmol·ml-1·h-1 was found with ethanol as electron donor. At carbon tetrachloride concentrations higher than18 μM, sulfate reduction and reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride decreased and complete inhibition was observed at a carbon tetrachloride concentration of 56.6 μM. It is not clear what type of microorganisms were involved in the observed partial complete dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride. Sulfate reducing bacteria probably did not play a role since inhibition of these bacteria with molybdate had no effect on the complete dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previously, we described the generation and initial characterization of four Tn5 mutants of Pseudomonas stutzeri strain KC with impaired ability to degrade carbon tetrachloride (Sepúlveda-Torres et al., 1999). In this study, we show cloning and sequencing of an 8.3 kbp region in which all four transposons were located. This fragment encodes eight potential genes and is located in the central part of the 25 kbp fragment recently identified by Lewis et al. (2000) and shown by them to be sufficient to confer carbon tetrachloride transformation capability upon other pseudomonads. The four transposon insertion mutants mapped in ORF's F and I designated by Lewis et al. (2000). This is consistent with the results by Lewis et al. (2000) that orfFis required for carbon tetrachloride degradation. We further established that orfl is required for CCl4 degradation since the three mutants in this ORF were unable to degrade carbon tetrachloride. We present our analysis of the gene and protein sequences from the 8.3 kbp region and propose a tentative model for the role of different genes in the synthesis and activity of pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylate) (PDTC), the secreted factor responsible for carbon tetrachloride dechlorination. We also found a putative promoter that overlaps with a Fur-box-like sequence in the region upstream of mutated genes. To test this putative promoter region and Fur-box, we generated and ligated DNA fragments containing wild-type and mutant Fur-boxes to a lacZ reporter. The wild-type fragment showed promoter activity that is regulated by the concentration of iron in the medium. Finally, we screened a selection of Pseudomonas strains, including P. putida DSMZ 3601--a strain known to produce PDTC--for the presence of the genes characterized in this study. None of the strains tested positive, suggesting that Pseudomonas stutzeri strain KC may possess a distinct biosynthetic pathway for PDTC production.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that Pseudomonas sp. strain KC rapidly transforms carbon tetrachloride (CT) to carbon dioxide (45 to 55%), a nonvolatile fraction (45 to 55%), and a cell-associated fraction ((equiv)5%) under denitrifying, iron-limited conditions. The present study provides additional characterization of the nonvolatile fraction, demonstrates that electron transfer plays a role in the transformation, and establishes the importance of both extracellular and intracellular factors. Experiments with (sup14)C-labeled CT indicate that more than one nonvolatile product is produced during CT transformation by strain KC. One of these products, accounting for about 20% of the [(sup14)C]CT transformed, was identified as formate on the basis of its elution time from an ion-exchange column, its boiling point, and its conversion to (sup14)CO(inf2) when incubated with formate dehydrogenase. Production of formate requires transfer of two electrons to the CT molecule. The role of electron transfer was also supported by experiments demonstrating that stationary-phase cells that do not transform CT can be stimulated to transform CT when supplemented with acetate (electron donor), nitrate (electron acceptor), or a protonophore (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone). The location of transformation activity was also evaluated. By themselves, washed cells did not transform CT to a significant degree. Occasionally, CT transformation was observed by cell-free culture supernatant, but this activity was not reliable. Rapid and reliable CT transformation was only obtained when washed whole cells were reconstituted with culture supernatant, indicating that both extracellular and intracellular factors are normally required for CT transformation. Fractionation of culture supernatant by ultrafiltration established that the extracellular factor or factors are small, with an apparent molecular mass of less than 500 Da. The extracellular factor or factors were stable after lyophilization to powder and were extractable with acetone. Addition of micromolar levels of iron inhibited CT transformation in whole cultures, but the level of iron needed to inhibit CT transformation was over 100-fold higher for washed cells reconstituted with a 10,000-Da supernatant filtrate. Thus, the inhibitory effects of iron are exacerbated by a supernatant factor or factors with a molecular mass greater than 10,000 Da.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain KIE171 was able to grow with isopropylamine or L-alaninol [S-(+)-2-amino-1-propanol] as the sole carbon source, but not with D-alaninol. To investigate the hypothesis that L-alaninol is an intermediate in the degradation of isopropylamine, two mini-Tn5 mutants unable to utilize both isopropylamine and L-alaninol were isolated. Whereas mutant KIE171-BI transformed isopropylamine to L-alaninol, mutant KIE171-BII failed to do so. The two genes containing a transposon insertion were cloned, and the DNA regions flanking the insertions were sequenced. Two clusters, one comprising eight ipu (isopropylamine utilization) genes (ipuABCDEFGH) and the other encompassing two genes (ipuI and orf259), were identified. Comparisons of sequences of the deduced Ipu proteins and those in the database suggested that isopropylamine is transported into the cytoplasm by a putative permease, IpuG. The next step, the formation of gamma-glutamyl-isopropylamide from isopropylamine, ATP, and L-glutamate, was shown to be catalyzed by IpuC, a gamma-glutamylamide synthetase. gamma-Glutamyl-isopropylamide is then subjected to stereospecific monooxygenation by the hypothetical four-component system IpuABDE, thereby yielding gamma-glutamyl-L-alaninol [gamma(L-glutamyl)-L-hydroxy-isopropylamide]. Enzymatic hydrolysis by a hydrolase, IpuF, was shown to finally liberate L-alaninol and to regenerate L-glutamate. No gene(s) encoding an enzyme for the next step in the degradation of isopropylamine was found in the ipu clusters. Presumably, L-alaninol is oxidized by an alcohol dehydrogenase to yield L-2-aminopropionaldehyde or it is deaminated by an ammonia lyase to propionaldehyde. Genetic evidence indicated that the aldehyde formed is then further oxidized by the hypothetical aldehyde dehydrogenases IpuI and IpuH to either L-alanine or propionic acid, compounds which can be processed by reactions of the intermediary metabolism.  相似文献   

Under iron-limiting conditions, Pseudomonas stutzeri KC secretes a small but as yet unidentified factor that transforms carbon tetrachloride (CT) to CO2 and nonvolatile products when activated by reduction at cell membranes. Pseudomonas fluorescens and other cell types activate the factor. Triparental mating was used to generate kanamycin-resistant lux::Tn5 recombinants of strain KC. Recombinants were streaked onto the surface of agar medium plugs in microtiter plates and were then screened for carbon tetrachloride degradation by exposing the plates to gaseous 14C-carbon tetrachloride. CT+ recombinants generated nonvolatile 14C-labeled products, but four CT recombinants did not generate significant nonvolatile 14C-labeled products and had lost the ability to degrade carbon tetrachloride. When colonies of P. fluorescens were grown next to colonies of CT+ recombinants and were exposed to gaseous 14C-carbon tetrachloride, 14C-labeled products accumulated around the P. fluorescens colonies, indicating that the factor secreted by CT+ colonies had diffused through the agar and become activated. When P. fluorescens was grown next to CT colonies, little carbon tetrachloride transformation was observed, indicating a lack of active factor. Expression of lux reporter genes in three of the CT mutants was regulated by added iron and was induced under the same iron-limiting conditions that induce carbon tetrachloride transformation in the wild-type. Received: 23 November 1998 / Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

The bacterial degradation of beta-sitosterol by Pseudomonas sp NCIB 10590 has been studied. Major biotransformation products included 24-ethylcholest-4-en-3-one, androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione, 3-oxochol-4-en-3-one-24-oic acid and 3-oxopregn-4-en-3-one-20-carboxylic acid. Minor products identified were 26-hydroxy-24-ethylcholest-4-en-3-one, androst-4-ene-3,17-dione, 3-oxo-24-ethylcholest-4-en-26-oic acid, 3-oxochola-1,4-dien-3-one-24-oic acid, 3-oxopregna-1,4-dien-3-one-20 carboxylic acid and 9 alpha-hydroxyandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione. Studies with selected inhibitors have enabled the elucidation of a comprehensive pathway of beta-sitosterol degradation by bacteria.  相似文献   

Transport of mevalonate by Pseudomonas sp. strain M.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pseudomonas sp. M, isolated from soil by elective culture on R,S-mevalonate as the sole source of carbon, possessed an inducible transport system for mevalonate. This high-affinity system had a pH optimum of 7.0, a temperature optimum of 30 degrees C, a Km for R,S-mevalonate of 88 microM, and a V max of 26 nmol of mevalonate transported per min/mg of cells (dry weight). Transport was energy dependent since azide, cyanide, or m-chlorophenylhydrazone caused complete cessation of transport activity. Transport of mevalonate was highly substrate specific. Of the 16 structural analogs of mevalonate tested, only acetoacetate, mevinolin, and mevaldehyde significantly inhibited transport. Growth of cells on mevalonate induced transport activity by 40- to 65-fold over that observed in cells grown on alternate carbon sources. A biphasic pattern for cell growth, as well as for induction of mevalonate transport activity, was observed when mevalonate was added to a culture actively growing on glucose. The induction of transport activity under these conditions began within 30 min after the addition of mevalonate and reached 60% of maximal activity during phase I. A further increase in mevalonate transport activity occurred during phase II of growth. Glucose was the preferred carbon source for growth during phase I, whereas mevalonate was preferred during phase II. Only one isomer of the R,S-mevalonate mixture appeared to be utilized, since growth ceased after 45 to 50% of the total mevalonate was depleted from the medium. However, nearly 30% of the preferred mevalonate isomer was depleted from the medium during phase I without significant metabolism to CO2. These results suggest that mevalonate or a mevalonate catabolite may accumulate in cells of Pseudomonas sp. M during phase I and that glucose metabolism may inhibit or repress the expression of enzymes further along the mevalonate catabolic pathway.  相似文献   

Aims: To isolate and characterize a potent molybdenum‐reducing bacterium. Methods and Results: A minimal salt medium supplemented with 10 mmol l?1 molybdate, glucose (1·0%, w/v) as a carbon source and ammonium sulfate (0·3%, w/v) as a nitrogen source was used in the screening process. A molybdenum‐reducing bacterium was isolated and tentatively identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain DRY2 based on carbon utilization profiles using Biolog GN plates and partial 16S rDNA molecular phylogeny. Strain DRY2 produced 2·4, 3·2 and 6·2 times more molybdenum blue compared to Serratia marcescens strain DRY6, Enterobacter cloacae strain 48 and Eschericia coli K12, respectively. Molybdate reduction was optimum at 5 mmol l?1 phosphate. The optimum molybdate concentration that supported molybdate reduction at 5 mmol l?1 phosphate was between 15 and 25 mmol l?1. Molybdate reduction was optimum at 40°C and at pH 6·0. Phosphate concentrations higher than 5 mmol l?1 strongly inhibited molybdate reduction. Inhibitors of electron transport system such as antimycin A, rotenone, sodium azide and cyanide did not inhibit the molybdenum‐reducing enzyme activity. Chromium, copper, mercury and lead inhibited the molybdenum‐reducing activity. Conclusions: A novel molybdenum‐reducing bacterium with high molybdenum reduction capacity has been isolated. Significance and Impact of the Study: Molybdenum is an emerging global pollutant that is very toxic to ruminants. The characteristics of this bacterium suggest that it would be useful in the bioremediation of molybdenum pollutant.  相似文献   

Glyphosate catabolism by Pseudomonas sp. strain PG2982.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The pathway for the degradation of glyphosate (N-phosphonomethylglycine) by Pseudomonas sp. PG2982 has been determined by using metabolic radiolabeling experiments. Radiorespirometry experiments utilizing [3-14C]glyphosate revealed that approximately 50 to 59% of the C-3 carbon was oxidized to CO2. Fractionation of stationary-phase cells labeled with [3-14C]glyphosate revealed that from 45 to 47% of the assimilated label is distributed to proteins and that the amino acids methionine and serine are highly labeled. Adenine and guanine received 90% of the C-3 label found in the nucleic acid fraction, and the only pyrimidine base labeled was thymine. These results indicated that C-3 of glyphosate was at some point metabolized to a C-1 compound whose ultimate fate could be both oxidation to CO2 and distribution to amino acids and nucleic acid bases that receive a C-1 group from the C-1-donating coenzyme tetrahydrofolate. Pulse-labeling of PG2982 cells with [3-14C]glyphosate resulted in the isolation of [3-14C]sarcosine as an intermediate in glyphosate degradation. Examination of crude extracts prepared from PG2982 cells revealed the presence of a sarcosine-oxidizing enzyme that oxidizes sarcosine to glycine and formaldehyde. These results indicate that the first step in glyphosate degradation by PG2982 is cleavage of the carbon-phosphorus bond, resulting in the release of sarcosine and a phosphate group. The phosphate group is utilized as a source of phosphorus, and the sarcosine is degraded to glycine and formaldehyde. This pathway is supported by the results of [1,2-14C]glyphosate metabolism studies, which show that radioactivity in the proteins of labeled cells is found only in the glycine and serine residues.  相似文献   

The bacterial degradation of hyodeoxycholic acid under anaerobic conditions was studied. The major acidic product has been identified as 6 alpha-hydroxy-3-oxochol-4-ene-24-oic acid whilst the major neutral product has been identified as 6 alpha-hydroxyandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione. The minor acidic products were 3,6-dioxochola-1,4-diene-24-oic acid, 3-oxochol-5-ene-24-oic acid, 3-oxochol-4-ene-24-oic acid, 3-oxochola-1,4-diene-24-oic acid and 6 alpha-hydroxy-3-oxochola-1,4-diene-24-oic acid and the minor neutral products were androst-4-ene-3,17-dione, androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione, androsta-1,4-diene-3,6,17-trione, androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione, 17 beta-hydroxyandrosta-1,4-diene-3-one and 6 alpha-hydroxyandrost-4-ene-3,17-dione. Evidence is presented which suggests that under aerobic conditions, one pathway of hyodeoxycholic acid metabolism exists whilst under anaerobic conditions an extra biotransformation pathway becomes operative involving the induction of a 6 alpha-dehydroxylase enzyme. A biochemical pathway of hyodeoxycholic acid metabolism by bacteria under anaerobic conditions is discussed incorporating a scheme involving such an enzyme.  相似文献   

Bedzyk L  Wang T  Ye RW 《Journal of bacteriology》1999,181(9):2802-2806
Both membrane-bound and periplasmic nitrate reductases have been found in denitrifying bacteria. Yet the role of periplasmic nitrate reductase in denitrification has not been clearly defined. To analyze the function of the periplasmic nitrate reductase in Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179, the nap gene cluster was identified and found to be linked to genes involved in reduction of nitrite and nitric oxide and anaerobic heme biosynthesis. Mutation in the nap region rendered the cells incapable of growing under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as the alternative electron acceptor. No nitrate reduction activity was detected in the Nap- mutant, but that activity could be restored by complementation with the nap region. Unlike the membrane-bound nitrate reductase, the nitrate reduction activity in strain G-179 was not inhibited by a low concentration of azide. Nor could it use NADH as the electron donor to reduce nitrate or use chlorate as the alternative substrate. These results suggest that the periplasmic nitrate reductase in this strain plays a primary role in dissimilatory nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) was used to investigate denitrification by Pseudomonas stutzeri in a static lake water column. Continuous real-time measurement of gases enabled the dynamics of the process to be investigated. Concentrations of 17 mmol l-1 nitrate and 10 mmol l-1 nitrite were identified as optimal for denitrification under nutrient-limited conditions (i.e., produced the highest concentrations of N2). Available carbon was the major rate-limiting factor in lake water when nitrate or nitrite was present. No stratification of the process with depth was observed, and aerobic denitrification was apparent under all the conditions employed. The rate of denitrification was dependent on cell concentration, and possible limitations of the usefulness of MIMS under environmentally modelled conditions were identified for environments containing low numbers of bacteria.  相似文献   

A bacterial isolate, tentatively identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain TR3, was found to utilize the diaryl ester phenylbenzoate as sole source of carbon and energy. This strain has the ability to productively degrade phenylbenzoate and some substituted derivatives by a catabolic sequence which was characterized biochemically. The biodegradation of phenylbenzoate is thus initiated by an inducible esterase, effectively hydrolyzing the diaryl esters to produce stoichiometric amounts of two monoaromatic metabolites, identified as benzoate and phenol in the case of phenylbenzoate. The diaryl ester p-tolylbenzoate was hydrolyzed to yield benzoate and 4-methylphenol while 4-chlorophenylbenzoate gave rise to the production of benzoate and 4-chlorophenol. These monoaromatic catabolites were further degraded via the oxoadipate pathway.  相似文献   

Transformation of 3-chlorodibenzofuran by Pseudomonas sp. HH69   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The dibenzofuran-degrading bacterial strain Pseudomonas sp. HH69 showed high oxidative activity towards 3-chlorodibenzofuran (3CDF). During the co-metabolic turnover of 3CDF large amounts of 4-chlorosalicylate and temporarily small amounts of salicylate were excreted. Simultaneously a yellow colour appeared due to the excretion of two polar products. Conversion of 3CDF by a mutant, derived from Pseudomonas sp. HH69 and defective in 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl-1,2-dioxygenase led to the formation of equal quantities of 4'-chloro-2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl (4'CTHBP) and 4-chloro-2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl (4CTHBP). Crude extracts of the wild type transformed 4'CTHBP to 4-chlorosalicylate, whilst 4CTHBP was transformed to salicylate. Hence, we propose a non-selective initial attack on both aromatic rings of 3CDF and a degradative pathway for the resulting chlorotrihydroxybiphenyls.  相似文献   

Transformation of Dibenzo-p-Dioxin by Pseudomonas sp. Strain HH69   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Dibenzo-p-dioxin was oxidatively cleaved by the dibenzofuran-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas sp. strain HH69 to produce minor amounts of 1-hydroxydibenzo-p-dioxin and catechol, while a 2-phenoxy derivative of muconic acid was formed as the major product. Upon acidic methylation, the latter yielded the dimethylester of cis, trans-2-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-muconic acid.  相似文献   

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