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Late in the morphogenesis of bacteriophage lambda, DNA condenses into the nascent head and is cut from a concatemeric replicative intermediate by a nucleolytic function, Ter, acting at specific sites, called cos. As a result of this process, heads of lambda deletion mutants contain less DNA than those of the wild-type phage. It has been reported that phage with very large deletions (22% of the genome or more) grow poorly but that normal growth can be restored by the non-specific addition of DNA to the genome. This finding implies that DNA content may exert a physical effect on some stage of head assembly.We have investigated the effects of two long deletions, b221 and tdel33, on head assembly. Bacteria infected with the mutants were lysed with non-ionic detergent under conditions favoring stabilization of labile structures containing condensed DNA. It has proved possible to isolate two aberrant head-related structures produced by the deletion mutants. One of these (“overfilled heads”) contains DNA which is longer than the deletion mutant genome and is about the same size as that found in wild-type heads. These structures appear to be unable to attach tails. The second type of structure (“incompletely filled heads”) contains a short piece of DNA, 40% of the length of the mutant genome. The incompletely filled heads are found both with and without attached tails. Both of these abnormal structures are initially attached to the replicating DNA but are released by treatment with DNAase. The nature of these abnormal structures indicates that very small genomes affect a late stage of head morphogenesis, after the DNA is complexed with a capsid of normal size. The results presented suggest that underfilling of the capsid interferes with the ability of the Ter function to properly cleave cos.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutants of Escherichia coli which severely reduce the growth of bacteriophage lambda carrying the b221 deletion. Some of the bacterial strains also cause a moderate reduction in the growth of wild-type phage. In the mutant hosts tested, the growth of λb221 is restored by chromosomal alterations producing a non-specific increase in genome length. Thus the defect in growth can be attributed to the physical size of the genome, rather than a genetic effect of the b221 deletion. Our experiments show that the failure to grow results from a block to head morphogenesis and that growth can be restored by mutations in at least two phage head genes. In the accompanying paper we have shown that even in the normal bacterium, the process of packing and cutting the λb221 genome is perturbed as a result of its small size. The block to morphogenesis in the bacterial mutant we have studied most extensively appears to result from an enhancement of the same effect. The experiments described support the hypothesis that there is host participation in the cutting of encapsulated lambda DNA, although it is not yet clear if this involves the direct participation of a host gene product.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of the clonal muscle cell line L6 can be revealed by the measurement of ion fluxes. Under many circumstances, this technique provides a useful alternative to electro-physiology. In myoblasts, sodium uptake through voltage-dependent ionophores can be stimulated by veratridine and inhibited by tetrodotoxin. In myotubes which result from fusion of myoblasts, these voltage-dependent sodium channels appear to increase in number, paralleling the development of the action potential. Furthermore, in myotubes (but not myoblasts) carbamylcholine is able to stimulate a sodium influx through ionophores which are inhibitable by curare (dTC) but not tetrodotoxin (TTX). This demonstrates the presence of acetylcholine receptors on the fused cells. The cells also have a manganese-inhibitable calcium channel which appears to be voltage dependent and may be responsible for the calcium-dependent component of the action potential. Depolarizing concentrations of potassium in the medium stimulate calcium uptake both in the presence and absence of sodium. Veratridine and carbamylcholine also stimulate calcium influx, but both require the presence of sodium. This indicates that the depolarization necessary for opening the calcium channel is dependent upon sodium influx in these latter cases. Myoblasts and myotubes appear to have these channels in about equal numbers.  相似文献   

An interesting method for separation of the three important mucopolysaccharides, hyaluronate, chondroitin sulfate, and heparin by adsorption to and elution from three inorganic salts Ca3(PO4)2, BaSO4, and Al2O3 has been described in details. Alumina has to be washed with dilute HCl before it can adsorb the mucopolysaccharides, and on treating with alkalies the mucopolysaccharides can be desorbed from it. Calcium phosphate and barium sulfate can adsorb the mucopolysaccharides without any pretreatment. The specific eluents for each of the polysaccharides depend on the nature of the adsorbants also. The recoveries of the mucopolysaccharides are quite satisfactory.  相似文献   

Mixed function oxidation of hexobarbital and the generation of NADPH by the hexose monophosphate shunt were studied in isolated rat liver parenchymal cells from phenobarbital-pretreated and untreated animals. In cells isolated from untreated rats, a maximal rate of hexobarbital oxidation of 17 μmol·g?1 liver wet weight·(60 min)?1 was observed, while in cells isolated from phenobarbital-pretreated rats a maximal rate of 29 μmol·g?1 liver wet weight·(60 min)?1 has been obtained. On the basis of the specific radioactivity at carbon atom 1 of glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate, determined by enzymatic decarboxylation, a ratio between NADPH formation via the hexose monophosphate shunt and NADH utilization for hexobarbital oxidation of 6:1 in untreated and 9.5:1 in pretreated cells has been obtained. With phenazine methosulfate the stimulation of NADPH generation via the hexose monophosphate shunt exceeded that observed in the presence of hexobarbital by 329 and 160%, respectively, indicating that the capacity of this pathway is sufficient to provide more reducing equivalents than are required for maximal rates of mixed function oxidation.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450, purified from liver microsomes of phenobarbital-treated rabbits, was incorporated into dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes. The binding of benzphetamine to the liposome-bound cytochrome P-450 was examined by measuring the benzphetamine-induced spectral change at various temperatures. The van't Hoff plot of the apparent spectral dissociation constant showed a distinct break at the temperature of phase transition of the synthetic lipid. On the other hand, no such break was observed for benzphetamine binding to microsomal bound cytochrome P-450. These results suggest that the substrate binding site of cytochrome P-450 is embedded in the apolar interior of phospholipid bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

Iodine-cyclohexa-amylose tetrahydrate [(C6H10O5)6 ·I2·d4H2O] crystallizes in the orthorhombic space-group P212121, a  14.240 Å, b  36.014 Å, c  9.558 Å. The structure was solved by heavy-atom techniques and refined by least-squares methods to a conventional discrepancy index R  0.148 for the 2872 observed data. The six d-glucose residues are in the C1 chair conformation; the conformational angles vary in magnitude from 45 to 66°, the angles O(5)-C(5)-C(6)-O(6) are close to · 70°, and the six O(4) atoms are almost coplanar (r.m. s. displacement 0.13 Å). Only four of the six O(2) ?O(3) intramolecular hydrogen bonds have formed, which renders the molecule less symmetrical and more conical-shaped than in the previously determined α-cyclodextrin-potassium acetate complex. The iodine molecule is coaxial with the cyclohexa-amylose molecule. The I-I distance is a conventional 2.677 Å. Close interactions between the iodine atoms and the host molecule comprise carbon atoms C(5) and C(6) and oxygen atoms O(4), with interatomic distances all equal to or greater than van der Waals contacts. Intermolecular, almost-linear, short contacts O ? I-I?O with I?O distances of 3.22 and 3.07 Å indicate attractive interaction.The molecules are arranged in herring-bone “cage-type” fashion, with the four water molecules as space-filling mediators; the structure is held together by an intricate network of hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Cell patterning, the percentage of spores and stalk cells, was measured in branched and unbranched asexual fruiting bodies of Polysphondylium pallidum. Unlike D. discoideum, where small and large fruiting bodies are more stalky than average-sized fruiting bodies, the overall cell patterning was the same in branched and unbranched fruiting bodies of all sizes in P. pallidum. Light greatly increased the numbers of fruiting bodies in P. pallidum per unit area (or decreased aggregation territory size) so that most fruiting bodies formed in the light were small and unbranched. By contrast, light had little effect on the cell patterning of P. pallidum, although there was a slight increase in the percentage of stalk cells in the light compared to the dark. This indicates that the mechanisms governing light sensitivity of aggregation territory size and cell patterning have different components in P. pallidum. The accuracy of cell patterning of individual branches of branched fruiting bodies was so imprecise as to leave doubt that patterning is occurring at the branch level. Individual whorls of branched fruiting bodies had a greater percentage spores (90%) than whole fruiting bodies (78%) and the cell patterning was relatively imprecise. Only in whole fruiting bodies was the spore:stalk ratio highly correlated. These findings are consistent with cell pattern determination operating at the whole aggregate level, rather than at the individual whorl or branch level in P. pallidum.  相似文献   

A new continuous spectrophotometric assay for sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase, applied to studies of the activation and steady-state kinetics of the wheat enzyme, is described. The assay enzyme sequence couples the formation of sedoheptulose 7-phosphate to the oxidation of NADH. The recycling of the reaction substrate enables measurements to be made at essentially constant substrate concentrations. Activation of wheat chloroplast sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase required a reducing agent and could be described by a first-order rate constant. The rate of activation was greatly increased in the presence of Mg2+ and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate. The Km of the activated enzyme for sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate. and its S0.5 for Mg2+ were found to be 13.3 μm and 1.6 mm respectively. A high recovery method for purifying wheat chloroplast sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase is also detailed.  相似文献   

The abnormal human low-density lipoprotein class characteristic of biliary obstruction (LP-X) was reacted with [14C]succinic anhydride to an extent of 70–80 moles of succinyl groups incorporated per 105 g of LP-X protein. The modified lipoprotein retained the typical morphology and ultracentrifugal flotation and sedimentation properties of LP-X but failed to react with antiserum to the native lipoprotein. On agar and agarose gel electrophoresis the succinylated lipoprotein had an increased mobility toward the anode relative to LP-X, as a result of the increased negative charge on the protein component.Partial delipidation of succinylated LP-X and ultracentrifugal fractionation of the protein into a fraction containing phospholipids plus at least three relatively small proteins (Apo-X) and an essentially lipid-free protein, chemically similar and immunologically identical with albumin, permitted us to evaluate the extent of reaction of these two protein classes with succinic anhydride in intact LP-X. On the average, the Apo-X fraction had 72 moles of succinyl groups incorporated per 105 g of protein, whereas the albumin fraction incorporated 55 moles per 105 g of protein.Extensive reaction of susceptible amino acid residues (mostly lysines) with succinic anhydride, without disruption of the lipoprotein structure, indicates that these protein groups are accessible to the reagent and are not involved in critical protein-lipid interactions. Elimination of immunoreactivity upon succinylation of LP-X implies that, at least for the Apo-X component, lysine residues participate in the interaction with LP-X antibodies. Also, the present results strongly support the view that albumin is not merely adsorbed to LP-X, and suggest, furthermore, that protein-protein interactions are not directly responsible for the characteristic stacking of LP-X discs as seen in the electron microscope.  相似文献   

Dwarf mongooses live in packs containing a dominant breeding pair. The alpha female produces litters at regular intervals, usually three times per year. Other sexually mature females come into oestrus in synchrony with the alpha female and occasionally become pregnant but may not raise their offspring. Some females which had not been visibly pregnant nursed the young of other females. Early in the alpha female's oestrous cycle the alpha male maintains proximity and copulates with her exclusively, attacking any other adult males which approach. Later he also copulates with other adult females and the beta male mates with the alpha female. The alpha pair are likely to be the parents of the great majority of young born in the pack.  相似文献   

A sensitive radioisotope dilution method was used to measure the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) content in macroplasmodia of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum during the mitotic cycle. The AdoMet pool had two maxima, one during mitosis, the other in the middle of G2 phase.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the sulfhydryl protease calotropin DI from the madar plant, Calotropis gigantea, has been determined at 3·2 Å resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement method with five heavy atom derivatives. A Fourier synthesis based on protein phases with a mean figure of merit of 0·857 was used for model building. The polypeptide backbone of calotropin DI is folded to form two distinct lobes, one of which is comprised mainly of α-helices, while the other is characterized by a system of all antiparallel pleated sheets. The overall molecular architecture closely resembles those found in the sulfhydryl proteases papain and actinidin.Despite the unknown amino acid sequence of calotropin DI a number of residues around its active center could be identified. These amino acid side-chains were found in a similar arrangement as the corresponding ones in papain and actinidin. The polypeptide chain between residues 1 and 18 of calotropin DI folds in a unique manner, providing a possible explanation for the unusual inability of calotropin DI to hydrolyze those synthetic substrates that papain and actinidin act upon.  相似文献   

The distribution of U snRNAs during mitosis was studied by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with snRNA cap-specific anti-m3G antibodies. Whereas the snRNAs are strictly nuclear at late prophase, they become distributed in the cell plasm at metaphase and anaphase. They re-enter the newly formed nuclei of the two daughter cells at early telophase, producing speckled nuclear fluorescent patterns typical of interphase cells. While the snRNAs become concentrated at the rim of the condensing chromosomes and at interchromosomal regions at late prophase, essentially no association of the snRNAs was observed with the condensed chromosomes during metaphase and anaphase. Independent immunofluorescent studies with anti-(U1)RNP autoantibodies, which react specifically with proteins unique to the U1 snRNP species, showed the same distribution of snRNP antigens during mitosis as was observed with the snRNA-specific anti-m3G antibody. Immunoprecipitation studies with anti-(U1)RNP and anti-Sm autoantibodies, as well as protein analysis of snRNPs isolated from extracts of mitotic cells, demonstrate that the snRNAs remain associated in a specific manner with the same set of proteins during interphase and mitosis. The concept that the overall structure of the snRNPs is maintained during mitosis also applies to the coexistence of the snRNAs U4 and U6 in a single ribonucleoprotein complex. Particle sedimentation studies in sucrose gradients reveal that most of the snRNPs present in sonicates of mitotic cells do not sediment as free RNP particles, but remain associated with high molecular weight (HMW) structures other than chromatin, most probably with hnRNA/RNP.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (m3G), which do not cross-react with m7G-capped RNA molecules were used to study, by immunofluorescence microscopy, the reactivity of the m3G-containing cap structures of the snRNAs U1 to U5 in situ. In interphase cells, immunofluorescent sites were restricted to the nucleus, whilst nucleoli were free of fluorescence. This indicates that the 5' terminal of most of the nucleoplasmic snRNAs are not protected by an m3G cap-recognizing protein and that the snRNA caps are not necessarily required for the binding of snRNPs to subnuclear structures. The snRNAs in the nucleoplasm appeared as distinct units in the light microscope, and this allowed the comparison of the distribution of snRNP proteins by double label studies with anti-RNP or anti-Sm antibodies within the same cell. The three antibody classes produced superimposable fluorescent patterns. Taking into account that the various IgGs react with antigenic sites on snRNAs or snRNP proteins not shared by all the snRNP species, these data suggest that U1 snRNP particles are distributed in the same way as the other snRNPs in the nucleus. Qualitatively the same results were obtained with DNase-treated nuclear matrices indicating that intact snRNPs are part of the nuclear matrix. Our data are consistent with proposals that the various snRNPs may be involved in processing of hnRNA and that this may take place at the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells are active at low temperatures (0-4 degrees C). The so-called hyperacetylated state of histones is the physiological state of histones in intact Ehrlich ascites tumor cells which is conserved by the continuous presence of 10 mM sodium butyrate during the preparation of nuclei and histones. Isolation of histones in the absence of butyrate causes an artificial decrease in histone acetylation. This artificial loss of histone acetylation produces a decrease of the elongation reaction in the RNA synthesis. The initiation of RNA synthesis is not affected.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to test the action of ConA on the distribution of intramembranous particles (IMPs) and on the reassembly of junctional contacts in isolated and reaggregated embryonic neuronal and glial cells. The lectin ConA causes all embryonic cells to aggregate in unorganized cell patterns. ConA does not alter the distribution of IMPs but it inhibits the formation of the zonula occludens (ZO) by preventing the alignment and fusion of IMPs or by inducing them to become arranged in bizarre arrays. The possible relationship between ConA receptor sites and the IMPs is discussed. From a morphological viewpoint the aggregation of embryonic cells influenced by lectin is distinctly different from the normal processes of cell adhesion, cell sorting and establishment of intercellular contacts.  相似文献   

By means of restriction enzymes analysis and molecular hybridization, the distribution of repeated DNA families has been studied in the different DNA components into which the human genome can be fractionated by density gradient techniques. Three classes of DNA molecules have been analyzed: i) an homogeneous DNA component (satellite-like sequences; Q = 1.696 g/cm3, 3% of total DNA, AT repeated), ii) AT rich (Q = 1.698 g/cm3, 30% of total DNA, AT main-band) and GC rich (Q = 1.708 g/cm3, 6% of total DNA, GC main-band) DNA components. By this approach we have observed that Sau3A digestion of GC main-band gives rise to two bands of 75bp and 150bp, absent or under-represented in both AT rich DNA components. A preliminary characterization of these DNA fragments suggests that they contain one or more families of repeated sequences which fail to hybridize to EcoRI, HindIII and AluI families of repeats. In addition, we have observed that EcoRI sequences (alpha-RI DNA) are under-represented in GC main-band and show the same clustered organization in both AT rich DNA components.  相似文献   

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