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Huertas IE  Espie GS  Colman B  Lubian LM 《Planta》2000,211(1):43-49
 Inorganic carbon (Ci) uptake and efflux has been investigated in the marine microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana Lubian by monitoring CO2 fluxes in cell suspensions using mass spectrometry. Addition of H13CO3 to cell suspensions in the dark caused a transient increase in the CO2 concentration in the medium far in excess of the equilibrium CO2 concentration. The magnitude of this release was dependent on the length of time the cells had been kept in the dark. Once equilibrium between the Ci species had been achieved, a CO2 efflux was observed after saturating light intensity was applied to the cells. External carbonic anhydrase (CA) was not detected nor does this species demonstrate a capacity to take up CO2 by active transport. Photosynthetic O2 evolution and the release CO2 in the dark depend on HCO3 uptake since both were inhibited by the anion exchange inhibitor, 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS). The bicarbonate uptake mechanism requires light but can also continue for short periods in the dark. Ethoxyzolamide, a CA inhibitor, markedly inhibited CO2 efflux in the dark, indicating that CO2 efflux was dependent upon the intracellular dehydration of HCO3 . These results indicate that Nannochloropsis possesses a bicarbonate uptake system which causes the accumulation of high intracellular Ci levels and an internal CA which maintains the equilibrium between CO2 and HCO3 and thus causes a subsequent release of CO2 to the external medium. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 25 October 1999  相似文献   

Net O2 evolution, gross CO2 uptake and net HCO inf3 su– uptake during steady-state photosynthesis were investigated by a recently developed mass-spectrometric technique for disequilibrium flux analysis with cells of the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC7002 grown at different CO2 concentrations. Regardless of the CO2 concentration during growth, all cells had the capacity to transport both CO2 and HCO inf3 su– ; however, the activity of HCO inf3 su– transport was more than twofold higher than CO2 transport even in cyanobacteria grown at high concentration of inorganic carbon (Ci = CO2 + HCO inf3 su– ). In low-Ci cells, the affinities of CO2 and HCO inf3 su– transport for their substrates were about 5 (CO2 uptake) and 10 (HCO inf3 su– uptake) times higher than in high-Ci cells, while air-grown cells formed an intermediate state. For the same cells, the intracellular accumulated Ci pool reached 18, 32 and 55 mM in high-Ci, air-grown and low-Ci cells, respectively, when measured at 1 mM external Ci. Photosynthetic O2 evolution, maximal CO2 and HCO inf3 su– transport activities, and consequently their relative contribution to photosynthesis, were largely unaffected by the CO2 provided during growth. When the cells were adapted to freshwater medium, results similar to those for artificial seawater were obtained for all CO2 concentrations. Transport studies with high-Ci cells revealed that CO2 and HCO inf3 su– uptake were equally inhibited when CO2 fixation was reduced by the addition of glycolaldehyde. In contrast, in low-Ci cells steady-state CO2 transport was preferably reduced by the same inhibitor. The inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase ethoxyzolamide inhibited both CO2 and HCO inf3 su– uptake as well as O2 evolution in both cell types. In high-Ci cells, the degree of inhibition was similar for HCO inf3 su– transport and O2 evolution with 50% inhibition occurring at around 1 mM ethoxyzolamide. However, the uptake of CO2 was much more sensitive to the inhibitor than HCO inf3 su– transport, with an apparent I50 value of around 250 M ethoxyzolamide for CO2 uptake. The implications of our results are discussed with respect to Ci utilisation in the marine Synechococcus strain.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Ci inorganic carbon (CO2 + HCO inf3 su– ) - CA carbonic anhydrase - CCM CO2-concentrating mechanism - EZA ethoxyzolamide - GA glycolaldehyde - K1/2 concentration required for half-maximal response - Rubisco ribulose-1,5,-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase D.S. is a recipient of a research fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (D.F.G.). In addition, we are grateful to Donald A. Bryant, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Center of Biomolecular Structure Function, Pennsylvania State University, USA, for sending us the wild-type strain of Synechococcus PCC7002.  相似文献   

HCO3? utilization by the marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata was investigated using a pH drift technique in a closed system. Light-dependent alkalization of the medium resulted in a final pH of 10.5, confirming substantial HCO3? use by this alga. Alkalinity remained constant throughout the pH drift. Measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) or the uptake of H14CO3? showed that nearly 50% of the total DIC remained external to the plasma membrane on completion of a pH drift. The rate of light-driven alkalization was inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and thus was dependent on photosynthesis. Light-driven alkalization was not inhibited by a membrane-impermeable inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase (CA), dcxtran-bound sulphonamide (DBS), indicating that external CA was not involved in HCO3? utilization. The anion-cxchangc inhibitor 4′,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid (DIDS) completely inhibited light-driven alkalization of the medium and H14CO3? uptake, providing unequivocal support for a direct uptake of H14CO3?. Chloride ions were essential for DIC-dependent photosynthetic oxygen evolution, suggesting that bicarbonate transport occurs by HCO3?/CI? exchange.  相似文献   

To allow cells to control their pH and bicarbonate levels, cells express bicarbonate transport proteins that rapidly and selectively move bicarbonate across the plasma membrane. Physical interactions have been identified between the carbonic anhydrase isoform, CAII, and the erythrocyte membrane Cl- /HCO3(-) anion exchanger, AE1, mediated by an acidic motif in the AE1 C-terminus. We have found that the presence of CAII attached to AE1 accelerates AE1 HCO3(-) transport activity, as AE1 moves bicarbonate either into or out of the cell. In efflux mode the presence of CAII attached to AE1 will increase the local concentration of bicarbonate at the AE1 transport site. As bicarbonate is transported into the cell by AE1, the presence of CAII on the cytosolic surface accelerates transport by consumption of bicarbonate, thereby maximizing the transmembrane bicarbonate concentration gradient experienced by the AE1 molecule. Functional and physical interactions also occur between CAII and Na+/HCO3(-) co-transporter isoforms NBC1 and NBC3. All examined bicarbonate transport proteins, except the DRA (SLC26A3) Cl-/HCO3(-) exchange protein, have a consensus CAII binding site in their cytoplasmic C-terminus. Interestingly, CAII does not bind DRA. CAIV is anchored to the extracellular surface of cells via a glycosylphosphatidyl inositol linkage. We have identified extracellular regions of AE1 and NBC1 that directly interact with CAIV, to form a physical complex between the proteins. In summary, bicarbonate transporters directly interact with the CAII and CAIV carbonic anhydrases to increase the transmembrane bicarbonate flux. The complex of a bicarbonate transporter with carbonic anhydrase forms a "Bicarbonate Transport Metabolon."  相似文献   

Gwo JC  Chiu JY  Chou CC  Cheng HY 《Cryobiology》2005,50(3):338-343
The cryopreservation of algae could prevent genetic drift and minimize labor costs compared to the current method of maintenance and subculturing. Clear, simple protocols for cryopreservation of marine microalga, Nannochloropsis oculata were developed and cryoprotectant choice and concentration optimized. The viability of the microalga was assessed directly after thawing, and algal concentration was measured after 2-30 days of growth. Five cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulphoxide, Me2SO; ethylene glycol, EG; glycerol, Gly; methanol, MeOH; and propylene glycol, PG) at five concentrations (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%; v/v) were evaluated to determine the toxicity of various cryoprotectants to N. oculata. The toxicity of cryoprotectant (Me2SO, EG, MeOH, and PG) was observed only at higher concentrations of CPAs: > 20% for EG, > 30% for Me2SO and methanol, and > 40% for PG. Direct freezing of algae in liquid nitrogen resulted in a severe loss of viability and a modified cryopreservation protocol proved to be more appropriate for the preservation of N. oculata. Cryopreservation protocols developed and tested in the present study might be applied to cryopreserving other strains, or species, in this genus.  相似文献   

Growth aspects of the marine microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nannochloropsis is well appreciated in aquaculture due to its nutritional value and the ability to produce valuable chemical compounds, such as pigments (zeaxanthin, astaxanthin...) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA). Commercial exploitation needs high cell densities but the low growth rate and the small size of cells are practical difficulties. To increase biomass concentration the positive effect of several factors was evident: (i) pH approximately 8 control (with dilute Tris-HCl buffer); (ii) the continuous illumination (no evidence of photo-inhibition was observed); (iii) a quite large temperature range (25+/-5 degrees C); (iv) the presence of organic carbon source (with the danger of contamination); (v) the presence of urea as an additional nitrogen source (10 mM); (vi) a small air flow rate with large bubbles can be more efficient for CO(2) mass transfer (associated to reduced shearing).  相似文献   

Shallow‐water coral reef ecosystems, particularly those already impaired by anthropogenic pressures, may be highly sensitive to disturbances from natural catastrophic events, such as volcanic eruptions. Explosive volcanic eruptions expel large quantities of silicate ash particles into the atmosphere, which can disperse across millions of square kilometres and deposit into coral reef ecosystems. Following heavy ash deposition, mass mortality of reef biota is expected, but little is known about the recovery of post‐burial reef ecosystems. Reef regeneration depends partly upon the capacity of the ash deposit to be colonised by waterborne bacterial communities and may be influenced to an unknown extent by the physiochemical properties of the ash substrate itself. To determine the potential for volcanic ash to support pioneer bacterial colonisation, we exposed five well‐characterised volcanic and coral reef substrates to a marine aquarium under low light conditions for 3 months: volcanic ash, synthetic volcanic glass, carbonate reef sand, calcite sand and quartz sand. Multivariate statistical analysis of Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) fingerprinting data demonstrates clear segregation of volcanic substrates from the quartz and coral reef substrates over 3 months of bacterial colonisation. Overall bacterial diversity showed shared and substrate‐specific bacterial communities; however, the volcanic ash substrate supported the most diverse bacterial community. These data suggest a significant influence of substrate properties (composition, granulometry and colour) on bacterial settlement. Our findings provide first insights into physicochemical controls on pioneer bacterial colonisation of volcanic ash and highlight the potential for volcanic ash deposits to support bacterial diversity in the aftermath of reef burial, on timescales that could permit cascading effects on larval settlement.  相似文献   

M Burg  Y Iino 《Membrane biochemistry》1979,2(3-4):405-411
Single rabbit renal tubules were perfused in vitro to elucidate the factors that control bicarbonate transport. One factor studied was the preexisting acid-base status of the rabbits. Cortical collecting ducts from acidotic rabbits (given ammonium chloride) transported bicarbonate from lumen to bath. Collecting ducts from alkalotic rabbits (given sodium bicarbonate) transported bicarbonate in the opposite direction. Thus, bicarbonate transport by collecting ducts in vitro was conditioned by the preexisting state of the rabbit in vivo. In contrast, bicarbonate transport by proximal straight tubules and cortical thick ascending limbs was not affected by ammonium chloride or sodium bicarbonate given to the rabbits. Parathyroid hormone, the second factor studied, strongly inhibited bicarbonate absorption by proximal straight tubules.  相似文献   

Marine organisms have usually been viewed as sources of environmentally friendly compounds with antifouling activity. We performed a series of operations to investigate the antifouling potential of the marine microalga Dunaliella salina. For the ethyl acetate crude extract, the antialgal activity was significant, and the EC50 value against Skeletonema costatum was 58.9 μg ml?1. The isolated purified extract was tested for antifouling activity, the EC 50 value against S. costatum was 21.2 μg ml?1, and the LC50 against Balanus amphitrite larvae was 18.8 μg ml?1. Subsequently, both UHR–TOF–MS and GC–MS were used for the structural elucidation of the compounds, and a series of unsaturated and saturated 16- and 18-carbon fatty acids were detected. The data suggested that the fatty acid extracts from D. salina possess high antifouling activity, and could be used as substitutes for potent, toxic antifouling compounds.  相似文献   

Alvarez BV  Vilas GL  Casey JR 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(14):2499-2511
Carbonic anhydrases (CA) catalyze the reversible conversion of CO2 to HCO3-. Some bicarbonate transporters bind CA, forming a complex called a transport metabolon, to maximize the coupled catalytic/transport flux. SLC26A6, a plasma membrane Cl-/HCO3- exchanger with a suggested role in pancreatic HCO3- secretion, was found to bind the cytoplasmic enzyme CAII. Mutation of the identified CAII binding (CAB) site greatly reduced SLC26A6 activity, demonstrating the importance of the interaction. Regulation of SLC26A6 bicarbonate transport by protein kinase C (PKC) was investigated. Angiotensin II (AngII), which activates PKC, decreased Cl-/HCO3- exchange in cells coexpressing SLC26A6 and AT1a-AngII receptor. Activation of PKC reduced SLC26A6/CAII association in immunoprecipitates. Similarly, PKC activation displaced CAII from the plasma membrane, as monitored by immunofluorescence. Finally, mutation of a PKC site adjacent to the SLC26A6 CAB site rendered the transporter unresponsive to PKC. PKC therefore reduces CAII/SLC26A6 interaction, reducing bicarbonate transport rate. Taken together, our data support a mechanism for acute regulation of membrane transport: metabolon disruption.  相似文献   

J. FÁBREGAS, A. CID, E. MORALES, B. CORDERO AND A. OTERO. 1996. Changes in average cell volume, measured by flow cytometry, and cell organic content were studied in light/dark synchronized semi-continuous cultures of the marine microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum . Cell volume and organic content both increased with nutrient concentration at all the renewal rates tested. Cell volume against renewal rate, at each nutrient concentration, followed a U-shaped curve with smallest cells at intermediate renewal rates. In contrast, cell organic content decreased continuously with increasing renewal rate. The variation in cell volume and organic content, related to culture conditions, should be taken into account if biochemical composition and productivity of microalgal cultures are assessed on the basis of cell counts.  相似文献   

Metabolite transport in C4 photosynthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, are the most abundant autotrophs in aquatic environments and form the base of the food chain by fixing carbon and nitrogen into cellular biomass. To compensate for the low selectivity of Rubisco for CO2 over O2, cyanobacteria have developed highly efficient CO2-concentrating machinery of which the ABC transport system CmpABCD from Synechocystis PCC 6803 is one component. Here, we have described the structure of the bicarbonate-binding protein CmpA in the absence and presence of bicarbonate and carbonic acid. CmpA is highly homologous to the nitrate transport protein NrtA. CmpA binds carbonic acid at the entrance to the ligand-binding pocket, whereas bicarbonate binds in nearly an identical location compared with nitrate binding to NrtA. Unexpectedly, bicarbonate binding is accompanied by a metal ion, identified as Ca2+ via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The binding of bicarbonate and metal appears to be highly cooperative and suggests that CmpA may co-transport bicarbonate and calcium or that calcium acts a cofactor in bicarbonate transport.  相似文献   

The rates of inorganic carbon accumulation and carbon fixation in light by the unicellular cyanobacterim Coccohloris peniocystis have been determined. Cells incubated in the light in medium containing H14CO3- were rapidly separated from the medium by centrifugation through silicone oil into a strongly basic terminating solution. Samples of these inactivated cells were assayed to determine total 14C accumulation, and acid-treated samples were assayed to determine 14C fixation. The rate of transport of inorganic into illuminated cells was faster than the rate of CO2 production in the medium from HCO3- dehydration. This evidence for HCO3- transport in these cells is in agreement with our previous results based upon measurements of photosynthetic O2 evolution. A substantial pool of inorganic carbon was bulit up within the cells presumably as HCO3- before the onset of the maximum rate of photosynthesis. Large accumulation ratios were observed, greater than 1,000 times the external HCO3- concentration. Accumulation did not occur in the dark and was greatly suppressed by the photosynthesis inhibitors 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea and 3-chloro-carbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone. These results indicate that the accumulation of inorganic carbon in these cells involves a light-dependent active transport process.  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthetic gas exchange in synchronized cultures of the hightemperature strain Chlorella 7-11-05 was studied in bicarbonate buffer at pH 6.9. Two reactions previously theorized as basic to the changes in the time course of the gas exchange during a photosynthetic experiment were found to depend in bicarbonate buffer, also, on the developmental status of cells and on light intensity.At any moment of observation the recorded rate of the gas exchange is an outcome of the competition between these two reactions. In younger cells a balance between the constructive and the destructive reactions is in favor of the constructive reaction, and the rate of the gas exchange increases in the course of the experiment. In older cells the balance between these two reactions gradually tips in favor of the destructive reaction, and the rate of the gas exchange declines with time.In cells with a predominance of the destructive reaction the increase in light intensity favors the downward trend. In cells with a vigorous capacity for the constructive reaction the increase in light intensity favors, within limits, the upward trend in the gas exchange. After optimal light intensities are reached, a further increase in light intensity may bring oversaturation and a decline in the rate of the gas exchange in the course of a photosynthetic experiment. A separation in time of the upward and the downward reactions from each other in the course of one photosynthetic experiment, as it was previously attained in phosphate buffer, was not achieved in the bicarbonate buffer.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of diphenyltin and triphenyltin (TPhT) on gross photosynthesis and respiration by the diatomSkeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve and the chlorophyteDunaliella tertiolecta (Butscher) were investigated by measuring the rates of change of oxygen concentration in samples which were alternately illuminated unilluminated. Measurements were carried out for 90 min after organotin addition. Triphyltin at concentrations in the nM to M range inhibited photosynthesis and respiration in both ogranisms. Levels of TPhT inhibiting these processes were two to three orders of magnitude higher forD. tertiolecta than forS. costatum. Photosynthesis and respiration byD. tertiolecta were resistant to diphenyltin at concentrations up to its limit of solubility (0.84 mM). WithS. costatum, inhibitory levels of diphenyltin were one to two orders of magnitude higher than those for triphenyltin. Inhibition was often progressive over the period after organotin addition. This effect varied in intensity and was more noticeale with the more resistantD. tertiolecta. Comparison of our results with levels of organotins which have been obeserved by others in Mediterranean coastal waters indicate that environmental levels of TPhT could influence phytoplankton composition and dynamics.  相似文献   

Xenobiotic chlorinated phenols have been found in fresh and marine waters and are toxic to many aquatic organisms. Metabolism of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in the marine microalga Tetraselmis marina was studied. The microalga removed more than 1mM of 2,4-DCP in a 2l photobioreactor over a 6 day period. Two metabolites, more polar than 2,4-DCP, were detected in the growth medium by reverse phase HPLC and their concentrations increased at the expense of 2,4-DCP. The metabolites were isolated by a C8 HPLC column and identified as 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside (DCPG) and 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-(6-O-malonyl)-glucopyranoside (DCPGM) by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric analysis in a negative ion mode. The molecular structures of 2,4-DCPG and 2,4-CPGM were further confirmed by enzymatic and alkaline hydrolyses. Thus, it was concluded that the major pathway of 2,4-DCP metabolism in T. marina involves an initial conjugation of 2,4-DCP to glucose to form 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside, followed by acylation of the glucoconjugate to form 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-(6-O-malonyl)-glucopyranoside. The microalga ability to detoxify dichlorophenol congeners other than 2,4-DCP was also investigated. This work provides the first evidence that microalgae can use a combined glucosyl and malonyl transfer to detoxify xenobiotics such as dichlorophenols.  相似文献   

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