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We characterized Drosophila endophilin A (D-endoA), and generated and analysed D-endoA mutants. Like its mammalian homologue, D-endoA exhibits lysophosphatidic acid acyl transferase activity and contains a functional SH3 domain. D-endoA is recruited to the sites of endocytosis, as revealed by immunocytochemistry of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of mutant L3 larvae carrying the temperature-sensitive allele of dynamin, shibire. D-endoA null mutants show severe defects in motility and die at the early L2 larval stage. Mutants with reduced D-endoA levels exhibit a range of defects of synaptic vesicle endocytosis, as observed at L3 larvae NMJs using FM1-43 uptake and electron microscopy. NMJs with an almost complete loss of synaptic vesicles did not show an accumulation of intermediates of the budding process, whereas NMJs with only slightly reduced levels of synaptic vesicles showed a striking increase in early-stage, but not late-stage, budding intermediates at the plasma membrane. Together with results of previous studies, these observations indicate that endophilin A is essential for synaptic vesicle endocytosis, being required from the onset of budding until fission.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of synaptic transmission is based on the processes of synaptic vesicle exo- and endocytosis carried out with complex protein-dependent mechanisms. The SNARE-complex forming proteins (synaptobrevin, syntaxin, SNAP-25), synaptotagmin, Munc13, Munc18, NSF, alpha-SNAP are involved in exocytosis, while the synaptic vesicle endocytosis is mediated by another protein (clathrin, AP-2, epsin, endophilin, amphiphysin, dynamin, synaptojanin, Hsc70). In recent years, data on critical role of various lipids in exo- and encocytosis are collected. Most interesting results are received about significance of the cholesterol, phosphoinositides, phosphatidic and polynonsaturated fat acids in the exo-endocytosis cycle. Participation of lipid rafts in synaptic vesicle recycling is discussed. In this article, the data of the last years, including the authors' own data about role of some lipids and lipid-modifying enzimes in processes of exo- and endocytosis are presented.  相似文献   

Kim Y  Park J  Song WJ  Chang S 《Neuro-Signals》2010,18(3):164-172
Trisomy 21-linked Dyrk1A (dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A) overexpression is implicated in pathogenic mechanisms underlying mental retardation in Down syndrome (DS). It is known to phosphorylate multiple substrates including endocytic proteins in vitro, but the functional consequence of Dyrk1A-mediated phosphorylation on endocytosis has never been investigated. Here, we show that overexpression of Dyrk1A causes defects in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and specifically, in the recruitment of endocytic proteins to clathrin-coated pits in fibroblasts. Synaptic vesicle endocytosis also significantly slowed down as a result of Dyrk1A overexpression in cultured hippocampal neurons. These effects are dependent on Dyrk1A kinase activity. The inhibitory effect of Dyrk1A on synaptic vesicle endocytosis was confirmed in neuronal cultures derived from transgenic mice overexpressing Dyrk1A at levels found in DS. Pharmacological blockade of Dyrk1A with epigallocatechin gallate rescued the endocytic phenotypes found in transgenic neurons. Together, our results suggest that aberrant Dyrk1A-mediated phosphorylation of the endocytic machinery perturbs synaptic vesicle endocytosis, which may contribute to synaptic dysfunctions and cognitive deficits associated with DS.  相似文献   

H Rehm  B Wiedenmann    H Betz 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(3):535-541
Synaptophysin, a mol. wt 38 000 glycopolypeptide of the synaptic vesicle membrane, was solubilized using Triton X-100 and purified by immunoaffinity or ion-exchange chromatography. From gel permeation and sucrose-density centrifugation in H2O/D2O, a Stokes radius of 7.3 nm, a partial specific volume of 0.830 and a total mol. wt of 119 000 were calculated for the native protein. Cross-linking of synaptic vesicles with glutaraldehyde, dimethylsuberimidate, or Cu2+ -o-phenantroline, resulted in the formation of a mol. wt 76 kd dimer of synaptophysin. Crosslinking of the purified protein in addition produced tri- and tetrameric adducts of the polypeptide. Native synaptophysin thus is a homooligomeric protein. Synaptophysin is N-glycosylated, since cultivation of the rat phaeochromocytoma cell line PC12 in the presence of tunicamycin reduced its mol. wt by about 6 kd. Upon transfer to nitrocellulose and incubation with 45Ca2+, synaptophysin behaved as one of the major calcium-binding proteins of the synaptic vesicle membrane. Pronase treatment of intact synaptic vesicles abolished this 45Ca2+ binding indicating that the Ca2+ binding site of synaptophysin must reside on a cytoplasmic domain of the transmembrane polypeptide. Based on these data, we propose that synaptophysin may play an important role in Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Dynamin I mediates vesicle fission during synaptic vesicle endocytosis (SVE). Its proline-rich domain (PRD) binds the Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain of a subset of proteins that can deform membranes. Syndapin I, amphiphysin I, and endophilin I are its major partners implicated in SVE. Syndapin binding is controlled by phosphorylation at Ser-774 and Ser-778 in the dynamin phospho-box. We now define syndapin and endophilin-binding sites by peptide competition and site-directed mutagenesis. Both bound the same region of the dynamin PRD and both exhibited unusual bidirectional binding modes around core PxxP motifs, unlike amphiphysin which employed a class II binding mode. Endophilin binds to tandem PxxP motifs in the sequence (778)SPTPQRRAPAVPPARPGSR(796) in dynamin, with SPTPQ being an overhang sequence. In contrast, syndapin binding involves two components in the region (772)RRSPTSSPTPQRRAPAVPPARPGSR(796). It required a single PxxP core and a non-PxxP N-terminally anchored extension which bridges the phospho-box and may contribute to binding specificity and affinity. Syndapin binding is exquisitely sensitive to the introduction of negative charges almost anywhere along this region, explaining why it is a highly tuned phospho-sensor. Over-expression of dynamin point mutants that fail to bind syndapin or endophilin inhibit SVE in cultured neurons. Due to overlapping binding sites the interactions between dynamin and syndapin or endophilin were mutually exclusive. Because syndapin acts as a phospho-sensor, this supports its role in depolarization-induced SVE at the synapse, which involves dynamin dephosphorylation. We propose syndapin and endophilin function either at different stages during SVE or in mechanistically distinct types of SVE.  相似文献   

It is now well-established that phospholipase D is transiently stimulated upon activation by G-protein-coupled and receptor tyrosine kinase cell surface receptors in mammalian cells. Over the last 5 years, a tremendous effort has gone to identify the major intracellular regulators of mammalian phospholipase D and to the cloning of two mammalian phospholipase D enzymes (phospholipase D1 and D2). In this chapter, we review the physiological function of mammalian phospholipase D1 that is synergistically stimulated by ADP ribosylation factor, Rho and protein kinase Cα. We discuss the function of this enzyme in membrane traffic, emphasising the possible integrated relationships between consumption of vesicles in regulated exocytosis, membrane delivery and constitutive membrane traffic.  相似文献   

It is now well-established that phospholipase D is transiently stimulated upon activation by G-protein-coupled and receptor tyrosine kinase cell surface receptors in mammalian cells. Over the last 5 years, a tremendous effort has gone to identify the major intracellular regulators of mammalian phospholipase D and to the cloning of two mammalian phospholipase D enzymes (phospholipase D1 and D2). In this chapter, we review the physiological function of mammalian phospholipase D1 that is synergistically stimulated by ADP ribosylation factor, Rho and protein kinase Calpha. We discuss the function of this enzyme in membrane traffic, emphasising the possible integrated relationships between consumption of vesicles in regulated exocytosis, membrane delivery and constitutive membrane traffic.  相似文献   

Cdk5 and the mystery of synaptic vesicle endocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regulation of endocytosis by protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is critical to synaptic vesicle recycling. Two groups have now identified the neuronal kinase Cdk5 (cyclin-dependent kinase 5) as an important regulator of this process. Robinson and coworkers recently demonstrated that Cdk5 is necessary for synaptic vesicle endocytosis (SVE) (Tan et al., 2003), whereas a new report in this issue claims that Cdk5 negatively regulates SVE (Tomizawa et al., 2003). Careful examination of the data reveals a model that helps resolve the apparently contradictory nature of these reports.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles participate in a cycle of fusion with the plasma membrane and reformation by endocytosis. Endocytosis of membrane proteins by the well studied clathrin-coated vesicle pathway has been shown to involve specific sequences within the cytoplasmic tail domain. Proteins taken up by clathrin-coated vesicles are directed to early endosomes from which they may return to plasma membrane. Recent evidence suggests that the synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin is targeted to early endosomes in transfected fibroblasts and in neuroendocrine cells. To begin to test whether sequences within the COOH-cytoplasmic domain are required for internalization we have expressed a synaptophysin molecule lacking this domain in 3T3 cells and measured its rate of internalization. While a full length synaptophysin was internalized efficiently, we could not detect internalization of the mutant construct. These data are consistent with a model in which the COOH-terminal tail is required for coated-pit localization and hence targeting of synaptophysin to early endosomes.  相似文献   

The GTPase dynamin I is essential for synaptic vesicle endocytosis in nerve terminals. It is a nerve terminal phosphoprotein that is dephosphorylated on nerve terminal stimulation by the calcium-dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin and then rephosphorylated by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 on termination of the stimulus. Because of its unusual phosphorylation profile, the phosphorylation status of dynamin I was assumed to be inexorably linked to synaptic vesicle endocytosis; however, direct proof of this link has been elusive until very recently. This review will describe current knowledge regarding dynamin I phosphorylation in nerve terminals and how this regulates its biological function with respect to synaptic vesicle endocytosis.  相似文献   

Kwon SE  Chapman ER 《Neuron》2011,70(5):847-854
Despite being the most abundant synaptic vesicle membrane protein, the function of synaptophysin remains enigmatic. For example, synaptic transmission was reported to be completely normal in synaptophysin knockout mice; however, direct experiments to monitor the synaptic vesicle cycle have not been carried out. Here, using optical imaging and electrophysiological experiments, we demonstrate that synaptophysin is required for kinetically efficient endocytosis of synaptic vesicles in cultured hippocampal neurons. Truncation analysis revealed that distinct structural elements of synaptophysin differentially regulate vesicle retrieval during and after stimulation. Thus, synaptophysin regulates at least two phases of endocytosis to ensure vesicle availability during and after sustained neuronal activity.  相似文献   

After synaptic vesicle exocytosis, synaptic vesicle proteins must be retrieved from the plasma membrane, sorted away from other membrane proteins, and reconstituted into a functional synaptic vesicle. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an organism well suited for a genetic analysis of this process. In particular, three types of genetic studies have contributed to our understanding of synaptic vesicle endocytosis. First, screens for mutants defective in synaptic vesicle recycling have identified new proteins that function specifically in neurons. Second, RNA interference has been used to quickly confirm the roles of known proteins in endocytosis. Third, gene targeting techniques have elucidated the roles of genes thought to play modulatory or subtle roles in synaptic vesicle recycling. We describe a molecular model for synaptic vesicle recycling and discuss how protein disruption experiments in C. elegans have contributed to this model.  相似文献   

In the nerve terminal, neurotransmitter is actively packaged into synaptic vesicles before its release by Ca2+-dependent exocytosis. The three vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1, -2 and -3) are highly conserved proteins that display similar bioenergetic and pharmacological properties but are expressed in different brain areas. We used the divergent C-terminus of VGLUT1 as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify and map the interaction between a proline-rich domain of VGLUT1 and the Src homology domain 3 (SH3) domain of endophilin. We further confirmed this interaction by using different glutathione-S-transferase-endophilin fusion proteins to pull down VGLUT1 from rat brain extracts. The expression profiles of the two genes and proteins were compared on rat brain sections, showing that endophilin is most highly expressed in regions and cells expressing VGLUT1. Double immunofluorescence in the rat cerebellum shows that most VGLUT1-positive terminals co-express endophilin, whereas VGLUT2-expressing terminals are often devoid of endophilin. However, neither VGLUT1 transport activity, endophilin enzymatic activity nor VGLUT1 synaptic targeting were altered by this interaction. Overall, the discovery of endophilin as a partner for VGLUT1 in nerve terminals strongly suggests the existence of functional differences between VGLUT1 and -2 terminals in their abilities to replenish vesicle pools.  相似文献   

Amphiphysin family members are implicated in synaptic vesicle endocytosis, actin localization and one isoform is an autoantigen in neurological autoimmune disorder; however, there has been no genetic analysis of Amphiphysin function in higher eukaryotes. We show that Drosophila Amphiphysin is localized to actin-rich membrane domains in many cell types, including apical epithelial membranes, the intricately folded apical rhabdomere membranes of photoreceptor neurons and the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic neuromuscular junctions. Flies that lack all Amphiphysin function are viable, lack any observable endocytic defects, but have abnormal localization of the postsynaptic proteins Discs large, Lethal giant larvae and Scribble, altered synaptic physiology, and behavioral defects. Misexpression of Amphiphysin outside its normal membrane domain in photoreceptor neurons results in striking morphological defects. The strong misexpression phenotype coupled with the mild mutant and lack of phenotypes suggests that Amphiphysin acts redundantly with other proteins to organize specialized membrane domains within a diverse array of cell types.  相似文献   

Evidence from multiple systems indicates that vesicle SNARE (soluble NSF attachment receptor) proteins are involved in synaptic vesicle endocytosis, although their exact action at the level of single vesicles is unknown. Here we interrogate the role of the main synaptic vesicle SNARE mediating fusion, synaptobrevin-2 (also called VAMP2), in modulation of single synaptic vesicle retrieval. We report that in the absence of synaptobrevin-2, fast and slow modes of single synaptic vesicle retrieval are impaired, indicating a role of the SNARE machinery in coupling exocytosis to endocytosis of single synaptic vesicles. Ultrafast endocytosis was impervious to changes in the levels of synaptobrevin-2, pointing to a separate molecular mechanism underlying this type of recycling. Taken together with earlier studies suggesting a role of synaptobrevin-2 in endocytosis, these results indicate that the machinery for fast synchronous release couples fusion to retrieval and regulates the kinetics of endocytosis in a Ca2+-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Endocytosis has a crucial role in many cellular processes. The best-characterized mechanism for endocytosis involves clathrin-coated pits [1], but evidence has accumulated for additional endocytic pathways in mammalian cells [2]. One such pathway involves caveolae, plasma-membrane invaginations defined by caveolin proteins. Plasma-membrane microdomains referred to as lipid rafts have also been associated with clathrin-independent endocytosis by biochemical and pharmacological criteria [3]. The mechanisms, however, of nonclathrin, noncaveolin endocytosis are not clear [4, 5]. Here we show that coassembly of two similar membrane proteins, flotillin1 and flotillin2 [6-8], is sufficient to generate de novo membrane microdomains with some of the predicted properties of lipid rafts [9]. These microdomains are distinct from caveolin1-positive caveolae, are dynamic, and bud into the cell. Coassembly of flotillin1 and flotillin2 into microdomains induces membrane curvature, the formation of plasma-membrane invaginations morphologically similar to caveolae, and the accumulation of intracellular vesicles. We propose that flotillin proteins are defining structural components of the machinery that mediates a clathrin-independent endocytic pathway. Key attributes of this machinery are the dependence on coassembly of both flotillins and the inference that flotillin microdomains can exist in either flat or invaginated states.  相似文献   

The synaptic vesicle proteins synaptin and synaptophysin/p38 were shown to be immunochemically identical. Western immunoblot analysis of Triton X-100 extracts from rat brain showed that polyclonal polyspecific anti-synaptin antibodies and monoclonal antibody SY38 against synaptophysin both reacted with a band of 38 kDa. In two-dimensional immunoblots of chromaffin granule membranes from bovine adrenal medulla anti-synaptin and anti-synaptophysin antibodies also recognized the same component. Finally, in a Western immunoblotting experiment SY38 reacted with an immuno-isolated synaptin antigen.  相似文献   

Lipids and lipid modifications in the regulation of membrane traffic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lipids play a multitude of roles in intracellular protein transport and membrane traffic. While a large body of data implicates phosphoinositides in these processes, much less is known about other glycerophospholipids such as phosphatidic acid, diacylglycerol, and phosphatidylserine. Growing evidence suggests that these lipids may also play an important role, either by mediating protein recruitment to membranes or by directly affecting membrane dynamics. Although membrane lipids are believed to be organized in microdomains, recent advances in cellular imaging methods paired with sophisticated reporters and proteomic analysis have led to the formulation of alternative ideas regarding the characteristics and putative functions of lipid microdomains and their associated proteins. In fact, the traditional view that membrane proteins may freely diffuse in a large 'sea of lipids' may need to be revised. Lastly, modifications of proteins by lipids or related derivatives have surprisingly complex roles on regulated intracellular transport of a wide range of molecules.  相似文献   

Synaptic neurotransmitter release is restricted to active zones, where the processes of synaptic vesicle tethering, priming to fusion competence, and Ca2+-triggered fusion are taking place in a highly coordinated manner. We show that the active zone components Munc13-1, an essential vesicle priming protein, and RIM1, a Rab3 effector with a putative role in vesicle tethering, interact functionally. Disruption of this interaction causes a loss of fusion-competent synaptic vesicles, creating a phenocopy of Munc13-1-deficient neurons. RIM1 binding and vesicle priming are mediated by two distinct structural modules of Munc13-1. The Munc13-1/RIM1 interaction may create a functional link between synaptic vesicle tethering and priming, or it may regulate the priming reaction itself, thereby determining the number of fusion-competent vesicles.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have demonstrated the significance of detergent-insoluble, glycolipid-enriched membrane domains or lipid rafts, especially in regard to activation and signaling in T lymphocytes. These domains can be viewed as floating rafts composed of sphingolipids and cholesterol which sequester glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked proteins, such as Thy-1 and CD59. CD45, a 200-kDa transmembrane phosphatase protein, is excluded from these domains. We have found that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particles produced by infected T-cell lines acquire the GPI-linked proteins Thy-1 and CD59, as well as the ganglioside GM1, which is known to partition preferentially into lipid rafts. In contrast, despite its high expression on the cell surface, CD45 was poorly incorporated into virus particles. Confocal fluorescence microscopy revealed that HIV-1 proteins colocalized with Thy-1, CD59, GM1, and a lipid raft-specific fluorescent lipid, DiIC(16)(3), in uropods of infected Jurkat cells. CD45 did not colocalize with HIV-1 proteins and was excluded from uropods. Dot immunoassay of Triton X-100-extracted membrane fractions revealed that HIV-1 p17 matrix protein and gp41 were present in the detergent-resistant fractions and that [(3)H]myristic acid-labeled HIV Gag showed a nine-to-one enrichment in lipid rafts. We propose a model for the budding of HIV virions through lipid rafts whereby host cell cholesterol, sphingolipids, and GPI-linked proteins within these domains are incorporated into the viral envelope, perhaps as a result of preferential sorting of HIV Gag to lipid rafts.  相似文献   

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