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Host–parasite co‐evolution can lead to genetic differentiation among isolated host–parasite populations and local adaptation between parasites and their hosts. However, tests of local adaptation rarely consider multiple fitness‐related traits although focus on a single component of fitness can be misleading. Here, we concomitantly examined genetic structure and co‐divergence patterns of the trematode Coitocaecum parvum and its crustacean host Paracalliope fluviatilis among isolated populations using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI). We then performed experimental cross‐infections between two genetically divergent host–parasite populations. Both hosts and parasites displayed genetic differentiation among populations, although genetic structure was less pronounced in the parasite. Data also supported a co‐divergence scenario between C. parvum and P. fluviatilis potentially related to local co‐adaptation. Results from cross‐infections indicated that some parasite lineages seemed to be locally adapted to their sympatric (home) hosts in which they achieved higher infection and survival rates than in allopatric (away) amphipods. However, local, intrinsic host and parasite characteristics (host behavioural or immunological resistance to infections, parasite infectivity or growth rate) also influenced patterns of host–parasite interactions. For example, overall host vulnerability to C. parvum varied between populations, regardless of parasite origin (local vs. foreign), potentially swamping apparent local co‐adaptation effects. Furthermore, local adaptation effects seemed trait specific; different components of parasite fitness (infection and survival rates, growth) responded differently to cross‐infections. Overall, data show that genetic differentiation is not inevitably coupled with local adaptation, and that the latter must be interpreted with caution in a multi‐trait context.  相似文献   

Parasites are among the most diverse groups of life on Earth, yet complex natural histories often preclude studies of their speciation processes. The biology of parasitic plants facilitates in situ collection of data on both genetic structure and the mechanisms responsible for that structure. Here, we studied the role of mating, dispersal and establishment in host race formation of a parasitic plant. We investigated the population genetics of a vector‐borne desert mistletoe (Phoradendron californicum) across two legume host tree species (Senegalia greggii and Prosopis velutina) in the Sonoran desert using microsatellites. Consistent with host race formation, we found strong host‐associated genetic structure in sympatry, little genetic variation due to geographic site and weak isolation by distance. We hypothesize that genetic differentiation results from differences in the timing of mistletoe flowering by host species, as we found initial flowering date of individual mistletoes correlated with genetic ancestry. Hybrids with intermediate ancestry were detected genetically. Individuals likely resulting from recent, successful establishment events following dispersal between the host species were detected at frequencies similar to hybrids between host races. Therefore, barriers to gene flow between the host races may have been stronger at mating than at dispersal. We also found higher inbreeding and within‐host individual relatedness values for mistletoes on the more rare and isolated host species (S. greggii). Our study spanned spatial scales to address how interactions with both vectors and hosts influence parasitic plant structure with implications for parasite virulence evolution and speciation.  相似文献   

A major challenge in disease ecology is to understand how co‐infecting parasite species interact. We manipulate in vivo resources and immunity to explain interactions between two rodent malaria parasites, Plasmodium chabaudi and P. yoelii. These species have analogous resource‐use strategies to the human parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax: P. chabaudi and P. falciparum infect red blood cells (RBC) of all ages (RBC generalist); P. yoelii and P. vivax preferentially infect young RBCs (RBC specialist). We find that: (1) recent infection with the RBC generalist facilitates the RBC specialist (P. yoelii density is enhanced ~10 fold). This occurs because the RBC generalist increases availability of the RBC specialist's preferred resource; (2) co‐infections with the RBC generalist and RBC specialist are highly virulent; (3) and the presence of an RBC generalist in a host population can increase the prevalence of an RBC specialist. Thus, we show that resources shape how parasite species interact and have epidemiological consequences.  相似文献   

Knowledge on how landscape heterogeneity shapes host–parasite interactions is central to understand the emergence, dynamics and evolution of infectious diseases. However, this is an underexplored subject, particularly for plant–virus systems. Here, we analyse how landscape heterogeneity influences the prevalence, spatial genetic structure, and temporal dynamics of Pepper golden mosaic and Pepper huasteco yellow vein begomoviruses infecting populations of the wild pepper Capsicum annuum glabriusculum (chiltepin) in Mexico. Environmental heterogeneity occurred at different nested spatial scales (host populations within biogeographical provinces), with levels of human management varying among host population within a province. Results indicate that landscape heterogeneity affects the epidemiology and genetic structure of chiltepin‐infecting begomoviruses in a scale‐specific manner, probably related to conditions favouring the viruses' whitefly vector and its dispersion. Increased levels of human management of the host populations were associated with higher virus prevalence and erased the spatial genetic structure of the virus populations. Also, environmental heterogeneity similarly shaped the spatial genetic structures of host and viruses. This resulted in the congruence between host and virus phylogenies, which does not seem to be due to host‐virus co‐evolution. Thus, results provide evidence of the key role of landscape heterogeneity in determining plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

Stripe (yellow) rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a destructive disease of wheat spread globally. Wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides; WEW) is known as a source for novel Pst resistance genes (R‐gene), but our knowledge on wheat‐Pst co‐evolution in natural populations is limited. Yr15 is a WEW (accession G25) gene, which confers a broad‐spectrum resistance to Pst, and encodes a tandem kinase‐pseudokinase protein designated as WTK1. Exon–intron comparisons of multiple WTK1 homoeologous and paralogous copies scattered in allopolyploid wheat genomes enabled us to develop functional molecular markers (FMMs), which were used for population genetic study. The functional allele (Wtk1) was absent in a worldwide collection of 513 wheat cultivars, except for 32 introgression lines with Yr15 from G25, as well as in 84% of the 382 tested WEW accessions collected across the Fertile Crescent. Yr15 was found to be distributed along a narrow axis from Mt Carmel to the Anti‐Lebanon Mountains ridge, mostly at elevations above c. 500 m, where the climatic conditions are favorable for disease development, therefore providing insights on gene flow and host–parasite co‐evolution in WEW natural habitats. Moreover, the worldwide absence of Wtk1 in cultivated wheat and in WEW natural populations from southeast Turkey, where wheat is believed to have been domesticated, proposes that Yr15 was rather left behind, than lost during domestication. Our results highlight the importance of conservation of WEW populations in their natural habitats for discovery of novel R‐genes and studies of host–parasite co‐evolution.  相似文献   

Within‐host competition is predicted to drive the evolution of virulence in parasites, but the precise outcomes of such interactions are often unpredictable due to many factors including the biology of the host and the parasite, stochastic events and co‐evolutionary interactions. Here, we use a serial passage experiment (SPE) with three strains of a heterothallic fungal parasite (Ascosphaera apis) of the Honey bee (Apis mellifera) to assess how evolving under increasing competitive pressure affects parasite virulence and fitness evolution. The results show an increase in virulence after successive generations of selection and consequently faster production of spores. This faster sporulation, however, did not translate into more spores being produced during this longer window of sporulation; rather, it appeared to induce a loss of fitness in terms of total spore production. There was no evidence to suggest that a greater diversity of competing strains was a driver of this increased virulence and subsequent fitness cost, but rather that strain‐specific competitive interactions influenced the evolutionary outcomes of mixed infections. It is possible that the parasite may have evolved to avoid competition with multiple strains because of its heterothallic mode of reproduction, which highlights the importance of understanding parasite biology when predicting disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Parasite transmission is determined by the rate of contact between a susceptible host and an infective stage and susceptibility to infection given an exposure event. Attempts to measure levels of variation in exposure in natural populations can be especially challenging. The level of exposure to a major class of parasites, trophically transmitted parasites, can be estimated by investigating the host's feeding behaviour. Since the parasites rely on the ingestion of infective intermediate hosts for transmission, the potential for exposure to infection is inherently linked to the definitive host's feeding ecology. Here, we combined epidemiological data and molecular analyses (polymerase chain reaction) of the diet of the definitive host, the white‐footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), to investigate temporal and individual heterogeneities in exposure to infection. Our results show that the consumption of cricket intermediate hosts accounted for much of the variation in infection; mice that had consumed crickets were four times more likely to become infected than animals that tested negative for cricket DNA. In particular, pregnant female hosts were three times more likely to consume crickets, which corresponded to a threefold increase in infection compared with nonpregnant females. Interestingly, males in breeding condition had a higher rate of infection even though breeding males were just as likely to test positive for cricket consumption as nonbreeding males. These results suggest that while heterogeneity in host diet served as a strong predictor of exposure risk, differential susceptibility to infection may also play a key role, particularly among male hosts. By combining PCR analyses with epidemiological data, we revealed temporal variation in exposure through prey consumption and identified potentially important individual heterogeneities in parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecology and evolution of parasites is contingent on identifying the selection pressures they face across their infection landscape. Such a task is made challenging by the fact that these pressures will likely vary across time and space, as a result of seasonal and geographical differences in host susceptibility or transmission opportunities. Avian haemosporidian blood parasites are capable of infecting multiple co‐occurring hosts within their ranges, yet whether their distribution across time and space varies similarly in their different host species remains unclear. Here, we applied a new PCR method to detect avian haemosporidia (genera Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Plasmodium) and to determine parasite prevalence in two closely related and co‐occurring host species, blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus, N = 529) and great tits (Parus major, N = 443). Our samples were collected between autumn and spring, along an elevational gradient in the French Pyrenees and over a three‐year period. Most parasites were found to infect both host species, and while these generalist parasites displayed similar elevational patterns of prevalence in the two host species, this was not always the case for seasonal prevalence patterns. For example, Leucocytozoon group A parasites showed inverse seasonal prevalence when comparing between the two host species, being highest in winter and spring in blue tits but higher in autumn in great tits. While Plasmodium relictum prevalence was overall lower in spring relative to winter or autumn in both species, spring prevalence was also lower in blue tits than in great tits. Together, these results reveal how generalist parasites can exhibit host‐specific epidemiology, which is likely to complicate predictions of host–parasite co‐evolution.  相似文献   

Pathogens are embedded in a complex network of microparasites that can collectively or individually alter disease dynamics and outcomes. Endemic pathogens that infect an individual in the first years of life, for example, can either facilitate or compete with subsequent pathogens thereby exacerbating or ameliorating morbidity and mortality. Pathogen associations are ubiquitous but poorly understood, particularly in wild populations. We report here on 10 years of serological and molecular data in African lions, leveraging comprehensive demographic and behavioural data to test if endemic pathogens shape subsequent infection by epidemic pathogens. We combine network and community ecology approaches to assess broad network structure and characterise associations between pathogens across spatial and temporal scales. We found significant non‐random structure in the lion‐pathogen co‐occurrence network and identified both positive and negative associations between endemic and epidemic pathogens. Our results provide novel insights on the complex associations underlying pathogen co‐occurrence networks.  相似文献   

  • Soil fungal communities play an important role in the successful invasion of non‐native species. It is common for two or more invasive plant species to co‐occur in invaded ecosystems.
  • This study aimed to determine the effects of co‐invasion of two invasive species (Erigeron annuus and Solidago canadensis) with different cover classes on soil fungal communities using high‐throughput sequencing.
  • Invasion of E. annuus and/or Scanadensis had positive effects on the sequence number, operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness, Shannon diversity, abundance‐based cover estimator (ACE index) and Chao1 index of soil fungal communities, but negative effects on the Simpson index. Thus, invasion of E. annuus and/or Scanadensis could increase diversity and richness of soil fungal communities but decrease dominance of some members of these communities, in part to facilitate plant further invasion, because high soil microbial diversity could increase soil functions and plant nutrient acquisition. Some soil fungal species grow well, whereas others tend to extinction after non‐native plant invasion with increasing invasion degree and presumably time. The sequence number, OTU richness, Shannon diversity, ACE index and Chao1 index of soil fungal communities were higher under co‐invasion of E. annuus and Scanadensis than under independent invasion of either individual species.
  • The co‐invasion of the two invasive species had a positive synergistic effect on diversity and abundance of soil fungal communities, partly to build a soil microenvironment to enhance competitiveness of the invaders. The changed diversity and community under co‐invasion could modify resource availability and niche differentiation within the soil fungal communities, mediated by differences in leaf litter quality and quantity, which can support different fungal/microbial species in the soil.

Molecular evolutionary studies correlate genomic and phylogenetic information with the emergence of new traits of organisms. These traits are, however, the consequence of dynamic gene networks composed of functional modules, which might not be captured by genomic analyses. Here, we established a method that combines large‐scale genomic and phylogenetic data with gene co‐expression networks to extensively study the evolutionary make‐up of modules in the moss Physcomitrella patens, and in the angiosperms Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa (rice). We first show that younger genes are less annotated than older genes. By mapping genomic data onto the co‐expression networks, we found that genes from the same evolutionary period tend to be connected, whereas old and young genes tend to be disconnected. Consequently, the analysis revealed modules that emerged at a specific time in plant evolution. To uncover the evolutionary relationships of the modules that are conserved across the plant kingdom, we added phylogenetic information that revealed duplication and speciation events on the module level. This combined analysis revealed an independent duplication of cell wall modules in bryophytes and angiosperms, suggesting a parallel evolution of cell wall pathways in land plants. We provide an online tool allowing plant researchers to perform these analyses at http://www.gene2function.de .  相似文献   

Parasites are thought to be a major driving force shaping genetic variation in their host, and are suggested to be a significant reason for the maintenance of sexual reproduction. A leading hypothesis for the occurrence of multiple mating (polyandry) in social insects is that the genetic diversity generated within‐colonies through this behavior promotes disease resistance. This benefit is likely to be particularly significant when colonies are exposed to multiple species and strains of parasites, but host–parasite genotypic interactions in social insects are little known. We investigated this using honey bees, which are naturally polyandrous and consequently produce genetically diverse colonies containing multiple genotypes (patrilines), and which are also known to host multiple strains of various parasite species. We found that host genotypes differed significantly in their resistance to different strains of the obligate fungal parasite that causes chalkbrood disease, while genotypic variation in resistance to the facultative fungal parasite that causes stonebrood disease was less pronounced. Our results show that genetic variation in disease resistance depends in part on the parasite genotype, as well as species, with the latter most likely relating to differences in parasite life history and host–parasite coevolution. Our results suggest that the selection pressure from genetically diverse parasites might be an important driving force in the evolution of polyandry, a mechanism that generates significant genetic diversity in social insects.  相似文献   

We developed a new modeling framework to assess how the local abundance of one species influences the local abundance of a potential competitor while explicitly accounting for differential responses to environmental conditions. Our models also incorporate imperfect detection as well as abundance estimation error for both species. As a case study, we applied the model to four pairs of mammal species in Borneo, surveyed by extensive and spatially widespread camera trapping. We detected different responses to elevation gradients within civet, macaque, and muntjac deer species pairs. Muntjac and porcupine species varied in their response to terrain ruggedness, and the two muntjac responded different to river proximity. Bornean endemic species of civet and muntjac were more sensitive than their widespread counterparts to habitat disturbance (selective logging). Local abundance within several species pairs was positively correlated, but this is likely due to the species having similar responses to (unmodeled) environmental conditions or resources rather than representing facilitation. After accounting for environment and correcting for false absences in detection, negative correlations in local abundance appear rare in tropical mammals. Direct competition may be weak in these species, possibly because the ‘ghost of competition past’ or habitat filtering have already driven separation of the species in niche space. The analytical framework presented here could increase basic understanding of how ecological interactions shape patterns of abundance across the landscape for a range of taxa, and also provide a powerful tool for forecasting the impacts of global change.  相似文献   

Mixed‐genotype infections are common in many natural host–parasite interactions. Classical kin‐selection models predict that single‐genotype infections can exploit host resources prudently to maximize fitness, but that selection favours rapid exploitation when co‐infecting genotypes share limited host resources. However, theory has outpaced evidence: we require empirical studies of pathogen genotypes that naturally co‐infect hosts. Do genotypes actually compete within hosts? Can host ecology affect the outcome of co‐infection? We posed both questions by comparing traits of infections in which two baculovirus genotypes were fed to hosts alongside inocula of the same or a different genotype. The host, Panolis flammea, is a herbivore of Pinus sylvestris and Pi. contorta. The pathogen, PfNPV (a nucleopolyhedrovirus), occurs naturally as mixtures of genotypes that differ, when isolated, in pathogenicity, speed of kill and yield. Single‐genotype infection traits failed to predict the ‘winning’ genotypes in co‐infections. Co‐infections infected and caused lethal disease in more hosts, and produced high yields, relative to single‐genotype infections. The need to share with nonkin did not cause fitness costs to either genotype. In fact, in hosts feeding on Pi. sylvestris, one genotype gained increased yields in mixed‐genotype infections. These results are discussed in relation to theory surrounding adaptive responses to competition with nonkin for limited resources.  相似文献   

Although the selection of coding genes during plant domestication has been well studied, the evolution of MIRNA genes (MIRs) and the interaction between microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets in this process are poorly understood. Here, we present a genome‐wide survey of the selection of MIRs and miRNA targets during soybean domestication and improvement. Our results suggest that, overall, MIRs have higher evolutionary rates than miRNA targets. Nonetheless, they do demonstrate certain similar evolutionary patterns during soybean domestication: MIRs and miRNA targets with high expression and duplication status, and with greater numbers of partners, exhibit lower nucleotide divergence than their counterparts without these characteristics, suggesting that expression level, duplication status, and miRNA–target interaction are essential for evolution of MIRs and miRNA targets. Further investigation revealed that miRNA–target pairs that are subjected to strong purifying selection have greater similarities than those that exhibited genetic diversity. Moreover, mediated by domestication and improvement, the similarities of a large number of miRNA–target pairs in cultivated soybean populations were increased compared to those in wild soybeans, whereas a small number of miRNA–target pairs exhibited decreased similarity, which may be associated with the adoption of particular domestication traits. Taken together, our results shed light on the co‐evolution of MIRs and miRNA targets during soybean domestication.  相似文献   

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