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Proximate cues for animal dispersal are complex and varied. Multiple cues may provide information about different aspects of habitat quality, and these aspects may interact with each other, as well as with population density in different ways. We examined how individuals incorporate multiple cues in their decisions to emigrate and immigrate in the colonial orb‐weaving spider, Cyrtophora citricola. We manipulated maternal feeding as a cue for prey abundance and measured the size of the maternal web, which provides a limited space for philopatric offspring and a second potential dispersal cue. In addition, we recorded all immigration events to determine dispersal distances and the cues juveniles may use in settlement. Dispersal increased when mothers were poorly fed, web sizes were small and clutch sizes were large. In addition to these overall effects, maternal feeding also interacted with web size, indicating that offspring from well‐fed mothers were more tolerant of high sibling densities. We also detected a threshold for the effect of clutch size on dispersal for the first egg sac: below 20 offspring, there was no effect of clutch size, but dispersal increased with clutch size for larger clutches. Dispersal distances were often short, and immigrants preferred sheltered trees and those occupied by adult females. Dispersal not only depended on multiple cues, but these cues interacted, and the importance of web size suggested that saturation of the natal web might force dispersal, at least for spiders with poorly‐fed mothers. How one aspect of habitat quality influences dispersal can therefore depend on the state of other aspects of habitat quality. In particular, some natal resources, such as a nest or territory, may become saturated and limit group size, but this limit will also depend on other factors, such as prey availability.  相似文献   

It is generally expected that, in environments with pronounced seasonal resource peaks, birds’ reproductive success will be maximised when nestlings’ peak food demand coincides with the timing of high food availability. However in certain birds that stay resident over winter, earlier breeding leads juveniles to join the winter flock earlier, which by the prior residence effect increases their success in breeding territory competition. This trade-off between reproduction and competition may explain why, in certain species, breeding phenology is earlier and asynchronous with the resource. This study extends a previous model of the evolution of breeding phenology in a single habitat type to a landscape with two habitat types: ‘early’ and ‘late’ resource phenology. The offspring’s natal habitat type has a carryover effect upon their competitive ability regardless of which habitat type they settle in to potentially breed. We find that, when the difference in resource phenology between habitats is small (weak carryover effect), breeding phenology in the late habitat evolves to occur earlier and more asynchronously than in the early habitat, to compensate for the competitive disadvantage to juveniles raised there. However if the difference is large (strong carryover effect), then the reproductive cost of earlier breeding outweighs the benefit of the compensation, so instead breeding phenology in the late habitat evolves to become more synchronous with the resource. Recruitment is generally asymmetric, from early to late habitat type. However if the early habitat is less frequent in the landscape or produces fewer offspring, then the asymmetry is reduced, and if there is some natal habitat-type fidelity, then recruitment can have an insular pattern, i.e. most recruits to each habitat type come from that same habitat type. We detail the different scenarios in which the different recruitment patterns are predicted, and we propose that they have implications for local adaptation.  相似文献   

Adaptive plasticity is expected to be important when the grain of environmental variation is encompassed in offspring dispersal distance. We investigated patterns of local adaptation, selection and plasticity in an association of plant morphology with fine-scale habitat shifts from oak canopy understory to adjacent grassland habitat in Claytonia perfoliata. Populations from beneath the canopy of oak trees were >90 % broad leaved and large seeded, while plants from adjacent grassland habitat were >90 % linear-leaved and small seeded. In a 2-year study, we used reciprocal transplants and phenotypic selection analysis to investigate local adaptation, selection, plasticity and maternal effects in this trait-environment association. Transgenerational effects were studied by planting offspring of inbred maternal families grown in both environments across the same environments in the second year. Reciprocal transplants revealed local adaptation to habitat type: broad-leaved forms had higher fitness in oak understory and linear-leaved plants had higher fitness in open grassland habitat. Phenotypic selection analyses indicated selection for narrower leaves and lower SLA in open habitat, and selection for broad leaves and intermediate values of SLA in understory. Both plant morphs exhibited plastic responses in traits in the same direction as selection on traits (narrower leaves and lower SLA in open habitat) suggesting that plasticity is adaptive. We detected an adaptive transgenerational effect in which maternal environment influenced offspring fitness; offspring of grassland-reared plants had higher fitness than understory-reared plants when grown in grassland. We did not detect costs of plasticity, but did find a positive association between leaf shape plasticity and fitness in linear-leaved plants in grassland habitat. Together, these findings indicate that fixed differences in trait values corresponding to selection across habitat contribute to local adaptation, but that plasticity and maternal environmental effects may be favored through promotion of survival across heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The presence of an across-species trade-off between dispersal ability and competitive ability has been proposed as a mechanism that facilitates coexistence. It is not clear if a similar trade-off exists within species. Such a trade-off would constrain the evolution of either trait and, given appropriate selection pressures, promote local adaptation in these traits.
2. This study found substantial levels of heritable variation in competitive ability of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera: Aphididae), measured in terms of relative survival when reared with a single clone of the vetch aphid, Megoura viciae Buckton (Homoptera: Aphididae).
3. Pea aphids can move to new patches by either flying (longer distance dispersal) or walking (local dispersal) from plant to plant. There was considerable clonal variation in dispersal ability, measured in terms of the proportion of winged offspring produced, and ability to survive away from their host plant.
4. Winged individuals showed longer off-plant survival times than wingless forms of the same pea aphid clone.
5. There was no evidence of a relationship between clonal competitive ability and either measure of dispersal ability, although the power of the test is limited by the number of pea aphid clones used in the trial.
6. However, there was a positive correlation between clonal fecundity and the proportion of winged offspring produced. Although speculative, it is suggested that clones that are more likely to either overwhelm their host plant or attract higher numbers of natural enemies as a result of having higher fecundity are more likely to produce winged morphs.  相似文献   

Poecilogony is the production of more than one type of young within a single species of marine invertebrate. We chose a poecilogonous polychaete to investigate potential differences in morphogenesis among offspring that are polymorphic in dispersal potentials (planktonic, benthic) and trophic modes (planktotrophy, adelphophagy). Differences in morphogenesis occur and are strongly influenced by maternal type. Females that provide extra-embryonic nutrition (as nurse eggs; type III females) also produce offspring with an accelerated onset of juvenile traits, relative to planktotrophic offspring of females that do not provide extra-embryonic nutrition (type I females). Thus, progeny of some females appear morphologically preadapted for a benthic lifestyle. Surprisingly, differences in phenotype among offspring do not parallel offspring ecotype, as offspring with early onset of juvenile traits (III) are ecologically bimodal. Some Type III offspring eat the nurse eggs (adelphophagy), have accelerated development, and hatch as benthic juveniles. In contrast, their siblings hatch as small, planktotrophic, dispersive larvae that are morphologically similar to their type III siblings, but ecologically similar to Type I planktotrophic larvae. We propose that poecilogony evolved through sequence heterochrony in morphogenesis with accelerated onset of juvenile traits in type III offspring. In addition, we suggest that heterochrony in life-history events (hatching, metamorphosis) also occurs, thereby generating offspring that are dimorphic in both phenotype and ecotype. Over time, selection acting on different levels of ontogeny (morphogenesis vs. dispersal) may balance this polymorphism and allow poecilogony to persist.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether the effect of habitat fragmentation and habitat heterogeneity on species richness at different spatial scales depends on the dispersal ability of the species assemblages and if this results in nested species assemblages. Location Agricultural landscapes distributed over seven temperate Europe countries covering a range from France to Estonia. Methods We sampled 16 local communities in each of 24 agricultural landscapes (16 km2) that differ in the amount and heterogeneity of semi‐natural habitat patches. Carabid beetles were used as model organisms as dispersal ability can easily be assessed on morphological traits. The proximity and heterogeneity of semi‐natural patches within the landscape were related to average local (alpha), between local (beta) and landscape (gamma) species richness and compared among four guilds that differ in dispersal ability. Results For species assemblages with low dispersal ability, local diversity increased as the proximity of semi‐natural habitat increased, while mobile species showed an opposite trend. Beta diversity decreased equally for all dispersal classes in relation to proximity, suggesting a homogenizing effect of increased patch isolation. In contrast, habitat diversity of the semi‐natural patches affected beta diversity positively only for less mobile species, probably due to the low dispersal ability of specialist species. Species with low mobility that persisted in highly fragmented landscapes were consistently present in less fragmented ones, resulting in nested assemblages for this mobility class only. Main conclusions The incorporation of dispersal ability reveals that only local species assemblages with low dispersal ability show a decrease of richness as a result of fragmentation. This local species loss is compensated at least in part by an increase in species with high dispersal ability, which obscures the effect of fragmentation when investigated across dispersal groups. Conversely, fragmentation homogenizes the landscape fauna for all dispersal groups, which indicates the invasion of non‐crop habitats by similar good dispersers across the whole landscape. Given that recolonization of low dispersers is unlikely, depletion of these species in modern agricultural landscapes appears temporally pervasive.  相似文献   

Adaptive significance of maternal induction of density-dependent phenotypes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Density has been demonstrated to impact life history traits such as growth, fecundity and survival. Some authors have proposed that morphological and behavioral traits have evolved in response to density conditions. To escape the adverse effect of density, individuals can either adapt to crowding or avoid crowding by dispersing. The aim of this work is to study the interplay between local adaptation and dispersal in four populations of the common lizard, Lacerta vivipara, where densities of both the maternal and juvenile environment have been experimentally manipulated. Density was decreased in the spring by removing a quarter of the population at two sites and was un-manipulated in two other sites. One month later, we caught some pregnant females and kept them in the laboratory until parturition. To manipulate density of postnatal neonates and juveniles, we divided each clutch into two, and released half of the juveniles either in a reduced density site or in a control one. We then recaptured individuals a year after release and recorded their size and weight. When density was reduced, females increased their clutch size, but produced offspring of lower body condition than in the control sites. The conspicuous ventral color of females was likewise increased when density was reduced. However, offspring growth rate, local survival and dispersal were not influenced by maternal density. Juvenile females released in the reduced-density site had lower survival rate than those released in the control density site. Contrary to expectations, offspring dispersal was significantly higher at the reduced compared to control density sites. There was no interaction between maternal density habitat and the juvenile release habitat indicating that maternal effects did not influence juvenile life history traits in a different way according to the level of density. Moreover, clutch size and offspring size had no effect on juvenile growth or survival.  相似文献   

An underlying assumption in many models of coexistence and species response to fragmentation is the trade-off between dispersal and competitive abilities among species. Despite a well-founded theoretical ground for this assumption, the mechanism itself has not been as thoroughly explored. Empirical studies of the dispersal/competition trade-off have so far mainly concerned the dispersal distance of single offspring, whereas most models where the trade-off is assumed concern dispersal rate, i.e. the number of offspring that is dispersed outside a local patch per time unit. When species differ in fecundity this should also affect the dispersal rate. We therefore investigated different aspects of dispersal ability and competitive ability in the recruitment phase for 15 wind-dispersed Asteraceae species. A trade-off was found between dispersal ability at the offspring level, i.e. distance travelled by single seeds, and competitive ability in the recruitment phase, but no trade-off was found between dispersal ability at the brood level, i.e. the dispersal ability of single seeds in combination with fecundity, and competitive ability in the recruitment phase. The results were supported both by cross-species analysis and analyses by phylogenetically independent contrast. If this is a general pattern then it is troublesome for models making the assumption that there is a trade-off between dispersal rate and competitive ability.  相似文献   

Aim Habitat loss and degradation pose a major threat to biodiversity, which can result in the extinction of habitat characteristic species. However, many species exhibit a delayed response to environmental changes because of the slow intrinsic dynamics of populations, resulting in extinction debt. We assess directly the changes in habitat characteristic species composition by comparing historical (1923) and current inventories in highly fragmented grasslands. We aim to characterize the species that constitute extinction debt in European calcareous grasslands. Location Europe, Estonia, 59–60° N, 24–25° E. Methods We related eleven life‐history traits and selected habitat preferences to local extinctions of populations in grasslands where extinction debt has been largely paid. Traits were chosen to describe species dispersal and persistence abilities and were quantified from databases. Results The studied grasslands have lost 90% of their area and 30% of their characteristic plant populations in 90 years. Species more prone to local population extinction were characterized by shorter life span, self‐pollination, a lack of clonal growth, fewer seeds per shoot, lower average height, lower soil nitrogen preference and higher requirements for light, indicating a limited ability to tolerate the range of changes in biotic and abiotic conditions of the sites. Locally extinct populations were also characterized by wind‐dispersed seeds, lower seed weight and lower terminal velocity of seeds, suggesting that species strategies for long‐distance dispersal are not favoured in highly fragmented landscapes. Thus, both increased habitat isolation and decreased habitat quality are important in determining local population extinction. Main conclusions Populations more prone to local extinction were characterized by a number of life‐history traits, demonstrating a greater extinction risk for species with poorer abilities for local persistence and competition. Our results can be applied to less degraded grasslands where the extinction debt is not yet paid to determine those species most susceptible to future extinction.  相似文献   

Evolution of local adaptations in dispersal strategies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The optimal probability and distance of dispersal largely depend on the risk to end up in unsuitable habitat. This risk is highest close to the habitat's edge and consequently, optimal dispersal probability and distance should decline towards the habitat's border. This selection should lead to the emergence of spatial gradients in dispersal strategies. However, gene flow caused by dispersal itself is counteracting local adaptation. Using an individual based model we investigate the evolution of local adaptations of dispersal probability and distance within a single, circular, habitat patch. We compare evolved dispersal probabilities and distances for six different dispersal kernels (two negative exponential kernels, two skewed kernels, nearest neighbour dispersal and global dispersal) in patches of different size. For all kernels a positive correlation between patch size and dispersal probability emerges. However, a minimum patch size is necessary to allow for local adaptation of dispersal strategies within patches. Beyond this minimum patch area the difference in mean dispersal distance between center and edge increases linearly with patch radius, but the intensity of local adaptation depends on the dispersal kernel. Except for global and nearest neighbour dispersal, the evolved spatial pattern are qualitatively similar for both, mean dispersal probability and distance. We conclude, that inspite of the gene-flow originating from dispersal local adaptation of dispersal strategies is possible if a habitat is of sufficient size. This presumably holds for any realistic type of dispersal kernel.  相似文献   

Adaptation to a previously unoccupied niche within a single population is one of the most contentious topics in evolutionary biology as it assumes the simultaneous evolution of ecologically selected and preference traits. Here, we demonstrate behavioral adaptation to contrasting hydrological regimes in a sympatric mosaic of Pogonus chalceus beetle populations, and argue that this adaptation may result in nonrandom gene flow. When exposed to experimental inundations, individuals from tidal marshes, which are naturally subjected to frequent but short floods, showed a higher propensity to remain submerged compared to individuals from seasonal marshes that are inundated for several months. This adaptive behavior is expected to decrease the probability that individuals will settle in the alternative habitat, resulting in spatial sorting and reproductive isolation of both ecotypes. Additionally, we show that this difference in behavior is induced by the environmental conditions experienced by the beetles during their nondispersive larval stages. Hence, accidental or forced ovipositioning in the alternative habitat may induce both an increased performance and preference to the natal habitat type. Such plastic traits could play an important role in the most incipient stages of divergence with gene flow.  相似文献   

Two congeneric species of grasshopper, Stenobothrus lineatus and S. stigmaticus, are compared in an analysis of genetic structure relative to their observed mobility, and to the spatial structure of their habitat networks. The species differ in their habitat requirements, the latter being rarer and more restricted to isolated patches. We tested for different patch connectivity between the two species in an analysis of genetic variance (based on allozymes) under the assumption that, besides isolation, rarity influences the genetic parameters. Between the species we found no differences in genetic structure as estimated by FST; i.e., no isolation effects and no apparent differences between the species in the potential to move between habitat fragments on either a local or regional scale were found. However, the amount of genetic variation in the more widely distributed and less xerothermic S. lineatus was significantly higher than in S. stigmaticus. Some consistency with observed philopatry within patches was found (FIS > 0), but we consider regular dispersal events of medium and especially long distance to cause the habitat linking. We conclude that the connectivity between occupied patches inferred by genetic analyses can seldom be derived from low observed life-time movements recorded by conventional marking studies. Consequences of applying observed relative to indirect dispersal estimates for the examination of grasshopper metapopulations are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat loss has pervasive and disruptive impacts on biodiversity in habitat remnants. The magnitude of the ecological impacts of habitat loss can be exacerbated by the spatial arrangement -- or fragmentation -- of remaining habitat. Fragmentation per se is a landscape-level phenomenon in which species that survive in habitat remnants are confronted with a modified environment of reduced area, increased isolation and novel ecological boundaries. The implications of this for individual organisms are many and varied, because species with differing life history strategies are differentially affected by habitat fragmentation. Here, we review the extensive literature on species responses to habitat fragmentation, and detail the numerous ways in which confounding factors have either masked the detection, or prevented the manifestation, of predicted fragmentation effects.Large numbers of empirical studies continue to document changes in species richness with decreasing habitat area, with positive, negative and no relationships regularly reported. The debate surrounding such widely contrasting results is beginning to be resolved by findings that the expected positive species-area relationship can be masked by matrix-derived spatial subsidies of resources to fragment-dwelling species and by the invasion of matrix-dwelling species into habitat edges. Significant advances have been made recently in our understanding of how species interactions are altered at habitat edges as a result of these changes. Interestingly, changes in biotic and abiotic parameters at edges also make ecological processes more variable than in habitat interiors. Individuals are more likely to encounter habitat edges in fragments with convoluted shapes, leading to increased turnover and variability in population size than in fragments that are compact in shape. Habitat isolation in both space and time disrupts species distribution patterns, with consequent effects on metapopulation dynamics and the genetic structure of fragment-dwelling populations. Again, the matrix habitat is a strong determinant of fragmentation effects within remnants because of its role in regulating dispersal and dispersal-related mortality, the provision of spatial subsidies and the potential mediation of edge-related microclimatic gradients.We show that confounding factors can mask many fragmentation effects. For instance, there are multiple ways in which species traits like trophic level, dispersal ability and degree of habitat specialisation influence species-level responses. The temporal scale of investigation may have a strong influence on the results of a study, with short-term crowding effects eventually giving way to long-term extinction debts. Moreover, many fragmentation effects like changes in genetic, morphological or behavioural traits of species require time to appear. By contrast, synergistic interactions of fragmentation with climate change, human-altered disturbance regimes, species interactions and other drivers of population decline may magnify the impacts of fragmentation. To conclude, we emphasise that anthropogenic fragmentation is a recent phenomenon in evolutionary time and suggest that the final, long-term impacts of habitat fragmentation may not yet have shown themselves.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how life history traits and the climate envelope influence the ability of species to respond to climate change and habitat degradation. In this study, we test whether 18 species-specific variables, related to the climate envelope, ecological envelope and life history, could predict recent population trends (over 17 years) of 71 common breeding bird species in France. Habitat specialists were declining at a much higher rate than generalists, a sign that habitat quality is decreasing globally. The lower the thermal maximum (temperature at the hot edge of the climate envelope), the more negative are the population trends and the less tolerant these species are climate warming, regardless of the thermal range over which these species occur. The life history trait 'the number of broods per year' was positively related to recent trends, suggesting that single-brooded species might be more sensitive to advances in food peak due to climate change, as it increases the risk of mistiming their single-breeding event. Annual fecundity explained long-term declines, as it is a good proxy for most other demographic rates, with shorter-lived species being more sensitive to global change: individuals of species with higher fecundity might have too short a life to learn to adapt to directional changes in their environment. Finally, there was evidence that natal dispersal was a predictor of recent trends, with species with high natal dispersal experiencing smaller population declines than species with low natal dispersal. This is expected if the higher the natal dispersal, the larger the ability to shift spatially when facing changes in local habitat or climate, in order to track optimal conditions and adapt to global change. Identifying decline-promoting factors allow us to infer mechanisms responsible for observed declines in wild bird populations facing global change, and by doing so allow for a more pre-emptive approach to conservation planning.  相似文献   

Host-parasite interactions have been hypothesized to affect the evolution of dispersal by providing a possibility for hosts to escape debilitating parasites, and by influencing the level of local adaptation. We used a comparative approach to investigate the relationship between a component of host immune function (which reflects the evolutionary history of parasite-induced natural selection) and dispersal in birds. We used a sample of 46 species of birds for which we had obtained field estimates of T-cell response for nestlings, mainly from our own field studies in Denmark and Spain. Bird species with longer natal, but not with longer breeding dispersal distances had a stronger mean T-cell-mediated immune response in nestlings than species with short dispersal distances. That was also the case when controlling for the potentially confounding effect of migration from breeding to wintering area, which is known from previous studies to be positively associated with dispersal distance. These relationships held even when controlling for similarity among species because of common ancestry. Avian hosts with a larger number of different breeding habitats had weaker mean T-cell-mediated immune responses than habitat specialists. This relationship held even when controlling for similarity among species because of common ancestry. Therefore, T-cell-mediated immunity is an important predictor of evolutionary changes in dispersal ability among common European birds.  相似文献   

Aim Habitat fragmentation is a major driver of biodiversity loss but it is insufficiently known how much its effects vary among species with different life‐history traits; especially in plant communities, the understanding of the role of traits related to species persistence and dispersal in determining dynamics of species communities in fragmented landscapes is still limited. The primary aim of this study was to test how plant traits related to persistence and dispersal and their interactions modify plant species vulnerability to decreasing habitat area and increasing isolation. Location Five regions distributed over four countries in Central and Northern Europe. Methods Our dataset was composed of primary data from studies on the distribution of plant communities in 300 grassland fragments in five regions. The regional datasets were consolidated by standardizing nomenclature and species life‐history traits and by recalculating standardized landscape measures from the original geographical data. We assessed the responses of plant species richness to habitat area, connectivity, plant life‐history traits and their interactions using linear mixed models. Results We found that the negative effect of habitat loss on plant species richness was pervasive across different regions, whereas the effect of habitat isolation on species richness was not evident. This area effect was, however, not equal for all the species, and life‐history traits related to both species persistence and dispersal modified plant sensitivity to habitat loss, indicating that both landscape and local processes determined large‐scale dynamics of plant communities. High competitive ability for light, annual life cycle and animal dispersal emerged as traits enabling species to cope with habitat loss. Main conclusions In highly fragmented rural landscapes in NW Europe, mitigating the spatial isolation of remaining grasslands should be accompanied by restoration measures aimed at improving habitat quality for low competitors, abiotically dispersed and perennial, clonal species.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of sex allocation and dispersal in a two-habitat environment using a game theoretic analysis. One habitat is of better quality than the other and increased habitat quality influences the competitive ability of offspring in a sex-specific manner. Unlike previous work, we allow incomplete mixing of the population during mating. We discuss three special cases involving the evolution of sex allocation under fixed levels of dispersal between habitats. In these special cases, stable sex-allocation behaviors can be both biased and unbiased. When sex-allocation behavior and dispersal rates co-evolve we identify two basic outcomes. First-when sex-specific differences in the consequences of spatial heterogeneity are large-we predict the evolution of biased sex-allocation behavior in both habitats, with dispersal by males in one direction and dispersal by females in the other direction. Second-when sex-specific differences are small-unbiased sex-allocation is predicted with no dispersal between habitats.  相似文献   

The integration of genetic information with ecological and phenotypic data constitutes an effective approach to gain insight into the mechanisms determining interpopulation variability and the evolutionary processes underlying local adaptation and incipient speciation. Here, we use the Pyrenean Morales grasshopper (Chorthippus saulcyi moralesi) as study system to (i) analyse the relative role of genetic drift and selection in range‐wide patterns of phenotypic differentiation and (ii) identify the potential selective agents (environment, elevation) responsible for variation. We also test the hypothesis that (iii) the development of dispersal‐related traits is associated with different parameters related to population persistence/turnover, including habitat suitability stability over the last 120 000 years, distance to the species distribution core and population genetic variability. Our results indicate that selection shaped phenotypic differentiation across all the studied morphological traits (body size, forewing length and shape). Subsequent analyses revealed that among‐population differentiation in forewing length was significantly explained by a temperature gradient, suggesting an adaptive response to thermoregulation or flight performance under contrasting temperature regimes. We found support for our hypothesis predicting a positive association between the distance to the species distribution core and the development of dispersal‐related morphology, which suggests an increased dispersal capability in populations located at range edges that, in turn, exhibit lower levels of genetic variability. Overall, our results indicate that range‐wide patterns of phenotypic variation are partially explained by adaptation in response to local environmental conditions and differences in habitat persistence between core and peripheral populations.  相似文献   

During natal dispersal, young animals leave their natal area and search for a new area to live. In species in which individuals inhabit different types of habitat, experience with a natal habitat may increase the probability that a disperser will select the same type of habitat post-dispersal (natal habitat preference induction or NHPI). Despite considerable interest in the ecological and the evolutionary implications of NHPI, we lack empirical evidence that it occurs in nature. Here we show that dispersing brush mice (Peromyscus boylii) are more likely to search and settle within their natal habitat type than expected based on habitat availability. These results document the occurrence of NHPI in nature and highlight the relevance of experience-generated habitat preferences for ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Adaptive traits of wild barley plants of Mediterranean and desert origin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Reciprocal introduction of seeds and seedlings was used to test for local adaptation and to identify a set of co-adapted traits of Mediterranean and desert ecotypes of wild barley Hordeum spontaneum. Evidence for local adaptation was found in seedling introductions into intact environments and from ecotype colonization success in the first generation after seed dispersal. Estimates of fitness were obtained at particular stages of the life cycle (seed, seedling and adult). Experiments that manipulated the environment (vegetation removal, different plant density) demonstrated the intensity and direction of natural selection in different life history episodes, but there was no strong evidence for local adaptation under these circumstances. The observed genetically determined differences between Mediterranean and desert ecotypes can be summarized as the following: reproductive output was higher in desert plants, with smaller seeds than in Mediterranean plants. There was a higher competitive ability of Mediterranean than desert plants. Plants of desert origin had significant reductions in yield when grown in mixed stands with Mediterranean plants; no such effect was observed for plants of Mediterranean origin. Seed germination and seedling survival was lower in seeds of desert origin. This was due to both: genetically determined higher dormancy of desert seeds and a trade-off between no. of seeds and their size (directly related to seed/seedling vigour).  相似文献   

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