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Queen number varies in the population of O. hastatus in SE Brazil. Here, we evaluate how nesting ecology and colony structure are associated in this species, and investigate how reproduction is shared among nestmate queens. Queen number per colony is positively correlated with nesting space (root cluster of epiphytic bromeliads), and larger nest sites host larger ant colonies. Plant samplings revealed that suitable nest sites are limited and that nesting space at ant-occupied bromeliads differs in size and height from the general bromeliad community. Dissections revealed that queens in polygynous colonies are inseminated, have developed ovaries, and produce eggs. Behavioral observations showed that reproduction in polygynous colonies is mediated by queen–queen agonistic interactions that include egg cannibalism. Dominant queens usually produced more eggs. Field observations indicate that colonies can be initiated through haplometrosis. Polygyny in O. hastatus may result either from groups of cofounding queens (pleometrosis) or from adoption of newly mated queens by established colonies (secondary polygyny). Clumping of bromeliads increases nest space and probably adds stability through a strong root system, which may promote microhabitat selection by queens and favor pleometrosis. Rainstorms that frequently knock down bromeliads can be a source of colony break-up and may promote polygyny. Bromeliads are limited nest sites and may represent a risk for young queens leaving a suitable nest, thus favoring secondary polygyny. Although proximate mechanisms mediating queen number are poorly understood, this study suggests that heterogeneous microhabitat conditions probably contribute to the coexistence of variable forms of social structure in O. hastatus.  相似文献   

1. Ant colonies commonly have multiple egg‐laying queens (secondary polygyny). Polygyny is frequently associated with polydomy (single colonies occupy multiple nest sites) and restricted dispersal of females. The production dynamics and reproductive allocation patterns within a population comprising one polygyne, polydomous colony of the red ant Myrmica rubra were studied. 2. Queen number per nest increased with nest density and the number of adult workers increased with the number of resident queens and with nest density. This suggests that nest site limitation promotes polygyny and that workers accumulate in nest units incapable of budding. 3. Nest productivity increased with the number of adult workers and production per queen was independent of queen number. Productivity increased with nest density, suggesting local resource enhancement. This shows that productivity can be a linear function of queen numbers and that the limiting factor is not the egg‐laying capacity of queens. 4. The total and per capita production of reproductives decreased towards the periphery of the colony, suggesting that the spatial location of nest units affects sexual production. Thus nests at the periphery of the colony invested more heavily in new workers. This is consistent with earlier observations in plants and could either represent investment in future budding or increased defence. 5. The colony produced only five new queens and 2071 males, hence the sex ratio was extremely male biased.  相似文献   

We examined nesting behavior in monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) in their native habitat in the Brazilian Pantanal. Unique among parrots, monk parakeets build communal nest structures that contain many cavities, each belonging to an individual pair. We studied 41 parakeet colonies that had 104 nest structures. We hypothesized that nest structures would be located in trees providing the greatest support and protection from predators and inclement weather, and that nest sites and nest cavities would differ from random locations with respect to tree characteristics, location of houses, and presence of jabiru stork (Jabiru mycteria) nests, as suggested anecdotally by other authors. Fewer than half of the colonies were close (<350 m) to houses. There was a strong association with jabiru storks; 21 of 23 stork nests had monk parakeet nest cavities attached, accounting for 51% of parakeet colonies. Of the 21 jabiru-associated colonies, 6 had additional parakeet structures and 15 had only the jabiru-attached parakeet structure. Monk parakeet colonies associated with jabiru nests had significantly more nesting cavities than did monospecific monk parakeet colonies, due mainly to those attached directly to the jabiru nest. In jabiru-associated colonies, parakeet nest structures were located higher and in taller trees than in monospecific colonies. There was no difference in trunk diameters of parakeet nesting trees with or without jabirus. Although we tabulated 24 tree species as nest trees, nearest-neighbor trees, or matched-point trees, only 6 species were used for nesting. When compared to matched points, monk parakeet structures were preferentially located in piuva (Tabebuia spp.) and mandovi trees (Sterculia apetela). Parakeet structures were in taller trees with thicker trunk diameters than matched points. Most nest cavities (71%) faced in a northerly direction (northwest to northeast), away from cold southerly winds. Choice of a nest site and orientation appears to reflect structural, weather, and predator constraints. Thick, tall trees with stout branches provided stable sites for their large nest structures, which are known to collapse because of their own weight and strong winds. Nesting with jabirus confers structural advantages (they could attach many nests to the bottom of the jabiru nest, potentially gaining benefits from social facilitation), early warning, and predator defense.  相似文献   

Honey‐making bee colonies in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park were investigated with Batwa Pygmies locating 228 nests of Apis and five stingless bees (Meliponini). The relative importance of predation, food supply, nesting site, and elevation affecting abundance were studied for meliponines in particular. Nest predation and overall nest abundance had no correlation with elevation along a 1400 m gradient, nor did flowering phenology or pollen collection. Many suitable, large trees were unoccupied by bee nests. In 174 ha of forest plots, 2 Meliponula lendliana, 13 M. nebulata, 16 M. ferruginea, 16 M. bocandei, and 20 Apis mellifera adansonii nests occurred, suggesting a habitat‐wide density of 39 nests/km2. Compared to other studies, Ugandan Meliponini were uncommon (0.27 colonies/ha, tropical mean = 1.9/ha), while Apis mellifera was numerous (0.12 nests/ha, tropical mean = 0.06/ha), despite park policy allowing humans to exploit Apis. Meliponine colony mortality from predators averaged 12 percent/yr and those near ground were most affected. Tool‐using humans and chimpanzees caused 82 percent of stingless bee nest predation. Selective factors affecting nest heights and habit may include auditory hunting by predators for buzzing bees, and indirect mutualists such as termites that leave potential nesting cavities. Mobility and free‐nesting by honey bee colonies should enable rapid community recovery after mortality, especially in parks where human honey hunting is frequent, compared to sedentary and nest‐site‐bound Meliponini.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts conflict between queens and workers in the social insect colony with respect to male production. This conflict arises from the haplodiploid system of sex determination in Hymenoptera that creates relatedness asymmetries in which workers are more closely related to the sons of other workers than to those of the queen. In annual hymenopteran societies that are headed by a single queen, the mating frequency of the queen is the only factor that affects the colony kin structure. Therefore, we examined the mating structure of queens and the parentage of males in a monogynous bumblebee, Bombus ignitus, using DNA microsatellites. In the seven colonies that were studied, B. ignitus queens mated once, thereby leading to the prediction of conflict between the queen and workers regarding male production. In each of the five queen-right colonies, the majority of the males (95%) were produced by the colony’s queen. In contrast, workers produced approximately 47% of all the males in two queenless colonies. These results suggest that male production in B. ignitus is a conflict between queen and workers.  相似文献   

1. Bumblebee nests are difficult to find in sufficient numbers for well replicated studies. Counts of nest‐searching queens in spring and early summer have been used as an indication of preferred nesting habitat, but this relationship has not yet been validated; high densities of nest‐searching queens may indicate habitat with few nesting opportunities (meaning that queens have to spend longer looking for them). 2. From mid April 2010, queen bumblebees were counted along 20 transects in grassland and woodland habitats in central Scotland, U.K. The number of inflorescences of suitable forage plants were also estimated at each transect visit. The area surrounding each transect was searched for nests in the summer. 3. In total, 173 queen bumblebees were recorded on transects, and, of these, 149 were engaged in nest‐searching. Searches subsequently revealed 33 bumblebee nests. 4. The number of nest‐searching queens on transects was significantly, positively related to the number of nests subsequently found. Estimated floral abundance along the transect did not correlate with numbers of nest‐searching queens or with the number of nests found, suggesting that queens do not target their searching to areas that are locally high in spring forage. 5. The data suggest that counts of nest‐searching queens provide a useful positive indication of good nesting habitat, and hence where bumblebee nests are likely to be found later in the year.  相似文献   

Nest box supplementation is widely used to increase nest‐site availability for cavity nesting animals but the analysis of its effects on individuals breeding in natural cavities is often neglected. This study offers a novel restoration technique to revert abandonment of natural breeding sites by a secondary cavity avian bird, the European roller (Coracias garrulus), and other ecologically similar species. We found that, after a program of nest box supplementation with ensuing monitoring, rollers gradually abandon nesting in natural and seminatural cavities in favor of nest boxes because the latter are of higher quality. We examine whether reducing the entrance size of natural and seminatural cavities improves their suitability for rollers. A 6‐year program reduced the diameter of the entrance of sandstone cavities and cavities in bridges. This led to a high occupancy (59%) of manipulated nest‐sites. Manipulated sites were most frequently occupied by rollers and little owls (Athene noctua) (31 and 18% of sites, respectively). Manipulation did not affect clutch size or fledgling success. We suggest that nest‐site diversity and nesting in natural cavities should be preserved to reduce nest box dependence. Our study illustrates the value of nest boxes when used alongside restoration of natural breeding sites and provides insights for the management of natural cavities.  相似文献   


Density‐related variation in queen quality has been proposed as a possible mechanism regulating population fluctuations in Vespula species. We investigated annual variation in the quality (size, weight, and fat content) of adult V. vulgaris queens representing four stages of their life cycle (spring, founding, developing, and emerged) taken from six sites in beech forest, South Island, New Zealand. For each queen the dry weight, head width, and thorax length was measured. For a subsample of queens, the fat content was determined by ether extraction. The size of queen cells was measured from a subsample of nests. Size, weight, and fat content of queens varied between wasp colonies and sites. The smallest juvenile queens were under‐represented in the reproductive population. There was no direct link between body size and food supply. Size and weight of developing queens increased as the number of cells in the nest increased. The size of the queen cells varied significantly among layers in a nest and among nests. The under‐representation of small queens in the reproductive population suggests that queen quality may affect survival and/or competitive ability by increasing winter fat storage, nest building activity, and/or success in usurpation disputes.  相似文献   

One of the five most important global biodiversity hotspots, the Neotropical Atlantic forest supports a diverse community of birds that nest in tree cavities. Cavity‐nesting birds may be particularly sensitive to forestry and agricultural practices that remove potential nest trees; however, there have been few efforts to determine what constitutes a potential nest tree in Neotropical forests. We aimed to determine the characteristics of trees and cavities used in nesting by excavators (species that excavate their own nest cavity) and secondary cavity‐nesters (species that rely on existing cavities), and to identify the characteristics of trees most likely to contain suitable cavities in the Atlantic forest of Argentina. We used univariate analyses and conditional logistic regression models to compare characteristics of nest trees paired with unused trees found over three breeding seasons (2006–2008). Excavators selected dead or unhealthy trees. Secondary cavity‐nesters primarily selected cavities that were deep and high on the tree, using live and dead cavity‐bearing trees in proportion to their availability. Nonexcavated cavities suitable for birds occurred primarily in live trees. They were most likely to develop in large‐diameter trees, especially grapia Apuleia leiocarpa and trees in co‐dominant or suppressed crown classes. To conserve cavity‐nesting birds of the Atlantic forest, we recommend a combination of policies, economic assistance, environmental education, and technical support for forest managers and small‐scale farmers, to maintain large healthy and unhealthy trees in commercial logging operations and on farms.  相似文献   

Identifying habitat or nesting microhabitat variables associated with high levels of nest success is important to understand nest site preferences and bird–habitat relationships. Little is known about cavity availability and nest site requirements of cavity nesters in southern hemisphere temperate forests, although nest site limitation is suggested. Here we ask which characteristics are selected by the Austral parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus) for nesting in Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pumilio forest in Argentine Patagonia. We compared nest plot and tree characteristics with unused plots and trees among areas of different A. araucana–N. pumilio density. We also examine whether nest plot and tree use and selection, and the associated consequences for fitness of Austral parakeets are spatially related to forest composition. Austral parakeets showed selectivity for nests at different spatial scales, consistently choosing isolated live and large trees with particular nest features in a non‐random way from available cavities. Mixed A. araucana–N. pumilio forests are ideal habitat for the Austral parakeets of northern Patagonia, offering numerous potential cavities, mainly in N. pumilio. We argue that Austral parakeet reproduction and fitness is currently very unlikely to be limited by cavity availability, although this situation may be rapidly changing. Natural and human disturbances are modifying south temperate forests with even‐aged mid‐successional stands replacing old growth forests. Cavity nesting species use and need old growth forests, due to the abundance of cavities in large trees and the abundance of larvae in old wood. Neither of the latter resources is sufficiently abundant in mid‐successional forests, increasing the vulnerability and threatening the survival of the Austral.  相似文献   

Females of social Hymenoptera show developmental plasticity in response to varying social and environmental conditions, though some species have strong genetic influences on the form of the female reproductives. In ants, a queen polymorphism can occur in which large queens initiate new colonies on their own, while small queens enter established nests. Most queen polymorphisms studied to date originate due to genetic differences between individuals of differing form. Here, we report on the development of female form in response to social factors within the nest in the queen-polymorphic ant Temnothorax longispinosus. Three queen size morphs occur: a rare large queen with higher fat stores that can found new colonies independently, a large queen that has low fat stores and is behaviorally flexible, and a small queen that rejoins the natal nest. Both in nesting units collected from the field and those reared in the lab, queen presence during larval development led to fewer larvae developing as gynes (virgin, winged queens), and most of those gynes were the small morph. This queen effect is transferred to developing gyne larvae by close, physical interaction between queens and workers, and causes slower larval development. We conclude that gyne size, and therefore reproductive behavior, in T. longispinosus is developmentally plastic in response to queen presence. Plasticity in reproductive behavior may be an adaptive response to the nest sites utilized by this species. T. longispinosus nests predominantly in acorns and hickory nuts, which can vary dramatically from 1 year to the next. Since queens are more likely to be present in each nesting unit when fewer nest sites are available, the queen effect that results in more small gynes produced links the expression of colony-founding traits to ecological conditions across habitat patches.  相似文献   

The European Starling Sturnus vulgaris is an introduced species in North America and is an aggressive competitor for tree cavity nest‐sites. Starlings are commonly considered to influence nest‐site selection and reproductive success of native cavity‐nesting species negatively. We examined the relationship between Starling nest density and the fecundity of two native secondary cavity‐using passerines, Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides and Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor. We monitored a total of 622 nests (approximately equal numbers for each of the three species) in woodpecker‐excavated and naturally occurring cavities in 29 small forest groves in central British Columbia, Canada, between 2000 and 2009. The dimensions of cavities used and the timing of nest initiation overlapped for all species, although Starlings initiated clutches earliest. Mixed‐effects models were used to assess whether nest abundance, clutch size or nest success were affected directly by Starling nest abundance, or indirectly via a shift in cavity selection or timing of breeding. Starlings and Mountain Bluebirds showed inverse trends in nest abundance. Mountain Bluebird clutch sizes were smaller if they were initiated later in the breeding season. There was weak evidence that Tree Swallow clutch size decreased with cavity depth when Starling nests were abundant, and increased with cavity depth where there were few Starling nests. We conclude that despite the aggressive nature of this exotic cavity‐nester, the influence of Starlings on native secondary cavity‐nesting passerines is modest where cavities are abundant.  相似文献   

Holes provide the safest nest sites for birds, but they are an underutilized resource; in natural forests there are usually more holes than birds that could use them. Some bird species could be prevented from nesting in holes because of their inability to operate in the low light conditions which occur in cavities. As no visual system can operate in complete darkness some nest cavities could be too dark to be useable even by hole‐nesters. Thus, the light conditions within tree cavities could constrain both the evolution of the hole nesting habit, and the nest site choice of the hole‐nesting birds. These ideas cannot be tested because little is known about the light conditions in cavities. We took an opportunity provided by ongoing studies of marsh tits Poecile palustris and great tits Parus major breeding in a primeval forest (Bia?owie?a National Park, Poland) to measure illumination inside their nest cavities. We measured illuminance in cavities at daybreak, which is just after the parents commenced feeding nestlings. Only ca 1% of incoming light reached the level of the nest. Illuminance at nests of both species (median = 0.1–0.2 lx) fell within mesopic‐scotopic range, where colour vision is impaired. Measurements in model cavities showed strong declines in illumination with distance from the entrance, with light levels typically as low as 0.01 lx at 40 cm from the cavity entrance. Thus cavities can be very dark, often too dark for the use of colour vision, and we suggest that ‘lighting’ requirements can affect the adoption of specific nest sites by hole nesting birds. We discuss implications of the findings for understanding the adaptations for hole‐breeding in birds.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of two species of African hornbill, the Black-casqued Hornbill, Ceratogymna atrata, and the Whitethighed Hornbill, Ceratogymna cylindricus, was investigated over a four-year period (1994–1997) on a 25km 2 site in lowland rainforest in south-central Cameroon. Nesting attempts varied considerably among years, with the percentage of successful nests highest in 1995, with 64% and 54% of Black-casqued and White-thighed Hornbill fledging offspring, respectively. There were no nesting attempts in 1994, despite the fact that hornbills were present in the study area. Large differences in fruit availability were also noted across years, suggesting that reproductive activity and success are related to fruit availability. Data collected from 38 nests, over four breeding seasons (1994–1997), showed a preference for nest cavities in larger trees within areas of the forest containing larger trees. Hornbills did not show preferences for particular tree species, with the possible exception of Petersianthus macrocarpus, in which nine of the active nest cavities were found. Comparisons showed few significant differences in cavity characteristics between the two species . While cavities may have been a limiting factor in nesting in 1995, the year with the highest fruit availability, cavities were not limiting during other years when fruit availability was lower. Hornbill diets, as determined from seed traps at cavities, showed significant year-to-year variation. Although courtship and exploratory behaviour of cavities by pairs took place in most years, females did not wall themselves into cavities unless fruit was plentiful. Hornbills appear to time reproduction to coincide with peak food supply and successfully reproduce only when food is plentiful, and may curtail or forego nesting in years when fruit availability is low.  相似文献   

The acceptance of new queens in ant colonies has profound effects on colony kin structure and inclusive fitness of workers. Therefore, it is important to study the recognition and discrimination behaviour of workers towards reproductive individuals entering established colonies. We examined the acceptance rate of queens in populations of the highly polygynous ant F. paralugubris, where the genetic differentiation among nests and discrimination ability among workers suggest that workers might reject foreign queens. We experimentally introduced young queens in their natal nest and in foreign nests. Surprisingly, the survival rate of mated queens did not differ significantly when introduced in a foreign male-producing nest, a foreign female-producing nest, or the natal nest. Moreover, the survival of virgin queens in their natal nest was twice the one of mated queens, suggesting that mating status plays an important role for acceptance. The results indicate that other factors than queen discrimination by workers are implicated in the limited longdistance gene flow between nests in these populations. Received 8 April 2008; revised 16 June 2008; accepted 1 July 2008.  相似文献   

Birds that nest in cavities may regulate nest microclimate by orienting their nest entrance relative to the sun or prevailing winds. Alternatively, birds may orient their nest entrance relative to conspecific individuals around them, especially if the acoustic properties of cavities permit nesting birds to better hear individuals in front of their nest. We measured the cavity entrance orientation of 132 nests and 234 excavations in a colour‐banded population of black‐capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus for which the reproductive behaviour of nesting females was known. Most chickadees excavated cavities in rotten birch Betula papyrifera, aspen Populus tremuloides and maple Acer saccharum. Nest cavities showed random compass orientation around 360° demonstrating that chickadees do not orient their cavities relative to the sun or prevailing winds. We also presented chickadees with nest boxes arranged in groups of four, oriented at 90° intervals around the same tree. Nests constructed in these nest box quartets also showed random compass orientation. To test the acoustic properties of nest cavities, we conducted a sound transmission experiment using a microphone mounted inside a chickadee nest. Re‐recorded songs demonstrate that chickadee nest cavities have directional acoustic properties; songs recorded with the cavity entrance oriented towards the loudspeaker were louder than songs recorded with the cavity entrance oriented away from the loudspeaker. Thus, female chickadees, who roost inside their nest cavity in the early morning during their fertile period, should be better able to hear males singing the dawn chorus in front of their nest cavity. Using GIS analyses we tested for angular‐angular correlation between actual nest cavity orientation and the azimuth from the nest tree to the territories and nest cavities of nearby males. In general, nest cavity entrances showed no angular‐angular correlation with neighbourhood territory features. However, among birds who followed a mixed reproductive strategy and nested in the soft wood of birch and aspen trees, nest cavity entrances were oriented towards their extra‐pair partners. We conclude that nest cavity orientation in birds may be influenced by both ecological and social factors.  相似文献   

Many studies have dealt with the habitat requirements of cavity‐nesting birds, but there is no meta‐analysis on the subject and individual study results remain vague or contradictory. We conducted a meta‐analysis to increase the available evidence for nest‐site selection of cavity‐nesting birds. Literature was searched in Web of Science and Google Scholar and included studies that provide data on the habitat requirements of cavity‐nesting birds in temperate and boreal forests of varying naturalness. To compare nest and non‐nest‐tree characteristics, the following data were collected from the literature: diameter at breast height (DBH) and its standard deviation (SD), sample size of trees with and without active nest, amount of nest and available trees described as dead or with a broken crown, and amount of nest and available trees that were lacking these characteristics. Further collected data included bird species nesting in the cavities and nest‐building type (nonexcavator/excavator), forest type (coniferous/deciduous/mixed), biome (temperate/boreal), and naturalness (managed/natural). From these data, three effect sizes were calculated that describe potential nest trees in terms of DBH, vital status (dead/alive), and crown status (broken/intact). These tree characteristics can be easily recognized by foresters. The results show that on average large‐diameter trees, dead trees, and trees with broken crowns were selected for nesting. The magnitude of this effect varied depending primarily on bird species and the explanatory variables forest type and naturalness. Biome had lowest influence (indicated by ΔAIC). We conclude that diameter at breast height, vitality, and crown status can be used as tree characteristics for the selection of trees that should be retained in selectively harvested forests.  相似文献   

1. Genetic colony structure of the small central European ant Leptothorax nylanderi is affected strongly by ecological constraints such as nest site availability and intraspecific social parasitism. 2. Although L. nylanderi is generally monogynous and monandrous, more than a quarter of all nests collected in a dense population near Würzburg, Germany, contained several matrilines. As shown by microsatellite analysis, the average nest‐mate relatedness in these nests was 0.20. Genetically heterogeneous nests arise from nest take‐over by alien colonies or founding queens, a result of severe competition for nest sites. 3. In summer, more than one‐third of all colonies inhabited several nest sites at a time. Polydomy appears to be rather limited, with two or three nests belonging to a single polydomous colony. 4. Queens appear to dominate male production; only a small fraction (8%) of males was definitively not progeny of the queen present but might have been worker progeny or offspring of another queen. 5. Strong evidence for heterozygote deficiency was found and a total of nine diploid males was discovered in two colonies. These findings suggest deviation from random mating through small, localised nuptial flights.  相似文献   

1. In social insects, the number of nests that a colony inhabits may have important consequences for colony genetic structure, the number of queens, sex allocation, foraging efficiency, and nestmate recognition. Within the ants, colonies may either occupy a single nest (monodomy) or may be organised into a complex network of nests and trails, a condition known as polydomy. 2. The current study is a large‐scale, long‐term, comprehensive field examination of various features of colony social and spatial structure in the facultatively polydomous black carpenter ant, Camponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer). The study examined the density, persistence, and the spatiotemporal distribution of colonies across a gradient of land disturbance associated with urban development. The temporal and spatial pattern of nest use was compared between fragmented landscapes where nesting sites were interspersed among human‐built structures (urban plots) and less disturbed landscapes with higher tree density (suburban plots). In addition, nesting site fidelity and changes in colony spatial structure were monitored over 7 years. 3. Long‐term monitoring and extensive sampling over a large spatial area allowed the first comprehensive insight into the spatiotemporal dynamics of colony and population structure in C. pennsylvanicus. A total of 1113 trees were inspected over 233 ha. Camponotus pennsylvanicus were active on 348 of the 1113 trees (31%) and these represented 182 distinct colonies. The colonisation rate remained relatively stable over 7 years suggesting that an equilibrium point had been reached. Relative to the suburban plots, tree density was 65% lower in the urban plots. The proportion of trees colonised by C. pennsylvanicus was significantly higher in the urban plots suggesting that intraspecific competition for nesting sites may be especially high in areas with lower tree density. Colony spatial structure also differed significantly between habitats and a higher incidence of monodomy was observed in the urban environment. The average number of trees per colony across all subplots was 1.95 (range 1–4) indicating that C. pennsylvanicus are weakly polydomous. 4. The composite picture that emerges for C. pennsylvanicus colonies in the urban habitat is a chain reaction of events: (i) the urban habitat has a lower tree density, (ii) lower tree density results in higher tree colonisation rate, (iii) higher tree colonisation rate results in simpler colony spatial structure (i.e. higher incidence of monodomy), and (iv) simpler colony spatial structure results in numerically smaller colonies. Long‐term monitoring of the spatiotemporal pattern of nest site use in selected colonies revealed a unique trend. While worker counts in selected colonies remained relatively stable throughout the course of the study, colony spatial structure changed considerably with 28% of colonies experiencing a change. Furthermore, the likelihood of detecting a change in colony spatial structure increased with the amount of time passing from the initial inspection. 5. In conclusion, tree density has a significant effect on a number of important colony features in C. pennsylvanicus. Besides tree density, other environmental features such as human‐built structures cause habitat fragmentation and may act as natural barriers to worker dispersal and/or foraging. Such barriers may ultimately affect the social and/or spatial structure at both the colony and the population level.  相似文献   

A 4 year mark–recapture study examined the pattern of nesting site fidelity of parental‐type male bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. The study results indicated that iteroparous male L. macrochirus choose new nest sites near their own previously used sites. The scale of site fidelity varied, but generally males choose to renest within shoreline areas rather than specific or exact nest locations (94% within‐year, 86% among‐years). Iteroparous males also displayed no preference to nest in proximity to neighbouring males from previous colonies to suggest social fidelity. Contrary to expectation, manipulating males' reproductive success had no significant effect on the pattern or scale of male reproductive site fidelity.  相似文献   

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