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  1. The evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA) hypothesis states that, when introduced in a novel habitat, invasive species may reallocate resources from costly quantitative defense mechanisms against enemies to dispersal and reproduction; meanwhile, the refinement of EICA suggests that concentrations of toxins used for qualitative defense against generalist herbivores may increase. Previous studies considered that only few genotypes were introduced to the new range, whereas most studies to test the EICA (or the refinement of EICA) hypotheses did not consider founder effects.
  2. In this study, genetic and phenotypic data of Chromolaena odorata populations sampled across native and introduced ranges were combined to investigate the role of postintroduction evolution in the successful invasion of C. odorata.
  3. Compared with native populations, the introduced populations exhibited lower levels of genetic diversity. Moreover, different founder effects events were interpreted as the main cause of the genetic structure observed in introduced ranges. Three Florida, two Trinidad, and two Puerto Rico populations may have been the sources of the invasive C. odorata in Asia.
  4. When in free of competition conditions, C. odorata plants from introduced ranges perform better than those from native ranges at high nutrient supply but not at low nutrient level. The differences in performance due to competition were significantly greater for C. odorata plants from the native range than those from the introduced range at both nutrient levels. Moreover, the differences in performance by competition were significantly greater for putative source populations than for invasive populations.
  5. Quantities of three types of secondary compounds in leaves of invasive C. odorata populations were significantly higher than those in putative source populations. These results provide more accurate evidence that the competitive ability of the introduced C. odorata is increased with postintroduction evolution.

The perennial shrub Siam Weed (Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & H. Rob.), a native of the rainforests of central and southern America, is predicted to invade most countries between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Subsequent to its discovery in northern Queensland, Australia in 1994, it was unsuccessfully targeted for eradication, with early control efforts restricted to manual removal and foliar spraying with triclopyr/picloram. A chemical trial involving five herbicides and three application methods (foliar, basal bark and cut stump) was undertaken in northern Queensland to identify effective chemicals to control this weed. Of the foliar herbicides tested, fluroxypyr (70 g/100 L) provided 99% mortality, triclopyr/picloram (105/35 g/100 L) 95%, while metsulfuron‐methyl (9 g/100 L) killed 85% of the treated plants. The herbicides fluroxypyr (300 g/100 L), picloram (43 g/1 kg) and triclopyr/picloram (400/200 g/100 L) killed greater than 98% of the plants when applied as basal bark or cut stump. The integration of fire into the management strategy either as a primary or secondary control option could have a major role, given that in this study, 99% of the Siam Weed soil seed bank was located on the soil surface.  相似文献   

Following its introduction in the late 1960s, Broussonetia papyrifera L. Vent. Moraceae (paper mulberry) has emerged as a major exotic invasive species in Ghana's forest ecosystems. This study was carried out to assess the effects of B. papyrifera invasion on community composition in forest and forest–savannah transition ecosystems. Comparative and removal experiments were conducted in paired B. papyrifera invaded versus uninvaded plots. In the comparative assessment, species composition was found to be similar in both invaded and uninvaded plots. However, relative per cent cover of resident species and guilds including Chromolaena odorata, indigenous broadleaves and indigenous grasses were significantly lower in invaded plots. Seven months after B. papyrifera was experimentally removed from invaded stands, cover by indigenous broadleaves increased by 35%, as against only 5% in control plots at the forest site. However, at the transition site, the increase in per cent cover of indigenous broadleaves (18%) was not significantly different from control (2.5%) plots. We conclude that B. papyrifera has the capacity to reduce the abundance of indigenous broadleaf species, although its removal is more likely to favour regeneration in a forest than a forest–savannah transition ecosystem.  相似文献   

【背景】扶桑绵粉蚧是近年来入侵我国的重要检疫性害虫,在我国多个省份均有发生,造成了严重的经济损失。【方法】于2009—2015年对杭州地区扶桑绵粉蚧的发生危害情况进行了实地调查,同时结合mt DNA COI分子标记方法,对扶桑绵粉蚧进行分子鉴定和系统进化分析。【结果】杭州市余杭区、萧山区和临安市3个地区发现扶桑绵粉蚧分布,共调查到寄主植物38科61属68种,以辣椒、茄子、番茄、南瓜、棉花、芝麻、菊花、苦荬菜、大花马齿苋和五色梅受害最严重。系统进化分析表明,杭州地区的扶桑绵粉蚧未发生明显的遗传分化,与我国其他地区扶桑绵粉蚧mt DNA COI基因相似度为99.4%~100%。【结论与意义】本研究为进一步研究扶桑绵粉蚧的遗传进化、可能的侵入途径以及科学防控提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The persistence of an invasive species is influenced by its reproductive ecology, and a successful control program must operate on this premise. However, the reproductive ecology of invasive species may be enigmatic due to factors that also limit their management, such as cryptic coloration and behavior. We explored the mating and reproductive ecology of the invasive Brown Treesnake (BTS: Boiga irregularis) by reconstructing a multigenerational genomic pedigree based on 654 single nucleotide polymorphisms for a geographically closed population established in 2004 on Guam (N = 426). The pedigree allowed annual estimates of individual mating and reproductive success to be inferred for snakes in the study population over a 14‐year period. We then employed generalized linear mixed models to gauge how well phenotypic and genomic data could predict sex‐specific annual mating and reproductive success. Average snout–vent length (SVL), average body condition index (BCI), and trappability were significantly related to annual mating success for males, with average SVL also related to annual mating success for females. Male and female annual reproductive success was positively affected by SVL, BCI, and trappability. Surprisingly, the degree to which individuals were inbred had no effect on annual mating or reproductive success. When juxtaposed with current control methods, these results indicate that baited traps, a common interdiction tool, may target fecund BTS in some regards but not others. Our study emphasizes the importance of reproductive ecology as a focus for improving BTS control and promotes genomic pedigree reconstruction for such an endeavor in this invasive species and others.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来, 中国荒漠化恢复取得显著成效, 荒漠化、沙化土地面积持续减少, 植被覆盖度大幅提升, 但关于植被恢复过程中生物多样性如何变化的研究不足, 这制约着对荒漠化恢复成效的全面评估。本文基于群落调查和叶功能性状(叶片厚度、叶片干物质含量、比叶面积和叶片密度)的测定, 分析了毛乌素沙地不同恢复阶段(半固定沙地、固定沙地、结皮覆盖沙地和草本植物覆盖沙地)的植物群落物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性特征。结果表明: (1)多数叶功能性状的系统发育信号不显著, 表明环境因子对研究区植物功能性状的塑造作用很强。(2)对于α多样性, 结皮覆盖沙地的物种多样性(Shannon-Wiener多样性, H)、物种丰富度(S)、功能丰富度(FRic)及系统发育多样性(PD)指数均显著低于其他恢复阶段, 而其他3个阶段间无显著差异; 这些指数间均显著正相关, 表明物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性在植被恢复过程中协同变化。(3) β多样性指数随恢复阶段间隔增加而逐渐增大, 表明物种组成、功能属性及系统发育关系随植被恢复持续变化, 且半固定沙地到固定沙地的群落物种组成、功能属性及系统发育关系更替最快, 导致群落间差异最大。(4)固定沙地、结皮覆盖沙地和草本植物覆盖沙地群落系统发育结构均趋向于发散, 表明竞争排斥是群落构建的主要驱动力; 而半固定沙地群落系统发育结构无一致规律, 表明群落构建可能受到生境过滤和竞争排斥的综合作用。研究结果可为植被建设与管理提供参考, 为毛乌素沙地生态保育和生物多样性的保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Invasive Sus scrofa, a species commonly referred to as wild pig or feral swine, is a destructive invasive species with a rapidly expanding distribution across the United States. We used artificial wallows and small waterers to determine the minimum amount of time needed for pig eDNA to accumulate in the water source to a detectable level. We removed water from the artificial wallows and tested eDNA detection over the course of 2 weeks to understand eDNA persistence. We show that our method is sensitive enough to detect very low quantities of eDNA shed by a terrestrial mammal that has limited interaction with water. Our experiments suggest that the number of individuals shedding into a water system can affect persistence of eDNA. Use of an eDNA detection technique can benefit management efforts by providing a sensitive method for finding even small numbers of individuals that may be elusive using other methods.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics and symbiont diagnostics have revolutionized our understanding of insect species diversity, and the transformative effects of bacterial symbionts on host life history. Encarsia inaron is a parasitoid wasp that has been shown to harbour two bacterial endosymbionts, Wolbachia and Cardinium. Known then as E. partenopea, it was introduced to the USA in the late 1980s from populations collected in Italy and Israel for the biological control of an ornamental tree pest, the ash whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae. We studied natural populations from sites in the USA, the Mediterranean and the Middle East as well as from a Cardinium‐infected laboratory culture established from Italy, with the aims of characterizing these populations genetically, testing reproductive isolation, determining symbiont infection status in their native and introduced range, and determining symbiont role. The results showed that the two Encarsia populations introduced to the USA are genetically distinct, reproductively isolated, have different symbionts and different host–symbiont interactions, and can be considered different biological species. One (‘E. inaron’) is doubly infected by Wolbachia and Cardinium, while only Cardinium is present in the other (‘E. partenopea’). The Cardinium strains in the two species are distinct, although closely related, and crossing tests indicate that the Cardinium infecting ‘E. partenopea’ induces cytoplasmic incompatibility. The frequency of symbiont infection found in the native and introduced range of these wasps was similar, unlike the pattern seen in some other systems. These results also lead to a retelling of a successful biological control story, with several more characters than had been initially described.  相似文献   

Invasive species present a major threat to global biodiversity. Understanding genetic patterns and evolutionary processes that reinforce successful establishment is paramount for elucidating mechanisms underlying biological invasions. Among birds, the ring‐necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) is one of the most successful invasive species, established in over 35 countries. However, little is known about the evolutionary genetic origins of this species and what population genetic signatures tell us about patterns of invasion. We reveal the ancestral origins of populations across the invasive range and explore the potential influence of climate and propagule pressure from the pet trade on observed genetic patterns. Ring‐necked parakeet samples representing the ancestral native range (n = 96) were collected from museum specimens, and modern samples from the invasive range (n = 855) were gathered from across Europe, Mauritius and Seychelles, and sequenced for two mitochondrial DNA markers comprising 868 bp of cytochrome b and control region, and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Invasive populations comprise birds that originate predominantly from Pakistan and northern areas of India. Haplotypes associated with more northerly distribution limits in the ancestral native range were more prevalent in invasive populations in Europe, and the predominance of Asian haplotypes in Europe is consistent with the higher number of Asian birds transported by the pet trade outside the native range. Successful establishment of invasive species is likely to be underpinned by a combination of environmental and anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

Tubastraea tagusensis, a coral native to the Galapagos Archipelago, has successfully established and invaded the Brazilian coast where it modifies native tropical rocky shore and coral reef communities. In order to understand the processes underlying the establishment of T. tagusensis, we tested whether Maxent, a tool for species distribution modeling, based on the native range of T. tagusensis correctly forecasted the invasion range of this species in Brazil. The Maxent algorithm was unable to predict the Brazilian coast as a suitable environment for the establishment of T. tagusensis. A comparison between these models and a principal component analysis (PCA) allowed us to examine the environmental dissimilarity between the two occupied regions (native and invaded) and to assess the species' occupied niche breadth. According to the PCA results, lower levels of chlorophyll‐a and nitrate on the Atlantic coast segregate the Brazilian and Galapagos environments, implying that T. tagusensis may have expanded its realized niche during the invasion process. We tested the possible realized niche expansion in T. tagusensis by assuming that Tubastraea spp. have similar fundamental niches, which was supported by exploring the environmental space of T. coccinea, a tropical‐cosmopolitan congener of T. tagusensis. We believe that the usage of Maxent should be treated with caution, especially when applied to biological invasion (or climate change) scenarios where the target species has a highly localized native (original) distribution, which may represent only a small portion of its fundamental niche, and therefore a violation of a SDM assumption.  相似文献   

Aquatic habitats are usually structured by light attenuation with depth resulting in different microalgal communities, each one adapted to a certain light regime by their specific pigment composition. Several taxa contain pigments restricted to one phylogenetic group, making them useful as marker pigments in phytoplankton community studies. The nuisance and invasive freshwater microalga Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) is mainly found in brown water lakes with sharp vertical gradients in light intensity and color. However, its pigment composition and potential photoadaptations have not been comprehensively studied. We analyzed the photopigment composition of 12 genetically different strains of G. semen by high performance liquid chromatography after acclimation to different light conditions. We confirmed the pigments chl a, chl c1c2, diadinoxanthin, trans‐neoxanthin, cis‐neoxanthin, α and β carotene, which have already been reported for G. semen. In addition, we identified, for the first time, the pigments violaxan‐thin, zeaxanthin, and alloxanthin in this species. Alloxanthin has never been observed in raphidophytes before, suggesting differences in evolutionary plastid acquisition between freshwater lineages and the well‐described marine species. The amount of total chl a per cell generally decreased with increasing light intensity. In contrast, the increasing ratios of the prominent pigments diadinoxanthin and alloxanthin per chl a with light intensity suggest photoprotective functions. In addition, we found significant variation in cell‐specific pigment concentration among strains, grouped by lake of origin, which might correspond to genetic differences between strains and populations.  相似文献   

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