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Discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is a widely expressed tyrosine kinase receptor which binds to and gets activated by collagens including collagen type 1. Little is understood about the interaction of DDR1 with collagen and its possible functional implications. Here, we elucidate the binding pattern of the DDR1 extracellular domain (ECD) to collagen type 1 and its impact on collagen fibrillogenesis. Our in vitro assays utilized DDR1-Fc fusion proteins, which contain only the ECD of DDR1. Using surface plasmon resonance, we confirmed that further oligomerization of DDR1-Fc (by means of anti-Fc antibody) greatly enhances its binding to immobilized collagen type 1. Single-molecule imaging by means of atomic force microscopy revealed that DDR1 oligomers bound at overlapping or adjacent collagen molecules and were nearly absent on isolated collagen molecules. Interaction of DDR1 oligomers with collagen was found to modulate collagen fibrillogenesis both in vitro and in cell-based assays. Collagen fibers formed in the presence of DDR1 had a larger average diameter, were more cross-linked and lacked the native banded structure. The presence of DDR1 ECD resulted in "locking" of collagen molecules in an incomplete fibrillar state both in vitro and on surfaces of cells overexpressing DDR1. Our results signify an important functional role of the DDR1 ECD, which occurs naturally in kinase-dead isoforms of DDR1 and as a shedded soluble protein. The modulation of collagen fibrillogenesis by the DDR1 ECD elucidates a novel mechanism of collagen regulation by DDR1.  相似文献   

The discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is highly expressed in breast carcinoma cells. Upon binding to collagen, DDR1 undergoes autophosphorylation followed by limited proteolysis to generate a tyrosine phosphorylated C-terminal fragment (CTF). Although it was postulated that this fragment is formed as a result of shedding of the N-terminal ectodomain, collagen-dependent release of the DDR1 extracellular domain has not been demonstrated. We now report that, in conjunction with CTF formation, collagen type I stimulates concentration-dependent, saturable shedding of the DDR1 ectodomain from two carcinoma cell lines, and from transfected cells. In contrast, collagen did not promote cleavage of other transmembrane proteins including the amyloid precursor protein (APP), ErbB2, and E-cadherin. Collagen-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation and proteolysis of DDR1 in carcinoma cells were reduced by a pharmacologic Src inhibitor. Moreover, expression of a dominant negative Src mutant protein in human embryonic kidney cells inhibited collagen-dependent phosphorylation and shedding of co-transfected DDR1. The hydroxamate-based metalloproteinase inhibitor TAPI-1 (tumor necrosis factor-alpha protease inhibitor-1), and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-3, also blocked collagen-evoked DDR1 shedding, but did not reduce levels of the phosphorylated CTF. Neither shedding nor CTF formation were affected by the gamma-secretase inhibitor, L-685,458. The results demonstrate that collagen-evoked ectodomain cleavage of DDR1 is mediated in part by Src-dependent activation or recruitment of a matrix- or disintegrin metalloproteinase, and that CTF formation can occur independently of ectodomain shedding. Delayed shedding of the DDR1 ectodomain may represent a mechanism that limits DDR1-dependent cell adhesion and migration on collagen matrices.  相似文献   


Collagen is the most abundant component of tumor extracellular matrix (ECM). ECM collagens are known to directly interact with the tumor cells via cell surface receptor and play crucial role in tumor cell survival and promote tumor progression. Collagen receptor DDR1 is a member of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family with a unique motif in the extracellular domain resembling Dictyostelium discoideum protein discoidin-I. DDR1 displays delayed and sustained activation upon interaction with collagen and recent findings have demonstrated that DDR1-collagen signaling play important role in cancer progression. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge on the role of DDR1 in cancer metastasis and possibility of a potential therapeutic approach of DDR1 targeted therapy in cancer.  相似文献   

The receptor tyrosine kinase DDR1 has been implicated in multiple human cancers and fibrosis and is targeted by the leukemia drug Gleevec. This suggests that DDR1 might be a new therapeutic target. However, further insight into the DDR1 signaling pathway is required in order to support its further development. Here, we investigated DDR1 proximal signaling by the analysis of protein-protein interactions using proteomic approaches. All known interactors of DDR1 were identified and localized to specific phosphotyrosine residues on the receptor. In addition, we identified numerous signaling proteins as new putative phosphotyrosine mediated interactors including RasGAP, SHIP1, SHIP2, STATs, PI3K and the SRC family kinases. Most of the new proteins contain SH2 and PTB domains and for all interactors we could directly point the site of interaction to specific phosphotyrosine residues on the receptor. The identified proteins have roles in the early steps of the signaling cascade, propagating the signal from the DDR1 receptor into the cell. The map of phosphotyrosine mediated interactors of DDR1 created in this study will serve as a starting point for functional investigations which will enhance our knowledge on the role of the DDR1 receptor in health and disease. This article is part of a Special Section entitled: Understanding genome regulation and genetic diversity by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that binds and transmits signals from various collagens in epithelial cells. However, how DDR1–dependent signaling is regulated has not been understood. Here we report that collagen binding induces ADAM10-dependent ectodomain shedding of DDR1. DDR1 shedding is not a result of an activation of its signaling pathway, since DDR1 mutants defective in signaling were shed in an efficient manner. DDR1 and ADAM10 were found to be in a complex on the cell surface, but shedding did not occur unless collagen bound to DDR1. Using a shedding-resistant DDR1 mutant, we found that ADAM10-dependent DDR1 shedding regulates the half-life of collagen-induced phosphorylation of the receptor. Our data also revealed that ADAM10 plays an important role in regulating DDR1-mediated cell adhesion to achieve efficient cell migration on collagen matrices.  相似文献   

The binding and activation of the discoidin domain receptor 1 by collagen has led to the conclusion that proteins from the extracellular matrix can directly induce receptor tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling cascades. A region in the extracellular domain of DDR1 homologous to the Dictyostelium discoideum protein discoidin-I is also present in the secreted human protein RS1. Mutations in RS1 cause retinoschisis, a genetic disorder characterized by ablation of the retina. By introducing point mutations into the discoidin domain of DDR1 at positions homologous to the retinoschisis mutations, ligand binding epitopes in the discoidin domain of DDR1 were mapped. Surprisingly, some residues only affected receptor phosphorylation, whereas others influenced both collagen-binding and receptor activation. Furthermore, two truncated DDR1 variants, lacking either the discoidin domain or the stalk region between the discoidin and transmembrane domain, were generated. We showed that (i) the discoidin domain was necessary and sufficient for collagen binding, (ii) only the region between discoidin and transmembrane domain was glycosylated, and (iii) the entire extracellular domain was essential for transmembrane signaling. Using these results, we were able to predict key sites in the collagen-binding epitope of DDR1 and to suggest a potential mechanism of signaling.  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is a receptor tyrosine kinase whose ligand is collagen. Recently, we have reported the association of DDR1 in the cytokine production of human leukocytes in in vitro and in vivo expression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. However, its role in in vivo inflammation has not been fully elucidated. Small interference RNA (siRNA) can induce specific suppression of in vitro and in vivo gene expression. In this study, using a bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis mouse model, we administered siRNA against DDR1 transnasally and evaluated histological changes, cytokine expression, and signaling molecule activation in the lungs. Histologically, siRNA against DDR1 successfully reduced in vivo DDR1 expression and attenuated bleomycin-induced infiltration of inflammatory cells. Furthermore, it significantly reduced inflammatory cell counts and concentrations of cytokines such as MCP-1, MIP-1alpha, and MIP-2 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Subsequently, bleomycin-induced up-regulation of TGF-beta in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly inhibited, and collagen deposition in the lungs was reduced. Furthermore, siRNA against DDR1 significantly inhibited bleomycin-induced P38 MAPK activation in the lungs. Considered together, we propose that DDR1 contributes to the development of bleomycin-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis.  相似文献   

The anti-transplant rejection drug cyclosporin A (CsA) causes loss of collagen homeostasis in rapidly remodeling connective tissues, such as human gingiva. As a result of CsA treatment, collagen degradation by fibroblasts is inhibited, which leads to a net increase of tissue collagen and gingival overgrowth. Since fibrillar collagen is the primary ligand for the discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1), we hypothesized that CsA perturbs DDR1-associated functions that affect collagen homeostasis. For these experiments, human fibroblasts obtained from gingival explants or mouse 3T3 fibroblasts (wild type, over-expressing DDR1 or DDR1 knockdown) or mouse GD25 cells (expressing DDR1 but null for β1 integrin), were treated with vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide) or with CsA. The effect of CsA on cell binding to collagen was examined by flow cytometry; cell-mediated collagen remodeling was analyzed with contraction, compaction and migration assays. We found that CsA inhibited cell binding to collagen, internalization of collagen, contraction of collagen gels and cell migration over collagen in a DDR1-dependent manner. CsA also enhanced collagen compaction around cell extensions. Treatment with CsA strongly reduced surface levels of β1 integrins in wild type and DDR1 over-expressing 3T3 cells but did not affect β1 integrin activation or focal adhesion formation. We conclude that CsA inhibition of collagen remodeling is mediated through its effects on both DDR1 and cell surface levels of the β1 integrin.  相似文献   

Tumor cells undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) to convert from a benign to a malignant phenotype. Our recent focus has been signaling pathways that promote EMT in response to collagen. We have shown that human pancreatic cancer cells respond to collagen by up-regulating N-cadherin, which promotes tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. Initial characterization showed that knocking down c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase prevented N-cadherin up-regulation and limited tumor growth and invasion in a mouse model for pancreatic cancer. The current study was designed to understand the pathway from collagen to N-cadherin up-regulation. Initiation of the signal requires two collagen receptors, alpha2beta1 integrin and discoidin domain receptor (DDR) 1. Each receptor propagates signals through separate pathways that converge to up-regulate N-cadherin. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK)-related protein tyrosine kinase (Pyk2) is downstream of DDR1, whereas FAK is downstream of alpha2beta1 integrin. Both receptor complexes rely on the p130 Crk-associated substrate scaffold. Interestingly, Rap1, but not Rho family guanosine triphosphatases, is required for the response to collagen I.  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptor (DDR) is a cell-surface receptor tyrosine kinase activated by the binding of its discoidin (DS) domain to fibrillar collagen. Here, we have determined the NMR structure of the DS domain in DDR2 (DDR2-DS domain), and identified the binding site to fibrillar collagen by transferred cross-saturation experiments. The DDR2-DS domain structure adopts a distorted jellyroll fold, consisting of eight beta-strands. The collagen-binding site is formed at the interloop trench, consisting of charged residues surrounded by hydrophobic residues. The surface profile of the collagen-binding site suggests that the DDR2-DS domain recognizes specific sites on fibrillar collagen. This study provides a molecular basis for the collagen-binding mode of the DDR2-DS domain.  相似文献   

Abbreviations ADME absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion

MMGB/SA molecular mechanics generalized born surface area

IFD induced fit docking

RTK receptor tyrosine kinase

NSCLC non-small-cell lung cancer

ATP adenosine triphosphate

OPLS optimized potential for liquid stimulation

RMSD root mean square deviation

HTVS high-throughput virtual screening

SP standard precision

XP extra precision

OPLS-AA optimized potential for liquid stimulation-all atom

MD molecular simulation

MME molecular mechanics energies

SGB surface generalized born

POPC membrane 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine membrane

PDB Protein Data Bank

DDR1 discoidin domain receptor 1

DDR2 discoidin domain receptor 2

DDRs discoidin domain receptors

ECM extracellular matrix

TIP4P transferable intermolecular potential 4 point

NPT constant particle number, pressure and temperature

RMSF root mean square fluctuation

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The discoidin domain receptors (DDRs) are collagen binding receptor tyrosine kinases that play important roles in cell migration, invasion and adhesion. Crosstalk between growth factor signaling and components of the extracellular matrix are drivers of cellular function but the integrated signaling networks downstream of such crosstalk events have not been extensively characterized. In this report, we have employed mass spectrometry-based quantitative phosphotyrosine analysis to identify crosstalk between DDR2 and the insulin receptor. Our phosphoproteomic analysis reveals a cluster of phosphorylation sites in which collagen and insulin cooperate to enhance phosphotyrosine levels. Importantly, Y740 on the DDR2 catalytic loop was found in this cluster indicating that insulin acts to promote collagen I signaling by increasing the activity of DDR2. Furthermore, we identify two additional migration associated proteins that are candidate substrates downstream of DDR2 activation. Our data suggests that insulin promotes collagen I signaling through the upregulation of DDR2 phosphorylation which may have important consequences in DDR2 function in health and disease.  相似文献   


The preservation of tissue and organ architecture and function depends on tightly regulated interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM). These interactions are maintained in a dynamic equilibrium that balances intracellular, myosin-generated tension with extracellular resistance conferred by the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix. Disturbances of this equilibrium can lead to the development of fibrotic lesions that are associated with a wide repertoire of high prevalence diseases including obstructive cardiovascular diseases, muscular dystrophy and cancer. Mechanotransduction is the process by which mechanical cues are converted into biochemical signals. At the core of mechanotransduction are sensory systems, which are frequently located at sites of cell-ECM and cell-cell contacts. As integrins (cell-ECM junctions) and cadherins (cell-cell contacts) have been extensively studied, we focus here on the properties of the discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1), a tyrosine kinase that mediates cell adhesion to collagen. DDR1 expression is positively associated with fibrotic lesions of heart, kidney, liver, lung and perivascular tissues. As the most common end-point of all fibrotic disorders is dysregulated collagen remodeling, we consider here the mechanical signaling functions of DDR1 in processing of fibrillar collagen that lead to tissue fibrosis.  相似文献   

Discoidin Domain Receptors (DDRs) have recently emerged as non-integrin-type receptors for collagen. The two mammalian gene products Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 and -2 constitute a subfamily of tyrosine kinase receptors that are selectively expressed in a number of different cell types and organs. Upon collagen activation, DDRs regulate cell adhesion, proliferation and extracellular matrix remodeling. Here we review the various signaling pathways and cellular responses evoked by activated DDRs. Additionally, we give an overview of the more recent advances in understanding the role of DDRs in various human diseases, in particular during tumor progression, atherosclerosis, inflammation and tissue fibrosis. Furthermore, we discuss potential roles of genes homologous to mammalian DDRs identified in flies, worms and sponges. We show that the structural organization of these DDR-related genes is highly conserved throughout evolution suggesting that invertebrate DDRs may also function as receptors for collagen. By highlighting current questions about these unusual collagen receptors, we hope to attract new research on DDRs from a variety of different fields.  相似文献   

The discoidin domain receptor DDR2 is a receptor for type X collagen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During endochondral ossification, collagen X is deposited in the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate. Our previous results have shown that collagen X is capable of interacting directly with chondrocytes, primarily via integrin alpha2beta1. In this study, we determined whether collagen X could also interact with the non-integrin collagen receptors, discoidin domain receptors (DDRs), DDR1 or DDR2. The widely expressed DDRs are receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated by a number of different collagen types. Collagen X was found to be a much better ligand for DDR2 than for DDR1. Collagen X bound to the DDR2 extracellular domain with high affinity and stimulated DDR2 autophosphorylation, the first step in transmembrane signalling. Expression of DDR2 in the epiphyseal plate was confirmed by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. The spatial expression of DDR2 in the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate is consistent with a physiological interaction of DDR2 with collagen X. Surprisingly, the discoidin domain of DDR2, which fully contains the binding sites for the fibrillar collagens I and II, was not sufficient for collagen X binding. The nature of the DDR2 binding site(s) within collagen X was further analysed. In addition to a collagenous domain, collagen X contains a C-terminal NC1 domain. DDR2 was found to recognise the triple-helical region of collagen X as well as the NC1 domain. Binding to the collagenous region was dependent on the triple-helical conformation. DDR2 autophosphorylation was induced by the collagen X triple-helical region but not the NC1 domain, indicating that the triple-helical region of collagen X contains a specific DDR2 binding site that is capable of receptor activation. Our study is the first to describe a non-fibrillar collagen ligand for DDR2 and will form the basis for further studies into the biological function of collagen X during endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

The endothelial-derived G-protein-coupled receptor EDG-1 is a high-affinity receptor for the bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP). In the present study, we constructed the EDG-1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimera to examine the dynamics and subcellular localization of SPP-EDG-1 interaction. SPP binds to EDG-1-GFP and transduces intracellular signals in a manner indistinguishable from that seen with the wild-type receptor. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with the EDG-1-GFP cDNA expressed the receptor primarily on the plasma membrane. Exogenous SPP treatment, in a dose-dependent manner, induced receptor translocation to perinuclear vesicles with a tau1/2 of approximately 15 min. The EDG-1-GFP-containing vesicles are distinct from mitochondria but colocalize in part with endocytic vesicles and lysosomes. Neither the low-affinity agonist lysophosphatidic acid nor other sphingolipids, ceramide, ceramide-1-phosphate, or sphingosylphosphorylcholine, influenced receptor trafficking. Receptor internalization was completely inhibited by truncation of the C terminus. After SPP washout, EDG-1-GFP recycles back to the plasma membrane with a tau1/2 of approximately 30 min. We conclude that the high-affinity ligand SPP specifically induces the reversible trafficking of EDG-1 via the endosomal pathway and that the C-terminal intracellular domain of the receptor is critical for this process.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of a homology model of the ligand binding domain of the alpha7 nicotinic receptor are conducted with a range of bound ligands to induce different conformational states. Four simulations of 15 ns each are run with no ligand, antagonist d-tubocurarine (dTC), agonist acetylcholine (ACh), and agonist ACh with potentiator Ca(2+), to give insight into the conformations of the active and inactive states of the receptor and suggest the mechanism for conformational change. The main structural factor distinguishing the active and inactive states is that a more open, symmetric arrangement of the five subunits arises for the two agonist simulations, whereas a more closed and asymmetric arrangement results for the apo and dTC cases. Most of the difference arises in the lower portion of the ligand binding domain near its connection to the adjacent transmembrane domain. The transfer of the more open state to the transmembrane domain could then promote ion flow through the channel. Variation in how subunits pack together with no ligand bound appears to give rise to asymmetry in the apo case. The presence of dTC expands the receptor but induces rotations in alternate directions in adjacent subunits that lead to an asymmetric arrangement as in the apo case. Ca(2+) appears to promote a slightly greater expansion in the subunits than ACh alone by stabilizing the C-loop and ACh positions. Although the simulations are unlikely to be long enough to view the full conformational changes between open and closed states, a collection of different motions at a range of length scales are observed that are likely to participate in the conformational change.  相似文献   

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