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Suspended cells can at times be seen to spin when in an ac electric field. The phenomenon is observed to be linked to cell colony age. We can now understand this in terms of the applied field acting synchronously upon a natural oscillating electric dipole associated with cell division. The dipole field strength thus estimated from spin drag agrees with the value earlier determined by the dielectrophoretic attraction (a non-uniform field effect on neutral bodies) of dividing cells for polarizable powders.Neither the source nor the role of the demonstrated rf electrical oscillations (about 10 000 Hz) of the dividing cells is as yet known. Whether the oscillations are necessary or incidental, is to be determined.  相似文献   

Cells and certain other electrically polarizable objects can be seen to spin when in a rotating electric field. When a rotating field (from four Pt electrodes) is applied over a frequency range of 500 to 75,000 Hz, living cells exhibit two or three response peaks, whereas dead cells exhibit only one response peak. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) exhibit two peaks. The nature of these cellular spin resonances is under active study.  相似文献   

The way in which individual cells may be made to spin by the application of alternating electric fields is examined. The spinning of a given living cell is observed to respond rather sharply and in a resonant manner at several frequencies, hence the term "cellular spin resonance" (CSR). The frequencies of the applied field can be orders of magnitude higher than the actual spin rate. The CSR varies with the conductivity of the medium, with the square of the applied field, with the cell type and with the phase of the yeast cell life cycle. Living cells respond readily and individually are sharply resonant. Dead cells show little such response.From the behavior of the CRS in sinusoidal AC, as compared to pulsed DC, it appears likely that one cause of CSR, at least that in high frequency electric fields, is the presence of natural rf oscillations arising from the cells, and modulated by their high polarizability.  相似文献   

In this work, the detailed studies of electron spin resonance (ESR) and overhauser-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (OMRI) were carried out for permeable nitroxyl spin probe, MC-PROXYL as a function of agent concentration in liposomal solution. In order to compare the impermeable nature of nitroxyl radical, the study was also carried out only at 2?mM concentration of carboxy-PROXYL. The ESR parameters were estimated using L-band and 300?MHz ESR spectrometers. The line width broadening was measured as a function of agent concentration in liposomal solution. The estimated rotational correlation time is proportional to the agent concentration, which indicates that less mobile nature of nitroxyl spin probe in liposomal solution. The partition parameter and permeability values indicate that the diffusion of nitroxyl spin probe distribution into the lipid phase is maximum at 2?mM concentration of MC-PROXYL. The dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) parameters such as DNP factor, longitudinal relaxivity, saturation parameter, leakage factor and coupling factor were estimated for 2?mM MC-PROXYL in 400?mM liposomal dispersion. The spin lattice relaxation time was shortened in liposomal solution, which leads to the high relaxivity. Reduction in coupling factor is due to less interaction between the electron and nuclear spins, which causes the reduction in enhancement. The leakage factor increases with increasing agent concentration. The increase in DNP enhancement was significant up to 2?mM in liposomal solution. These results paves the way for choosing optimum agent concentration and OMRI scan parameters used in intra and extra membrane water by loading the liposome vesicles with a lipid permeable nitroxyl spin probes in OMRI experiments.  相似文献   

Scavenging of superoxide radicals by melanin is a possible factor in the photoprotection afforded by melanin pigments. The reaction between superoxide anions and melanins has been studied by electron spin resonance and spin trapping methods. It was found that superoxide anions react to produce melanin free radicals in a reaction inhibited by superoxide dismutase but not by catalase. The rate of radical formation depends on the concentration of melanin and superoxide, the pH of the medium and the presence of diamagnetic metal ions. The melanin pigment competes with the enzyme superoxide dismutase for removal of superoxide radicals. It was found that the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system is not suitable for studying the reaction of superoxide with melanin, as the enzymatic activity of xanthine oxidase is considerably inhibited by melanin.  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin was chemically modified by 4-maleimido-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxyl (maleimide spin label). Only the free sulfhydryl groups of plasma fibronectin were modified by the label under the experimental conditions. The ESR spectrum of spin-labeled fibronectin showed that the sites of labeling were highly immobilized, suggesting that the sulfhydryl groups of the protein are in small, confined environments. The conversion of the strongly immobilized ESR spectrum into a weakly immobilized one was observed when the spin-labeled protein was heated from 30 to 60 degrees C, indicating the thermal unfolding of the protein molecules. The midpoint temperature for the thermal unfolding of plasma fibronectin is about 50 degrees C. The results suggest that plasma fibronectin is stable to about 40 degrees C and starts unfolding above this temperature. The rotational correlation time estimated from the ESR spectrum of spin-labeled fibronectin at 21 degrees C was about 2.0 X 10(-8) s. The rotational correlation time calculated from the Stokes-Einstein equation, assuming a rigid globular configuration for fibronectin with a Stokes radius of 10 nm, was about 7.8 X 10(-7) s. The differences in rotational correlation time by a factor of 39 between experimental and calculated values do not support a globular configuration for plasma fibronectin.  相似文献   

High-field electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is currently undergoing rapid development. This considerably increases the versatility of spin labelling which, at conventional field strengths, is already well established as a powerful physical technique in membrane biology. Among the unique advantages offered by high-field spectroscopy, particularly for spin-labelled lipids, are sensitivity to non-axial rotation and lateral ordering, a better orientational selection, an extended application to rotational dynamics, and an enhanced sensitivity to environmental polarity. These areas are treated in some depth, along with a detailed consideration of recent developments in the investigation of transmembrane polarity profiles.  相似文献   

The new technique of spin trapping has been applied to a biological system for the first time. The light induced generation of O2? by chloroplasts in the presence of oxygen has been shown by the production of the O2? adduct of the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide. The O2? adduct was detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Methyl viologen enhanced the production of the O2? adduct thus providing support for the hypothes is that methyl viologen accepts electrons from the primary acceptor of photosystem I and subsequently reduces O2 to O2?.  相似文献   

Different electron spin resonance (ESR) methods are described that allow determination of the stoichiometry and selectivity of interaction of spin-labelled lipids with integral transmembrane peptides or proteins, and also with peripheral surface-binding membrane proteins or peptides. In addition, ESR methods for determining the exchange rates of spin-labelled lipids at the protein-lipid interface are described, as well as methods to detect penetration of surface-binding peptides into the hydrophobic membrane core. Instrumental requirements are considered, and also sample handling, spin-labelling techniques and the synthesis of spin-labelled lipids.  相似文献   

The rate of oxygenation and that of trapping linoleic acid free radicals in the lipoxygenase [EC] reaction were measured in the presence of linoleic acid, oxygen, and nitrosobenzene at various concentrations, with a Clark oxygen electrode and ESR spectroscopy. The results were interpreted under the assumption that the free radical of linoleic acid, an intermediate of the lipoxygenase reaction, reacts competitively with oxygen or nitrosobenzene. The oxidation of the iron in the active site of lipoxygenase caused by the spin label reagent, 2-(10-carboxydecyl)-2-hexyl-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxazolidinyloxyl, was also observed by ESR- and fluorescence-spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance of metallocarbonic anhydrases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

X-band (9.2 GHz) electron spin resonance spectroscopy was used to investigate the binding of vanadyl to calmodulin. Solution spectra, obtained at ambient temperature with various VO2+:calmodulin molar ratios, suggested a binding stoichioimetry of 4 mol of VO2+/mol of protein and the possibility of two classes of binding sites. The latter was confirmed by using frozen solutions of calmodulin-VO2+ complexes that gave splitting of the spectral bands corresponding to the parallel components, which was particularly pronounced with the three high-field peaks. Competition of Ca2+ for the VO2+ binding sites was investigated, and the results indicated that two of the VO2+ sites corresponded to two of the Ca2+ sites; the other two VO2+ binding sites may have a higher affinity for VO2+ than for Ca2+ or they may correspond to Ca2+-independent sites. These results demonstrate that electron spin resonance spectroscopy can be used advantageously to probe subtle differences in the microenvironments of metal-binding sites in calmodulin.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) is more powerful than ever as a technique for solving biochemical and biophysical problems. Part of the great utility of ESR arises from the use of modern biochemical methods to place spin labels at important positions along the primary sequence of a peptide or protein.  相似文献   

Many archeological and paleoanthropological sites cannot be dated by well established and common dating techniques such as uranium series (U-series) or argon-argon (40Ar/39Ar) because of the lack of materials that are suitable for these techniques. Most sites, however, contain bones and teeth, and the latter can be used to obtain electron spin resonance (ESR) age estimates. The theoretical age range of ESR dating accuracy lies between a few thousand and more than a million years. In practice, continuing uranium accumulation increases the uncertainty of ESR age assessments in such a way that most age assignments beyond 300,000 years are very uncertain.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction between heparin and human plasma fibronectin using electron spin resonance (ESR) spin label methods. The titratable sulfhydryl groups of plasma fibronectin were modified with a maleimide spin label [Lai and Tooney (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 228, 465-473]. Addition of heparin resulted in a decrease in the maximum splitting value of the ESR spectrum of spin-labeled fibronectin from 66.8 to 64.3 G, suggesting that heparin induces a conformational alteration of plasma fibronectin. This heparin effect was noticeable at a heparin-to-fibronectin ratio of 20 to 1 and reached a plateau at about 100 to 1. Other sulfated carbohydrates were tested; dextran sulfate was found to be as effective as heparin but chondroitin sulfates were ineffective. The results presented suggest that the binding of heparin changes the molecular conformation of plasma fibronectin to a more relaxed or flexible state.  相似文献   

The reactions of free and DNA-bound 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl (PROXYL) probes with radicals generated during radiolysis of dilute aqueous solutions of DNA were examined. For the free PROXYL probe in deaerated solution with each of the four nucleotides (dAMP, dCMP, dGMP, and TMP) it was found that the pyrimidine radicals were more reactive toward the probe than were the purine radicals. Reactions of the electron adduct of TMP and the hydroxyl radical adducts of dAMP, dGMP, and TMP with the probe resulted in little or no reduction of the probe. For TMP these results are consistent with the fact that both the protonated electron and hydroxyl radical adducts of TMP will covalently bind to the nitroxide function of the probe. Reduction of the PROXYL probe was observed in reactions with the hydroxyl radical adduct of dCMP and with the electron adducts of dAMP, dCMP, and dGMP. Results of the radiolysis of the free PROXYL probe in deaerated dilute solution of DNA suggest that the PROXYL probe protects the DNA from water radical attack as the ratio of DNA bases to PROXYL probe increases above 50:1. Reactions of DNA-bound probes are dependent on the depth of the nitroxide function in relation to the major groove of the DNA helix. Two probes with tether lengths which are less than the depth of the major groove show an expected increase in reactions with DNA base radicals as compared to a probe with a tether that extends beyond the groove. The longer probe is involved largely in reactions with sugar and water radicals along the periphery of the DNA helix. In the presence of oxygen, there is a dramatic decrease in the loss of both the free and DNA-bound probes due to the lack of reaction of these probes with peroxyl radicals formed by the addition of molecular oxygen to DNA radicals.  相似文献   

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