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Spatial and temporal aspects of overwintering in the holocyclic sycamore aphid Drepanosiphum platanoidis (Schrank) (Homoptera: Callaphididae) were investigated. Eggs of D. platanoidis were principally laid on trunks and branches of Acer pseudoplatanusL., at considerable distances from the buds. Trunks with rough bark, followed by branches with moderate roughness supported more overwintering eggs than the relatively exposed smooth surfaces of twigs and terminal buds. Eggs were aggregated on rough bark. Aspect had no effect on the number of eggs laid. Experimental manipulations varying ovipara densities showed intra-specific competition among oviparae for optimal oviposition sites. Overwintering egg mortality was a function of time, with the greatest mortality rate occurring in late winter. Egg mortality varied from 80.4% to 76.9% on trunks and 83.0% to 65.9% on branches in 1996 and 1997.  相似文献   

Changes in the abscisic acid (ABA) levels in embryo axes of seeds, belonging to the orthodox (Norway maple — Acer platanoides L.) and recalcitrant (sycamore — Acer pseudoplatanus L.) categories, were investigated throughout maturation using an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test. Concentration of ABA in embryo axes substantially differed depending on species and sampling date. ABA was always higher in Norway maple except at the end of seed maturation when ABA content was similar in both species. During maturation ABA decreased in both species but the decline was more marked in Norway maple than in sycamore (11 vs. 3 fold). These species also differed in the pattern of ABA changes, which in sycamore embryo axes was very regular, while in Norway maple a sharp decrease was recorded after acquisition by the seeds of tolerance to desiccation. Dehydration of embryo axes of Norway maple caused a further significant decrease of ABA level. In contrast, in dehydrated sycamore embryo axes ABA content did not decrease, but slightly increased. The role of ABA in desiccation tolerance and dormancy of Norway maple and sycamore seeds is discussed.  相似文献   

Naive and experienced females of Ephedrus californicus Baker (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) were tested for their ability to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Attacks lasting 6 s generally resulted in oviposition; the average length was 11.8 s. The proportion of parasitized aphids that was rejected varied with the interval length between attacks. It is suggested that host discrimination is time-dependent and can be induced by a pheromone-like external marker left by a first-attacking female (0–9 h), or by changes in host quality associated with parasite development ( 14 h). Experienced, but not naive, females responded to the external marker, which became less effective with time. In superparasitized aphids, the older of two E. californicus larvae usually eliminated a younger competitor; but younger larvae survived under certain conditions. Mechanisms for the elimination of supernumerary larvae varied with the relative developmental stage of the competitors and included physical combat and physiological suppression. Host instar had no effect on larval competition or the female's ability to discriminate.
Résumé L'aptitude à choisir entre Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Hom. Aphididae) parasités ou non a été examinée chez des femelles nouvelles ou expérimentées d'E. californicus Baker (Hym. Aphidiidae). Les attaques durant 6 s étaient généralement suivies de pontes; la durée moyenne d'une attaque était 11,8 s. La proportion de pucerons parasités refusés, variait avec le laps de temps écoulé entre des attaques. Les femelles nouvelles aussi bien qu'expérimentées rejetaient généralement les pucerons contenant les stades les plus âgés de parasites (13–15 h). Cependant, seules les femelles expérimentées évitaient de pondre dans des pucerons attaqués par une autre dans les 9 h précédentes. Quand des femelles expérimentées pouvaient choisir entre 20 pucerons parasités et 20 pucerons sains, en moyenne 73% des 20 premières attaques étaient sur pucerons sains pour des intervalles 9 h. Des attaques non suivies de pontes, c'est-à-dire durant 5 s, n'intervenaient que pour 3% parmi toutes les premières attaques sur pucerons sains; ces attaques atteignaient ultérieurement 17% pour les pucerons sains et 40% pour les parasités.On en a déduit que la sélection des hôtes est temporelle et peut-être induite par un marqueur externe type phéromone, laissé par la lère femelle attaquante (0–9 h), ou par un changement dans la qualité de l'hôte lié au développement du parasite. Les femelles expérimentées, et non les nouvelles, répondaient au marqueur externe, dont l'efficacité diminue avec le temps.Chez les pucerons superparasités, les mécanismes pour l'élimination des larves en surnombre ont varié avec le stade larvaire des compétiteurs, ils comportaient un combat physique et une suppression physiologique. La larve de E. californicus la plus âgée éliminait généralement une compétitrice plus jeune. Cependant les larves les plus jeunes ont survécu dans certaines conditions; c'est-à-dire quand les premiers stades mandibulés luttaient contre les 2e et. 3e stades sans mandibules. Le stade de l'hôte était sans effet sur la compétition ou sur l'aptitude au choix des femelles.

Contran N  Cerana R  Crosti P  Malerba M 《Protoplasma》2007,231(3-4):193-199
Summary. Programmed cell death plays a vital role in normal plant development, response to environmental stresses, and defense against pathogen attack. Different types of programmed cell death occur in plants and the involvement of mitochondria is still under investigation. In sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) cultured cells, the phytotoxin fusicoccin induces cell death that shows apoptotic features, including chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. In this work, we show that cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of the permeability transition pore of animal mitochondria, inhibits the cell death, DNA fragmentation, and cytochrome c release induced by fusicoccin. In addition, we show that fusicoccin induces a change in the shape of mitochondria which is not prevented by cyclosporin A. These results suggest that the release of cytochrome c induced by fusicoccin occurs through a cyclosporin A-sensitive system that is similar to the permeability transition pore of animal mitochondria and they make it tempting to speculate that this release may be involved in the phytotoxin-induced programmed cell death of sycamore cells. Correspondence and reprints: Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 2, 20126 Milano, Italy.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus, differed ecologically from adults. They were essentially diurnal, fed on small prey (adult diptera and aquatic adult coleoptera) and were found mainly in shallow littoral water (0.8 m depth) of a Québec oligotrophic lake. In contrast, adults were principally nocturnal, fed on larger prey (Gammaridae, diptera larvae, diptera pupae and ephemeroptera larvae) and were found in deeper water (1.2, 2.0 and 2.9 m depth). The overlap in diet between juvenile and adult fish was 10 percent. We found that predation by brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, upon creek chub was low, as only 5 chart stomachs of the 302 examined contained a total of 16 juvenile chub and none contained adult chub. Laboratory observations revealed that under low light intensity (0.17 lux) adult creek chub fed as efficiently as under high light intensity (22 lux). Several possible hypotheses to explain the evolution of the two different strategies exhibed by adult and juvenile creek chub are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. We investigated demographic, morphological and histological aspects of Distylaphis foliorum, a gall-forming nipponaphidine aphid from Java, Indonesia, whose first instar nymphs had been reported to have enlarged forelegs and attack other insects. The gall inhabitants of D. foliorum consisted of two discrete populations; one developing normally and the other remaining at the first instar. Morphometric analysis identified two types of first instar nymphs; nymphs with relatively long forelegs and slender abdomen, and nymphs with relatively short forelegs and fat abdomen. The former nymphs were found from both young galls and mature galls, while the latter nymphs were from young galls only. Histological analysis strongly suggested a reproductive division in the first instar. In the former nymphs from mature galls, ovaries and mycetomes were degenerate and replaced by well-developed fat body cells. These results indicated that D. foliorum has a morphologically differentiated sterile soldier caste in the first instar. This study is the first report of a soldier caste with morphological and reproductive division in the aphid tribe Nipponaphidini, and suggests that highly specialized soldier castes have evolved at least four times in aphids.Received 25 June 2004; revised 24 September 2004; accepted 11 October 2004.  相似文献   

Summary A variety of agents, including metabolic inhibitors, chelators and ionophores have been applied to suspension cultures ofAcer pseudoplatanus in an attempt at inducing cup-shaped dictyosomes. Only antipyrine was effective and then only after culturing the cells prior to treatment in sucrose-deficient medium. ATP measurements suggest a potential effect of antipyrine on energy metabolism. Both the ultrastructural effects and the reduction in ATP levels through antipyrine treatment are reversible.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - DNP dinitrophenol - EDTA ethylene diaminotetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis (2-aminoethyl)-tetraacetic acid - GDPH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - HIPES 2-4(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperyzine-(1)-ethynsulfonic acid - SHAM salicylhydroxamic acid  相似文献   

Females of the solitary aphid parasitoids Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) discriminated between unparasitized pea aphids and those parasitized by the other species. Oviposition restraint varied with the attack sequence and the length of the interval between successive attacks. The tendency to reject a previously parasitized host increased with interval length; A. smithi females rarely oviposited in aphids that had been parasitized 30 h earlier by A. ervi. Early first-instar larvae of A. ervi physically attacked and killed older A. smithi larvae, and older A. ervi larvae killed younger A. smithi, possibly by physiological suppression. Neither species appeared to have a competitive advantage when their eggs hatched at the same time. The evolution of heterospecific host discrimination in A. ervi and A. smithi is discussed. It is suggested that avoidance of multiparasitism is adaptive for both parasitoid species: for A. smithi because it is the inferior larval competitor, and for A. ervi because immatures develop more slowly in multiparasitized than in initially unparasitized hosts.
Compétition interspécifique et discrimination des hôtes chez deux parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi et A. smithi
Résumé Les femelles des parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi Haliday et A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hyméno. Aphidiidae) distinguent les pucerons du pois sains des parasités par d'autres espèces. La rétention de la ponte dépend de la séquence de l'attaque et du temps écoulé entre des attaques successives. La tendance au rejet d'un puceron précédemment parasité augmente avec l'importance du délai; A. smithi a rarement pondu dans des pucerons qui avaient été parasités 30 h avant par A. ervi. Les jeunes larves de premier stade de A. ervi ont attaqué physiquement et tué les larves plus âgées de A. smithi, et les larves plus âgées de A. ervi ont tué des larves plus jeunes de A. smithi par élimination physiologique. Aucune espèce ne semble avoir un avantage quand les oeufs ont éclos en même temps. L'évolution de la discrimination interspécifique de l'hôte chez A. ervi et A. smithi est discutée. On estime que la tendance à éviter le multiparasitisme est adaptative chez les 2 espèces: pour A. smithi parce qu'il est dominé dans la compétition larvaire et pour A. ervi parce que les larves se développent plus lentement dans un hôte multiparasité que dans un hôte initialement sain.

Cage experiments were used to determine the minimum number of Aphis fabae Scopoli that females of the Azorean native ladybird beetle Coccinella undecimpunctata L. require per day to achieve maximum fecundity and to assess the effects of interference competition from conspecific and heterospecific [Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)] adult ladybirds on its growth and reproduction. The number of A. fabae at which females of C. undecimpunctata ate most aphids, achieved maximum reproduction and maintained their body weight, was 200. The presence of H. axyridis adults, unlike the presence of C. undecimpunctata, significantly affected the reproductive numerical response of C. undecimpunctata even though the resource was not in short supply. The results suggest that interference competition with heterospecifics may adversely affect the reproductive capacity of C. undecimpunctata. Based on previous results and those reported here, we suggest that the introduction of H. axyridis could endanger the population abundance and/or result in the competitive displacement of C. undecimpunctata from the Azorean ecosystem.  相似文献   

Multiparasitism of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) by the solitary aphidiid parasitoids Aphidius matricariae Haliday and Ephedrus cerasicola Starý was studied in the laboratory at 22°C. Single aphids first stung by an A. matricariae female were then offered to a female of E. cerasicola 1, 2 or 3 days later. E. cerasicola oviposited without restraint in such aphids. The multiparasitized aphids were dissected 3 or 4 days after the Ephedrus parasitization or allowed to mummify.Only a single parasitoid, either egg or larva, was found in a dissected host. The relative frequency of the two species was roughly the same in dissection series as in corresponding mummification series. When E. cerasicola oviposited 1 or 2 days after A. matricariae, E. cerasicola was the intrinsically superior species. Dissection showed that the competition occurred at least one day before the Ephedrus egg hatched, and that very few eggs of A. matricariae hatched in such aphids. Apparently, the Aphidius eggs must have been killed by substances injected by the ovipositing Ephedrus female or by substances or structures connected with the Ephedrus egg itself. When E. cerasicola oviposited 3 days after A. matricariae, A. matricariae survived. Probably its 4th instar larvae devoured the eggs of E. cerasicola together with the other host contents.Interspecific competition without larvae involved has not previously been demonstrated in Aphidiidae.
Résumé L'étude du multiparasitisme de Myzus persicae (Sulzer) par les parasitoïdes Aphidiidae solitaires, Aphidius matricariae Haliday et Ephedrus cerasicola Stary a été réalisée à 22°C. Des pucerons isolés, piqués par une femelle de A. matricariae avaient été proposés ensuite à une femelle de E. cerasicola, 1, 2 ou 3 jours plus tard. E. cerasicola a pondu sans restriction dans de tels pucerons.Des témoins constitués de pucerons piqués par A. matricariae ont permis de déterminer le pourcentage des pucerons piqués, réellement parasités par A. matricariae. Les pucerons parasités une ou plusieurs fois ont pu se mommifier ou ont été disséqués 3 ou 4 jours après avoir été parasités par Ephedrus.Les fréquences relatives de développement des deux espèces, obtenues par dissection ou par étude des mommies, ont été rigoureusement les mêmes. Quand A. matricariae avait pondu 1 ou 2 jours avant E. cerasicola, A. matricariae s'est développé dans au moins 15% des pucerons apparemment multiparasités, contre 60 à 70% dans les témoins. Chez ces pucerons multiparasités, E. cerasicola était un compétiteur intrinsèquement supérieur. Quand A. matricariae avait pondu 3 jours avant E. cerasicola, A. matricariae survivait et se développait dans environ 70% des pucerons multiparasités. Chez ces pucerons, les oeufs d'E. cerasicola avaient probablement été dévorés avec le contenu de l'hôte par les larves âgées d'A. matricariae.Les oeufs des parasitoïdes sont difficiles à observer dans l'hôte les premiers jours après la ponte. Un seul parasitoïde, oeuf ou larve, était découvert lors de la dissection du puceron. La conclusion en a été que la compétition en faveur de E. cerasicola s'est produite quand les deux espèces étaient sous forme d'oeuf et au moins un jour avant l'éclosion d'Ephedrus. On peut en déduire que les oeufs d'A. matricariae sont tués par des substances injectées par la femelle de E. cerasicola lors de la ponte.Une compétition interspécifique n'impliquant pas les larves n'avait jamais été démontrée chez les Aphidiidae.

Jost Borcherding 《Oecologia》1991,87(2):208-218
Summary The annual development of the gonads of Dreissena polymorpha was studied at three sampling sites in two lakes over 3 and 1 1/2 years, respectively. A resting stage occurred after the last spawning in summer/autumn. Oogenesis (accompanied by multiplying segmentation of the oogonia and early growth processes of its oocytes) restarted in specimens at least 1 year old at low temperatures (below 10° C) during winter and early spring. At one location (Fühlinger See) the onset of the spawning season was correlated with an increase of water temperatures above 12° C. At 2 m depth, two main spawning periods in May and August were normally recognized, the first at temperatures of 12–16° C, the second at 16–21° C. It was clearly demonstrated for the first time in Dreissena polymorpha that the oocytes became mature in successive cohorts within one gonad. A female mussel may spawn several times during the reproductive season. At 9 m depth, the onset of spawning also started at about 12° C; this occurred in late summer, with two spawning periods within 1 month at a temperature range of 12–16° C. At another location (Heider Bergsee) the size of the gonads and the oocytes was reduced during April of both years studied, when food supply was low simultaneously with rapidly rising water temperatures in this shallow lake. There was no spawning period during spring. The major spawning period was delayed until July (temperatures 19–22°C). This shows (1) the synchronizing influence of low winter temperatures on the annual reproductive cycle and (2) a temperature threshold of at least 12° C for the start of the spawning processes. The results are discussed with regard to the geographical limits of further spread of Dreissena polymorpha.  相似文献   

Summary We present three lines of evidence which each suggest that intraspecific competition has significantly influenced the spacing patterns of Formica altipetens colonies. First, nearest-neighbor analysis of nest spacing patterns detected significant uniformity in six of eight plots. Second, there was a signifcant increase in the distance separating nearest neighbors as ant nest diameters increased. Third, ant nest density predicted substantial variation in the colony dispersion index, indicating the existence of a dispersion continuum at our study site.  相似文献   

Populations ofDrosophila melanogaster that had been subjected to long-term selection favoring either delayed or rapid senescence were compared with respect to age-specific components of male reproductive success involving sperm competition. These components of reproductive success were divided into those related to sperm defense (protection of sperm from other males), and into those related to sperm offense (ability to mate with previously mated females and to displace the sperm of other males). Males were tested at four ages ranging from 1–2d to 5–6 wk after eclosion. Several aspects of sperm defense capability showed clear evidence of senescent decline. Furthermore, males from populations selected for delayed senescence were superior to males from control (rapid senescence) populations with regard to components of sperm defense. The superiority of males from populations with delayed senescence either increased as a function of male age, or was present at all ages tested. These results indicate that the rate of reproductive senescence in maleD. melanogaster can be altered in predictable directions by artificial selection. There were no differences between selection regimes with regard to sperm offense, and most components of sperm offense did not show clear evidence of senescence. The improved late-age reproductive success of males from populations selected for delayed senescence did not appear to entail any cost or trade-off at early ages with respect to the reproductive traits examined in these experiments.  相似文献   

In autumn 1991, aphid parasitoids of the genusPraon (Hymenoptera; Braconidae) were caught in water traps with lures containing synthetic aphid sex pheromone components at three sites in England and one in Germany. At two of the English sites and at the German site, the traps were placed in winter cereal fields whilst the third English site was in woodland. Three species were caught,P. volucre, P. dorsale andP. abjectum. Those caught in cereal fields were almost entirelyP. volucre, whilstP. dorsale dominated at the woodland site. Of the known aphid sex pheromone components, the most effective lure was the (+)-(4aS, 7S, 7aR)-nepetalactone. Nepetalactone traps placed at the woodland site in spring and summer caught fewPraon females, and attraction may be confined to the autumn, when sexual female aphids are present in the field. Male parasitoids did not respond to the aphid pheromones at any time, although they were caught in suction traps operated at the woodland site during the autumn. At the cereal sites height had a significant influence on the efficiency of the pheromone traps, those placed just above the crop canopy being most effective. There was no evidence that any other genus of parasitoid responded to aphid sex pheromones at these sites.  相似文献   

We used data from a 13-year field study of wild ringtailed lemurs to analyze the relationship between female rank and reproductive parameters. In medium and small groups there were no significant differences in birth rate, infant mortality rate, and the number of surviving infants between the female rank categories. On the other hand, in large sized groups low-ranked females had a smaller number of surviving infants than middle-ranked females. This suggests that in large sized groups, within-group competition lowered the values of reproductive parameters of low-ranked females. On the other hand, high and low-ranked females of small sized groups tended to have a smaller number of surviving infants than high-ranked females of medium sized groups and middle-ranked females of large sized groups. Between-group competition should lower the values of their reproductive parameters. In sum, these results fit the expectation from Wrangham’s (1980) inter group feeding competition model.  相似文献   

Six successive summer generations of the alder aphid (Pterocallis alni (DeGeer) (Homoptera: Callaphididae)) were reared simultaneously in the field and under controlled temperature conditions in the laboratory. The growth and reproduction of each generation were recorded. The available food quality for the aphids was measured by weekly analysis of foliar soluble nitrogen concentrations. Although there was a significant change in leaf soluble nitrogen during the season, the decline was only 23% and this did not appear to have an adverse effect on the performance of this aphid. Instead, the major environmental factor affecting the aphid is temperature. This is evidenced by the facts that when aphids were reared at constant temperatures, there were no differences in generation performance, even though food quality varied seasonally. In addition, all generations of the aphid posess the same number of ovarioles, indicating that there is no pre-programmed anticipation of a seasonal deterioration in food quality in this aphid species.
Résumé P. alni DeGeer (Homopt. Callaphididae) vit sur Alnus glutinosa Gaertner pendant toute l'année. L'aulne étant un arbre fixant l'azote, cette étude a été entreprise pour examiner la croissance et la reproduction de ce puceron sur cet arbre afin d'expliquer les changements de la dynamique de sa population. 6 générations successives estivales ont été élevées dans la nature et en température constante au laboratoire. La qualité de l'aliment a été mesurée chaque semaine par une microkjeldahl analyse des concentrations foliaires en azote soluble. La qualité de l'aliment varie saisonnière, mais ne diminue que de 23%; elle semble n'avoir que peu d'effets sur le puceron, puisque la fécondité dans la nature n'est réduite que pendant une génération. Quand la température est maintenue constante, il n'y a pas de différences entre les performances des différentes générations de pucerons. Ainsi, les changements saisonniers dans la croissance et la reproduction des pucerons sont provoqués par la température et non par la qualité de l'aliment.

Experiments indicated that for offspring of apterousRhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), photoperiod and crowding were the most important determinants of wing development whereas crowding and plant quality were more significant for the next generation. Plant quality became increasingly important as temperature increased while crowding became less so. More alates developed on plants previously infested with aphids, indicating that aphid feeding reduced plant quality. High temperature suppressed alatoid production, but could be overcome by crowding. Temperature appeared to influence wing development indirectly rather than directly by acting on the aphid through the plant. Adult weight and potential fecundity were also reduced for aphids which fed on previously infested plants.  相似文献   

Alder aphid oviparae produced 14 eggs at constant temperature but in the field the average was 6. Favoured oviposition sites were bud axils and bark crevices. Summer pruning of host trees reduced the availability but not the choice of site. Oviparae reared on leaf regrowth of summer pruned alder were smaller and contained fewer eggs than those on mature leaves. Winter pruning resulted in the loss of 41% buds and 25% eggs. Total winter egg mortality was 65%, being greatest in early winter due to insect predation. Spring egg hatch was synchronised with bud burst and both were affected by temperature.
Distribution des oeufs et mortalité Pterocallis alni
Résumé Les ovipares de P. alni ont pondu 14 oeufs à température constante mais dans la nature la moyenne n'était que de 6. La taille estivale a réduit les disponibilités, mais n'a pas modifié le choix des lieux de ponte. Les ovipares élevés sur feuilles de repousses estivales d'aulnes taillént plus petits et contenaient moins d'oeufs que ceux élevés sur feuilles adultes. La taille hivernale a provoqué la perte de 41% des bourgeons et 25% des oeufs. La mortalité hivernale totale des oeufs a été de 65%, la partie la plus importante, due à la prédation par les insectes, ayant eu lieu au début de l'hiver. L'éclosion des oeufs au printemps était synchronisée avec l'éclatement des bourgeons, tous les deux étant conditionnés par la température.

Carolyn W. Burns 《Oecologia》1995,101(2):234-244
The effects of daphniid crowding on juvenile growth rate, length at first reproduction, clutch size and egg size of four species of Daphnia were compared with the effects of food level. Juvenile Daphnia were grown to primipary in a flow-through system in water conditioned by different densities of the same, or another, species. At high ambient food levels, water from Daphnia that had been crowded at densities 150 l–1 depressed growth rate and lowered body size and clutch size of D. hyalina and D. galeata; effects on the same traits of D. magna and D. pulicaria were variable (stimulation, depression, or no effect). D. hyalina and D. galeata responded to gradients of increasing daphniid density (0–300 l–1) by altering egg mass, somatic mass and clutch size to maintain a relatively constant reproductive investment; egg mass increased with crowding and then decreased in a pattern consistent with Glazier's (1992) hypothetical model of changes in offspring size in relation to food quantity and maternal demand. Effects of crowding by conspecifics were indistinguishable from those of other species. This study, which uncouples the effect of crowding per se from ambient resource depletion, shows that chemical substances released by high densities of Daphnia can cause changes in life-history traits comparable to those that occur in response to low food levels.  相似文献   

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