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Summary Fischer's classic study (1964) of the Upper Triassic “Lofer” cyclothems in the Dachstein Limestone of the Northern Calcareous Alps was seminal to many studies of the Dachstein and to carbonate cycles globally.Fischer's idealized cycle is deepening upward, ABC in his terminology, where member A is a surface or interval of subaerial exposure, B is tidal deposits, and C is shallow subtidal. Studies of the Dachstein from the elsewhere in the northern Alps have substantiatedFischer's upward-deepening ABC cycle, butGoldhammer et al. (1990) andSatterley (1996a) reinterpreted the type Lofer cycles as shoaling upward. We measured 139 m of Dachstein Limestone incorporating 25 cycles at Steinernes Meer, Austria, nearFischer's most extensive section. In this section we identified no A members. The section is punctuated by slightly reddish horizons (‘pink partings’) that in some cases may reflect brief subaerial exposure, but generally appear to be pressure-solution zones that have concentrated iron oxides but lack a distinctive isotopic signature. B members are readily distinguished by fenestral porosity, stromatolitic lamination, partial dolomitization, intraclasts, or desciccation cracks. They are relatively thin (5 to 155 cm; median thickness is 38 cm.) and in some cases laterally variable or discontinuous. C members are characterized by molluscan wackestones and packstones with diverse biota. C intervals are 25 cm to 26 m thick (median 4.1 m) and comprise 91% of the interval measured. Pervasive bright-red internal sediment, which appears commonly within the B and C members, does not derive from any interval observed within the measured section, but from sources, possibly paleosols, much higher in the section. It is spatially associated with near-vertical, ENE-trending (62o) fractures filled with the sediment, brachiopods, and cement. Such fractures cut stratigraphic intervals as thick as 70 m without an exposed top or base. If “pink partings” were accepted as indicative of subaerial exposure, three cyclothems (12%) would correspond toFischer's ideal upward-deepening cyclothem, seven cyclothems (29%) are shoaling-upward, four (17%) are symmetrical and the remaining 10 (42%) are incomplete with both deepening and shoaling components. If subaerial disconformities are absent, the intervals are better described as BCBC rhythms than as true cycles. Our study is intended to stimulate new discussion of patterns and origin of the Lofer cycles.  相似文献   

TheSeslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis and theCaricetum ferrugineae from the Northern Calcareous Alps show considerable ecological and regional variation. 412 relevés representing both communities were classified by cluster analysis. Several subassociations and variants were distinguished and interpreted principally in terms of ecology and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The first δ18O and δ13C data from the Upper Jurassic of the Northern Calcareous Alps are presented. The interpretation of stable isotope ratios serves as an approach for paleoenvironmental and diagenetic studies of the Plassen carbonate platform, which cannot be obtained by paleontological methods and microfacies analyses alone. The studied part of the Plassen limestone is characterized by (1) lithoclast facies, also called ‘intraformational breccia’; the origin of lithoclasts was formerly unknown; (2) peloid facies; (3) bioclastic facies, composed of peloids, porostromate algae, green algae and red algae; and (4) oncoid facies. Two types of fracturing and four cement generations can be distinguished. Isotope ratios of the matrix, oncoids, three cement generations and whole rock samples revealed that (1) the studied section represents an open marine carbonate platform with high water circulation and high input of cool oceanic waters; (2) the platform was not affected by emersion and fresh water influence; normal marine conditions prevailed; (3) carbonate cements were precipitated in a closed diagenetic system, but burial diagenesis was absent; (4) both fabric-selective and non-fabric-selective fracturing occurred in a normal marine environment, affecting the formation of ‘intraformational breccias’.  相似文献   

The lower slope of the drowned Alpine Adnet Reef was recolonized in Hettangian time by sponge communities of hexactinellid (hexactinosid and lyssacinosid) taxa and a few demosponges. Special taphonomic processes caused an excellent preservation of these sponges. The preservation allows to define several growth forms and to study original spicule configurations of the mainly non-rigid skeletons. Sponge faunas of presumably similar associations are known from adjacent basins, but only by isolated spicules of completely collapsed specimens. In Adnet the sponges are embedded in biodetrital limestones of the Schnöll Formation. Orientation and distribution of the sponges reflect autochthonous faunas that have been mixed with dislocated individuals by local water currents. The predominance of erect sponge types indicates intermediate sedimentation rates and/or occasional high-energy events. Sponge types and community structures are comparable with those ones from Middle Paleozoic mud mounds. Several hiatuses, mostly characterized by ferromanganese crusts have been kept free of sponge settlement. Carbon stable isotopes of the sponge-rich sequence show a small negative δ13Ccarb excursion that covers the period from Lower Hettangian to Lower Sinemurian.This revised version was published online in May 2005 because several displayed passages had been inadvertently deleted in the original published version.  相似文献   

In the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA), meteoric cementation of Quaternary talus slopes was mainly sourced by dissolution of matrix and lithoclasts, by leaching of glacial till, and by groundwaters entered from underneath. Cement precipitation can take place within a few hundreds to a few thousands of years after talus deposition, but later diagenetic changes locally are indicated. Downslope along well-preserved talus successions, a change in prevalent diagenetic pathways is related to prolonged availability of pore waters from the apex to the toe of the slope. Talus slopes contain a significant proportion of carbonate mud probably produced by a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes. 234U/230Th cementation ages of talus successions are scattered over a total range of 5–480 ka. The talus relicts of the NCA thus became cemented at highly different times during the late Quaternary. With the available data, we could not identify a specific palaeoclimatic significance of talus cementation.  相似文献   

Summary After the end-Permian crisis and a global ‘reef gap’ in the early Triassic, reefs appeared again during the early Middle Triassic. Records of Anisian reefs are rare in the Tethys as well as in non-Tethyan regions. Most Anisian reefs are known from the western part of the Tethys but there are only very few studies focused on biota, facies types and the paleogeographical situation of these reefs. From the eastern part of the Tethys, Anisian reefs, reefal buildups or potential reef-building organisms have been reported from different regions of southern China. Most of the Anisian reefs known from western and central Europe as well as from southern China seem to be of middle and late Pelsonian age. The study area is situated in the northern Dolomites (South Tyrol, Italy) southeast of Bruneck (Brunico). It comprises the area between Olang (Valdaora) and Prags (Braies). The study is based on detailed investigations of the regional geology, stratigraphy and lithofacies (R. Zühlke, T. Bechst?dt) as well as on a comprehensive inventory of Anisian reef organisms (B. Senowbari-Daryan, E. Flügel). These data are used in the discussion of the controls on the recovery of reefs during the early Middle Triassic. Most late Anisian reef carbonates studied are represented by allochthonous talus reef blocks of cubicmeter size. Small biostromal autochthonous mounds are extremely rare (Piz da Peres). The reef mounds as well as most of the reef blocks occur within the middle to late Pelsonian Recoaro Formation. They were formed on the middle reaches of carbonate ramps in subtidal depths, slightly above the storm wave base with only moderate water energy. Most lithotypes observed in the reef blocks correspond to sponge and/or algal bafflestones. Low-growing sessile organisms (Olangocoelia (sponge, alga?), sphinctozoan sponges, bryozoans, soleno-poracean algae, corals) and encrusting epibionts (sponges, porostromate algae, cyanophycean crusts, foraminifera, worms, microproblematica) created low cm-sized biogenic structures (bioconstructions) which baffled and bound sediment. Organic framework was only of minor importance; it is restricted to theOlangocoelia lithotype. Framework porosity was small in these reef mounds. Submarine carbonate cements, therefore, are only of minor importance s compared with Permian or Ladinian reefs. The relatively high number of lithotypes encountered in the reef blocks indicates a high biofacies diversity. Regarding the relative frequency, the diverse biota consist in descending order ofOlangocoelia, sponges (sphinctozoans, inozoans, siliceous sponges), bryozoans, porostromate algae and worm tubes. The sphinctozoans are characterized by small, mostly incrusting forms. The numerical diversity (species richness) is low compared with late Permian or Ladinian and late Triassic sphinctozoan faunas occurring within reefs. Following the sponges, monospecific bryozoans (Reptonoditrypa cautica Sch?fer & Fois) are the most common organisms in the reef limestones. Porostromate algae were restricted to areas within the bioconstructions not inhabited by sponges. The low-diverse corals had no importance in the construction of an organic framework. Surprisingly, microbial crusts are rare or even lacking in the investigated Anisian bioconstructions. This is in contrast to late Permian and Ladinian as well as Carnian reefs which are characterized by the abundance of specific organic crusts. The same comes true for‘Tubiphytes’ which is a common constituent in Permian, Ladinian and Carnian reef carbonates but is very rare in the Anisian of the Olang Dolomites. Instead of‘Tubiphytes’ different kinds of worm tubes (spirorbid tubes, Mg-calcitic tubes and agglutinated tubes) were of importance as epifaunal elements. Macrobial encrustations consisting of characteristic successions of sponges, bryozoans, algae, worm tubes and microproblematica seem to be of greater quantitative importance than in Ladinian reefs. Destruction of organic skeletons (predominantly of bryozoans) by macroborers (cirripedia?) is a common feature. The Anisian reef organisms are distinctly different from late Permian and from most Ladinian reef-builders. No Permian Lazarus taxa have been found. New taxa: Sphinctozoan sponges—Celyphia? minima n.sp.,Thaumastocoelia dolomitica n. sp.,Deningeria tenuireticulata n. sp.,Deningeria crassireticulata n. sp.,Anisothalamia minima n.g. n.sp., Inozoan sponges-Meandrostia triassica n.sp. Microproblematica-Anisocellula fecunda n.g. n.sp., Porostromate alga-Brandneria dolomitica n.g. n.sp. Most of our data are in agreement with the model described byFois & Gaetani (1984) for the recovery of reef-building communities during the Ansian but the biotic diversity seems to be considerably higher than previously assumed. Anisian deposition and the formation of the reef mounds within the Pelsonian Recoaro Formation of the Dolomites were controlled by the combined effects of synsedimentary tectonics and eustatic changes in sea-level. During several time intervals, especially the early Anisian (northern and western Dolomites: tectonic uplift), the early Pelsonian (eastern Dolomites: drowning) and the late Illyrian (wide parts of the Dolomites: uplift and drowning), the sedimentation was predominantly controlled by regionally different tectonic subsidence rates. The amount of terrigenous clastic input associated with synsedimentary tectonics (tectonic uplift of hinterlands) had a major influence on carbonate deposition and reef development. The re-appearance of reef environments in the Olang Dolomites was controlled by a combination of regional and global factors (paleogeographic situation: development of carbonate ramps; decreasing subsidence of horst blocks; reduced terrigenous input; moderate rise in sea-level).  相似文献   

The sedimentation of the Late Cretaceous Gosau Group of the Northern Calcareous Alps records the complex geodynamic evolution of the northern part of the Austroalpine microplate. The tectonically controlled sedimentation and facies distribution were mainly governed by the oblique subduction of the Pennic-Ligurian ocean below the Austroalpine margin. Most of the Gosau successions comprise two distinct sedimentary complexes. The Lower Gosau Subgroup (upper Turonian-Campanian) is characterized by terrestrial to shallow-marine facies associations: alluvial fan and fan delta deposits, shallow-marine sandstones and sandy limestones, and storm-influenced nearshore and shelf deposits. During the early Santonian sea-level highstand, a great part of the Northern Calcareous Alps was covered by a shallow shelf sea. Palaeotransport directions point to source areas situated both to the north and to the south of the Northern Calcareous Alps.

The Upper Gosau Subgroup (upper Santonian-Eocene) comprises deep-water hemipelagic and turbiditic deposits. Rapid subsidence into bathyal to abyssal depths started diachronously from the northwest (Santonian) to the southeast (Maastrichtian) after a short phase of deformation and erosion. Abyssal deposits in the northern parts of the Northern Calcareus Alps and north-directed palaeotransport indicate a tilting of the slope towards the north. This subsidence pulse is attributed to an event of subcrustal tectonic erosion, probably triggered by the subduction of a topographic high of the South Penninic ocean. The relationships of the Gosau Group of the Austroalpine unit to Late Cretaceous deposits of the Carpathians and Southern Alps are discussed in the framework of a plate tectonic model.  相似文献   

Slightly curved calcitic plates with marginal pores recalling an aciculariacean alga are common in Late Tithonian reefal platform margin deposits of the Plassen Carbonate Platform of the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria. Illustrated also from the Western Carpathians, these forms were assigned to the genus Acicularia, e.g., Acicularia elongata Carozzi. It is demonstrated that these algal parts are not reproductive caps of polyphysacean algae (formerly known as acetabulariaceans), but represent sections through scattered articles fragments of the dasycladalean alga Neoteutloporella socialis (Praturlon), more precisely the proximal parts of the laterals. This alga formed reefal bushes at the platform margin near-by to coral-stromatoporoid patches. The characteristic aciculariacean algae recalling fragments occur in bioclastic packstones, a facies adjacent to these dasycladalean algal microreefs.  相似文献   

Summary The Turonian to Santonian terrestrial to neritic succession (Lower Gosau Subgroup) in the Northern Calcareous Alps of the eastern part of the Tyrol, Austria, provides an example for deposition on a compartmentalized, narrow, microtidal to low-mesotidal, wave-dominated, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf. The shelf was situated in front of a mainland with a relatively high, articulated relief, and underwent distinct changes in facies architecture mainly as a result of tectonism. The investigated succession was deposited above a deeply incised, articulated truncation surface that formed when the Eo-Alpine orogen, including the area of the future Northern Calcareous Alps, was uplifted and subaerially eroded. Distinct facies associations were deposited from (1) alluvial fans and fan deltas, (2) rivers, (3) siliciclastic lagoonal to freshwater marsh environments, (4) areally/temporally limited carbonate lagoons, (5) transgressive shores, (6) siliciclastic shelf environments, and (7) an aggrading carbonate shelf. During the Turonian to Coniacian, the combination of high rates of both subsidence and sediment accumulation, and a narrow shelf that was compartmentalized with respect to (a) morphology of the substratum, (b) fluviatile input of siliciclastics and contemporaneous input of carbonate clasts from fan deltas, (c) deposition of shallow-water carbonates, and (d) water energy and-depth gave rise to an exceptionally wide spectrum of facies as a distinguishing feature of the succession. With the exception of facies association 7, which formed only once, depositional sequences in the Turonian to Coniacian interval contain all of the facies associations 1 to 6. During Turonian to Coniacian times, the shelf was microtidal to low-mesotidal, and was dominated by waves, storm waves and storm-induced currents. In vegetated marshes, schizohaline to freshwater marl lakes existed. Transgressions occurred onto fan deltas and in association with estuaries, or in association with gravelly to rocky shores. The transgressive successions, including successions deposited from transgressive rocky carbonate shores, are overlain by regressive successions of shelf carbonates or shelf siliciclastics. Deposition of shallow-water carbonates generally occurred within lagoons and over short intervals of time. A „catch-up” succession of shelf carbonates about 100 m thick accumulated only in an area protected from siliciclastic input. In its preserved parts, the Turonian to Coniacian succession does not record deposition adjacent to major active faults. Lateral changes in thickness result mainly from onlap onto the articulated basal truncation surface. Subsidence most probably was controlled by major detachment faults outside the outcrop area, and/or was distributed over a wide area in association with secondary faults above the major detachments. During Coniacian to Early Santonian times, both the older substratum and the overlying Turonian-Coniacian succession were subaerially exposed, faulted and deeply eroded. The following Early Santonian transgression ensued with rocky carbonate shores ahead of a sandy, narrow shoreface-inner shelf environment and a deeper shelf with intermittentlydysaerobic mud. The transgression was associated with the influx of cooler and/or nutrient-rich waters, and heralds an overall deepening. Still during the Early Santonian, the deepening was interrupted by another phase of subaerial exposure. Subsequently, a short phase of shelf deposition was terminated by deepening into bathyal depths.  相似文献   

Summary In the area of Haidach (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria), coral-rudist mounds, rudist biostromes, and bioclastic limestones and marls constitute an Upper Cretaceous shelf succession approximately 100 meters thick. The succession is part of the mixed siliciclasticcarbonate Gosau Group that was deposited at the northern margin of the Austroalpine microplate. In its lower part, the carbonate succession at Haidach comprises two stratal packages that each consists, from bottom to top, of a coral-rudist mound capped by a rudist biostrome which, in turn, is overlain by bioclastic limestones and, locally, marls. The coral-rudist mounds consist mainly of floatstones. The coral assemblage is dominated by Fungiina, Astreoina, Heterocoeniina andAgathelia asperella (stylinina). From the rudists, elevators (Vaccinites spp., radiolitids) and recumbents (Plagioptychus) are present. Calcareous sponges, sclerosponges, and octocorals are subordinate. The elevator rudists commonly are small; they settled on branched corals, coral heads, on rudists, and on biolastic debris. The rudists, in turn, provided settlement sites for corals. Predominantly plocoid and thamnasteroid coral growth forms indicate soft substrata and high sedimentation rates. The mounds were episodically smothered by carbonate mud. Many corals and rudists are coated by thick and diverse encrustations that indicate high nutrient level and/or turbid waters. The coral-rudist mounds are capped byVaccinites biostromes up to 5 m thick. The establishment of these biostromes may result from unfavourable environmental conditions for corals, coupled with the potential of the elevator rudists for effective substrate colonization. TheVaccinites biostromes are locally topped by a thin radiolitid biostrome. The biostromes, in turn, are overlain by bioclastic limestones; these are arranged in stratal packages that were deposited from carbonate sand bodies. Approximately midsection, an interval of marls with abundantPhelopteria is present. These marls were deposited in a quiet lagoonal area where meadows of sea grass or algae, coupled with an elevated nutrient level, triggered the mass occurrence ofPhelopteria. The upper part of the Haidach section consists of stratal packages that each is composed of a rudist biostrome overlain by bioclastic wackestones to packstones with diverse smaller benthic foraminifera and calcareous green algae. The biostromes are either built by radiolitids,Vaccinites, andPleurocora, or consist exclusively of radiolitids (mainlyRadiolites). Both the biostromes and the bioclastic limestones were deposited in a low-energy lagoonal environment that was punctuated by high-energy events.In situ-rudist fabrics typically have a matrix of mudstone to rudistclastic wackestone; other biogens (incl. smaller benthic foraminifera) are absent or very rare. The matrix of rudist fabrics that indicate episodic destruction by high-energy events contain a fossil assemblage similar to the vertically associated bioclastic limestones. Substrata colonized by rudists thus were unfavourable at least for smaller benthic foraminifera. The described succession was deposited on a gently inclined shelf segment, where coral-rudist mounds and hippuritid biostromes were separated by a belt of bioclastic sand bodies from a lagoon with radiolitid biostromes. The mounds document that corals and Late Cretaceous elevator rudists may co-occur in close association. On the scale of the entire succession, however, mainly as a result of the wide ecologic range of the rudists relative to corals, the coral-dominated mounds and the rudist biostromes are vertically separated.  相似文献   

The mollusc fauna of the early Middle Miocene (Langhian) intramontane Alpine Lake Groisenbach is described for the first time. The shells derive from the Feistring Formation in the Aflenz Basin in Austria, which was covered by Lake Groisenbach. The assemblage is moderately diverse with 12 gastropod and 2 bivalve species, suggesting shallow lacustrine and fluvial settings. Among the gastropods, only Theodoxus crenulatus (Klein, 1853) is known from other Miocene localities, whilst all other species are documented so far only from Lake Groisenbach. None of the Early and Middle Miocene lake systems of the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep and the Balkan Peninsula displays any faunistic resemblance with this new fauna. Even coeval lake faunas from the close-by Graz Basin have no species in common with Lake Groisenbach. This pattern points to a surprising endemicity and biogeographic fragmentation in the Central European freshwater systems during the Early and Middle Miocene. The uniqueness of the newly described fauna is also indicated by the completely erratic occurrence of the otherwise African-Mediterranean genus Bulinus, which is unknown from all other central European Miocene freshwater systems. Emmericia roetzeli Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Nematurella zuschini Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Romania fastigata Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia groisenbachensis Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia pompatica Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia styriaca Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Planorbis austroalpinus Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Gyraulus sachsenhoferi Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Bulinus corici Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Ferrissia crenellata Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp. and Stagnicola reinholdkunzi Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp. are introduced as new species.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic succession of Mount Rettenstein (central Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) is unique in comparison to all other sections known in the Northern Calcareous Alps because it provides the oldest coexistence of radiolarite basin sedimentation with contemporaneous shallow-water carbonate intercalations. An up to 3.5-m-thick debris flow made up of shallow-water carbonate detritus with a radiolaritic matrix is overlain by thin (calcareous) radiolarite, followed by several hundreds of meters of shallow-water carbonates of the Plassen Formation. Benthic foraminifers (Labyrinthia mirabilis Weynschenk and Alveosepta aff. jaccardi) and the radiolarian associations indicate a depositional age of both the debris flow and the basal Plassen Formation around the boundary of Middle/Late Oxfordian resp. in the Late Oxfordian. This is as yet the first unambiguous evidence of Oxfordian shallow-water sedimentation in the Northern Calcareous Alps. This early neritic stage with the settlement of ooid bars and coral-stromatoporoid-reefs, evidenced by the debris flow resediments in siliceous basin sedimentation, is followed by the definite, rapid progradation of the actual Late Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian–Berriasian Plassen Carbonate Platform with its steep slope configuration. Assumably, this evolution was steered by a mixture of both global environmental and regional tectonic constraints.  相似文献   

The uppermost Rhaetian Adnet reef is part of the Dachstein carbonate platform and is situated at the transition to the intrashelf Kössen Basin. Its diagenetic evolution is investigated focusing on dissolution cavities in the Tropfbruch quarry of Adnet (near Salzburg) stratigraphically situated immediately below the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Sea-level changes due to global eustatic trends and regional tectonics are assumed to be the controlling factors in the development of a manifold diagenetic sequence characterized by phases of meteoric dissolution, marine and burial cementation, and internal sedimentation. Despite small-scale variations of the sequence, a superordinate pattern of diagenetic phases could be elaborated. Small-scale eustatic sea-level falls subordinate to a global regression trend caused subaerial exposures of the Adnet reef in the latest Rhaetian to earliest Hettangian. The result was karstification and meteoric dissolution of aragonitic coral skeletons (Retiophyllia) leading to the formation of biomoldic porosity. Coral septa which escaped dissolution were transformed into neomorphic calcite spar under meteoric–phreatic conditions. A first generation of dog-tooth cements precipitated sporadically on the altered coral skeletons. Eustatic sea-level rise in Early to Mid-Hettangian times caused a renewed flooding of the pore space of the Adnet reef by marine water and the influx of a first generation of internal sediments (IS I), derived from the karstified host rock of the Upper Rhaetian reef limestone. These internal sediments are overgrown by radiaxial-fibrous calcites (RFCs) whose oxygen-isotopic signature (δ18O = ?1.3 (±0.7)‰) indicates precipitation in deeper (colder) water (18–21°C) due to a first phase of drowning. An intermediate phase of eustatic sea-level lowstand in the Late Hettangian is expressed by dissolution and corrosion of RFCs. Rapid drowning of the Dachstein carbonate platform due to eustatic sea-level rise and tectonic movements took place in the Early Sinemurian and a second generation of internal sediments (IS II) derived from the Lower Sinemurian Adnet Formation is washed into the dissolution cavities. Where IS II is absent, RFCs are overgrown by a second generation of dog-tooth cements with a bright-luminescent outer rim indicating the transition to negative redox conditions in the pore water during shallow burial. Burial diagenesis is represented by blocky calcite cements which occlude the remaining pore space. Depleted oxygen-isotope values and significant Fe contents indicate precipitation under reducing redox conditions and elevated temperatures of 30–50°C at burial depths of 420–870 m. Locally, replacive saddle dolomite is the latest diagenetic phase in the Adnet reef indicating crystallization under hydrothermal influences related to compressional subduction regimes of the Penninic Ocean.  相似文献   

Oncoidal limestones with different oncoid types are ubiquitous in back-reef open-lagoonal and, to a minor amount, in closed-lagoonal facies of the Late Jurassic Plassen Carbonate Platform of the Northern Calcareous Alps. A common feature of the oncoids from moderately to well-agitated open-lagoonal habitats are incorporated small trochospiral benthic foraminifers, tentatively assigned to trochamminids, switched between individual micritic layers. Their life style is discussed concluding a specialized feeding on cyanophytes on the outer side of the oncoids and later becoming biomurated by successive sheet formations due to oncoid growing.  相似文献   

Question: Are there effects of long‐term deposition of airborne nitrogen and sulphur on the forest floor vegetation from permanent plots collected in 1993 compared to 2005. Location: Northern limestone Alps in Austria. Methods: Single species responses were analysed by correlating trends in cover‐abundance values, as derived from marginal models, with Ellenberg indicator values. Changes in the species composition of plots were analysed by correlating changes in mean Ellenberg indicator values with the displacement of plots within a multidimensional scaling ordination. Results: Trends in single species abundance were positively correlated with indicator values of soil pH but were independent of nutrient availability. A general trend towards the homogenisation of vegetation, due to convergent time vectors of the relevés, became obvious. Oligotrophic sites previously situated at the distal ends of ordination axes shifted towards the centre since they were enriched by species preferring mesotrophic conditions. The bulk of plots with intermediate site conditions hardly showed any trends. A concomitant analysis demonstrated that temporal changes in species composition exceed the variation in cover abundance estimates among different field botanists. Conclusions: N deposition can lead to a homogenisation of forest floor vegetation. Larger limestone areas with diverse soil conditions, such as the Northern limestone Alps in Austria, as a whole are thus negatively affected by airborne N deposition. Nevertheless, the vegetation was at least as strongly affected by an increase of basiphilous species as a result of decreasing S deposition.  相似文献   

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