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Investigation was carried out from 1976 to 1979 to establish a new control system against the houseflies, Musca domestica, at a sea-filling waste disposal site in Osaka Bay, Japan. Field surveys showed that the garbage was favorble for the fly breeding for 20–30 days after being disposed, while the sewage sludge and the ash from incinerated refuse were unfavorable. Comparing the fly density at the site to the reported cases of the public complaints in the urban area near to the site, a complaint threshold density of the flies at the site was estimated. Then, a control threshold density was assumed from the complaint threshold density and the reproductive rate of the housefly population. Several insecticides, as well as a surface active agent, polyoxyethylene lauryl ether (PEL), were found effective for the temporary suppression of the fly density. Based on the results obtained, the following control system was worked out. 1) Refuse is disposed onto the same area as other inorganic wastes to deteriorate the capacity of breeding sources. 2) The fly density is examined on newly disposed refuse almost everyday by landfill operators. 3) PEL is sprayed when the density slightly exceeds the control threshold density. If the density increases rather higher, insecticide should be used. 4) The disposed refuse is covered with soil or other inorganic wastes on every weekend or every other weekend by 15 cm thickness. Success in both fly control and reduction of the amounts of insecticides sprayed was achieved by a field application of this new control system.  相似文献   

Resistance profiles of houseflies (Gol-RR) collected from a field in Golmud city, Qinghai province, China, were determined for seven insecticides using topical bioassays. Resistance ratios of >1219.51, 153.17, >35.43, 6.12, 3.24, 1.73, and 0.86-fold were obtained for propoxur, cypermethrin, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, chlorpyrifos, fipronil, and chlorfenapyr, respectively, relative to a laboratory susceptible strain (SS). Synergism experiments showed that piperonyl butoxide (PBO), triphenylphosphate (TPP), and diethyl maleate (DEM) increased propoxur toxicity by >105.71, >7.88, and >5.15-fold in the Gol-RR strain, compared with 5.25, 2.00, and 1.39-fold in the SS strain, indicating the involvement of P450 monooxygenases, esterases, and glutathione-S-transferase in conferring resistance. Although cypermethrin resistance was significantly suppressed with PBO, TPP, and DEM in the Gol-RR strain, the synergistic potential of these agents to cypermethrin was similar in the SS strain, demonstrating that metabolism-mediated detoxification was not important for conferring resistance to cypermethrin in the Gol-RR strain. However, the three agents did not act synergistically with imidacloprid, indicating that other mechanisms may be responsible for the development of resistance to this insecticide. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was 13.70-fold higher in the Gol-RR than in the SS strain, suggesting the properties of the AChE enzyme were altered in the Gol-RR strain. Thus, rotation of chlorfenapyr insecticide with other agents acting through a different mode with minimal/no resistance could be an effective resistance management strategy for housefly.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity of 10 house fly laboratory strains and 21 field populations are described with two substrates, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and 3,4-dichloronitrobenzene (DCNB), commonly associated with resistance. Three laboratory strains selected by tetrachlorvinphos, lindane (gamma-HCH) and dimethoate, respectively, had significantly elevated CDNB- and DCNB-GST activities. The multiresistant field population 791a had significantly elevated CDNB- and DCNB-GST activities. Many strains recorded several individuals with high CDNB- and/or DCNB-GST activity and to evaluate these differences, phenotypes were defined by cluster analysis. A phenotype, GST-R, indicating high CDNB- and DCNB-GST activities, was found in 23 of 31 laboratory strains or field populations. GST-R was likely to be involved in gamma-HCH resistance in strain 17e, tetrachlorvinphos resistance in strain 39m2b, and dimethoate resistance in strain 49r2b. The frequency of GST-R in selected laboratory strains and field population correlated with the frequency of house flies surviving the organophosphate azamethiphos either topically applied or by ingestion. There was no significant correlation between GST activity and the toxicity of the organophosphate dimethoate or the pyrethroids bioresmethrin and pyrethrin.  相似文献   

Five BC? lines and 16 house fly mass-cross homozygous lines were generated from crosses of the pyrethroid resistant ALHF (wild-type) and susceptible aabys (bearing recessive morphological markers on each of five autosomes) strains. Each of the resulting homozygous lines had different combinations of autosomes from the resistant ALHF strain. Levels of resistance to permethrin were measured for each line to determine the autosomal linkage, interaction and, possibly, regulation in pyrethroid resistance of house flies. Results indicated that factors on autosome 4 are not involved in the development of resistance in house flies, while factors on autosomes 1, 2, 3 and 5 play important roles in pyrethroid resistance. The sodium channel gene has been mapped on autosome 3 and multiple cytochrome P450 genes overexpressed in resistant ALHF house flies have been genetically mapped on autosome 5, suggesting that P450 mediated detoxification and sodium channel-mediated target site insensitivity located on autosomes 3 and 5, respectively, are major factors related to resistance development in house flies. However, neither the factors on autosome 3 or 5 alone, nor the factors from both autosomes 3 and 5 combined could confer high levels of resistance to pyrethroid. In addition, strong synergistic effects on resistance was obtained when autosomes 1 and 2 interact with autosome 3 and/or 5, suggesting that the trans factors on autosomes 1 and 2 may interact with factors on autosomes 3 and 5, therefore, playing regulatory roles in the development of sodium channel insensitivity- and P450 detoxification-mediated resistance.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), encoded by the Ace gene, is the primary target of organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates (CBs) in insects. Ace mutations have been identified in OP and CB resistant strains of Musca domestica. In this study, the Ace gene was partially amplified and sequenced at amino acid positions 260, 342, and 407 to determine the frequencies of these mutations in housefly samples collected from farms and garbage disposal sites of 16 provinces in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions of Turkey. In addition, the percent remaining AChE activities in these samples were assayed by using three OPs (malaoxon, paraoxon, and dichlorvos) and one CB (carbaryl) compound as inhibitors. In all the analyzed samples, 13 different combinations at the three amino acid positions were identified and the L/V260-A/G342-F/Y407 combination was found in the highest frequency. No susceptible individual was detected. The highest mean percent remaining AChE activities were detected in the individuals having the L260-A/G342-F/Y407 genotype when malaoxon and paraoxon were used as inhibitors and in the individuals with the L260-A342-F/Y407 combination when dichlorvos and carbaryl were used as inhibitors. The obtained data were heterogeneous and there was no exact correlation between the molecular genetic background and the resistance phenotypes of the flies. The findings of this study at the molecular and biochemical levels indicate the presence of significant control problems in the field.  相似文献   

Female houseflies (Musca domestica L.) from a susceptible and a multi-insecticide-resistant strain were used to evaluate the relative toxicity of an insecticide bait formulation of the carbamate insecticide methomyl. Individual flies were allowed to feed on bait granules for an unrestricted period or for 5 s. Resistant flies took longer than susceptible flies to initiate a feeding response. When allowed to feed continuously, those from the resistant strain spent longer feeding than susceptible ones. The time taken to knock-down (KD), including feeding times, was significantly greater for resistant than susceptible flies (P less than 0.001), but once the proboscis was withdrawn from the granule there was no difference in KD times between the strains. All flies from both strains were knocked down, and only a very small number of resistant and susceptible flies recovered. The toxic effects of methomyl on flies which were restricted to a 5 s feed ranged from no observed effect to KD in less than 1 min. After feeding for 5 s, 81% of resistant and 98% of susceptible flies developed signs of methomyl poisoning. More resistant than susceptible flies recovered from KD, giving final mortalities of 46% and 88% respectively. With both feeding regimes, some flies of both strains which had apparently recovered from KD had lost their ability to fly. Observations have also shown that 8% of resistant flies may have been repelled by methomyl granules. The implication of these results on the survival of M. domestica in intensive animal units following exposure to methomyl bait is also discussed.  相似文献   

Application of the female dissection method proposed byHokyo andKiritani (1967) was attempted in both 1968 and 1969 to estimate the daily survival rate and the mean longevity for the adult population of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, in a paddy field. The estimated mean longevity for females was far shorter than the physiological longevity of this species, ranging from 4 to 7 days with some variation between different generations. This could explain the remarkable discontinuity among successive generations which proved to form an important feature of the pattern of seasonal population changes of this insect. Between the two years, the estimated survival rate (and hence the mean longevity also) was negatively correlated to the estimated population size of adults that emerged in either of the two successive generations. This apparent density dependence suggests the possibility that the adult survival, including the effect of dispersal, plays some critical role in bringing about the remarkable population stability from year to year shown by the field population of N. cincticeps.  相似文献   

天津地区家蝇抗药性水平及与两种解毒酶的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用点滴法对采自天津市7个郊区县的7个不同生境野外家蝇种群的抗药性进行了测定并与实验室内的相对敏感种群进行比较;对不同地区家蝇种群进行了羧酸酯酶(carboxylesterase, CarE)和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferase, GSTs)活性检测。结果表明,不同家蝇种群对DDVP、高效氯氰菊酯和残杀威的抗性倍数不同,对DDVP抗性最高为18.563倍,最低为1.885倍;对高效氯氰菊酯最高为14.071倍,最低为1.071倍;对残杀威抗性倍数最高为7.499倍,最低为1.071倍。从CarE平均比活力看,室外家蝇种群CarE的比活力均高于室内相对敏感种群的比活力,CarE活性的分布在敏感种群和不同地区野外种群间具有明显的重叠现象。天津不同地区F2代家蝇GSTs的比活力抗性种群普遍高于室内相对敏感种群,大约在2~4倍之间,不同地区间也具有比较大的差异,而抗药性高的种群GSTs活性也高,GSTs活性变化与不同种群抗性差异是相符的。  相似文献   

拟除虫菊酯对家蝇Ca—ATPase和Ca—Mg—ATPase的抑制作用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
通过对家蝇神经系统的Ca-ATPase、Ca-Mg-ATPase性质的研究,表明Ca-ATPase、Ca-Mg-AT-Pase反应的适宜pH值分别为7.0-8.5和6.5。适温皆为35-40℃;底物(ATP)最适浓度均为0.5mmol/L。比较测定了家蝇三个品系中两种ATPase的活性及拟除虫菊酯对该酶的抑制作用,实验证明,敏感与Del-R、2Cl-R品系间Ca-ATPase、Ca-Mg-ATPase活力无明显的差异。溴氰菊酯、氯菊酯可部分地抑制敏感品系家蝇Ca-ATPase活性,而对拟除虫菊酯抗性品系Ca-ATPase无抑制作用,从而证明,Del-R、2Cl-B品系Ca-ATPase对拟除虫菊酯的敏感性已明显降低,这可能能是击倒抗性机制之一。实验还表明,拟除虫菊酯对Ca-Mg-ATPase基本上无抑制作用,这说明在家蝇中,Ca-Mg-ATPase并不是拟除虫菊酯的一个靶标位点。  相似文献   

Abstract: The toxicity of fenitrothion and fenitrothion plus synergists was determined by topical application to adults of fenitrothion-resistant (571ab) and -susceptible (Cooper) strains of Musca domestica L. The strain 571ab was 232-fold resistant to fenitrothion when compared with the Cooper strain. Co-administration of fenitrothion with three synergists, namely piperonyl butoxide (PBO), tributylphosphorotrithioate (DEF) and diethyl maleate (DEM) was investigated, respectively, at 1 : 5, 1 : 5 and 1 : 10 ratio. This co-administration of fenitrothion with PBO, DEF and DEM caused a decrease in the doses which produced 50% lethality (LD50s) in 571ab but had no synergistic effect on fenitrothion toxicity was observed in the Cooper strain. The effect of topical application of fenitrothion alone and in combination with PBO, DEF and DEM at the LD50 level on some enzyme activities in 571ab and Cooper strains was examined. The application of fenitrothion alone and in combination with DEF and DEM at LD50 level caused a significant decrease in activities of total esterases, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the 571ab strain. The decrease in GST activity was not significant in treated flies of the Cooper strain when compared with GST activity of control flies. A non-significant effect on total cytochrome P450 level was observed with fenitrothion alone and the fenitrothion + PBO treatment. No increase in activity level of total esterases, AChE and GST was found, which might suggest that changes in activity level of these enzymes are not related to fenitrothion resistance in the 571ab strain.  相似文献   

Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are currently the fastest‐growing class of insecticides, and in Turkey these products represent a new approach to pest control. In recent years, several IGRs were also registered for the control of the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), in Turkey. A field survey was conducted in the summers of 2006 and 2007 to evaluate resistance to some agriculturally and medically used IGRs on house flies from livestock farms and garbage dumps in the greenhouse production areas (Merkez, Kumluca, Manavgat, and Serik) of Antalya province (Southwestern Turkey). The results of larval feeding assay with technical diflubenzuron, methoprene, novaluron, pyripoxyfen, and triflumuron indicate that low levels (RF<10‐fold) of resistance to the IGRs exist in the house fly populations from Antalya province. Exceptions, however, were two populations, Guzoren and Toptas, from the Kumluca area which showed moderate resistance to diflubenzuron with 11.8‐fold in 2006 and 13.2‐fold in 2007, respectively. We found substantial variation in susceptibility of field‐collected house fly populations from year to year and from product to product. We generally observed an increase in resistance at many localities sampled from 2006 to 2007. The implications of these results to the future use of IGRs for house fly control are discussed. It will be critically important to continue monitoring efforts so that appropriate steps can be taken if resistance levels start to increase.  相似文献   

Summary House flies, Musca domestica, respond to visual contrasts on the substrate if a resource is associated with the contrasting patterns. Visible resource patch boundaries serve as a signal to flies that they are about to leave a rewarding patch. Searching flies respond to such visual information by walking along the resource patch boundary and turning back into the patch at its edge. This edge detection and response serve as a mechanism for flies with visual cues to stay in a rewarding patch and locate more resources within it. The intensity of their response correlates with the quality of the resource. In the absence of visual cues, patch shape affects foraging success; flies find more resources in circular than in linear resource distributions. The effects of visual cues, however, render patch shape unimportant. Various substrate contrasts are effective as resource information for flies: dark (e.g., green) figures on bright (e.g., white) backgrounds or bright figures on dark backgrounds. Responses to substrate contrasts measured in this study indicate that, over the short term, house flies can learn a visual cue associated with a food source.  相似文献   

Introgression is a key process in conservation biology, genetic modification of (crop) species and in the evolutionary ecology of many species. Here we consider the case of introgression of insecticide resistance in the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. B. tabaci is a species complex consisting of a range of biotypes, known to have a high degree of inter-biotype reproductive isolation. In areas where insecticide resistant and susceptible biotypes of B. tabaci coexist, introgression of the resistance gene will have considerable consequences for whitefly control. Using a stochastic branching process model we calculate the relative importance of life-history traits in determining the probability of introgression given that a hybridization event has occurred. We show that a fitness cost expressed through the average number of eggs laid, has the largest effect on the introgression probability as compared to fitness costs expressed through other life-history parameters. These results change when we consider a reproductive isolation mechanism, for which we show that the fitness cost expressed through the male survival and mating probability have the largest effect on the probability of introgression.  相似文献   

Laboratory populations of cloned Daphnia magna were exposed at different population phases (growing phase, density peak, stable phase) to the insecticide carbaryl at 15 μg 1−1, which was harmful to juveniles but not to adults, and their population dynamics were analyzed. The population declined most at the density peak, when not only juveniles but also many adult individuals died. To analyze the factors affecting population vulnerability to carbaryl, acute toxicity tests were conducted using Daphnia individuals of different body sizes under different food conditions. The test revealed that daphnid sensitivity to carbaryl increased greatly when food density was changed from a high food level to a low level. This food condition, of low availability, might be the condition to which the Daphnia populations were exposed at their density peak. The synergism of the negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural stresses such as insecticides and food shortage may control aquatic populations.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (Paramyxoviridae) is a highly infectious virus shed in the faeces of infected birds. Non-biting Muscid flies characteristically visit manure and decaying organic material to feed and oviposit, and may contribute to disease transmission. The housefly, Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera: Muscidae), has been implicated as a mechanical vector of numerous pathogens. In this study 2000 aerial net-captured houseflies were examined for their ability to harbour Newcastle disease virus (NDV). In an adjacent study, laboratory-reared flies were experimentally exposed to NDV La Sota strain. The virus was detected in the dissected gastrointestinal tract of laboratory-exposed flies for up to 72 h post-exposure, whereas the untreated control flies were negative.  相似文献   

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