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Glucose metabolism and insulin secretion were studied in isolated rat pancreatic islets of different sizes and the amount of tissue was quantitated by the measurement of DNA. It was found that larger islets (140-210 ng DNA/islet) utilized more glucose (based on the conversion of 3H-5-glucose to [3H]20) per ng of DNA than islets containing less DNA (60-120 ng/islet). However, the insulin secreted per ng of DNA in response to a given glucose concentration was the same in islets of all sizes. Also, the islet insulin and glucagon content when expressed in terms of DNA did not depend upon islet size. Thus, although glucose utilization rates expressed as a function of islet DNA content were greater in larger islets, no such relationship was found for glucose-induced insulin release or insulin and glucagon content.  相似文献   

Elevated plasma free fatty acids (FAs) are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study investigates the effects of the saturated FA palmitate and unsaturated FA oleate on monocyte phenotype and function. Incubation of human U937 and THP-1 monocytes with palmitate for 24h increased cell surface expression of integrin CD11b and scavenger receptor CD36 in a concentration-dependent manner with some decrease in mitochondrial reducing capacity at high concentration (300μM). Monocytes incubated with palmitate, but not oleate, showed increased uptake of oxidized LDL and increased adhesion to rat aortic endothelium, particularly at bifurcations. The palmitate-induced increase in CD11b and CD36 expression was associated with increased cellular C16 ceramide and sphingomyelin, loss of reduced glutathione, and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS). Increased monocyte surface CD11b and CD36 was inhibited by fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of de novo ceramide synthesis, but not by the superoxide dismutase mimetic MnTBap. In contrast, MnTBap prevented the mitochondrial ROS increase and metabolic inhibition due to 300μM palmitate. This study demonstrates that in viable monocytes, palmitate but not oleate increases expression of surface CD11b and CD36. Palmitate increases monocyte adhesion to the aortic wall and promotes uptake of oxidized LDL and this involves de novo ceramide synthesis.  相似文献   

Development of sustainable biological process for the production of bulk chemicals from renewable feedstock is an important goal of white biotechnology. Ethylene glycol (EG) is a large-volume commodity chemical with an annual production of over 20 million tons, and it is currently produced exclusively by petrochemical route. Herein, we report a novel biosynthetic route to produce EG from glucose by the extension of serine synthesis pathway of Corynebacterium glutamicum. The EG synthesis is achieved by the reduction of glycoaldehyde derived from serine. The transformation of serine to glycoaldehyde is catalyzed either by the sequential enzymatic deamination and decarboxylation or by the enzymatic decarboxylation and oxidation. We screened the corresponding enzymes and optimized the production strain by combinatorial optimization and metabolic engineering. The best engineered C. glutamicum strain is able to accumulate 3.5 g/L of EG with the yield of 0.25 mol/mol glucose in batch cultivation. This study lays the basis for developing an efficient biological process for EG production.  相似文献   

Development of artificial collagens to replace the animal-derived collagens presents a challenge in the formation of safer and functional biomaterials. We report here the development of collagen-like gels by means of the self-assembly of chemically synthesized peptides. The peptides are disulfide-linked trimers of collagenous Gly-X-Y triplet repeats with self-complementary shapes. Upon cooling the peptide solutions, hydrogels of peptide supramolecules are formed by spontaneous intermolecular triple helix formation. The thermal gel-sol transition appeared to be reversible, and the transition temperatures were found to be tunable by the design of the peptides. Our systems for the formation of artificial collagen-like gels will offer possibilities for novel types of biomaterials.  相似文献   

When pancreatic islets prelabeled with [32P]-orthophosphate are stimulated with glucose solutions differing only in their anomeric composition, the α anomer induces a greater efflux of radiophosphate than the β anomer. This anomeric specificity suggests that the altered anionic flux may be initiated by the glucose molecule itself or by disposition of glucose which does not entail initial phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine of resting human tonsil lymphocytes contained dipalmitoyl (18 mol%), 1-oleoyl,2-palmitoyl (11 mol%) and dioleoyl (5 mol%) species. 1-Oleoyl and 1-linoleoyl species were also detected in other more highly unsaturated phosphatidylcholine species. The features of phospholipid synthesis in lymphocytes were investigated by incubating cells with radio-labeled precursors.The de novo synthesis of phospholipids occurring in lymphocytes was estimated to be physiologically important, in particular for supplying dipalmitoyl-glycerophosphocholine and highly unsaturated phosphatidylethanolamine. It was also suggested that diacylglycerol(s) not originating from glycerophosphate is (are) involved in the synthesis of tetraenoic phospholipids.From radioactive palmitic and oleic acids were actively synthesized dipalmitoyl, dioleoyl and 1-oleoyl,2-palmitoyl species of diacylglycerol. The mode of diacylglycerol synthesis was reflected upon phosphatidylcholine formation. The formed polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamine was also found to contain 1-oleoyl or 2-palmitoyl species.Radioactive linoleic and arachidonic acids were incorporated predominantly into the C-1 position of diacylglycerol, whereas the majority of the formed phospholipids was of 2-linoleoyl or 2-arachidonoyl species. Labeled stearic acid was exclusively esterified to the C-1 position of the glycerolipids. However, the labeling pattern of molecular species by stearate was considerably deviated from that observed with labeled palmitate. These results indicated that the de novo synthetic pathway operating in lymphocytes is primarily responsible for forming 1-unsaturated type of phospholids. The synthesis of 1-saturated,2-unsaturated species appeared to be due to remodeling of the once-formed phospholids.  相似文献   

There are many computer programs that can match tandem mass spectra of peptides to database-derived sequences; however, situations can arise where mass spectral data cannot be correlated with any database sequence. In such cases, sequences can be automatically deduced de novo, without recourse to sequence databases, and the resulting peptide sequences can be used to perform homologous nonexact searches of sequence databases. This article describes details on how to implement both a de novo sequencing program called “Lutefisk,” and a version of FASTA that has been modified to account for sequence ambiguities inherent in tandem mass spectrometry data.  相似文献   

The study of macromolecular structures has expanded our understanding of the amazing cell machinery and such knowledge has changed how the pharmaceutical industry develops new vaccines in recent years. Traditionally, X-ray crystallography has been the main method for structure determination, however, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has increasingly become more popular due to recent advancements in hardware and software. The number of cryo-EM maps deposited in the EMDataResource (formerly EMDatabase) since 2002 has been dramatically increasing and it continues to do so. De novo macromolecular complex modeling is a labor-intensive process, therefore, it is highly desirable to develop software that can automate this process. Here we discuss our automated, data-driven, and artificial intelligence approaches including map processing, feature extraction, modeling building, and target identification. Recently, we have enabled DNA/RNA modeling in our deep learning-based prediction tool, DeepTracer. We have also developed DeepTracer-ID, a tool that can identify proteins solely based on the cryo-EM map. In this paper, we will present our accumulated experiences in developing deep learning-based methods surrounding macromolecule modeling applications.  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry has emerged to be one of the most powerful high-throughput techniques for protein identification. Tandem mass spectrometry selects and fragments peptides of interest into N-terminal ions and C-terminal ions, and it measures the mass/charge ratios of these ions. The de novo peptide sequencing problem is to derive the peptide sequences from given tandem mass spectral data of k ion peaks without searching against protein databases. By transforming the spectral data into a matrix spectrum graph G = (V, E), where |V| = O(k(2)) and |E| = O(k(3)), we give the first polynomial time suboptimal algorithm that finds all the suboptimal solutions (peptides) in O(p|E|) time, where p is the number of solutions. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on experimental data. The program is available at http://hto-c.usc.edu:8000/msms/menu/denovo.htm.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,53(6):PL99-PL103
Acute post-ischemic cardiac failure was studied in isolated rat hearts. Xylitol, glutamine, aspartic acid and glycine were added during reperfusion resulting in no inotropic effect. Concanavalin A had a moderate inotropic effect. When concanavalin A added with xylitol, glutamine, aspartic acid and glycine, a rapid recovery of myocardial function and high-energy phosphate was achieved.  相似文献   

A synthetic medium was developed in which the presence of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) in the yeast Rhodotorula glutinis was dependent on the addition of l-phenylalanine. The appearance of PAL activity occurred during mid- to late log phase regardless of the time of l-phenylalanine introduction into the medium. Maximum levels of PAL activity were followed by a rapid decline in both total and specific activity. These changes were accompanied by comparable fluctuations in PAL antigen levels as measured by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Proteins of yeast grown in the presences of l-phenylalanine were radiolabeled in vivo with l-[3H]leucine. The labeled protein was immunoprecipitated with anti-PAL serum and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A labeled protein comigrated with subunits of authentic PAL. These data support the hypothesis that de novo synthesis of PAL in R. glutinis is l-phenylalanine dependent.  相似文献   

A stimulation of [3H]glycerol incorporation into phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol was observed upon exposure of rat pancreatic islets to the nutrient secretagogues alpha-ketoisocaproate and glucose, or to the neurotransmitter stimuli carbamylcholine and cholecystokinin. These effects were associated with reduced labeling of phosphatidylcholine and, in some cases, phosphatidylethanolamine. The modified patterns of [3H]glycerol incorporation into islet phospholipids persisted in the absence of added Ca2+, but were abolished by excess EDTA. Nutrient, but not neurotransmitter, secretagogues also stimulated the incorporation of [3H]glycerol into triacylglycerols. The results suggest that the stimulation of islets with the above classes of secretagogues is accompanied by enhanced de novo synthesis of acidic phospholipids.  相似文献   

Regeneration of amputated zebrafish fin rays from de novo osteoblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determining the cellular source of new skeletal elements is critical for understanding appendage regeneration in amphibians and fish. Recent lineage-tracing studies indicated that zebrafish fin ray bone regenerates through the dedifferentiation and proliferation of spared osteoblasts, with limited if any contribution from other cell types. Here, we examined the requirement for this mechanism by using genetic ablation techniques to destroy virtually all skeletal osteoblasts in adult zebrafish fins. Animals survived this injury and restored the osteoblast population within 2 weeks. Moreover, amputated fins depleted of osteoblasts regenerated new fin ray structures at rates indistinguishable from fins possessing a resident osteoblast population. Inducible genetic fate mapping confirmed that new bone cells do not arise from dedifferentiated osteoblasts under these conditions. Our findings demonstrate diversity in the cellular origins of appendage bone and reveal that de novo osteoblasts can fully support the regeneration of amputated zebrafish fins.  相似文献   

Binary patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids has been used as the key design feature for constructing large combinatorial libraries of de novo proteins. Each position in a binary patterned sequence is designed explicitly to be either polar or nonpolar; however, the precise identities of these amino acids are varied extensively. The combinatorial underpinnings of the "binary code" strategy preclude explicit design of particular side chains at specified positions. Therefore, packing interactions cannot be specified a priori. To assess whether the binary code strategy can nonetheless produce well-folded de novo proteins, we constructed a second-generation library based upon a new structural scaffold designed to fold into 102-residue four-helix bundles. Characterization of five proteins chosen arbitrarily from this new library revealed that (1) all are alpha-helical and quite stable; (2) four of the five contain an abundance of tertiary interactions indicative of well-ordered structures; and (3) one protein forms a well-folded structure with native-like features. The proteins from this new 102-residue library are substantially more stable and dramatically more native-like than those from an earlier binary patterned library of 74-residue sequences. These findings demonstrate that chain length is a crucial determinant of structural order in libraries of de novo four-helix bundles. Moreover, these results show that the binary code strategy--if applied to an appropriately designed structural scaffold--can generate large collections of stably folded and/or native-like proteins.  相似文献   

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