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Summary A study was made of the Actinomycetes occurring in aquatic environments of the English Lake District. Lake water often contained few Actinomycetes; but the number recovered seemed to show a correlation with the total ionic concentration of the water. Stream and river water was more productive and one group, the Actinoplanaceae, was especially prominent. Mild chemical pollution by farmyard washings did not discourage the Actinoplanaceae of streams, on the contrary more were produced under these conditions. The bottom mud of lakes yielded many Actinomycetes, Micromonospora and Streptomycetes being predominant. Nocardia-type, Lspi and Sspi were three forms, apparently previously undescribed, which were encountered in this investigation. Nocardia-type appears to be a soil organism which is washed into the aquatic environment. Lspi was numerous in lake water and mud and seems to be a truly aquatic form. The evidence for Sspi is indecisive.
Zusammenfassung Die Actinomycetes wurden in wässerichen Umgebungen im Englischen Seengebiet studiert. Seewasser enthält oft einige Actinomycetes; aber die enthaltene Zahl ist von der totalen Ion Konzentration abhängig. Bach- und Fluwasser erzeugte mehr, und eine Gruppe, die Actinoplanaceae, war besonders zahlreich. Milde chemische Verunreinigungen bei landwirtschaftlichen Waschungen verhindern die Actinoplanaceae von Flüssen nicht, im Gegenteil, viele wurden unter diesen Zuständen erzeugt. Der Grundschlamm von Seen enthält viele Actinomycetes, Micromonospora und Streptomycetes waren vorherrschend. Nocardia-type, Lspi und Sspi waren drei Arten, scheinbar früher unbeschrieben, welche in dieser Untersuchung gebräuchlich waren. Nocardia-type scheint organische Erde zu sein welche in den wasserichen Umgebungen gewaschen wird. Lspi war in Seewasser und Schlamm zahlreich und scheint eine wahre wasserliche Art zu sein. Der Beweis für Sspi ist unentscheidend.

Our goal is to strengthen the foundations of metaproteomics as a microbial community analysis tool that links the functional identity of actively expressed gene products with host phylogeny. We used shotgun metaproteomics to survey waters in six disparate aquatic habitats (Cayuga Lake, NY; Oneida Lake, NY; Gulf of Maine; Chesapeake Bay, MD; Gulf of Mexico; and the South Pacific). Peptide pools prepared from filter-gathered microbial biomass, analyzed by nano-liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (MS/MS) generating 9,693?±?1,073 mass spectra identified 326?±?107 bacterial proteins per sample. Distribution of proteobacterial (Alpha and Beta) and cyanobacterial (Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus spp.) protein hosts across all six samples was consistent with the previously published biogeography for these microorganisms. Marine samples were enriched in transport proteins (TRAP-type for dicarboxylates and ATP binding cassette (ABC)-type for amino acids and carbohydrates) compared with the freshwater samples. We were able to match in situ expression of many key proteins catalyzing C-, N-, and S-cycle processes with their bacterial hosts across all six habitats. Pelagibacter was identified as the host of ABC-type sugar-, organic polyanion-, and glycine betaine-transport proteins; this extends previously published studies of Pelagibacter's in situ biogeochemical role in marine C- and N-metabolism. Proteins matched to Ruegeria confirmed these organism's role in marine waters oxidizing both carbon monoxide and sulfide. By documenting both processes expressed in situ and the identity of host cells, metaproteomics tested several existing hypotheses about ecophysiological processes and provided fodder for new ones.  相似文献   

A total of 749 sediment and water samples were collected from 12 lakes of the Middle Plateau of Yunnan from 1983 to 1993. The diversity and biological characteristics of the aquatic actinomycetes in these lakes were studied. Sixteen genera of actinomycetes were isolated from these samples. Micromonospores assumed a notable dominance (from 39 to 89%) in the actinomycete populations of these lake sediments. Streptomycetes were the second most abundant organisms. The diversity and counts of actinomycetes varied with the season. Thermophilic actinomycetes have a wide distribution in these lakes, but their counts were smaller. The cell wall compositions of certain Micromonospora and Streptomyces strains from an alkaline lake revealed an unusual combination of glycine and isomers of diaminopimelic acid. It seems that aquatic actinomycetes play a significant role in the decomposition of organic substances, including some toxic compounds such as phenol, in these lakes. It also appears that aquatic actinomycetes are one of the important resources for screening useful enzymes and metabolites.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the dorsal skin of trunk in two species of hynobiid salamanders, Batrachuperus pinchonii and Hynobius chinensis were examined by light microscopy. The basic structures of the skin in the two species are similar and consist of two layers: epidermis and dermis. The epidermis consists of stratum corneum, stratum intermedium and stratum germinativum, while the dermis is composed of a stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. However, some species-specific variation has been identified(e.g., the distribution of capillary vessels and gland cells, and the thickness of skin). H. chinensis is a terrestrial species and only lives in water during breeding period, but B. pinchonii is aquatic and remains aquatic throughout its lifetime. The differences in the distribution of capillary vessels and gland cells are related to their different habitats, and show a morphological adaptation.  相似文献   

Top-down control of lower trophic levels, e.g., bacteria, has been suggested to increase along aquatic productivity gradients. The response by the bacterial community may be to become more predation resistant in highly productive environments. To test this hypothesis, samples were taken from 20 aquatic systems along a productivity gradient (dissolved organic carbon from 7 to 71 mg/L), during late summer. The results showed that the biomass of bacteria, phytoplankton, and ciliates increased along the gradient (r2 = 0.532, 0.426, and 0.758, P < 0.01, respectively). However, the organisms did not increase equally, and the ratio of protozoan to bacterial biomass showed a 100-fold increase along the gradient. Ciliates dominated the protozoan biomass in the more nutrient-rich waters. The edibility of colony-forming bacteria was tested using a ciliate predator, Tetrahymena pyriformis. Bacterial edibility was found to decrease with increases in nutrient richness and ciliate biomass in the aquatic systems (r2 = 0.358, P < 0.01; r2 = 0.242, P < 0.05, respectively). Quantile regression analysis indicated that the selection pressures on edible bacteria were increasing along the productivity gradient. Thus, inedible forms of bacteria were selected for in the transition from oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions. Isolated bacteria were distributed among the alpha-, beta-, and gamma- Proteobacteria and the Actinobacteria and Firmicutes taxa. We conclude that bacterial predation resistance increases in nutrient-rich waters with high protozoan predation.  相似文献   

Polluted groundwater wells located in a former copper shale mining district (11 sites; Mansfelder Land, Central Germany) and in meadows of the Mulde and Elbe rivers (2 sites) were assessed for occurrence and species richness of aquatic hyphomycetes. Water temperatures at all sites were relatively low and fluctuated less than in surface waters. Oxygen concentrations were always below saturation, whereas sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate levels reached extremely high values in several of the wells. Relatively high levels of Pb, Mn, and Fe were found in some of the wells, but overall few concentrations of individual metals and metalloids exceeded European guidelines for drinking water. Pollen tube growth inhibition, used to assess cytotoxicity of the water, ranged between 4 and 50%. Between 1 and 10 distinct species of aquatic hyphomycetes colonized sterile Alnus glutinosa leaves exposed at the Mansfelder Land sites; for the meadow sites, 8-20 species were found. Heliscus lugdunensis and Anguillospora sp. were the two most widespread species. Fungal colonization occurred much more slowly than in surface water, as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy and the release of conidia from recovered leaves. The conidial output from exposed alder leaves ranged from 0.2 to 95 conidia mg (-1) dry mass, corresponding to 10% of the values for contaminated surface waters in the same region. Overall, groundwater appears to be a marginal habitat for aquatic hyphomycetes, but may nevertheless play a vital role as long-term reservoir facilitating rapid recolonization following a collapse in fungal communities in surface waters.  相似文献   

四川小相岭山系大熊猫种群及栖息地调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小相岭山系是现存大熊猫种群数量最少的山系之一。根据全国第3次大熊猫及其栖息地调查结果,小相岭山系大熊猫栖息地分布在石棉、冕宁和九龙三县,栖息地总面积802.04 km2,大熊猫种群数量有32只。大熊猫在3个位于小相岭山系的自然保护区内种群数量和栖息地面积分别为:四川冶勒自然保护区9只,栖息地面积168.01 km2;四川栗子坪自然保护区14只,栖息地面积306.38 km2;四川贡嘎山自然保护区1只,栖息地面积15.19 km2。在3个保护区大熊猫栖息地总面积为489.58 km2,占各山系大熊猫栖息地总面积的61.05%;有大熊猫24只,占大熊猫种群数量的75.0%。小相岭山系大熊猫meta种群栖息地片段化比较严重,它由2个种群和2个孤立分布点组成。南北方向从成都至昆明的108国道以东的种群A有大熊猫13只,栖息地面积263.54 km2, 完整性较好,大熊猫分布比较集中。108国道以西的种群B有大熊猫19只,栖息地面积为538.50 km2,栖息地破碎。该山系大熊猫数量少,栖息地片段化严重,需加强保护。

According to the acid growth theory of auxin action, it has been proposed that auxin decreases root growth by inhibiting the proton pump, thus causing an alkalinization of the apoplast. This paper critically tests this hypothesis with corn (Zea mays L.) roots. It was found that: i) the pH-growth curve for roots exhibits a broad optimum ranging from pH 4.5 to 9. ii) Any acid-induced growth is of very short duration, iii) The low sensitivity of root growth to external pH is independent of both the pump activity and the buffer capacity of the bathing solution, iv) Neither incubation in acidic buffer nor stimulation of the proton pump reverts the auxin-induced root growth inhibition. It is concluded that the auxin-induced root growth inhibition is not mediated by cell wall alkalinization.  相似文献   

Distribution of Myxobacters in Aquatic Habitats of an Alkaline Bog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Ten species of myxobacteria were identified from samples from an alkaline bog and adjacent soils. The frequency of occurrence and the diversity of species were highest at the margin of the bog and were lowest in the center and bottom of the bog lake.  相似文献   

异质性生境中的植物克隆生长:风险分摊   总被引:116,自引:13,他引:116       下载免费PDF全文
董鸣 《植物生态学报》1996,20(6):543-548
在异质生境中克隆生长使克隆分株处于不同的小生境中,从而将基株死亡风险以不同方式分摊。分摊有利于维持或提高基株适合度,因此,植物克隆生长被认为具有对小尺度生境异质性的生态对策性意义。拟—年生克隆草本Trientalis europaea对养分梯度的反应给出了基株风险分摊的实例。文中提出—个关于分株间连接维持时间对生境异质性反应的假说。  相似文献   

Serotypic diversity among Nitrobacter spp. isolates is greater than previously reported. Typing with fluorescent antibodies prepared against 11 Nitrobacter spp. cultures isolated from soil and water placed the isolates into six serogroups. When these fluorescent antibodies were applied to a group of 16 additional isolates, 8 were identifiable by cross-reaction to 3 of the 11 fluorescent antibodies. Some nitrite-oxidizing enrichment cultures from different habitats contained cross-reacting strains of Nitrobacter spp.  相似文献   

Significant concentrations of oxalate (dissolved plus particulate) were present in sediments taken from a diversity of aquatic environments, ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 mmol/liter of sediment. These included pelagic and littoral sediments from two freshwater lakes (Searsville Lake, Calif., and Lake Tahoe, Calif.), a hypersaline, meromictic, alkaline lake (Big Soda Lake, Nev.), and a South San Francisco Bay mud flat and salt marsh. The oxalate concentration of several plant species which are potential detrital inputs to these aquatic sediments ranged from 0.1 to 5.0% (wt/wt). In experiments with litter bags, the oxalate content of Myriophyllum sp. samples buried in freshwater littoral sediments decreased to 7% of the original value in 175 days. This suggests that plant detritus is a potential source of the oxalate within these sediments. [14C]oxalic acid was anaerobically degraded to 14CO2 in all sediment types tested, with higher rates evident in littoral sediments than in the pelagic sediments of the lakes studied. The turnover time of the added [14C]oxalate was less than 1 day in Searsville Lake littoral sediments. The total sediment oxalate concentration did not vary significantly between littoral and pelagic sediments and therefore did not appear to be controlling the rate of oxalate degradation. However, depth profiles of [14C]oxalate mineralization and dissolved oxalate concentration were closely correlated in freshwater littoral sediments; both were greatest in the surface sediments (0 to 5 cm) and decreased with depth. The dissolved oxalate concentration (9.1 μmol/liter of sediment) was only 3% of the total extractable oxalate (277 μmol/liter of sediment) at the sediment surface. These results suggest that anaerobic oxalate degradation is a widespread phenomenon in aquatic sediments and may be limited by the dissolved oxalate concentration within these sediments.  相似文献   

在灭菌自来水模拟水体中,研究了7种细菌的存活和生长规律。Klebsiella pneumo-niae,Enterobacter aerogenes,Agrobacterium tumefatciens,在7天内平板计数降至0,而水体中镜检细菌总数(AODC)和活菌直接计数(DVC)结果无大变化,说明细菌已变成活的非可培养状态。Micrococcus,flavus 和 Streptococcus faecalis 的可培养菌数也可降至0。Pseudomonas sp.在48小时内由10~5降至10~2cfu/ml,随即升至10~6 cfu/ml 并持续到实验终了(41天)。Bacillus subtilis 在48小时平板计数降至10~2cfu/ml 并维持在该水平至实验结束(38天)。研究结果表明仅用涂布平板法检测多种细菌在水环境中的生存和分布是不合适的。  相似文献   

Tank-forming bromeliads, suspended in the rainforest canopy, possess foliage arranged in compact rosettes capable of long-term retention of rainwater. This large and unique aquatic habitat is inhabited by microorganisms involved in the important decomposition of impounded material. Moreover, these communities are likely influenced by environmental factors such as pH, oxygen, and light. Bacterial community composition and diversity was determined for the tanks of several bromeliad species (Aechmea and Werauhia) from northern Costa Rica, which span a range of parameters, including tank morphology and pH. These were compared with a nearby forest soil sample, an artificial tank (amber bottle), and a commercially available species (Aechmea). Bacterial community diversity, as measured by 16S rRNA analysis and tRFLP, showed a significant positive correlation with tank pH. A majority of 16S rRNA bacterial phylotypes found in association with acidic bromeliad tanks of pH < 5.1 were affiliated with the Alphaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, and Bacteroidetes, and were similar to those found in acidic peat bogs, yet distinct from the underlying soil community. In contrast, bromeliads with tank pH > 5.3, including the commercial bromeliad with the highest pH (6.7), were dominated by Betaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. To empirically determine the effect of pH on bacterial community, the tank pH of a specimen of Aechmea was depressed, in the field, from 6.5 to 4.5, for 62 days. The resulting community changed predictably with decreased abundance of Betaproteobacteria and Firmicutes and a concomitant increase in Alphaproteobacteria and Acidobacteria. Collectively, these results suggest that bromeliad tanks provide important habitats for a diverse microbial community, distinct from the surrounding environment, which are influenced greatly by acid–base conditions. Additionally, total organic carbon (∼46%) and nitrogen (∼2%) of bromeliad-impounded sediment was elevated relative to soil and gene surveys confirmed the presence of both chitinases and nitrogenases, suggesting that bromeliad tanks may provide important habitats for microbes involved in the biological cycling of carbon and nitrogen in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Post-translational modification (PTMs) of proteins by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers such as interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) and small ubiquitin-related...  相似文献   

Rates of bacterial secondary production by free-living bacterioplankton in the Okefenokee Swamp are high and comparable to reported values for a wide variety of marine and freshwater ecosystems. Bacterial production in the water column of five aquatic habitats of the Okefenokee Swamp was substantial despite the acidic (pH 3.7), low-nutrient, peat-accumulating character of the environment. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine into cold-trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material ranged from 0.03 to 2.93 nmol liter−1 day−1) and corresponded to rates of bacterial secondary production of 3.4 to 342.2 μg of carbon liter−1 day−1 (mean, 87.8 μg of carbon liter−1 day−1). Bacterial production was strongly seasonal and appeared to be coupled to annual changes in temperature and primary production. Bacterial doubling times ranged from 5 h to 15 days and were fastest during the warm months of the year, when the biomass of aquatic macrophytes was high, and slowest during the winter, when the plant biomass was reduced. The high rates of bacterial turnover in Okefenokee waters suggest that bacterial growth is an important mechanism in the transformation of dissolved organic carbon into the nutrient-rich bacterial biomass which is utilized by microconsumers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Densities and diversity of gymnamoebae are reported for three sites at Bermuda. Two are marine sites in Mullet Bay, and the third is a shallow pond (Ferry Reach Park), Bermuda. Site 1 (edge of a small island in Mullet Bay) had higher densities of gymnamoebae (28,761/g sediment) than at a disturbed site 2 (17,597/g), a boat mooring. The diversity was higher, however, at site 2 (H = 4.3) compared to site 1 (H = 3.3). The site 2 species were larger including morphotypes categorized as type 1 (e.g. Mayorella and a reticulate amoeba). The brackish inland pond had higher abundances in the sediments (40.590/g) compared to the marine habitats. However, the diversity was lower (H = 2.7) and it was dominated largely by Vannella and Platyamoeba (categorized as morphotype 4). These data are consistent with findings at continental coastal locations in northeastern USA. Pond sediments generally contain higher densities of gymnamoebae than marine coastal sediments with less organic content. The ratio of type 4 to type 1 amoebae in pond samples is higher than those from coastal sites. The data from Bermuda, an open ocean insular site, provide additional zoogeographic evidence for the generality of these patterns of abundance.  相似文献   

Sulfur Assimilation and the Role of Sulfur in Plant Metabolism: A Survey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sulfur occurs in two major amino-acids, cysteine (Cys) and methionine (Met), essential for the primary and secondary metabolism of the plant. Cys, as the first carbon/nitrogen-reduced sulfur product resulting from the sulfate assimilation pathway, serves as a sulfur donor for Met, glutathione, vitamins, co-factors, and sulfur compounds that play a major role in the growth and development of plant cells. This sulfur imprinting occurs in a myriad of fundamental processes, from photosynthesis to carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Cys and Met occur in proteins, with the former playing a wide range of functions in proteins catalysis. In addition, the sulfur atom in proteins forms part of a redox buffer, as for glutathione, through specific detoxification/protection mechanisms. In this review, a survey of sulfur assimilation from sulfate to Cys, Met and glutathione is presented with highlights on open questions on their respective biosynthetic pathways and regulations that derived from recent findings. These are addressed at the biochemical and molecular levels with respect to the fate of Cys and Met throughout the plant-cell metabolism.  相似文献   

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