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The phylogenetic relationships among the fishes in the perciform tribe Epinephelini (Serranidae) have long been poorly understood, in large part because of the numerous taxa that must be considered and the large, circumtropical distribution of the group. In this study, genetic data from two nuclear (Tmo-4C4 and histone H3) and two mitochondrial (16S and 12S) genes were gathered from 155 serranid and acanthomorph species as a means of developing a phylogenetic hypothesis using both maximum-likelihood and -parsimony criteria. The maximum-parsimony analysis recovered 675 most parsimonious trees of length 5703 steps (CI = 0.2523, HI = 0.7477, RI = 0.6582), and the maximum-likelihood analysis recovered 1 tree at −lnLikelihood = 28279.58341. These phylogenetic hypotheses are discussed in light of previous morphological evidence to evaluate the evolutionary history of the group and their implications for the currently recognized taxonomy. Our results question the monophyly of the Serranidae, as well as the genera Cephalopholis, Epinephelus, and Mycteroperca as currently defined. The Serranidae is monophyletic only with the exclusion of the genera Acanthistius and Niphon. We propose a revised classification of the tribe Epinephelini that reflects the hypothesized shared ancestry of the group and recognizes 11 genera: Alphestes, Cephalopholis, Dermatolepis, Epinephelus, Gonioplectrus, Hyporthodus (which is resurrected for 11 species of deep-bodied groupers), Mycteroperca (including 7 species heretofore allocated to Epinephelus), Plectropomus, Saloptia, Triso, and Variola.  相似文献   

A new tribe of digger wasps, Protomicroidini trib. nov. (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), including a single known species Protomicroides sororius gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Upper Eocene Rovno amber, Ukraine. The new tribe combines features characteristic of several tribes of the Crabroninae and is a sister group of the extant tribe Oxybelini. The most distinctive characters of the new tribe include nonelongate propodeum with strongly developed lateral keel and enclosed dorsal area; semioval postscutellum with a lamellate border; absence of pygidial plate, psammophores, and digging tarsal rakes; and considerably reduced forewing venation.  相似文献   

The sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 18S–26S nrDNA for a sample of 16 taxa from theInuleae s. str. and two outgroup taxa are analysed cladistically with PAUP. A consensus tree of the four most parsimonious cladograms is presented. Three different tests of cladogram stability are conducted (Bremer support, parsimony jackknifing and bootstrapping); all tests indicate a high degree of support for the basal nodes of the tree. The ITS phylogeny of the tribe is compared with previous hypotheses based on morphological data. The position ofAnisopappus as sister group to the rest of the tribe is supported by the molecular data, but the proposed subdivision ofInuleae s. str. into a paleate grade group and an epaleate clade is not. The interpretation of the character evolution of, e.g. receptacular paleae and pappus features within the tribe is discussed.  相似文献   

Tribe Fabeae consists of five genera, Lathyrus (160 spp.), Lens (4–6 spp.), Pisum (2–3 spp.), Vavilovia (monotypic), and Vicia (160 spp.), and shows a diversity in stylar features. At least six different stylar types are known in the tribe. In order to reclassify the tribe at the rank of genus, we tried to discover apomorphies in stylar features using a molecular phylogenetic study. We surveyed internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA of representative species, selected from each group having different types of styles in the tribe. We paid particular attention in sampling to members of Vicia section Vicilla, as stylar features are heterogeneous within this section. Consequently, our sample set included 15 species of section Vicilla, 23 species of other Fabeae, and two species of Trifolieae, which were used as a sister group of Fabeae. Based on our analysis, we found that a laterally compressed style and an abaxially tufted hairy style would be advanced against a dorsiventrally compressed style and an evenly hairy style, respectively, in genus Vicia. The species group, which shares the latter apomorphy, is composed of 56 species and was dispersed into 11 sections of two subgenera in the recent system of genus Vicia. We consider future revision of Fabeae should treat this species group as a single higher taxon.  相似文献   

The embryonic, larval and juvenile development of blue whiting,Sillago parvisquamis Gill, are described from a series of laboratory-reared specimens. Mean egg diameter and mean total length (TL) of newly-hatched larvae were 0.71 mm and 1.58 mm, respectively. The eggs were non-adhesive, buoyant and spherical with an oil globule (mean diameter 0.18 mm). Hatching occurred about 20 hours after fertilization at a temperature of 24.0–25.0°C, newly-hatched larvae having 38–40 myomeres. The yolk and oil globule were completely absorbed 3 days after hatching at 2.8–3.2 (mean 3.0) mm TL. Notochord flexion was completed by 7.2–8.2 (7.7) mm TL, and pectoral and caudal fin rays fully developed by approximately 10 mm and 8.5 mm TL, respectively. Completion of fin development occurred in the following sequence: caudal, pectoral, anal and second dorsal, first dorsal and pelvic, the last-mentioned by approximately 11 mm TL. The larvae ofS. parvisquamis andS. japonica, which closely resemble each other in general morphology and pigmentation, could be distinguished as follows. Newly-hatchedS. parvisquamis larvae had more myomeres thanS. japonica (38–40 vs. 32–34) and more melanophores on the dorsal surface of the body (19–28 vs. about 40).Sillago japonica had a vertical band of melanophores on the caudal peduncle, which was lacking in postflexionS. parvisquamis larvae. In addition, juveniles ofS. parvisquamis (larger than 23 mm TL) had melanophores on the body extending anteriorly to below the lateral line to form a midlateral band, whereas no obvious band occurred on similarly-sizedS. japonica juveniles.  相似文献   

In order to construct a molecular phylogeny of Indonesian Dipterocarpoideae (Dipterocarpaceae), PCR-RFLP of the chloroplast regions rbcL, petB, psbA, psaA, and trnL-F was performed with seven restriction enzymes in 129 samples including 58 species from nine genera. In the strict consensus tree with Monotes kerstingii as outgroup Indonesian Dipterocarpaceae were divided into two major clades. One clade (bootstrap value=71) consisted of Upuna, Cotylelobium, Anisoptera, Vatica, Dipterocarpus (tribe Dipterocarpeae, bootstrap value=83) and Dryobalanops (tribe Shoreae, bootstrap value=99) in a basal position. The second clade consisted of Hopea, Parashorea, and Shorea (tribe Shoreae) with 95% bootstrap support. Tribe Dipterocarpeae is monophyletic, tribe Shoreae is polyphyletic since Dryobalanops is sister to tribe Dipterocarpeae. In the neighbour-joining tree the sister group position of Dryobalanops to tribe Dipterocarpeae is not supported by the bootstrap analysis. Alternatively, we used Upuna borneensis as outgroup. The effect of outgroup selection on tree topology, taxonomic classification and the interpretation of character evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Belonoperca pylei is described from five specimens collected at depths of 68–122m from Rarotonga, Cook Islands. It differs from all other known diploprionin serranids in having IX, 10 dorsal-fin rays, III, 7 anal-fin rays, and a color pattern composed primarily of yellow and organge pigments. Cladistic analysis of epinepheline morphology supports monophyly of the diploprionin generaBelonoperca andDiploprion and suggests thatBelonoperca is the sister group ofDiploprion plus the monotypicAulacocephalus.  相似文献   

The Australian orchid tribeThelymitreae, composed ofCalochilus, Epiblema, andThelymitra, is unique in theOrchidaceae because of the presence of a mitra or staminodal complex. Evidence from floral structure suggests thatEpiblema andThelymitra are sister genera and thatCalochilus is derived from aThelymitra ancestor. A Gene Pool Vortex model and a hypothetical phylogeny illustrate that introgressive hybridization, allopatry, and long distance dispersal have played a major role in the evolution of the tribe. Pollination and hybridization in the tribe are discussed with major emphasis on floral mimicry.  相似文献   

Leptocephalus larvae of Gymnothorax minor collected from eastern Kyushu were identified by observation of metamorphosis procedure. The leptocephali were characterized by 135–142 total myomeres (31–42 predorsal, 87–95 preanal) and the last vertical blood vessel between myomeres 77–85. Diagnostic pigments were apparent on the head, the somatic (below intestine) and splanchnic (along pronephric ducts) regions, before the dorsal fin origin, ventrally on the spinal cord, and along the dorsal and anal fin bases. Such pigments were suitable for species identification of metamorphosing larvae because of their persistence during that process.  相似文献   

Pelagic larvae of two pleuronectiforms, Poecilopsetta plinthus (Poecilopsettidae) and Parabothus coarctatus (Bothidae), are described and illustrated based on specimens collected off Tosa Bay, southern Japan. Postflexion larvae (8.2–11.9 mm BL) of Poecilopsetta plinthus are characteristic in having a series of melanophore patches along the dorsal and anal fin bases and the inner margins of the pterygiophore zones, and linear myoseptal pigmentation also along the inner margins of the latter. Preflexion and flexion larvae (5.0–6.3 mm BL) of Parabothus coarctatus are distinctive in having the dorsal fin origin located level with the dorsal margin of the eye and seven elongated rays in the anterior part of that fin. Received: November 18, 2000 / Revised: May 1, 2001 / Accepted: June 13, 2001  相似文献   

Release of exotic insects as biological control agents is a common approach to controlling exotic plants. Though controversy has ensued regarding the deleterious direct effects of biological control agents to non-target species, few have examined the indirect effects of a ”well-behaved” biological control agent on native fauna. We studied a grassland in west-central Montana infested with spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) to examine the effects of knapweed invasion and two gall flybiological control agents (Urophora affinis and U. quadrifasciata) on the native deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Stomach-content analysis revealed that Urophora were the primary food item in Peromyscus diets for most of the year and made up 84–86% of the winter diet. Stomach contents indicated that wild-caught mice consumed on average up to 247 Urophora larvae mouse–1 day–1, while feeding trials revealed that deer mice could depredate nearly 5 times as many larvae under laboratory conditions. In feeding trials, deer mice selected knapweed seedheads with greater numbers of galls while avoiding uninfested seedheads. When Urophora larvae were present in knapweed seedheads, deer mice selected microhabitats with moderately high (31–45% cover) and high knapweed infestation (≥46% cover). After Urophora emerged and larvae were unavailable to Peromyscus, mice reversed habitat selection to favor sites dominated by native-prairie with low knapweed infestation (0–15%). Establishment of the biological control agent, Urophora spp., has altered deer mouse diets and habitat selection by effecting changes in foraging strategies. Deer mice and other predators may reduce Urophora populations below a threshold necessary to effectively control spotted knapweed. Received: 04 May 1999 / Accepted: 14 August 1999  相似文献   

 Larvae of two paralichthyids, Pseudorhombus oculocirris and P. arsius, are described and illustrated from specimens collected off Tosa Bay, southern Japan. Peudorhombus oculocirris larvae (5 specimens, 4.5–7.8 mm BL) are characteristic in having 6 or 7 elongated anterior dorsal fin rays and poorly developed head spines and melanophores on the tail. Pseudorhombus arsius larvae (3 specimens, 5.3–8.4 mm BL) are distinctive in having 11 or 12 elongated anterior dorsal fin rays and well-developed head spines, including a row of spines on the sphenotic. Received: June 28, 2001 / Revised: November 2, 2001 / Accepted: November 22, 2001  相似文献   

We provide the first highly sampled phylogeny estimate for the dipteran family Chironomidae using molecular data from fragments of two ribosomal genes (18S and 28S), one nuclear protein‐coding gene (CAD), and one mitochondrial protein‐coding gene (COI), analysed using mixed‐model Bayesian and maximum likelihood inference methods. The most recently described subfamilies Chilenomyiinae and Usambaromyiinae proved elusive, and are unsampled. We confirm monophyly of all sampled subfamilies except Prodiamesinae, which contains Propsilocerus Kieffer, previously in Orthocladiinae. The semifamily Chironomoinae is confirmed only if Telmatogetoninae is included, which is closer to Brundin's original suggestion. Buchonomyiinae is excluded from Chironomoinae: it is a sister group to all remaining Chironomidae, conforming more to Murray and Ashe's argumentation. Semifamily Tanypodoinae is a grade and unsupported as monophyletic: the austral Aphroteniinae alone is sister to all Chironomidae (less Buchonomyiinae). Podonominae is weakly supported as the next sister group, in contrast to some estimates that place this subfamily as sister group to Tanypodinae alone. In Diamesinae, the southern African Harrisonini is confirmed as a member, but embedded within austral tribe Heptagiini, which is confirmed as sister to the undersampled Diamesini. Tribe Pentaneurini and ‘non‐Pentaneurini’ taxa are reciprocally monophyletic in Tanypodinae. Recent molecular findings concerning Podonominae are substantiated, with a monophyletic tribe Podonomini, Boreochlini forming a grade and Lasiodiamesa Kieffer placed as sister to all other Podonominae, but with uncertainty. In Orthocladiinae, a postulated two‐tribe system of Orthocladiini and Metriocnemini can be supported after exclusion of a Corynoneura group and a Brillia group, which is revealed as sister to Stictocladius Edwards. The marine Clunio Haliday and Thalassosmittia Strenzke & Remmert (given high rank in the past) are clearly embedded deep in Orthocladiinae. The finding of Shangomyia Sæther & Wang + Xyiaomyia Sæther & Wang as sister group to all other Chironominae justifies high rank, as their authors suggested. Pseudochironomini (untested by sampling shortfall) is sister to a monophyletic Tanytarsini (with a weakly supported inclusion of the enigmatic Nandeva Wiedenbrug, Reiss & Fittkau). The tribe Chironomini can be supported only by excluding Shangomyia + Xyiaomyia, and a postulated monophyletic clade comprising several taxa such as Microtendipes Kieffer, with six‐segmented larval antennae and alternate Lauterborn organs, that is sister group to Pseudochironomini + Tanytarsini. The tempo of diversification of the family, deduced by divergence time analysis (beast ), shows Permian origination with subfamily stem‐group origination from the mid–late Triassic to the early Cretaceous. Crown‐group origination ranged from Podonominae on a short stem originating in the mid Jurassic to long‐stemmed Aphroteninae from the late Cretaceous. Node dates allow inference of some vicariance via Gondwanan fragmentation, including certain nodes involving southern Africa.  相似文献   

Larval series of the Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus santaanae (Federally Threatened), arroyo chub, Gila orcutti (California Species of Special Concern), and Santa Ana speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus (California Species of Special Concern) are described from wild-caught specimens from the Los Angeles and Santa Ana river drainages. Santa Ana sucker larvae are elongate, having 41–46 myomeres and a distinctive paired-triangle patch of melanophores over the midbrain. Melanophores present on the snout, dorsal body, lateral midline, dorsal gut, postanal ventral body, and caudal fin. Preanal length 74–79% in body length (BL), typical of catostomids. Arroyo chub larvae relatively deep-bodied, 36–39 myomeres, and a heart-shaped patch of melanophores over the midbrain with a line of melanophores trailing posteriorly. Heavy pigment present on the snout, lower jaw, dorsal body, lateral midline, gill arches, dorsal gut, postanal ventral body, and caudal fin; short preanal length of 65–72% BL, typical of native North American cyprinids. Santa Ana speckled dace are similar to arroyo chub except for having less pigment on the ventral gut, large distinct melanophores on the ventrolateral caudal peduncle, a wedge-shaped patch of midbrain melanophores with no distinct line trailing posteriorly, and lateral midline melanophores that do not extend anteriorly. These three species often occur together and with nonnative cyprinids. Characters distinguishing them from other local larvae, including southern fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas confertus and red shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis, are discussed with their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Arecaceae tribe Cocoseae is the most economically important tribe of palms, including both coconut and African oil palm. It is mostly represented in the Neotropics, with one and two genera endemic to South Africa and Madagascar, respectively. Using primers for six single copy WRKY gene family loci, we amplified DNA from 96 samples representing all genera of the palm tribe Cocoseae as well as outgroup tribes Reinhardtieae and Roystoneae. We compared parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian (B) analysis of the supermatrix with three species‐tree estimation approaches. Subtribe Elaeidinae is sister to the Bactridinae in all analyses. Within subtribe Attaleinae, Lytocaryum, previously nested in Syagrus, is now positioned by MP and ML as sister to the former, with high support; B maintains Lytocaryum embedded within Syagrus. Both MP and ML resolve Cocos as sister to Syagrus; B positions Cocos as sister to Attalea. Bactridineae is composed of two sister clades, Bactris and Desmoncus in one, for which there is morphological support, and a second comprising Acrocomia, Astrocaryum, and Aiphanes. Two B and one ML gene tree‐species estimation approaches are incongruent with the supermatrix in a few critical intergeneric clades, but resolve the same infrageneric relationships. The biogeographic history of the Cocoseae is dominated by dispersal events. The tribe originated in the late Cretaceous in South America. Evaluated together, the supermatrix and species tree analyses presented in this paper provide the most accurate picture of the evolutionary history of the tribe to date, with more congruence than incongruence among the various methodologies.  相似文献   

 Sperm ultrastructure was studied in ten genera of the Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae). Sperm structure is remarkably simplified by the absence of the acrosome and the accessory tubules, as happens in all the cecidomyiid flies. All genera of the Porricondylinae show a peculiar 9+3 axonemal model except Diallactes, which retains the plesiomorphic condition of a 9+2 axoneme, and Winnertzia, which appears to have secondarily acquired a 9+0 model. A cladistic analysis of relevant sperm characters (based on the axonemal model, the number of mitochondrial derivatives and the size and structure of the centriolar adjunct) was performed to infer phylogenetic relationships among six tribes of the Porricondylinae. In this cladogram, the Porricondylini are the sister group to the Asynaptini, Heteropezini and Winnertzini and these four taxa form the sister group to the Dicerurini. The tribe Diallactini are regarded as the group with the most plesiomorphic characters within the family. Accepted: 15 March 1996  相似文献   

Both chloroplast trnL (UAA) intron and nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences highly confirmed the monophyly of the tribes of the Gentianaceae defined by the recent classification, and revealed the tribe Exaceae as a basal clade just next to the basal-most lineage, the tribe Saccifolieae. Within the tribe Exaceae, Sebaea (except Sebaea madagascariensis) appeared as the most basal clade as the sister group to the rest of the tribe. The Madagascan endemic genera Gentianothamnus and Tachiadenus were very closely related to each other, together standing as sister to a clade comprising Sebaea madagascariensis, Ornichia, and Exacum. The saprophytic genus Cotylanthera nested deeply inside Exacum. Sebaea madagascariensis was shown closer to the Madagascan endemic genus Ornichia than to any other sampled Sebaea species. Exacum appeared as the most derived taxon within this tribe. The topology of the phylogenetic trees conform with the Gondwana vicariance hypothesis regarding the biogeography of Exaceae. However, no evidence for matching the older relationships within the family to the tectonic history could be corroborated with various divergence time analyses. Divergence dating estimated a post-Gondwana diverging of the Gentianaceae about 50 million years ago (MYA), and the tribe Exaceae as about 40 MYA. The Mozambique Channel land-bridge could have played an important role in the biogeographic history of the tribe Exaceae.  相似文献   

Yolk-sac larvae of Solenostomus paradoxus are described from 19 specimens (2.8–5.1 mm in body length) discharged from the brood pouch of a single female collected by hand at Libong Island, Trang, southern Thailand, on 30 January 2002. Although the larvae of S. paradoxus were closely similar to those of S. cyanopterus in general appearance and pigmentation patterns, the former differed in lacking clusters of melanophores on the edge of the dorsal finfold and dark oblique streaks on the dorsal and ventral finfolds near the tail tip.  相似文献   

Larvae of Asemichthys taylori were reared in the laboratory to identifiable juveniles. A preserved series of larvae was characterized in part by fin meristics (X–XI, 14–15 dorsal fin rays; 15 anal fin rays), as well as a combination of the alignment of the jaw tip with the ventral margin of the gut, heavy lateral melanistic pigment except on the caudal peduncle, and a series of postanal ventral melanophores. An internal, horizontal band of melanin extends through the head from the snout to the gut. Hypural plates do not align vertically even after settlement, giving the appearance that the larvae do not complete notochord flexion during their planktonic stage. Larval A. taylori resemble known larvae of Radulinus spp., a genus under which some authors have synonymized the monotypic genus Asemichthys.  相似文献   

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