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This work presents a predator-prey Lotka-Volterra model in a two patch environment. The model is a set of four ordinary differential equations that govern the prey and predator population densities on each patch. Predators disperse with constant migration rates, while prey dispersal is predator density-dependent. When the predator density is large, the dispersal of prey is more likely to occur. We assume that prey and predator dispersal is faster than the local predator-prey interaction on each patch. Thus, we take advantage of two time scales in order to reduce the complete model to a system of two equations governing the total prey and predator densities. The stability analysis of the aggregated model shows that a unique strictly positive equilibrium exists. This equilibrium may be stable or unstable. A Hopf bifurcation may occur, leading the equilibrium to be a centre. If the two patches are similar, the predator density dependent dispersal of prey has a stabilizing effect on the predator-prey system.  相似文献   

刘志广 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2958-2964
建立了一个显式含有空间庇护所的两斑块Leslie-Gower捕食者-食饵系统。假设只有食饵种群在斑块间以常数迁移率迁移,且在每个斑块上食饵间的迁移比局部捕食者-食饵相互作用发生的时间尺度要快。利用两个时间尺度,可以构建用来描述所有斑块总的食饵和捕食者密度的综合系统。数学分析表明,在一定条件下,存在唯一的正平衡点,并且此平衡点全局稳定。进一步,捕食者的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加而降低;在一定条件下,食饵的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加先增加后降低,在足够强的庇护所强度下,两物种出现灭绝。对比以往研究,利用显式含有和隐含空间庇护所的数学模型所得结论不一致,这意味着在研究庇护所对捕食系统种群动态影响时,空间结构可能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

We analyze simple models of predator-prey systems in which there is adaptive change in a trait of the prey that determines the rate at which it is captured by searching predators. Two models of adaptive change are explored: (1) change within a single reproducing prey population that has genetic variation for vulnerability to capture by the predator; and (2) direct competition between two independently reproducing prey populations that differ in their vulnerability. When an individual predator's consumption increases at a decreasing rate with prey availability, prey adaptation via either of these mechanisms may produce sustained cycles in both species' population densities and in the prey's mean trait value. Sufficiently rapid adaptive change (e.g., behavioral adaptation or evolution of traits with a large additive genetic variance), or sufficiently low predator birth and death rates will produce sustained cycles or chaos, even when the predator-prey dynamics with fixed prey capture rates would have been stable. Adaptive dynamics can also stabilize a system that would exhibit limit cycles if traits were fixed at their equilibrium values. When evolution fails to stabilize inherently unstable population interactions, selection decreases the prey's escape ability, which further destabilizes population dynamics. When the predator has a linear functional response, evolution of prey vulnerability always promotes stability. The relevance of these results to observed predator-prey cycles is discussed.  相似文献   

We study the qualitative properties of population cycles in a predator-prey system where genetic variability allows contemporary rapid evolution of the prey. Previous numerical studies have found that prey evolution in response to changing predation risk can have major quantitative and qualitative effects on predator-prey cycles, including: (1) large increases in cycle period, (2) changes in phase relations (so that predator and prey are cycling exactly out of phase, rather than the classical quarter-period phase lag), and (3) "cryptic" cycles in which total prey density remains nearly constant while predator density and prey traits cycle. Here we focus on a chemostat model motivated by our experimental system (Fussmann et al. in Science 290:1358-1360, 2000; Yoshida et al. in Proc roy Soc Lond B 424:303-306, 2003) with algae (prey) and rotifers (predators), in which the prey exhibit rapid evolution in their level of defense against predation. We show that the effects of rapid prey evolution are robust and general, and furthermore that they occur in a specific but biologically relevant region of parameter space: when traits that greatly reduce predation risk are relatively cheap (in terms of reductions in other fitness components), when there is coexistence between the two prey types and the predator, and when the interaction between predators and undefended prey alone would produce cycles. Because defense has been shown to be inexpensive, even cost-free, in a number of systems (Andersson et al. in Curr Opin Microbiol 2:489-493, 1999: Gagneux et al. in Science 312:1944-1946, 2006; Yoshida et al. in Proc Roy Soc Lond B 271:1947-1953, 2004), our discoveries may well be reproduced in other model systems, and in nature. Finally, some of our key results are extended to a general model in which functional forms for the predation rate and prey birth rate are not specified.  相似文献   

We study the effects of a disease affecting a predator on the dynamics of a predator-prey system. We couple an SIRS model applied to the predator population, to a Lotka-Volterra model. The SIRS model describes the spread of the disease in a predator population subdivided into susceptible, infected and removed individuals. The Lotka-Volterra model describes the predator-prey interactions. We consider two time scales, a fast one for the disease and a comparatively slow one for predator-prey interactions and for predator mortality. We use the classical “aggregation method” in order to obtain a reduced equivalent model. We show that there are two possible asymptotic behaviors: either the predator population dies out and the prey tends to its carrying capacity, or the predator and prey coexist. In this latter case, the predator population tends either to a “disease-free” or to a “disease-endemic” state. Moreover, the total predator density in the disease-endemic state is greater than the predator density in the “disease-free” equilibrium (DFE).  相似文献   

A minimal conceptual model has been built that is capable of explaining the microscale heterogeneity observed in the benthic trophic system of harpacticoid copepods grazing on diatom microalgae. Alternative models of trophotaxis in predator-prey systems are considered in which the stimulus for predator movement is prey density, attractant secreted by the prey, or predator satiation. The model in which taxis is determined by predator satiety proves the most suitable for describing the harpacticoid-diatom dynamics.  相似文献   

The authors present an approach for explicit modeling of spatio-temporal dynamics of predator-prey community. This approach is based on a reaction-diffusion-adjection PD (prey dependent) system. Local kinetics of population is determined by logistic reproduction function of prey, constant natural mortality of predator and Holling type 2 trophic function. Searching behavior of predator is described by the advective term in predator balance equation assuming the predator acceleration to be proportional to the prey density gradient. The model was studied with zero-flux boundary conditions. The influence of predator searching activity on the community dynamics, in particular, on the emergence of spatial heterogeneity, has been investigated by linear analysis and numerical simulations. It has been shown how searching activity may effect the persistence of species, stabilizing predator-prey interactions at very low level of pest density. It has been demonstrated that obtaining of such dynamic regimes does not require the use of complex trophic functions.  相似文献   

This paper has studied the evolution of a predator-prey Volterra-Lotka ecosystem with saturation effect for the general case where both predator and prey evolve. We have interesting results under the evolutional condition, as follows: (1) the predator population and the ratio of predator to prey populations increase; (2) the parameters of the prey drift in the direction of increasing multiplication rate and saturation level, while the parameters of the predator drift in the direction of decreasing death rate.  相似文献   

Variation in the temporal pattern of vulnerability can provide important insights into predator-prey relationships and the evolution of antipredator behavior. We illustrate these points with a system that has coyotes (Canis latrans) as a predator and two species of congeneric deer (Odocoileus spp.) as prey. The deer employ different antipredator tactics (aggressive defense vs. flight) that result in contrasting patterns of age-dependent vulnerability in their probability of being captured when encountered by coyotes. We use long-term survival data and a simple mathematical model to show that (1) species differences in age-dependent vulnerability are reflected in seasonal predation rates and (2) seasonal variation in prey vulnerability and predator hunt activity, which can be associated with the availability of alternative prey, interact to shape seasonal and annual predation rates for each prey species. Shifting hunt activity from summer to winter, or vice versa, alleviated annual mortality on one species and focused it on the other. Our results indicate that seasonal variation in prey vulnerability and hunt activity interact to influence the impact that a predator has on any particular type of prey. Furthermore, these results indicate that seasonal variation in predation pressure is an important selection pressure shaping prey defenses.  相似文献   

We study the effects of density dependent migrations on the stability of a predator-prey model in a patchy environment which is composed with two sites connected by migration. The two patches are different. On the first patch, preys can find resource but can be captured by predators. The second patch is a refuge for the prey and thus predators do not have access to this patch. We assume a repulsive effect of predator on prey on the resource patch. Therefore, when the predator density is large on that patch, preys are more likely to leave it to return to the refuge. We consider two models. In the first model, preys leave the refuge to go to the resource patch at constant migration rates. In the second model, preys are assumed to be in competition for the resource and leave the refuge to the resource patch according to the prey density. We assume two different time scales, a fast time scale for migration and a slow time scale for population growth, mortality and predation. We take advantage of the two time scales to apply aggregation of variables methods and to obtain a reduced model governing the total prey and predator densities. In the case of the first model, we show that the repulsive effect of predator on prey has a stabilizing effect on the predator-prey community. In the case of the second model, we show that there exists a window for the prey proportion on the resource patch to ensure stability.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) sequestration by phytoplankton results in intracellular concentrations that are multiple times greater than ambient water levels, and therefore the consumption of contaminated phytoplankton by herbivorous zooplankton, such as Daphnia, and their inefficient excretion of methylmercury (MeHg) can mediate the transfer to higher trophic levels. Employing a modified version of a metabolomics-inspired Daphnia ecophysiological model, the present study introduces two prey species to a simple Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system in order to shed light on the implications for the integrity of zooplankton assemblages, when experiencing multiple prey items of different toxicity and nutritional quality. We also examine the capacity of adaptive strategies of the predator (homeostatic rigidity, energetic investments to cope with toxicity) to shape predator-prey interactions. Our analysis suggests that the degree of nutritional quality of the prey items is a predominant driver of the predator-prey relationships, shifting from prey- to predator-dominated food webs with increasing nutritional quality. Increasing prey nutritional content leads to the emergence of oscillatory behaviour, which can be further modulated by the growth rates and degree of toxicity of different prey species. Severe exposure to contamination could lead to a decline of the predator biomass with faster growth rates of low nutritional quality prey, even though the increase of its MeHg somatic quota is only modest. In stark contrast, when a prey assemblage of superior nutritional quality prevails in an environment of elevated toxicity, faster prey growth rates are conducive to higher predator biomass levels, albeit its distinctly higher internal contaminant content. Owing to the heightened somatic growth dilution, the ingestion of carbon and nutritional metabolites is significantly higher relative to the MeHg intake rates, which leads to faster net growth of the predator and thus reinforces the benefits brought about by the nutritional value of their diet. Our results suggest that the homeostatic rigidity of the predator can assist in coping with toxic exposure. With a tighter range between the minimum and optimum somatic quotas, the predator population appears to be more resilient and its decline begins at higher levels of MeHg exposure. The predator-prey system displays a greater propensity for oscillatory behaviour, with their amplitude being driven by the interplay between the degree of saturation for nutritionally beneficial metabolites, and the energetic investments allotted to cope with toxicity and/or the excretion of excess metabolic by-products. We conclude by highlighting the prospect of our modelling work to guide new directions of research, to test a multitude of hypotheses pertaining to various ecophysiological facets of predator-prey systems, and extend its use to other contexts, such as the implications of toxin-producing algae for the predator physiology.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity (patchiness) in certain predator-prey situations has been observed even though their environment appears homogeneous. As a model mechanism to explain this patchiness phenomenon we propose a predator-prey interaction system with diffusive effects. We show that when the diffusion of the prey is small compared with that of the predator the non-linearity which we call a hump effect in the prey interaction, is a key mechanism for the system to exhibit, asymptotically in time, stable heterogeneity in a bounded domain with zero flux boundary conditions. The model can reasonably be applied to certain terrestrial plant-herbivore systems.  相似文献   

The functional response is a key element in all predator-prey interactions. Although functional responses are traditionally modelled as being a function of prey density only, evidence is accumulating that predator density also has an important effect. However, much of the evidence comes from artificial experimental arenas under conditions not necessarily representative of the natural system, and neglecting the temporal dynamics of the organism (in particular the effects of prey depletion on the estimated functional response). Here we present a method that removes these limitations by reconstructing the functional response non-parametrically from predator-prey time-series data. This method is applied to data on a protozoan predator-prey interaction, and we obtain significant evidence of predator dependence in the functional response. A crucial element in this analysis is to include time-lags in the prey and predator reproduction rates, and we show that these delays improve the fit of the model significantly. Finally, we compare the non-parametrically reconstructed functional response to parametric forms, and suggest that a modified version of the Hassell-Varley predator interference model provides a simple and flexible function for theoretical investigation and applied modelling.  相似文献   

The influence of a resource subsidy on predator-prey interactions is examined using a mathematical model. The model arises from the study of a biological system involving arctic foxes (predator), lemmings (prey), and seal carcasses (subsidy). In one version of the model, the predator, prey and subsidy all occur in the same location; in a second version, the predator moves between two patches, one containing only the prey and the other containing only the subsidy. Criteria for feasibility and stability of the different equilibrium states are studied both analytically and numerically. At small subsidy input rates, there is a minimum prey carrying capacity needed to support both predator and prey. At intermediate subsidy input rates, the predator and prey can always coexist. At high subsidy input rates, the prey cannot persist even at high carrying capacities. As predator movement increases, the dynamic stability of the predator-prey-subsidy interactions also increases.  相似文献   

1. Functional response models (e.g. Holling's disc equation) that do not take the spatial distributions of prey and predators into account are likely to produce biased estimates of predation rates. 2. To investigate the consequences of ignoring prey distribution and predator aggregation, a general analytical model of a predator population occupying a patchy environment with a single species of prey is developed. 3. The model includes the density and the spatial distribution of the prey population, the aggregative response of the predators and their mutual interference. 4. The model provides explicit solutions to a number of scenarios that can be independently combined: the prey has an even, random or clumped distribution, and the predators show a convex, sigmoid, linear or no aggregative response. 5. The model is parameterized with data from an acarine predator-prey system consisting of Phytoseiulus persimis and Tetranychus urticae inhabiting greenhouse cucumbers. 6. The model fits empirical data quite well and much better than if prey and predators were assumed to be evenly distributed among patches, or if the predators were distributed independently of the prey. 7. The analyses show that if the predators do not show an aggregative response it will always be an advantage to the prey to adopt a patchy distribution. On the other hand, if the predators are capable of responding to the distribution of prey, then it will be an advantage to the prey to be evenly distributed when its density is low and switch to a more patchy distribution when its density increases. The effect of mutual interference is negligible unless predator density is very high. 8. The model shows that prey patchiness and predator aggregation in combination can change the functional response at the population level from type II to type III, indicating that these factors may contribute to stabilization of predator-prey dynamics.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for the dynamics of predator-prey interactions when predators do not consume prey (or clumps of prey) in their entirety. Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods, I demonstrate that predator-mediated changes in the distribution of intact and partially consumed prey can affect the outcome of competition between predators in unexpected ways. In some cases, two predators can coexist on a single prey species owing to tradeoffs between the ability to consume prey completely and other competitive abilities. In other cases, predators exhibit frequency-dependent dynamics in which the first predator to occupy the habitat can prevent the other from invading. Conditions for stable coexistence usually expand if the larger predator scatters uneaten prey parts, if prey renewal includes both small and large items, or if the predator with the smaller retrieval capacity is poor at catching intact prey relative to the other predator.  相似文献   

We consider a predator-prey model in a two-patch environment and assume that migration between patches is faster than prey growth, predator mortality and predator-prey interactions. Prey (resp. predator) migration rates are considered to be predator (resp. prey) density-dependent. Prey leave a patch at a migration rate proportional to the local predator density. Predators leave a patch at a migration rate inversely proportional to local prey population density. Taking advantage of the two different time scales, we use aggregation methods to obtain a reduced (aggregated) model governing the total prey and predator densities. First, we show that for a large class of density-dependent migration rules for predators and prey there exists a unique and stable equilibrium for migration. Second, a numerical bifurcation analysis is presented. We show that bifurcation diagrams obtained from the complete and aggregated models are consistent with each other for reasonable values of the ratio between the two time scales, fast for migration and slow for local demography. Our results show that, under some particular conditions, the density dependence of migrations can generate a limit cycle. Also a co-dim two Bautin bifurcation point is observed in some range of migration parameters and this implies that bistability of an equilibrium and limit cycle is possible.  相似文献   

陈斯养  靳宝 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2339-2348
讨论了具时滞与分段常数变量的捕食-食饵生态模型的稳定性及Neimark-Sacker分支;通过计算得到连续模型对应的差分模型,基于特征值理论和Schur-Cohn判据得到正平衡态局部渐进稳定的充分条件;以食饵的内禀增长率为分支参数,运用分支理论和中心流形定理分析了Neimark-Sacker分支的存在性与稳定性条件;通过举例和数值模拟验证了理论的正确性。  相似文献   

Predator-prey models consider those prey that are free. They assume that once a prey is captured by a predator it leaves the system. A question arises whether in predator-prey population models the variable describing prey population shall consider only those prey which are free, or both free and handled prey together. In the latter case prey leave the system after they have been handled. The classical Holling type II functional response was derived with respect to free prey. In this article we derive a functional response with respect to prey density which considers also handled prey. This functional response depends on predator density, i.e., it accounts naturally for interference. We study consequences of this functional response for stability of a simple predator-prey model and for optimal foraging theory. We show that, qualitatively, the population dynamics are similar regardless of whether we consider only free or free and handled prey. However, the latter case may change predictions in some other cases. We document this for optimal foraging theory where the functional response which considers both free and handled prey leads to partial preferences which are not observed when only free prey are considered.  相似文献   

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