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Activation of the NF-κB pathway requires the formation of Met1-linked ‘linear'' ubiquitin chains on NEMO, which is catalysed by the Linear Ubiquitin Chain Assembly Complex (LUBAC) E3 consisting of HOIP, HOIL-1L and Sharpin. Here, we show that both LUBAC catalytic activity and LUBAC specificity for linear ubiquitin chain formation are embedded within the RING-IBR-RING (RBR) ubiquitin ligase subunit HOIP. Linear ubiquitin chain formation by HOIP proceeds via a two-step mechanism involving both RING and HECT E3-type activities. RING1-IBR catalyses the transfer of ubiquitin from the E2 onto RING2, to transiently form a HECT-like covalent thioester intermediate. Next, the ubiquitin is transferred from HOIP onto the N-terminus of a target ubiquitin. This transfer is facilitated by a unique region in the C-terminus of HOIP that we termed ‘Linear ubiquitin chain Determining Domain'' (LDD), which may coordinate the acceptor ubiquitin. Consistent with this mechanism, the RING2-LDD region was found to be important for NF-κB activation in cellular assays. These data show how HOIP combines a general RBR ubiquitin ligase mechanism with unique, LDD-dependent specificity for producing linear ubiquitin chains.  相似文献   

The serine protease HtrA2 is important in regulating not only apoptosis but also cellular homeostasis. Recently, several lines of evidence suggest that HtrA2 may be intimately associated with Parkin; however, little is known about the functional relationships between HtrA2 and Parkin. Here we have shown that HtrA2 is co-localized with Parkin in the cytosol through the release of HtrA2 from the mitochondria upon cellular stresses. Moreover, endogenous levels of Parkin were significantly decreased in wild-type (HtrA2+/+) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) compared with those in HtrA2-knockout (HtrA2−/−) MEF under the same stress conditions. Using cleavage and binding assays, we have demonstrated that HtrA2 specifically binds to and directly cleaves the E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase Parkin. Interestingly, the HtrA2-mediated Parkin cleavage irreversibly disrupts Parkin-mediated synphilin-1 ubiquitination and autoubiquitination, indicating that HtrA2 may play a critical role in the Parkin-related pathway involved in the ubiquitin proteasome system.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(3):598-615.e8
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Terf/TRIM17 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, which is characterized by the RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil domains. In the present study, we found that terf interacts with TRIM44. Terf underwent ubiquitination in vitro in the presence of the E2 enzyme UbcH6; this suggests that terf exhibits E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. It was also found that terf was conjugated with polyubiquitin chains and stabilized by the proteasome inhibitor in mammalian cells; this suggested that terf rendered itself susceptible to proteasomal degradation through polyubiquitination. We also found that TRIM44 inhibited ubiquitination of terf, and thus stabilized the protein. The N-terminal region of TRIM44 contains a zinc-finger domain found in ubiquitin hydrolases (ZF UBP) and ubiquitin specific proteases (USPs). Thus, we proposed that TRIM44 may function as a new class of the “USP-like-TRIM” which regulates the activity of associated TRIM proteins.  相似文献   

MAP kinase-interacting kinase-2 (Mnk2) is one of the downstream kinases activated by MAP kinases. It phosphorylates the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (elF4E), although the role of elF4E phosphorylation and the role of Mnk2 in the process of protein translation are not well understood. Except for elF4E, other physiological substrates of Mnk2 are still unidentified. To look for these unidentified substrates and to reveal the physiological function of Mnk2, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screening with Mnk2 as the bait. The results demonstrated Mnk2 could interact with VHL (von Hip-pel-Lindau tumor suppressor), Rbx1 (ring-box 1) and Cul2 (Cullin2) proteins in yeast cells. Furthermore, we validated the interaction between Mnk2 and VHL proteins in mammalian cells by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Because the three proteins VHL, Rbx1 and Cul2 are all components of the CBCVHL ubiquitin ligase E3 complex, it has been shown that Mnk2 can interact with CBCVHL complex, and is probably one of the new substrates of the CBCVHL complex. Furthermore, during the interaction of Mnk2 with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor- binding protein 1 (VBP1), it appears that Mnk2 also joins to modulate cell shape as VBP1 plays an important role in the process of the maturation of the cytoskeleton and in the process of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

There are 28 unique human members of the homologous to E6AP C-terminus (HECT) E3 ubiquitin ligase family. Each member of the HECT E3 ubiquitin ligases contains a conserved bilobal HECT domain of approximately 350 residues found near their C-termini that is responsible for their respective ubiquitylation activities. Recent studies have begun to elucidate specific roles that each HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase has in various cancers, age-induced neurodegeneration, and neurological disorders. New structural models have been recently released for some of the HECT E3 ubiquitin ligases, but many HECT domain structures have yet to be examined due to chronic insolubility and/or protein folding issues. Building on these recently published structural studies coupled with our in-house experiments discussed in the present study, we suggest that the addition of ∼50 conserved residues preceding the N-terminal to the current UniProt defined boundaries of the HECT domain are required for isolating soluble, stable, and active HECT domains. We show using in silico bioinformatic analyses coupled with secondary structural prediction software that this predicted N-terminal α-helix found in all 28 human HECT E3 ubiquitin ligases forms an obligate amphipathic α-helix that binds to a hydrophobic pocket found within the HECT N-terminal lobe. The present study brings forth the proposal to redefine the residue boundaries of the HECT domain to include this N-terminal extension that will likely be critical for future biochemical, structural, and therapeutic studies on the HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase family.  相似文献   

During leaf senescence, resources are recycled by redistribution to younger leaves and reproductive organs. Candidate pathways for the regulation of onset and progression of leaf senescence include ubiquitin‐dependent turnover of key proteins. Here, we identified a novel plant U‐box E3 ubiquitin ligase that prevents premature senescence in Arabidopsis plants, and named it SENESCENCE‐ASSOCIATED E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE 1 (SAUL1). Using in vitro ubiquitination assays, we show that SAUL1 has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. We isolated two alleles of saul1 mutants that show premature senescence under low light conditions. The visible yellowing of leaves is accompanied by reduced chlorophyll content, decreased photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and increased expression of senescence genes. In addition, saul1 mutants exhibit enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. We show that application of ABA to Arabidopsis is sufficient to trigger leaf senescence, and that this response is abolished in the ABA‐insensitive mutants abi1‐1 and abi2‐1, but enhanced in the ABA‐hypersensitive mutant era1‐3. We found that increased ABA levels coincide with enhanced activity of Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) and accumulation of AAO3 protein in saul1 mutants. Using label transfer experiments, we showed that interactions between SAUL1 and AAO3 occur. This suggests that SAUL1 participates in targeting AAO3 for ubiquitin‐dependent degradation via the 26S proteasome to prevent premature senescence.  相似文献   

The NEDD8 pathway plays an essential role in various physiological processes, such as cell cycle progression and signal transduction. The conjugation of NEDD8 to target proteins is initiated by the NEDD8-activating enzyme composed of APP-BP1 and Uba3. In the present study, we show that APP-BP1 is degraded by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. To study biological functions of TRIP12, a HECT domain-containing E3 ubiquitin ligase, we used the yeast two-hybrid system and identified APP-BP1 as its binding partner. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed that TRIP12 specifically interacts with the APP-BP1 monomer but not with the APP-BP1/Uba3 heterodimer. Overexpression of TRIP12 enhanced the degradation of APP-BP1, whereas knockdown of TRIP12 stabilized it. In vitro ubiquitination assays revealed that TRIP12 functions as an E3 enzyme of APP-BP1 and additionally requires an E4 activity for polyubiquitination of APP-BP1. Moreover, neddylation of endogenous CUL1 was increased in TRIP12 knockdown cells, while complementation of the knockdown cells with TRIP12 lowered neddylated CUL1. Our data suggest that that TRIP12 promotes degradation of APP-BP1 by catalyzing its ubiquitination, which in turn modulates the neddylation pathway.  相似文献   

The tumor‐suppressor protein BRCA1 works with BARD1 to catalyze the transfer of ubiquitin onto protein substrates. The N‐terminal regions of BRCA1 and BARD1 that contain their RING domains are responsible for dimerization and ubiquitin ligase activity. This activity is a common feature among hundreds of human RING domain‐containing proteins. RING domains bind and activate E2 ubiquitin‐conjugating enzymes to promote ubiquitin transfer to substrates. We show that the identity of residues at specific positions in the RING domain can tune activity levels up or down. We report substitutions that create a structurally intact BRCA1/BARD1 heterodimer that is inactive in vitro with all E2 enzymes. Other substitutions in BRCA1 or BARD1 RING domains result in hyperactivity, revealing that both proteins have evolved attenuated activity. Loss of attenuation results in decreased product specificity, providing a rationale for why nature has tuned BRCA1 activity. The ability to tune BRCA1 provides powerful tools for understanding its biological functions and provides a basis to assess mechanisms for rescuing the activity of cancer‐associated variations. Beyond the applicability to BRCA1, we show the identity of residues at tuning positions that can be used to predict and modulate the activity of an unrelated RING E3 ligase. These findings provide valuable insights into understanding the mechanism and function of RING E3 ligases like BRCA1.  相似文献   

MAP kinase-interacting kinase-2 (Mnk2) is one of the downstream kinases activated by MAP kinases. It phosphorylates the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (elF4E), although the role of elF4E phosphorylation and the role of Mnk2 in the process of protein translation are not well understood. Except for elF4E, other physiological substrates of Mnk2 are still unidentified. To look for these unidentified substrates and to reveal the physiological function of Mnk2, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screening with Mnk2 as the bait. The results demonstrated Mnk2 could interact with VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor), Rbx1 (ring-box 1) and Cul2 (Cullin2) proteins in yeast cells. Furthermore, we validated the interaction between Mnk2 and VHL proteins in mammalian cells by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Because the three proteins VHL, Rbx1 and Cul2 are all components of the CBCVHL ubiquitin ligase E3 complex, it has been shown that Mnk2 can interact with CBCVHL complex, and is probably one of the new substrates of the CBCVHL complex. Furthermore, during the interaction of Mnk2 with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor-binding protein 1 (VBP1), it appears that Mnk2 also joins to modulate cell shape as VBP1 plays an important role in the process of the maturation of the cytoskeleton and in the process of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is a key process in innate immunity and homeostasis. After particle uptake, newly formed phagosomes mature by acquisition of endolysosomal enzymes. Macrophage activation by interferon gamma (IFN‐γ) increases microbicidal activity, but delays phagosomal maturation by an unknown mechanism. Using quantitative proteomics, we show that phagosomal proteins harbour high levels of typical and atypical ubiquitin chain types. Moreover, phagosomal ubiquitylation of vesicle trafficking proteins is substantially enhanced upon IFN‐γ activation of macrophages, suggesting a role in regulating phagosomal functions. We identified the E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF115, which is enriched on phagosomes of IFN‐γ activated macrophages, as an important regulator of phagosomal maturation. Loss of RNF115 protein or ligase activity enhanced phagosomal maturation and increased cytokine responses to bacterial infection, suggesting that both innate immune signalling from the phagosome and phagolysosomal trafficking are controlled through ubiquitylation. RNF115 knock‐out mice show less tissue damage in response to S. aureus infection, indicating a role of RNF115 in inflammatory responses in vivo. In conclusion, RNF115 and phagosomal ubiquitylation are important regulators of innate immune functions during bacterial infections.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin modification of many cellular proteins targets them for proteasomal degradation, but in addition can also serve non-proteolytic functions. Over the last years, a significant progress has been made in our understanding of how modification of the substrates of the ubiquitin system is regulated. However, little is known on how the ubiquitin system that is comprised of ~1500 components is regulated. Here, we discuss how the biggest subfamily within the system, that of the E3 ubiquitin ligases that endow the system with its high specificity towards the numerous substrates, is regulated and in particular via self-regulation mediated by ubiquitin modification. Ligases can be targeted for degradation in a self-catalyzed manner, or through modification mediated by an external ligase(s). In addition, non-proteolytic functions of self-ubiquitination, for example activation of the ligase, of E3s are discussed.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is an organised ATP‐dependent programmed cell death that organisms have evolved to maintain homoeostatic cell numbers and eliminate unnecessary or unhealthy cells from the system. Dysregulation of apoptosis can have serious manifestations culminating into various diseases, especially cancer. Accurate control of apoptosis requires regulation of a wide range of growth enhancing as well as anti‐oncogenic factors. Appropriate regulation of magnitude and temporal expression of key proteins is vital to maintain functional apoptotic signalling. Controlled protein turnover is thus critical to the unhindered operation of the apoptotic machinery, disruption of which can have severe consequences, foremost being oncogenic transformation of cells. The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) is one such major cellular pathway that maintains homoeostatic protein levels. Recent studies have found interesting links between these two fundamental cellular processes, wherein UPS depending on the cue can either inhibit or promote apoptosis. A diverse range of E3 ligases are involved in regulating the turnover of key proteins of the apoptotic pathway. This review summarises an overview of key E3 ubiquitin ligases involved in the regulation of the fundamental proteins involved in apoptosis, linking UPS to apoptosis and attempts to emphasize the significance of this relationship in context of cancer.  相似文献   

Plant cells regulate many cellular processes controlling the half-life of critical proteins through ubiquitination. Previously, we characterized two interacting RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligases of Triticum durum, TdRF1 and WVIP2. We revealed their role in tolerance to dehydration, and existing knowledge about their partners also indicated their involvement in the regulation of some aspects of plant development. Here we located WVIP2 in the regulation of the ABA signaling, based on sequence similarities. Further we acquired general evidence about the versatility of ubiquitination in plant cells. A protein can be target of different E3 ligases for a perfect tuning of its abundance as well as the same E3 ligase can ubiquitinate different and unrelated proteins, thus representing a cross-connections between different signaling pathways for a global coordination of cellular processes.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase Akt functions in multiple cellular processes, including cell survival and tumor development. Studies of the mechanisms that negatively regulate Akt have focused on dephosphorylation-mediated inactivation. In this study, we identified a negative regulator of Akt, MULAN, which possesses both a RING finger domain and E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Akt was found to directly interact with MULAN and to be ubiquitinated by MULAN in vitro and in vivo. Other molecular assays demonstrated that phosphorylated Akt is a substantive target for both interaction with MULAN and ubiquitination by MULAN. The results of the functional studies suggest that the degradation of Akt by MULAN suppresses cell proliferation and viability. These data provide insight into the Akt ubiquitination signaling network.  相似文献   

Members of the LC3/GABARAP family of ubiquitin‐like proteins function during autophagy by serving as membrane linked protein‐binding platforms. Their C‐termini are physically attached to membranes through covalent linkage to primary amines on lipids such as phosphatidylethanolamine, while their ubiquitin‐like fold domains bind “LIR” (LC3‐Interacting Region) sequences found within an extraordinarily diverse array of proteins including regulators of autophagy, adaptors that recruit ubiquitinated cargoes to be degraded, and even proteins controlling processes at membranes that are not associated with autophagy. Recently, LC3/GABARAP proteins were found to bind the ubiquitin E3 ligase NEDD4 to influence ubiquitination associated with autophagy in human cell lines. Here, we use purified recombinant proteins to define LC3B interactions with a specific LIR sequence from NEDD4, present a crystal structure showing atomic details of the interaction, and show that LC3B‐binding can steer intrinsic NEDD4 E3 ligase activity. The data provide detailed molecular insights underlying recruitment of an E3 ubiquitin ligase to phagophores during autophagy.  相似文献   

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