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Prevention of infarct scar thinning and dilatation and stimulation of scar contracture can prevent progressive heart failure. Since microRNA 145 (miR‐145) plays an important role in cardiac fibroblast response to wound healing and cardiac repair after an myocardial infarction (MI), using a miR‐145 knock‐out (KO) mouse model, we evaluated contribution of down‐regulation of miR‐145 to cardiac fibroblast and myofibroblast function during adverse cardiac remodelling. Cardiac function decreased more and the infarct size was larger in miR‐145 KO than that in WT mice after MI and this phenomenon was accompanied by a decrease in cardiac fibroblast‐to‐myofibroblast differentiation. Quantification of collagen I and α‐SMA protein levels as well as wound contraction revealed that transdifferentiation of cardiac fibroblasts into myofibroblasts was lower in KO than WT mice. In vitro restoration of miR‐145 induced more differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts and this effect involved the target genes Klf4 and myocardin. MiR‐145 contributes to infarct scar contraction in the heart and the absence of miR‐145 contributes to dysfunction of cardiac fibroblast, resulting in greater infarct thinning and dilatation. Augmentation of miR‐145 could be an attractive target to prevent adverse cardiac remodelling after MI by enhancing the phenotypic switch of cardiac fibroblasts to myofibroblasts.  相似文献   

Novel transmission routes can directly impact the evolutionary ecology of infectious diseases, with potentially dramatic effect on host populations and knock‐on effects on the wider host community. The invasion of Varroa destructor, an ectoparasitic viral vector in Western honeybees, provides a unique opportunity to examine how a novel vector affects disease epidemiology in a host community. This specialist honeybee mite vectors deformed wing virus (DWV), an important re‐emerging honeybee pathogen that also infects wild bumblebees. Comparing island honeybee and wild bumblebee populations with and without V. destructor, we show that V. destructor drives DWV prevalence and titre in honeybees and sympatric bumblebees. Viral genotypes are shared across hosts, with the potentially more virulent DWV‐B overtaking DWV‐A in prevalence in a current epidemic. This demonstrates disease emergence across a host community driven by the acquisition of a specialist novel transmission route in one host, with dramatic community level knock‐on effects.  相似文献   

Protein loops make up a large portion of the secondary structure in nature. But very little is known concerning loop closure dynamics and the effects of loop composition on fold stability. We have designed a small system with stable β‐sheet structures, including features that allow us to probe these questions. Using paired Trp residues that form aromatic clusters on folding, we are able to stabilize two β‐strands connected by varying loop lengths and composition (an example sequence: R W ITVTI – loop – KKIRV W E). Using NMR and CD, both fold stability and folding dynamics can be investigated for these systems. With the 16 residue loop peptide (sequence: R W ITVTI‐(GGGGKK)2GGGG‐KKIRV W E) remaining folded (ΔGU = 1.6 kJ/mol at 295K). To increase stability and extend the series to longer loops, we added an additional Trp/Trp pair in the loop flanking position. With this addition to the strands, the 16 residue loop (sequence: R W ITVRI W ‐(GGGGKK)2GGGG‐ W KTIRV W E) supports a remarkably stable β‐sheet (ΔGU = 6.3 kJ/mol at 295 K, Tm = ~55°C). Given the abundance of loops in binding motifs and between secondary structures, these constructs can be powerful tools for peptide chemists to study loop effects; with the Trp/Trp pair providing spectroscopic probes for assessing both stability and dynamics by NMR.  相似文献   

A review of the slowly accumulating data on artificial hybridization in the genus Aureolaria shows a pattern of unilateral hybridization (or unilateral incompatibility) indicative of a type of homomorphic gametophytic self-incompatibility system, involving multiple S alleles at a single locus, which has been found and genetically analyzed in plants of a few genera of both the Solanaceae and Scrophulariaceae. In such systems, if well developed, the pollen of the self-compatible (SC) plants (in this case the annual A. pedicularia) will not grow on the stigma of the self-incompatible (SI) plants (here the three perennial species of Aureolaria) but the reciprocal cross would be effective and the hybridization would thus be unilateral. The fact that some SI stigma x SC pollen crosses were successful indicates a relatively recent evolutionary age for the less strongly developed (Sc) system in A. pedicularia.  相似文献   

Altered cell metabolism is a hallmark of cancer, and targeting specific metabolic nodes is considered an attractive strategy for cancer therapy. In this study, we evaluate the effects of metabolic stressors on the deregulated ERK pathway in melanoma cells bearing activating mutations of the NRAS or BRAF oncogenes. We report that metabolic stressors promote the dimerization of KSR proteins with CRAF in NRAS‐mutant cells, and with oncogenic BRAF in BRAFV600E‐mutant cells, thereby enhancing ERK pathway activation. Despite this similarity, the two genomic subtypes react differently when a higher level of metabolic stress is induced. In NRAS‐mutant cells, the ERK pathway is even more stimulated, while it is strongly downregulated in BRAFV600E‐mutant cells. We demonstrate that this is caused by the dissociation of mutant BRAF from KSR and is mediated by activated AMPK. Both types of ERK regulation nevertheless lead to cell cycle arrest. Besides studying the effects of the metabolic stressors on ERK pathway activity, we also present data suggesting that for efficient therapies of both genomic melanoma subtypes, specific metabolic targeting is necessary.  相似文献   

BRAF inhibitors improve melanoma patient survival, but resistance invariably develops. Here we report the discovery of a novel BRAF mutation that confers resistance to PLX4032 employing whole‐exome sequencing of drug‐resistant BRAFV600K melanoma cells. We further describe a new screening approach, a genome‐wide piggyBac mutagenesis screen that revealed clinically relevant aberrations (N‐terminal BRAF truncations and CRAF overexpression). The novel BRAF mutation, a Leu505 to His substitution (BRAFL505H), is the first resistance‐conferring second‐site mutation identified in BRAF mutant cells. The mutation replaces a small nonpolar amino acid at the BRAF‐PLX4032 interface with a larger polar residue. Moreover, we show that BRAFL505H, found in human prostate cancer, is itself a MAPK‐activating, PLX4032‐resistant oncogenic mutation. Lastly, we demonstrate that the PLX4032‐resistant melanoma cells are sensitive to novel, next‐generation BRAF inhibitors, especially the ‘paradox‐blocker’ PLX8394, supporting its use in clinical trials for treatment of melanoma patients with BRAF‐mutations.  相似文献   

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis and conveys a significant health burden globally. Critical limb ischaemia encompasses the most severe consequence of PAD. Our previous studies indicate that microRNA let‐7g prevents atherosclerosis and improves endothelial functions. This study aimed to investigate whether and how let‐7g therapy may improve blood flow to ischaemic limbs. The present study shows that let‐7g has multiple pro‐angiogenic effects on mouse ischaemic limb model and could be a potential therapeutic agent for PAD. Mice receiving intramuscular injection of let‐7g had more neovascularization, better local perfusion and increased recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells after hindlimb ischaemia. The therapeutic effects of let‐7g's on angiogenesis are mediated by multiple regulatory machinery. First, let‐7g increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor‐A (VEGF‐A) and VEGF receptor‐2 (VEGFR‐2) through targeting their upstream regulators HIF‐3α and TP53. In addition, let‐7g affected the splicing factor SC35 which subsequently enhanced the alternative splicing of VEGF‐A from the anti‐angiogenic isoform VEGF‐A165b towards the pro‐angiogenic isoform VEGF‐A164a. The pleiotropic effects of let‐7g on angiogenesis imply that let‐7g may possess a therapeutic potential in ischaemic diseases.  相似文献   

HLA‐G has been documented both in establishment of anti‐tumour immune responses and in tumour evasion. To investigate the clinical relevance of HLA‐G in non‐small‐cell lung cancer (NSCLC), expression status and potential significance of HLA‐G in NSCLC were analysed. In this study, HLA‐G expression in 101 NSCLC primary lesions and plasma soluble HLA‐G (sHLA‐G) from 91 patients were analysed with immunohistochemistry and ELISA, respectively. Correlations between HLA‐G status and various clinical parameters including survival time were evaluated. Meanwhile, functional analysis of transfected cell surface HLA‐G expression and plasma sHLA‐G form NSCLC patients on natural killer (NK) cell cytolysis were performed. Data revealed that HLA‐G was expressed in 41.6% (42/101) NSCLC primary lesions, while undetectable in adjacent normal lung tissues. HLA‐G expression in NSCLC lesions was strongly correlated to disease stages (P= 0.002). Plasma sHLA‐G from NSCLC patients was markedly higher than that in normal controls (P= 0.004), which was significantly associated with the disease stages (I versus IV, P= 0.025; II versus IV, P= 0.029). Patient plasma sHLA‐G level (≥median, 32.0 U/ml) had a significantly shorter survival time (P= 0.044); however, no similar significance was observed for the lesion HLA‐G expression. In vitro data showed that both cell surface HLA‐G and patient plasma sHLA‐G could dramatically decrease the NK cell cytolysis. Our findings indicated that both lesion HLA‐G expression and plasma sHLA‐G in NSCLC is related to the disease stage and can exert immunosuppression to the NK cell cytolysis, indicating that HLA‐G could be a potential therapeutic target. Moreover, plasma sHLA‐G in NSCLC patients could be used as a prognosis factor for NSCLC.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of Fe(II)‐oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) at circumneutral pH is often masked in the presence of O2 where rapid chemical oxidation of Fe(II) predominates. This study addresses the abundance, diversity and activity of microaerophilic FeOB in an acidic fen (pH ~5) located in northern Bavaria, Germany. Mean O2 penetration depth reached 16 cm where the highest dissolved Fe(II) concentrations (up to 140 µM) were present in soil water. Acid‐tolerant FeOB cultivated in gradient tubes were most abundant (106 cells g?1 peat) at the 10–20 cm depth interval. A stable enrichment culture was active at up to 29% O2 saturation and Fe(III) accumulated 1.6 times faster than in abiotic controls. An acid‐tolerant, microaerophilic isolate (strain CL21) was obtained which was closely related to the neutrophilic, lithoautotrophic FeOB Sideroxydans lithotrophicus strain LD‐1. CL21 oxidized Fe(II) between pH 4 and 6.0, and produced nanoscale‐goethites with a clearly lower mean coherence length (7 nm) perpendicular to the (110) plane than those formed abiotically (10 nm). Our results suggest that an acid‐tolerant population of FeOB is thriving at redox interfaces formed by diffusion‐limited O2 transport in acidic peatlands. Furthermore, this well‐adapted population is successfully competing with chemical oxidation and thereby playing an important role in the microbial iron cycle.  相似文献   

The human formyl peptide receptor (FPR) is a prototypical G(i) protein-coupled receptor, but little is known about quantitative aspects of FPR-G(i) protein coupling. To address this issue, we fused the FPR to G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), and G(i)alpha(3) and expressed the fusion proteins in Sf9 insect cells. Fusion of a receptor to Galpha ensures a defined 1:1 stoichiometry of the signaling partners. By analyzing high affinity agonist binding, the kinetics of agonist- and inverse agonist-regulated guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPgammaS) binding and GTP hydrolysis and photolabeling of Galpha, we demonstrate highly efficient coupling of the FPR to fused G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), and G(i)alpha(3) without cross-talk of the receptor to insect cell G proteins. The FPR displayed high constitutive activity when coupled to all three G(i)alpha isoforms. The K(d) values of high affinity agonist binding were approximately 100-fold lower than the EC(50) (concentration that gives half-maximal stimulation) values of agonist for GTPase activation. Based on the B(max) values of agonist saturation binding and ligand-regulated GTPgammaS binding, it was previously proposed that the FPR activates G proteins catalytically, i.e. one FPR activates several G(i) proteins. Analysis of agonist saturation binding, ligand-regulated GTPgammaS saturation binding and quantitative immunoblotting with membranes expressing FPR-G(i)alpha fusion proteins and nonfused FPR now reveals that FPR agonist binding greatly underestimates the actual FPR expression level. Our data show the following: (i) the FPR couples to G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), and G(i)alpha(3) with similar efficiency; (ii) the FPR can exist in a state of low agonist affinity that couples efficiently to G proteins; and (iii) in contrast to the previously held view, the FPR appears to activate G(i) proteins linearly and not catalytically.  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate whether the genetic defect in the HEXA and HEXB genes (which causes the absence of the lysosomal β‐N‐acetyl‐hexosaminidase), are related to the wide inflammation in GM2 gangliosidoses (Tay‐Sachs and Sandhoff disease), we have chosen the dendritic cells (DCs) as a study model. Using the RNA interference approach, we generated an in vitro model of HEXs knock‐down immunogenic DCs (i‐DCs) from CD34+‐haemopoietic stem cells (CD34+‐HSCs), thus mimicking the Tay‐Sachs (HEXA?/?) and Sandhoff (HEXB?/?) cells. We showed that the absence of β‐N‐acetyl‐hexosaminidase activity does not alter the differentiation of i‐DCs from HSCs, but it is critical for the activation of CD4+T cells because knock‐down of HEXA or HEXB gene causes a loss of function of i‐DCs. Notably, the silencing of the HEXA gene had a stronger immune inhibitory effect, thereby indicating a major involvement of β‐N‐acetyl‐hexosaminidase A isoenzyme within this mechanism. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Germinal‐center kinase‐like kinase (GLK, Map4k3), a GCK‐I family kinase, plays multiple roles in regulating apoptosis, amino acid sensing, and immune signaling. We describe here the crystal structure of an activation loop mutant of GLK kinase domain bound to an inhibitor. The structure reveals a weakly associated, activation‐loop swapped dimer with more than 20 amino acids of ordered density at the carboxy‐terminus. This C‐terminal PEST region binds intermolecularly to the hydrophobic groove of the N‐terminal domain of a neighboring molecule. Although the GLK activation loop mutant crystallized demonstrates reduced kinase activity, its structure demonstrates all the hallmarks of an “active” kinase, including the salt bridge between the C‐helix glutamate and the catalytic lysine. Our compound displacement data suggests that the effect of the Ser170Ala mutation in reducing kinase activity is likely due to its effect in reducing substrate peptide binding affinity rather than reducing ATP binding or ATP turnover. This report details the first structure of GLK; comparison of its activation loop sequence and P‐loop structure to that of Map4k4 suggests ideas for designing inhibitors that can distinguish between these family members to achieve selective pharmacological inhibitors.  相似文献   

Gene regulation networks contain recurring circuit patterns called network motifs. One of the most common network motif is the incoherent type 1 feed‐forward loop (I1‐FFL), in which an activator controls both gene and repressor of that gene. This motif was shown to act as a pulse generator and response accelerator of gene expression. Here we consider an additional function of this motif: the I1‐FFL can generate a non‐monotonic dependence of gene expression on the input signal. Here, we study this experimentally in the galactose system of Escherichia coli, which is regulated by an I1‐FFL. The promoter activity of two of the gal operons, galETK and galP, peaks at intermediate levels of the signal cAMP. We find that mutants in which the I1‐FFL is disrupted lose this non‐monotonic behavior, and instead display monotonic input functions. Theoretical analysis suggests that non‐monotonic input functions can be achieved for a wide range of parameters by the I1‐FFL. The models also suggest regimes where a monotonic input‐function can occur, as observed in the mglBAC operon regulated by the same I1‐FFL. The present study thus experimentally demonstrates how upstream circuitry can affect gene input functions and how an I1‐FFL functions within its natural context in the cell.  相似文献   

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