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Cargo adaptors control intracellular trafficking of transmembrane proteins by sorting them into membrane transport carriers. The COPI, COPII, and clathrin cargo adaptors are structurally well characterized, but other cargo adaptors remain poorly understood. Exomer is a specialized cargo adaptor that sorts specific proteins into trans‐Golgi network (TGN)‐derived vesicles in response to cellular signals. Exomer is recruited to the TGN by the Arf1 GTPase, a universally conserved trafficking regulator. Here, we report the crystal structure of a tetrameric exomer complex composed of two copies each of the Chs5 and Chs6 subunits. The structure reveals the FN3 and BRCT domains of Chs5, which together we refer to as the FBE domain (F N3–B RCT of e xomer), project from the exomer core complex. The overall architecture of the FBE domain is reminiscent of the appendage domains of other cargo adaptors, although it exhibits a distinct topology. In contrast to appendage domains, which bind accessory factors, we show that the primary role of the FBE domain is to bind Arf1 for recruitment of exomer to membranes.  相似文献   

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A range of cargo adaptor proteins are known to recruit cytoskeletal motors to distinct subcellular compartments. However, the structural impact of cargo recruitment on motor function is poorly understood. Here, we dissect the multimodal regulation of myosin VI activity through the cargo adaptor GAIP-interacting protein, C terminus (GIPC), whose overexpression with this motor in cancer enhances cell migration. Using a range of biophysical techniques, including motility assays, FRET-based conformational sensors, optical trapping, and DNA origami–based cargo scaffolds to probe the individual and ensemble properties of GIPC–myosin VI motility, we report that the GIPC myosin-interacting region (MIR) releases an autoinhibitory interaction within myosin VI. We show that the resulting conformational changes in the myosin lever arm, including the proximal tail domain, increase the flexibility of the adaptor–motor linkage, and that increased flexibility correlates with faster actomyosin association and dissociation rates. Taken together, the GIPC MIR–myosin VI interaction stimulates a twofold to threefold increase in ensemble cargo speed. Furthermore, the GIPC MIR–myosin VI ensembles yield similar cargo run lengths as forced processive myosin VI dimers. We conclude that the emergent behavior from these individual aspects of myosin regulation is the fast, processive, and smooth cargo transport on cellular actin networks. Our study delineates the multimodal regulation of myosin VI by the cargo adaptor GIPC, while highlighting linkage flexibility as a novel biophysical mechanism for modulating cellular cargo motility.  相似文献   

Suspension cultured oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Garry) cells, which secrete polysaccharides into the medium, were used as starting material for analyses of Golgi-derived vesicle membranes and plasma membranes isolated during cell fractionation. Vesicles collected by a procedure employing ultrafiltration followed by ultracentrifugation into a sucrose step gradient exhibited an equilibrium density of 1.27 g cm?3 when run on continuous sucrose gradients, a feature which is most likely attributable to the high concentration of enclosed polysaccharides. Brief sonication lowered the density of these vesicles to about 1.15 g cm?3, as judged from the coincidence of the protein peak and the marker enzymes for Golgi [Triton-stimulated UDPase, cold-storage IDPase (EC] and plasma membrane [vanadate-inhibited K+, Mg2+-ATPase (EC]. Sonication of these vesicles also greatly diminished the amount of detectable polysaccharide observed in a colorimetric assay for sugars. Fractionation of a plasma membrane-enriched preparation from these cells on continuous sucrose gradients showed the major protein peak and the peak activity for the plasma membrane marker at 1.17 g cm?3, however, there was also significant overlap with a mitochondrial [cytochrome c oxidase (EC] peak at 1.18 g cm?3, Smaller peaks of the Golgi markers were seen at 1.14 g cm?3. Analyses of marker enzymes for ER and mitochondria (EC showed little contamination of the membranes of presumptive secretory vesicles from these sources, and the lack of significant vanadate-insensitive ATPase activity in the density range from 1.13–1.18 g cm?3 in either fractionation scheme suggests that these membranes do not include material from the tonoplast. The coincidence of markers for Golgi and plasma membrane with from the tonoplast. The coincidence of markers for Golgi and plasma membrane with the membranes of sonicated, dense vesicles, at a density slightly lower than that of plasma membranes prepared from the same cells, supports the possibility that membranes en route to the plasma membrane are incompletely differentiated.  相似文献   

Heterotetrameric adaptor (AP) complexes are thought to coordinate cargo recruitment and clathrin assembly during clathrin-coated vesicle biogenesis. We have identified, and characterized the physiological significance of clathrin-binding activities in the two large subunits of the AP-1 complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Using GST-fusion chromatography, two clathrin-binding sites were defined in the β1 subunit that match consensus clathrin-binding sequences in other mammalian and yeast clathrin-binding proteins. Clathrin interactions were also identified with the C-terminal region of the γ subunit. When introduced into chromosomal genes, point mutations in the β1 clathrin-binding motifs, or deletion of the γ C-terminal region, reduced association of AP-1 with clathrin in coimmunoprecipitation assays. The β1 mutations or the γ truncation individually produced minor effects on AP-1 distribution by subcellular fractionation. However, when β1 and γ mutations were combined, severe defects were observed in AP-1 association with membranes and incorporation into clathrin-coated vesicles. The combination of subunit mutations accentuated growth and α-factor pheromone maturation defects in chc1-ts cells, though not to the extent caused by complete loss of AP-1 activity. Our results suggest that both the β1 and γ subunits contribute interactions with clathrin that are important for stable assembly of AP-1 complexes into clathrin coats in vivo .  相似文献   

Adaptor protein complexes and the related complexes COPI and TSET function in packaging vesicles for transport among endomembrane compartments in eukaryotic cells. Differences in the complement of these complexes in lineages such as yeast and mammals as well as apicomplexan and kinetoplastid parasites via loss or duplication of subunits appears to reflect specialization in their respective trafficking systems. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana possesses multiple paralogues for adaptor protein complex subunits, raising questions as to the timing and extent of these duplications in embryophytes (land plants). However, adaptor protein complex evolution in embryophytes is unexplored. Therefore, we analyzed genomes of diverse embryophytes and closely related green algae using extensive homology searches and phylogenetic analysis of 35 complex subunit proteins. The results reveal numerous paralogues, the vast majority of which, approximately 97%, arose from recent duplication events. This suggests that specialization of these protein complexes may occur frequently but independently in embryophytes.  相似文献   

Phogrin, a receptor tyrosine phosphatase-like protein, is localized to dense-core secretory granules (SGs) in various neuroendocrine cells. A previous report showed that the N-terminal luminal domain mediates targeting of this protein to SGs in AtT-20 cells. Here, we show that the luminal domain specifically interacts with carboxypeptidase E (CPE), one of the key proteins involved in peptide hormone sorting, in a weakly acidic condition. The luminal domain consists of pro-sequence domain (pro) and subsequent N-side mature domain and the pro domain was preferentially required for phogrin interaction with CPE and for its targeting to SGs. Small interfering RNA-directed reduction of the CPE protein level resulted in an improper accumulation of phogrin at the trans-Golgi network in AtT-20 cells. This finding indicates that CPE is involved in the sorting process of phogrin to SGs. However, SG localization of CPE was hindered by overexpression of the phogrin mutants that lack the transport motif of binding to clathrin adaptor complexes. Phogrin-depleted AtT-20 cells also exhibited reduced CPE targeting and increased CPE degradation. Our results suggest that the luminal interaction between phogrin and CPE contributes to their targeting to SGs in a cooperative manner in neuroendocrine cells.  相似文献   

Previous work has showed that ergosterol and sphingolipids become sorted to secretory vesicles immunoisolated using a chimeric, artificial raft membrane protein as bait. In this study, we have extended this analysis to three populations of secretory vesicles isolated using natural yeast plasma membrane (PM) proteins: Pma1p, Mid2p and Gap1*p as baits. We compared the lipidomes of the immunoisolated vesicles with each other and with the lipidomes of the donor compartment, the trans-Golgi network, and the acceptor compartment, the PM, using a quantitative mass spectrometry approach that provided a complete lipid overview of the yeast late secretory pathway. We could show that vesicles captured with different baits carry the same cargo and have almost identical lipid compositions; being highly enriched in ergosterol and sphingolipids. This finding indicates that lipid raft sorting is a generic feature of vesicles carrying PM cargo and suggests a common lipid-based mechanism for their formation.  相似文献   

Selective autophagy is the mechanism by which large cargos are specifically sequestered for degradation. The structural details of cargo and receptor assembly giving rise to autophagic vesicles remain to be elucidated. We utilize the yeast cytoplasm‐to‐vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway, a prototype of selective autophagy, together with a multi‐scale analysis approach to study the molecular structure of Cvt vesicles. We report the oligomeric nature of the major Cvt cargo Ape1 with a combined 2.8 Å X‐ray and negative stain EM structure, as well as the secondary cargo Ams1 with a 6.3 Å cryo‐EM structure. We show that the major dodecameric cargo prApe1 exhibits a tendency to form higher‐order chain structures that are broken upon interaction with the receptor Atg19 in vitro. The stoichiometry of these cargo–receptor complexes is key to maintaining the size of the Cvt aggregate in vivo. Using correlative light and electron microscopy, we further visualize key stages of Cvt vesicle biogenesis. Our findings suggest that Atg19 interaction limits Ape1 aggregate size while serving as a vehicle for vacuolar delivery of tetrameric Ams1.  相似文献   

Efficient post-Golgi trafficking depends on microtubules, but actin filaments and actin-associated proteins are also postulated. Here we examined, by inverse fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, the role of actin dynamics in the exit from the TGN of fluorescent-tagged apical or basolateral and raft or non-raft-associated cargoes. Either the actin-stabilizing jasplakinolide or the actin-depolymerising latrunculin B variably but significantly inhibited post-Golgi traffic of non-raft associated apical p75NTR and basolateral VSV-G cargoes. The TGN-exit of the apical-destined VSV-G mutant was impaired only by latrunculin B. Strikingly, the raft-associated GPI-anchor protein was not affected by either actin toxin. Results indicate that actin dynamics participates in the TGN egress of both apical- and basolateral-targeted proteins but is not needed for apical raft-associated cargo.  相似文献   

How polytopic plasma membrane (PM) proteins reach their destination in plant cells remains elusive. Using transgenic tobacco BY-2 cells, we previously showed that the rice secretory carrier membrane protein 1 (SCAMP1), an integral membrane protein with four transmembrane domains (TMDs), is localized to the PM and trans-Golgi network (TGN). Here, we study the transport pathway and sorting signals of SCAMP1 by following its transient expression in tobacco BY-2 protoplasts and show that SCAMP1 reaches the PM via an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi-TGN-PM pathway. Loss-of-function and gain-of-function analysis of various green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions with SCAMP1 mutations further demonstrates that: (i) the cytosolic N-terminus of SCAMP1 contains an ER export signal; (ii) the transmembrane domain 2 (TMD2) and TMD3 of SCAMP1 are essential for Golgi export; (iii) SCAMP1 TMD1 is essential for TGN-to-PM targeting; (iv) the predicted topology of SCAMP1 and its various mutants remain identical as demonstrated by protease protection assay. Therefore, both the cytosolic N-terminus and TMD sequences of SCAMP1 play integral roles in mediating its transport to the PM via an ER-Golgi-TGN pathway.  相似文献   

The epsin-related adaptor proteins Ent3p and Ent5p participate in budding of clathrin coated vesicles in transport between trans-Golgi network and endosomes in yeast. Transport of the arginine permease Can1p was analyzed, which recycles between plasma membrane and endosomes and can be targeted to the vacuole for degradation. ent3∆ cells accumulate Can1p-GFP in endosomes. Can1p-GFP is transported faster to the vacuole upon induction of degradation in ent5∆ cells than in wild type cells. The C-terminal domain of Ent5p was sufficient to restore recycling of the secretory SNARE GFP-Snc1p between plasma membrane and TGN in ent3∆ ent5∆ cells. The SNARE Tlg2p was identified as interaction partner of the Ent5p ENTH domain by in vitro binding assays and the interaction site on Ent5p was mapped. Tlg2p functions in transport from early endosomes to the trans-Golgi network and in homotypic fusion of these organelles. Tlg2p is partially shifted to denser fractions in sucrose density gradients of organelles from ent5∆ cells while distribution of Kex2p is unaffected demonstrating that Ent5p acts as cargo adaptor for Tlg2p in vivo. Taken together we show that Ent3p and Ent5p have different roles in transport and function as cargo adaptors for distinct SNAREs.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(21):4549-4564.e6
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Procollagen (PC)-I aggregates transit through the Golgi complex without leaving the lumen of Golgi cisternae. Based on this evidence, we have proposed that PC-I is transported across the Golgi stacks by the cisternal maturation process. However, most secretory cargoes are small, freely diffusing proteins, thus raising the issue whether they move by a transport mechanism different than that used by PC-I. To address this question we have developed procedures to compare the transport of a small protein, the G protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSVG), with that of the much larger PC-I aggregates in the same cell. Transport was followed using a combination of video and EM, providing high resolution in time and space. Our results reveal that PC-I aggregates and VSVG move synchronously through the Golgi at indistinguishable rapid rates. Additionally, not only PC-I aggregates (as confirmed by ultrarapid cryofixation), but also VSVG, can traverse the stack without leaving the cisternal lumen and without entering Golgi vesicles in functionally relevant amounts. Our findings indicate that a common mechanism independent of anterograde dissociative carriers is responsible for the traffic of small and large secretory cargo across the Golgi stack.  相似文献   

We have isolated a membrane fraction enriched in a class of transport carriers that form at the trans Golgi network (TGN) and are destined for the cell surface in HeLa cells. Protein kinase D (PKD) is required for the biogenesis of these carriers that contain myosin II, Rab6a, Rab8a, and synaptotagmin II, as well as a number of secretory and plasma membrane‐specific cargoes. Our findings reveal a requirement for myosin II in the migration of these transport carriers but not in their biogenesis per se. Based on the cargo secreted by these carriers we have named them CARTS for CAR riers of the T GN to the cell S urface. Surprisingly, CARTS are distinct from the carriers that transport vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)‐G protein and collagen I from the TGN to the cell surface. Altogether, the identification of CARTS provides a valuable means to understand TGN to cell surface traffic.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is the main glycosylation and sorting station along the secretory pathway. Its structure includes the Golgi vesicles, which are depleted of anterograde cargo, and also of at least some Golgi‐resident proteins. The role of Golgi vesicles remains unclear. Here, we show that Golgi vesicles are enriched in the Qb‐SNAREs GS27 (membrin) and GS28 (GOS‐28), and depleted of nucleotide sugar transporters. A block of intra‐Golgi transport leads to accumulation of Golgi vesicles and partitioning of GS27 and GS28 into these vesicles. Conversely, active intra‐Golgi transport induces fusion of these vesicles with the Golgi cisternae, delivering GS27 and GS28 to these cisternae. In an in vitro assay based on a donor compartment that lacks UDP‐galactose translocase (a sugar transporter), the segregation of Golgi vesicles from isolated Golgi membranes inhibits intra‐Golgi transport; re‐addition of isolated Golgi vesicles devoid of UDP‐galactose translocase obtained from normal cells restores intra‐Golgi transport. We conclude that this activity is due to the presence of GS27 and GS28 in the Golgi vesicles, rather than the sugar transporter. Furthermore, there is an inverse correlation between the number of Golgi vesicles and the number of inter‐cisternal connections under different experimental conditions. Finally, a rapid block of the formation of vesicles via COPI through degradation of ϵCOP accelerates the cis‐to‐trans delivery of VSVG. These data suggest that Golgi vesicles, presumably with COPI, serve to inhibit intra‐Golgi transport by the extraction of GS27 and GS28 from the Golgi cisternae, which blocks the formation of inter‐cisternal connections .  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease is the accumulation of toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in extracellular plaques. The direct precursor of Aβ is the carboxyl-terminal fragment β (or C99) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). C99 is detected at elevated levels in Alzheimer’s disease brains, and its intracellular accumulation has been linked to early neurotoxicity independently of Aβ. Despite this, the causes of increased C99 levels are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that APP interacts with the clathrin vesicle adaptor AP-1 (adaptor protein 1), and we map the interaction sites on both proteins. Using quantitative kinetic trafficking assays, established cell lines and primary neurons, we also show that this interaction is required for the transport of APP from the trans-Golgi network to endosomes. In addition, disrupting AP-1-mediated transport of APP alters APP processing and degradation, ultimately leading to increased C99 production and Aβ release. Our results indicate that AP-1 regulates the subcellular distribution of APP, altering its processing into neurotoxic fragments.  相似文献   

Current methods for the quantitation of membrane protein trafficking rely heavily on microscopy, which has limited quantitative capacity for analyses of cell populations and is cumbersome to perform. Here we describe a simple flow cytometry‐based method that circumvents these limitations. The method utilizes fluorescent pulse‐width measurements as a highly sensitive indicator to monitor the changes in intracellular distributions of a fluorescently labelled molecule in a cell. Pulse‐width analysis enabled us to discriminate cells with target proteins in different intracellular locations including Golgi, lyso‐endosomal network and the plasma membrane, as well as detecting morphological changes in organelles such as Golgi perturbation. The movement of endogenous and exogenous retrograde cargo was tracked from the plasma membrane‐to‐endosomes‐to‐Golgi, by decreasing pulse‐width values. A block in transport upon RNAi‐mediated ablation of transport machinery was readily quantified, demonstrating the versatility of this technique to identify pathway inhibitors. We also showed that pulse‐width can be exploited to sort and recover cells based on different intracellular staining patterns, e.g. early endosomes and Golgi, opening up novel downstream applications. Overall, the method provides new capabilities for viewing membrane transport in thousands of cells per minute, unbiased analysis of the trafficking of cargo, and the potential for rapid screening of inhibitors of trafficking pathways.   相似文献   

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