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YY Wang  Y Ran  HB Shu 《Cell host & microbe》2012,12(2):129-131
NEMO is a key component of antiviral signaling. Belgnaoui et?al. (2012) discover that linear ubiquitination of NEMO at a late phase of virus infection switches NEMO from a positive to a negative regulator of RIG-I-mediated interferon (IFN) induction by disrupting the VISA/MAVS-TRAF3 complex and thus terminating the antiviral response.  相似文献   

Highlights? The stress-protective prosurvival activity of parkin depends on NEMO ? Parkin binds to LUBAC and increases linear ubiquitination of NEMO ? OPA1 is upregulated via parkin/NEMO/NF-κB for maintaining mitochondrial integrity ? TNF-α signaling via NEMO/NF-κB is impaired in parkin-deficient cells  相似文献   

蛋白激酶B(AKT),在细胞存活、代谢、迁移和侵袭等信号通路中起着重要的调控作用。细胞信号转导抑制因子3(SOCS3)主要参与酪氨酸蛋白激酶(JAK)/信号传导子和转录激活子3(STAT3)传导途径的负反馈调节,可能参与AKT的磷酸化,进而调控肿瘤的发生。根据SOCS3蛋白的生物学特性和AKT信号通路的激活途径,综述了SOCS3在AKT信号通路中的调控作用,以期针对SOCS3靶向AKT信号通路进行抗肿瘤研究,为肿瘤的治疗提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

<正>2010年4月30日,美国休斯敦贝勒医学院病理学与免疫学系细胞和基因治疗中心、南京大学生命科学院及浙江大学医学院等处的研究人员发现了一个能有效抑制机体的天然免疫系统的蛋白分子:NLRC5蛋白。NLRC5可能为未来提高微生物感染和免疫炎症相关的疾病的免疫力提供了一个有效的治疗靶标,这一研究成果公布在最新一期的《Cell》杂志上。  相似文献   

Interferon-inducible transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) is essential for innate defense against influenza virus in mice and humans. IFITM3 localizes to endolysosomes where it prevents virus fusion, although mechanisms controlling its trafficking to this cellular compartment are not fully understood. We determined that both mouse and human IFITM3 are phosphorylated by the protein-tyrosine kinase FYN on tyrosine 20 (Tyr20) and that mouse IFITM3 is also phosphorylated on the non-conserved Tyr27. Phosphorylation led to a cellular redistribution of IFITM3, including plasma membrane accumulation. Mutation of Tyr20 caused a similar redistribution of IFITM3 and resulted in decreased antiviral activity against influenza virus, whereas Tyr27 mutation of mouse IFITM3 showed minimal effects on localization or activity. Using FYN knockout cells, we also found that IFITM3 phosphorylation is not a requirement for its antiviral activity. Together, these results indicate that Tyr20 is part of an endocytosis signal that can be blocked by phosphorylation or by mutation of this residue. Further mutagenesis narrowed this endocytosis-controlling region to four residues conforming to a YXXΦ (where X is any amino acid and Φ is Val, Leu, or Ile) endocytic motif that, when transferred to CD4, resulted in its internalization from the cell surface. Additionally, we found that phosphorylation of IFITM3 by FYN and mutagenesis of Tyr20 both resulted in decreased IFITM3 ubiquitination. Overall, these results suggest that modification of Tyr20 may serve in a cellular checkpoint controlling IFITM3 trafficking and degradation and demonstrate the complexity of posttranslational regulation of IFITM3.  相似文献   

干扰素调节因子-3(interferon regulatory factor-3,IRF-3)是IRF家族中重要 转录因子之一,在调控干扰素(interferon, IFN)基因表达和抗病毒天然免疫反应中具有重要作 用. 最新发现的MITA (mediator of IRF-3 activation, 又称STING/ERIS)蛋白是宿主抗病 毒天然免疫反应中的一种重要调节分子. 病毒侵染时,MITA与IRF-3相互作用,特异性激活 IRF-3,并募集TANK结合激酶1(TANK binding kinase 1, TBK1)与IFN通路中的线粒体抗 病毒信号蛋白MAVS(mitochondrial anti-viral signaling protein)形成复合物,且MITA可 被TBK1磷酸化,诱导Ⅰ型IFN及IFN刺激基因(interferon stimulate genes, ISG)的表达 ,诱发抗病毒天然免疫反应. 同时还发现,泛素连接酶RNF5(ring finger protein 5)可对MITA 发生泛素化修饰从而抑制其对IRF-3活化,实现对宿主抗病毒天然免疫反应负调节作用. 本 室研究发现,严重性急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒(severe acute respiratory syndrome co ronavirus, SARS-CoV)和人类新型冠状病毒(human coronavirus NL63, HCoV-NL63)的 木瓜样蛋白酶(papain-like protease, PLP)利用其特有的去泛素化酶(deubiquitinase, DUB)活性,通过宿主细胞泛素-蛋白酶体信号系统对IRF-3的泛素化等翻译后修饰进行调节 ,从而成为该种病毒逃逸机体抗病毒防御系统主要手段之一.  相似文献   

The development of resistance in response to interferon depends on cellular RNA synthesis and probably also on cellular protein synthesis. The evidence for these requirements is reviewed, as well as the proposal that this evidence indicates the existence of a specific response of the cell to interferon, involving the induced synthesis of an antiviral protein. Direct evidence for such an interpretation has not been obtained, and alternative explanations are discussed which do not require quantitative or qualitative differences in the RNA and protein made in cells exposed to interferon. The possible role of the ribosome in the antiviral action of interferon is also discussed.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) is a critical component of the non-homologous end-joining pathway of DNA double-stranded break repair. DNA-PKcs has also been shown recently functioning in mitotic regulation. Here, we report that DNA-PKcs negatively regulates the stability of Cyclin B1 protein through facilitating its ubiquitination mediated by Cdh1 / E 3 ubiquitin ligase APC/C pathway. Loss of DNA-PKcs causes abnormal accumulation of Cyclin B1 protein. Cyclin B1 degradation is delayed in DNA-PKcs-deficient cells as result of attenuated ubiquitination. The impact of DNA-PKcs on Cyclin B1 stability relies on its kinase activity. Our study further reveals that DNA-PKcs interacts with APC/C core component APC2 and its co-activator Cdh1. The destruction of Cdh1 is accelerated in the absence of DNA-PKcs. Moreover, overexpression of exogenous Cdh1 can reverse the increase of Cyclin B1 protein in DNA-PKcs-deficient cells. Thus, DNA-PKcs, in addition to its direct role in DNA damage repair, functions in mitotic progression at least partially through regulating the stability of Cyclin B1 protein.  相似文献   

Deubiquitinases (DUBs) are proteases that regulate various cellular processes by controlling protein ubiquitination. Cell-based studies indicate that the regulation of the activity of DUBs is important for homeostasis and is achieved by multiple mechanisms, including through their own ubiquitination. However, the physiological significance of the ubiquitination of DUBs to their functions in vivo is unclear. Here, we report that ubiquitination of the DUB ataxin-3 at lysine residue 117, which markedly enhances its protease activity in vitro, is critical for its ability to suppress toxic protein-dependent degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster. Compared with ataxin-3 with only Lys-117 present, ataxin-3 that does not become ubiquitinated performs significantly less efficiently in suppressing or delaying the onset of toxic protein-dependent degeneration in flies. According to further studies, the C terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP), an E3 ubiquitin ligase that ubiquitinates ataxin-3 in vitro, is dispensable for its ubiquitination in vivo and is not required for the neuroprotective function of this DUB in Drosophila. Our work also suggests that ataxin-3 suppresses degeneration by regulating toxic protein aggregation rather than stability.  相似文献   

How defense genes originated with the evolution of their specific pathogen-responsive traits remains an important problem. It is generally known that a form of duplication can generate new genes, suggesting that a new gene usually evolves from an ancestral gene. However, we show that a new defense gene in plants may evolve by de novo origination, resulting in sophisticated disease-resistant functions in rice. Analyses of gene evolution showed that this new gene, OsDR10, had homologs only in the closest relative, Leersia genus, but not other subfamilies of the grass family; therefore, it is a rice tribe-specific gene that may have originated de novo in the tribe. We further show that this gene may evolve a highly conservative rice-specific function that contributes to the regulation difference between rice and other plant species in response to pathogen infections. Biologic analyses including gene silencing, pathologic analysis, and mutant characterization by transformation showed that the OsDR10-suppressed plants enhanced resistance to a broad spectrum of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strains, which cause bacterial blight disease. This enhanced disease resistance was accompanied by increased accumulation of endogenous salicylic acid (SA) and suppressed accumulation of endogenous jasmonic acid (JA) as well as modified expression of a subset of defense-responsive genes functioning both upstream and downstream of SA and JA. These data and analyses provide fresh insights into the new biologic and evolutionary processes of a de novo gene recruited rapidly.  相似文献   

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