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In a previous paper, we reported the virtual axis finder, which is a new method for finding the rotational axes of the knee. The virtual axis finder was validated through simulations that were subject to limitations. Hence, the objective of the present study was to perform a mechanical validation with two measurement modalities: 3D video-based motion analysis and marker-based roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA). A two rotational axis mechanism was developed, which simulated internal-external (or longitudinal) and flexion-extension (FE) rotations. The actual axes of rotation were known with respect to motion analysis and RSA markers within ± 0.0006 deg and ± 0.036 mm and ± 0.0001 deg and ± 0.016 mm, respectively. The orientation and position root mean squared errors for identifying the longitudinal rotation (LR) and FE axes with video-based motion analysis (0.26 deg, 0.28 m, 0.36 deg, and 0.25 mm, respectively) were smaller than with RSA (1.04 deg, 0.84 mm, 0.82 deg, and 0.32 mm, respectively). The random error or precision in the orientation and position was significantly better (p=0.01 and p=0.02, respectively) in identifying the LR axis with video-based motion analysis (0.23 deg and 0.24 mm) than with RSA (0.95 deg and 0.76 mm). There was no significant difference in the bias errors between measurement modalities. In comparing the mechanical validations to virtual validations, the virtual validations produced comparable errors to those of the mechanical validation. The only significant difference between the errors of the mechanical and virtual validations was the precision in the position of the LR axis while simulating video-based motion analysis (0.24 mm and 0.78 mm, p=0.019). These results indicate that video-based motion analysis with the equipment used in this study is the superior measurement modality for use with the virtual axis finder but both measurement modalities produce satisfactory results. The lack of significant differences between validation techniques suggests that the virtual sensitivity analysis previously performed was appropriately modeled. Thus, the virtual axis finder can be applied with a thorough understanding of its errors in a variety of test conditions.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop and validate a non-invasive approach to estimate scapular kinematics in individual patients. We hypothesized that individualized mathematical algorithms can be developed using motion capture data to accurately estimate dynamic scapula orientation based on measured humeral orientations and acromion process positions. The accuracy of the mathematical algorithms was evaluated against a gold standard of biplane fluoroscopy using a 2D to 3D fluoroscopy/model matching process. Individualized linear models were developed for nine healthy adult shoulders. These models were used to predict scapulothoracic kinematics, and the predicted kinematics were compared to kinematics obtained using biplane fluoroscopy to determine the accuracy of the algorithms. Results showed strong correlations between mathematically predicted kinematics and validation kinematics. Estimated kinematics were within 8° of validation kinematics. We concluded that individualized linear models show promise for providing accurate, non-invasive measurements of scapulothoracic kinematics in a clinical environment.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of the in vivo knee joint kinematics in six degrees-of-freedom (6DOF) remains a challenge in biomedical engineering. We have adapted a dual fluoroscopic imaging system (DFIS) to investigate the various in vivo dynamic knee joint motions. This paper presents a thorough validation of the accuracy and repeatability of the DFIS system when used to measure 6DOF dynamic knee kinematics. First, the validation utilized standard geometric spheres made from different materials to demonstrate the capability of the DFIS technique to determine the object positions under changing speeds. The translational pose of the spheres could be recreated to less than 0.15±0.09 mm for velocities below 300 mm/s. Next, tantalum beads were inserted into the femur and tibia of two fresh frozen cadaver knees to compare the dynamic kinematics measured by matching knee models to the kinematics from the tantalum bead matching—a technique similar to Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA). Each cadaveric knee was attached to the crosshead of a tensile testing machine and vertically translated at a rate of 16.66 mm/s while images were captured with the DFIS. Subsequently, the tibia was held fixed and the femur manually flexed from full extension to 90° of flexion, as the DFIS acquired images. In vitro translation of the cadaver knee using the tensile testing machine deviated from predicted values by 0.08±0.14 mm for the matched knee models. The difference between matching the knee and tantalum bead models during the dynamic flexion–extension motion of the knee was 0.1±0.65°/s in flexion speed; 0.24±0.16 mm in posterior femoral translation; and 0.16±0.61° in internal–external tibial rotation. Finally, we applied the method to investigate the knee kinematics of a living subject during a step ascent and treadmill gait. High repeatability was demonstrated for the in vivo application. Thus, the DFIS provides an easy and powerful tool for accurately determining 6DOF positions of the knee when performing daily functional activities.  相似文献   

The shoulder is complex and comprised of many moving parts. Accurately measuring shoulder rhythm is difficult. To classify shoulder rhythm and identify pathological movement, static measures have been the preferred method. However, dynamic measures are also used and can be less burdensome to obtain. The purpose of this paper was to determine how closely dynamic measures represent static measures using the same acromion marker cluster scapular tracking technique. Five shoulder angles were assessed for 24 participants using dynamic and static tracking techniques during humeral elevation in three planes (frontal, scapular, sagittal). ANOVAs were used to identify where significant differences existed for the factors of plane, elevation angle, and tracking technique (static, dynamic raising, dynamic lowering). All factors were significantly different for all shoulder angles (p < 0.001), except for elevation plane in scapulothoracic protraction/retraction (p = 0.955). Tracking techniques were influential (p < 0.001), but the grouped mean differences fell below a clinically relevant 5° benchmark. There was large variation in mean differences of the techniques across individuals. While population averages are similar, individual static and dynamic shoulder assessments may be different. Caution should be taken when dynamic shoulder assessments are performed on individuals, as they may not reflect those obtained in static scapular motion tracking.  相似文献   

Kuo LC  Su FC  Chiu HY  Yu CY 《Journal of biomechanics》2002,35(11):1499-1506
While several different methods have been used to measure hand kinematics, fluoroscopy is generally considered to be the most accurate. Recently, video-based motion analysis has been developed for the measurement of joint kinematics. This method is versatile, easy to use, and can measure motions dynamically. Surface markers are most commonly used in the video-based motion systems. However, whether the surface markers placed on the thumb accurately represent the true kinematics of the underlying bony segment is questionable.In this study, the feasibility of surface markers to represent thumb kinematics was investigated by fluoroscopy. Both the positions of surface markers and bony landmarks were simultaneous recorded and then digitized. The Ra(2) values comparing the angular changes of the thumb interphalangeal, metacarpal and carpometacarpal joints derived using the surface markers or bony landmarks were 0.9986, 0.9730 and 0.9186 in the flexion/extension plane respectively, 0.8837, 0.9697 and 0.8775 in the abduction/adduction plane; and 0.9884, 0.9643 and 0.9431 in the opposition plane. The ranges, mean and standard deviation of the absolute differences between calculated angles of different marker sets were also compared. These data revealed that the similarities of the two different marker techniques throughout the motion cycle were high. The differences between the two methods were also within clinically allowable range of +/-5 degrees. It is concluded that the application of the video-based motion analysis system with surface markers to thumb kinematics is warranted.  相似文献   

External rotation of the foot has been implicated in high ankle sprains. Recent studies by this laboratory, and others, have suggested that torsional traction characteristics of the shoe-surface interface may play a role in ankle injury. While ankle injuries most often involve damage to ligaments due to excessive strains, the studies conducted by this laboratory and others have largely used surrogate models of the lower extremity to determine shoe-surface interface characteristics based on torque measures alone. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology that would integrate a motion analysis-based kinematic foot model with a computational model of the ankle to determine dynamic ankle ligament strains during external foot rotation. Six subjects performed single-legged, internal rotation of the body with a planted foot while a marker-based motion analysis was conducted to track the hindfoot motion relative to the tibia. These kinematic data were used to drive an established computational ankle model. Ankle ligament strains, as a function of time, were determined. The anterior tibiofibular ligament (ATiFL) experienced the highest strain at 9.2±1.1%, followed by the anterior deltoid ligament (ADL) at 7.8±0.7%, averaged over the six subjects. The peak ATiFL strain occurred prior to peak strain in the ADL in all subjects. This novel methodology may provide new insights into mechanisms of high ankle sprains and offer a basis for future evaluations of shoe-surface interface characteristics using human subjects rather than mechanical surrogate devices.  相似文献   

Methods based on cutaneous markers are the most popular for the recording of three dimensional scapular motion analysis. Numerous methods have been evaluated, each showing different levels of accuracy and reliability. The aim of this review was to report the metrological properties of 3D scapular kinematic measurements using cutaneous markers and to make recommendations based on metrological evidence.  相似文献   

The most recent non-invasive methods for the recording of scapular motion are based on an acromion marker (AM) set and a single calibration (SC) of the scapula in a resting position. However, this method fails to accurately measure scapular kinematics above 90° of arm elevation, due to soft tissue artifacts of the skin and muscles covering the acromion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy, and inter-trial and inter-session repeatability of a double calibration method (DC) in comparison with SC. The SC and DC data were measured with an optoelectronic system during arm flexion and abduction at different angles of elevation (0-180°). They were compared with palpation of the scapula using a scapula locator. DC data was not significantly different from palpation for 5/6 axes of rotation tested (Y, X, and Z in abduction and flexion), where as SC showed significant differences for 5/6 axes. The root mean square errors ranged from 2.96° to 4.48° for DC and from 6° to 9.19° for SC. The inter-trial repeatability was good to excellent for SC and DC. The inter-session repeatability was moderate to excellent for SC and moderate to good for DC. Coupling AM and DC is an easy-to-use method, which yields accurate and reliable measurements of scapular kinematics for the complete range of arm motion. It can be applied to the measurement of shoulder motion in many fields (sports, orthopaedics, and rehabilitation), especially when large ranges of arm motion are required.  相似文献   

The relationship between shoulder pain and scapular dyskinesis (SDK) is unclear. Differences between groups with and without SDK have been demonstrated, focusing on the amount of scapular motion at specific degrees of humeral elevation. However, this approach does not consider the temporal information and shape of the scapular motion temporal series. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) may clarify this variability and advance current understanding of ‘abnormal’ movement patterns. This study aimed to evaluate the scapular kinematics in patients with shoulder pain and in asymptomatic participants with and without SDK using PCA. Data were collected in 98 participants separated in four groups: Pain + SDK (n = 24), Pain (n = 25), No Pain + SDK (n = 24), and No Pain (n = 25). Scapulothoracic kinematic data were measured with an electromagnetic tracking device during arm elevation and lowering phases. PCA and analysis of variance were used to compare the groups. The No Pain + SDK group had a progressive increasing in anterior tilt over the elevation phase compared to the Pain (effect size = 0.79) and No Pain (effect size = 0.80) groups. During the arm-lowering, the Pain + SDK group had a progressive increasing in anterior tilt over this phase in comparison to the No Pain + SDK group (effect size = 0.68). Therefore, PCA demonstrated differences in the scapular anterior tilt related to SDK and shoulder pain. The presence of SDK revealed a scapular pattern with progressive increasing in anterior tilt over the elevation phase. However, during the arm-lowering phase, asymptomatic participants with SDK changed their motion pattern, unlike the symptomatic group, reinforcing the suggested association between scapular modifications and shoulder symptoms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use a single camera to determine the true elbow flexion angle with the arm plane oriented arbitrarily with respect to the camera. A mathematical theory was developed and a mechanical arm model was constructed to validate the theory. A static weightlifting skill was analysed to investigate the viability of the technique on the human subject. The validation of the theory showed the error associated with the elbow flexion angle was reduced from as high as 108° when uncorrected to within 3° when corrected by the technique. The elbow flexion angle of the human arm can be calculated to within 6° of error for static weightlifting skill analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify kinematic and dynamic variables related to the best tumble turn times (3mRTT, the turn time from 3-m in to 3-m out, independent variable) in ten elite male swimmers using a three-dimensional (3D) underwater analysis protocol and the Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) as statistical method. For each swimmer, the best-time turn was analyzed with five stationary and synchronized underwater cameras. The 3D reconstruction was performed using the Direct Linear Transformation algorithm. An underwater piezoelectric 3D force platform completed the set-up to compute dynamic variables. Data were smoothed by the Savitzky-Golay filtering method. Three variables were considered relevant in the best Lasso model (3mRTT=2.58-0.425 RD+0.204 VPe+0.0046 TD): the head-wall distance where rotation starts (RD), the horizontal speed at the force peak (VPe), and the 3D length of the path covered during the turn (TD). Furthermore, bivariate analysis showed that upper body (CUBei) and lower limb extension indexes at first contact (CLLei) were also linked to the turn time (r=-0.65 and p<0.05 for both variables). Thus the best turn times were associated with a long RD, slower VPe and reduced TD. By an early transverse rotation, male elite swimmers reach the wall with a slightly flexed posture that results in fast extension. These swimmers opt for a movement that is oriented forward and they focus on reducing the distance covered.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current research was the comparison of the snatch technique between elite male and female weightlifters. Two S-VHS cameras operating at 60 fields per second were used to record the snatch lifts of 6 male and 6 female Greek weightlifters under competitive conditions. The spatial coordinates of selected points on the body and the barbell were calculated using the direct linear transformation procedure, and the raw data were digitally filtered with a cutoff frequency of 4 Hz. Analyses of variance for dependent and independent samples were used to compare the selected variables in men with the corresponding variables in women. The results revealed that women flexed their knees significantly less and slower than men did during the transition phase (p < 0.05). Women also dropped under the barbell during the turnover and catch phases significantly less and slower than men did (p < 0.05). Moreover, the external mechanical work for the vertical displacement of the barbell in men was significantly greater in the first pull than in the second pull (p < 0.05). In contrast, women showed similar work outputs in the 2 phases. These differences between the 2 sexes might be because of the lower skill level of women in comparison with men, which is partly because of the recent participation of women in weightlifting.  相似文献   

The validation of two noninvasive methods for measuring the dynamic three-dimensional kinematics of the human scapula with a magnetic tracking device is presented. One method consists of simply fixing a sensor directly to the acromion and the other consists of mounting a sensor to an adjustable plastic jig that fits over the scapular spine and acromion. The concurrent validity of both methods was assessed separately by comparison with data collected simultaneously from an invasive approach in which pins were drilled directly into the scapula. The differences between bone and skin based measurements represents an estimation of skin motion artifact. The average motion pattern of each surface method was similar to that measured by the invasive technique, especially below 120 degrees of elevation. These results indicate that with careful consideration, both methods may offer reasonably accurate representations of scapular motion that may be used to study shoulder pathologies and help develop computational models.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the kinetic and kinematic characteristics of the throwing technique, Harai-goshi of novice and advanced judo competitors. A heterogeneous group of 28 male and female judo competitors participated in this study. Each subject was required to perform three successful trials. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected by utilizing the Kistler Instrument Corporation Multicomponent Force Measuring Platform System and the Peak Technologies Motion Video Analysis System. Data were collected in order to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the horizontal and vertical forces of the support leg, and the horizontal and vertical velocities of the sweeping leg during execution of the throwing technique, Harai-goshi (hip sweep). The study revealed a significant difference in horizontal force application, between novice and advanced judo competitors. In addition, we found numerous significant relationships among mean horizontal ground reaction force application and horizontal leg sweep velocity in 19 of the 28 participants when analyzed individually. The results suggest (1) leg sweep velocity is a function of ground reaction force application; and (2) horizontal leg sweep velocity plays a primary role in good technical execution of the Harai-goshi throw.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the validity of using 3-D video motion analysis to measure hand motion. Several researchers have devised ingenious methods to study normal and abnormal hand movements. Although very helpful, these earlier studies are static representations of a dynamic phenomenon. Despite the many studies of hand motion using scientifically impeccable techniques, little is known about digital motion, and there are still few researchers investigating dynamic three-dimensional motion of the hand. Results from a three-camera video motion analysis system were compared to those from the “gold standard”, 2-D lateral view fluoroscopy. We used these two methods to record hand motion simultaneously during unrestricted flexion and extension of the index finger of the dominant hand in 6 neurologically normal, healthy volunteers. After collection and post-processing, the waveforms of the PIP, DIP and MCP joint angles were compared using the adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (R2a, or CMD). The mean CMD values for the MCP, PIP and DIP joint angle waveforms were 0.96, 0.98 and 0.94, respectively, suggesting a close similarity between motion of comparable joints analyzed by the 2-D and 3-D methods. This shows that the method of 3-D motion analysis is capable of accurately quantifying digital joint motion.

It is anticipated that 3-D motion analysis, in addition to being used as a research tool, will also have clinical applications such as surgical planning in neuromuscular disorders and the documentation of abnormal motion in many other pathological hand conditions.  相似文献   

There is a lack of studies of 3D scapular kinematic patterns for patients with shoulder conditions comparing affected and contralateral nonaffected shoulders during self-care activities of daily living (ADL). In this study, we compared 48 patients - 11 with glenohumeral osteoarthritis (GHOA), 20 with frozen shoulder (FS) and 17 with rotator cuff tendinopathies (RCT) - as they performed two ADL: hair combing and back washing. 3D scapular rotations and humerothoracic elevation (HTE) of the affected and contralateral nonaffected shoulders were recorded with use of a 6 degrees-of-freedom electromagnetic device. The HTE of affected and nonaffected shoulders were compared for each pathology group at rest and at the HTE used to perform the ADL: 30°, 45° and 60° of HTE for hair combing, and 30° of HT elevation for back washing. For hair combing, mean peak HTE was significantly lower for affected than nonaffected shoulders. Mean scapular lateral rotation was significantly greater at each HTE degree for GHOA and RCT groups, and mean scapular posterior tilt was significantly lower at 30° of HTE for the FS group. For back washing, mean peak HTE was lower for affected than nonaffected shoulders for the FS group only. Mean scapular medial rotation was significantly lower at 30° of HTE for the RCT group. 3D scapular kinematics appear to be specific to the shoulder pathology and to the task studied. Specific scapular kinematic patterns must be considered for appropriate therapeutic management.  相似文献   

The internal reference technique (IRT) was compared with the no net flux method (NFM) as a microdialysis calibration technique for sampling of interstitial histamine in the rat. Microdialysis catheters (polyacrylonitrile, 50 kD cut off) were inserted in liver, muscle, subcutaneous tissue and in an induced adenocarcinoma. Estimated relative recovery with IRT ranged from 23+/-2% in liver to 30+/-3% in subcutaneous tissue with and without tumor (p<0.05). By using the NFM-technique we found similar recovery as compared to the IRT in all tissues studied. Interstitial histamine was up to 3-fold higher than the mean plasma histamine concentration (54+/-2 nmol/l). Subcutaneous tissue (177+/-39 nmol/l) and subcutaneous tumor (165+/-29 nmol/l) exhibited high histamine while liver (65+/-14 nmol/l) and liver tumor (75+/-7 nmol/l) had low interstitial histamine concentrations. In conclusion, the IRT was validated against the NFM as a rapid method for histamine measurements in situ in the rat.  相似文献   

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