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Seasonal changes in testicular activity, plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT) were related to pair bond formation, nest building, nest defense, and parental behavior in free-living Indian rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) in northwest India. Spermatozoa production occurred between January and March when daylengths were short (10-12 hr) and ambient temperature was seasonally low (8-20 degrees C). At other times of the year the testes were regressed. Plasma LH levels increased during the prebreeding period (September-December) when the birds were forming pairs and selecting or defending nest sites. Plasma LH levels increased further between January and March and decreased to seasonal low values during the post breeding period between April and June when the birds were caring for young. Concentrations of plasma androgens and estrogens were similar during the prebreeding and postbreeding phases of the breeding cycle. During the breeding period, the ratios between plasma 5 alpha-DHT and testosterone and between plasma estradiol and testosterone increased. It is proposed that the absence of marked seasonal changes in plasma steroid levels is related to nest defense behavior which occurs during the prebreeding, breeding, and postbreeding phases of the breeding cycle. Winter breeding makes it possible for the parakeets to avoid competition with other birds for nesting sites, to avoid fledging young during the monsoon period, and to take advantage of the winter pea crop which provides the female with extra nutrients for egg production.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is emerging as a key factor underpinning life history and the expression of sexually selected traits. Resolving the role of oxidative stress in life history and sexual selection requires a pluralistic approach, which investigates how age affects the relationship between oxidative status (i.e., antioxidants and oxidative damage) and the multiple traits contributing to variation in reproductive success. Here, we investigate the relationship between oxidative status and the expression of multiple sexually selected traits in two‐age classes of male red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, a species which displays marked male reproductive senescence. We found that, irrespective of male age, both male social status and comb size were strongly associated with plasma oxidative status, and there was a nonsignificant tendency for sperm motility to be associated with seminal oxidative status. Importantly, however, patterns of plasma and seminal antioxidant levels differed markedly in young and old males. While seminal antioxidants increased with plasma antioxidants in young males, the level of seminal antioxidants remained low and was independent of plasma levels in old males. In addition, old males also accumulated more oxidative damage in their sperm DNA. These results suggest that antioxidant allocation across different reproductive traits and somatic maintenance might change drastically as males age, leading to age‐specific patterns of antioxidant investment.  相似文献   

The study of oxidative stress is a potential tool for studying the functional interactions among life history traits, sexual traits and physiological status in animals. In this study, we investigated relationships between measures of plasma oxidative status and male sexual traits, female reproductive investment and three other life history traits, in a wild population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). Flycatcher males with a larger white forehead patch had higher level of plasma antioxidant capacity. For females, clutch size was not associated with plasma oxidative status, but egg size was positively correlated with antioxidant capacity. The relationship between age and levels of plasma oxidative damage remains controversial in this species: young female flycatchers showed higher levels of hydroperoxides compared to antioxidants, whereas age did not predict oxidative status of males. Males had higher levels of oxidative damage than females, although the concentration of antioxidant compounds was similar between the sexes. Females that mated with more ornamented males had higher plasma antioxidant capacity. Our results suggest that, for males and females, greater investment in sexual signal and reproduction, respectively, does not reduce the capacity for self-maintenance or avoidance of oxidative stress. Finally, our data support indirectly the occurrence of assortative mating in our species, since females with higher plasma antioxidant capacity mated with more ornamented males.  相似文献   

To analyze the role of environmental temperature and photoperiod in the regulation of the annual testicular cycle in Rana perezi, we performed experiments combining high (25 +/- 1 degrees C) or low (6 +/- 1 degrees C) temperature and different photoperiod regimens (18L:6D, 12L:12D, and 6L:18D (hours light:hours dark)) during three phases of the reproductive cycle: winter stage (December) and prebreeding (February) and postbreeding (May, June) periods. Low temperature and short photoperiod in winter induced the arrest of the maturation phase of spermatogenesis and the activation of primary spermatogonia proliferation and spermiohistogenesis. Rana perezi testis responded to long days stimulus in winter, even at low temperature, with induction of the maturation phase of the cycle. Exposure of male frogs to either high temperature or long photoperiod induced a decrease in testosterone levels in winter. During the prebreeding period, an increase in environmental temperature caused a reduction in testosterone, and a lengthening in photoperiod produced the opposite effect. Photoperiod had no effect on testosterone levels during the postbreeding period, but low temperature increased testosterone plasma levels. These results suggest that both temperature and photoperiod effects can vary seasonally, depending on the phase of the annual reproductive cycle in R. perezi.  相似文献   

In birds, concentrations of testosterone (T) and corticosterone (Cort) are closely connected with many morphological, behavioral, and other physiological traits, including reproduction, metabolism, immunity, and fitness. The direction of the effect of these hormones on above‐mentioned traits, and the potential feedback between hormones are in general unclear; in addition, knowledge on how age and sex can affect T and Cort concentrations is still inconsistent. Our study used a novel method to analyze testosterone and corticosterone in feathers (Tf, Cortf) based on the precolumn chemical derivatization of hormones before liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS) analysis. Unlike previously used methods (RIA, EIA), our analytical procedure allows simultaneous analysis of both hormones from small amounts of feathers (4–25 mg) and, thus, overcomes the problem of insufficient detection limits. We applied this method to reveal associations between Tf and Cortf hormone concentrations and feather growth, age, and sex in feathers grown during the postbreeding (flanks) and prebreeding (tails) periods in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica). There was neither a correlation between prebreeding and postbreeding Tf, nor between prebreeding and postbreeding Cortf. Tail Cortf concentrations were negatively associated with tail feather growth rates. Feather hormone concentrations were correlated in the prebreeding period, negatively in males but positively in females. Both Cortf and Tf were higher in young birds compared to older ones, indicating either an age‐related decrease in hormone concentrations within individuals, or the selective disappearance of individuals with high steroid concentrations. Males and females did not differ in Cortf, but Tf concentrations were higher in males than females, particularly during the prebreeding period. In this study, we provide an effective method for analyzing hormones in feathers in an ecological context, especially in situations when the total amount of feathers available for the analysis is limited.  相似文献   

Abdominal fat body mass of Calotes versicolor showed annual changes that were universal related to the changes in ovarian somatic (GSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI) indices. Fat bodies were absent in late breeding phase (June-August). Thirty day fatectomy (FBX) during prebreeding phase significantly reduced GSI, HSI, and total number of extrastromal follicles; also, recruitment of vitellogenic follicles was arrested and ateretic follicles increased. The FBX during postbreeding phase had no such effect, whereas in 30 day ovariectomised (OvX) lizards in prebreeding phase fat body mass significantly increased but HSI decreased. However, in lizards in prebreeding phase, E2 caused a significant decrease in fat body mass and an increase in HSI, while during the postbreeding phase there was a significant increase in HSI but the fat bodies were not affected. The above findings suggest that the development of the first clutch of vitellogenic follicles in the lizard utilises lipids stored in the fat bodies and that the growth of the subsequent clutches of vitellogenic follicles is met through the intake of food, which is abundant in the latter part of the breeding phase. The fat bodies are not needed for the growth of previtellogenic follicles. The fact that lipolytic action of E2 occurs only during the breeding phase suggests that responsiveness of the fat bodies to the steroid is related to the reproductive phase and that during postbreeding phase of the lizard they become refractory to E2.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been implicated as both a physiological cost of reproduction and a driving force on an animal''s lifespan. Since increased reproductive effort is generally linked with a reduction in survival, it has been proposed that oxidative stress may influence this relationship. Support for this hypothesis is inconsistent, but this may, in part, be due to the type of tissues that have been analyzed. In Damaraland mole-rats the sole reproducing female in the colony is also the longest lived. Therefore, if oxidative stress does impact the trade-off between reproduction and survival in general, this species may possess some form of enhanced defense. We assessed this relationship by comparing markers of oxidative damage (malondialdehyde, MDA; protein carbonyls, PC) and antioxidants (total antioxidant capacity, TAC; superoxide dismutase, SOD) in various tissues including plasma, erythrocytes, heart, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle between wild-caught reproductive and non-reproductive female Damaraland mole-rats. Reproductive females exhibited significantly lower levels of PC across all tissues, and lower levels of MDA in heart, kidney and liver relative to non-reproductive females. Levels of TAC and SOD did not differ significantly according to reproductive state. The reduction in oxidative damage in breeding females may be attributable to the unusual social structure of this species, as similar relationships have been observed between reproductive and non-reproductive eusocial insects.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a physiological condition in which reactive oxygen species created through cellular respiration can potentially damage DNA and tissue. Oxidative stress may partially mediate trade-offs between reproductive effort and survival efforts. On the one hand, traits associated with reproductive effort, particularly costly male-male competition, are expected to raise oxidative stress. On the other hand, behavioral strategies may be a critical mediating mechanism, such that those who can better resist the physiological costs of oxidative damage exhibit increased mating effort. In a sample of 248 college students (173 men), we examined the associations between traits linked to mating effort—including personality features, athleticism, and history of illness—with levels of 8-OHdG, a biomarker of oxidative stress. 8-OHdG was measured twice, one week apart, once during active hours and once at awakening. In men, surgency, social dominance, and athleticism were all negatively associated with 8-OHdG levels in awakening, but not lab samples collected during active hours. In women, these same traits were positively associated with 8-OHdG levels, particularly in morning samples. Differences in associations based on sex and time of collection introduce additional complexities to understanding links between oxidative stress and mating effort.  相似文献   

Carotenoid-based skin colorations vary seasonally in many bird species and are thought to be honest sexually selected signals. In order to provide more insight in the potential signal function and underlying mechanisms of such colorations we here quantified patterns of variation of leg coloration in adult male and female Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus) over the breeding season, and evaluated the relationship between coloration and levels of carotenoids, androgens and estrogens, oxidative damage and plasma non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity. We studied both reproducing wild and non-reproducing captive birds to test for the effect of diet and breeding effort. Males were more colored than females only during mating, and independently of diet, suggesting that leg-color is a sexually selected trait. Seasonal variation in leg color was associated with circulating carotenoids, but concentrations of these molecules were not related to antioxidant capacity, body condition or oxidative damage. These results indicate that carotenoid-based colorations may not be an honest signal of health status in this species. Production of carotenoid rich eggs coincided with low levels of circulating carotenoids in females, indicating that carotenoids might be a limited resource for laying female kestrels. Finally, young rearing males had higher levels of oxidative damage than females, and wild birds of both sexes had higher levels of these parameters than captive birds. These results may indicate that parental effort and physical activity are costly, independently from hormonal status. Since androgens did not explain carotenoid variation we suggest that multiple interacting factors can regulate carotenoid levels along the season.  相似文献   

Parental effort is usually associated with high metabolism that could lead to an increase in the production of reactive oxidative species giving rise to oxidative stress. Since many antioxidants involved in the resistance to oxidative stress can also enhance immune function, an increase in parental effort may diminish the level of antioxidants otherwise involved in parasite resistance. In the present study, we performed brood size manipulation in a population of great tits (Parus major) to create different levels of parental effort. We measured resistance to oxidative stress and used a newly developed quantitative PCR assay to quantify malarial parasitaemia. We found that males with an enlarged brood had significantly higher level of malarial parasites and lower red blood cell resistance to free radicals than males rearing control and reduced broods. Brood size manipulation did not affect female parasitaemia, although females with an enlarged brood had lower red blood cell resistance than females with control and reduced broods. However, for both sexes, there was no relationship between the level of parasitaemia and resistance to oxidative stress, suggesting a twofold cost of reproduction. Our results thus suggest the presence of two proximate and independent mechanisms for the well-documented trade-off between current reproductive effort and parental survival.  相似文献   

Testosterone has recently been proposed as a link between male quality and health and the expression of sexual traits. We investigated the relationship between testosterone and measures of the individual condition and health of males in a natural population of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). We also conducted a captive experiment in order to test for the effects of testosterone on resistance to coccidia, which is a common parasite of house finches. Free-living males in better condition had higher testosterone levels and lower corticosterone levels than free-living males in poor condition. In our captive experiment, increased testosterone accelerated the rate of coccidial infection as compared with sham-implanted or gonadectomized males. Although the differences were not significant, free-living males infected with coccidia had lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of corticosterone than males that were not infected. Thus, experimentally elevating testosterone levels in captive males resulted in a higher percentage of infected males, while free-living males with coccidial infection had low testosterone levels. This apparent discrepancy between captive and free-living males in the association of testosterone and disease may be explained by the condition dependence of testosterone. These results suggest that the testosterone-dependent sexual traits reliably indicate male overall condition and health and, thus, females could benefit from assessing potential mates based on these traits.  相似文献   

In many group living animal species, individuals use aggression to gain and maintain social dominance to secure access to ecological resources and potential mates. While social dominance has many fitness benefits, there are also potential costs associated with frequent agonistic interactions and status display. One potential cost of social dominance is oxidative stress, the imbalance of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant capacity. In the cichlid species Astatotilapia burtoni, dominant males are aggressive, hold a breeding territory, and have an activated reproductive system resulting in larger gonads. Subordinate males are submissive, school with females, and are nonreproductive. Females are submissive under natural conditions, but in a female-only group, a dominance hierarchy will form with dominant females taking on male-typical behaviours including aggression, territory defence, and increased androgen levels. However, in contrast to males, social dominance is not linked to increased activation of the reproductive system in females, allowing us to test whether social dominance alone exposes individuals to increased oxidative stress. We compared dominant and subordinate females in female-only groups in five markers of oxidative stress. Dominant females did not have higher levels of oxidative damage compared to same-sex subordinates. This result contrasted to the trend in males in which dominant males had higher oxidative damage than their subordinate counterparts. Our findings suggest that the oxidative cost of social dominance is limited and support the notion that previously reported associations between high rank and increased oxidative stress is most likely driven by increased investment in reproduction.  相似文献   

We studied a population of rufous whistlers, Pachycephala rufiventris, throughout a single breeding season in central New South Wales, Australia. We evaluated the relation between plasma testosterone (T) and reproductive behaviors using both simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) and subcutaneous T implants. We compared circulating T values to aggression levels of males (using STI) during pair bond and territory establishment and again during incubation. Although plasma T levels were significantly lower in the latter period, male responsiveness to STI, in terms of proximity to decoy, call rate, and number of attacks on the decoy, was indistinguishable between the two breeding stages. T levels of males exposed to STI were not different from the levels of unexposed free-living males at the same breeding stage. The effect of exogenous T on parental behavior was examined by comparing duration of incubation bouts of males and their mates prior to and after T treatment. T males significantly reduced the amount of time they incubated following implantation, whereas Control males maintained their incubation effort. After cessation of breeding activities, T males displayed significantly higher call rates due to increased use of the primary intersexual advertisement call in this species. The reduction of incubation behavior following T implantation emphasises the functional significance of the rapid decline in T in free-living males during incubation. The results from both experiments suggest that intersexual advertisement, rather than territorial aggression, may be dependent on high T levels in this species.  相似文献   

Matrix population models are widely used to study the dynamics of stage‐structured populations. A census in these models is an event monitoring the number of individuals in each stage and occurs at discrete time intervals. The two most common methods used in building matrix population models are the prebreeding census and postbreeding census. Models using the prebreeding and postbreeding censuses assume that breeding occurs immediately before or immediately after the censuses, respectively. In some models such as age‐structured models, the results are identical regardless of the method used, rendering the choice of method a matter of preference. However, in stage‐structured models, where the duration of the first stage of life varies among newborns, a choice between the prebreeding and postbreeding censuses may result in different conclusions. This is attributed to the different first‐stage duration distributions assumed by the two methods. This study investigated the difference emerging in the structures of these models and its consequence on conclusions of eigenvalue and elasticity analyses using two‐stage models. Considerations required in choosing a modeling method are also discussed.  相似文献   

Extravagant ornaments evolved to advertise their bearers'' quality, the honesty of the signal being ensured by the cost paid to produce or maintain it. The oxidation handicap hypothesis (OHH) proposes that a main cost of testosterone-dependent ornamentation is oxidative stress, a condition whereby the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) overwhelms the capacity of antioxidant defences. ROS/RNS are unstable, very reactive by-products of normal metabolic processes that can cause extensive damage to key biomolecules (cellular proteins, lipids and DNA). Oxidative stress has been implicated in the aetiology of many diseases and could link ornamentation and genetic variation in fitness-related traits. We tested the OHH in a free-living bird, the red grouse. We show that elevated testosterone enhanced ornamentation and increased circulating antioxidant levels, but caused oxidative damage. Males with smaller ornaments suffered more oxidative damage than those with larger ornaments when forced to increase testosterone levels, consistent with a handicap mechanism. Parasites depleted antioxidant defences, caused oxidative damage and reduced ornament expression. Oxidative damage extent and the ability of males to increase antioxidant defences also explained the impacts of testosterone and parasites on ornamentation within treatment groups. Because oxidative stress is intimately linked to immune function, parasite resistance and fitness, it provides a reliable currency in the trade-off between individual health and ornamentation. The costs induced by oxidative stress can apply to a wide range of signals, which are testosterone-dependent or coloured by pigments with antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

The Free Radical Theory of Ageing (FRTA) predicts that oxidative stress, induced when levels of reactive oxygen species exceed the capacity of antioxidant defenses, causes ageing. Recently, it has also been argued that oxidative damage may mediate important life‐history trade‐offs. Here, we use inbred lines of the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus, to estimate the genetic (co)variance between age‐dependent reproductive effort, life span, ageing, oxidative damage, and total antioxidant capacity within and between the sexes. The FRTA predicts that oxidative damage should accumulate with age and negatively correlate with life span. We find that protein oxidation is greater in the shorter lived sex (females) and negatively genetically correlated with life span in both sexes. However, oxidative damage did not accumulate with age in either sex. Previously we have shown antagonistic pleiotropy between the genes for early‐life reproductive effort and ageing rate in both sexes, although this was stronger in females. In females, we find that elevated fecundity early in life is associated with greater protein oxidation later in life, which is in turn positively correlated with the rate of ageing. Our results provide mixed support for the FRTA but suggest that oxidative stress may mediate sex‐specific life‐history strategies in G. sigillatus.  相似文献   

Populations of Psittacidae are endangered by habitat loss and the international pet market. The grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) is among the most traded species, yet little is known about densities and their variability in time and space. The population of grey parrots on the island of Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea) was estimated with distance sampling, in both pre‐ and postbreeding seasons. Abundance was related to a range of habitat features using generalized additive models. Densities averaged 48 ± 3 (SE) individuals km?2 in the prebreeding and 59 ± 4 in the postbreeding season, both extremely high compared to elsewhere in Africa and to other parrot species. Despite a population of 6000–8000 individuals over only 139 km2, parrots were patchily distributed, being unrecorded in ~25% of surveyed areas. Abundance varied seasonally, with densities being significantly higher in secondary compared to primary forest in the post‐ but not in the prebreeding season. Abundance was most tied to the presence of nest‐tree species prior to breeding and to feeding‐tree species and lightly sloping ground after breeding. These results highlight the need to preserve a matrix of habitat types to provide resources for parrots across seasons and ensure that surveys recognize seasonality in habitat use as a potential bias.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts trade-offs between reproductive effort and maternal survivorship in energy-restricted environments. However, empirical evidence for the positive association between maternal mortality and reproductive effort from energetically challenged human populations are mixed and physiological mechanisms that may underlie this association are poorly understood. We hypothesized that increases in aerobic metabolism during repeated periods of pregnancy and lactation result in increased oxidative stress that may contribute to somatic deterioration, vulnerability to illness, and accelerated aging. We therefore predicted that lifetime gravidity and parity would be related to levels of biomarkers of oxidative stress, as well as antioxidative defence enzymes in post-menopausal women. Our hypothesis was supported by positive linear associations between levels of 8-OHdG, a biomarker of DNA oxidative damage (β = 0.21, p<0.05), levels of antioxidative defence enzyme Cu-Zn SOD (β = 0.25, p<0.05), and number of lifetime pregnancies. Furthermore, independent of age and health status, post-menopausal women with higher gravidity and parity (> = 4 pregnancies per lifetime) had 20% higher levels of 8-OHdG and 60% higher levels of Cu-Zn SOD compared to women with lower gravidity and parity (<4 pregnancies per lifetime). Our results present the first evidence for oxidative stress as a possible cost of reproductive effort in humans.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory assumes that reproduction and lifespan are constrained by trade‐offs which prevent their simultaneous increase. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the possibility that this cost of reproduction is mediated by oxidative stress. However, empirical tests of this theory have yielded equivocal support. We carried out a meta‐analysis to examine associations between reproduction and oxidative damage across markers and tissues. We show that oxidative damage is positively associated with reproductive effort across females of various species. Yet paradoxically, categorical comparisons of breeders versus non‐breeders reveal that transition to the reproductive state is associated with a step‐change reduction in oxidative damage in certain tissues and markers. Developing offspring may be particularly sensitive to harm caused by oxidative damage in mothers. Therefore, such reductions could potentially function to shield reproducing mothers, gametes and developing offspring from oxidative insults that inevitably increase as a consequence of reproductive effort. According to this perspective, we hypothesise that the cost of reproduction is mediated by dual impacts of maternally‐derived oxidative damage on mothers and offspring, and that mothers may be selected to diminish such damage. Such oxidative shielding may explain why many existing studies have concluded that reproduction has little or no oxidative cost. Future advance in life‐history theory therefore needs to take account of potential transgenerational impacts of the mechanisms underlying life‐history trade‐offs.  相似文献   

Abstract: We estimated areas used by king eiders (Somateria spectabilis) in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea, how distributions of used areas varied, and characteristics that explained variation in the number of days spent at sea, to provide regulatory agencies with baseline data needed to minimize impacts of potential offshore oil development. We implanted sixty king eiders with satellite transmitters at nesting areas on the North Slope of Alaska, USA, in 2002-2004. More than 80% of marked eiders spent >2 weeks staging offshore prior to beginning a postbreeding molt migration. During postbreeding staging and migration, male king eiders had much broader distributions in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea than female eiders, which were concentrated in Harrison and Smith Bays. Distribution did not vary by sex during spring migration in the year after marking. Shorter residence times of eiders and deeper water at locations used during spring migration suggest the Alaskan Beaufort Sea might not be as critical a staging area for king eiders during prebreeding as it is postbreeding. Residence time in the Beaufort Sea varied by sex, with female king eiders spending more days at sea than males in spring and during postbreeding. We conclude the Alaskan Beaufort Sea is an important staging area for king eiders during postbreeding, and eider distribution should be considered by managers when mitigating for future offshore development. We recommend future studies examine the importance of spring staging areas outside the Alaskan Beaufort Sea.  相似文献   

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